r1 I r1 4 tr44 1 VOL XXIV.-ITO. 24. wnnnioTOH, it. c Thursday, jahuary 28. 1875. WHOLE HO. G,73. ffkf jOalln faitrnitl. JTILMEfaTOS. H. Q : THURSDAY. JAff. 88, 1875. OY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUABTEItS. WORBTINO OVER THE CIVIL BIGHTS ABORTION. THURMAH AOAIN SPEAKS IN BEHALF OF THE SOUTH. WisictNOTOif, Jan 27 Noon Horn Tli Republican memberi in eaaous resolred to iaitraot the JadirAryCom mitt to report ths Civil Right, bill in regular order. This Ukes the control from Butler and staves action off for . two weeke. The beet parliamentari an! say that there is machinery to puah it OTr the 1th of Marob. Batler, of Maeaaohnaette, as a qnea tion of privilege, called np the motion made by him last session to reconsider the vote by which the Civil Rights bill was referred to the Judiciary Commit tee. A point of order waa raised, but the Speaker decided on the authority f tbat day's journal of proceedings that the right existed, and thereupon ' the Derdocrata fell back upon the policy of flllibustering, and the House is now engaged in that business. ' Washinqtos. Jan. 27. Night. The worda in order " inserted in the-ewar eua action, was not understood by many of the members. It appeara the' Judiciary Committee had presented, their bill, and that a motion to reoon sider vh pending, which Butler, Chairman of the Committee, could call np at any time. This he did to-day in order, aa directed by the caucus. The House has been filibustering all day, and is still at it. The Pension Committee will report favorably on the bill to pension the Mexican war veterans, of whom there are 20,000. . The bill over which the House is fillibuatering, excludes the school and cemetery clauses. Oonkhn will follow Thurman on the Louisiana question. . SENATE Soott, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Claims, re ported adversely on the bill to facili tate and reduce the expense of takiog testimony in behalf of claimants to be used before the Commissioners of Claims, and it was indefinitely post poned. He said the objects . of this bill had been already supplied by the House. Patterson, of South Carolina, pre sented concurrent resolutiona with the General Assembly of that State providing for an appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars for the im provement of Charleston harbor, which were reported to the Committee on Commerce. The Louisiana discussion was re sumed and Thnrman occupied the v balance of the day. He reviewed at some length the circum.tanoes attend ing the election of 1872, as well as the last election, and read frequently from the report of the Senate committee in regard to the frauds of the Lynch Returning Board. He oommented upon the massage of the President in reply to the revolution of the 8th inst., and said a paper more full of omissions of material facta never emanated from the Chief Magistrate of this oonntry. He argued that the dispatohed ot Sheridan were one-aided and did not tell the whole truth. He replied to the charges of Southern outrages, and aaid a great majority of the homicides in the rJonth were committed by blacks upon blacks and were not by whites upon blacks, as had been charged. In conclusion, he said it waa a bad thing to assassinate a man,but a worse thing to assassinate the Constitution of a State; these acts of the military in Louisiana have driven a dagger to the heart of free institutions in this country. EUROPE. DON CARLOS SHOOTING BIGHT - AND LEFT. Madbid, January 27 Noon Prince de Rivero commands the second corps of the Department of the North. It is reported that many Carlista are surrendering and that Don Carlos has shot several of his ofBoera for treason. A great battle is expected to take place near Peratta. Paris, Jan. 27. Night. Great flood here and the steamboats cannot pass under the bridges. LOUISIANA.! - ' . MBeBWaWaBa GOVERNOR WELLS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE. Nrw Orleans, Jan. 27. Night. Before the Congressional Committee to-day the testimony of Got. Wells was continued in regard to the abstrac tion of forty or fifty affidavits filed by the Conservative Counsel in the case of Natohitooheoa. He stated that' the papers from which the board made their report, waa taken charge of by the Clerks, and that he knew nothing directly of the disposition made of the papers after the board had completed their se ions. The Governor also da tailed an alleged plot to assassinate him at the City Hotel. ., 'f ' " GOTHAM. THE GREAT DIRTINESS. . -.-Nw You, Jan, 27--Night-!Mottl.' ton conolnded- bis testimonT'in the Beecher case to-day . He was followed by Mrs. Bradshaw, a Plymouth Church eommnnioant and an intimate friend of Mrs. Tilton, whfise testimony was soon concluded. Xfm. T. Wftat, also of Plymouth Church, and Franklin , Woodruff, Moultou's partner,' teHtifled The specie shipments to-day were maarlj half a Billion dollars. BALTI3101.E. CONSECRATION OF BISHOP DUDLEY. INTERESTING AND IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES. WasHiKOTOw, Jan. 27 Night The Rev. Thomas A. Dudley, late rector of Christ Church in this city, waa to day consecrated Assistant Bishop of Kentucky. The church waa crowded to an noes. The servioes commenced at half past 11 o'clock and ooutinued several hours. Rev. 8. EL Perkins, of Memorial Church, Baltimore, aotwd as Master of Ceremonies. Rev. C. J. Gibson, of Grace Church, Petersburg, Vs., and Rev. Thos. A. Jatrger, of the Church of the Holy Trinity, of Phila delphia, read the morning service, The rlret lesaon was read by Rev. Frederick James, Rector of St. Marks Church, in this city, and the second lesson was read by Rev. fjanon lion croft, of Montreal Canada. The ser mon waa preached by Bishop Johns, of Virginia, and the oonsecration ser vice was performed by Bishop Smith, of Kentucky, Senior Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The Rev. Dr. Whittle, Assistant Bishop of Vir ginia, Rev. Dr. Pinckney, Assistant Bishop of Maryland and Her. Dr. Hellmutb, Lord Rishop of Huron, Canada, took part in the ceremonies. A number of Episcopal clergymen from New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and other plaoea were pres ent. The ceremonies were of the most, impressive and interesting manner. . FLORIDA. ELECTION FOR U. S. SENATOR. Tallahassee. Jan. 27 Night To day at 12 ni., both Houses met in joint vession, and proceeded to ballot for a U. S. Senator. The first ballot was, aa yesterday, merely complimentary; second ballot- ex-Governor Walker, 5; Bisbee, 1; Gilbert, 3; Brevard, 1; Call, 5; Cotrell, 2; Henderson, 2; Sam uel Walker, 6; Ranev, 1; Hopkins, 2; Bullock. 9; Walls, 3; Jones, 6; Couant, 1; McKaskell, 3; McLin, 5; Dennis, 13; White, 1; Simmons, 8; Martin, 1; Duncan, 1; MoCall, 2, Total number of votes oast, 65, neoesaary to a choice, 39. ELECTRICISm Vo comnrnmi.e in what thev sav now in regard to the Wiaoonsin Sena torial election, the supporters of Carpenter and the bolters having failed to agree. The ballot for benator in Wisconsin yebterday was:Carpenter 59, Bragg 61, scattering 18. A. J. Miner, trainer of thorough breds, is dead. The receipts from the Hebrew Clarity Ball at Philadelphia amount ed to 811,000. The ice at Wheeling, Va , has broke. The steamers Hudson and Albion and several barges are reported sunk. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NICHT ONLY, SATURDAY, January :30th. "A ikijncreck'd !-. waiting far a tail; At nlrn4at laday." The tireateat of a mer ca'i Yoaag Tragedian., EDWIN .DAMS! I tb. Charming Dramttliatlon, In flu aot,n TsaiTKoa'e beautiful rotu, Enoch Artlon ! A.rterlbf Mr. Adam, at BOOTH'S THSA TBK, KKWVOaK, and throughout th. en tire country with vnnoi'ifDBD success ! ENOCH ARDEN, Mr. Edwib AaM. "A Iwkiirar abnUtrJIthtrman, ' A etrefvtUr inptrU,didntt brtnthe Fit kiviwi along t kat trtalctr-bmttn Mil Than Jikx Tb play will ha prwntad with NEW SOItNJCRT I AEfltttPBIATJt APPO'SjTMIiWTB 1 1 sad powerful oast 1 1 i Admio.tow Parqnett and Drew Circle SI : Paiquet'e Olrcle, W i tnin ; Galley, J) and M Cent. R'arryed Seet W rtnti extra. Boa Sheet onen at Helnbergt'. Book and MuMc A tors tare, dav. la edvanoa. Jan i . - OPERAH0USE. One IVight Only. M Q N D AY,"rabruTy Is 5 SHERIDAN, MACK AND DAY'S GRAND COMBINATION -or 24 STARS 24 In conjunction with Grlmaldl Adanan World-Fannd KnglLb Pantomime Traup., Io addition to MENTEK'8 BRASS BAND & 0R0HE8TRA For fall lint of Company, programm. f en tertaloneat andr.o lct. of the Pre., reed "Th. Almarob " an illtutrated Journal ol enttttainlug literature. iar Daorsopen et 7 Benin, at I o'clock. Price, ol Admlnlen-Prautt and Dree Circle, SI; Pacquutta Clrele, rtUente; OalHrrv,'i5nM. UrKtred Beat, mar now be eecured without extra charge at Helntberger'. Book Store. WM. . 1UTINO, Jan ja.1t O.ner.1 Agent. ; Games ! ATTTHOBS, gAROHEKKI. SNAP, Bqitaiiii. Dr. Butby Base Balia, 1 h. Thre Mug Men. Mrlo Fortimwe, ' Portrait Author., Vlcnett Aathoray Won d Hhe.p, i T Gaie of I'eFnAbv, Md. vTrnfparntPlalngtatd, (.Th. arkn.UckStr., . v , J, , : Th. Mo-t t,a(ihM Thl:igSrn R.rth, The New Ounie of l)r.w ud Mnuh, M tch Oeme or W no BUek lragn. ..hnkfrnm Weatheifleld to Parll aa "'jonhH'jwa.n. atd Jotfy1 J.na.' 'visit to Butting . rot .al. at . . . .... : ( HEirJCCERCEO Ut. Book and Moale Stora, s jaatf I ITEW ADV1STISKIS5T8. Lubin's Extracts. KXTBA ITHNQTH. Oraaai Ohooolat., Pramlaa Chocolaw, e)ecaaa and French 8wt ChoocUte, Waa, Spam had AdaataaUna Caallta, baakar gtawrva., ' Frail Bntt.r, Maraadala, Ba.pb.nj J .a. Tb. Ftae Tab). Battar ta th. City, Cholosst Ijrnpe, ItrnUied Hoaer , A. , Ac. CHA3 D. MYERS M CO., f North rrau si Jan its N Reading for All I "PARNAPUS." By Emerson. "Waldfried." A Novel by Aaerbach. "From My louth Up." By Harland. "Wanderinga of Vagabond." By Morris. "Qnlda." Alter the German by Wister. "Hitherto." A atory ot YeaUrday, by Putney. "Child of the Tide," "South Meadows." By Dissoway. All for sale at THE CITY BOOKSTORE, By CONOLEIA YATKS, ' 47 Market Btreot. Ian 2S U Flour! Flour! Flour! QQ0 BBLS. BOB WBITR FLUDR, 400 " BaH M m rioar 200 " Wnlt.BuMlinFknr. Far al. bv KKMUUSBB CJALOER BBO", Jaa SS M Butter and Cheese. IE Tab. and Firkin. Butter, 2QQBoaa.Ub.Ma. ' ji rarmia oj . KKBUHMEB A OALDXB BBO1. Jan2S li Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, &c.. &c. 150 "D A a Tun. uoop iron. IOO Bbl.. Ola., aoe farei. Rivet., 3 Ubli. Bnngn, A. For tal. b; KSaCrlMBR OALDEB BROS. Ian SS Si FLANKER & 8HURE. . SEALEBS tH CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, be PURE BAKER WHISKY, 186. Ko. 81, North Front si Vessel Wanted. TTTE WISH TO CHART! B A VI8SEL to take from SO ta 1M ton af Osano ta Mew b.ra, V.O. ' s 5ATAS9A O0AMO CO. SMf Jaaaa'V Choicest New Crop Teas! every Variety at Radueed , Prteear Fin en grade Grwn, Black and Ingltab Braak faitTeaa. Onr FIN ) TKAB at. all wa nmraeent them. Wa will lurnleb tant'l. when e lied lor, CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., AT tiorth Front Mueet. 1858. ; Hennessey- 1858. OLD PALE BRANDY. Fla Old Amontillado Blurry, T waive V.a Old Brown .Bh.rry, Flneet Old Wine In tb But. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., SAT North Front ttraet. . -.. 21 Jan M Tor Sale OH RE AS QS ABLE TEUH8, tb. Rational Hotel Furniture, scd aa unexpired Lea seven year. TU I. a enanee rot a good InTeetment, a. the Uotal u'well ertubllehed, and la a flonrlihing ronrtltlon. For farther information, apply at - th Matloaal Hotel, or to , . Jan S I4f 4 D. A. SMITH A 00. C. H. W. RUNCE gMOKED JOWL, B.w Lot of CELBKT, holo Family Pkmr-ln Barr.l and Half Harrala. ' Frtah fttllk Cracker.. ' , CORNER OF IJarkct and 2d Streets JuU J ' li-W TT rnoi IVO CABDMavndT ISITINU If CAM1S a noil'T ah. M HI. BMAL UTFX01. 4Wi MISCELLANEOUS. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. In Lara; or Small Quantities. By Inttructlon. of th. PrutB down, nent, their Agfnt har 1uct th. rir.of Ua.o.ix tluitno rruni nrptmbr tat. l 4.to iitr two duHara anil tttytwnt. ('-.' ftl) rW. mw ton f iN4t pi'xuilt r, wt.blUhlng . th. Mm tlm. a new ! af ai o.iiil tb. towrat being M eenle no ptrnrl IVunt DO to 100 tone.ta. highrrt U To n IW am. awl am. Ai ura.l, Ui.y will not Mil In lot. of 1M than tea ten. . ' Undarthia new arrangement I am enabled to fill order for lota often ton and upward at lea Eric than the Agent of the Po uvlan Government. I will, aa leretofore, eupply quantities un der ten ton at the aame rate aa charged by them. -Clrcultf, aoBttlning teitlaint-UI., refaranee. ami full ptrttcular, Billrt tvt,,n iiiiti'oa . R. BALCAZAR, N. SS Beawr Bt., New York. ' T. O. Box Its. Sm ST t-dlwbf Notice. PfUCATlON WILL BK MADE TO tl. General Aaxmbly of Korth Carolina k charter tb City Bunk of Wilmington. Jaa ST lt-awSm Salt Bagging Ties Corn; - - -a ..... 4,000 Racks Bait, " " " . 200 Rolls and Half Rolls Bagging, 20 Tons Ties, 15,000 BnaJiels white and Mixed Corn, for Mia low by , WILLIAMS A MURUHISOM Flour, SuRar, Coffee and Rico. 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades ; ) Ubls. lQueil Hngar, . 100 Bngs Trimt) Rio Coffee, 25 Bbls Whole Rice, For le low b W1LUAMH A MORCHI80M Hay, Hoop Iron, Clue and Spirit Casks. 500 Bales NV R. A E. Hay, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbla. Oln. 200 New New York Spirit Casks, For aal. law by WILLIAMS MCROHIHON, Bacon, Syrup, Shot, Oats and Nails. 100 Boxos D. H. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 400 RagsSbot, , 600 Bushel Blaok Oats, SiWK. g. NaiU, ' Furaal- low br WILUAMS A MURCniSON J Lit GUANO ! GUANO I 250 Tons No. 1 GUANAPE. 350 Tons E U R E K A ". For aale to arrive, low for eaeh, or on reuon- abl. term, on crop tlm. - , WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Jan 16 14 Mm MacMnts and Mers, Bntrher. fra'M. Met Knlrne end Htrel. Hatohet and Moat Saw. In grt.t variety, at ui. ' Naw Ifardwavre Btoreof OILEUAMCBOHIMON ' ' il North Front Street. Jaa I Corn, Floun Salt &c. 2,000 Bashels Corn, 1,000 " .Oats,. 150 Bales No. 1 Eastern Hay, ' 1,000 Backs Salt, 50 Rolls Bagging, - 100 Boxes Chnese, . 100 Boxes Candy, 50 Cases Lye and Potash, ., 100 Kegs Nails, 60 Tierces and Tubs Lard, 400 Kegs Sporting "and Blasting Powder, i 200,000 W. P., O. D. and Moeket , V Caps. V 250 Bags Shot, 60 Bags Coffee, -- 50 Bbls. Sugar, (refined), , 10 Hbds. Porto Rico Sugar, 150 Boxes Soap, . 15 Tierces Rioe, 20 Bbls; and Half Bbls. Snuff, ' 150 Boxes Tobocoo, kH io. ,. .For aal. by KEBOHNEB & OALDKB BBOS jaa 24 SI ! "New Process" Empire Family Flour, Beat Hour In tb World. Tr It. and we fftiarantne a tSTln . of A3 W oer oent. A.waeexiHiotfd It took the "premium" at lb Fair lor making th. .. . PCBEST, WHITEST sad -.-,.? ', 7.' SWKKTEST BREAD On. trial will eonvlnoa you. Th. "Beet Buti.r iu th. WoiM." alway. U. aamt and tb. only r.llabla elegant BntUr In thl. city. Balad Dlng and Atmor.'i Mine. M.at. At ' ' bEO: MYERS', U and 13 Booth Front Bt. aaM U MISCELLANEOUS. 1S75 1S75 Our iiumeuse stock at greatly reduced prices, oame mast to soM within next tlireo ruontlis. Call and examine. NO IIUM0UG! D. A. SMITH k CO. Jaar John Dawson Ha. In Mora aid loerrlT nt0 flow, (of all klmltt TlonePli'wt'atlng, tS Coil, t'ntt.in Phiw Line., 3oi Pair Traoa Chalna, 4(1 Ikiaen Collar .ml Hmi, I0"i)n- n Willng Hiw, do Itu.an thoel ana SpadM. l or aal. at th. low.t narkt raa. Ill, 0 AY 91 in ark. t Blrert. JB W W0DTENS CaroIinalCentral Bail- way Express WILL OIVBl PROMPT nitPATO" TO all FrelnhU. Hotiey aid other valanbt. IMukait. poiflxiioil to In carrt lur any ami all Kliition Ilia Ka'm and Weittru l)liilon oi the t)arllna llxntrtl HaiwT All r la thi tin. ar lu'lt eoT.rM tf Ituuran. in Brit-claw t'owranlee. F. M. WOOTEN, ; Proprietor, " C.S. I.OV B, Agent. Jan SI iw-tf Notice. A fn-oll meetliig of th Stockholder, of th Wilmington anil Bra Hlite allra't f,BHiiy will ba held at th IHiik of N'w Hmn-r, a' .nolotk f. at., on i'UESUAV, February ad, By order or the Prwidjfit. XllOM AM l. MRARKM, Becret r A Triirrr. Jan SS ifO-IUIansS&lfebS Horse Blankets. Saddlee. Hnrnera. Trunk.. Traveling Haiin, Hollar.. Brtdlc, Haniex, Trade t'lialne, Wliliw, Miiui., Hoiks llrnthri, Feather Huatrra, anil a gimeral aaKorimnnt of Hadrtlarj goiH- i'.hap aa gnudiof nme qua lly van be bought In th. BUt. J. S. TOPI! AM ft ( O noTlT mina-tl TWILLED SILK "WINDSOR" NECK TIES, 80 els; worth 60 cts. FANCY CRAVATS, VERY HEAVY SILK, 60o'; worth 81 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. A HtSDNWltfE LOT of Bilk Hook iriarka, Ja.t Imported from im oiilry. GREAT VAMKi V oi ,.tt end lata Jtm ii y how Dovlgna. FKESH SUPPLV of Z hrr. -Whit, aud B'.rk, lO.i per oi; toiom, iOo. WILLIAM FYFES, Jan I EXC1IKIGK C'OUNEII. Tobacco Leaf an! Cotton PM BEMI-MONTHLT. Largeot elr.ulalion of any Trada Jonraal In the Monthera Btatea. Bubtorlytlon l p annum. Macco leaf and Cotton Plant .UrFLlMIKT W.alLT. Orer Fle Hundred iir.'uttou. drnnUtlon, Poet paid epre luien t pptt . to Pit O Uli tt a ajoining iouiiumoi me t aromiae. f. B.M' BKIB, deeSO-tf - Ptopiielnr, Uoldsboro High School For Boys and Young Men M.arriB.A. M.... Principal K.W.ADaH., A M, Prof, of M .thematic. Tha next Beaglon begin, on Houday, F.b ruary It tor Olroular. apply tn at. rBTTFB. Principal. JanSS Sa ' Uuldaboro, M.O. CubaMolassesT JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO OP BRIGHT KBW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, - Whlih w off.r at owert Market Prlo. -C?,. -. ALSO g q HHPs gUGAf H 0 USE 200BBL,.j syrup. For aal. by KIBOBRKB A CAI.DXB BROS. Jaa I , J- JJAV1KQ BOTTOllT THE 8 TOOK In Trade oi Lots' BooKToaa, and expecting In a few day. a large addition ao a. to niak. tha rtoek oompl.t la rery particular, I hone Willi prompt attention, good rtock and prim tomit thi timet to .har a portion of public patronage. t BDWAKDMANW. Jan 3 . 90-dlitJcwit Wadteboro Horald copy tf. -i Notice. All perron Indebted to the nrniirletr nf th "Cllnb'n Kportrr,"a papr )tly pnhlUhud In thn town of Olinton. K.mton cou ty. are ne'etiy n'lin -a to rutin iofaa aim .PTTie with the andiTdined, wh ha putcha-ed and ui fully empowered to rtceli t tor 'he m. ' LiriUfl TV A IV tlllnton, N. O.i Jan. SOtb, 1878. Ii. S4 21 a FOR 8ALt7 ! Mules and Wagons. J 3 K VT N (T) rTad anort l'g Mula. TWO (V) A No. I Road Wgona.' ungo.y.rma, WntbrOOk, Blalen OountT, N. O. Furniture Carpets SEW ADV2STISI5IZM3. great mmm urn FOR 30 DAYO. BUOWN & RODDICK, 45 STREET. ETKHT AKTIOLF. RriTABtK FOtV WIN TRR WRAH HAD BKRN MARKED DOWIf, Hln no diwlre to Tulwepraint elth't O nfl" or prloae, w. Mil tb. attaet oa r all aa I'.tnim tuilio BtMhiMl w. hav.er H.aaiao .Lb otta ouooa ta rtiia rinv.a. as ikal Bar ehawr. on f.w thml" Jnteotiy how much of. rodnotloa htibeea aaada, NO HU' M lIPPt'H I'll MTt ba. ever bM oa.red In thl. olty at ANT 1 1MB. Our I'AH.r pairvue and tlu who hai. t.?ored n. with a .all .artier In th. hum saa Twaak for erjutfiuint we make. Wa ana DBTaaaiiaaotoaloaa aut th b.laae. of sat tak ba order to mak. Mt aitot BprlngpurobaM'a . Oamfils Hair Cloth, Coldred Hurir). foruisrlj 75 40,...; 40 no 73 flft,...,. 75,.... Dtmblo Width ruplins, Holid Blua Fopllu,, Colorttl Caahfturre, Nootoh Plaids, All wool Kuiuress Cloth. i it $3 50........ COATS' NPOOL COTTON fl oouts iwr fltUuoh Frnit tf tha Iiom Hhirtinir l2 8-Inch riE.V BIDH COTTON, W cmU Hontoli UuiHiiainn, li cunts per yard. 10 luolit's wide Knglish TtiokirtK, a5 fJents, t a n tcMTOiAi niKootmT or n mhiukt, wiii i. tiiv.a ova all aaua at t'ma af irarekaw, with the t, li,wlHgnwptliui Itl.achadand Cnhlearh.d BblrUnga, Olnghamt, Calloa. aaA ' Term, strictly Cbbbi and Oiia Prleo. r If it Bavruplo. Cut. jJBROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Stree i Uli . i V i out 1 One Price-Terms Cash'" .' FRAMC BR., 17 Inrhct Htrcot. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Consinfinp; 0f Dornpatfo and Fancy DRY GOODS, Uud,y-Mitd (JlothiuK, Hhoas, Ilata, Oenta Foro luti!i,r flwk.lj V,.iu.u r.. DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Conaihtiuir ot . . 1 ........ j.uf. iiwiiuo, vBMfn, i iok'u uuuvry, anu x aus Articles. ' -. S6T Aealllireepe0l.fullyiollottod,and.4tuiraotloa ,uaraiitcn4. . M. FRANK & BR0., Market Street, j-it WILMINGTON, N. C. At $53.00 par Ton, Cash, or $(10.00, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE. At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.00, payable lat of November next, WK OUAKANTEB thatUi. prertou. HlgUUraila of our Fertlllaera ihall b fully aUlBTAliaa . R. BRinilKRI, Pre.ld.at , WoHa K, Tii-miurer, .h UhAFKI IN, Mupsrlutendent t .L.. i:iiCELLANE0D8. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. ii SfNCR WK RESOt.VK.n TO REU.at prlo. that ould lurely retjiiflii dock, it tea r f ulrad no .aiemanahlp to aell our good.. Our Silks. Black Alpacas. Dress Coods, ClpaoLod and Unbleaobed Goods, Table Cloths, Bloaobed and Unbleached, .jf lth Jsapkiris, . .Iilanaats, Hpreads, tibmttoga, Fiannols, JUoflicry, Gloves, lttbbons, Laces, Collars, Qandkorohiea ; Ande Ihoiieanctotlier aril.'lee.are going fan. and ll'Toa ar In want ot any good, uensily fuund In a flr.t-cla Dry OihhU Stock, now in th, time to bay them Irora the beet .took In tb. city, at price, noyer aold at bJlor., Kememh.r th. inducement la offered only at tha Itadiag . " DBY GOODS HOUSE OF e BOSKOWITZ& LIEBER, : 29 Market Street. Jan 10 . v . OFFICE Garden Cily Ciaar Manulactory. KEW YORK. All Cigar, etautboriaed .w Tork Factory prtwt. Quality gnaranlerd . reir(Miitd. The ehnat lloiiee In the 8tat, and th. otilj oiiedmlli gnoliiWW In Clgnre. CUAa. KAbl'KUWIC'Z dl HBO., o. 9 Worth Front Street, deeV4-lm , Wilmington, N. U. - Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE ani RETAIL DRUGGISTS Offer to lh trada a Completo awortmcnt (at rra-onKiin vrii'in) ot r ure wrug, rme nrnii oala nd rhurneccn leal PrHrmia'lnn.. biRinb er wtlh a lara. awortment War-len Hed. W guarantee .us purity oi eyery nrneie. No. 49 Market Htreet., Jan 81 WUmliig'on, N. 0. To the Public. A U, WE ASK OF THB F OBUO IS general 1 to , . 1 '' PBICE OUR GOODS. A few More OVCnCOATS Left SOLD1 to Us I AT LESS THAN COST. PAYIDA WEIL. n OP .... now now II U to II M U a .........now ...... ..now now sow now ........nowW Qf 8dooL ours if yard. ptr yard. MOiTO ! (iiinkfty, 'china, Glassware, Lamps, V -I.l... ... -Ml WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1675, delivered on tha Can, at Oar Factory, at the followipg rai2itxon:i piiices t SOLUBLE NAVA8SA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; NAVA88A GUANO COUPAHY WILMINQ10M. M. C. -eud)Aw4aa M awawawaaBwejHpB M18CELLAKE0D8. M. CRONLY, Auotloneer. BT CEONLT AatOBSll. Assignee's Sale. ON TOEMDAT, F.bronrj Id, llTS.al 1 o'clock A.M., I will U at tbd alMrooB.oi' Onnly A Morrl., tb. LA10B IBONIAFX th Wilmington Saying. Bank. HBIBATAB, Aailfn.a. bJ-Bt-Jan 2t4,Miir.bt .Jan a Screven Houco, S. BBADLXY, Proprl.tor, SAVANNAH, Gr A. m BIS LOKO AMD FA VOHABLT KNOWK Uuum, pht.aantljr altnatad oa Johaaoa Sqnara, h.ylng b,.n recently repalntod and npaJrvS, and haying all of It dapartmtnts tiled wltsi competent, pollt and atumtly aatploT, oR'ar. to the trayollng pnblls aaaaforts nnaar paeatd by any itoaae la tha Boathera Stataa. Pawengera having Thrtragb Ttcketa and da. airing to lny oyer at Scroyi-n Hou.e, will hay Pre. TrnniOTtation from tha H.uae to Depot or Mtremsr. Id Soray.n Uon. UnmlbnMa. . decra KAVIaa Swede Iron, Plow Steel, Smith'. Bellow., Screw Plate., Anvils, Sleilg. Hammer., Hand Hammer., dt.. A Um awortiuenti f th. abov. gooda eaab tonud at tb old e.toblWied Hardware Uooaa Vt V' : ,TOH DAWSOW, ' 1, 2U and 81 Market 8. liiilt l Corn, Hay and Oats 3 000 BDaHELS C0RN " ' ; v' 1000 !" 0AT8v v 2Q() BalctEaaternEay, "-. i Fcr.Vehy ' ' ' ,, KEKCH5KE dt CALDIEBBOa. Jan 81 IS- Harshal's OClce, ' CUT OF WILMINGTON January 23d, 1875.. FROM flil PATE Art Tf'NFt'Ra ARJ i loMt'Ued iwlttig r,i.rt . or hi. of ant -Kill Iti (r.if't f tht, t'lty Markrt Prlar r ' 'T' ui the f.'tern ln a'- t ronttnl la Ii -tr Hnof Tf'rtb mri.t r ..mt mlTh'ril ulrcii, hi twe.n th)nrh -rn Itniof M iri'rt a' d 'h - 'onMirn, Mae or t brfyiit trl t . a- i ctrfnii i tor tbi. purpue. k.nrll.l Va ata or, ' J. 1LK"I rOV.