..n i ui i inn . r i l 1 1 " .rt'l . ! 71 i 's A A St'.i ' r r-r " , ... I .MH 1H ' ' : . . .f . .f TTTT. , - la . I - -. . '1 ' V ( , I ' A A VU-t i ? : ALJ. ' t v M x. H . i I it ii it- it i . . , ..- .... t -.. i - ' ' ," 1 ' . .. . . . . , - ' "J J'CI i'u J'i)' .t " inn i" " 1 il 0 . i1 l ! -4 ' mi VOL XXIV.-HO. . -j v. t r. 1 - '4 St - 4 af f "ID WILMINGTON. N. C.r .1EO lBAT.fJAS. 29.-1875. 3 .1 C J ttUWEH.OH.IHB lARJAIH, lie Threatens mood. i .i Jilis Aiwrer Octs tlie Better Confessicn of.Eis.(!wi:liiiQiiity. TlIE CASE OF M R. HOLMES. THE Cirr IXACED UNDER THE GUNS OF-1 EEVENUB CUT- TEK BECATJSF A fltm. MAN CALLS A KEG UO " BY HIS PROPER ' -1 -r ia'-m'e. , 1 1 A ,XU A THK JOUBNKIk J ' s ' ' ' BAriioi N. C, Jan. 8. ' ,.L ThaCity BlII sBed its flniil ifeail "'i'ig ik the Senat' thiAjapruing, by a t'"s. t -party totBivt, i ' j I Mr. Krr opened ibe debate. Cant . ; well ranted long, referring to tU time , ' . When. M Cy Court Judge,; he fiued r, Jno. L, HoJtnw, a member of the bt, for calling the negrp witness .,. ., Howe 'by hi;;,ftrBt 'name, Anthony. Cent well uid he would b&veexhauated - ' th power of CWyX State and Federal ilxil goverwneut ti enforce' his orders; that m i be jhad lujtualljr made arrangementa with the commander of the Revenue Cotter then in '' port to enforce these orderly V ' ' ; :'; ' 1 ; i , Cant well said the ' passage of the .Voilar bill would justify ' Federal inter- ferenoe ; that its passage wiuld make the rivers of Carolina run with blood I u "Mr. French concluded the debate ip ' laipIesdJ apceoli. ' Cantwell'e owr 1 ' throw 4Wiwt complete. Mr. Frencu'a ipeSi Vaa I ctuiber. ' gWlttt.A Wilmtngkmlatii" think of hir pity having been uuder the guna k1 of a Federal Revenue Cutty at Cant f' v 1 1 .well's request, because a ' gentleman ' " "' "'fcalled negro by bi proper name ? ". 1immMi M .!,, i -a. " nEADWAUTJEltS. NO It CO Q H I T 1 0 N YET FOR pNTjyTJEUJ .PI A D-LOCK IN CONKLIN'S SPEECH ON LOU- Wabhirqtok, Jan. 28 Noon The following is the vote of the Committee Anthonynd Mitchell; naya.i Aloorn. I t fin Friviligcf land; Elwrtions on rthe. i'l ti lirbpositioi faf recontw ,he Kellogg tfaWternmerftf 'Ykysr Morton,! Logan, . .Hamptou, 'tWisbury, Albert, Carpen et m4 Wndleighk s f 1 ! ' ' piUrsiJbm stated, fh the. Committee, that if the Senate recognized the Eel- fr-inrii jog government, he thould vote to admit .ttnehbaok. , . ; , " The dead-lock in the House oontin 'nea neitheraide showing aoy signs f Tikling., The prohbiMty fa, how ,evcr, that; ati Adjournment will soon take place and that the Repnbli'ana Will fall bank upon a renewed attempt to obAOgt the rales 'next Monday by adopting a new rule, ftppliable only to ii x tn- aeesion, prohibiting 4he Bpeaker t1j!,fromutetwnrDg dilatory motions. T'.Kfc'With that rule established the -pas-.t . sag of the civi rights bill .would be Utildhik atek'M.."i- 1 a ! Washdjotoi. TJaxL: 28. Niirht. .riSas-Vlnnfe Riam1 signed a contract to-day with the . .Seoretarv of the --lffavy,'for a bronze statue-f Fana- ff the fVinirraiiairaiaJ f1nmmit ii ,wn1ane ITia art at. ).., i. ; n ,w iitom c iiuuuKiering , , continues Th .8peaker declared that on iMoudayj nnde 4 Jeal. of the States, 'to resolution to amend the .ride 3 aid be referred lo the .Committee Elfl1sbon which!! motion fcbe 1 Jii'Jff eati(iBld (Ho'ie diltforf md w. buwu wuv av -mini vi aiu The Committee on Rules otuf 1UU. . ,rf port at , eny time,; and an amend- J l me6t 6f the rules will bring the niwil Tfi'lil .kill .kA.ri 4k TTnnHA and allow the majority to pasa ii " SraiaTm. The bill Extending ; the 11 h tins lor! elaim and payment of -preemption of publio Janda, failed.; -'t-' ? , The bill protecting the postal rights f -the inmates of insane asylums y.y)jwrrttt)ayft&ly. f ; " MvCnk.ling,a4e a four thousand wora speech on Louisiana, which waa iTi no?EWe, lM..nendfl and intfrtty sustains, the President, tat -wind 'ajppwWBS "Kflllegg1!1, ealK'.fot jw JpWBW' there ae many acts trofchi. parties iwhfoh he cannot aft- rf,n t "f8' .Keral tenor "of 7, hla illfijiaJi favored IftttinK-thttiga alone. 1mtda.STSlaj,)tl tii'4tlf At Milwaukee yesterday, in the vote tot Senator. Carpenter received 59 .M'vMAq mtfFto Atir'Wfbtes wsre A" S'ettbAllots rha wer&rf.niybiluaf Allots rf?!f!flfllW!r yeaterday. lor 25. j . 4 1 1-.--' . - i ( ' . I .IL" 'Jill 'i LTlwInMioraUttsr3 the'll.'publi- cana ; ana thn ludojM'uaijnts , Lady of the Lake, loaded lot Wwb iflgton.waa burned to the waMr1 Klg9 yi-eterday at Norfolk. The targo Wae lost. 1 THE TESTIMONY OF K CAflPEt BAQ REPUBLICAN S$Ftt!lt ,J ; HOLPEjW.! - - HE GIVES THE LIE TO rj5wCi:tr -CAL CANARDS OWOlJTIVUjEli . THERE. " . iw-Yoif,'n728-Norjnli ra4 uomnuttee t-xaauuiy; J. J.' ban worth, of Mobile,; appointed T; " pistriot Attorney 'for the Southern District of Alabama, by PresidMjt Grant, iu 1869. Mr. Southwottli tea- titled that he went to AUtuui.HoiA Illinois, that be wan, and! UjMf f fr lupubiicnn.bau epci&en during the lv cambaicrnB. in 8lm fertile Uiiul)K oaa Stat oket; though? be km-w tle general condition of uie State aa watt aa any ou wofMionJ duties took him to all parti of it there,, D eountv in which, a,ittiiiwican couia not live' and advocate purtjf) jfinei ples, even ffeneively, without molest rition; the effuc of awulii troepa to the State was injurious, Knd(era ,wa ir wm tutu Hirj- wtre ueKv. when the county would not have been better without tbem; ho war n ci bagger, a Republican, and'had t S3' Federal ofBeer, and wan noboslr icisod. SPAIN, PA8: THBi.eUSTAYUa iDEMNITY. LOSS OF THE BARQUE AlAfeHi'1 CROWDING THE CARLtSTS. PiKra. January 28 Noon-MrtrshaT Canrobert declines to stand as a candi date for the department of 800U nr ' London. January a NoonV-The Home Rule members take, to interest in the election of a liberal Iendttr. The barque Aurora ba been lost. Eight survivors were four days with out food. ,1 ! u"' ' Vienna, January 28 Noon Spaiu lias paid the Germany money indem nity for the Guetftvus a Hair.; Madjhd, Jan. U7 Nfeht-Tue He- publicans in Navarre are crowding the Carljsts. Alfonzo is present, MASSACItUSOTS., f nER LEGISLATURE UNQUALI FIEDLY CONDEMNS GlUNrS . - ACTION IN LOUISIANA. ' ' " ' fipftiNonistb,; "Jan.'.'iS.r-Niglit. A tumultuous session. Louisiana af fairs were considered. Four depreca tory reflolutions -'Were adopted,; te four h one of which condemns the government for upholding Kellogg and especially Sheridan for sending sol diers to break, up tbe.. Legislature; pMst'd by ... Vot4 Qt: 76 1 67. Other deprecatory resolutions passed by a Urgarttjajoritiic H '' , . foUoiMd to Death. " A healthv liver ecretcs each day about t we ttnd half pounds of ,bilt, which contains a greatamountof Waste makuial token frou the blood. When the liver becomes torpid or con treated. it fails to eliminate this vast amount of noxious substance, 'which, therefore, juniaina tcr poison i tho t blood and be conveyed to every part of the system. What must be the condition of the blood when it is receiving and .retain-,' mg each day two and a hail pounds of poison 7 Nature tries to work off this poisou ( through) .ether channels and organs the kidneys, lungs, skis, etc. but these organs become overtaxed ,tt performing tLiis labor, in addition to their, natural functions, and connot long withstand the. pressure, but ber come variously diseased. i n The bruin, wbich is the great electri cal centre of - all ) vitality,' is induly stimulated by the." '."unhealthy ' blobd Which passes to it from the heart, and itiails to performs iter offlee healthful' ly.,Eejaae the sviupUfms of the puiaoo ing, whiob are dullness, headache, in capacity to keep the mind oq ant sub ject, Impairment of memory, dizisy,; a'eepy, or nervous feelings, gloomy foreboding and imCkblULvof temper. The blood itself being diseased, as it forma the sweat Bpoo the surface of the skin, is so irritating , and ppisdi tnBf' that', it prodttoee disoolerel brown spots, pimples, blotches and other eruptions, sores, boi csrbtuir; oles. and scrofulous -ttimors.' The stottacty - bowels, 4 and other organs spoken ofcftnnot escape becoming af fected'sbirot later, andoostivenei S, piles, dropsy ,dyspepaia, diarrhea,: fer-male- weakness, and: many other forms of chronic disease, -are mong the toe tjesaary rrsultsi is a remedy for all these manifestations of' disease,, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with small dairy doses of his pleasant Purgative Pellets . Are positively nn- equalled, By them the liver and stomaoh are changed to an aotire and healthy state, the 'appetite regulated and restored, the blood and secretions thoroughly purified and eiriohfldn4 the whole system renovated and Vault up anew. Sold by all first-class 4jiJK gibte and dealer in medicine.-.; -. Thousands of sufferers wll (rejoice that at last "Tom Collins" himself has- been sold. He wasa horse and brought" $JUU. ' ,,,, -ft f fll.'.C " A scientific agriculturist report! that hs has found as high aa thirty par cent of oreara in the last pint 6f nw fc' drawn from bow, when the first pjntl irom a eow, wnen tne tirat pint ie same cow yielded only n(n lialf per cent.(.f ' j ' iiiae 'nappinVse 'of'-the next and a b XMMltke 'happiwss world as closely apprehended as the fe ioitieefjift fire a martyrdom to live; anduntosuch as consider none hereafter,- if Met bb'.Xnoeo.jthan death to die, which.itnBkfleoa amazed at these audaoities tht;Tujt nothing n mft.fibf Jl IS i 1 t.a ' wnimiGToir, SPICIAL, If jo Uv nut jl trl4 U. Wttvlk tdMt dwatoiw. .It MitjUib, Mil look. )ttc ' m&rvleit Bei eatf rnc4eiit . liltatofiOIODOKTlo lkwl)l tttnomj at tli mouth, kptii ia. gnanM aofkcaltby.tlw Uwlh Ln pediat order, lvtu itt lit. bcc.lh a fnifTMira. 'I ! ' 1 . on. - '1 Ih, M thirf I ito la eiiw otthti kind latoiMur k kiHii.ol Johiiou At)d;u JjHlme.t iv) m uaetvtl jmtk twill, arid wdoiv uuwn lue nurM'i mruat. . it tea mlir aia Hi our wdl bla va tat , FaraonM Puitl Pllli will Jrat'y ralle, llvvtsnilrtlr .(ns Ayl(ilK, vlira n. tamliw fx) , 1 ber bar been trial la ata lKl-ito r, ktr alrau aiara nlxf OHUCK'a PcLiomti kikdi. m Jf'U ,V &UUWAKPlll. TWMtrwt-r- ay atiiirwif lad tvpuiar bkmUi'Iiw tir r rf. "i iM iwomt.tiB iji .tla.ptTihiij rt, ami lit4 ii n jri etirti vital the (r. (,rn f lUHiire. -, 1 tl auvl allfe4 Uu iifuinj uii it iNrurKt'i " y tetml i.hki Cjatw Vtu m HUVi VI tu Slid r (iciiira H thai uw-mw, ma paiuMn union o wiiuii ra.onild uieuixeivu totlMiu iu-t nialln aa flut i oa )reiua.iu alilcti iLbt aupiiOMd to H'iit .wMabie It. W iit ptuvtM, Uivr, wiai i.ijmi)(iji err. m iwa, ann irat t a rrttvfiy ,m jrttj at a.nibar ( causa lVrnif at ril nt apait!iiiiy dokMrnt mia- bt Si h ink', f.alfuul. yrp aluna; nd m oihr tMUMt b ')f aa utl'n la ruauavthia lil Hfliiwk a Sa Warid T( ni.-. ana Mai.iruk riii,oiieurj)ota, aucofding to Uta tcanln mrnttorthaeuu. . t lir. M hi'uck liiuiw-U, wild aajiiyed nnlntar rapffirt KW1 heatlli Tor tuor I has fatly Ver., aa up( -ml. at one time, ta ' ba at ta let gvr ii ilna'b, bit .ij!flr alnirvronouiir. l till can hviprh-iw ami abamtoiwd him tu kit fate. -U m cttivit by Nia alurwalil m-d. f lift, aiM, aliiohlirotifrT. mmij tlioaaainlii ni rullarly attv-rtml haia uaed lr. Sdienck'a lirjtrali4)ua wlik U aaaia tenarkibla auc- Pull direoiii attoomf sajt eadb, nakln H a6talwiliti4)'aoeriairfteieri)nallf mm- l)r. aoanakiilM latlmn ali.tr their lung x. amlnrd, and for thin anrpuac ba la itatmwTuiiiil If itkliorlnfliiialftftloa, eotnrr Hlmb and arrb atreeti, Pblladl.hla, ietj MondHT, wliarn all lotto for adlr mui-t be addraanail. Molianok'a iairilt!lB.r tjldbjraUdrfglat. VI Jau -lui:Uw i " SEW ADVERTI6EMINT8. 1 Oiir Stocii ! " IS GOING OFF1 EAST Beoaiia. ara tailing It - u J I . , , r SO LOW. j FOR CLOTHrNO- OOI TO I "' ' MUNSON&CO'S, CITY CLOTHIKBS. Jaa to ..15 , f HEW CROP i Cuba Molasseo ! 'fityfirtA CAHCH. OF j . .t,; 255 - I8'- pWB CAIilTli UA1M EXPKOTKU. I - s f . fo aala In lota to mlt by WILLIAMS It MURCHISON. Jan 1M aa OPERA HOUSE. $NE NIGHT. ONLY, SATURDAY, January 30th. , "A ihfpwreclt't lailor, vmlinffor lat'I ; A'o tail from day to day " y The (J real eat qf Atoerica' Young TragacHani, TITitTTVVT : Tk A HffO I Jntbo Vharmlpg Uramtlaatto,lnllTeacta,f , -'. Trto'a aPTirt.'t ttt, ' JEnoeli Lrdcn ! fccteil ti- Mr. A'lamaa BOOTH'H THKA- TBK, NEW TOHK, aid throughout tti.eti.- tte Ciuntrr witb 1. 1 ' - VNHOUNVBB MTCCCM! BNOOH AKDKK... ...... Mr. Kdwis AVkK !"'M lavH af a toldtrjiihtrman, wAWifultertptril,ddnutlrtilk ' fur knpwii along ( hat lftuicr-ltoten ooait THn . , , , The play wilt he prta-nd with KBW or !' ' . HOKNBUY I - , Sa.JfPBUPElA.TK APPOINT J1BNTH 1 1 and - ' POWEKtr-UtX'AST H f - AnMiiov Parquutte sad 'rn Circle tl ; farqurtte tjlrr.lfl, T5 en'a ; Oalie'Tr SiA and 50 aenta. Krai-rved 8ft W ceulaenu.. , . . Hoi Hheet oi.en at Heliirbargara Book sad aiwi "tor. Hires aaji in aaauca. an MaV$ or) OPERA HOUSE. g:WDH0AY, February let, ' . SHERIDAN, MAO rt AND DAY'S GRAND COMBINATION ', , v,; -or i 24 STaRS !24 , fn - In conjunction with . : ' Ariinaldl : Adania' , VrMFaite4 JiPKliab Pan lorn I ma Tro apt w awb' s 1 la .dditlotitp' i. 1 BRASS BAND A 0B0HE3TRA for 'fun fist of Company, ptogTamme af .a fcrtalnaieiit andi.oilun of tha Pimm, read ,"XS Ai.uamci," an Illustrated JournaJ of Ontl-rUtnliig literature. ' i ' " UT Panrnouen at I. Begin, at o'clock. . l'rlfea of Aemlaalan Parquett. and Drea. Circle, SI; rarquette Clrele, TbOenU; ttoliorviaaienta on - I Itcgeried PeatebtavtOw ba Secared without eltrl eWge at luharger'. Bapk Htoro. an 28-lt General Agent. ii.i. i a AW - v liames i . I ACTfcdWPJRfJrtBWHr. SWAP, Hquall. Ir Hueby Base Ball, irtrThr-eMngbfen. ', t ' ' Wl(lo Portnniav,, . . ' w ' i . ' M --1 I . . ... 1. Y I ... I r Ul U ilk AU.IIU1B, T 1VU..V J.ULUUI. Willi a a oaaep, , , . -FrieVtatae or rFy, MA. ' NeW (loftearmrlon oarrti. V Trantparant Plajlna Oatde, i Th. Merry flatntoi errv flatntoi Ul Maw, 7 i Tb. Tne I An .merwan dank Straw a. Tne Mot Iiu(hable Thiaga on Earth, Th New Oana of Draw aud Match, alaiok Maasae Who1 Blank Praion Hdw Mliok from Wattktlield to Parts sal th gKlMofl,-' I Jnphet Jeokini aid Jolly Jooei Vl.lt to Boating, it ! ( h ' ' ' ' , : ' For e1a at i HEirJSBERGER'G Uvo Book aud N aria Store, !u ) faati i t ..J A 1 jtj, it. a, Friday, jaiitjary 2d m.;; NEW ADV2TISIiLENT8. t Lubin's ; , , Extracts. PITRA 4TBK0TB. - - Craarn lion)lat" , .... ) ,. frantan CboatiUte, Qerataa and Praavk Bwcat C koaolate. Wat, (parm aad AdataauUa. taaUi bhakar PNaervaa, - ; v . .. j .! . . . . ,.f ? . ?rlt Butter, 1 ' K , i ! .Maraatbila, (taatd.rt.v Jtm. ' . . ' I V ThaFUiettTalila Butter la tha City Ckotaaat Hjraaa. aWalnad Houet , & . , &, CHA3 D. MYERS a CO., a at v ruartn rroni mi Jaa w a I I. Reading- for All !; ; "PARNAPU8 BEnuiraou'. .' , Waldfried.". A NoVoi by Au'erbach.' -Frdm My Youth Up." ,By Harlaud, V)Yandering of a Vagabond." By Morris. "Uuldu." AftcrUieGartoanby Wialer, "Hitherto.". A story of Yesterday, ! 1 k tvi.;..a.- a I vv AAtuuwr. 'Child of the Tide," V 1 "South Meadows." By Diasoway.' All for sale at , ' .. . THE CITY BOOKSTORE, By C0N0LEY 4 YATES, 47 Market Street.1 ' taatt; Jf; ft "-t W Flour! Flour LFlour ! I 1 ? f". .11... t " Ml- .,: , JQQ BBW. BOB W BITE FMJUK,' ' 00 " Bell Mill Floaf, j iki Whlla Ruadan rteur. . For al fcf ' . KKHCHNEK A CALDER BROS, Jan i$ . ; . . 114 Butter and Cheese. J g Tub. and Flralna Butti, 1 , . i QQBa.e.Ob.aae. ,. rvr aai. oy ... KEBUHNFK A UALQRB BROS, Vessel Wanted. yytWISH 10 UaAMTEK VEHHJCL to take f rotrj M 10 T60 Umt of 6ualio to hew bera, H, O. Iff A V A UU A AHiKfl ll Jan 5 aa aii'un va W aw. " W " l-t For Sal e BEA80NABLB TEKMB, lb. National 1 ' .... 1 ! " Hotel Farultnr., fc.it an vaexplrtd Law fi (-itt-1- . aeten years, ' Ttili U ihance for a'good Inrcstment, as the Hotel t. well tiUbllakadrand lb a floarleains condition. ?tr further Information, apply at ' '. .-.'.vi If I the Halloas! Hotel, or to ,. i Jan I T-tf P. SMITH A 00. G. H. VV. RUriGE OMOKED.lOWr We iotjof CELEKT,'"' Uholoa Family rlonr in Batrol" and Hair Barren. , Frratl Milk Cfackem. , ; , COB1SER OF i - 4 Market and 2d Streets Jau 'H 11-11 Niagara; Fire ) i , i tr. ' - -Of '1EW YORK. ' ' NORTHROP A CUMMINQ, ' lit ' "A dN Vti.' fHltea with Mr."t). H. HoMnrn, on Dock Street, wh will attend to all ordi ri left with him. Jan 10-9-lra Hens, Boys, ladies, M5fSSES'( CHlLpiiEN'B , AND INFANTS' j 'j . Shoes and Boots- t tc t'.it.4A -ir,i-fi!..ti i4 t . 7 v I -1 Of AlMtytee and Qratin, ' !(1f)Sif V!".fjJ ,M Hli '. ' ' I b. AT REDUCED PRICES. t , .".EVANS "4 . VosOHLAN, .:. , ,3.ias Princess Street, i Jan 10 - :h( i:? .- "i j t.i " Sausage MacJiinDS an4 Stiprs, ' ' Butcher. "tsaW Vaalf Knlminii flteele, Hatchets and Meat Hawn la great variety, a th. i . netr liardware Sioroof a -J ' GILES ft MUKOUISON , ,. : wis NoHh Front Street, WE ARE SELLING . ft O OURTOCK OF OVER -COAfO, rv i i 1 am CLOTHUCI'. NSiANdl MISCILXANtOUl. r;!875 'J ...ii .il .. ,a a ,, . Our mimeosu ntock at greatly reduced firicwa--. Shwo piust lxy sold .vituiii neifc. Uireo wouth tJiUl and exauuao! ; '" 1 NO. HUMBUG ! I Ay jm an D, A. SMITH CO, ' (..'1 it! 11 John Dawson' 'Hutu .lore aidtoarrlra MO fhtwa fnf aft klMa; r-tuti.riuwtuiilii, it tun. ( ntUm hiw l.luoa, !K) Pain Craua t'liaiiu. 4(1 1iea itltmaiMl Manrea, Id ilium Wnadlaa Uvea, M lioiau ttbunal. and SpaAaa, I'ornaio alihe njwaai tuMrni! TaH. ,i. 4 .' 1 ., AW, MO at Bt Mfafttat Slreol. J . , ., ' t ...l.i.nln.ll M... , .a,., 'j ll ,.. W00TEN S u CarolinalCentral Rail- way ExpreRS . ; ? . . , .fl r . ; ; - - i .! -If ' 1 . - , TTTIMi (tl VR PKOMPT UM PATCH ttl W all Ptlhr. Money ami olhtc. valuable paii-ivm aiifiiUHi it. far 'or an ami all points an tha Kaaiom ami WetlMo lHvllaa utthaUan-ltaa4laaral Hallwar. 1 All (oode via tlila Una are lull eovfrfcd y luniravaatn arat-.iaattaai)aleli. -.... P. M, WOUi'EN, Proprlttor. ,, 4 0. S, LUVE, Agrtit, 1 ' ' I -iMf , . Jan W Notice. & tiwatal eaUnoMli NMkh.kler.o(,lha 'llmliialun and Sea Nlda ttailroail l.'.tniant Wll wilt ba finM at tha bank of New Hannvaun at eo clock r.JH, on tVtMUAX, Pabraatjr at, ... By Order of III. PreiUUnt.':' , . j, . , ii 1 " rt "' Beorttr a Tr.a.rtri -Jan 2 ( , ,alWi'34KeU Horse 1 Blankets, 1 1' Sartrllen, rTrneM. Trunk.. Travallna? Haa. Oollara, Brldloa, M.maa. Traoaillialtuk Whip, Htinri. rlorea hrurli.i. Paatliai lllntrrn. and a general aaaortment Of Haililler . gooOtt-a. 'until ) i .tRa-ua-U iUUAAAAll rcn i. -''.i 1 i.ni i I !'J! 1TOLED SILK f'WINDSOR'!, NECK TIES, SQ ctej jro'rih SO et. FAN CI CRAYAXP,. VERY 1 .:"J. ' T HEAVY SILK, 60o; worth $1.10.' hktblC RUCH7S iVCRY CHKAf, ,i ii Axr 3.nz: MVoiajia Hook LaVVaVf JttaAwialportl ffOlal covwntrr..- , - " GREAT VAItlKTV or uW i 1 sva, ii-w. H I lf jnk-Xew 4)eiflgn.. j j i FBXaH AUPMT af tephfrs-WkllaVaud Hrki'k, IBc por oi Colore.' iHjo,,! , , , P h-.'At ..'- i-"' i""" " i , WILLI AM PYFE-'O, JaJ. I,',,'', KXCIIKOK COHSJCIV . .Macro M.'sdbCdM Plant: t - BisMf-mrjtiTniy.1 i Largeat circulation of any Tram Jnntnal tb tb' rWtkefn' Btate.. Bubtoriptlon SI per anaum -- ii itrt u ' t " ' i '' jl 1 .'v - Toliacco' leaf anil Cotton flanl'n HI rillfcWatrPattBasT WSIT.I lit ' . I it - :1 I - L - Oyer Five Hundred gratuitous clrmilnfloa, Fot paid kpeltit codta to PoatOMrattir adJtitala(MuutlM01trl. Oarollnai, 1 I .,t u Uaaiftlii y 1 rr r Prop. .n prv (WsbfjrVlMrTh School For Boya and Young Merit . M. rWrW-Uti la.....''d.UU J.Princl.aJ K.W.-ADa, A M, Pror of MaihepiaCScl. Th. next Sewlon begin, on Moiuta'ti1 Peb latTlait i Tv.r roatylaki or Circular. apply to . i ... it d n. hkl'xkk, Principal, JanlJSw. Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO' Of BRICHT ' I :'Ar ', mw.croe;cuba molasses, ti WhUk -wo offer at' ewrt atark Prion 50 HttnM SUGAR HOUSE ' ZOO 1 oYRUP. For sal. by IT! )KKHt)tlNiRAr,AljiEB BKOh. Ja ' . t- 2,000 Bushels Corn, 1 ... . "1,00(J Oats, h 1 1 '-t 150 Bales No. 1 Eastern liny,' " WW Bbls, Flour, i , 1.000 Sacks Salt,' I 50 Rolls Bagging, ' 10q Bpxea Cheese, ,, , I)0 Boxes Caiiiiy, . ' ' , , 50 Gases Lye and Potash, i ' ou Tierces ana tuds lisra; 400 Kegs Sporting and . Blasting Powder, "' "" ' j-,-200,000 Vf; Y.i G: t; anil Musket ,...Cap.-'-'-'ri'","!',n t '"""' ,., 250 Begs Shot, ;m; , .,,,,50 Bags Coffee, ... . i 50 Bbls. Sugar, (refined), ! !f15d Boxes Soap, . ' ,'; t!la411eWes ioe,J,J n. an- it m a-aa lltti. AW.1 r ,.1 , i uu Jioiarauu iiuii pdib, nuwu. . . ' lflOBrtrcsXbbaoooLiOH J&! ' "" FoTialeW, ai.im " w I 11 " osu BUO J,, J ftlCUCflNEB A OALLlEU -Jaa OH 11 MhThIE NRf HP.MN HWAIAAJ AAftAlU AlUlf 1 . i i j ' . i.Wii i-ti z ijw.aUiyzsTuraxiTa.' ....i.-a-1 1 iiiiiii.isa. , iaaag. 4 . , , - . GDS A3. OEiS E) ITCl'W CS O C2) CD T a .s ;( : : . Hf. U-,i... J - , . - ; FOR 30 DAYO. if .'I Vj II II .U c'. ' t w ; . ' I BRO & R0BDI0K, ; '.'Jio SIAH.KKT STREET. Evtar a.uuci n ru;tai r Fim' wmrEtt Vkah has been marked dows. Having no detlr. in ailanipfeaMltr UM kfli'Mj w call tha attent aa of all aar twirtieia tai Ut nmalioA ana. rtia cl( aa.KiN ati. i'S aii. x kiam Vta.aa. a thai Par. her Dun l.ir lliipx-lv-'. jut exmitit how much of a Induction haa been mada. 0U:rlltr1var('NfTt (ma av( uan aflkrad In thttoltv at AWT ftwS. Our 1'aiiy pa'rima aud thuM alio have iarl ua with a aall aatlr.r la Uia ataaoa can vaaak H oawy eUleiiinbl w. tnaVa. Ws mi. bat a a a ilrl d to eloak obt tA. balan. of ear iloek la otdar 0l)ak,.,m,illBrliigIt"iiJiaai;, , , ,., w i ! -.- CHmela Hair Cloth,;" formerly T3, Colored Herges, i, ,. ,..t .v,,., -1 0, .1 I. tl'il.i. .- !;.. .i ' ... voiiuie iuui l uduuh. , . - ,. a tk Hotid nine roiiiius. ' ;: an Colored Cashemcre, ' ' ' 7fi, HouUhl'ids,.i-.' "V !15, All wool Uuiprese Clotb, - ! 7fi,.'. nitiii.v.i a.. COATS' S POOL COTTON 1 oonU por 811 ; Inch I'riiil of (he Tiocni Shirtiug 12 IW JmIi HEA WIDH CJOrrON, in vmU ponwD. yingnams, ii oonw ter ynra. 40 iuvhos vide KugsUTuektaff-29tTltK, AN iiniTitiMat,-iiiooiiRf or II raiiniNT. will kauivaw orr i,t,ati.Kiattlin. of purohaaa. Ill) Ihai.llowlagtiotwtloiiai, Hlcachwl ad' tlbbleaehed Shlrttn..: tilnah.mi. i'.1l.7Ta tipiml Outloii. , i Ta.aia rtrlftiy CAahaa One Prlcei, a" ! aamplaa Cwl. VBR0WN i (St RODDICK, 45 Ilarket Street. ut I nn t'.i kwir f.nn -'j ; t n-j;fi t(nf I. !' -ll 1-1-1 ! M .1- It I a t ' fgfi JiiHa 1 1 'Ohe Pricer-Terms Mr ni.lt I- t,,i .;; rr. i '' 17. II II tlli iDid'ARTMf N,X NO. CtmsiHtin? of Domestio and Fane ; DRY ''. JUjadr-Made Clothinir Hhoaa. Hata-t Qai 11.1a t'.-,; ... i-.i... .i t,.i,,a n,w..1. DEPARTMENT NO. I,i dursislhig of m ivji't .s ifT-c.i m mii.vi( -'vases, 'i-inieu uutierj. ana ITansr i, , . . , i. Articles, -.t....m ,m. hh . u ' tf call Igrenpeetully Hoflollud, ami atlrnqlUin auarantotl, t -H.- 'FRANK ' tSt "BROi, WILMINGTON N. C. f! I I'll VI " PIP.W! . . . . itHil-i'J lFbr t ie Beasua i n f i ' ' !A5Wa 'tCrrrToH, .9fJW.,m VJJ!.;ArJLaAWUJai,C Z S2Sr?Tr-! SOLUBLE NAVASSJI CUAr.'0 .II tj' At $i3.0() per Tonj Cash; tt 00.00, .,, .At laaOO pes Ton, Cashor 18.60, payable 1st of November. next. WB OBABANTE tnt fhe'pV4oui High Orad. or Our Fottlljaer. ihal! b.fun ktAtav Arm " isto C3MPWY , O. U,UttAIKUl,Sarlat.nent, r WIL-BfllMQTOMi N.C. tiiui !! , UlsaLLANEOUi, I.- k4 THE LOW : I si l-.'i ...vi .vf 1 PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THa-; h . ! ? trrtiti1. firni". i 1., i.w,t. - I ' ..1. 1 1. . . . EXTENT OF OCR SUES. in ,j. 1 1 ., .l-'.'i 1 -lu ,ll StNB WE RKHOUVKO XO t KM, at price, that ' mild .iirnli reduce nt.oufc. n bag- ra qalrad no vaiaannamip a tl our gKMaa,i;, i. UUr iillKG, juiock ' 1 Atoabasi bresa dobds: Bleached and tnUeataiedGcKidHl'Tai'iie , Clotlis.. y hiached and i .UnbMonrd, " witih.NepsJBS. ,hvgfe); feprenij , CJiovee,! Ribbons LboOh, 1 ;;. ;,: CWre( aaudsordUieff '!,i"" And a UmiuvuiiI Oliver ittahNeSvira if 'lTi(( raw., suit If vmi are lu want of. auy, good umially rimii hi k ftmWi'a. Dry- D.iA-IK Hiocki nme ia ilit tianai la buy aliern UTom'tliai hut aWukilik tli. yitjr, at prlcwiiwTar ayli at boioie. ( f. . KetnnmkatUiaUldutNiaeitlUOraiitillomyat the lcwliug ,( .j ,,j,r-w h-'"t X'1 u ' . PRY UOUBS Ot .(-I...., l.i BbSKOWlTi in' MCOER," at W ; t gat, Aa SB a' ..I afJ. A. w maiaei oueux. t!T34T, i ! !-iKvr NEW YORK1. M il i''fi R'i All 01 am . autkoii.i'd'Aew Totk rnry ' prwcic yaniitu 'arancwa a. iwanwuixu. -. The thtmpeat tloime In the, Stata, I and tha ably BedfalingnciritTnlyJn Higarl -.-rt-,1 - QJunao,aasi'Hiiviaa anir., !,a.aoilh KroBtBtrceli 1 ' lw?4-1lri"i, .., yviiunugtQn, . v. Green A Flahner,, WEOLESA LE anOETAIL DRUQdisf S Offer to In. trade a Obrhblftt. AMmrtinent U rfa-otietil price) Of ore Drugs, Klne Wiemlr cl and PbiBiceiitoal PnipatallMiai togeth- er with a large awortmentof Uanlen Miud ( .WS guaraawa mo nnmr or eTry arocie. ,. Slo.MafkaiStee, in Jan at (' '!' " " ' Wilmington, N. O. 1;;;;;to the .Pubiici- .. , . . , .1,,,, !,.., .. -j f ' ,(H l '-'- 1 ! geu.rai WW, , r; ,-i j il.ii! i '." O " ; ' pBtCE OUR QOOD9., t, j tvvr- ,l fcB f.l.i ii.ia rett'' " i:'-'t' i iwiri iil ,171 III'" J'1-! n nn t... dial) n .Tr eA.A I pal diiuuw. uwi iyi . DAVID & WEIL. jr n . n . unois no, 0,7:3. ADEiiO A TuQ ."OF ':ij:t,ivi ' - fl - .';. , . . r. .... J .... V . .........now "'.J...now 01 II 10 IS 15 38 ......... . tf .... . .. i .v . an ...'.now ;?. ..bow . . !......:.. now ...now$a 00 HpooL ct-nU ijm vard. per yard. .itif'W'W'iPWWIWllygSJ-ft,3B HOI.:.. 1 i .. V: S 1. 1 .Cash-!', A IVtataMMU.. nioll.J.m Uknu. U.la n..l. B.. w.,n...r. a- " droOkor. 'Chin oTassware, Lamps, ; " ; ' IlarM Bfreet, f t!l 3fii mm OUR STAirDARD.FERTILIZERS of 3875, dulivered bn the Cars, at Our Factory',' tli'o following r'' pnable'ls't -of Advember, next; mu'j.i.i;g MI8CEUASE3CS. .i (iM.CRONa.Y AUttonar. 't ;l !) 1.1 'HKHW' I lil"1 BY CKONLV AMORBJS. iHttl 1KJ o l.i. ', 4 Assignee's ! Bale. ,.i'if in 74.ii oi ,i.uii i. f t9NTJTK)4T.:fateari;U 18TB, a 1 OUI..1A. Ky'IllwlIwt -ft'a41..rooauof Ortttly A Mori l; tri. lArQE iarN SAFE thaHrritalrli'rinVaTiujniBMt'1'" ftli! hi . ,1-i'l ii i 3H'"t .,,! JAiraSg. Jf'.iinm tin WaftSajflitMiAF.ba 17 u Tl: Ja llV.i ,M J'.ii : Screven House. ) 'iU':.B.:BBaOUDrVrwpi4tor, fJUIHUIOMFAVuaABt.TKNOWlf Biwaa t at.viailt 1 attnated'oniJoSBaon S qaaro, tvhigeen ferenrtV r.naWtedanit ropalrad, Irlft'rJatriKlt i "(M iep vitaent filled with -i- t-1 (-' "i i' ,-"' i'"i ' ootnpeteut, polita, and attentlvo , tmployea, wi -iHiilifl t!Xli4Aly .U f ! offer, to the traveling publle. eajaXorta nagar pajiMd by wi ijouno ta th. Bouth.rn Btataa, ill, l , . I l 1 i - . Pafiiyarha-li)g'rbjoiigkTIk. and do strlng to lay over at Huroten tlouie, will hav. Fran Trnnanortwt hn ften the Bona, to OepoW Or Sltiaruei.iu Screven JHodm Ontnlbuaea. dociin '. in.1 :.s ! "in u los-iak iSmltbl IBellowa,' Screw ' Flatta, Anvil., nleilgo Hummer, Haud Hauusan, &a. A large ajporttseut cf'the, sbnva good, oaa ba ruua at the, oia, jaatobllehedUaiiilwaraHouM li.ri. n s-ijJ'iJ ,'1 .'JOaNBAWBOW, I " 1 . ' H.MandSlMark.til. LJan H . t i. -; t. ..(i , l i' Cora, Hay; and; Oats. 3.000 BWP-Wa.-,,! 1.0001 i.!fw.9x.b'.wp r QQBtl(JCaatam9ky; "u i JirilebV'n.'!i ''. vlMna i . AtUtLNH a VAME!uB KOSJ. t i :natsiiarfl0:Tc5. ri-i ('' January 23d, 1375. i ('' ii li-i-'t: ntii'il 1'' ik-'I FROM THH DATE AtICTMt?Vtl ABB prohibited aallmg braa or bnv-k ef any -kind In Jnwt of tii. i't !arVt. ifrlnaM itieet from the eaxtt.ro line of front tjit tltawMiarnltnaof Feiiilb- .traot. ir Smia4 nd Third Ktxeeta, between thenon1'""! Una or Markot; and tba enirn line 01 CiliamaiMt treeta, are fliiiiiatel ir t'-ia p.';-1 uvoriienii - aa J. U. B0Ie,,f,v. jaaM

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