I W7f V) - VOL. XXIV.-NO. 26, WILimiGTOH, IT. C. SATURDAY. JAITUARY 30, 1875. WHOLE ITO. G,70 Ik V V J j t j WILMINGTON, N. C: SATUBTIAI.JAN. SO. 1873. BY TELEGRAPH, iieai)(uarti:hs. A COOL REQUEST FOR 6TAMP3. THE HOUSE ADJOURNED. THREE ATTEMPTS TO BURN . THE NAT i' DEPAETMEN T. KELLOGO'3 CHANCES' OF RE COGNITION WEAKENING, Washington. Jau. 25 Noon Silv Atb Frehtghnysen, preaeuted a mem orial from citizen of Georgia asking AO appropriation by Congress to hi J colored people who wish to emigrate to Liberia. IMorred toOommitee on Appropriations. Cauermsed this morning over Louis iana affairs no result Meet again thin afternoon discordant.. The Home adjourned by wul! majority. The Republicans yielded. The Railroad Committee of the Senate bad no quorum, but mettt again on Monday when it in expected it wjll report favorably ou Hoott'a road. .1 Washington, Jan. 29 Night. There was another incendiary lira iu the Navy Department to-dny, but it was extinguished without any loss ex cept a few logs. ' ff here have been three attempts to burn the Navy Department this wcm k. There is much apprehension, as none of the buidings where records are kept, except " the post offloe, patt.t office, .treasury, and capital, are tin proof. Major Richards, Chief of Police, and Admiral Reynolds were in consultation over the matter tonicht. The caucus failed to meet this even ing, on account of a prolonged session of the Senate, The Star lays, of tbi a morning's caucus: The discussion de veloped a lack of harmony among the Senators as to' the course which ahould be pursued relative to the present State Government of Loom ana, and it may now be predicted with tolerable certamty, that a majority will not be obtained iu the Senate to recognize said government as the legal government of the State. The Navy Department is again on fire. t ' The House adjourned on motion of Ward (Republican), of Illinois. Nineteen 1 Republicans joined the Democrats. This result was obtained by th9 fear that the Democrats would demand the reading of the journal, which, as) it stands, would consume twelve hours. Under the new rule tl e proposed vote may be reached ou Wed nesday on the Civil Rights bill. The Democrats claim that they huve ut exhausted their tactics for delay. It may be stated that there is no inten tion to pass the bill, The exclusion of mixed schools and the cemetery clause,' would have defeated it in the Senate. The bill is dead for the session. In the Sedate to-day, the volflmi nous report of the Secretary of War, upon various internal water routes, was referred to the Committee on Transportation,'5 The citizens of Pittsburg petition for an appropriation for the improve ment of the Ohio river and subsidies for the Northern and Southern Pacific Railroads. - ' '"" Mr. Oonkling and General Gordon spoke on, Louisiana affairs. ; - EUttOI'E. THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT QUESTION AGITATED, Pabis.' Jan. 29Noon The motion for the withdrawal of all constitutional bills defeat the motion pending that tue government ; snail consist of a Senate Chamber : and a President of the republic. Louis Blanc opposed tne creation or tlie iTesidoncy, which had been fatal to the repubjio in 1818, The vote will be taken to day. Pabib. 'Jan. 29 Night-The bill proVldirjTthatthSeUatehambl!ri.iia;y oeJjhraL.-o j,nd j.t.nnlr medlelnen hf ve i f- Deputiesand President, should com- f""'1' rcvoiuton In" tir AimiTntf, awl . I ..en . ti.i I ' .1 r.lluii. nf w... m. vim. Mil. ink pose tue government of Franoe was defeated by a vote of 335 to 359. London, Jan.. 29 Night The Queen !stmm6nea the immediate at tend ance i of '-the Cabinet Ministers toOsborn,;y,r,-.t ' EIJiCTIllCIISMS. i A Democratic caucus for a Senator from West Virgina was bad yesterday! which resulted : Camden 27 ; Walker 21 : Brannon 14 : oilier scattering. There is an ice break at Cincinuuti. and the steamers have escaped. Fort? targes have been lost The value of coal lost amounts to fifty thousand dollars, A large meeting of the merchant and brokers of Chicago nave passed resolutions for the establishment of a mint there. ;v In Minnesota '.yesterday, for the Senate, Ramsey received 47, Lochren G5, Davis 23. Result mixed There were four impotent ballots in the Florida Legislature yesterday for s Senator. . Call 84. In Wisconsin yesterday Carpenter received OU, lirigg oZ; scattering 19. THE WEST. THE FREIGHT WAR BETWEEN CHICAGO AND, NEW YORK. , Chicago, Jan. 29. Nitrhi There is no prospect of a speedy settlement of the freicb.t-'war hence East, and reduction of the passenger faro now increases the complication... Several lines are on tlirf verge of bankruptcy. A reduction ot iu per. oeut. on wages is contemplated, and a strike threatened. The managers don't care, as they are rnnning at loss. SOUTH CAttOLIXA. LOSSES Bt THE II HE IX SUM- TEU. C1IAMDE11LA1S DISARMING THE MILITIA. Charustox, Jan. 2'.l. -Night. The loss I'v tlie tire at Sumter is 70,000 ; i insurainv J I'J.OitO. The Richmond Iu t KiiriwM (VimrMtiiV tosses ft.Vtltt0 : the . - - - - i j - i other risks are abroad. Governor Chaiubtr,taiw has disarmed the military organizations, including the colored mititiniu Kdgevillecouiity. t",i-.coinl tWatliM. The following are Bishop Atkinson's appointment lor the mouth of Febru ary, 187.": Clinton. Qu iuqungesi m a Sn nd ny , Feb. 7. Famous. ... . , evouing of Feb. M. Ooid.-boro..A;h Wednesday, Feb. la Wih-ou. Feb. 12. lWky Mount ..Feb. 14. Enfield Feb. 1G. Rmgwood.. . Feb. 17. Halifax Feb. 1!). Weid.m Feb. 21. Collections at each place in behalf of Diocesan init.sions. I'nLoued to Pvatb. A healthy liver secretes each day about two and a half pounds of bile, which contains a greHtaiiiouiitof watte material token from the blood. When the liver becomes torpid or congested, fails to eliminate this vatt uuiountof noxious substunce, which, therefore, remains to poison the blood aud be conveyed to every part of the system. hat must be the condition of the blood when it is receiving and rt tam ing each day two aud a half pounds of poison ? Nature tries to work oil' this noisou through other channtk and organs the kidneys, lungs, Bkin, etc.; Init these orguus become overtaxed in performing this labor, in addition to their nutural functions, and cennot long withstand the pressure, but be come variously diseased. Hi" brum, which is the great eleotri- cul centre of all vitality, is unduly stimulated by the unhealthy blood which passes to it from tho heart, and it fails to performs its ofllce healthful ly. Hence the symptoms of the poison ing, which are dullness, headache, in rapacity to keep the miud ou any sub ject, impairment of memory, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous feelings, gloomy forebodings and irritability of temper. Tho Hood ittictf being diseased, as it forms the swoat upon tho surface of the skin, is so irritating and poisor ous that , it produces discolored brown spots, pimples, blotches and other eruptions, sores, boils, carbun cles and scrofulous tumors. The stomach, bowels, and other organs spokea o.'cauiiot escape becoming af fected, sooner or later, and costiveuets, piles, di'optiy.dyspepsia, diarrhea i, fe male weakness, aud many othor forms of chronic disease, are ujnong the ne cessary results. Ai a remedy for all these muiiiu.tittttious of disease, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Doovery with small daily doses of his pleasant Purgative Pellets are positively un equalled, By them the liver and stomach arc changed to au active and healthy state, the appetite regulated and restored, the blood and seoretious thoroughly purified and enriched, and the whole syxtem renovated and built up anew, Hold by all tlrst class drug- gihts and dealers in medicine. SPLCIAL. It you luve not yet irkd the Warwick collar, do ioatuucii; It UttyligU, and look, better tbau sny otlir collar. Tflarvclons Uef onit Precedent Is tbe llctot .OZUUOX T uiKin the wbolo economy of the mouth, keeping the guniMosy and kca'.tby.tbo teeth in perfect older, giving to tho brmtb j b.ilmy fragrance. Mayy ahiable homn dW from the eflactg of Olio '1 lin bent IhU'K to do In a c8 of tills km. I Ik td ni'ur a bottle ot .li-h ii-on'i Anrrtyne l.lnimri.t Into a lout necked junk bottle, add b.il pintot inolaMitB and water, thf u j our Hie wb'ile dowu the b irseM throat.. In ten mtu uia the bums will begin U eat. Paiaon'H Puigatlve Pills will great'y relieve, If nt entirely cure, iynw.Mn, when erery. tbmg else lul l, '1 her have been til d Inmiue dooerato cvwa, and hire given more relief tbau any olitur sit dicine. FeUKfCK'S Fitlkomo hvitPP, SiA Wkkd Tohio. am MANmtAKK I'ili.s I licse dtaerv iiro.cn t ,e iHliacy of never m xilin which hiTBfnr manr yinM ebari tinted the progiwof nieill. l H ieiico. The flfe m'eitliiii that 'CenstiHij tliui l lintirable" (UU'rred bvsl riaiis fiuni atteninting to find remedies for that diik afn, and (.illicit HfHicbd With It reroncl'ed tbenistilven to death ithnut making an effort to ese.aie trom a deom which they lupiiowd to be imToldnb;e. It i now prove be ever, that. UmaiMnptiun ca'i be aired, and that t iai burn cured In a wry preat number of cava (xonioof Itaem apparently dnsperate one-) by Si h -nek's Pulcmio !yrup alone; and m other catwt bv tho iae meilicnc In connection with Nchonek's Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, one or both, accoiding to the require ments of ibn case. ; Dr. Sehenck hlmsntf, who enjoyed uninter rupted good health fur more titan forty er, ws fttiiix sr-d, at "ne time, to b at the very gte of deal h, bin phys'clans havlli promitlnc cd his caxe hnpcli h. and abandoned In in to his fute. 11c wis cured by the aforesaid mnlt e'nes, and, s;nce hl recovery, many thousands aimilarly afleetd have used Dr. Rrheuck'a preparations with the same rctnarksble auo ces. Full directions acrompany each, making It not absolutely necessnry to personally see l)r. Bcbenck unless pafinitt wish their lungs ex. aminee), and for tlds pnrpow he Is professional ly t hi principal effleo, corner Kljilb and ich streetn, I'hlladelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice nui-t be addresied. Bchenck's medicines are sold by all druggists. jan i lm:dw C. H. W. RUNGE OMOKEl) JOWt. Vow Lot of C ELE H Y, ''hoice Fsmlly Flottr In Barrel' and Half tlarrejs, , Frtah MllkCrickers. C'OBNKlt OF Market and 2d Streets jlMlM ll-tt Sansass Kacliiiirs ani StuiTtjrs, llntchera Kra'es, Meit. Knlvnv and Steels, Katcbut ai d Muat haws In gr. at variety, at tho New Hard wore Store of : GILES MUU0KI.SON I " 88 North Front Street. 1 aa!4 ' ' MARRIED. Slu the l'orgreffthnal t'hrok at Uilxtoa. Ct i iiaaearv zIm, oy tae siev. uov w. ooaca, l..et Sew ll.vea. antnteU by the Kev J H-xry HIisM ClintOB. CHAR1.FH HRtlt. l.KY.oa New Haven, aad ASMS K I.I Z A KsTH, ddhtrof Draco Wtlllaa Bull, of the luraa-r plar. OBITUARY. WH.1.I4M U f KF.UF.H OH was bora la Duplm i-ountr. N. U., Mav 10th, lNt9 ; ro nieniwkl liw xlucatiini at tha -huol at Mr Moiiwy. aod received hie dl dona at Baitl mrv l omaieri 11 Collets la IMit. H.s health, hitherto robaat aad vlgmeaa, be aai to fall about war years ago-the approach Muf that dread Ciseaw,catnaaiptlo.blna is. ail.-takabia and t was deemed advisable to remuvu toauase nor elevat.! aai healthy rt -K'un. I Jleisville, Anson et'tiatv. was aalsotrd, and hem iu Kepteuiber, Tl, n caaieaoai busmewt with his lather, N. Frederic, K-T S.wu the baHtttisoi thai ehange wr obaMva bie, aud hi nauy friends and strong hope ut hisenrirc recovery; bat the Insldinns deetroyer i. s'lil at bis work, and during last winter It bee une evideat that bis triaaiph WMonlya qutsthm ot time. II tint the sol etc and skill of Mr brat pbv. sieiana, sveoaded by the attentions nf attach rl trienos ami ended pn Ms, uukl do was done- bat In vain Ou the Ml Januwv, 18T3, poor "One " (as he was familiarly called ) died Asa busmess mta he was ot tare oa aclly aud .MDlt-. We mourn his loss sincerely, for be wna a genial, uvntle, kind, irene'ona, 0en-herfd mini, hose avery wuid at d act In that frleB4 ly and a trial intsro.mrM whloh ke au loved, see nit d to b the prompting of a noMe spirIL Peace, everlaling pvacs, to kle ashes I Iiupliu Keoord please eopy. NEW ADVEETI8EMEST8. AT Evans & YonGlahn's yi)l WIIXFIND ALABU AMD WKLX elected Meek of BOOTS AMD BHOKS at wholesale I d retail. We ar satisfied with smaU proflu. vV love to give satisfaction. - We like to please every on that love our Boots and Shoe. We keep a good supply of Ualf Uklus, Bo! LeaUier and 81mm Findings. PaitioKMSraiiT. EVAK8 ot VoaUUAHW. Ian SO 86 A Rare Opportunity ! BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR CLOTHING D AVID & WEIL Jan 30 M For Sale! M KXTUA SADDLE AND FA1B Hoi noes Horse very low. ParCle wishing to pnrehaae will atpijr at this office for Infortaatloa. Jan 84 SO 4t FOR HALE1 A RARE CHANCI. 5 PKR CI NT, BELOW COST, 0X new Chlokerlng Piano -In , erfeot order. Ap ply at this offloe. jan Stf S-t New Novels. UftPADCUC B Qeorge A. Lawrence, nAUHnCrlCs Anther oT "Ouy Living. tone," 'Saua' Merel," Hauxloe Derrlng," &o. , AO, At the Sign of the 8llver . Flagon. By B. L. Fabjkom. aufior of "Blade-O1 Oraea." '-Ooldeu ttralu." "Jessie Trim," "The King of o Land," "Urlf," "tendon's Heart," oVu.. 4e. For sale at HEINSBERCER'S Lire Book and MaeU Store, I an 80 , M issolnli TUEOOPARTNITRHIIIP REBETOFOKR existing under the firm name and style of ljwls.v Davis, Is this day dissolved by mntual ceuaent, O-org G. Lewis having withdraws from the firm. ,GOBGKG. LEWIS, Jan. 19th, 1870. SErit W. DAVH. Having purchased the Interest of Mr. Genrge O- I.swl- in the late firm of Lewis & vis, 1 will continue the builaessat their Old Stand, next to Kxc.hange t'orner, and respectfully s llclr a continuance of the patronage so liberal ly bestowed open the late ttrns. SET 11 W. DAVIS. JanM - -H: . . , , NEW 1 CROP Cuba Molasses ! A CARGO OF 2ggHHI8. PRIME QUALITY DAILY EXPECTED. For sale In lots to suit by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. JaulSl tA Horse Blankets, Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Dollars, Krbllee, flames, Trace Chains, Whips, Spurs, Horse Brushes, Feather Dusters, ana a general assortment of Saddlery goods-as cheap as goods ol same quality oaa bo bought in the Btato. ... . i J.B.TOPHAM AGO. novlT ST4-na-tf -For Sale ' ' ' ; T' : ', :' QN REA80NAULB TERMS, tho National Hotel Furniture, at.d fot unexpired Lease , seven yearA ,J';: ".'':it ' ."" i-' This la a chance for a gocd Investment, as tho Hotel It woU established, and la a flo Brisking condition. For farther Information, apply at the National Hotel, or to,,, Jaa ti-tf t). A, BHITH s 00, SZW ABVESTISZ3IENT8. OPERA HOUSE. ONS NIGHT ONLY. SATURDAY, January 130th. -."A saipirrvet'd sailer, wuiltayer mil ; As sati jnm day tv day " The Greateetef Amenea e Toung Tragedians, EDWIN .DAMS ! la the Charming DramatiMtkie.laSveaeta.of Tanareon'e nxifrirt t roaa, As acted b Mr. Adams at BOOTH'S THSA TKtC, NKW VOHK, and throughout the sa tire CHiatry with l'rBO( NDCD ft! CrF.H! KNOOd AKDBN, ktr.EDwia Aoaaa. "A IwcHsr f s sohlrrjtsasi mm, A carrfulltr in w rtt, itui nt kevitks W Uixjun olmt0 1 kit krsoJter-eeeteii eoasf ' Than Mnock." . Tho play will he presented with NEW HUKtsEHY I APPROPRIATE APPOINTMENTS 1 1 and POWERTLOAHTIII Anstiaeioa Parqaetto and Dress Circle SI J Paiqu.t e Ulrole. IBi.entsi Ualleiy, 5andW Cents. R- eervrd Seat US rents extra. Hn Sheot own at Helnsbergei'o Book and M ule Mtort three days In advauoo. tan M-tt OPERA HOUSE. Ono IViglit Only. ; MONDAY.Tybruary lat. 8HERIDAN, MACK AND DAY'S GRAND COMBINATION 24 STARS 24 la conjunction with Orlnsaldl Adatnsa' U orlel.t aiuea : KnKllah I'autouliu Trpo, In addition tu MEMTER'S BRASS BAND A ORCHESTRA For full list of Onmuany, programme Of en tertainment and io Us of the Piesa, reail "Taa ALMAKua " au Illustrated Journal or onuruiolug literature. r Hours open at I noginaai. o eioca. Prlcea Adtulanloii-Paranette and Dress Circle, tl; Parquetto Uirele, I& Ueuts; Gallery, Kl tlent. Reserved Heats may now be secured without extra charge at Heiusberger's Book Htore. vvw.b- tniinu, Jan IB-it General Agent. Our Stock IS GOING OFF FAST Because wo aro telling It SO LOW. FOR CLOTHING uo TO MUNSON&CO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS. Jan2t SB Lubin's V Flavoring Extract. EXTRA STRENGTH. Oroau" Chocolate, Premium Chocolate, German and French Sweet Chocolate, Wax, Sperm and Adamautlne Oastlte, Shaker Preserves, Fralt Butter, Marmadale, Raspberry Jam, : The Finest Table Butter In tho City, Cuoloost Syrups, Strained Honey, &o , 40 CHAS D. MYERS & CO., A Ac f North From I Ht JaatS Reading for All! "PABNAPUS." By Emerson. "Waldfried." A Novel by Anerbaoh. "From My Youth Up." By lliurland. "Wanderings of a Vagabond." By Morris. Quids." Aftertbe German by Wister. "Hitherto." A story of Yesterday, by wnitney "Child of the Tide' "South Meadows." By Dissoway. All for sale at THE CITY BOOKSTORE, By OONOLEY & YATES, 47 Market Street. JaatS - Flour! Flour! Flour! gQ0 BBLS. BOB WHITE FI-OUB, 400 " BenM1UFlo"r 200 " whlla Bumm rii-nr- For sale by KERCHNEB CALDER BROS, Jan 28 M Butter and Cheese. Tubs and Firkins Butter, 100 Boxn('becM' tat sale by KERUHNER & CALDER BROS. Jan Vessel Wanted. EWISU 10 CHARTER A VESSEL to take from M to ISO torn of Guano to Mew- bera, M. 0. ' ". " ' H AVA8SA GUANO CO. JanM Notice. A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Sea Bide allroad Company will be held at the Bank of New Hanover, at 4o,clockP.M.,ou TUESDAY, February td, 1ST3. . )...' Byordvoftboden mbabks Secretary Treasurer. Jan !B 0-lWaox3AFeb I MISCELLANEOUS. 1875 187. Furniture ! Caff sis, Our imiuenso slock at greatly reduced prices. Siinit) must be sold within next three months. Call and examine. NO HUMBUG ! D. A. SMITn 4 CO. . .- II- Jaat) For Boys and Young Men M FrrrKB. A. M . Prlncloal K. W. Apams, A. st , Prof, of MaUienatloa. The n.xt Session begins ou Monday, Feb ruary tt (or circulars apply to M. IKrTFR.Prluclpal, JaiM lwW Uoldsboro, N.O. Cuba Molasses! JUST ARRIVED. A CARGO OF BRIGHT HEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, Whloh wo offer at so west Market Price ALSO 50nHP8lSUGAR HOUSE 200BBlJ,i SYRUP. For tale by KFROHMtR A CAI.PRK BR04. Jail Corn, Flour Salt, &c 2,000 Bunhela Ctirn, 1,000 " Oats, 150 Bales No. 1 Eastern Hay, POO Bbls. Flour, 1,000 Hatiks Salt, 60 Bolls Bagging, 100 Boxes Choesti, 100 Boxes Candy, , . 50 Cases Lye and rotaah, 100 Kegs Nails, 60 Tioreei and Tuba Lard, 400 Kegs Bporting aud Blaating Powder, 200,000 W. P., O. P. aud Muhket Caps. 250 Bags Bitot,,.. '. 60 Bags Coffee, 60 Bbk Bngar, (refined), 10 Hhds. Porto ltioo Bugar, 150 Boxt Boap, 15 Tierces Rico, , 20 Bbls. stid Half Bbls. Snuff, , 150 Boxes Tobacco, &o., &o. For sale by KERUHNER & OALDKR BR'M Jan M tl TWILLED SILK "WINDSOlt" NECK TIES, 30cts; worth 50 otn. FANCY CRAVATS, VEUY HEAVY SILK, OOo; worth $1 10. NECK RUCHES VERY CHEAP. I1ANDN09IE LOT ol Silk llook marks, Joat Imported from Coventry. GREAT VARIETY ot .jet and Lava Jtw eliy Kew Designs. nRESH STJPPLy of Zephyra-WhltO and X H'ack, loc per ut; colors, aio. At WILLIAM FYFE'S, JanS KXCII.1B COIimEll. John Dawson Has In "ore and to arrive & 0 ' lows (of all kinds ; T 'Ions PImw cas'lnirs, in Coila fatten Phiw Lines. 801 Pairs Trao Chains, 40 l)niin collars ami Hsmcs, IU0 Poi'n Wreitlna Hws, HO Poxen shovels and Hpsilrs. For Mia at tne lowest mat "t tares, 10, 80 eV l Rlarket Street. J m 10 - Spirit Casks. Hoop Iron, &c. txc. STANDARD CASKS, Tuns Ieoi Iron, 100 Bbls. Olue, 300 Papers Rivets, . 'J5 Bbls. Rungs, c. For sale Oy . , Z 1 KBRCHNJtH a OALDER BROS. Jan i9 ... U4 Notice, PrUCATlON WILL BE MADE TO the General Assembly of North Carolina to charter the City Bank of Wilmington. Jan ST '' -2tavr2m FLANNER & SHURE, DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILa GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &o. PURE BAKER WHISKY, 1854. ; No. 81, North Front st. Niagara Fire Of NEW YORK. Cash Assets, 81,450,000. NORTHROP"" CUMMINO, AGENT S. Offloe with Mr. O. H. Rohlnson, on Dock Street, wh e will attend to all orders le't with him. . N ' fjaw 10-ft-lin w KDDlNOOABOHauelVISlTINU CAUASai ueolalty at tho HEW ADVERTISZMZM3. GREAT CLSiimOG OP FOR 30 DAYS. B110WjNt & EODDICK, 45 MARKET STEEET. s EVF.HT ARTTCLF SriTARl.t FOH WINTKIt WKAR HASBKKN MARKED DOWK, Having nottcsire to njlsniprrscnt either Uovlaur price., we rail the atf.nt on of all our patrons totlm nitlicl we have ut M shkinm ai.i. ana himids in r i.aiw riut'a.a so that pur. eharera eau f thcimwlvi'" Jnt evtcttv bow much of a reduction has been taade. Nt MU'H OJ'fdK IH'MTY has ever been ottered IntMspitv at AN V viaa. dnr lil r is'rnn aud tboa. who have lavnrml lis with eall earlier In the aeason eaa vonoh ror eveij statement w make. W a ana uaraamaio to clow out tho balance of our stock la order to wake room tor Muring purchases. Caruola Hair Clotli, forroorlj 75, now 65 Colored HtrRtB, " 0, now 25 Doable Width Poplins, " 40 now 30 Solid Blao Poplins, " 30, now 15 Coloruil Catilitiiuero, " 75,... now 65 Hootch riaiila, " 85, ....now 25 All wool Empress Cloth, " 75 now 45 SHAWLS, " :l 60 COATS' SPOOL COTTON fl wnts per Spool 80-Iuoh Fruit of tho Ijoom Shirting 12 cent per yard. 80-Inch SEA SIDE COTTON, 13 oonts per yard. Hootch GiuRhams, 11 cents per yard. 40 iuohes witlo Englmh Tnckinpr, 25 cents, A N audition at. iiiatMiitNTor 5 ran neiiT. will he eivna ore all sai.ks at time wilh the following esoeptlons: r leached and Unbleached Shirtings, Ulnghanis, up. Mil (lotion. Terms strictly Cask and Oa Price. BROWN & RODDICK, j-n m . ulu Mono i "One Price-Terms Cash" Rl. FRAESEC M BR., 17 aiurkct Ntroot. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Consisting of DooiMtio ami Fancjr DRY OOODS, Ready-Mado Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Oeuts Fnrn iahing Grwda, Notions, io. DEPARTMENT NO. 2, ConaiHting of Croekery, Chiua, OlaaHwara, Lamps, Lnuin tlooda, Ws, Platod Cutlery, sud Fanoy -' ' Artit'lim, tf A call Is rrspsetfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. M. FRANK & BR0., Market Street, J.- n " WILMINGTON, N. O. rsrr- At 853 00 per Ton, Cash, or f(50.00, ft NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.00, WE GUARANTEE that the previous nigh tirade R.R. BRmoERH, President I, MoKAR, Tirasurtr, . V. L, ORAKKUS, KU,etlntcndsnt. Jan B . USCELLANEOUS. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE' EXTENT Of OUR SALES. SIN0 WE RKMOIiVKD TO rKIX at prices that -ould surelv redone stock, it has re quired no salesmanship to sell our goods. Our Silks, Black Alpacas. Dress Coods, Bleached snd Unbleached Gooda, Table Cloths, Bleaohed Dd Unbleached, with Napkins, Blankets, Spreads, Sheetings, Flannels, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, , Collars, Handkerchiefs i , And a thousand other articles, are ght fn't, andlf vouare In want of any (roods anally found In a flrst-ciass nry uoous Bffr "' Is ths time to buy thim lrm the best stock in lite city, at prices never sold at before. Remember the Inducement Is offered only at the leading imy otitms hoitsb or BOSKOWITZ & LtEDER, 29 Market Street. Jan 10 . OFFICE Garflcn City Cinar Manufactory. NEW YORK. All Clgare at authorized ew York Factory prlnes. tonality guaranteed as represented. t he rheaiwst House In the State, and tho only onedrallnii eiolnsively In tMgars. CHAS. KASl'ROWICZ A BRO., ho. 9 Horth Front Street, dec 24-1 r Wilmington, N. U. , Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGISTS Offer to lbe trade a complete assortment tat reaonsble prices) of t are Drugs, Vino Chemi cal and Pharmaeeuiical Preparallons, togeth er with a large awortment of Uanlen Seed. t . We guarantee ihe purity of every artlole. No. 49 Market Street, Jan2t Wilmington, N. 0. To the Public. jLl WE ASK OF THB tVBUO IN general is to , PRICK OUR GOODS. " A Few More OVERCOATS v- y. ' Left ;r' r -. ' :' - ,..(' ' ' ; TO BR BOLD AT LESS THAN COST. DAYlDoV WEIL. n Jan 34 &ow$2 00 of rnrchsw. t'alicors and r Mo Matnplea Cut. 45 Market Street. m WE OFFEIt 0TJK 8TANDARDJFERTILIZERS For the Season of 1876, delivorod on tho Cars, at Out Factory, at tlie following t SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payallo 1st of NoTembef, next; -t- payable 1st of November next. of out Fertilisers shall be fall j Maktaixid NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY . WILMINGTON, N. C. 4-cod-dw4ra MISCELLANEOUS. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BT CRONLT St MORRIS. Assignee's Sale. ON TUESDAY, February td, 1870, at 1 o'clock A. M , I will loll at tbd sales rooms of Oronly Morris, thf LARGE IRON SAFI 0 the Wilmington Havlnjrs Bank. HENRY SATAGB. Asslinee. 0-Bt-Jan 23,24,WtScreb)l Jan 23 Screven House, R. BRAOLKT, ProprUtor, SAVANNAH, OA, , rjH18 LONB AND FAVORABLY KNOWlf House, pleasantly situated on Johnson Square, hiving been recently repainted and repaired, " nd having all of ttf department filled with competent, polite and attentive employee, offers to the traveling publlo cemforts ansar passed by any House In the Southern States. Parsentrers having Through Ticket and de siring to lay over at Screven Uou'O, will have Krev Transportation from the Rouse to Depota or Htearueisiu Screven Honee Omnibuses. deoM SOI-tm Swede Iron, Plov SteeF, Smith's Bellows, Screw Plates, Anvils, Sleilge Hammor. Hand Hammers, &. A large assortmoiit of the above goods eaa bo fouud at the olJ. eatobliahed Hardware Houao JOHH DAWSOW, IS, 30 and 21 Market St, Jan 3t - ; 811 Corn, Hay and Oats. 3j000 BUSHELS CORN i 1.000 ,l 0AT8' . ( , ' Bale. Eastern Hay, , t . kkhchKKR a calderbRos. Jan 21 IS Marshal's Office, r f CITY OP WILMINGTON', ) " ... .: Jantury 23d, 1875. , ' NOTICE, tlROM THIS DATE ATJOTIOHBrRS ARK prohibited selling Horses or Stock of any . kind In front of the City Market. Prlneese attest from the .astern line or r root street to thewestetnllneof Fourth street or Second ano l ntiu svinwfc, " w u av. -. v. Market and the southera line of (JbesUut Street,. are aesignnwu iur una yvw. , , By orderof. to Mator. , ' J.H.ROBI80H, . City Uvshat. JaaH