O il VOL XXIV.-NO. 28. wiumTGTon, n. c, Tuesday. February 2, 1075. WHOLE HO. G.7C2. 4 MVf II i III mm Hi hi i flu Jl.all? Journal. WILMEfOTON. N. C. TTOSlUT. FEB. 2. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. TIIE CITT CHAIITEII. THE HILL PASSED. Honor to Friends. si'SCKTj TO,TH JOCRNEL. Riixion, N. C, Fb. 1st. : The bill to amend the Charter of . the City of Wilmington passed its final reading jn the Honso to-da.v, after a , long and bard fight, and ia now a law. The election proTided for in the ait will, be Jield.OB the eleventh of March. Registration begin on the fifteenth and enda on the twenty-seventh of February. , . The epocial thanks of onr citizens are due, to.. Messrs. Bichardsan, of Columbns, and Walker, of Biohmond, lor the seal and ability displayed in the passage of ' the bill through the r HEADQUAUTEUS. THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES IN ' THE HOUSE. THE PACIFIC RAILROAD Ls COMMITTEE.;, MEXICAN WArTpENSION MEM- THE SENATE STILL CONSIDER. ..: 1 1. JNG LOUISIANA. A HARP FIGhTiNTHE HOUSE. . WAeHDiOTOir, Feb. 1 Noon Skk-ATB--A very large number of peti tion were 'presented against the restoration ol duty on tea and coffee, against Abe renewal of any internal taxation, and tot the repeal of the law of 1872, relieving certain foreign pro daotf ?l Id per eat datyv Referred td Comrnittte oh Finance. The first resolution offered in the House was one by Hale, of Maine, to amend the rules by adopting the fol lowing: ' "Whenever a question is pending before the House the Speaker hall not entertain any motions of a dilatory character except one motion to adjourn and one motion to fix the day to which the House shall adjourn, but the previous question on tlie en grossment and the third reading of bill joint resolution shall not be or-! doted during the first day of its con sideration unless three-fourths of the members present shall second the do- j mand; provided that this rule shall not apply to. the House resolution offered in. the morning hour of Mon day; And provided farther, that it shall not apply to any proposition to appropriate the money, the credit or other property of the United Stake exoept tlie tegular appropriation bills. jRacdall, ' ol Pennsylvania, made a point of order, which, after disous- aion, was overruled and the resolution waa referred to the Committee on Bales. " 11 ?.'"' ' The Senate Railroad Committee had a Ions; and rather excited session, but adjourned without action. The pro ceedings that have transpired give no plausible indication of the result, though the through line from ocean to ocean seems to have the most friends, the argument being that feeders will " oome of their own accord. There are many connecting schemes which Srevent the present and which may efeatthe final action. It is either Tom Soott, pare and simple, or nothing, t Washington, Feb. 1.- Night. Sbhats Piatt, of Indiana presented the joint resolution of the Indiana leg islature in favor of granting pensions to the surviving soldiers of the Mexi can war. Ordered to be printed and lie on in table. Pratt said this matter had been discussed by the committee but ne conclusion had yet been reach ed. He sent to the Clerk's desk and had read a letter from the Commis sioner of Pensions in answer to an in quiry addressed to bim by the Chair man of i the Committee, (Pratt) in which the Commissioner states the estimated number of inrvivors of the Mexican war is 85,604, and the estima ted number of widows of soldiers wno served in that war 12,600. Morton, of , Indiana, . presented a memorial signed by the oflioers of the National Christian Temperance Union and one hundred thousand other per sons,' against the manufacture, impor tation or sale of alcoholio liquors as a beverage in the District of Columbia. Norwood,' of Georgia, presented resolutions of the Legislature of that . 8tate condemning the Federal inter ference in Louisiana affairs. Ordered to be printed and lie on the table. . Soqtt,,iOf . Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Claims, reported baok several .'memorials for compensation for quartet master's stores taken by the army during the late war and the Committee-was discharged from fur ther loonsideratton of the same,' He said these claims , could have been filed under the statute before the Com missioners ef Claims before the time expired. As the bill wa now pending before Congress to extend the time for filing claims of thija . character, the Committee on Claim had deci ded to take so aetion on such, claims . until the policy of Congress on extend ing the time should be settled. The Senate then resumed the con sideration - of the resoltion of Mr. Bouuri, instructing the Judiciary Ctmmitiee to inquire what legislation 18 ueoefsary ty Congress to seoure to the people of Louifciaua the right of SiiU-governmcnt under the Constitu tion. West, of Louitiuua, and Morrill, of Vermont. jHke; Sergeant, of Califor nia, ha the floor for to-morrow. The President has not yet signed th' Little tariff bill. The Khedive's present to Sherman's daug'iti r ia held for duties, which are enormous. A delegation of colored men, headed by Fred lXm'aes, waited upon pro Di luent Republicans with a set speech that if t!ny retMKuized Kellogg and rejictedPiuohWack, tne colored people wouid regard it as an invidious dis tinction. The Premdent signed the bill to pay the iutoreHt on certain district Lotida. The debt statement ebons an in crease of 1,000.333 33 1 " the Treas ury; gold, gtiO.oOO.OOO; currency. ,$10 125.000., The Committee on Appropriations have agreed to the following items in the fin. dry civil bill for publie build iugiat tbe places named: Charleston, $151,000; Raleigh, $00,000. '1 lie Speaker then proceeded to the call of States for bills for reference, beguiuiug witli the bUte of Maine. Hale, ot Maine, iutroduoed a reso lution to change the rules of the House, by the adoption of the follow ing as a new rule: (Heretofore tele graphed). Oewna, of Pennsylvania, also offer ed a resolution to clituiire the rules, providing, m additiou to a rule aub etaiitiaJly the same as the one offered by 1 1 ale, of Maine, that the Jndioiary Committee muy report bills of a pub lic character on Tuesdays and Tlma days, aud that the liouae may, by a majority vote, dispense with further reading of the Journal ufter its lead ing shall have occupied 80 minutes. A point oi oider waa also made upon it by Randall, which was discussed and ever ruled, and the revolution was referied to the Committee on Rules. An appeal from the decision of the CLair was taken by Raudall and Deck. The Hppeul wai presented in written form as follows: "The undersigned take an appeal from the decision of the Chair, made this day, which permits the reading of House resolutions intended for referenco to the Committee on Rules, to the exolusiou of the busmen flint provided for to be proceeded with in rate 130. " Samtjki, J. Randall, "Jambs 11. Beco." Garfield objeoled to the prenentation of such a paper, setting out what tl e Speaker's decision was. . The Speaker reni'irktd that the ap peal was prtseutod in au nuusual way. He hud not decided that such resolu tions should bo received to the exclu sion of the biiKinetiB lirwt provided for. Raudall That is what I say in my appeal. The Speaker Fjiton. ithor the gen tleman from Penusjlvauia nor the gentleman from Kentucky (Beck) has a ri;ht to By so. The matter should go before tho Iiouso regularly. The paper presented is wholly unusual. After some further colloquy the Speaker stated that he bad reduced to writing his decision, which was; That a resolution to amend the rules may be read aud referred to the Committee on Rules during the first call of States in the morning hour of Monday, and that tuat constitutes notioe acoordiug to the usage of the House, and from that decision the . gentleman from Pennsylvania had appealed. - Raudal'i stuUiiiieut of appeal hav ing been hnuded back to him he stat ed that he hud not withdrawn it, and was informed by the Speaker that there was no ueceissity for withdrawing it, as the chair had not read it. An attempt at further discussion was defeated by loud calls for the reg ular order. Kasson, of Iowa, moved to lay Randall's appeal on the table. Agreed to: yeas 175, uayB 84, a strict pirty vote. The Louisiana resolution was then reft r-i d to the Committee on Ruler, Buth-r, of Mai-sacusettes, moved to suspend the rules, so as to allow the Committee on-Rules to report at the present time for the consideration i f amendments and action on any new iulosor changes of rules, and provid- ing ihtttdurmg the consideration and discussion of sucu report, and amend ments offered thereto, the Speaker shall entertain no dilatory motion whatever, and that discussion on ti e rules and amendments thereto shall not exceed one hour. There wei great excitement as the vote progress ed, and particularly when it became known that the necessary two-tLirds had not been obtained it lacked four of that number when the roll call was finished. Messengers were sent to Committee rooms to look for absent members, and every effort made ou the part of the majority to secure the necessary two thirds. Tho vote was announced a& yean 170, nays 8G, lesi than two-thirds in the atlh mative; no the motion was reject ed. The only exception to the vote being a strict party one was that Sener, of Virginia, a Republican, voted no. His vote the other way would have curried the motion. Butler, of Massachusetts, moved to suspend the rules so as to authorize the Committee on Rules to report im mediately after the reading of the journal to-morrow the changes or amendments to the rules, and provid ing that during the consideration of such report no dlttory motion what ever shall be eutertuiued by the Speaker, aud that all debates theron snail oeaxe within one hour after the report shall be made. Eldridge, of Wisoonsiu, moved an adjournment, which was negatived by yeas and nays. The vote was then taken on Bntler's motion,' aud amid muoh excitemtnt it was rejeoted 1 j a vote of ji'a 173, nyn 80 not u two-thirds vote in the affirmative. .". Sener, of Virginia, was the only Re publican who voted in the negative. -Oartiold, of Ouio, then moved to take a recess till 10 o'clock to-mor row morning. . Elridge. of Wisconsin, suggosted that inasmuch as the majority could do what it liked, the recess be till 12 o'clock to-morrow, and that all to morrow's session be considered as that ef Monday, so that the majority might do all the miscbieflt chose. UaraeMs motion was adopted. Tears, 167; nava, bo. The Bouse, at 8 o'clock, took a re eess till 10 o clock to-morrow morning, when Monday's session wiU be re sumed. EUiiurn. CALEB AND ALPHONSO HAVE ARRANGED THE VIRQINIU9 MATTER. FIXINQ THE TERM OF THE FRENCH PRESIDENT. THE BIGGEST LOCK-OUT ON BECORD. Madrid Feb. 1 Noon. The Epoca says : Mimster (Juitbing and the Minis ter of roreign Affairs nave reached so mioable understanding for the com peusation of the families of the Vii ginius' vieiims. Decrees have been is sued permitting the press to ditoass tie acts of the niinistry.forbidding at tacks on royalty ana religion and pro bibitiug the publication of intelligence wnicn may txs serviceable to tne (Jtrl int. Newspapers which have been visited with the penalty of suiDeosion three times shall be wholly suppressed for a fourth offence. A great effort is being made to se cure an armistice with the Carlisle. The Alfousist General insist oa the relief of Pampelune as the first pre liminary, then to lemain in ttatuqua until the submission or the Carust, with or without the oonsent of Carlos. Paris, Feb 1 Noon. The Amend ment passed by a rote ot 633 to 552 that the President shall be elected by a majority of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The Presidential term to be seveu years and the President oan be re elected. The Left are now striving to obtain a favorable vote on the entire constitutional bill in order to obtain the indirect recognition of the republio. . . Sas SssASTiAit, Feb. 1 Noon. The captain and crew of the Gustave has Lbeon released. . . . London, Feb. 1 Noon. One hun dred and twenty thonsaud miners are idle by a look-out in South Wales. Six thousand shipwrights of New Cas tle -on-the-Tyne have stmok. VrsitNA, Feb. 1 Noon. The Pope thanked Francis Joseph for the consid erate application of the eoolesiastioal laws. . tfoun, Feb. 1 Noon. Garibaldi in formed the King that he did not some to Borne with political intentions bnt to forward tne material welfare of his constituents. ELECTR1C1SMS. A disastrous strike at the cotton mills at Fall River seems inevitable. The owners have proposed to pay one third of the ten per eent reduction. The weavers refuse anything but foil pay. Three great mills must atop. There is great exoitement The steamship Monteanma, ashore at Key West, is badly damaged. , xtusb Burgess, Collector of Internal Revenue at Richmond, Vs., found a dead negro under his poreh. He fired a wild shot, at a thief in his dining room. The coroner's jury justifies Burgess, t- ' The steamship Japan was bnrned when one hundred and fifty miles from Hoi g Kong. She is supposed to have foundered in sixteen fathoms of water. Divers will be sent to save the speoie and valuables. The maohine shops of the Memphis Railroad, at Augusta, Ark., hare been burned. Loss J30, 000. U0T1IAM. HALF A MILLION STOLEN AT ONE HAUL. TJLTON ON THE STAND. A MONSTER CORRUPTION FUND. Niw Yobk, Feb. 1 Noon It is stated that Adams' Express safe from Richmond, Vs., disappeared era route from i ibis depot tothe" offloe here.It contained nearly half a million, more than half of whioh was curenoy. This occurred a week ago. Nbw Yobb., Feb. t Night Tilton took the stand under instruction Q testify on his own behalf, bnt the con fldential disclosures made to him were inadmissable. The Sun, nnder the hi ad "A Mon ster corruption f and of 'eleven millions," in connection with the Memphis, Elpaso and Paoifio Railroad, publishes live columns. The Sun says the records of the Company show this. A reduction of 10 per cetiHiy the New York Central A Hudson Railroad was quietly submitted to by the employes. LOUliSlAlUr S OME PROSPEOT OF A COMPBO MISE. New YoRK.Feb. 1. The Times New Orleans special says the Congressional Committee are endeavoring to efleot ft compromise. It involves the seating of the five members expelled by bay onets, the election of a Speaker, other than WiltE, the recognition of the Kellogg government, and harmonious aotion with the Radical Senate. ; Mo Enery and Penn will not be parties to the compromise.'' s Another proposition waa the recognition of Kellogg aa Governor and Fenn as Lieutenant Governor. The leading members of both parties are sanguine of some sort oi compromise. John Damson Hu In ttors and te arrlva BOO Mow (of all klndi : T Tom fit w Cwtlnin. S Colli lotfea Plow Lion. Mi Piln Ttms Chla. 40 Doaw C iiriMl Hmi. toO Uowb Wtadlna Hora. no Doian Miori anl Spade, l or mi at the 10, 11 nsvrket ttswet. jMlll S. SPECIAL. The KlatMJclUr,ilhaUtada'4. will at totter and Urn ft thaa aa; r-rvth'tftr trjtoi. narveleas Byoatl Frc4wt It ih.irotorsOXOIONT apoa th wlul eeaoar of lb stoats, ktfplsf Ik iunt nwr sad healthy, ta txth la prfol ontar, itviaf to IL breath a balmy fniranoa. Haay valoabl hartrt dl from th tWtet of euiie. to BtN iBiug w o ib cm huh kla4 It to war botu a4 JobMOB't Aml)r LlnlBWt lptloo Boka jusk boll It, Kid half plotof Boltwrt tod wtter, llitn cur lUe vhol duwn in horM'i tbruau la Ua biib la ia kon wUI btflh to t. i PattoB' Parg ttlv Pill will pt'y rllT, If Dot tnilrtlr ar, dTplB, ba rf. thiog ln li t. Tbrv b boUled la torn airatt cr, ami b.r gWn Bar rtlitf tbaa nj ovutr andloln. SeaarR'a Pvnomo Svacr. Ssa Wain Toaiu, ad MitiAii Pill. Thwe dtwrt dlr olbratd b1 ioiulu nitdlrlnw btr rf. factod a molauoa Ib tk hetlin art, and p-ea th fallacy of rill rniiuu aktoli bat for many yiartobaiiuotrd tbt prof of roKtlcal ulruee. Tb fl tuualUoii thai 'OonxmtlOB I tm arabl " Urtertad lk;M olaa lion atunipttii to Bud rmelw fur Uit diaea. aod failmitt fflicUdiikUr onr.id thBwUtt death llhiut making aa titbit to aoai from a doom ablch ibty Uputrd I h Btroldabla. It It bow roJ, hoTr, that ibaraaiBtiM turn at twtwd, and Uat t Aa mo eared In a ry T" BUBibw of cato (tomofihm aiarenily dr.usralt onti) bt SrhtBokt PbIbvibI Srrup alon; and in othm eat br tb tarn' niedtcm In counaolloa with Scbenck' Bea Wed Tonlo aad atandrak Plilt, onvar both, aoeordlng to th rtoulr BBttof I ha eat. lr. erbenek blmarlf, who nJod Bnlnter rnpted goud baalth for aiort tbaa ft IT )n. aiaipiimt,aontlm, to b at th very gat of death, bl puyttctani harln ptoni.unc. d hit rat htipelrta and abaodoned hi tu to bit fata. Ut waa cured by tb aforiwald mtdl. eintt, aad, tmre bit rtory, nany thiiaiaiiibi alnllarly aftortwl bar nikd Dr. Mclienck't preparation with tb MB runarktbl iuc- ot. Pall dtreetloBt aeeoBpaBy each, waking It not abwlutely neoraury to wronally tea llr. Sohtnek unli iitlmu with tbtlr In ig ri Blnrd, and fortlil iBrpoK b It nolnTjui ly t hit prtnelpal office, corner Hlitb and Airh ttreeu, Philadelphia, every Monday, where ail lettrrt for ad trice biiI b addrewetL Hchtnck'l nedldnet art told by all draggltt. Jaa 7-lm:d&w DIED. Oa Topcall Bonurt, on th Slat nit., tr rotracud lick una, DAVID K. fl'TCH. iged It yeirt, I moaltit and If deyi. HI BBBron irlend art lu?ltd to attend hi laneral, wklah will be preirhtd by th Vav.W.fe. Ulack, P.K., at hi old rildBC to-day, at 11 o'clock A. M. Troly a goad aa hafallen;on who kind ly aplrft, Itrrrnt pitty and biameleet life Bad hUa btlortd by all with puml and dt lore, ror over fot ty ytar bt wa niraber of tht MathodM Church, erfurlng by bit tarty walk that he wa a taftbtu! rtillor of hit Lord, trlcken down by a milady that btftlod mtdl oal tklll anil the lornigalunUonof hit children aud mtndt, h awaited, with tb moat Bneoa plalalug rtdgnatlon, btbiovd MaMw'leall. 1 be benefae or of tb neady, tna tounttloref tb yoang, th afreottanat fatbei aa fallhfal frleo-l, tl ufeful eulten end uiumpbant Ohrlitl n, hat laid htt harden duwn, leaving to hi faally and bl friend th hallowed Barao l Ut of proto d and t tb world tbtlr Inealonlabi infloai for god. He ha ion U a Bantoat Land, bearing with blra fleto rlott riiTe, to drink In foroer tb iwert niasUi of HTn tat to b crewntd with that lorloni reroaal which th rdwlllgWhla PaiBBD IEW ADYEETI8EHZIT8. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY KVENIIIO," fmb' 4th- MELAJSTGhE, Conatetlng of Ilusic and Tableaux! FOR THE BENEFIT Df THE POOR. Door i pea at t e'otock. Ptrforman to b jaataiaaiatB, oa avnw f trr- . t - -ctuit Boi aht opea at Htlmberger't Book Star oa Wtdnttday. fob I -a TOBACCOS. w E HATE ON HAND AND TO ARBITE a general aiaar t mentor Pinii and Fine-Cut Toliaccos, BNUFF," CIGARS AND PIPES. wb-a m Millns PI vara rVnm the wall known factory of tb Oily or cbirchti, to wbtah w In v!t tpet Inl attention. Prion gutr anited to tuil Caah Buyer. S3 Iil-A.niCET STREET, Sooth Bide, Had of Uarkat Horn. D. PICOTT. Wadttboro Herald copy 1 nnntb. febl "-tf New Crop Cuba Molasses, BBCOMDCABGOf 280 HHI"' ritH0" 1,"W" Ia,D" IMU, x Brig John Plre, from Havana. for Sal by, Y70BTH a WORTH. . , ts-aactl febl Sweet Cider, In Any Des;red Quantity, from A BARREL TO A PINT, ALWAYS ON HAND! CHAS. D. MTERS A CO., 81 North trout It Colman's English Mustard, In Glass Bottles; - COLMAN'S ENGLISH MUSTARD, In Sqnare Tins; CHAS. D. MTERS & CO., 6 4 7 North Front Bt, Hazard's Maltese Cross TOMATOES, Full Solid Weights. FINEST GOODS PACKED. CHAS. D. MTERS A CO., O urtd 7 iorth Front febl , a-w Anctioir Sale rphMday (THRSDATLat 10 o'clock A. M . A wa wHi tell, at our Salei Hoorot, South ator treot, for and on account of whom It may concern, 10 BOXES TOBACCO, : 61 BAGS CHE8NUTS, AND BARRELS APPLES, FLOUR, CROCKERY, A STAB EARTH a : ! CLOSET, Ao. fiOKLT MOHBH, AaMonrt. Mil ' XSW AIYISTISXai5Tl The Annual Meeting OP TBS SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON TTTM11 bt held thl (TrHrAT) Tnlrg,tjl II clck, in to ntinei. . Q. WOHTH, ortttrv. f.b I U It 02,000. Ivnaa fa tuna ai.w" v' rifim U ob tat ba.tBe Ib Iblt Slal or wauld luaa tblaamouit, If aaaurfd with auvlcta oa BittMBM taiary. acaraas Al Offlo of Un f eper Strayed or Stolen. w 8CnAT MORNIrtfJ t-AT, a yel- j low and whit scrrKH rurri.auout Ihra Bantb old. He auiwert tu name nf Meak. Any vne ratnralng klm will be paid ri Dollar, aad a ,omiio atata. hOHWOOU OILKS. fb t SI TUKIhG AND REPAIRING PIANOS. JIMKPH TXKCK, from OoltmWi. 9. 0 . wlllrrmtla one or two day la Wllmlug- tun ta Tna aad Repair flaaeo. Older left at Helinhergert Hok Mtor will Bret wlib proupl alUuitua. febl W-lta Wanted, TWO NO. I LAUNDERS. Jgoard tort ltbed and BployBot piaaiint. V bit MBrfrr4. Apply at iHid orrici. lib! ti li Auction Sale. THIRTY HORSES AND MULES. I will tell, Fib. 4th, 0 o'clock A.M., obo.e aU'Ok noree and Male. PrtHi In wint will di weil to Btttnd th Sl In ftont Old Ovautyjitl. a.KAUMWKII KH, Aactloueor. feb SK Yalnalile Horse, Bem and Harness, AT AUCTION. TbttaiytrUEHnAY) at 10 o clock A M wa will Mil, In front of our Sale Imm, a Toong grey Moite, ounJ Bd gentle, wen ami raTotably known an of th t.-t famllp boi In th i,, wuh Bnggy and UarntM CKUM.T AktOKKtl, Auttlontar. frbt t-t JPWP "asass aaaaaaiaaBaBaBi MI-CELLANtOUS. Reading for All! TARNAPUS.-, By Emerson. "Waldfried." A Novel by Auerbaoh. "From My Youth Up." By Harland. "Wanderings of a Vagabond By Morris. "Hulda." AftfrtheGermanbyWister. "Hitherto." A etory of Yeaterday, by Whitney.. ,,,.,,...;..... "Child of the Tide." "South Meadows." By Dissoway. All for sale at THE CITY BOOKSTORE, By CONOLEY A YATES, 47 Market Street, taatl It V NEW CROP Cuba Molasses I A CABCO OF OKCHHDi. PttlMK grjALITT DAILT EXPI0TED. For sale. In hit to tuit by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON jauW . . S3 Horse Blankets, addled. Harnera. Trnnkt. Travcllns Rail Collar, Uridine, Heme. Trao (,'halnt, Willi., Spurt, Horn Hnwhei, Feather button, tnd a vnnaral aaiortmeut of M.ddlerr sood-at theap at gooduf tap qua lu can b bouyht in th Slat. J. 8.TOPHAM 4 0O. n-n-u BOVlT New Novels. JNOIDriiC Hy Oeorge A. Uwrenra, nAuAntnc. Aaihr w u.u.g. mo ue," "hau; Morel," "Maorlo During?' &o. , &o. At the 8lgn of the Silver Flagon. By B. I PABJkoa, aut'ior of "Blade-O' QraM,'' "Golden Uraln," " Jeatl Trim," "Tb King of No Laud," ttrir," "London'tHaart," Ao., Ac. Portal at HEINSBERCER'8 Llr Book aud Wual 8 lore, an 10 30 For Sale! A N KITE A SADDLE AND FA IB A Harneri Hon very low. Par tie, within g to purohiM will apply at thltoffloe for Information. . Jan M t6 4t ( A RAM CHANCK. V AT M FEB CEST. BBLUVT COHT, 0 nw Chlekerlog Piano -In itfect order. Ap ply at thd otBoe, Jan SO f f l-4t IN STORK AND TO ARRIVE. OKA KKOS r-AIL", Heft Brandt; BOO aVUV Plawe, Tone Oittingi, s Tom now r-it.n, all tlaet; TontSweedee not, tnurted; RA uoil. t'etton Hone, 100 Do, tow Btlla. Ao., -. All abor for tali at Kock nottom Prior, at the New Malwvre) Mare of GILES MCKOHMOJI n II North Promt Street PRINTING th aott iaaal US ATI, V K1KCUTS1) at lb ,hortett notle and oa raaablteiBiattlio rvaKHA trnv SEW ADVZSTISIZiTS. OP FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MAEKET STEEET. ETRRT AKTIOI.raUlTABI.KPOH WIN tt.H WPAK HAS Bf EH MARKED HOWJ. Ha.ln( nodnelra In altreprvarnt ellhrr U'HKlaor rrloea, we call the attent ia el all our p.l'ona totht method we harecf aakdiiH li. on a nuia is n,i r ni'Bta o that pur. ebaxr ean era f r th'mtclT'Hi Juenotly how miwb of a reduction hit b'ta made. Ml HU' H OPPOHri'NITY batarer been i"rrrd Intbitrtty at ANY 1IN. 1 Our Haitv iTun and th.ae who bar laTurnl nt wtlh a call earttcr In lb tratoa can roach for ereiy .taiem.nt w make. W am niTtuamio to olote ont th balane of onr itock In order to'makt lui m tor Si ring parobiMa. Camels ITair Cloth, formerly 75, IXilored Herges, Donble Wiilth Toplina, Holid Blue Poplin, Colored Caaheiucro, Hootch 1'laida, All wtMil Euipreas Cloth, 8HAWL8. 40 30, 75 an, 73 93 60... COATS' HrOOL COTrON ceuta pt r llOluoh Emit of the Jxiom Hhirlinp- J J 80-Iuch SEA HIDE COTTON, 13 cnta per yard. 8ctoh Oinnhama, 11 oonta per yard. ( , 40-inohea wide English Tucainx, 25 eenls. ' AN .HTHIKL DiaontlRT ot n fin iit. win with the following ttoepliuuu rileacbed and aptHii i;ofinti. 'Sartaa atrletly t'aaa and Oa Price. r Me Nam plea Cat. , BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market' Street. Jam . .11 01 "One Price-Terms Cash'" Rii. FRAS5EC & BR., 17 3Iiirkot Htr;et. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Constating of Do'meatie end Fancy DRY OOOD3, Itcttdy-Mnde Clothing, Hhoes, Ltata, Oeuts Fnrn itihiiiK Ooodn. Notion. Ao. i DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Oonaiating of Crockery, China, Qhaaware, Um, LBmpOooda, Vaaoa, Plated Cutlery, and Fanoy ' Article. - bW A call tl rotptotrallf tollctud, and tatltltethia gnarantscd. M, FRANK & BR0., Market Street, j.v AV1LMINGTON N. C. i-r luaaa.. .. . j .jm L , t j 7--. At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $(10.00, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, A A Ann rn m JT 1 anrt r . a a m m b . W ' At siKi.uu per on, vaan, or $sa uu, WE OCAHANTKI that th prevtoui nigh Urart R. B HKIOOr.UM, PmMent II. McrtAK, Tiemnrer, O. L. UHArFLlN, Mnirlntrdent. Jan 6. SOLUBLE FAR1I0 CO.; CAPITAL, 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for alo, either for CASH or on CROP TIME, Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warehouse prices. W.' II. McRAUY & CO. CommUtlon Mercbanti, Agent for Paolflo Guano Co., and IMaleri In N". 1 Prrovlnn Guano, NoBTti Watbb Strket, F. w. niRo V. HAHAirl,. jann --- - V MISCELLANEOUS. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. SINOB WE BKKOI.VKD TO PKLI. at prlcei that onld rurely reduce ttork. It hat re q aired ao laleimanehlp to tell our good. Our Silks, Black Alpacas. Dress Goods, Bleached and Unbleached Goods, Table Cloths, Bleached and Unbleached, with Napkins, Blankets, Spreads, Sheetings,' Flannels, Hosiery, ' Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Collars, Handkerchiefs And a thoumnd other article, are (rnlrg faM, tnd If o are la want nf any good utnally found In a Crt-ela Dry Oood Sreek, note latlir time to buy tlim Irora the beetatnok la lb etty. at prloei never told at bafor. n4 , Bem.mer tb Inducement ls ollertdonry at th leading IBT GOODS U0tT3' OP 008KOWITZ& LIEDCR, 29 Market Street. Jaall 65 25 30 15 65 25 45 ..now$2 00 Spoot. cent per yard. n nlTwa or At I. inn at time of narclittc. I'nblvacbed hhlrtlugt, Ulngbama, vaiKori and MOTTO I . .now ..now ..now ..now ..now ..cow ..now WEOFFEll OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the ftuaaou of 1875, delivered on the Csrs, at Onr Fsetory, at tba following IlIi:iUCIi:i PHICEH z SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable lit of November, next: payaoio 1st ot November next. ef our reitlllnrt thall be fnlly II aimi Aiaao NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WIUHinulUS, N.U. -rod-dAw4m Sub-lgcnts : ...........Old Hundred, N. O ;.. Mirlnti. a. O Z7vmdAw r-r aaiaa eaAASA aVaVht . MUbw" aa. LiaMaWkSAilb.: MISCELLANEOUS. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY (JBONLT A K0SRI3. Assignee's Sale. ON TUKSDAY,, Febl nary Id, 1876, i o'clock A.M., I will ii at tbd iilsroomi Oronly Morrl, tb LARGS 1BON BAFE i th Wilmington SavlnK Bank. , ; 1 - HENBt S AVAGH, Jn2J 3-Rlan 2,i4,iiireb Marshal's OUce. , CITY OF WILMINGTON, ) ; i ; January 23d, 1875. J ivorrxois. i . , - ... FROM THM D.Tlt AOCTIONE R ARB probllillad miKbh Moratt or tttorkofany kind In front ul' the City Urkt. Prince nCeetfrum the eartorn line or front trei to th we.tern line of Fourth Mrret or Mentnd d Third ftreote, between the northern line of Mirkrt aid th-t routhern line ol' Cheetnot ttrcrts are dealgnaled far thie iiuriioie. Bt order kttlnor. J.H.BOBt'SON. VtJ Warthal JaaM V&- - ..J d.ja.',

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