X A s 1 rr v lit IP i f f. I VOL. XXIV.-NO. 29. WIUUHGTON, IT. C.f WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1875. : WHOLE HO. 6,703. if fin: li - f 1 i n i mi Cdf ?ia!in jfottrnnl. WILMINGTON, N. O.: WEBV&.SDAI. FIB. 3. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUARTERS. pnT.vnsi nun t.aw at trnuv BLOODY BROOKS. OP ARKAN SAS, rRESK NTS 1113 PETITION. THE NEW RULE ADOITED. UNFAVROABLE REPORT ON NORTH CAROLINA RESOLU TIONS. Washwgtoj, Feb. 2 Noon-A. 0. Buell, of the St. Louis Republican, baa been notified by tbe Diatriet At torney, under orders from tbe Bureau Of Justice, , that he was , wanted in Washington, for slandering Zaok Chandler. The proceedings are uder Poland's B0.tr law. Buell cave hail and tbe best of lecal talent bos volun teered to test the legality of the law. Senator ClaytoD, of Arkansas, pre sented a memorial from Jos. Bmk, of Ark., stating that he was ..ltioud Governor of that State in 1872, that tbe State Government had beeu usurped by force aud fraud, aud ask ing that he be reooguized by Congress and protected by the Constitutional Government in that State. Reforied to Committee on Privileges and Elec tions. ... 'After nearly three hours, spent in fruitless efforts to have the rules sus pended and the new rule pushed, a motion was carried by a majority of one, to suspend the rules aud allow the Committee on Rules to report now. Garfield thereupon reported from the Committee on Roles a new rule prohibiting ' dilatory motions. The Ilonse is now considering it Washington, D. 0. Feb. 2 Night. After an exciting debate, in which the Speaker took part as a member of the House, a new rule was adopted, 171 to 85, which forbids dilatory mo tions on any qnestion, except propo sitions to appropriate the money, cred it or other property of the United States, but provides that the previous question shall not be seconded on tho first day that a bill is under consider tion except by two-thirds vote. At the close of the proceedings Randall, of Pennsylvania, and Cox. of New York. resigned as members of the Committee on Rules. Logan, from the Committee on Mil itary Affairs, reported baok Clayton's bill to protect each State in the Union against invasion and for other purposes and moved that it be referred to the Committee on Judiciary. So ordered. Wright, of Iowa, from the Commit tee on Civil Service and Retrenchment, reported favorably on the bill to pro-1 viae for the reduction of salaries from the time therein named. Calen dar. He gave the notice that he would call up the bill and urge its passago at the earliest opportunity. Fenton, of New York, from the Committee on Finanoe, reported un favorably on the various resolutions of the North Carolina Legislature for the repeal or modification of the internal revenue laws, in -fa?or of the repeal of the tax on tobacco and iu favor of refunding the direct taxes levied and collected upon lands in that State; in 1865, and tbe Committee was discharged from their further conside ration. Sargeant, of California, who had Obtained the floor to speak on Louisiana affairs,w&s taken suddenly sick ana oouia not proceed to-aay. Sherman, of Ohio, submitted a reso lution instructing tbe Judiciary Com mittea to inauire and renort whether there is now ju loroeany itcror icgmi lation under wnicn tbe authorities of the District of Columbia are empow ered to prosecute and suppress noto rious gambling establishments, and ;if there is not such legislation to report a bill to confer snob powers. A greed to. In seconding the resolution, Sher man - said he knew nothing of this matter himself, but from what he had seen in the newspapers there existed establishments in this oity which were a publio scandal and in violation of the laws of any State. Windom, of Minnesota, presented a preamble and resolution, agreed up on by eauouB yesterday, instructing the Committee on Commerce to insert in the River and Harbor Appropria tion Bill such sums as in their judg ment oan be judiciously and econom ically expended during the next &cal year upon improvements named in the premable published this morning. Ordered to be printed and lie on the table. He gave notice that at an early day he wonld ask the indulgence of the Senate to consider the same and to submit some remarks thereon. Norwood, of Georgia, presented a memorial from citizens of Charleston, S. C, in favor of the incorporation of the Eastern A Western Transportation Company. Referred to Committee on Commerce. Alcorn, of Miss., called up his resolution requesting the Attornsy General to furnish a report of Clinton relative i to the - charges against the U. 8. Attorney and U. 8. Marshal for the Southern District of Mississippi, and had it referred to u v aavax'tnaj wiuvn.Vi The Ilonse bill to authorize "the Beneoas.a nation of New York Indians, to lease lands within the Calturangus and Allegany reservations, and to con firm existing leases, was discussed the balance of the day, and passed. Milwaukee No election; Carpen ter, 69.' n 1 ..!. TV.lt - . TIT-II - nA. vjunricnwjwu ut-iiui. iv Bluer, zu; Camden, 22; Swaun, 10; Brannon, 12; .i'f N, 13; scattering, i. EUROPE. THE ARMY OF THE NORTH STILL ADVANCING. EXTRADITION TREATY GERMANY. WITH Madrid Feb. 2 Noon. The Army of the North continues to advance, taking Morreal and Lerga. .Relief from Pampelnna is considered cer tain. Tile CarlibU abandon the route without resistance. Seirauo Las returned. A great I council of tbe Carlos loaders was held, and JJon Carles pi rsia-.Hl. London, Feb. 2 Noon. John Bright presides over ttie liberal can cus. Great Britain declines to send dt legates to St Petersburg National Code Convention, alleoiiitf that no practical resu ts are possible. Pakw. Feb 2 Noon. The Amend ment forbidding the President to as sume chief command, was met by tho assurance that McMahon would reBign if debuired from drawing his sword iu defence of the country. The amend ment was withdrawn. The anietd meut giving the President power to dissolve deputies is pending. Bekm. Jan. 2 Noon The Fed eral cnuucil empowers Bismarck to conclude the extradition treaty with the United States. - London, Feb.2 Night The Tarra gona, from New Orleans for Barce lona, waft spoken, she being disabled. It is stated the Empress of China, while overwhelmed with grief, suici ded. Berlin, Feb. 2-Night The Ultfa montaties resolwd to run the Bishop of radorborn, for Parliament, from Briton, Westphalia; ELECTHICIS3IS. The timely disoovery of a chain neross the tr.ck of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Paoli, Pennsylvauiu, vr -veuted a frightful accident. The probuble object was plunder. Re ported tampering with switches on (he Reading Railroad. No disaster. Road men doubled aud doubly vigi lant. At Fall River the Granite and Cres cent mills hare stopped. Merchants mill stops to-day. The Weavers' Union ha decided to send 1,000 wea vers back to England. In the Legislature, at Harrisbnrg, upon a question of order, a noisy Re publicau was ordered under arrest when the Republicans attempted to rescue hira. Imbioile pistols were ex hibited. In the midst of the commotion the Speaker adjourned the house. Tilton resumed his romanoe. Elizabeth was piesent. I.t'V. Jno. Scarborough was conse crated Bishop, in BurltDgton, N J. The ceremonies were imposing and the crowd immense. ALABAMA. POSTPONEMENT OF THE SALE OF THE CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. MARDI GRAS. Mobile, Feb. 2 Night The sale of the Chattanooga Railroad was post poned to-day by the Special Master and Commissioners till the seoond Moinlny, the 8fn of March next. SUaugers visiting the Mobile Mardi Gr.is will be hansomely entertained by Felix citizeus generally. The day aud night parades cannot be excelled any where. All the railroads will is sue Lalf-ra'e tickets. Ouni.en.i rum the Raleigh Ne. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. FORTY-THIRD DAY. THE Februabt 1, 1875. Mr. Graham, bill to incorporate the North Oiiiolimi State Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. Referred. -MkJiV aiga--biJmi llw Joifijy. Committee on the Publio Debt, com prising several amendments to the bill committed to the Committee. Ordered to be printed. . THE t'8UB BILL. The usury bill coming up as unfin ished business, Mr. Shaw took the floor in f ivor of adopting stringent usury laws, and in answer to the posi tion taken by Mr. Busbeeon Saturday. Pending the discussion, further con sideration was postponed until to morrow. Mr. Waring arose to a question of tersonal piivilege. The Wilmington Journal, editorially, had reflected upon his action in wishing to grant to the Senator from New Hanover the time he asked to consider the bill to amend tho charter of the city of Wil mington. This was only a matter of justice and courtesy to a Senator in the minority upon this floor when questions of much importance to the citizens of his county are being con sidered, and he should always vote to extend this courtesy. He had not been uufrieudly to the bill in question, as his vote showed, nor was he unfriend ly to the city of Wilmington. His friendship for that city had dated many years I ack, and he bad ' now at his homo a valuable set of silver ser vice presented to him because of ser vices he hud rendered in behalf of the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, and he did not wish to be understood to-day as opposed to any thing that would tend to promote the interest of the city of Wilmington; but he did not think he should be required to deprive another Senator of that right which ordinary justice demand ed in order to prove this friendship or his frieudship for any other section of the State. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, By Mr. Norment, a petition from the brothers of Henry Berry Lowre.v asking a prohibition law for certain localities in Robeson county. i Bv the same, a edition from mem- bers of Ashpole Baptist church asking a repeal of the prohibitory law for said church. By Mr. Barnett, a bill to incorporate tne Norfolk, lloxboro and Greensboro rauroad. Referred. By Mr. Shackelford, a bill to pre vent tne sale of spirituous liquors within two miles of Prospect Church in New Hanover oonnty. Referred Senate resolution requiring the burning of, or otherwise destroying all canceled bonds and coupons in the Treasurer s office passed. House bill to amend chapter 85, section 109, Battle's Revisal in regard to salaries and lees passed its read iugs. The first special order the bill to amend tbe adultery act, was on mo tion, re-committed to Uio Committee. The seoond being the bill in relation to the sue of tbe Western .North Car olina Railroad, was postponed till to day On motion of Mr. Walker, of Rich mond, tbe bill to amend the chat ter of tbe city of Wilmington was taken up. Mr. Walker advocated the bill as being an act of justice to the tax-pay- tug population of that oity. The .three colored Representatives. Lloyd, Brewingtou and Moore, and Mr. Boyd opposed it as being unjust to the whole people of that citv. Several amendments were offered. bnt all rejected, and the bill passed its readings by a strict party vote, 69 voting in the affirmative ana 81 in the negative. Polaone.. 1 Death. A healthy liver secretes each day about two aud a half pounds of bile, winch oontains a great amount of waste mateiial token from the blood. When the liver becomes torpid or congested, it fails to eliminate this vast amount of noxious substance, whioh, therefore. remains to poison the blood and be conveyed to every part of the system. wnat mast be the oonu.it ion of the blood when it is receiving and retain iug each day two and a half pounds of poison ? Nature tries to work off this poison through other channels and orgaus the kiducys, lungs, akin, eto.; but these organs become overtaxed in performing this labor, in addition to their natural functions, and oonnot long withstand the pressure, but be come variously diseased. The brain.which is tbe great electri cal centre of all vitality, is unduly stimulated by the unhealthy blood whioh passes to it from the heart, and it fails to performs its office healthful ly. Hence the symptoms of the poison ing, whioh are dullness, headache, in capacity to keep tbe mind on any sub ject, impairment of memory, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous feelings, gloomy forebodings and irritability of temper. The blood itc(f being diseased, as it forms the sweat upon the surface of the skin, is so irritating and poison ous that it produces discolored brown spots, pimples, blotches and other eruptions, sores, boils, carbun cles and scrofulous tumors. The stomach, bowels, and other organs spoken of, cannot escape becoming af fected, sooneror later, and ooativenefS, piles, dropsy, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, fe male weakness, snd many other forms of chronio disease, are among the ne cessary results. As a remedy for all these manifestations of disease, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with small daily doses of his pleasant Purgative Pellets are positively un equalled, By them the liver and stomach are changed to an active and healthy state, the appetite regulated and restored, the blood and secretions thoroughly purified and enriched, and the whole system renovated and built up anew. Sold by all first-class drug gists and dealers in medicine. SPECIAL. Tbe Klmwood eolUr.witb all U-.atfg.ito dad, will It better and wear lot-gar than any other, Prore th'i by trjlni. Marvelous Bayatua Precedent ' Is the (fleet of SOZODONT upon th. who). eccnomy of (be noutb, keeping tb. gnmiroey MMi healthy , tb. toetb In perfect order, giving w 1140 ur.a a ctaimj iregruice. Many taloable liorMt die from th. .Sect or colic. 1 he beet fliiit-f Ui ilo In a mm of tlila W iid f to jSonr i tottl. of tloen. on Aoodrue Ldnimeni into . tool nec.ea J una uottie, Ma ball iilntof a-olWKa end water, then ponr the whole down the huree'e throat. In ten min ute th nor, will begin to eat. Par n's PurgtMre Pill will great'y rellere, If not entirely care, dyejiepela, when everr thing .1. fall. They baf been tried In totue deierate cane, and live glteu more relief than any otu.r medietas. Scbssok's PtaBomo htscp. Sia Wkso Tonic, ikd Makomakk Pill. Tueeedeaerr edly celebrated aud popular medicine hT. ef feeted a rerolullon in tb. healing art, and Iiroten the fllcy of tvr mxiin wbioli ire for many year obmruoted th. progree of medical science. The fxlee upimalUou that "Oniimptlon I incurable" dtfrred phi citna from attempting to Snd reraedte for that (lin rane, and iliuUaiHietd with It reconciled theniHelTt'R to dealh without making an .Abu to escape from aduom which they loppoMd to be unavoidable. It I now proved, how.ver, that Vmtumplim can Ik cured, and that It a been cured In a very great anmbw of eaae (some of them apparently detperat. one) by Brhenclf Pulrouic Strap alone; and in other cane by the same niedlcin. In connection with Seheiick' Hea Weed Tonlo and Manrtrak. Pill. , one or both, according to th. reqalra menu of the can. Dr. Ncbenck hlmnlf, who enjoyed uninter rupted good health for more than forty year., wa .uiooeed, at one time, to be at the very gate of nea'h, hi pbyacUii having prononue. d hi cane hope lean and abandoned him to bi fate. Uo wu rurrd by th aforetald medU e m, and, nine hi recovery, many thouund similarly affected bav. need Dr. Behenck' preparation with the aaln. remarkble uc ce. Full direction accompany each, making It not absolutely neceavtry to personally ee l)r. Behenck unlea patiute with their lung ex amined, and for tula purpose he 1 prolemional. ly at hi principal offic, corner Sixth snd Arch trent, Philadelphia, .very Monday, where all letrrr for advice mut be addrewwd. Sch.nek'l medicine are old by all druggists. Jan-lm:d&w APPLICATION W1 ILL BE MAD I TO TBI PBESKNT General AMeatbrr Am a charter of a Co-Op-aratlve Oas Oomparry for th Ctty of Wilming ton, v. r.b t it John Dawson Ha In afore and to arriva too "Iowa (of all kind: Tim' Pluw Curing, ts Col )o4ta Pluw LiiK-a.9vlPlrTraeOhin. 40 loaa Collar and Ham-, 100 Doi-n Weeding Hoe, BO I oaen Miovel and Spade, l or Ml. at Ui. loweat market rate. " 10, t St Mark.l eHrawt. jatl s- HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Selact "Cosher, and Baltimore V Roll Butter A rrwh lavoto. roli4 to-day It rant. GroeartM, Bay and Qrala at low- ak priim. GRANT jmiNTON. pSRRlS' BAMS and Braaaaast 8Ulp. Ooltman't EuglUa Mmtard, Craas. A Blaekwall'i I lckle. Aaohovy Pat, Egg Maooaronl, Vermicelli and JaUeane rVup. (w Goods delivered free, gtf .FLANNER A 8HURE, 31 North Front St. lbL Bank of Now Hanover. WiLMiaaroB, N. C, P.b. I, ins. rjIHE ANNUAL MEETING OP the Stock holders of the Bank of New Hanover will b. held at th. Ranking Hoe, on Thartday, tb. Uth tustaut, at 11 o'clock A.M. I. D. WALLACE, Caahler. -t-l,7llitb. febl 8100 REWARD! IWIt,L PAT ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the appreheution aad delivery to me of me following uam.d prleoaer who broke Jail Pebrnarv Sd. 1 IS. or Twcntv Mv. Dollar for tb. appt.beiiatoa aad delivery of eaok .a. ; OKOROK URAWPOKD. (white. S feet, t Inch', blghi light r.mplaxl.n with light b.ard, about St ywira of agS. JO It BURKC, (malatt. ) I feet, g luebe high; gr.y yu with light moeMacb and wbie. kara. ARCHIE STKWART. tblaek.) 1 hat, I Inch high aliaut 11 year of age. JUDOK BOLD EM, (black,! about 8 feet. 8 Inche blith with broad houldrr-wear a military Jacket. n. n. ma nni n, oner in. Wilmington, N.C.reb.Sd.lSIB. fek S ' , ' tMw "Spicy, M A Feval by Mrs. M. J. Limt. "Chaste a Ic, Pur a Snow.H By MraM J. Dei ard. "The Babe la th fftoi." ' By Jme DeMllle. , ' , if "t t "Th.OrpbaaNlec." By Ellen Pfckerlng, "Tbaokaray'lIrltbSkatck Book;" "A Past Llfa," ' ' ; IT KtW-ly but e Well," ' , "Ooa.U Up ua Plower," "A Waltias Baca," . "Lady Sweet Aple,'' "Good-bye Swa.theart," , . "Th. Qladlatora." for aal. at th. - i Oity Book Store, By r.b i CONOLEY k YATES. s TRADE MARK. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, LEA & PERRINS' CELEBBATED PRONOUNCED OONNOISSHUBS I I KXTRAOT f aLETTEUfroma MKIIICAL UAH. MAN at Madras, to hi brother at WOKCESTKB, May, 18B1. Tefl LEA A PERKINS that "Only Good! Sauce, tneireenca lesigti. lyeiteetneed in Ip- 7 m flla. And appllcabl toi 'iim' and I, in m lalatahl.awella th. moat whale mm Hai-e that la VERT VARIE "TTtiTrWSHr made.' Worcestershire Sauce. Sold Whole., and for Eaportatlon by t Proprietors, LEA A PERRINS, Worosite., England; and Retail by Dealer! In Sauoe gen rally throoghont th world. Ask for Lea 6V Ferrini' 8ane. At the BREAKFART TABLE It im part th. mott .iquUlt. rallsh and seat to Hot or Gold Meat, Fowl, Pith, Broiled Kidney, A. At th DINneR TABLE, In soup, witk Pltb, Hot Joint, Oam., and la all Oravles, It give a delightful flavor. At the LUNCIIEON AND SUPPER TABLES It I deemed lndlpnaabl by tho. familiar with It .ttlmabl. qaelitlae. :- frtm JVw Pork Tim$. Ther. 1 no rellh In the world which la aa nnlvrally liked aa Lea A Per r In1 famous woroesterthlr. Sauoe. : , JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW VOKSL, febl - taj-tr School for Girls. SELECT SCHOOL FOB OIBLB WILL bebpened In Moraanton, Burk. oountv, N. 0., by Mi. M. Sansia, F.braaryld,187B. hum per iimiiea. Taaa Poeltlvely In advance w viia ova e atns ow go waaaa Xngllah Tuition, Boaid. fuel and light, SIM M Latin and Trench, each io i Mualo M 00 asvaaaaoaa: Blebop At.lnaon, Wilmington, N. 0. Rev. A, A. Wan m, D, D., Rev N. Pall, Morganton, ' Kev. W. Okaaan, D.D., Norr.lk, Va. KV. Mr. Dam., " " Hon John aonde, Boa Job. B. Whitehead, Dr. W. W.Seotl, " Jaal 5SW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meohanio's Building and Loan - Association. mHE SSIB RFOULAR MONTHLY MRRT- J, tng win be BM at ui. Mioerniaa nan, rmnt atre.1, (nhi ut,rary Kiiomi.MBa .r.n' ins, at o tiot a. as. ri.Lis. Secretary and Treasurer, feb It OPERAJIOUSE. THURSDAY KVKNING, Feb- 4th- MELANGE, ' CoajUtlng of Music and Tableaux, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR. Door onea at T e'olot k. Parfbrmanoe to be gin at a AdBBla.laa. 6 oenta ( Keeervoi Seat TO rem. Uoi ati. t open at ILIntbergtr' Hook Dior, on w.aneiy. io NOW! NOW! NOW! Price and Buy! CLOTHING BOLD AT LKM RATK1 THAN FVKtt 3SINCB THE WAR I UOMt NOW FOR BA.HGA.I2STS, TO- MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, Jan It IT4f 02,000. Iwleh to Invert gl 009 or 8' 00", with cervine, iu a 'rue iwla btielnm iu I hie Slate; or wuald loan thi auoui t, II aeoured with mi vice on mixlerate aalary, Addreua, "BaaiNEV At Offlo. of till Paper, febll VHi. Wanted TWO NO. I LAUNDERS. B loard I urulautd and employment permanent. WtaittODM preferred. AiiW t ASK? Ill I HJIIi leb i Kit Horse Blankets, Saddle, Harne. I, Trunk. Traveling; Han, Dollar, Bridle, Haraaa, Trao t;haln, Whij, Spur, Uora Bruh, Feather Dnter), end a aen.ral aaaortment of Baddlerv aoil-a cheap a good of am. auadty oaa b. bought In tb. Stat. J. B.TOPHAM ACO. aov IT Vtt-na-tl New Novels. IIEPRDPajr By George A. Lawrence, nHllM-lCliX Autbw of "Uoy Living. aUiua." 'Maiia Merul." Mauri.ia Durrln-f.' &0.,H-0. At the Sign of the Silver Flagon. By B. L. Pabjbor, author of "Blade-O1 erat-h'tutioldaa Uraln." "Jel Trim, ""The King of Mo Land," "Urlf," "Loudon' Heart," oVo., oVo. For l. at HEINSBERCER'S Liv. Book and Mnale Store, Ian SO 20 For Sale! A M EXTRA SADDLB AND FAIR Rarne Boree very low. , Partlet whthlog to puroba. will apply at thliofflc for Information. Jan 10 16 4t FORHALE! . A RARE CHANCE. ATM PKK CENT. BKLUW COST, ONE new Checkering plana -in lerfeot order. A p. ply a thl offlo. Jar Jan 10 M-4t IN 8TORE AND TO ARRIVE f)en KBtiS KAILS, Bert Brand; BOO vtJ r low, Ton (letting, o Ton flow ataelf, all utier, ( TonaMweede iron, anaorted; BO Coil OctUm Kone, 100 Do. Oow Odle. dtd.. Ac. All above for eale.at Rock Koitoin Price, at too New Hardware Store of rjILRS A MURUrtlMON Ian 81 as Worth Front Street. Garden Seed, Field beep. j iowi neeu Vegetable Seed. ' NEW CROP 1 875 ! ' ForW.Iy V ... ., GREEN & PLANNER. Jan 31 117-tf Corn, Hay and Meal. 2j0OO.BUSHELS CORN, . I 200 Bales Hay, 500 Bushels Water Orcaud Meal, ; Fot eale by KFBOHNER A CALDEB BROS. JaaJl 8T- Oats, Rice and Susrar 2,000 Bushels Corn, 25 Tierces and Bbls Bioe, 40 Bbls Refined Sugar, 10 Ilbds P, It. for Sale by KEKOHNCB A UALDER BR"S Jan II , i Garden City - Cliiar. Manufactory. NEW YORK. All Cigar t authorised New Tork Factory prka. Qualltf guaranteed aa repreaented. Th theapeat Uoime. In th State, and th. Only oaedeallng exoiniively In liigar. CHAS.KASPKUWlOKar HKO., Vo.S North Front Street, deet-.m . ,Wllatingtoa, N. O. TOBlCCOgJ WE HAVE ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE a genet al aanortmentof PlH and FiliVcut Totaccos, SNUFF, CIGARS AND PIPES.. W are yet Bailing Cigar HtJh" Hb well known Faetorv of tbe tilty tft harohf (, to wbleh we Invite p. lal uttentloh. P rt guai antMd to ait t'aaat Bayer.. ' , S9 Xm-C-A-XITTTIT feTRT, oath Side, Head of Market Bonaej - . . tf. HCOTT. Wadetboro Herald copy 1 rhouth. teba ' SS-lf VZW ADVISTISiaESTS. FOR 30 DAYS. BEOWN & 45 MAEKET STREET. EVRHY AKTI0I.K SUITABLE FOR WINTER WF.AR MAS BEEN MARKED DOWN. Having nodealr to mlreiir.'eiitelthnr (loolor yrtce, we oall the attent oa of all our patron to the method w have t f aaaiau Ll ana ckkid i.v ht viohbi to that pur. cher. oau e for them-rlv Jiiaetlv how much of a reduntlon haben mads. NO NUH tirPOH n.'N ITT ha ever been o flu red Inthttclty at ANY 11MB. Our Dailt patran and thuM who hv. Tavnred ua with a rail eartler In th. aeaaoa eaa vouch for .veiv etatement we make. W a ana DBTBamaBD to cloe out th baiaaae of aur tto-ak t order to mak room lor Spring purotiaee. Camels ITair Cloth, formerly 7S,.... 40,..., 40 30,..., 7B 8T 75 Colored Horpres, Double Width Poplins, Holid Blue Poplins, Colored Caaheniere, Hootoh Plaids, All won Empress Cloth, HHAWLH, t-1 50, COATS' 8 POOL COTTON oents per 3(1-Inch Fruit of the Loom Hhirtinir 1 j 8fl-lDoh HEA HIDE COrrON, 13 wuts per yard. Hoatoh Qiughsma, 11 oents per yard. 40 inches wide EiirIihU Tncliiiifr., 25 cents. an auntTioaai. piavnraT or a riaoaar. win tie oivaa ova all a lb at time of parch, with Ih following eioeptlon; Pleached and Unbleached Shirting, Ulnglianu, Calico aad erina atrlctly Caah and Oaa Price). , BROWN t& RODDICK, 45 Market Street. J""bb W 01 "One Price-Terms LOT; FRAWK & BR., 17 Ufarket IStroot. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, CoiialnliDfr of DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Conaiatiiifr of juampuooaa, vanes, nuted uutiery, snu If anoy Articles. , SST A rail I rpcctfttlly (ollolted, and latlifaat'on gnarantetd. H. FRANK & BR0., Market Street, jaair WILMINGTON, N. C. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GIMO CO.; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC OITANO for srIb, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be msda with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this, Guano at our Warehouse) prioes. IV. Commualoa Marchant, A genu for PaclfloQnauo ; Sub - r. w, ninsoiw... V. UllAIIA.VI, Jan SI MISCELLANEOUS. THE LOW PRICES ACCOUNT FOR THE EXTENT OF OUR SALES. S INCH WR KEHOI.VKD TO R KLI. at price that ould turclv reduce tock, it baa re quired no alamanlilp to tell onr gocfl. Our Silks, Black Alpacas. Dress Goods, Hlfalied and UnblaoheJGooda,Tftbla Cloths lileaoliod and Unbleached, with Napkins, Blankets, Spreads, Sheetings, Flannels, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laoes, Collars, Handkerohiefs And a thousand other article, ar going fat. nd If vouar. In want of any good umially found In a trt-olai Pry Uuoil Stock, mow i tb time to buy them from the- het itock in tb. oity, at price never sold at before, Remember th. ladacment la oflerc d only at tb. loading DRY GOODS H0U8K OF - BOSKOWITZ & LIEDER, 29 Market Street. Jan 10 Sweet Cider, In Any Des red Quantity, from A BARREL TO A PINT, ALWAYS ON HAND! CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 0 I North Front Bt Colman's English Mustard, In Glass Bottles;' COLMAN'S ENGLISH MUSTARD, In Square iins; CHA3. D. MYERS 4 CO.. 6 A 7 North Front St. Hazard's Maltose Cross , TOMATOES, Full Solid Weights. FINEST GOODS PACKED. CHAS. D. MYER8 & CO., r B and 7 North Front fib i is-ir New Crop Cuba Molasses, ' !i BKCORDCAfiaOl s 280 H ' TIIBCES' M0W LANI- 1NU, ei Brig John Pteree, from Havana. for Sale by, . WORTH WORTH, feb - v IS-nactit OP EODDI0K, ...now ....now , ...now . -now , . ..now ...row 55 25 80 15 55 25 45 .now now 00 Spool. cents per yard. SJT fla Sample. Cut MOTTO! Cash" m Doroeatio and Fancy DRY GOODS, ltwiay-Matia uiotiiinK, hhocs, liaU, Ueuts Furn inliitiaT Qnmla. Notiona. ha. . Crockery, Chins, Glassware, Lamps, II. McuAliY & CO.. Uo,, and Uaaleraln Mn. 1 Peruvian Ouano, North Watir Btrkst, WIMTItNilTOfl, N. C. Agents: .OldBnndrad.N. 0 ..Marlon, . 0 n-3mddtw MISCELLANEOUS. Marshal's Office. CITY OF WILM1NQT01 January 23d, 1875. notice; T1ROM THIS DATE ATJCTIONCIBS ARB X prohibited elMng Honei or Stork of any kind In front or th. City Market. PrlneeM tieet from the eaatern line of front ttreet to the wtwtern lint of Fourth afreet or Second and Thlid (treat, between the northern line of Market and tbe mulhera line of Cheatput treta, are dealgnited for thl purpo.. By order i he Maor. J. H. ROBIS80W , Citv Maraba i Jan-Hi j - , NEW CROP Cuba Molasses ! A CARGO OF 255 BHD8' PRIMB (JPAI'rrT DAILY EXFECXED) for tale In lota to nit by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Reading for All ! "PARNAPTJS." By Emerson. "Waldfried." A Novel by Auerbacb, "From My Youth Up." By Harland. "Wanderings of Vagabond . By Morris, " "Hulda." After the German by Wist er. "Hitherto." A story of Yesterday, . by Whitney. . "Child of the Tide," . "South Meadows. " By Pissoway, All for sale at ' ' ; THE CITY DOOKSTORE, By CONOLEY A YATES, , , , 7 Market Street laa 28 tl V; Auction Sale. THIRTY nORSES AND MULES. I will sell, Feb. 4th, tu o'clock A. M.,aono r t-k Horiid Muli. Perron m want .ill d . wail to attend the Mala In front Uld UiMinty Jail. KAHNWKIl.KK