! 7 11 111 f ; I I I VOL XX1V.-K0. 30, WILHINGTOH, H. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1875. Y7H0LE ITO. 6,704. Ciif .ibito Journal. WLLMLNXiTON. N. G. : THURSDAY. FB. 4. 1875 BY TELRAPK IIEADQUAUTEIW. CIVIL EIGHTS COMING TO THE FRONT AGAIN. TRYING TO LUoTn ARKANSAS. THE CANADIAN TREATY RE JECTED. THE CIYIL RIGHTS BILL FAIR LY BEFORE THE HOUSE. BEAST BUTLER CALLED A MUR- DERElt TO niS FACE. Washikuton, Feb. 3-Noon Sun at Logon intro.uo'd a bill author izing the retiremi'iit of Brevet JJripa-dier-Geueral W. H. Enu-rv, of the IL 8. Army, with rank ami pay of Brign dier General. Inferred tu Committee on Military Affair. House -The House lias voted to re consider the vote by which the Civil Rights bill was referred to the Judici ary Committee. Washington, .Tan. 3 NigM es-ATB--Ciuyton, of ArkaunHS, submitted a resolution reqwetiug the rrHsidont, if not in compatible with- the tuiblio interest, to transmit to the bc-mite such information as in in his posses sion, and Dot heretofore so tit to Con gress, respecting affairs in Arkatman, together with suon reoommeudutioua as he may deem proper in reference thereto. . John-on, of Virginia, objected tj the latter part of the retnolutiou and said it was not customary to call upon the President for mtoiauieudutioiis. Clayton oonseuted to striking out tbatpurt of the section objected to, and as amended it was agreed to. The Viot President laid before the Senate ' A communication from the Secretary of tho Treatmrv, in answer . to the, resolution of the Senate De cember, 18th 1872, in regard to the number of bales of cotton seized, by whom taken, when aud where sold, 1 price obtained, disposition of pru- oeeda Ac, Ordered to be printed and referred to Committee on Claims. Cameron, of Ponnsylvama, called up the House Bill appropriating 25,- 000 to defray the expenses of enter , tuning His Majesty, King Kalakau, during bis reoent visit to this country. Paused. ,.- A large number of the bills reported by the Committee on Pensions were passed. The balance of tiie'day was occupied t by Morrill, of Vermont, in a speech gainst the proposed Canadian recip L: rocity treaty. An Executive sobsion followed, and the treaty was rejected. House The oivil rights bill wati " fairly gotten before the House to-day, and the Senate bill vas offered as u f substitute for that reported from the Judioiary Oommittee. Another sub - stitute was offered by White, of Ala- bams.. - In Butler's opening speech he allud ed to, portions, of the Southern people ; o as bandiU,horse thieves and aBsauMiiB. This remark was resented by McLean, of Texas, who said that the only mur derer he knew on the floor was Butler himself, who had murdered a man at New Orleans. Butler characterized this language as improper, ungentlemanly and ruffianly, and the Speaker ruled thai . , the language of both wus unparlia mentary. Butler added that the trouble with the coflotry was thatrhehadpot hanged more,, as he ought to have done. There was a good deal of confusion : nd excitement during this scene, but t exery thing smoothed over and the do - btte went on. The vote will be taken tomorrow. ' ' The Senate, in Executive session to ; i day, confirmed 8. F. Stalley as Post . master at Washington, N. C, and " Mary 0. Daniels at Wilson. N O, Secretary Robeson was before the IIouseAppropriation Committee this morning on the generaT'subject of Bp propnations for the various navy( ..yards, lie reoommencis strongly trie restoration of the Pensacola yard. : He has not yet indicated his views ' with reference to tho Senate Naval Committee's report looking to the abolition of certain yards, the Wash ington yard being included in the list. a The House is in session to-night on t the Civil Rights bill. ' v No result yet in West Virginia. The ' last ballot is as follows: Walker 22, " Ooff 15, Price 15, Brannan 13, John son 8, Camden 6, Faulkner 4, Dennis 2, Pendleton 1. ELECTBICISMS. Camden withdrew from the Senato rial contest in West Virginia. Thirty, fourth ballot in caucus resulted as fol- lows:' Walker twenty-three, Trice fourteen, others scatter jnjr. Prominent among the candidates for Bishop of Illinois, to succeed Bishop Whithouse, is Dr. Fulton, of Ala bama. Australia applies for twenty three thousand feet of space at the Centen nial. Nathan Sargent,knowu as a politioal ( writer under the name of Oliver Old ' school, is dead, aged seventy-live years. He was a personal friend aud politioal supporter of Henry Clay. The King of the Sandwich Islands departed with a royal salute from San . Francisco yesterday. i'J i General Sheridan has gone to Vicks burg, from whenoe he will go to Chi cago. ' v ' " Deposits in the defaulting People's Bank, at St. Louis, amount to nix I? hUudred thousand dollars, divided among two thousand, mostly poor people. Six : cargoes, aggregating twenty eightthousand nags of coffee, arrived at Baltimore yesterday from Rio. WISCONSIN. THE DEMOCRATS AND BOLTED ELECT TilElU SEX VTOH. HOW THE THING WAS EUOUUT ABOUT. MiLWAiKEB, Feb. a. Night The eli'tuth bullit t-uotj Alison Ctuierou, of LaCtoMse. The vott: Cameron, G3, CarH-uter PW, scatfcriDg. The Democratic caucus nominated Cfuntnu and aided by bolters f fftcUd the result, - ' Tho election of Mr. Cameron was bronght abeut by the coalitiou of the Deuioerats with the Udting Ivefiubli cans. The latter ottered the Demo crats four names from which tht-y might choose a candidate: Judge Gole, ex Governor Lewis, Ueutral Uuppey and Augos Cumerou., The Deiuoctatic caucus last night noaiiuuted Camer on, conditionally, upon his acceptance of the plutform; that iiiclnoes hard money tariff for revenue ouly, and the supremacy of civil authority in time of peace. J Mr. Cameron, the Senator elect.waw born in Caledonia, LiiiKSton county, N. Y., in 1S2(J. lie came to Winoouniu in 1K)7, and has nerved nix years iu the State. Legislature aud v. as Speaker of the Assembly io 1SC7. lie is a lawyer aud a prominent member of tho Epis copal Church. EUKOI'K. THE ROYALISTS DRIVING CARLISTS BACK. THE Madrid, F1. 3-Noon General Moriuea lum suocscded to the com at Pauipeluna. . In an engagement ycbteruay at Otieza, between the Royalists and the Carlihta, the latter were defeated. The Alfoumst troops are advancing victo riously. Tlie Pope h is written a letter to Dou CarloH, in which heexronsea sym pathy for the cause, but advises him to reoonsidf-r - tUu -determination to coiitiuiie the, war, as the diguity of the Catholic Church has been vindicated, and the rightn of the clergy are recog nized by Alfonso. London, Feb. 3 Night The Mar quis of Harrington has boen elected lender of the Liberal party. Conilense I from ths Raleigh Neva. LEGISLATURE OF KORTH THE CAROLINA. SENATE. . FORTY-FOUR t'H DAY. . FKBiiuAHr, 2d, 1875. A communication was received from the Attorney Geueral, in. response to a request from the Senate, ankiug his opiuion as to the constitutionality of taxing dogs. His opinion was that a license tax on dogs would be uncon stitutional. Mabson, colored, a bill to better compensate commissioners. Referred. Mr. Graham, u bill to incorporate the Direct Trade Union, Patrons of Husbundi v. Referred. Mr. Wraring, a bill to prohibit ten ants or croppers from selling more than one bale of cotton under certain cirouinftDuccs. Referred. Mr. Lov, a resolution urging the Congress ol the United Siates , to ex teud aid to the Western North Caro lina Railroad und the Texas or South ern Facilic- Railroad, and to establish a national guuge o 4 feet 8j inches. Referred. ihe Uoury bill being the special or der, Mr. Busbee stated he regretted that he was compelled to have been absent from his seat, yesterday wneu such a furious ounlauglit was made upon his position. He did not design speaking upon the subject at present, but dibired having Die following cer tilicate read: At a meeting, of District Grange.No. 1. on the 3d Seuteml er, the following resolution was unauimonsly adopted : Dkbtrict Gbakcie No 1, UfliieSeoieft y ( Resolved, That the repeal of the usury laws will tend to cheapen money. B. C. Manly, Sec'y. A true cop lohitioupassed September 3d. 1874 B. C. Manly, Sec'y. Mr. Busbee stated that District No. 1, was composed of 80 subordinate GtauKea. iu the counties oi frankun, Grauville, Nash, Wake, Johnston, Jo'uuston, Orange and Chatham, aver aging over 40 members each, rep- reseutiuK nearly 4.000 farmers, On motion, the further consideration of tho bill was pohtponed until to morrow moruiuur at 11 o'clock. Mr. Love, a resolution sending creetiuos to Tennessee over the elec lion of Andrew Johnson to the United States Senate. It heartily endorsed the election of Mr. Johnson, and declared tho belief that this election was a glorious triumph of the cause of l.btrty. After considerable discussion, parti cinated in bv Messrs. Kerr. Mills, Love. Staudlord and Waring, Mr. Li.Graud moved to table tho whole question, which was done by a vote of 6o to 0 On motion of Mr. Waring, tho bi'l on the Public Debt was made the special order for Tuesday next at 12 o clock, MONDAY NIGHT'SPEOCEEDINGS The calendar was takeu up, and larRO number of bills passed their second reading. The bill to authorize tho working of convicts at other places than in the Penitentiary was indefinitely postponed. JLSill to pre- vent white children frem ling bound as at pretices to colored masters pass ed its third - rtading , by a vote of 3Gto3. nOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By Mr. Oakstmith, a bill to pn.tect consolidation and complete elate rail' whys. Referred and ordered to be nriuted. Bv Mr. Richardson, a bill it rela tion to the public taxes of Wayne conntv for the TMr 1S7H Tlftrr1 By Mr. Means, a bill to prevent live ciue noin running at Iargs in eouu ties and townships adopting its provi sions. Referred. By Mr. Norment, a resolution of in struction to the Finaucn Committee to inquire into the condition of the State's interest in the various banks, aud report as early as practicable what legislation is ueoessary to secure the same. The rules were .upended and the resolution adopted. House bill to ameud the laws of 1S72 '73 so as to give the Commission ers of Ouslow county discretion in the sale of tho Alnm Spring property in said county, passed its readings. Senate bill iu regard to the paving of the streets of the city of Wilming ton was taken up, and af ter discussion, postponed till to-morrow week, and uihiIh the special order for that day at 12 o'clock. House bill for the enforcement of contracts, and the enhancement of agriculture was taken up and discuss ed at considerable length. The title of the bill explains fully its provisions. Mr. Means,, the intioduoer, moved to recommit to tlie Judiciary Com mi t te, upon which he demanded the yeas and nays. The motion prevailed", 98 voting in the Affirmative, House bill to ameud and re-enact chapter 31, action 104 of the Revised Code.conoerniug appeal from Justice's Courts, passed its readings. House bill concerning the jurisdic tion of Magistrates, was laid on the table. STATENEWS. Edwin Adams drops in on the Char lottese ou the 16th. The Mouroe Enquirer says: Shelby, the preseut terminus of the Carolina Central Railway, Seems to be a grow ing town. A sewing machine factory and a new Methodist Church are to be erected there; also a telegraph line ia iu contemplation. The Oxford Leader says: Messrs. Willis Daniel ft Son, living three miles from Oxford, sold this week their crop of yellow tobacco to Messas. J. O. A D. Y. Cooper, of Henderson for the handsome sum of fifty dollars per hundred pounds. The Wadesboro Herald says that John Long, "the blacksmith well known in the Southern part of Anson oounty, who mysteriously disappear ed, was not murdered, as supposed, but has "turned up." He was not dead hut drunk, and stayed out a day or two. , The Charlotte Southern Home says: Mr. J. A. Pope, near Alexandrians, raised a.vMy Ik ,1ft .fpt .! in height, and over o inohes in oiroum- ference at the ground. It was well filled with large, sound bolls. It was a hybrid between the Sea Island and the Twin and Triple varieties. The seed were of the latter kind and the texture was Sea Island of a very su perior order. Mr. Pope is a Granger. The Charlotte Democratic says ; It is strange how travelling drummers and agents for various things and sch mes, swindle and fool intelligent men tn unarioue. numDugging advertising schoTies.show bills.charts, maps, Ac., will gull -a merchant, it seems, about ai soon as the "40 acre and mule fooled the negro just about the close of the war. The Charlotte Observer says: For the week ending last night, 1,150 bales of cotton were sold in Charlotte, against 1,996 bales the week previous. flMio niilnu trw tliA mMith nf lannow X Uv DUiVD iv vuw auuuiu v w van j were a few bales short of 4,800. As will be seen by the above statement. the receipts last week were very light, buttnis is scoonnted lor by tne condi tion of the roads. The price through out the week was fair, but not so good as week , before last. Tlie Hillsboro Recorder says: Mr. W. F. Stroud (of Chatham) made on 30 acres. 27 bales of 500 lbs. Mr. Jos. Baldwin made on 20 acres 16 bales of 500 lbs. Our representive, Mr. Mat thew Atwater, a first rate farmer, who has hitherto given his attention almost exclusively to a-nall grains, made last season a' test of the capacity of his lands for cotton. On half an acre, he mode att he rate of 832 pounds lint -""MT P"" f""". Tho Monroe Enquirer says: Mr. Theo. N. Ramsey, State Lecturer for the Independent Order of Good Templars, delivered a lecture in the Presbyterian Church io this place, on last Wednesday nicut. to a large and respectable landience of ladies and gentlemen. Tne epeecu was an excel lent one, and resulted in adding many new names to the temperance roll in Monroe, and we hope will be produo tive of lasting results. After the au dience wns dismissed, a meeting was held in the Church aud the Lodge of Good Templars re-organized with about thirty-five members, twenty-five of whom were obtained that night. The Oxford Leader says: A friend has just told us of a genuine madstone that is at present owned in Caswell county. It seems that sometime ago an Italian was travelling through that county and stopped over night at the residence of Dr. Pointer. On leaving iu the morning he stated that he had no money, but would pay whatever was owing for the accommodations he had received bv giving tne doctor crenniue madstone. The doctor, who was, by the way, an unbeliever in such things accepted it. ine stone was soou tested in the case of a boy, who was bitten by a mad dog.with satisfac tory results. Howard Relief Fire Engine Co- No. 1. ATTENTION MFMBFKS I Farad and HBlne trial thl (Thorn1a evening at I o'ol oa rharp. Meinbei will - MR-hle atf u,ln Uoua lu uulform and fa tigui e p. lly order of Foreman. Vf. J. BOH MANN, fb-lt Keo. Secretary, vv JAai)poll'yt tho JOCEJ1AX. Off 101, SPECIAL. TU KUnwood eUr,Uhllth.lflo dl will flt belter .nil vttf ottt th.a nj ulher, FroT.th'ibjUjUi. t JXarv ! Brii4 Fr4at I. tb. .fleet of SOZODUNT th hul oonomj of b Koala, ktnlng th um roj and healtby, th tMth In potfect gnlrr, gWnif to im bivata a turn y rrruio. Mm rtlukbl barm Ul rrea Ml 'etc of eon, i Dt trM imng io oo n w ion klud ! to pout a bout ot Jofeutoo'i Anotlvnt Liniment lulu kw! Bt-kl Juuk botllo, Mil btlf' itutof aolMn ami Um, then pour tho hol Uown th tiorM'a throat. Is tea aim lot tho aoraa will bfla to tat Paraon'i rarfaUvo Fill wilt gn-at'r rotlevo, If not onittoly cure, dtipapata, when f rj. tuluf eleo rail. 1 Ue baa been tried la loeaa dw-iwrate cwwe, ami htro gloa Biure rclirl tbaa any Muor airillolue. loiuot'i Fulsokio Svaur. Saa IViid Tuaio. too MAiDHAKaPiLLa l'bt-M di'rt Ulf.wltbratMl aul popular ainllt-lneaurTO rf. tactcd a revolution In lbs healing art, and Iiroten tho fallacy ot etvar ai'iimt vblch it for many TtaraobMruoted the prgreeof aellival Klouoo. the UIm eupiawltlou that "CoouimpUoa to luvurablo" dtterreat pbval clane Iroea atumptlng to Sad rrmnliee lor that tlnvae. and patUale atUloU d with II roonrt,d tbeaiwlra to death lth"iit making an eflnrt toeaoape from adcom which ibey eupiwetd to he qniroUlabio. It K now proreJ, boaOTer, that UxMampdea cai b rami, n, tbat it an bwa cured la a very grrat number of caeca taoaie of the m apparvutly desperate one) by Ht'brnrk'a Fnlr oiilusvrup atone: and tu other ranee br the ime nielloin In connection with Hcbencka Sea Word IVhte and klamlrake Fllle, one ot both, aeeordlug to tho nqulre naenUof the eae. Itr. Ni-heuck btmivir, who enjved unlner rupted good health for mora then forty yeaia, waanippoeed, at one H ue, to be at the yery gale ordea'h, ble phjra clane bavtug piononnr. ed hbj raeo hoprl- and abandoned him to hla lata, lie waa cured by the aforerald avdt eltif a, and, elnre hie recovery, nieuy Ibouaamla elmllarly aflcrtnt bare uiwd Dr. Srhenck'i preparation with tlie eawe remarkable uo ee. ' Full direction aocompany each, making It not absolutely Recrsetry to personally aee l)r. Schenck unleae patU-nt wih tlielr lung ex. ainlned, and for ttil purpoe he U proriiTonl. It at hi irtnnlpalmoe, roriH-r Kiilh and arch treeta, Fhlladnlpbia, every Monday, where all letter for advice mu-t be atldreawd. Hcbenck' mrdlclnr are old by all druggifl.' Jan 7-lmd.Vw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERAH0USE. For Two IV 1 ffli t n. MONDAY AND TUI8D AY, Feb ruary 8th and Oth. FTJRBISXI'S Btll AVEHUE THEATRE COMBINATION mm New York City. MONDAY NIGHT will b reeentcd tb great Moiety play, In ft act, entitled DIVORCE. Act 1 (liven In Marriage. Ao t Tb Strife Megan. Act t Tb 1'imol Interferanea, Aor 4 Th Lm Ketallate. Ao S Tba UivmotO. TtTIUMlV NTDHT. AUuur... . . ..... taikm of bum' latt FarUlan iuuoow, tu 3 Oil, Hons, Alphonse. The action oecurt during morning, afternoon and nigtU. The ahnve nlava will b lireMnUd With all that tentlon todieand de'ail that baa ac corded totbe above Combination, Uieftaodor- Biaut of both Freauo ruoao a iu JLaavdlDB- Coined r Ceapany of America. L.inmi 1. T.1 and Si) cent. Rcterved Saui SI Ho. ... ... ho Sheet for tale or Beasrved SeaU will 0kn at Uelntbarger' Book Stor on Saturday morning at o'clock. leu a - Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1. Regular meeting to night UX o'clock TB03.D. MEARF.8, Hc.Seortary. au-it fob 4 825 Reward. TJTE WILL FAY TWENTT-FIVJC uoi lai for evl eno ufflolei t to convict the party or nartle who broke the glaJi In the front door of our Store, No. i't Not th Front at. QF.O. K. FHENCH & SON. feb 4 Notice. , lAx PERSONS ARI HEREBY NOTI- Bed that neither the owner, Captain nor Cbl dgne will b reepomlbl lot sny debt con tracted by any of tho orew of th Br. Bark At slant.. .-" Porous Plasters, PAIN KILLER, Payaon a Indclllbl Ink, Pond' Extract, ..XJ..M Harden Meed, , : "" " Floa-cr Seed. Uniou Set, 4c., Ac Portal by . GREEN & FLANKER, feb 4 Urugglrt. N lOUT SHIRTS, DAT CAPS, DAY SHIRTS, All kind for MEN, TOOTH AND BOTB, CHEAP. MUNSON & CO'S, CITY CL01HXKS. feb 4 BO ST. VALENTINE . ' ' ' IS HERE. Tn antlclnat Ih davof ei lovment to all. In thetrownway. Ml grandeM dtapiay in that tine will take place the 14th, the proper time, A 1 tne lancleaandtdd oouoelu of man and woman pictured, with appropriate vera.. Tbe c holoeat and handaomtat Valentine In paper lao and color. The eertona, aeutiraeu tal, comic and extremely Indlcroti. All will bplad la their grUt tight tn frame of PhuenUlana. Fortalo at HEINSBERCER'S Llv Rook and kt title Store, feb4 KIW ADVERTISEMENTS. CARCO NEW CROP nrm jt tit at a ocra J Far ) low fro wharf by BIN FORD, CROW CO; U-lw frb jpERBIS' HAMS and F-reakaut Strip, Coltmanl KnglUh Muaiard, l-roaa A B'ackwell" k-klea, Anchovy Fatta, Kgg liacoaronl, Vermloelll and Jnllenn Boupe. " Qoods doliveretl fr. jf FLANKER A SnURE, 31 Korth Front Rt. feb S 3 School for Girls. BELKUT SOHOOL FOR OIKI.S WILL b opened In Mortal tnn, Burke county, N. O , by Mim M. Smiana, Fcbrnaiy W, IMS. Num- Dcr iinitieu. 1 una-Positively In advanoo. on a linn ot SO viiik Rngllab Tuition, lloaid, fuel and llghU, I (Kl Latin and trench, each 10 141 Muaio.....' W armt.n'ia; Bl.hop Atilnmn, Wltmliigton, N. C. Hcv. A. A. Waia.n, 11. !,, Krv. N. Fall, Morgaiiton, Kev. W. Okxaon, it. 1., Norlblk, V. hv. Mr. I'anir, Han lohn Uoode, " ' Hud John H. Wbllehe-d, tr. W. W. Beott. " Jan t -t 0PERAJI0USE. THURSDAY EVCNINO, Fob. 4th- ME'L.AJN'GE, Conolatlng of Music and Tableaux, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR, Door open at I o'cloi k. Ferrormano to be gin at S Admlaalwn, CO cent! Hewrved State 7tS rent. Ho Hli etoiu at lleluibcrg Jt'a Hook Store on Wtdncxlay. , . fD . at TRADE MARK. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. LEA & PERRIN8 OKLEBKATED S LB'ITEKfToZ" MM'K'AI, OitN. HAN at Mairaii, to hi. brother al WOltOBHTKll, May, HM Trll I.ICA A PKKRINS that their uc I high. ly eiteenieed in tr ill, and la, In mi opinion, Ih moat ,ltnlleawfllM 'he moot wlmle rntie Nat that I mad." 0ONN0IS8KCB8 JTO SB TBS "Only Good Sauce, And sppllosbl to BVEKY VARIK TT Of DISH. Worcestershire Sauce. Bold Wboleaalo and for Kiportatlon by t Proprltor, LEA St PBURINS, Worceatt , England; and Retail by Dealer In Sauce gen. rally throughout th world. , Aik for Lea & Fenini' Sauce. i .... At tb BHEAKFAXT TAHI.K It Im part the mot eiqul.lte rell'h and teat to Hot or Uold Meat, Fowl, Fiali, ilrolted Kldno , (So. At thi DINNEfl TAItl.1 In Houp, with flab, Hot Joint, Game, and tn all Oravl., it give a delightful flavor. At tb M;inoueoi akd nvvvvu TAB I.EM It I deemtil ludlapenauble by tho familiar with II estimable quatlltea. , From Sew York Timtt There I no rellxb In the world which io nnlvrally liked a Los & Perrlua' famop Woroedoriblrs Suuoo. : lOHN JUNCAN'S SONS, B6W1W Br feb S w-f IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. OKA KKOS AILI1 BeKt Br-mda; BOO evOU Plow. Ton Catlri(i, t Ton Plow hitela, allnliea; f Tonattweede iron, aaaorted; SO Cot! Cotton itopa, 100 Do. Cow Bll. Sso.. Ac. A II above for aalo at Hock Itoltoin P rice, at tbe Now Hardware Store) of - GILES A MUROH1SON laa II 88 North rront Btreet. TOBACCOS. w E HAVE OH HAND AND TO ARRIVE B gebetd aaaortmentof Ran: anil Fine-Cut Tobaccos, SNUFF, CIGARS AND PIPES. Wtare yet wiling Cigar irora tbe welt known Factory of tb Oily of chnrcbea. to wblsh we Invite ,. lei attention. Price guar anteed to uit 1Mb Bay era. saTxtatAxixcsT street, Booth Side, Head of Murkot Houae. D. PICOTT. Wade.boro Herald copy 1 uwulb. lei, 3 t-tf 1875 1875 Onr Immense stock at Greatly reduced prices, bame must be sold within next three months. Call and examine. NO HUMBUG r D. A. SMITH A CO. , Ian W) WEDDING CARDS KM tht-ort -ktonnb,.t,.e.tath.t i 1 Furniture I n. " , i HZW ADVESTISISrEMS. GREAT CLSMSEJG 8AS FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MAEKET STEEET EVRRT ARTICLE Sl'ITABLK FOH WINTER WEAR HAS BEEN MARRED DOWN. Ilavlii nodMlr t mlrerMntelthrtl)lor pricea, wa call the attant on of all our pofona totha mxthiHl wo havei-f nuaite) t.(, or a nnone m riaia rinrai o that par-cha-era ijii aee f ir thtnailva juatexactly how timoh or a reduction It been mail. NO SUCH OPPORTUNITY kastver bnanoltnrotl In thlacltv at ANY HUB. Our ltir pa'rvna and thne who hav lavorrd ua with a call earlier In tlie Maaoa saa vouch for eveiy atatemant w make. W dbtbuhibho to elo out tb balauo of our itook tn order to mak roomlor Spring puichaat. Osraels Hsir Cloth, , formerly 75,. Colored Btirges. ' " 40,. Donlil Wi.lt h Poplins, ' 40,. Holid Blue Poplins, " ,1(U Colored Osslinuit r, 75, . Hwitch Pltiitls, 35,. All wtol Eiuttress Clotb. " 75,, SIIAWImS, " $3 50,1. COATS' HPOOL COTTON fi cents por 8rt-Inch Frnil of tlie Ijooni Hhirting l'J cents pprynrd. . - .-Inob HEA HIDE COTTON. 13 o'nt8 pr ysrd. - Houtoli OiiiRhsms, 11 puts per yard. 40 inches wide English Tiickii 23Wtits. '" AN a ntiiTidttai. nioorT or J rR i-anT. will heoivas orr art. ALR at tlm of narchaae. with the following rnwpUou: 1 Iraihcd and Viibleachcd Hhlrtlnga, Ulugham, Ckllroeaaad Spool Cotton. Toriua atrlrtly f'aoh aad ( Price. BROWN & RODDICK, Jn ih 1S75. (JIR SIOTTO 1 COno Price-Terms RU. FRANK & BR., 17 Alurkot Ntreot. DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Consistiiiff of Domentio and Fsney DRY GOODS, Rundy-Msde Clotliing, Hlioos, Huts, Gents Fnrn- ishiuR Good, Notions, o. DEPARTMENT NO. 2, CotmiNtitiA! of Croc kery, Cliiim, Olasswore, Lamps, Lstnp Goods, Vases, PlstoU Cutlery, sad Fancy Articles, . . AT A rail I reapectfully tollcltod, and tll'aotlon gnaranted. M. FRANK & BR0., Market Street, A7ILMIN GTQK N. C. Jan II inmiHantnn. CAPITAL ifivl.OOO.OOO. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVI3 UDNDRED TONH SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO for situveithur for CASH or on CROP. TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Gaano at oar Warehouse prices, w. ir. JuciiAitY & ro.t Couinilaalon Mernbantti, Agiitfor PnoiaoUuano Co., sud Dealer In N". I Peruvian Ouano, Nonra Water Strket, ' WlljiniNUTOflla Na C. SuVA a vat (iinnna tl.' U It A II A.I,... . . . . , t .'. Jan 81 At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or 8G0.00, payable 1st of November, next; N A.VASSA acid phosphate, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.00, pavablo 1st of November next, WE OUAKANTEtt that th prarlou HtghUrado of our fiirtlllier (hall be fully Maistairbd 11. B. BKIUDKHH, Prealdent V. IHt'RAK. Treaanr'-r, U. h. OHArPLlN, snuerlntendent. JairX MISCELLANEOUS. "Spicy, M A Novel by Mr. M. J. I4tiub, Cht a Ice, Purs a Snow." By Mr. M J. Dei artt. The Babe la tbs Wood," By Jme DeMllle. "The Oriihan Niece." By Ellen Pickering, 'Thackeray' Irian Sketch Book," "A r"at 1.1ft," . "Not Wlntljr bnt loo Wen," "Cometh Up a a Flower," "A Waiting Race," "Lady 8wet Apple," ' 'Qood-byt Sweetheart," 'The Gladiator." , i For aalt at the City Book . Store By iebt CONOLEY & YATES. $100 REWARD! I WILL. PAT ONE HUNDRED UIII.LAKS for thu spprehenaion ami tleUvety to ma, of tne following namd prlwnera who hrckn Jail retirttary ftl, Ms, or Twenty Ave Dollar lor the appiehenlon and delivery or sack tut s OKOKOB OBAWFOKD, (white) 6 feet, Inche hlU; ligtit complexion with light beard, about 30 yar of age. JOWBOKKB, (mnlatto ) 8 feet, 0 Inch ht(h grey eye with light motutach and wltia. kera. AllCHIK STKWAHT, (black,) 5 fet, S Inchcnl6b l'OHtlyrrof age. JIJDOK BOU)R!,(Wck,) about B feet, Inch. bUh with bioad anouUWn-wear a nii.itary Jacktt. - 8. B Ma WNINO, Bhertff. Wilmington, N. 0., Ifeb, id, tain. feb OF ..now 65 25 80 15 55 za 45 ..now ..now .now ..now ..cow ..now ...oowsa oo 8nml. Fl Sample Cat, 45 Market Street. 21 Cash-" gents: old Hundred, w. n Marlon. . O xi-amuw WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FEETILIZERS For tbe Season of 1870 delivered on tbe Cars, st Oar Factory, at the following JlIlJO:i I?ItICES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY a a . a a aat, al aVl M . WILMIMOTON. N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Ansomillo Male School. LOOATIOM lOHIlea North ml WatdeobortH Wa Ot Th. nnnntna amulnn will hesln Fabrnarv 1(L 18J.1, and oontlnut twenty week. tiev. Pteetiuara B. ijoup, lurnuuiw vi mi Unlveralty ot North Carolina) Prlnolpal; aided Oy COin5Wiui, aim VAKtcuui.a vma.MMw " every dopartment. Tuition Hi, 10 and S19 per qnarter, payable In advance, but fre to all oaQdidate for the Uoaiiel Mlnlatry. - Board and lodging, tlO per month. Walking, fuel andltghU at moderate ra'e. Arrngment have been made with the Uamllna entral Hallway Company to pan pupl aovuribeir Koidfor half f ire A mple accommodation for 2U0 itndentt. The College Building are being thoroughly repaired and n'wly famished For further information addret J, J. MoLENDON, Jan 19-l-2wd. Anaonvillt, S. O. Marshal's Office, . CITY OF WILMINGTON, 1 January 23d, 1875. j IVOTIOJE. FROM THU DATE AUCTIONEERS ARK prohibited selling Honca or Stock of any kind In front of tbe City Market Prince stttot Irom the eastern Hue of Front (treet to the oa-tern line of Fourth Hreet or Beoond and Tbiid atreat, between the northern lint of Market aid the vonthera line of Uheetral atreet", are designated tor tbi pnrpoie. . . By order KeUaior. , J.H.BOBISSON. CityMarba Jan M " v Oats, Rice and Sutrar 2,000 Bushels Corn, ., ( , 25 Tioroes and libls Uioe, 40 Bbln Refined Sugar, 10 Hbtls P. K. ' " ' rot al by KEBCGUIJCB UAL0EB BSOS, Jan ' , rnuwiiiiM. L

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