i (JJL t i I VnV f 0?r lie LLil J- LJJ VOL XXIV.-NO. 31, wnimiGTOiT, it. c. , Friday, February 5, 1875. Ci-:f:i7Kou;:jrp,::,fi795. "ill WILMINGTON, N. 0.: Id- .J HlSlt)A FEB, 5. 18:8. XB&3TELECRAPK. ri lue t " IHE CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. "ANOTHER OF GRANT'S FRIEND3 SHOUT. BROWN. OF KENTUCKY, TALKS TO BEAHT BU1LEU.. 0 L Y I L HIGH iS LAID OVER UNTIL TO-DAY. TisHiNOTON, Feb. 4 Noon Skm- ati Numerous protitions wer jre--i tented sgrtius fhe restoration of tho duty on tea and ouffee or the re f TiTid of any internal taxation, aud for the repeal of the Aot of 18G2 relieving ToerUi, foreign products of ten j.r . oeriV Btfurred to Coinu)ittje on Fi-. ; tkaDOOi " i - "" 1 JBieuiUbaU on the Civil Right Bill, i it in proffrtss and will clotte at 'i ' o'clock, when the vote will be taken, TW ia an immense crowd in the galleries v.? ' Wahainotoi, Jan. i Night The ( AMmoorata iiave BttcninoDcd witness in, rebuttal of the testimony takeu J J bjr.the Alabama Itveatigatiug Commit - ! tee. The report will be doluyed fur "aeveral days. 4 ' The Joint Committee, to inve.tigtite ' Arltansas', Alabama aud Loniniu.ua uf .v WH haso appointed a committee to draft a bill. ' The Committee Jon Expeudj'nres baye eummoeed U, & Douglass, Mjr UloI Ue Wwtoru Dhttrkt of North Carolina, to expUtiu. , , i : . f f A SLx. BieVn, Marshal of the SontUern Dietf iot of . lliiuoia, in 0,000 fehort. He Mr avoid legal proceedings bv Ht laettliog before the 15th iuht. V 8ssai liorton, of Iudiana, pre j ;Mnted a memorial tigned by tU'eeu -tiudid 'oofpred men . of Baltimore, v .depoeitors in the Baltimore Brauoh ol - Freedmen'a Saving atd Trunt "'Company, asking for relief. Referred to Oumwittot) on Finance, ' i Bootwell, 1 of ' MiiReaebnsetts, from OommiUM-oa Cumraeroe, reported with amendmenta to the Senate bit), to i ' promote eooliomy and efficiency iu the Mariue Hospital aer?ioo.t Calendar. Fratt, of Indiaua, from Committee oa Fenaiona, reported with ameud- ments to the senate bill, amending the pensiou lawa so an to remove ihe dieabilitiea of those who particlpat-d the rebellion, and have ainoe its tomi iiatiou enlidttd in the army of tlip United States, and become iliaaukd. tJalendar. A litrgai nnmber of bills, reported by - the Committe on Claims, were paeil. n iff fha HOQS '. bill for the relief of Madam Octavia Walton Lf Vert and her children Waa takeu tip and led to " aome diicaosion. Hoott said that there were eighteen or twenty olaimH yet on the lit, which might properly bu 'clled Sonthern cluims or ciuims arising out of the late war. If the . Senate would give the Committee ' farther time the claim of this ciu b , might be oonsidi red. To teet the sense '1 of the Senate, he moved that the time allowed the Committee be extend ed one hour, fot.ihe purpose of c m aidering the class of claims referred " "fiot . Feuding the diRcnssion, the time allowed the Committee expired. , The Senate then took up the con ' current resolution snbmitted by Moi ton to repeal the 22d joint rule of tho '"J two Honaea of Gongretm, relative totl e no wanting of electorial votes for Frew dentandVioe President. Morton Haid the' exiateuoa of thisrule subjected the oowutry to great danger. After eon gj. aoltatiou with a number of rjenatora Ko had determined to offer the follow , iog aa a iabsUtute for a motion to re peal: No objection to the receipt and " nbnntimr 6f anv eloc?oral vote or votes . from any Mtate anaii be valid nnicss lid unlo.ia . 1 - A ? ! afflrmative v tea oi the two Houses, After; discuaaion the subject wab referred to the Committee on Privi leges and Elections.. t HopsK There was considerable ex citement iu the House to-day, arising from speech of Brown, of Kentucky, o the Civil Rights bill, iu which ho apoke of Butler, of Massachusetts, iu , the following terms: What!nlWd be said if the acciiBa . tton of the Southern people should jDome frpm pne who ia outlawed in bis. Town-nome from respectable society; whoae name is aynonomous with fake hood; who is tho champion, and has been on all occasions, of fraud; who is the apologist oi thieves; who if such a Srodigy of vice and meanness that to escribe him imagination would aioken, and invective exhaust itself? In Scotland, years ego, there was a man whose trade waa murder, and he earned his livelihood by selling the bodies of Lis viotims for gold. Ho Baked bis name to his crime, and to-day, throughout the world, it is nown aa Burking. ; Thi Speaker Does the Chair un derstand the gentleman to be refer ' ring in' this language to a membtjt of thoHonae?" ' - y H ' Mr. Brown No sir. I am describ ing an individual who is in my mind's r. The Speaker-r-Tlie Chair understood 'the gentleman to refer to a member of theHonsa I '' Mr. Brown No sir. I call no names. This man's name was linked to his crime,, ftnfc to-day: throughout the prorlditls khowu as Burxmg. If I was to desire to ' express all that was pusillanimous is war, , inhuman iu p too, forbidden Irt morale nod infa mous 1 J politics, I should call it But . ler. r For, this violation of parliamentary ' older a resolution of censure was passed upon Brown afb r a very ex citing deba e and was administered by . the Speaker. The Civil Rights bill then went over till to-morrow, the House to meet at aaohbjecUona-MSuataieeay'thejFfTljoe seems a'ettTmine'uoTetlTo UOTILUI. THE COHI'EITnG FREIGHT LINKS. , , THE SCNLIREL SUIT. s j - i, , ' -V Nw Yokk, Feb- i -Noon The repranttUvee of tho Saratoga Ruil- roua coiuoiuauju are iu Htoonu aes- eion hero to-day. They have adopted tuv fyUowiupret-olutkn: ' ' . tiesoin d, Tha,t the ptwer3 , of the Bum ait of Commsiouer of the Weot em Railroad bu avreudeJ, eo far at relates to freight biiMutta, until further ord'-red. The Bursaus contin ue tut-ir fuuctious rogardiug pengir fans. Inr York. Feb. '. 4.-Niglit Tho lib t u.t Haiubt the Bun, by Kimball, gs on, neither party accepting run tuul oiTcrh of amprouie. The auit in fi r $50,000 and tuo a!!. 'god awindla ?Hi:0.0tH). 'Tlie case involves Gov. Uarcranft and the 1'eiUiSyivania war claims. Tiie huna willing to retract I'ue cli"rgo tout the plum till received the nion 'y, but will iu no caao oonfeea juilqnieiit. Tiie Southern State bond, over $30,000, recently stolen frour Adams Eiijr rH, were ftmud on the sidewalk aud returned to the Company. THjE INSURGENTS STILL ACTIVE Nkw Youk. Ff'b'; 4 Nicht-A Havana letter tajs: A vny lurgn furoe of govi-riiment troops are operating iu Cinca Villas. Dwtrict; thi'y only pro tect otirUio. exooaod looalities aud prevent the burning of aome plaiita tiona. Tiie Insurgents remain thin aide of tho Ti'acha; they spare planta- ions for a consideration, and do not kill prifonew, and are gaining taj good will of the country. ' ELIXTKKISMS. TJh roils were connected thtopglj tne uoomiho tuiiucl yesterday. t A diNpateh from Quolxo aays that a fa'liug roi-k at Cape Blanc crushed a number of persons, Eigh'. bodies nave beeu found. The avabtuche came from Oiioh Diamond at 8 o "clock in the night. A Hersey, a member of Congress eleot from Maino, i d"ad. At Louisville, Dr. Stuart Robinson, representative f the Houthorc Branch of the PreabyWidn Chnwih, las state ment last night protected tho Branch nguiQKt the charge., that the Confer ence Jailed of the main object because of the unwiiliugneM of the Sonthern members to fulfil tho conditions asked by the Northern division. A dispatch from Wieh-ta, Ks., says tluit a man amPa woman were frozen to death, and it is feared that others ware caught oh the pfatfis daring the Btorru. The Racine Episcopal College, with the- Library, has been . burned. Loss fcGO.OOOj insuraiid' S29.0O0. , Doi fiinr huS bi 0 Jfannexcd to Egypt. The train is fat in snow 700 tnilea west of Dubuque. There are thirty p.isspjigcrB on board without food or fuel. Aapistanco has been sent. Ter rible snow storms. The thermometer is 23 to 26 below Z"ro. - , Another ineffectual ha' lot yesterday at iSt. FuuIh, iUiui a received 54 T t). The Grand Jnry of Charleston coun ty, 8. C, on Wednesday found trao lulls on eight indictments for Jibel ajrunst 15 It. 1 i idau and F. W. Daws'in, of the News aud Courier, for publications during the lu,t Statoean- vane ntu cuna biicnll liowen, Collector Wirthiugtoo and t he .elective CommiB bionors. Hnyt and Gieorio. Two ba.l t.H ai la'laliaspce yeiiter- duv. On the firt Gov. Walker canio within one vote of beintr elected. llUJtOPL1. BISMARCK IN BAD HEALTH, Bkrus, Feb.. 4 Noon Bismarck is snff ritisr from nervous affection. 'J Tho after his sixtieth birthday. , Mrjitn, Feb. 4 Noon General L mal has defeated and captured the Carliat leader General Ag ina. London, Jau. 4 Might Large nug gets have been found in the Good Hpe pold fields. " Madkip, Jan. 4 Night -It is re ported that Lima destroyed several cannon foundries iuGnipuzcoa. CKt"1"i'(l from Hii UnlelKh Swi NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SENATE. FORTY-FIFTH DAY. February, 3d, 1875. Mr. Love, a bill to enoourage emi gration. . Referred. . . Mr. Cashwoll, a bill for the proteo tiou of farmers. Authorizes the pay ing of 50 cents for killing a corn crow. Referred. . Mr. Cantwell, in behalf of himself and the people' of his Senatorial Dis trict, presented a protest against the nc'ion of the Senate in recently grant ing the amendments to the charter of the city of Wilmington, claiming that the same action waa unconstitutional, anJ oHhed that tho protest be spread upo'i tho minutes. Mr. Cantwell's resolution to memo rialize Congress concerning the claims of certain citizens of the Stute Against .the Federal Government was consid ered. ' " . V Mr. LeGiand moved to table the whole matter, which motion prevailod by a voto of 25 to 17. Bill making tho first Monday in each month tho regular Bales day, ex cept during the month iu which the Courts may occur, when they shall be dnring the nrtt three days of the said Court. ' ' ' ' ' . Mr. Bushee moved an amendment thit pales msy be continued from day to day. Adopted, and bill raised its readings. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. various rritixens of Guilford county. aakiug a repeal of all laws in regard to usury, Jto. - i - By Mr. Finnil. potitioa from eiti Sena of Davidson, asking a law for the protection or otras. ' , By Mr. Shaokelford, a bill to amend section 1, chapter 250, laws of 1868- C9. IUferred. By Mr, Thompson, of Lincoln. bill relating to luuatios in the several eoontie of the Stats, ; Referred. ' Senate tall to give jurisdiction to Justices of the Peace in proceedings in the nature of forcible entry and de tainer, passed iu readlnga. , Senate bill ounoerwag the Wilming ton k Weldon Railroad, and the Wil mington Raleigh Railroad, passed its readings. The objects of the bifl is only for the purpose of allowing the -Wilmington k Waldon Railroad to have recorded in Halifax ootmty car tain deeds heretofore unrecorded. Senate bill to amend the act id re gard to selling aud buying cotton ithiu oortain hours passed its rd mgs. Senate bill to require Justices of the Peaoe to give bouds (each officer to Hie a bond of 3J3U.) The queation recurring on the pas sage of the bill on its seoond reading a lengthy disomtaiou ensued, Mr. Boyd and Crewe, colored, opposing, aud Messrs. Walker, of Richmond. McRae,' Means, Whitley and others advocating the bilk , The large number of amendmecU offered by the oppositionists, to the bill excluding from the provisions their -reetMCtive counties, was voted dvwu and The bill passed its reading by the following vote: Yeas, 67; Says, 60. . The motion to reoommit was also discussed at length, Mr. Pinnix favor iug and Mr. Means opposing it. SPECIAL. 1 ba Klmwooi oollar.vtth all tb l(w totd, will flt bttr aid wear loosr tbaa aar etbsr. Prowi thJt bj tryliif. f Wa aiiOentaad UiM ti waiplat-oth It i)iiihi prTwn in inv iowtii sruuna a; dui ttm no uiuoi bT ftoi Itl. Boat UmlliciuiM atUln bat J oh mob ' AaodyiM UiiiDKiit DorlMrtnr, kow?r, iUiM ipio, to prod do TumiUnf, ewuld bt aa ad- tnUg, TUm arc mors th4 M tloatand Slffciwot ktmuial vill IllieVSiV HUIM. FMHtbnai an wiIm and hijuTtuui. atom ara anoil ni naurnoiM, nn ur. turnout idtbim ia neit anu-blliuu Bill aw at krard of, l buy ar no w!a ' andw Uu luuutl runu i rurgaiu run. BoasncKi Fctiftsic kf aor, Bba Waau J oio, and Mad akb Pill Tum detar- kUj olebrail ami oyular medleluea btntt- inutea a TCToiBiioe in ins aeannf an, ana tiro n the fllw.T of arvsr Baslm arltlcli b fur Btu ytari obatrautfd tb pr j(rM of roetiirai M'ione. ine rms mvi.iiuon ibm "Dunnituitlon it lncorablt" UtUnwl ihvfl- cin iiom atuniptni to ana rrnxMiet lor taat illn. ww, and pittleiitt afflloUd wllb II r. omtird UieDitelrvt to death witbnat aiaUnf an eflbrt la oie Irom a dom bub they tupioatd to )e uniTokluble. It la nvt uroru, huaerxr, I h&l Vmtumptitn can l4 curti, and Uiat t Am breti cuml In a vary great inbw of caaoi Boms of thtim ancarently deiuerata one I b Stht-nck't Pnliruiila Syrup alone: and iu other ewt br ibe tame aiedleine la connection with Nrhiaick'a Hra Weed Toalo and Mandrake Pllle, one or both, according to the require, menu of the caae. Ir. ftchcinck blmtelr, who entoied onlnter- rupted food health for mora than fort yean, wiimipud, at one time, to ba at die very k' no oi doaiu. bit Dhraietent bavlna atOBoaiic ed hit east huprle and abaadoned him to hit tat. newaat'urm by the aroreraid midi. c n.t, and, aince hit raoovnry, many tboaMtnilt imllarly tffootnd bate uted Ur. Bebenek't lrparationt with tua taue remarkable auo- eew. Foil dirontlont aoMmpaay each, astklnf It not absolutely uacrtery to panonally tee lr. Schenvk trnlm patientt wltb their lunit ei niliid, tnd for tula purpote be la proteeeional ly M uit aruioipaiumce, corner nino ana aica ret, Philadelphia, every Mondny, where all Mtt-ra loTaiirlee mimt ba addrraed. Sebeack't mrdlcliiear told by all druggltu. jaa ,-im:adiw . SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Final Notice. Oflioe Treasurer antt Collector CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, February ath, 1876. Ar.r. rERioNS btill owino city TAXR8 on Ileal and Pereooal Propartr are hnre by notified that In ca tba tame It ot paid before the Hlth day of February, tnttant, their Proprit; (Including eipeneee tharooaj will then (without dbierlminatlon) be poeitlyely "TLDTERTISilD AND BOLD,- T. O. SERV0S8, ' tJliy Traamirer. II St frhd Blak Jack and Split Oak, , , Split and Round ASH AND T1SE WOOD, Vnr tale long, or rnt np and dellrered, at LOWBsr prieet, FOB OASU. O.O. P4.R3LKT CO. " fb8 - . - - H-tf Molasses ! Molasses! yT-B OFFEB, TO ABfttV BY SOUR. mtAOGIB ELLEN, Dally txpeot'd from Sagna LaQraad, QOO nud. Choice Jew Crop Mutco Ttdo llolawe. (J tj l lereea 00 WOETH at WORTH. It-lw ffbU Auction Sale TWENTY HORSES AND MULE?. J WILL SELL, without reterre, la front of the Old County J all, thll morning, at Wo'clock. , - - .1 B, KAHMWCILKB, AaoUoneer. fcbS Howard Belief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. QALLF.D MRKTINO THIS (TRIDAT) evening, at (o'clock All members art reqoeal .... ed toatteiid, at bnnlnettof Impo-tariot Itlobo trtn anted. ny order of the Preldent W. J. BUHMARH, HEW AD VXUTI IZ3CES IS. Notice. TTAVINO DtPbltl OF titTR SPUIK IX atataxwaad Tniak tale,tock. (iod Mill and Book aceanau. la wllaihiitpa, M U. to atwank r.aer t Ha lard, we breb lemivr aar uiankt 1 1 grwroue ponua n Uell (ItioraJ patraaeg the kat tea yvart, and aaa a eoaunaanea r ine tame to our w teneia. wk bar baea aooatnably la our am ploy fur aiauy trare and axe ihuoiihly puMed la tao aaddie, ttaraeea and Iraaa naetaeaa w ail IU branohaa. Maiora. Utf MBtrf A kta'lard will eettlt all tlaimt eooUaubNl aoaiiwe r la WllmiBMloe, . V , and oolleet debtt duo at aud noatpt fur tat taiaa. . J. a TUf HAbt ft CO A. CsvrMaiur , J a. nllavrl. Saddles, Harness, &c. H aviso Bommr thr above him tWad Oiwda, wo offer a lull itoch of SADDLES, '-HARNESS, TRUNKS. ? COLLARS. BRIDLES, .And All Kindt of S-AJDDLERTST QOOX33, AT . VERY LOW PRICES Per Cook e te woaiipt patina buyera. W. raepeoiiuuj auiicti pairouaaa. VAVPBiNTEH aV SIALI.AH. tab 11 lianao 825 Eeward. WILt FAT TWKRTT-FIVR DOL lait for el enee luButei I lo oonytot the part; or parties who broke the - glai tn the frost door of oar I tore, Ho.llNoith Front St. 0KO.K , FKENCH A SON. aVkat feb ST. VALENTINE 2;; it here. To aateloate the day of enjoyment bo all. In their owa way. hit grandxet ditplav ba that Una will take place tbe 14th, th proper time. AH tie raiiclea tnd i dd cunueitt of mta atid womaa pictured, wlih appruprlata Teraea. Tke cbolrw.t and hanilaomrat Vtlenitree In Barer lace and colore. The torlout. tantlaien- ial, oowrto and-extremety luiArront. All win be placed in ibeir greeted nintui frame of Fhoeattiaaa. . .-. for sale at HEiriGDERGER'O Ure Rook aud atlt Store, feb so Spirit Casks, Hoop iron, txc.t txc. . ' 150 8TAN0AKD oa818' -t e Tost aoop iroa. 10 BbtiQIae, ; iiee Paper! Rlyelt, -wS Bbtt. Buagt, Ae. For tale by KRROKNKR o OALDKB BROS. Jan M M Seleot 'Ooahen nrj Baltimore Roll. Butter. ? ' A froth Inroleo received to-day M centt. Orootrlet, Bay snd Orals .at lowest eatk pMote. . ORAKT k B INTON. 2S dAwlt febl ' Flour! Flour! Flour! QAABBL8. BOB WHITR FLOUR. WW 400 Bell MUI Floir.o. WhlU Riualaa Flour. 200 For tale by KKRUHNRB e C ALDER BROS. Jaa !S St NEW CROP Cuba Molasses ! A CARGO OF y 255 BHDS. PRIUB QUALITY DAILY EXPECTED. For tale in lott te .ait by ; WILLIAMS 6t MURCHISON. . Jan) ' ' Horse Blankets, Raddle., Htrn.ii, Trunk., Traveling Rtftl, Collar., Brldlot, Hamee, Trace Chain., Wbli, Mpun, Horte Brurhea, Feather Ouetere, and a general aaaortnient of Saddlery gooda-a. chrap a. goodiol tame qua Ity can be bought In tho State. J. . TOFHAM A CO o IT i74-n-tf John Dawson Hat In .tore ai d te arrive St0 Plnwe (nf all klndt; 1 1b Pl'' Catting, M Coil. t'ntti Plow Lloet, KM Palrt 'I'ibo Cbelnt, 40 Duiei Oillar. nd Hamvt. lOODotm Weeding H.xt. 1 t'oten bhoveii, and Hpadrt. for tale at tor lowett market ra'ce. 19, e it 81 Rirket Street. Jaa 11 - Sweet Cider, InAnyDea'red Quantity, from ,. , A BARREL TO A PINT, ALWAYS ON HANOI CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 11 North Front ft Colman's English Mustard, In Glass Bottles; OOLMAN'S ENGLISH MUSTARD, In Sqnare Tins; CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 6 k 7 North Front St. Hazard's Maltese Cross TOMATOES, ...... Full Solid Weightf, FINEST GOODS PACKED. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., B and 7 Jorth Front febl Bacon and Pork. 60 Boxes D. S. Sides and Huoulders, 25 " Smoked " " 25 Bbls Pork, For tale by . JOTOjOTM k CALDRB tRO .' jaa. e r-r - . -"7V- KSW ADTCBTISZXIXTS. OPERA HOUSE. For Two IV iffli t m MONDAY 'AND TUK80AY, Feb ruaryst and Oth. V HIRBKH'S 61H AYENOE THEATRE COMBINATION I rwaa Naw'Terk C ity. : K0NDAT KIOHT will be r.wnted the (Teat tactoty play, la S aele, eatltied DIVORCE. Apt 1-Olvente Marriage. Aot S-The autre Bctao. ' ' t Act S- Tbe i ui.e ot lntrrrrreiice, Aor i The Lw Retallatea. Aut -J be UlroiMd. i TTEDIT NfUHT. Aetd'fn la'vt a.ter- taikiu of liuaiat' Utett 1'ariaiaa uice, lul Ante, Hons, Alphonse. Ths action ocvurt during morning, qfterniMM and night. The aboe u'an will be t'reeentrd with all that ettectloti tu'di( and J Till 1 1. a b a ae ooidf d tetkeiboro Oomnin.ti.iu, tii. iMtdoiM- aeat oi both rre., and Public a. the Loatetlas Coaavdy l!wnFF el tAaworicav. X t AbMtaatna at. TJ and SO orntt. RHervad B.ate f I to Box abrrt 'Of tale of ltf-eerM Hratt wll oub at Weir.fbxrert'e ttiiok atoiwoa BMiida, morning ai o cwoa. ao e ' : iu H CARGO NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES jrT 1Nv For salt tow frost wharf by i t BIN FORD, CROW A CO. . - S-lw feb 4 FERRIS' HAMS and Brek-t Pttlia,. (Xltaqt EnglUb Ntilard, . . w OrotaeABiaekwtU'tliehiot, .-. AaeaovF r site, Egg M aockrenl, ' ' Tarateelll and Janeaae loupt JT Goods deliTeTfcd free, I : FLANNER A BriURE, ..t 81 lIortfaFmut St. feb ,i. " ., n 1 la. School for Girls. A SELECT SCHOOL FOR 01Ri.B WJ1.I. Aa be opened In More acton, Burke ominlv, N. t)., b v M let M , SxiMMta, February Id, Ibid, fi um ber llmitfd. TaaMa-Potltlrelv In tdrance. , a.a oas ssin o so watKi: Kagllth Tnltloii, Boaid.Tiel sad ttghrt, Latin and Srnuch, each Mutlo . BiraaiiroaS: Pl.hop At.lneon, Wilmington. K, O. Rev. A. A. Wart in, 1, !., Rev. N. Pallt, Morgantoa, Rev. r, Okeeou, hvrrolk, Vt. Rev. Mr. Iam, Hon doba Uonde, m ,, Hob Juhn H. Whitehead, " Dr. W, W.Beotl. , Jan I SIM H) i m SB (W net v -$20- Witt BBT A 1 FIRST MORTOACE PREMIUM BOND qw rmm - Thete Bondt are uuued for Ihe pnrpoi.jt raiting fundi (or the erection of abi!uiogla ths 01 tr of New York, to be uted for a ' Perpetual World's Falr.1 a pcrmiiiii t home, where ovary manufe torer can exhibit and tell bit gcodt, and every pauuloe can tbow bit Invention: a nr-ntre ot lnlo.ry wblch will prove a vatt bcavAt to the whole country. For tblt purpoet, the Legl.latnre of the State of New York hi g'anhii a charter to a number of our meet wealthy tnd reaprctaMe merchant., and tbete geutlatnert bavo pur cbaaed no lew than eig block, i t the mol valuable land Iu tba city of Mtw York, The baildlrg Ut be errcUd will be eovrtt ttnrli blh lott In htfjilit J oui ninunUd by AJtXr nifliwut dome, and will ro'er a .aee tit it K'rri. It will be conitrnrted of Iron, Bib k and IIn, and mide flro-priMif. Tbe b nd, which are all for S0 earh, are teenred by a Srt mortgago on ihe Innd and build ng, and lor tbe p11r1u.1i of makluK tlii m pupirlar, thr dlrrctore hare decided to hant quarterly draw. lngof S'tH.O Oeaoh; tbl. money being the In. tereat 011 tho amo'int ot tbe whole lon. Kve y bondbo'dt r mu.t receive at leatt 121, but be may rcrelve 9100,000! . Or tM 004, or S10 000, or 3,000, or IS 000, Ac, Ac . ..., 3d Premlnrn DravwiiiK march 1,'TU. 4th R.rlea Draw Ins;, April 3, IbtS, CAPITAL PREMIUM,! IOO.OOO. Throe Drawing lake place every thkii month', and eveutualiy svbhT Bond will par ticipate In them. Ad'lrfM, 1'T Bondt and full Information, M0RQENTHAU, BRUNO A CO., Financial Agent, S3 Pabk Row, N. T. Port Office Drawer 19. Remit by Draft en K: T. Citv Rankt, Regit, tered Letter or P. . Money Order. , Postponements Impossible Un der this Plan. VT Appllcaton for Agvaciel received. " 1 10 l "in store and to arriveTT ACA K KU!t AII,v, Beet Hr.nrt.j 80 4bOf Flow., 1 1 om l'etii')i, B Tom Plow .eii, all ,11-.; S Ton-awi-ede. iron. iMnrtedj R0 Coil, i pttiin ttope. 100 Hon. Oow B--II.. A v. c. All above ror aale at itovk Bottom Prion, at the , , RJ.w Hardwar. Btere of - QIUBS MUROH IH'IN tan tt Si Morih rront Street. T0IUCC0S. WE HAV ON HANI) AND TO ARRIVE a geueial awortnientoi' , , . . Rfljani Fine-cm Tfitecs, ' BNUFF, CIGARS AND PI1?E3. ' We are yet telling Clgan from the well known factor, of the tiity of 1 barchn. to wbleh we Invite ire 11 attention. Price, gur enieed to uil l!eta Hayere. QS MABKET STBEET, South Bide, Bead of Market Houee. . D. PICOTT. Wadetbere erald eopy 1 nwath. . NEW . ADVIITIS2XTS 6BBW. CEBiM&S.ffiE CD L7ei,r dn.(S1CED.CS) FOR BROWN 45 MARKM) STREET, ry ARtinr'.r srif Ant.KipnH winikh wrR has dkbm HARRfu nswiv. Ha'lnt nodaetre lo Biiaral'rnte l,wlnf rlr.,.' w call th-H n t on , oor tlwvere oai f w raejwir-a JuWet n h how Oar IUHT ra-niniand tn e who hiiv j'an in i; n ui ivnj i .11 i 11 , w in.o for eve,, .uivui'iitwe make. W ana aar order lo mk rm m lor Srlug 'UicbaH Catnrls Hair Cloth. formsfl Vj j 7.1, . t'o'orea h-r(rtn, DoiiIiIk Width Poplins' j " l SO, 75, Hhd Blue Popbux, ' ' Color! Ca!iemtTe. - .' 11 , 11 Mtititoh Plaids. , . j ,a.i All wiml EiuirtM Cloth, GOAT8' SPOOL COTTOS wits n 3G-luoh Fruit of tlm Loom Shirtiiik l'J art Inch SEA SIDE (JO WON, W nttt wohtfii tiiiiKlmin, 11 fientapi'i jam. ill In Ah. w wi.ln Knn'U'i Tiiiliinir Vf, iMit. ... . .. w... .......w ...n .- , - an i DiTiami. imi'Uht or 8 s otr;:w with lh lidlowli g , 10 pHoun , U.-if; litd uU Term atrlctly CaaatstuetOae frlce. T Nauiples Cut . 1 BROWN & RODDICK; 45 Blarkett Street. IUH .. ' . ' S.v .. !!..... i.nrf V..I ll 1 .,1 , . Jt0ne Pricei-Terms Bmm mm Vi mmm mmm. m rk mm I DEPAliTMENt NO.'iOuneiati ol Do mi tdi t "'! . 2 Iftbloir OooJn, Ni DEI'ARTMKNT KO, 2, CoiMtUtiiJtSOl CrWtory, Cham, 'swore, Litaps, v, . ..i.;i ,V. ' lrasii(i)onsi -Vos,' I'latid' CWtWjr, aajd Fauoj . , Aftiolesl .-.as'," s... i S9T AfeUlkmrwetfttnyiohcllod,aiidiatlifotlOB .oaaiid. . t. . f V M. FRANK & BR0.t YTarfetit Street,' SOLUBLE PACIFIC 6U0 CO.; PRICES REDUCED. THIS DAY. TWO TII0U8AND FIVE HUNDRED for sale, either lot CASH or on CHOP with Merchants and other ruliahle parties prices.- ...... . UcmmlMloB Merebant., AgenUfor PacJo Uutno (Jo., andUMlerala N. Trnvln Guano, ! , ' V t ...... ,.' Nomtr Watei Htrktt, a . ....... , 4 .! ' . WltMI.MWlOM, N. O, Sub-Agents lor the Sale '. R. IHOW,. V. UCA1IA.T1.,. Jai.il . MISCELLANEOUS. "Spicy," A Novel Lamb. by Mr. H. I "CbiwttaeJoe, Pureaaanow." By Mn.U d. ue.j era. "The Babet Dekitlle. In the Wool." By Jamn , "The Orphan Hlroe." Ellen Pickering, "Thackeray'. Iron Sketch Book," "a fait Life," "Not Wltely but too Well," "Cometh Up t a flower,", "A Waltms- Kace " 1 ' f "Lady Rweet Apple," '(lood-bye S'wsslhaart," ' , ! "Tlie Qlaaiatcrt." , For tale at ths City- Book Store'i By CONOLEY A YATES. ; febl t) 8100 REWARD! IV IU. Pit ONK HUNDRED D'U.LAM lor tbe pprehenion and rte Ivny to ate of n.d ru'lowins ikiuiJ nr -oii'r . win nrckn 1 I reiiruary Id, 17V or Twentc dv4 Dol.art lurV the appiebeutloB tna delivery oreaea one : OKOUdE OKAWPUKD. (whit-) B fi-et S Inrht. hlcli; I gtit t'omultxliiiiwtlu light board, about 20 yaare of age. J'tR RURKR, (m i'atfo ) B f et, 6 Inrlira blv's t"y ' 7 Ubt mouUcln and ah i kon. , ,? A KOH IR STfWAHT. (Ma k,) 8 leet, 8 Incbe. bl,h iIjui. H y-.r.oi tue. 5..- i Jt'llOK BOUm-, (b'aek,) Hloa S feet, (I tnchra hljh wltb broad thouldcre-w :er. t military Jacktt, . I" H. M ANNrvf, sheriff. Wllmlngtxin, N. C, Keb. Id, ISiS. : febJ M-l Notice. Lt, PKHS0SS ARE HERBBT NOTi flud that neither tbe owner., Captain oor Con .Igneet will be re.poniibla for any debtt 00 n traoted by aayof tboerew of the Br. BarkAt- ahtnta. - h - ' ftb 4-tf Porous Plasters PAIN K1LLKR, v r -4 1. 'MwUi'sl' " F ni Indelllble Itk, fond'. K'ravt, tinmen need, FlowtrSd. Union Net, Ae., Ac for taie by GKKEN AFLANNRR, leb 4 liruKKlntt. 'rnnum nartno oottjn CP , i LLulnU U..U J and rrmt.,1 In tbewuet lasiilouabie j i " ' It '-a i oj?. -J tt I I - I j 30 DAYS. 1 ! RODDICK .it mn. h t,r rr)i.-tl"tt ti tb-in made. that pur. wrien ifbw mw ti aa. 'rd n. witb n I .srM.r Iu lb" eaeoB ean vonrh aaaltieo to t'ow cut thu baianCJO,' luralockin . 1 ! tti - -t ? , .now 63 25 SO 15. 65 25 45 ......'...,. ; ; 1 1 n ..fioif . , .. . . .u.llull .now . , . , f . . x ..How ,(. ....low .now ,n0$'4 (JO r Si-ooL oi-nts hbt jnriL ' t yard. ,., , . I:- ... .. ( , , . , . l heafesa a tt t . ef time'of Sinreh'te, t'nMiactird M1I1U1,., i.U hie, 4liOet and ') V, Cash." mt . sfM V .... .a )mr4 aid FanHf 'DRY TJ0ODS, .)"t.liiiig' Hh s, liatit, vUonta' f nrn- Xli j (tit at .tfti .la,. I At 1 ill '4 (1 1,000,000. ;" t TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC! flffA Kf TlMli Lihorul turma will be made to soil tills Qtuino nt our Warehouse n .- v m. - -,' . ny of Soluble Pacific Gnario. fi ...014 Hundred. It; O ,.M.iln. n.O , , S7-' md&w MISCELLANEOUS.. Anson vi lie Male School. 10 !Nllo MortU el Wadeabare, Pf. Ce Tbe oii.olt: Mwlna will begin February tit, 1H1A, and enntlnue twenty wtejii. Kev. Nridbaai B. cioYb, iflmdaate or the fnlversliy nt MnrtU 1'Hroltun) frmoipHljaklea by ooiaiMtent. and etperltnctd anlttauU Iu vi-rv llertm"llk - ' . t:. .. -it Tnltln i, SV'uml Sit per quarter, ynyable In advance, bui free to all eaauliate. fur the Uo el Mlnl.ny. t , , HoHrd anil lO'ialne. SIO per month. " " Wh,IiIiii, fuel and libu at ma terete re'ee. Arrnit!ntifrteJhT epn nieoe wlm the Oa'Hlg, criftl Hull war "HipHny to pe ptijl t "vr-r hB'r Koit fur hiiff .re . - A nli- M'Koaim latl -Hit f.;r D ef n lentel' J 1 h ' oMige Uui illti ar bolug tueioughf renalreel ul nw1y (ntnlehril For furf ivr InfuiOiatlnn ailiir M a J. J. MoI.EN'DPrT, Inn lfl-l-2wd. . tn-on-iHoi N. tV Marslial's OSce CITY OF WILMINGTON J Januarjr 23d, 187o. . j I-IUOM Itt Atrr-TlotEKR" S1" , iroMbi'eil e t'l g. fur?, or Mto.kofaayv elndl-i rront; of t, C'ty Mtiket Pili eeht t coi 'rout (be casern line ot J isitt etret to the ten. Hm uf K-iuri it nrot r e(:onl td Thud trrT, hetwt.i llii nrr'U 'rn line of Mirint il Oii 011 li'Tn line if i hratrst ttrecto. Ciwignre 'ur tb imrpine. iiyurjr, : inMn in-.. ' J. ll.plvjl ON. i - (StyWariliaV4 JutHI '' ' - t . Oats, Rica and busar 2,0'W Basho Corn, V , Yi ' ' 25 Tierem nnd BtilS R'oo, . 4(1 Bbls R-fined Sugar, . ' r" 4 ' 10 llbde P. ,K. : - " ' - I " Forii'tlehy , . . a. ' rErtHFR UALDKR BErS .Ian '1- -- ... " - '.-: T . f . AUklndt fbr fi I I " 1 Sl$Jt; fOCTH A.Njl Boyar CUEAP.s 1 .-'. MUNSONXs CITY t'Lul 111EK8. feb 4 10 Molasses and oKCo 100 Bbls S. BL Molnsses, 150 Bugs Bio CoCfoo, Kor ' nv b.i.:i.iJ,""5 f- C" hkO . isj aaxsv . i4 i t i -it Du.l'ip.letition roajb47i .:, . .r.-.J?-ftlssarjr" 1 -!",

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