2 1 I Ay I WW VOL. XX1V.-II0. 32. l7imniGT01T. IT. C, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1075. WHOLE 110. G,7C i . ! n I 1 i U f T l)f Bailn laurnnl WILMINOTQN, N. a. BATXrEDATf. FIB. 8. 1875. DY TELEGRAPH. UEApQUARTEIlS. DEATH OF SENATOR BUCK INGHAM. ? THE CInTRTairrSBILLPASSED THE HOUSE. THE SCHOOL CLAUSE STRICKEN OUT. IT GOES TO THE SENATE AS A .NEW BILL. THE PROVISIONS OP THE BILL AS IT PASSED THE HOUSE. " Washxsoton, Feb. 5-Noon No business u transacted iu the Senate to-day. Immediately after the rend, log of the journal the Seuate adjourn1 ed as mark of respect to the memot J of Senator Buckingham, of CounecU oat, who died this morning at 12:'i0 o'clock. . ' '. , A -j '' JButler ia addressing the House on the oitU, rights bill . WiSHiNoroM, D. 0., Feb. 5 Night ITouss The Civil Rights bill was filially disputed ol in the House to-day after ft loug and exciting debate, in the preseuoe of an immense assem blage. The first vote was ' oa an amendment offered by Keliy, of Con necticut, to strike out of the House bill the provision relating to school, and tha(, .was . carried by large ma jority, but without the yeas and uayn. The next vote was on the moiiou of Cessna, of Pennsylvania, to substitute the Senate bill for the Hounj lull end that was defeated. The bill was then passed. -Xea8 nJ W- : The next vote was on attaching as a preamble to the bill ft - clause of the Democratic National Platform of 187J affirming the equality of all men be fore the law, Tnat was adopted. Yeas' 219; nays, . 26. The usys being all Southern Democrats, with one North-: era Republican. .Chittenden., of The bill now goes tolhe Senate for action as an original House bill, hav ing no relation whatever to the bill passed by the Senate. 3 I ,... '- Tbe following is the bill as passed, omitting the preamble: "" " That all persons within the jurisdic tion of the United States shall be en titled to the full and equal enjoyment of the aocommodation.ad vantages.faoil ities and privileges of inns, pnbho conveyances (ou land or water), theatre and' other places of public amusement, subject only to the condi tious aud limitation established by law, and applicable alike to oitiauus of every race or color, regardless of any previous condition of servitude. , That any person who shall violate the fore going section, by denying to any oiti sen, except for reasons by law applica ble to citizens of every race and color, and regardless of any previous condi tion ofseryitude, , the full enjoyment of any of the accommodations, advan tages, facilities add privileges io said section enumerated; or by aiding or inoiting such denial, shall, for every suoti offence forfeit and pay the snm of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered in an action of debt with the full costs, and shall also, for every such offence, bs deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined Dot less than 8300 nor more than $1,000, or shall be imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than one year, provided that all persons may eleot to sue for the penalty foresaid or to proceed uuder their rights at oommon law and by State statntes,and having so eleoted to proceed in the one mode or tbe other their right to pro ceed in the other jurisdiction shall be tl.rred, but this proviso shall not ap ply to criminal proceedings.either uu der this act or the criminal law of any State; and provided further, that a judgment for the penalty, in favor of the party aggrieved, or a judgment upon an indictment, shall be a bar to either prosecution respectively. 8eo. a That the District and Cir ouit Courts of the United States shall have, exclusively of the Court of the several Btates.eognizanoe of all crimes and offences against and violations of the provisions of this aot, and actions for tbe penalty given by the proceed ing section may be prosecuted iu the Territorial, Distiiot or Circn.t Courts of the United States wherever the de fendant) may be found without regard to the' Other party, and the District Attorneys, Marshals and Deputy Marshals of the -United States aud Commissioners appointed by the Cir euit and Territorial Courts of the Uni ted States with' powers of arresting and .imprisoning , or , , bailing offenders against the laws of the United States are hereby spe cially authorized and required to in stitute proceedings against every per son who shall violate the provisions of this act, and oausebim to be arres ted and imprisoned or bailed, as the oaso may bJ, for trial before such Ooart of the United States or Territorial Court as by law has cognizance of the of ense, except ia respect of the right of action' accruing to the person aggriev ed, and each District Attorneys shall cause such proceedings to be prose cuted to their .termination as in other eases; provided' that nothing contained in this section shall be con . strned to deny or defeat any right of civil aotion accruing to any person, whrtfcrt by this act or otherwise; and any District Attorney who shall wil fully fail to institute and prosecute tlie prooeodings herein required,, shall for every snob offouse, forloit and pay t'i sum of 500 to the person aggnev 1 1 thereby, to be recovered by any r ' a of ckbt, with full costs, and !, fn conviction thereof, bs 1 f if a r : '"'.iw, and ba fined not less than $1,000, nor more tlian f5,W0; ard provided fnrtaer, that a jutlgmeut for the penalty, in favor of the party aggrieved, against my such District Attorney, or a judg ment upon an indictment agoinat auy such I:r triot Attorney, shall be a bar to either prosecution respectively. , Seo. 4, That no oitis a possessing all other qualifications which are, or may be prescribed by law, shall, be disqnalitied for service as grand or petit juror in any Court of the Uuited Slates, or of auy State, on acoouut of race, color or previous condition of serv tude; and auy officer or other per son charged with 'jy duty in the se lection or summoning of jurors, who shall txclude or foil to summon anv oitiz n for the cause aforesaid, shb , ou conviction thereof, be ueeniea guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not more than $5,000. 8 c. 0. That all cases arising under tbe provisions of this sct,in the Courts of the United states, shall be review able by the Supreme Court of tbe Uditrd. States without regard to the sum. in controversy, under the same provisions and regulations as are now provided by law for the review of other causes in said Court. NEW ADYmiSZZOTI. Eunor;; LOMA AGAIN DEFEATS THE CARLISTS. MAORiD.Feb 5.- Noon The Alton- sists have captured Pu -rta La Regun, winch was dent roved by nrefrom shell. AUouho wai uuder Ore for the first time at Otoiga. ' . itaneral Lotus defeated tbe Carhxts at Cestoria, ten miles South of San Sebastian, after a five hours fight. . EUKOPE. THE QUEEN'S SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT. . 6 Night Aust.ia in the l'apal suo- Lon'Don, Feb. will nut interfere cesHio!', Parliament bos reassembled. Tbe Queen's speech says 'that peace in Kurope remains unbroken. The re cognition of Alfonsois under considera tion. Colonies prosperous. Gradual progress in the abolition f slavery. Jiy .Providential blessing tbe Gov- errtnent has been able to avert the thftiittened lou f lit. -Jn luuia iroin t amine. ELECTKICISMS. The msiority of the Minnesota Leg islative Committee ou bribery in the Senatorial election report facts with out any recommendation. The minori ty report that ingersoii was spproacu- ed with 8300 to voce for Ramsey, and ssk for aotion. Kev. Dr. James DeKoven has been elected Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Illinois. The Cheyenne Indiana reoently cap tured a Mexican supply train, killing ten Mexicans. They got away with the train. The affair occurred on the border of New Mexico. Dr. Leighton Coleman declines tbe Episcopate of the Northern Wiscon sin diocese. . Two usliing schooners, witn a orew of twelve each, are now five "weeks overdue at Gloucester, Mass. Return ing vessels report very severe weather. SPECIAL. Tim Elniwct iollr,itUilltlice'getol(ll, ill St liAwr ana wear longer than any otUrr. rrovetU'Kt'y trying. The tiale. of Arabjr Ari tot tplcif r than the imdi which tbs fra grant StiJSODUNT Imparl to tha breath. Nor t tbe heart of tha Ivory nit whiter than th. teeth th&t . ro cluaned daily with that matuh. lent fla d. We anrimtand that t wloopmK-ooufh la quite ptrVBlriit iu the towi a around at J but tuat iki cK8ca hv irov.'t iatal, Seme families utta ruttil.iK hut Joiinwn'ii Anodyne Limmei't -nr Doctor, bowerer, a a little ipirac. to produce vomiting, would be an ad nlte. There are more tlian one thouand different kiiiilsol I'ilii) the Unttd HtaUe. omcoi thera are oonhlt-ii and Injurlona. otnera are good and bem-flclal. Uid Ur. f arvoiia inventa the bet' ami-bilious r-ill e rrt: 10 or hrard ol'. Tiioy are no raid nnder the nameot Farnon'i rnigatlTe rill Sohsbck'b PtaitoKio Kvnur, ssa Wbkd Tomiu. D MiHiihaKirn.L Theiw df enrv edly oelfbraCMi and popular inert li-inee here tei t d a rerolntii-n In tlie healing art. and Kro .en the fallacy of ecver nixiin , erhluli te for many vearaobauuetrd the progrewef meUli'sl ocleuce. 'Ihe f-Am t.uppi'ltlou that Conoumilkm l Incurable" dttened .hvt clanB lrotu ntl. Dtptlng ' Snd r mediei for that iMa aw, and pMiriitaaflllcudwiihli rei onciiid thouiatim to death without maklnit an ellbit to eoaie Iroin a d' om which they euciowd to he onviillaliie. It la now prow.', howevfr, that IbnnmptitM com lie eared, and tbat 't been cured in a very great Dumber or taeen (Mime of ihtm apparently desperate one) by Hch nok'a Pnlt-onlo Kvmp aluue; and m o'ber caiKby ihe a me inediome In connection with Schenck'e Kea Weed Tonic aim Mandrake Pllla, one or both, according to tbs rf quire menu of ihe cue. Dr. Hchenck hlmnolf, who esjojed uninter rupted rood health for more than forty yenra, w upi.cd. t one tt'oe, to b at the very gate ot ilca'h, hit phyaiolHin liarlne ptoniiDne. ed bia case bopt h and abandoned ivm to bla late, lie we cured bv the aforsraid or dl. e n' a, and, amce hut recovery, many thnnranda aimliarly affected bare UBed Ir. Srhenck'l preparation with the tame remarkable auo-ce-. Full direction! accompany each, making It not absolutely neecajiry to personally aee lr. Sohenck nnleea patient wiah their lunita ex amined, and for tM purpoM he ia prolemionxl It it hiatrlnclialofflce, corrn r Hlxlb and arch a'reeta, Phlldlpbia, etery Mondtv. where a'l letr-ri tor adtice mu-t be addrea-ad. ttcheoek'a mcdliiineaare Kdd by all drugKutta. janl-lm:dw Now Crop Cuba Molasses, FEC05D CSBQO I 280 HHDS' TIEaCER' N0W HVD' 1HO, M Brig John Pleree, fri m Havana. 'For Sals by, febt WOETH WORTH. ' tS-naeSt Hay, Eice, Flour, and Coffee. SKI Malea Fanteru Bay, ' ilTireei Hlce, , i fr'O Barrela Flour, , IrtnSaekat'oflee. 4 , For aale By KCHCHMSKACAiCKS BRvn, i-i IT DR. ROCERQ' A Bra ea.aeyMfTiw pall, whoa uilletad po Bi-e I, setoieailyi "( M OANNOT8EIHI8CH1LD SUFFER There U as other M'adv. bmMbbI ta ahl A. , koi. that ta oerompanird with re todoo n aoia wrotaaeaaaai mibs uiue aaiarer Ukaa PRODUCED BY WORMS; sad whaa tbanarent ful eoatBreheada tka alt- I nt'on be will not delay a Boaeat teeeeertng the m t prompt ea4 efflctaat romedles to'a-u-e the oxpttlaioB "t Ue lauoden. This Meaiedy may too foaM Is KB. HOC EUR TBCBTABLB WOHnSYaiUl. wieee bear ia ail ad that Bogere' Worm Syrip I the reliable pre para Uea' Bogrra' Worartly ay a palatable pre paratie a. Kogere' Worm Byrap le liktd by ehildrea. Rogeia W oria Sjrap aoeitlvoli aeatioyi vwal Rogert' Worm -arupieaee ao bad effveta. ROQB KS' WORM 8 Y RCP highly reo: mod-d by pbylc!an, an I Is aaf-istthmably tha BEST WOKM MhDIOIMB III TBI WOHI.D. Price tJ eenra For Sale hy al Dregjlete. JOHh f. Hit NIT, UUHBAM A UU., Proprietors, ar d t Oo lege Pit, tew Tork. febt rli Administrator Sotice, H 4Vir Qoannxu a admikii- trati'r upoa tha litata of Doctoa Bay, 4a oeiwd.Uteof New Hanover lounty, aotlee la h-reby glvoa ta all pertona Indebted toaaid d cea d, lo make Inmtdiala pavacot, saw Is all pereooa baring olaiaeagalnat th de. ad, to prt sett them.to the adettlgned,at BiitrM, M. O , or to hl Attorney, DuBruts Uatlar, at wi mirgtou. N. ('., oa or before the 4th day of Febroary, IMS, or this aotle will L pleaded In bar of araoovtry. WRIQBT BATI, Admlalatratar. Ih February, 1J75. It-ltawiw Furniture. T. A. SMITH afe GO VT boletato aad Retail Dealer la Farnltnrw , PwralaalBa; , la All of Hie Mraarha. Smith" Htm bullitlng. urth F rent street, Wllaiagtoa. M.C " . Furniture. X. A. SMITH &5 CO.. Wholesale Snd Retail IHalert ta rarattara sad FaralalB( Oaada, In All of the Branebee, ' " HZ toeU Trade Wtreet, . thatlotw, N C. . febf 5 - ' I ; - JM-lf 5 NEW ADVISTISEHOTI Notice. TTAYINO DISPtWRD OF OUR I40T)LR, Jl, najBeeeaad Trenk Raiw,tlock,iw4 wiuaiMiaeoa Accoenia, wuaiafiaa, O.. to Mater. Carneter A at a lard, we arby tender ear thaake t a geueroo pattlte fur uear ueerai pairueage me iae tea yere. ami a aeauaaaaee wi ia eane w u euu eeeaor. wa have beee aeoeotablv la ear e xlor for aaaay yearaaad are thorukly poaied la th NsdUle, tlaraeM a as Treat Kaalueae la all He areoobea. Mem Vrpearer Mallard will settle alt taiaieoarraeted a el net a ta WllmlBgtoa.N. C , aad eeileot debu da ua aad receipt fur ta eaaMh J. V. TOP H AM A CO At rarvoatar. J II. mallard Best Cook Hoolrst ETKKY UOUSCKKlCPRHMIIOUtJ) PO". eea at le ait oca t Uielollowmg oelebratat Oo k book, aa thev wuld ear Ui price of It la a week cooking: Ikewueeobf UieKtunea. y MiMTyeua..l ts BfllM i-eile' Mew HeealpM for Oooklog....! 16 Mr. Hale' New Cook book..... 1 1(1 Th touug Wife'e Hook Rook.... ,1 to MtMl.ealie'eNewCo'kery Rook ...I ts Mre.Ooodlellow'e ( ookery a It Should Be.. I IS Th National Cook Rook. By Hanaaa M. Boovwr .1 T Fetereon' New t k Book I 78 WMdiflelu' New Cook Book.... I TS Mr. Hale' Raoelpt for th Million ,.1 T in r mini i j ptb-ii. uj uuiwr xtauonai For ole at HEirJSBERCER'G febt Lire Rook aad Mb! store, ? Final Notice CHlGe Treasurer aM CoUcctar " CITY OP WILIkttNQTON, N. 6., February tth, 1875, ( Am, pbrsons still owing oitt TaXFR on Real aad Penooal Proportvar hereby notified that In ea the eamsli'ot paid before the ldtb day of February, inataat, their Propei t j (Ineiuding eapenee thereon) will then (withoutdiecrlmToatton) bo poaltlvaly ADVERTISED AND BOLD. febS T. 0. SERVOSS, City Treaanrer. list Blak Jack and Split Oak. Bpllt aad Kousd ! ASH AND PINE WOOD, For eel long, or rut np and dollversd, at uuwasi inow,roA vain. "0. O. PARRLBTA OO.- S Il-tf Molasses I Molasses! TTTB OFFER, TO ARRITB BT ICHB. HAGS IB ELLEIVr Daily rxpected from Sagas LaGraad, : nin iiiida t QCC Chelo New Crop Moace- QtjTiwreesf vado Mouweee. febS WORTH tt WORTH. Il-lv Auction Sale TWENTY HORSES AND MULES. T WILL BELL, wlthoat reeerv, la front of the Old County Jall.thli morning, at IS e'eloek. B. KAHMWBILRB, u . Aaetloaeer. febS l-H Oats, Bice and Sugar 2,000 Bushels Corn, 25 Tierces and Bbls Broe, 40 Bbls Refined Sugar, 10 Hhds P. R. " ForaaMby REROHKRB OALDKR BROS 1 Jan 1 rsigflit Gaps, T1()HT SHIRTS, DAT CAPS, lAv SHIRTS, CJLOXJaIlXO, "' . All kind tor " MEN, TOCTH AMU BOTS, CHEAP , AT MUNSON & GO'S, Saddles. Harness, &c. H AVISO -BOtJOHT TUB AROTB MEN Uad tfooda, a offer a Tall Itock f 8 ADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS. BRIDLES, And All Klsdsof 8ADDTiT;KY goods, AT VERY LOW PRICES Fwr Clnak ar t prompt paying buyer. W reepeoituiiy eoitcit pauuaage. CAMPC.1TEU Y AALI.ARD. Ibl II taaae Spirit Casks, Hoop iron, (Sc.. etc. 4 STANDARD OARBS, TwasHaoptroa. 10 Sbls-Ola, SOe Paper Rlvela, US Bbli. Range, A. For sal by RBRCUNRR O ALDER BROS. Jaa N M leot 'Ooahen and Baltlmors Roll ButtRTt A freeh lavolo reeelred to-day IS rsnfs. Oroeorles, Bay and drain at loweal saah prtoea, ...L . rial adAwit Horse Blankets, Saddlea, HarneX, Trunka, Traveling Wags, Dollar, Bridle, Ham, Tree t'hala., Whtpe. cheap eagoodeefaaeqaa ityeaa he bongkt In the State. J. R.TOFBAM m UU. Of tt tT4-B-M HEW ADVEETISE2IKNT8. John Dawson Raa In etnra ard a arrive SOS 'tow (of all klat 1 1 Tone PI'iw Caalnge, SB I'e'ia Oottoa Plow Line. S0 Pair Traoe Oh alna. 40 !" Oollara and Haaea, ISO Deara Weeding Hoes, SO I 'aaea Shovain and Spades. For eale at Ui loweet Market rah - IS, RS at tl markag Rtrwot. . Jaa II - FOR SALE I Zlules and 7afjons. 8EFRN (T) Head good large Mole. TWOIDAM I Road Wngona. ONE (1) A No I Timber Watm. Ua guod J term. A'J.tBJirrr " - Woatkrooks, Bladen Onantv.N.'o. jaa ft , deod-lawia. Notice. A .PFLIOATION WILL BB MADE TO tie General iawmhly of North Carolina to Charter the CRy Bank of WHmlogtoa. Jan 17 li-ttawtoi SELECT BOARDING ASD DAY SCHOOL, HILL8BORO, N. O. Th ThTrty-eecond aeealon of th Mlwe" Rath and Mlv Rollock'. School will open Friday, February tth, 1870, and ronUna twenty WWke. ... Circular forwarded oa application. dee (f SOS ItawSw OITT CLVTBIKB8. Enterprise Manufacturing Co't CofTee Mill). THE BE8T MILL aaanufantnted for Speed Evennera and lurablllT. F.eery mil warranted. Poraaleat mannraetnrar'S pile at th New Hardware Houae or OILES A MUR0H18OI. aaM " ' - C. H. tW. RUrJCE QMOKBI) JOWIj, Naw Lot of OELERT, Oholo Family Floor-In Barrsla and Bslf Barrel. Freah Milk Craekere. , Y CORNER OF C,,Y Ilarket and 2d Streets JOB n " "New Procees" Empire Family Flour, ' Best Flour la tbe HFrl4 Try tt and w gnarantee a tavta g of MK P" Seat. At wan expected It took th "premium" at the Fair lor aakiug tn FOREST, WHITEST and ' r- i : SWEETEST BREAD On trial will onvlneyoo. t ' . Th ' Beet Batter In th World." always th ssm and tb only rallabl elegant Butter ta thlieltf. Salad DrealBg and Atmorst Mince Meat At GEO. MYERS', II and IS South Front St. SI Ccrovcn Houso, . ') ' B. BRADLEY, Froprlotor, rflHIS LOMO AMD FATORABLT KNOWN Eoass, pleeaantly sltastod oa Johnson Sqnars, hiving bees reeontly repainted and repaired and having all of It department tiled with competent, pollt aad attenUve saploy. orTer to the traveling pobllo aomfort ansar- Baasod by any Monat In the Boathers State. paeaenrera having Through Tickets and de elrlng to lay over at Screven Hoa-e, will have Free TrunnxwUtlon from the Honae to DOcot or H tee met. la Sererea Jaona Wuibea. teeaa .' . 4 fsi OPERA HOUSE. For Two lN'Iffht MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Fab- ruary Bt and Oth. FTJ-BJaisiI'3 6 th AVENUE THEATRE CCMBIHATIGN ' rrwaa How nark t Ity. MONDAT N1QRT will be reeented th rat e!tj play , la S aeta, eatltled DIVORCE. Act t-Glvea la Marrlkg. Aot S t. Suife heean. AOT STh uree or Interfcrenc. Aor 4The Law Retaliate. Aot l-Th Ulvaeed- TTJESDAT NIOHT. Aeiiwtln Dalr's adar- tatioa er luaa' lateat fariaiaa tttue!, in I Sete, lions. Alphonse, Tbs action occur during morning. afternoon and night. Th above nlar. will ha b reeented with all that attention to'dief. and de'atl that haa ae orded to the .bore Comolnatuia, thr.udorae- meat ot sots rreatanu rueu ae me LoaAIWR CoaieaF Campaap ( America. AnaiMtoa Si, TS and SO ernta. Rei erred Seat SI SS. Rei Sheet tor ! of Reaerved MeaU will opt-a at Rtineberger'i Rook Stor en Ratu'day aiorniug at o otooa. eu io or CARCO NEW CROP CUBA H0LASSES For ! lo w from wharf by fib 4 BINFORD, OilOW A 00. IERJU8' HAMS sad Breakaut Strip, Oolaaan'SEBgllah Maitard, Crow A B'askwoU's I loklee, . i . j i l soooroal, Vaaleelll and JalUsae Soap. 0 Ooods delivered free. .) FLAN NEB k SQUBE, : 81 Korth Frou) 8t lebl a School for Girls. SELECT SUUUOL FOR UIRLS WILL openrd in Mortal. ton, Burke oountv. M. O.. by MiaoM. Hkibsss, FebrearySd, 1.7ft. R um ber limited. Tsaaa-Ponltlrely ta adraoc. , ia oaa ssMtna ot to wssk! Eng' lab TnUlon, Roatd. feel and light, Bt OS Ijtln aad Irench, each.......... is to MuahJ t 26 00 aipsisaoss: Dlabop AUInaon, Wilmington, N, 0. ' Rev. A. A. Wata -n, l. Ii., " . Rev, N. Fall., Morgan ton, Rv. W. Ukeaon, U. I)., Rertolk, V. . Rev. Mr. Dame, .', ' Hob John Ooorte, - . , ... ,. Moo John H. Whitehead, " ' Dr. W. W. Soott, " " Jaa I t-st SEW ADVmiSEHEMJ. . OF - FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & ltODDIOK, ;45 MiEKET STKE33T. ; EVRRT ARTI0I.E SOITABL" FOR WINTF.R WFAR MAS RKEH M aRKKD DOWW. Hlntnodertoal.repreenlertherti(olorrrm, we call the admit on or all our pationatuthe meihixl w naeiT aakKiao ota oi in riot'ai ro that ear- char ean ae fw themwlrMiutiet'y bewmuoh of reduction ho.oeen made. IN STORK AND TO ARRIVE. OKA BKQS AILS, Beet Brndr 500 tCUVf Flow, S I on. tiaatlngl, B Ton Plow hiteia. auaiae.) Tonanweeaea iron, amr'ea; SO Coiln 'etUin Kopo, 101) Uoa. Oow Belt. m. m ii auov tor aate at Boca itottom r not., at th Now Hard war Star of M QILE1 MUKUHIHON aa It SS North Front Sueet w TOBACCOS, E HAVE ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE a goi.i al awortmeutof SNUFF, CIGARS AND PIPES. Wear vet eelline Cliar from tbe wel' known Faotnrr of the ity of harcbrt, to wbieh w Invlt ape. Il ettoutwn. Frlcet guai- an tee a to tun vein liayore. 88 XyXA.ZUXST 6TEEET, Seatb Bid, Head of Marktt Honaa. v , , D.PIOOTT. Wadwbor Herald eopy l aonth. lebl S-tf Swede Iron, Plow bteel, Smith' Bellow, Screw Flatea, Anvlla. Sledge rltamml, Haud Hammere, Ae A large aaortroent of the abova yoode can he fnaadattb old eetobllrhed Hard war Hon Of JOHN DAWSON, , l,2uaudalMarketHr, Jan M Jl 0100 BMVABDI I WILL PAT ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for tbe apprebeneioa aad deliver lo ae, of toe following named prlaonern who brcke jail reornaryn.l-in, or J wenttar uonar. lor th apptebenaida and delliery of eaeh oa : OKOUOB CRAWFORD, (white) B feet.S Inrbee high; I ght complexion with light beard, about W yearn of ago. , , , I i JOB RCRKB, (malaHo ) B feat, Inched high; giey eye with light mouitech and whis hera. ARCH IF, STEWART, (black,) 8 ft, I Inch high eboat II year of age, JCDOR SOLDER, (black,) about I feet, 8 tnrhe high, with broad (boulders-wear military Jaoket, R. H. MANNING, BberlS. Wilmington, N. 0., Feb. td, 187B. febS SMW To the Public. yLL WE ASK OF THE FDBLI0 IN general Isbt FRICE 0DR GOODS. , A Few More OVERCOATS Left TO BE BOLD AT LKHB THAN COST. V DAVID WEIL. janM " : ' ' Uoldslioro High School A For Bo? and Young Man. M FaTTS. A. M, "....'..Principal. E. W.Ai.aaa, A.M, Prof, of Malhematlcr, Tbe aett Seaaloa begin oa Monday, Feb ruary lt -: - . Foe Ulioular apply to . , ' . Mi FKTTFR, Principal, jaaM-tw . 4t. Vto, R. g, NO HUi H OPPOKfUNITT baa ever been ottered In thi. rttr at ANT f ma. Our Daily pa'Mna and thie who have favored ne with a eail .artier ta the eeaann aa vsnea fhr ereiv etatcment we make, Wa aaa Daraaaiaao to oloe cut thbaianeaf em tiu.k i. order to make room lor Si ring purehaw. formsrlj , 7S., ..... , f .' (),,..,, ........" at I II II 75 jasRWt ........tOW 7.1,... ,. now ..sow ..now now ..... ..now .........now t3 60,.... 53 25 80 15 65 ' 25 45 ..now$3 00 Camala Hair Goth, Uoiored Herges. " Double Width Poplins. Nolid Bins 1'opllna, Colored Gaaha&isra, , Hootob Plaids, All wool Kmprcss Cloth, BUAWLS. COATS' SPOOL COTTON 6 cents twr Spool. 30-lnnh Fruit of tbe Loom Hliirtioff 12 oouts pf r yard. 8J Inoh BEA BIDE COrrON, 13 o nU per yard. . 8otch OiuRlisras, 11 oents per yard. . . 1 , , 40 iuolipe wide Enirlisli Tuokiiiff, 25 oputs. 1 AN MiTt.it meviipRTor rsaoaar. will he Mrsw ov art Ataat Uma of pnroh.ee, with Ih following ncptlonn I leatbed and Uublraebd RhtrMage, wlnghaaay CaUewee aad Spool iNittmi, . . BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Strefit. . - " - " - in BR-. Ol'R MOTTO ! ir0ne Price-Terms Cash." 17 .3Inrl.ct IS tree t. DETABTMENT NO. 1, ConsfstiDg of Doranstlo an.! n uuutltJ,". j , u s-Mauejiottiuifflk tiaoea, Uats,Uentt JForue. - - laniiiLT iroqa3L.iM.iev- r . . , . ,. . lEPARTUEilT KO. , -Oimsisiliig of (Wkt-rj, Cliiua, OlnBSwarfAvLsmpS, Lsrnp Goods, Vases, Plated Catkry, and Fancy " ' ' ' ' '" '' .' "'Artiolns, ' " . j '.-(,. ,i t. 'v4; S7 A call Is re.peot fully Mllolted, aad .atliraetlon gnarantord. . ( II. FRANK & BRO. ; mit WILMIKGTON, N. C. PfilEFiCinCGWOCO.; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS 80LUBLE PACIFIO QUANO for aale, either for CASH or on CHOI' TIME. Libursl terms will be mads with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Ouauo at oar Warehousa prices. - :"- "-' .-.' w: II. JircKAliy & A O.. CommlaloB Marohanti, Agntafor Paolfio Ou.no Co. sud Oealer.ln N t P ruvlan O. ano, ... - HiORTO WaTKlt fSTREBT, ' witm.iit iuM, rt. v, SuM gents for the gale of SoltiWe Taclflp Ouano. v. fi, oino, , V. (AHAMAn,.. Jail SI - f ,, . 5 . ,.- ............. .......... ;....0I4 BnnSred.H. 0 m........ ,.,.,. ,..M' I in.M. 0 - snrmiilw : WE OFFER ODE STAHDAED FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on tho Cars, at Oat : Factory, at tbe following u ( ; w SOLUBLE HAVASSA GUANO At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, payable 1st of November, next;, ' ( NAVASSA ACID.; ! PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or '$38.03, payable 1st of November next. '. , WR OrjABANTEthatthpreTlouiHltiUranofoiir FertllUeraiUtl) be fully MaiKTAies , NAVA8SAGUANO-0MPa.. i f k. ft. HKrrioeRf. Prr.iden I. MoMSE, Treaaurer, O. h. tiRAFFUR.auporlaUBdsot. JanS'. vt ii on i air. Oil. ai. rj. ..ud-dJtwIm MISCELIANE0U8. "Spicy tt AKvl by Mr. M. J. g Lamb. 'ChMtaaeloe, PureeaSnow." By Mra.lt J.ieiara. The Babes In th Wool.1 By Jamr. Detain. . .;-.-i.. ..i "Th Orphan Rleo.." By Ellen Flckerlng, ! "ThaeUray't Irlth Sketch Book," AFatUfe," , " :'" ' V.V ; ; "Kot Wlatly bat too Wsti,H . Cometh Tp ms Flower," "A Waiting Race," "Lady Sweet Apple," Ooodby Sweeth.art," Ths 01adtator.N , For sals attb City Book Stor By febl C0N0LEY k YATES. - .-1 Porous Plasters PAIN KltiLFR, FajNa.lndetllblS Ink, pond'. Kx'raot, ' . ; tiarden Seed, . , ' ,. Flower .td. , , Unlou Kete, Ac, As. v For . at. by 0MgHaMlBUNER,--feb Urngglet. z Children's Ftbb's and. Kid Shoe Lr Extenalon Toe. Children'. Beamira Shoe. At ' C.A. rr.:cr;n, MI3CELLANI0DS I .ot t - t AusoutUIo Jtfalo School. ...r.v; ' , .JURATION , fl. -:t ,. -j, 10 Mile North ol Wftdeaboro, IV. C , Th opening eMon will begin February lit, IB1U, Mill BU HW.1..U1J ., Kv- Nnedhaai B. Ool b, (Qrailnate of th ViilveT.ity of North Carolina) Principal; aidud oy comiHiienr ana eaposKuov mc.mui u . verv det artmint. . TiiithiB 88, H' and SIS pet quarter, payable In adranoa, but (re to all OandUlato. tor th Uoii Minlatry. . ? Hoard and lodging, RIO per month. Wahieg, fuel awf light at. mo 'erat ra'ei. AirBKement h-v Sean mad with th Carotin i ntrl Kaliaay ompany top papl rtver 'heir Ko d for half f r . Anipleaccommnialltnafora'O.tudent.. Thi I'ollege Uuildlnge are btlug thorooghR . repxifrd and n. wly tumlehed , , i J. J. MoLENDOS, Jan 19-ltHird. Anmntll,N. O. Harshal's Office, . CITY OF WILMINGTON, ( January 23d, 1873. f, NOTICE. FROM THIS DATE AUCTIOSEFRS IRH prohlhlted aeiling n.irm-e or Htorkorany kind In front of tlie City Market. PrlpeK at.eet from the eastern line ot Kront sir. el to the op-tern line of Fourth Mreet or second ' and Thiid.treete, b'tween the northern line of Markrt aid thn oith,rn line of cheitpat .tract', are dealgnite I tor th . purpose. , Rv order ' he ilaor. ' V J.H.ROniv0lf. ' , City Menbafc ; Jan M - ' '- Ilolascca and offco 100 Bbls 8. II. Molasses, ' ' 150 H iRsIlio Coffee, . "RttVyilSEli & CALOXRRR"". Jan tl T'.- -rn,i tuynrN CP ..t.e s ' 4

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