J 1 o WILnmQTOIT, IT. C., SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1875. WHOLE 1H0. 6,797. VOL. XXIV.-NO. 33, a n fT I 111 I.I . I II I I ' I HI I . I I r II 1 1 I I 5 1 fl X WILinNGTON. N. a: - bTJIDAY. FIB. 7. 1875. OY TELEGRAPH. PEirnosroR the texas pa- p. CIFIO RAILROAD. PROPOSED AMENDMENT THE PENSION LAWS. TO THE SENATE SEN 03 THE CIVIL Biaars bill to the judi ciary COMMITTEE. ELKCTUUISAIS. The Consul General of Nicaragua hi iiUmmi1 I a note to L. sseps.askit'g Lia mpport for an luter-ocoauio caual wliirli he promises 10 do. Tliireare thirty-seven persons snf faring froui tin alt-pot in the Cook County (111 ) Four Houe. Au ii ffcti'tl person ws aaaiit:d by the negligence of thu inspector. Tim West Virginia Seu;ite Las parsed a hill m viug it- Crtjutol to Wlieliug. It in thongut that the Iljuse will ooneur. Tht strike among the mill operative at Fall River outiiiueH. Nearly two tbouwml wearer ami spiuners.uioe-tly females. Lava beeu idle nearly a lort- K'.t Ihn Lancaster, Peun., pumps are fr i n, aud th citv is without water. UEORUIA. SEW ADVEETISMIITt. JEW ALVEETI6IME5TS. COMMITTEE UEPORT3; ON AR- -' KANSAS. Wabhtnotos, Feb 6 Noon Sesatr Bhortnau prestntI a uieruorinl from the Ginoinnati Chamber of Comtnerco in favor of granting aid asked by the Texas Paoitio Railroad. The llouae has been transacting business of a miaoellaoeous cuuraotur, of no public importance. ,, WaawaToif, Feb. 5. NIgUt Sks ATt: The credentials of Theo. F. Ran dolph, from New Jersey, were read aud placed on lite. Pratt, of Iudiaua, from the C nnm t tee on Pensions, reported bsck tlw bill granting pensions to certain sol diers and sailors of the war of 1812, and widows of deceased soldi rw, ml to restore to the pension rolls the Dames of persons stricken threfrom in consequence of dialovalty. wilh an amendment in the nature of a substi tuts. Placed on Calendar. In reporting the bill Pratt said that the substitute admitted to the pmihion ' rolls the names of all surviving oflleers, oldiers and sailors of the war of 1812 woo had served in that war lor a p - riod ef 80 days, and also were honora bly discharged, and did not voluutan- engage iu the late rebellion. It also admitted all sunivirg oilers and soldiers who served in the Indian war of 1811,and surviving members of Seneca Indian Nation. who served in the war of 1812, and fiually restored to the roll the names of all persons now surviving, Btriokeu therefrom by the act of 18(52, to be paid from the pas- West, of Louisiana, presented a memiual of P. B. S. Pmohbaok.asking ' action on his claim foradmission to his , seat in the Senate. Referred to the Committee ,on Privileges and Eh-c-' tiOna. In presenting it, West said: I prwwnt the petition of P. B. S. Pinch back, Senator-elect from the State of JmniajtMi "' f ' " Morton, of Indiana, from Committee on Privileges and Elections, reported back the bill to regulate the counting ,1bf totea for President and Vioe-Presi- dent, and the oonourrant resolution to Amend thfl 22d Joint KiUe. auuasaea Uhat. iliA rVimmitLM bftdiecbareed from iua Vwm u , their further consideration. It was so ordered. ' " He also reported from the same Committee bill to provide for and to Mfrnlata the oonntiiiir of votes for President and Vice-President and de cislon of d ueetious arising therefrom. Plannrl nn flulendar. ? - He gave notioe that he ' would ask iha Kenate to eonsider the bill on Mnndsv next --" , - . "' Th rteiiste discussed the Houne bill In amend the steambout laws but reached no vote. Th Tinnisiana disenssion will 1 e 'yntiewed Wednesdav. ' " The Civil Righte bill was received from the House of Represautatjjes tnd referred to the Judioiary Com rnittee. -1 : - The President will send a special jneeeage to Cougressou Monday re- wding the South. ,.,JQouas An investigation was diiect edinto the expenditures of the West era Judicial District of North Caro lina since 1872. Majority and minority reports were A rkanaaa Affairs, and recommitted. The majority report reoouimeds no aotio j by Congress or the govern ment, and the majority report iasists that Joseph Brooks is the legal Gov ernor o f the State.' " " ' " i . -1 ' ' .I i - - JL0U1SUNA. REPORTED COMPROMISE BE-w-TWEEN THE DEMOCRATS " V' l " AND 'RADICALS i , VJ"'kS 1 WAaaNKOTON, Feb. 6 Noon Dis patohes from New Orleaus to the Now )t Times and Herald report that a ebmpromise whioh was adopted by the Conservstives Dy a vote oi wiuij-uiuo to twenty-seven. Itinvolvesthereooni tion of the Kellogg government aud reseating five members, expelled by military, of the Lower House. Mc Enery and Penn protest, aud Wiltz offered the resignation, whioh was not accepted. The clique here, who are in constant communication with Ntw Orleans, have no account of these oc currences. t New Obijians. Feb. 6 Night In the Conservative cauons last night tho proposition under consideration was that the Conservatives should have a majority of about ten in the House and that the past action of " the Kellogg government should not be inquired into. The vote stood 88 in favor of this e-nnpromise to 27 against it. Gov. McEnery said by this action of oauous it was evident to him that it was time to' lower the Demooratio banner aua he therefore wished to retire. V UOTUAM. " " BANK STATEMENT. ,Nkw Yosi, Feb, 6. NiBht.-Loans have increased $4,750,000 ; sptcie haa decreased $2,000,000 ; legal ten ders have increased $500,000; deposits - ha laortwed $2,000,000; u serve hM decreaied $8,000,000. . THE RACES YESTERDAY. Savassait, Feb. fiNrRht Fine day, fine truck aud large attendance. lh hrnt re, a n.iiih oi two miles he- ween Granger sud Limestone, which was divliirej a dead heat; time 3:41. i'h) owners divided the money nd deeidi d to run another heat. Th sec ond nioe, three mile lieatH.Jim Hinton wou two straight heats, beating Oeoi- lent; time 7:01; C:2l; poor race; noth ing moia thu a over. The third ruw.mile htats.three started, Volcano, Denver and- sriare.; Voleno woe htruigkt lumts; time 1:57,; l:52. The ruofa will oontiuue on lUomlay, wniuu s the lust day. EUHOPE. BL')OD F REPULSE FOR THE CARUST. Madrib, Feb. 6 Noon Fight bat talions of CarliMt made a furious at tack on Alfonso's troops, near Orteizo, niiiliiLi, a buvonet charge, and were renulsed with crmtlos. A decree has been issued to tlieenect tliat niihtarv Bnd nnval ofTioers must abstain from attending political meet ings. Wumseroa, II 0., I'k, irti. rpHS UNDeRSlQMD ESEKBT ii)wl Bliijtoa 4 th Faraara of th rriJli( coun-ry It bcM si tkt C1TI HAIL, at B 'olucA P. M., Bl OJI DATt te ! iMtauat, to oonMr tbt plrtad ihseoetfarat sffsri oa lb rotaitl 4 rteltarsl loUrwtof Norlk OarolluAOi tb g by tb Utawml AM(aiLlyrUIaUM'tk BUI lb Mb Jaot f Cv rr bow pudln before tbt body. E A Kit.h, li:U MiroblMb, Jobs O H-j, W H TarllBta, B t MlWbtU Bos. r 8 -iBdT, t Wood, J , Asm B ChU burn,A Co, O f nll, Jr, BarriM Bowolt, PoDilil A Viim, B rch A Vwtn mun, John OoItHIo, CoItUI A Uo, W Vlek, i Illy & hro, Crouly A Monls, Sptsst A Bib on, WoiiUn, Rl.ksiMiiin A Co, 3 M CbaB, fdostdi JIHsIl, r M Salib, Uevbtoa, If ertl A Co, Wor k A Worik, O Honey A na, JmetW King, T M Mr WtUtid Brot, W II Mr Bitty A Kerolstr A Caldor Bros, Hugf Moato, Job h 0wll, L Moure, DKo-tt A IV. a AlrdM;, Oirell A iVooa, BO B'a, M Utaklu, Pre torn CaaiBtag, HlbuniA nmmli.g. O 9 Paraley A 00, J a. Andrre-a A Oo, JU Hurr, B H Sllart, Bla- lor.l, vJrow A Co. Cbailes O btyara A Ca, B W Mclnttre, O A BaiUU, Glial A Hareblaoa. Aaron A Khelniteln, Ha cook A Oaggttt. Joan taKiii, Mol Btar A Brea, Uvorga My ra, ra krr A Taylor, Bart, Bailey A Oo, U .Braahlld A Bro. Da 'Id A Well, HoUofdorf A Ha'j.ga,Oeorg B Preaok A Boa, adrlaa A Vullert, M M Rati, Oieeti A rianunr, Brown A Koddick.TboauU McKay, J A It Bast on (J. org A reek, Urect A alnton fvbl nit Hoes! Hoes! IgOOVlL,- ANI'S, ILWKLl.'B WI;'INO aad RUUag aad Aaltataa Hoxa, at low priare t Ike Miw Hardware Star. febT siLkh a mcrchiros. tS Mwilk rrunt Mt. ti- Hew Crop Sugar Houso Uolasses tf QQ BBU. B. U. MULAB9KS. for sale by K.KM.OBMIKACALDKB BBOH. fib t Bacon, Fork and Oats tl Bee D. 8. Btdaa aad bk-ialdera, N Betes Baioied Bldea and Bboaldera, (0 Bb'e. fork. t,a Baikal! OaU. rueaaleoy KCHOtlMIH A OALOIB BEOS, lebt Bl The Last Cargo of . Prime It bow offured to parchaaers la brlgbtMew Packages, bolk Hagtbaadi aad Barreli, at loweet market rata. 40APB from all the beat nakere; Perlnaeil oapa, aoaauia aad Bne Buckets, Broouu, llurriss' Drug 8tore. r.,u, nop., t.u., Medlelnea la email packages lur G FOR SALE I IBDEN 8KEI). rail line or rnre seieoi uragi ana Mealcluee, SPECIAL. Cutler' Pocket lubaler, Cbeeapmaa' Balnai, Proprlntary Hemidte large variety. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, As. W. W. BABBISB, U. 0., ir yon ..want a wldo collar, wear the War- w ck , Ask any flrat-oUai turnlnlirr for If Tno ;alea of Arabjr Are not cpU'ier than the arm which the fra- grant HD7.UUUNT Imparl! Wthn liMath. Wor a tba heart of the Ivor? nut whiter than lue iiwtli that ure cloaued dnily with that match. If fluid. TC .. ..Lrnattri llmt Im WtOUlnI-OOah I nnlte prevalent In tho towm arouuauii oui Luat m uafci bv lrov l Jutal. ni n.ilimiM rntliinir hut .loLnflon Anmiynti Liniment Our imrtor, however, nviiui"" picao, tu produce vominug,. woum ue - rrfntC. Tbue are more than one thousand different kln.lai i.iilaithsTJnitt-d State, fomeonuem ai-A uiir 1 1 Inaa ai.n in i iiriiiiiBU uiurjiB eiw v and bent-flfltal. Old In. Partmn lnrntd the ...ti.k iM.na h i an ATt-r llv nr nraru 111 . l'licy arc no o!d under tua nameoi rarhun uiga.tve Pill febT M. W. Corset Market aad Prent tte. Bl It Look at this, Farmers! aoaatry trade; Cigar, Tubaaew, ' Pain Killerr"or"OH, Maatang Unlmeul. Ketoeea Oil, All Kindi of Wiaei and Llquori At the lowett market prlo to good suloner. ADRIAN & VOLLERS Ooroet of Dook sad rr Bkreela. febf . . Mtf CASH. gATB MOMKT BT BOTIHU TOOK OBO. eerie fr CkU. MEW ADVERTI8EMIS88. MasQneraQB conPLintk vtaht t IC. of P. CITY HiVLaL,, TuBdy Ivenlng.Feb.Oth. 1875 f All are requaeted to come la maak. Thi'aoi a publle Ball, aa th.re are bnt a llaltrd nnoibar nf lU-keM to be auld. l b Onaalttve raanrve the right to rioiud tkue wbo Bay bedjeacd by tuoaoboUeuab.. Tbe Ladlee aad OoatlmB' ItrealDg Roum will be and. r th charge of eoapttl wtvauia. tack Lady aad O'Dtlemaa will be ro,uird In auaaak berr aune aaaber of the MB. ml lire be tut e eatorlag tbe Hall. forruithir Inforaiallua apply to any mem kei tf lb Uoainluee. VJ M P Taylor, O 0 H Flnrkan, Jama W Jaokaea, WaJ Toomer, Julm Meta, W W topp, Wm L, Jewelt, ) 4 Pott, V O alaouu bar, OoaaltU. febT B-ll ANOTHER Insurance Claim raid. THK CLAIM OP Ms. R. P. All.t, tF kelley' ( ore, againai the Penn" Vila luaarauca t:ompay, laierrvd' ta la another coluan, was 'd tratcrday. Mr. J. W. UiiriUm, Ueuaral Agent af the abot Company, leavi-a to-m irruw lor Natait aak, Oa., Ui look alt the Inturae'eor hlaCoai. pany In that Mil", wbure li I noiug a aui 0--M-lul hualiieM. liunng bl bnce bl acllva aadeAulantald, Mr W, J. Oonlun, illl t-ikn pleaiuee In lilng aolleln of .nauiann tobw Iriamlaaiid euatouirraat bl eBo In the Mew Uanovx Uaak tsslUltog. febl "It MISCELLANEOUS. Ionniiipilvce, I ako Kottc). Kvotv mrtmcnt of delay mke , your core ovre rioiielciw, etd Bvich depend on tlieju- iliclou chul ee of a remedy. The amount oi testimony In favor of Pr. Hckeuck'l Pulmonic Himn. aa a euro for consumption, lar exceeua all that can be brought to auppoit lh preton amiia nf an other medicine. Hee lit. Scheact Aliianc.cuiitiaiilpii the cerllttcate of many .r.,, i.i him iiWhoat rcai'rctabliliy, who have been reatorod to health, afwr bdi'g pronoun. eed Incura'neby pHyrt.-laii of acknowledged ahility. Sciienek' PulmooloHjrup alona ha nun d mnv. th evideuoe will abnw; but tho cul often promo'ed by tho emvlojmeul aft wo other r-Hneili which Dr. Bchenrt pio- vide lor the purp-aw. The additional reme di.Mn.rii hoaM.' Weed Tonlo and Man. ilraaa PU'a. bt the itmely ue of there menl- cima. acwirdlng in direction, Ir. Wchenck ccrtiflclthat ran-t any em of , Conanmptioa may re o 're l Dr'ttchenckl pro'eMlonally atlliprlrel- nal office. Ci-roer slx'h and Arih treet( Philadelphia, every Mond-y, where all 1' ttor fir advice miii be iiJdre.ed. GREAT II INDUCTION IN PRICES. OA A TONS v TUB liaupaa.. Oy" . BAU,i niiian at $87 SO. en Klm until Novem ber lata ALSO, 500 Ammonia- tad 8uaar-PneapnatA at avana. fhli If a new Pkophato wkleh w ars having manufactured eapreaiy let war trade By p. Zall A Bon, of BalUmore, and which ws will guarantee aqaal to aay that PbsepkBte bow ffered to tha Trade. , Price 187 00 an tlma until Wo- vember lata 1878. r Liberal arm will be made to Dealer A FRESH BUPFLT . . juar RECEIVED. Try ear prloss aad be eoavlneed. Par Baktiwhlikiri . FliASNEB k BHURE, II North Front Street febt " Golden Seal Brand A a a gaaeral aaaortment of Plug and Fla Cut 1 TOBACCOS. AtrrloeeU wit th pavmeats. At Ho. 89 nsvrkwt Btr)t OPERA HOUSE. For INvolMffhtN. MONDAY AND TUI8DAY, Fob. ruary 8th and th. ftjiCbisii's BUiAYEHUETMTRECOMBIHaTION from New York City. MnSniT W 1(1 HT will be rnmutad Iha great toclety play, In B acta, entitled DIVUKUa.. Act 1-Glven la Marriage. AoT J The Btrlfe Heiuu. act 1- Tha t'Biee l Intorferenea, AOf 4 Tha Law Metadata. Act -The Ulveroed. luS TnsanAT BlflHT, Autint'n Daly's ailtp- totloa of Uaaaaa' latan r aumw, Aeu, Hons. Alphonse. Th action occurs during morning. afternoon and night. ' ' Tk. as.a alava will be Meaanted wllh all that attention to dree and dalall I NEW AD7ERTISEMEM3. GREAT CLE ARSilG SALS FOR 30 DAYS. BEOW & RODDICK, 45 MAEKET STRICT. ETRHT ABTI0I.R SriTARI,: PiH WlNi r.lt WKAK HAH BKKN MARKRD DOWKt Havlns nodaaire'o ralarepri aent alihr (limtnr rrlee. we call th a at tent on t all oar I t on tiiihn mihivl wa havei f i kiii ai.i, ni a imi. ib rtaia roi iii a that pur. thenar ran to themael ju4 ev-uf'v how miii-h nt a retlui tlim h been made. rtl sii rl urrtilt ri'M I t l-aa ever lie. a erreren 111 inn rut at v a las. Oar lU't V i-a r m. and li who bava laviiied na with a call earlier In th aeaaoa ean Mack for fveiv attemnt wa make. Wa ana uartaaisso to cioae out the balauMof aoratoeb la order to make Mom lor Mi riiig purcbaae. - Camels Hair Cloth, formerly 75,.... .......now 65 Co'ored Herjtea, " 40 ".....now 25 Double) Width ToplinB, " 40 now 80 Solid Blue lpliu " SO now . 15 Colored Caalisrucrt, " 75 .now 55 Hootoh Plaida, " 85 ..row 25 All wool Euii'reM Cloth, " 75 now 45 HflAWLH. 83 50... now82 00 COATS' HPOOL COTTON 6 oeuta rM-r Hiioot. 38-Inrh Fruit of tlw Lnoru KhirtiuR 12 oi'tita pur yard. 6 Inch HEA HIDE COTTON. 13 cv nts J or yard. Sotoh QiuBhams, H ewita iwr yard. , ill iDohes wide iMiKlisii luokion, 'in writs. AT) ammonai. tiioirsT ov 8 rsaoar, wi heoivBw era am l at t'm of nnreti, with the Mlowli'g fiei plloiii: I I miliwl and Vulileached Milrtliga, ulngbama, Callcveaand apiHH IHitlOII- - Terma atrlctly t'aab and One frico. sv no cam plea tut i i BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street.: ).B a 21 .,- . - ,r ..- , . IU.. OllMO'lTIJ ! f0ne Price.Term3 Cash" FRANK & 17 Iiirkot tStroet. BRO.; .... . DEPARTMENT NO. 1, Consisting of Pomrstio and Fanry DltY GOODS, ivcady-MaMO Clothlne;, Htioes, lists, Ocnts Farn ihliiuK Oood, Nutiousj &e. s- , , u DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Consistini? of Crockery, Ctiitm, Okssware, Lamps, i LampOoods, Vmios, I'luU;a CutK'ry, and Fancy Artiolts. a7AeaUlarepctruUriollcned,aiulatlafactl()B uuarantstd. t i I IjM 1 IN UIVJX a JN eJe. . . - 1- - - : S3W JasU Ll.iai Li-35 SDH mi CAPITAL ;tt.OqOfOOO 0 CO.; I that ha c Ba fab I D. PiaOTT. IS MORE eordad to tbe above Oomblnetloa, thepiBdore- meataf bote rreaaaua r i LaaellBK Ce)naT CoaaF ol ; Aaaarica. ' Anwiioa Bl. II and BO ecDts. Reurved Hoi Shoeit for tale of Reserved aaU will opea at Helnabarger'e Booh Store oa Hatsrday mernlnt at o'clock. . ... UK 10 a PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY- - TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONH BOLtTBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or OH CROP TIMF Liberal tornm will lie made with Merohants and other tollable parties to soli this Guana at oar Warohoase vrl0M- ... .... Aa-- 1 1 1 . W. 1L niCUAlil vV iu.. ..... (VamlHleB Marehanti, Agents for raainoQaaio Co., audDealmeln I Peruvian Ouano, v , , : i . , ti. i J h piOHTH WATI'.R p rnKeT, ' ....... , WIL.VUMialOM NaO.' Sub-Agents for tho Sale of Soluble PaclllcJOuano. r. B. OIRKOIf. C. UKAMA.n.... Jan II f. vj... iwv( ituMV-.e .OldHnnrtredl.rT. 0? ......Marluu.B. O., J-.BVUW 00TINOT0N, EVERETT A CO. General Commraalon Marahanta rrhan the Usual Discount! TO CASH BUT EBB UP Hotice. v.rr-"T-I EI E TTAVINO DIfOHKI' Of 'tT SUWil t. I L Harneo-atd Trnsk BnMBr.rtak.4 Will and Hook Account. In Wilmington, N. I to Matwra. tlarp-nler A Ma lrd, w beiby I febt W It MTHOTOH. W-ft tender our tbank a geneioue pabllo for .k.i. m,r.l natronaire the laat ten Tiari. and aak a eonttnaanea oi ma v iir ro- , wbo have, ueeu acceivituiv iu SS-lm MaW ADVi:RTi8IiMavJITp. ino no 13. ,in n-,C ..a., -f i i ii aTid 3 par Thonaand. App'y to UATUK8 CO. , offlce foot of Orange afreet, .... . u a, ii.nnlnii. tnnrofl)oe.kwt or iii.uu - ... Notice! Notice!! SELL1MJ OUT AT COST Ub7 T. 1 XT He.vir.TrAT rianiiui new jutuAvvAi tei, .K1vro; S. O.. Feb. 6tb, tn.A Sii-Aii A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER 0EFT.HAS baeudaolaredby the Director! of this Bank, payable on the 11th imt. Cbeoki lor arfoont of Dividend will be mailed to 8tukhlderioB FOR CASH ONLY! HAV1NO f TJBa. HASBilJ Tfla B I " of Mr. Oeorge . Lewi la tba late Bra of ... iw.i. .nt daalran af oloelnc eat ' " . ' 7.-. i i. A an m wltl. preaem npp'y wi v. m-- -r ttprlrgandHnaaerStoek, I will, aaUirar- ei" : a in - H. m.aiber every aruoie aatna SewTotkCotl. ... rv.-.a in WV aravv a( At Old Btandef UwUAPavla. febt WIW Wanted to Rent! a nnrrac far a aaaall faollv. eon- fenientl loflatid, U reaay iBrBiaoeu wm either bay or kaa tha fnraUmre. Any oa poeealngr.d)ahouiean4wlnBg tofl, of It will "o well by oaaaunleatlBg with -O," at Oltv Office of Oarollaa Central aWlway . SOLD Ha advanced, aad all lapeeiad Oeade auat follow. W are aelllBg at aid rrloaa. -Tba bettarfiorteai Vaatl SraevrlM. Wine, tlauan, Teas, aba., at., as., la Monk Oarallaa. CHAS. D. MIER3 i CO., S febt and 7 lorth Front a-u thttduts. fob T-lt D. WALLAOB, Caahiar. Hardware Rallii.Po' Wa', Cotton Card, Coffee Milt, O'ury iiomsi, pn-", viie, rnwwi, r.ni u FlI.a.T'ooket untie y Kamra, I tick. Hlne?, u.. . at tiriK. that will nlt tha wbule aal trade, ran be found at the Old Ketabilahtd Hardware Uouaeoi Ho. 19, tnd 2i liv ket 8 IsbT U MEETING OF St George ani' St AEtows Society At theoffice or Th' mvi Oraeme, Faq , on Prlnceae atreet. Monday night, at Til", lor the .lection o. oinccr. . m. "tf- . Secretary. Beets, Parsnips, . e. '. f JlWEBt CIDKR, Juat arrived and for lle at O H.W. KUNOK'8, " N . C. Coraer of Market sad Seoond Bta. fekt li-af febT l-t . " AT. TBB ' .'nnniil AO nnnif ftTflRF " rurukHii uuvn hiw"bi 27 Front Straat. Jnrt reoelved a large BbMk of Bleak Books, m . - a 1 ka Paper, Envelop, pea aaa in-im . -complete aaeortmtat ot BUtlonary. For amis et prices tiat will defy eempttltloa. KDWABD AWN. febt , r '' Potatoes, Butter & Cheese 100 Bb'a. Early os Potatoes, SO Tub Bniur. 100 Bote Chen. . rf For aal by KtKCHBBK AAUt feb T BP.O". SI New Crop Cuba Molasses- aw HHOU. Sew Crop Cuba Molaieas. Foraaloby ' - rjuioajtxa a oaldih moa Halt, Corn, Uuano. Syrup. '2,000 Sacks Salt, ' . ; ' 10,000 Buahole White k MUod Corn, 850 Tons Eurega uaano, ' 250 Tons No. 1 Oaanapo Guano, OOBbls.B. H. Byrnp, 'jtulal-llTJBOHUOH. Baoon, Pork, Sugar and Coffee. 100 Boxes D. 8. Sidee, 100 Bbla. Oity Mess Pork, too Refined Busar. 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee. Flour Nails, Hoop Iron and Clue. 1,000 Bbla. Flour, all grades; 800 Kegs Nails, , 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue. For sale low by WILLIAMS 4 MUROHISON. Molasses! Molasses I 2 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses to arrive. ' For sals low by WILLIAMS A MUBCniSON. Flour FlourFlour. ' 100;Bbla. Plant's Extra-the best Flour in the oity. For sale low by - WILLIAlli3 A MTJfiCinSOK. bt . ! ploy for many year and are thcuounhiy n)Ud In the saddle, haineaaaad Truna baaluaaf In uT iw-atae A Mallard will aaltle all cllmioBtrotd aaint u lu Wllmisfia, N. C and collect aUU aue a anu reveip. ii tbe aaraa, . . . fc m 4. n turnam w. A. Carpenter. , d U. najiara. Badlles, Harness, &c. TTAVIraO BOTJOHr TUB A BOTE MEK- L Uoaad Uuoaa, w oner a iuu iwca 8ADDLE3. , HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS. i BRIDLES, ., .., . Aad All Bllsda of " ' BAJyDZSETCTT QOODS, AT VERY LOW PRICES wmr fi.ah at tonromnt oavlnt bnyerf. ' W reipeoifBlly ollc!t patrouage. CABPEHTufenAI.I.JlHU. tab I l lno ! V-3 V Price 858 00 : ..i.i in rAOTT uaou Price 850 00 per to of . 2,000- pounds. THE mail BTAVDABU OF QUALITY HAS BEEN FOLLY MAINTAINED, AND II 18 CONSIDERED BY THOSE WHO IIAVB GIVEN IT A FAlBi TUL TH8 . '. J1 3 vt'.t... ilWA'' per ioroibs. i.j , t, Payable;- Nov.l. - IRT1L1R MANUFACTURED. it H1QHT SKIBTS, -v a av i A t aVJavt VeW", DAY SHIRTS, AU kind, for MEN, YOUTH AND BOYS, CHEAP. LIBERAL AND ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS FOB LARGE LOTS, GIVEN OM APPUCATIOH. LOCAL .AGENTS v DEPOTS. AT ALL THE PINOII--Li MUNSON&CO'S, .'DeROSSET P., fb .J.. I..- .ea-..-aa ri Children's wa pebble and Kid Bboes XiUnaloB Teas. Cklldran's Seamlea Sboea. CENERAL AGENTS For North Carolina and Virginia, At JaatB O.A. PRICE'S, tl Market BUeot IN STORK AND TO ARRIVE. n(A KKOd AIL', Beat Brjnd; V0 'J fit I di... a 1 nna llaatlna. 6 Ton Plow r.laTa' eli Ton 8wede Iron, aorted j AO Coil pe. 1 f- J0 B' e. All above for sale at Kock bottom Frlcce, at the ' New Hardware More of OILK4 . MUKOHMON ,n It SB North Kront 8 treat. WEDDING CARDS ERffM aauJsw.ww Jan IT WILMlNGTQNi 14-Dltawf undtia&w''" Porous Plasters, a PAIN KILLBR, PayiainalidemblsKk, f nnd'a KaUkCt, liarnen naeu, Flower fftd, " onion mi, 4c , Ac. for ai by aHXEN rLAWNTR. rbi . i""! t Molasses and :.oliee 100 Bbls S. II. MolasRes, 150 B igs Uio CoU'im', MalttrHEBOALoaaHR.. tan 11 l,m It Ml II t o.KJa.id V 11 1 I ii a 4 Ui

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