A Hi vvy ; i ; li : ! I - 1 h VOL SXIV.-HO. 34. WILimiGTOlI, If. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 0. 1875. Y7H0L5 HO. 0.703. WILMINGTON, N. TtJES DAY. FIB. 9.1875. 1 IIEADUAIVrKKS. PROGRESS oTlEGISLAIION IN WASHINGTON. THE ARLINGTON CLAIM INDEF INITELY POSIT ONED. proposed amendment the tension laws. TO THE SENATE SENDS THE CIVIL - RIGHTS BILL TO JUDICI VRY COMMUTES. COMMITTEE 'RETORTS ON AR KANiAS. QRAJfT 0 N ANOTHER BIG DRUNK. . HE- SEES DOUBLE DOWN ARKANSAS. IN GES ONE EYE ON BROOK AND ONE ON GARLAND. HE TRIES TO WRITE OUT Till XiAST ELEOflON. SENATE COMilTTEE REPORT INFA.VOii OF KELLOGG, Washington, Feb 8 Noon M m ben of the Ccmmittee ou' YYHya oud Mean say erroneous reports of tti Gouimittee'8 action regarding turifl and taies hava found tui-ir way into print,' seriously injuiing trade. Thf statement in authorized that no finii! aoliou Las been taken upon any turifl or tax, the whole matter being jet ua eettled. The condition of the Appropriation bills and the Navy and Furtifioation bills are laws. The (joubulur and Dip lntnatio bill will noon be presented to j the President. The Executive, Legis lative and Judioial bill is before the Committee on Conference. The Iudiau j billon aeoount of defeat on tbeChoota clause lias been reo atmiticd. ih Arin bi Ilia in Committee of the Whole, a so Military Academy and Post office, bills. The River and Harbor and De ficiency bills not yet reported. A larR amouuk of other publio business will require ighk sessions, , i . Attorney General Nyilliams appeared .'""befdte the SolecPuuiitipe of Alaba ma. Ha bud no correspondence with Got? Houston, but sent troops to Ala bama upon information lroiu other spnrces. , There is no prospect of an extension of patents on Sewing Machines. 1'hti e. is a heavy lobby on this subject Houhe This beintr Monday, p 'large number of bills were iuhoiiucid and referred. B Bttor Ojnklinp, fromthg Judiciary Cjumiiitee, report d adversely i u Otii ta give jurisdiction to the Court of Claims to , hear the claim of G. W. COatil Lee for Arlington, and it wet in definitely postponed. Bknath The credentials of Theo. F. Randolph, from New Jersey, were placed on tile. Pratt, of Indiana, from Cowuiiltee 01 Pensions, reported b:k the bill granting pensions to wrtnbt soldiers and sailors of tho war of 1812, and . widows of deceased aoldiers, and to restore to pension rolls the names of persons atrickuu therefrom, iu conse quence of disloyalty, with an amend ment in thenatureolsubrtituie. Placed on oaleudar. . In reporting the bill, Pratt said the substitute admitted to the pension rolls the names of all survi ving officers, soldiers and bailors of the war of 1812, who served in that war for a period of 30 days, and also were honorably discharged and did not voluntarily engage in the lute re bellion, j Washington, D. C , Feb. 8 N ight Hocsb Sener, of Virgiiiia.introduced bills for a breakwatorat Smith's Point, on the Potomao river; for alight house at the month of the great Wicomico river, Va. ; also to make West Point, Va.. a port of entry. '- Sheats. of "Alabama, infroducel bill to apportiou the eight represeutu . tive Districts of Alabama. Crosnland, of Kentucky, introduced a bill for an income tax of 2 1 per oent on incomes exceeding $2,000. , Morey, of Louisiana, moved to sw pend the rales o as to make in order to the river and harbor appropriation , bill a proposition for an appropriation to dose the existing orevapses or breaks in the levees of the MibsinMppi river, and for making a survey for a permaneut plan for the reclsm ttion of the alluvial basin of the Mittsisgippf river. Rejected by a vote of yeas 12,l nays 73; not a two-thirds in the nfl'n- mative. Speer, of Pennsylvania, moved to suspend tbe rules and adopt the reso lution declaring that, iu tuo jndgmeut of the llout-e, the election of a President for a third term is against ' the traditions of the re . publio and is in violation of the example of Washington, now sacred as law itself, and would be hazardous alike tdt the liberties of the people and the free ntitutions of the coun try. The motion was 10st,the previous ?neetion not being seoouded, 57 to. 02. All who voted for it, with the exception of Smith, of North Carolina, were Democrats, and all who voted against it-were Republicans. Dawes, of Massachusetts, moved to taspeud the rules to niako in order an appropriation bill or amendment for th rxioliflaation, auspensiou.or repeal of Section 25 of the revised Statutes, . regulating the time tor holding elec tions for Representative in Congress. He stated that in order to rnak the tilhe conform as the law required sev end State Constitutions would have to bo. changed b-itwenu now and 187?. The motion wan ngreed to, yeas 1G1, nayi 74. - r , The President signed theLiltlo Tar iff Wll . v- ' I To4he Senate of tho United .State.' Herewith I have the honor to Bend, ! in aeeotd.iuee with t''e roelitUnn ct ' i the Senate of the 3d -ihM, U t'm iu : f.t piotinn in my jHif-s'iin int lirre 'oroto turrWit'J, re at'tig ntTdirn j,i ti.tt ot Aikat-a. l u w i tare to espri-t-n ttir opinion intu an in ! tt-tinuiv bhofcs t hut in the election I o 1ST if, Ji pli I5rHik wa lfullv elected Gov ra r of tlu t StAtethat I e i. as been unlawfully ilepnt d of the t ot-ssion of lis'fli's: a nee that t me; tie t iu iu 1S71 tiie Constitution of Uio St.ite wwly violenc, intimida tion ai;d rovuhttioiiary roceediugs ovcrtiirown and a new OonKtiluticu aloptid, and a new State . Govern m Hi .t.-tl'.isiiHit. iuese proc tilings, if permitted to iit,Mud, practically ig nore alt rights of ni nontifS iu all tb S'ntes; !u what is tbi-re to prevent each of the St:d-s reeeutly re-ad in't toil it Federal reh'tioiiH on cerirtiu tMudituinc, fii-M changing their Con stitutiona Mid Violating their pledges if their action in Arkausaa is acqniea cod iu? I respectfully submit whether a precedent co dangerous to the sta bility of State Government, if rmt t tho Natiouul G vornunt also, should he reooyuiui'd by Cotiress, 1 earn estly as-k that Cougresj' will take de: tiuuo notion in this intler to rolivve ihe Executive ft"ni MC'ing upon ques tion which should be dtoided by tho Legislative Bourd of the Government. (Signed) U. S. Ghast. Exocntive Mansion, Feb. 8, 1875. - Wahiunotov, Ft b.- R N'iglit Io iho Senate .vpeucer, from Alabama, in trndiiced a bid for tiie apportioiiment of RipreHinU'ivi4 in('.n(;reHBt'ronithe State uf Alabmna. R fTrd to tho Committee ou PHvilegehiid elections A niimlier of hdU r ported by tin. Cmmico on Vvl ut wi-re piixi'd. t at one to ext. nd a patent for a trim niiug at.lachoent for sewing macliines, to be ued enly in tho manufacture ot b(it una shin's, was rVjectuUby a voti of 23 to 13. -Several Senators de clared their opposition to exteudmg suy rewiug niKChiiie patents. Morton, from tho Coimnittet) 'on. I'vivi leges and Eiections, intdeare poit rervigniamg Kell 'gg a- Govf.ru f of L mmiaua, and deolanog l'ieoii biick a entitkd to the eeut as United States Somitor from that State from March 4, lHTiJ. Ordered to bo printed ami ho on tuo table. Hamilton, of Maryland, raided as a point of order 't hat the report w.ts signed by only four members of the Committee, which was not a majority, tho Committee being composed ot uino members.' Morton atgurd rbat there were seven m"-mbers piescnt when the report wa made aid that live oouslituled a quo tum. The report was signed by a Uia joriiy of thote present. . Haiuilton's point of order was ov r ruled. He pi.ve notice that hit wou d submit a minority report. John L. lioult has been confirmed as Govtruor of Colorado, vice Mo Cook. SOME EARLY EfcT-EUTS' OF THE CIVIL EIGHTS BILL. nOW THE OLD THING :,W0BKS. TWO REPUBLICAN MEMBERS FORMALLY SECEDE FROM . THE PARTY. - Ram-joe. Feb. 8. Night On the fl').r iu , tm Ji'usp, W. li. Glenu, of y.nil;ir, biotner-iu-'aw of Judg S"t .iect ll.'i o.iiireme Court, ami J. H. Footu, iiiruu liy Federal uppii!ike, re c.tuted lU jiiiijiio oiism on aooouut of uie pa s.'go ot thj Civil Rights bill in Congress. St ton.' resolutions were offered, and m coueitHton Foote Baid ; I declare that I hereby foreverdissylve my eouU'.ctjuii rtth the Republican patty and uily inyfl'f wii'a tiie great party that is now building up in the South uud Nortn fur the preservation of c.iiiitifuii(inal cove.runiont and the purity ai dMiivutnmot tbe Auglo Saxon race- of our grout bind LOUISIANA. PUT LITTLE PROSPECT OF A COMPROMISE NOW." W0TtEATra,F-N0fmTbe4anft Conservatives laat night considered the propositiou of adjustment imbm it ted by the CougresBional Committee. Nei'ber the terms nor cctiou of the catieus tiiinepired. The compromise involves the submission of 'contested seats nnder the eleotiou of 1874 to tho Cotigreaaioiml Committer Persons ho rtliirfced will not disturb the present Governtueut, known as the Relit Ooveiruraeut, or Reek to impeach tiie Governor for . any past official acts. The Conservatives discussed the mat ter without action. The Republicans nay they will accept no compromise. The Conservative meeting at the Ulay Statue also , protested in strong lauguage. EICTlil(IS3tS. St. Mary's Catholic Church, at Put nam, Conn., ha.i been burned. Loss $70,(100; insurance $18,000. Cause defective flue. ,',-.' Brevet Brig. Gen. Wm. Hays is dead. He was born in Richmond and waa appointed from Tenneasee. He graduated in the year 1610, and served in the Mexican war. The lo8b,v!ire.iitShakortown,MflSS., amours to 370,000. Lieutenaut commander Allen, of the U. Navy, was found dead at Portland a day -or two ago. Cause appoj lexy. A rector and his assistant rector, at Baltimore, have been brought before aa tcolesiaaticalconrtforusiugaprayer for the dead involving the doctrine of purgatory. The Vindicator, from New York for Philadelphia, was cut by 100 and it is feared has sunk. IK I aid N. Marseilles, of PhiladeN pbia, is dead; flg'd 74 years.' The gro'fs earnings of the rhiladol phia and Erie Railroad were fa,t00, 000: net receipt. 81,000.000. ' The report shows $1,000,000 decrease ia, the expenses, - . EUROPE. fiqhtixo NEAR ESTELLA. A BLOODY ENGAGEMENT WITI! THE CARLTST3. DRIVING THE CARLISTS TO ;THE NORTH. Pants, Feb 8 Noon In the elec tion in the .Viae tt On Republi can leads the Bonapartiat by five thou sand for the atwembly. 1 Subscriptions to the Paris muni cipal loau exceed the amount required forty time. Hsndayb, Feb, 8 Noon Fighting i going on in the vicinity of Ei tells. The Carlists have oonoentrated and occupy tbe same position that they held when Gen. Concha was killed. Maimud, Feb. 8 Noon SeunrMery has U eu appointed Minister to Berlin. Lonixw, Feb. 8 Noon Earl Har borough is dead, aged 40 years. Twelve cannons, four thousand rifles sud five hundred thousand cartridges have been lauded on the liisoay coast for the Csrlists. Alfonso has entered Pampeluna. Tiie Carlisle made a fierce attack at OUisa, their object being to capture Alfonso, hut were driven off with a heavy kwa. Pakis, Feb. 8 Night Additioal re turns confirm the success of the Re publicans in the Seine et Oise. A second ballot was required in the Cotes (ta Nord. A grand ball was given for the benefit of tho poor of Straase, at whioh 15t), 0K) francs were realiad. The loading baud, the Cabinet and other prominent pi ophs were present. Bav.innh, Feb. 8 Night The Al fouhihie have entered Estella. It is stated that the Oarliet chiefs, Mendiere and Argoaz, have been killed by their own men. Don Carlos has retrf ated to Virgars in tho Proviuee of Guipaxooa. SOUTH CAHOLINA. DOINGS IN THE "NATIONAL GRANGE. Chabliston, Jan. 8 Noon The National Grange was Saturday en gxged iu a plessure trip up tbe Ashley river and met at night for business of private character. Tho. Lower House of the State Leg islature panned onanjmoasly the bill r qneating Senators and Congressmen from South Carolina to support the Texas Pacific Railrord, U0TIIA3I. THE EXPRESS ROBBERY CASK New Yonit, Feb 8 Night Sweeney has turned Bute's evidence in the exprens robbery case; on his evidence James Drew was discharged, Ebrich is charged with receiving stolen goods. Honry is held for the Grand Jury. Sweeuey has been sent to the lioue ol detention. All but 82,000 Of the property has been recovered. DIED. At Mi hnino. In SimiiiWin countr.on th lath an ,TttOJUrL, AlSO.N, lotto 4Sttt rear i i.iopMa m a r.onciniioo, wsropii- loa:y nonem nn aprtcht mm tbroati al Dip; n I t kit roUtln-n anil IntlmH lrind. wleionlr knv fclra will, nil lrnttu Mncnrair lninte l fit fibt ttrra knl. OcM. 8PLCIAL. II' you wi.t a l'i collir, war tb War wok. Ask any flmt-clMt fnrnUher tor IU Tbe Cole of Arabjr Ar iiot rpMtt tLu tbe aroma which tb fra. iirint t(i7,ODONT Imparls to th brath. Dot t the heart of t'u I Tory mt whiter than th meth that nr cleaned dally with that match- W nnilarrtauil that t" wbtoplng-ooaih It quits ptrvalcnt th tuwt't around at; but taat nn own have prrirai talal. hum a lamUiemim nnthlnir bnt Jonnonn'a Anodym: IJoiuiPi.t ur tfoi-tor, bowTr, cayaa little Ipirnc, to product' vomiting, would be aa ad vantage. There are more than one thonwnd different klnUiiol fill! una jotted 8tabe. someortbem a r. MA-,KIU m..A lnlU... - - ..I om anti-binoua nn we erer eaw or heard of. They are now raid ndr tb name of Parwo'e t 'Uf gat Ire Pllta ronaamprlTca, Tak .letloe. F.rery iDoroentof delay mkea your ear nifro hopelf v, ar.d mnch depend! on the Jo. dicioua choice of a remedy. The amount bf tmliiuony In farr of Dr. Bcher ok'a Pilmonlo Strop, an a en re for eonenmptlon, far enoredi ail that c&d bo btonght to eappoit the preten. '.one of any other medlrtoe. Hee Dr. Behonek' Almantc, containing the nerttflcateinf many perrons 01 the blgtivat reepeotablllly, who bar ten rrttored to health, after being pronova. rd lodtmble by pby'iclana of acknowledged ability. Sohenck'a Palmonlo Sjrup alone ha eared manj , at theee eriiieneea will thow; bat tbe enre la often promoted by the employment of two other rtmedle which Dr. Bchenck pro- yidee for the purpoas. Theee additional reine diore Srhenek'i Sea Weed Tonlo and Man. drake Pill. By the timely uee of theee meili elnte. acoording to direction, Dr. Schenek oortlttea that ma A any eaae of Conenmptlon oiay bo e 'red. Dr. HcihoDck ta profenlonally at bll prlnel. pal oflloe, eemer Sixth and Arch ftreetl, piiltadelphla, every Hondey, where all Utter f.r advice mnrt be addreeeed. AVE11T1SHNT8. Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. The member) o( Ibl Company are he ebv n n il d.o meat at the Uau (bU P. M. at Ttf O-oioea .. , i v By order ol the Pr'Wdent. WM. A,-WILI.SON, i- Hecrotury. r.b ii : '' M-it Havana Cigars T have on hand and tor ea e, al my room In f.lppl t'Bu- dl.ige. South Front etrect, Bear Oii'gi), sue ioi or , HAVANA CIQAbS r mv on mannfantnr. 1 hey are made from tm-.Hirt d t ibaono and ewti be boagU at one- Tiil.a oi me eott oi imiioriea ciar fpb M4js Wofbr Btrald eopy aat. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE ARE SELLING Overcoats and Talmas VERY LOW ' ALKO I DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS. . "' Call and enquire prioM. MUNSON & CO.. CITY CLOTHIERS, febt M-tf 7 CHOICE NEW CROP i- Cuba 3foltxMweH. CARGO fROMTHK "OEN'L ORANTs" ow tiniM. Ror aale by WILLIAMS A MUBCHIBON. It-if fob At Manufacturer Prices! We will elOMOutour ENTIRI 8 TOOK BOOTS AND SHOES . AT rill.tlK COST I Manufacturer's Prices 1 IOH OAHH I FOR CASH I Onr aeortment 1' well e)letd, eotuprlelng the beet gocdjoftlie beet factoiU In theeoitu- Ladter Boot and boel I . (lentlemeu'i Boot and Shoe I Children' Sboee I IafauUBbot I All AT COST FOP. CASH. OUDLIY & ELLIS, , , lgn 01 the ltig Huot, Mo. 41 UaaaiT struct. feb lett Just Received A new lot of thoie Cheap Poeme and Essays, Tea Cent pr Copy. AId a targa itock of Filet, ,BaUi, flnrmonl. oea, Ytoltn. Game, .,&., at the OUT BOOK STORK. 1 NKW STYLES Or Initial Paper and Papeterles I Broadway liiHi-t, Pail lultUli, 'XheBe.-lba Initial, Moeaio, and a far go variety of Flo Paprter lei, the !ierrt l the e ty. For tale at CONOLEY i YATES' City Book Store. .fb Mi 1O0 WANTED TJTTBK CAROLINA CENTRAL . RAIL wax tiUMrAM, ror whom good gtna kard work will b Mpplled. Apply tu B.L.FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Bnp'r. febS tl-lt Valentines! Valentines ! Valentines ! For late at HEINSBERCER'S Lire Rook and atoele Store. V Order rroai the country promptly at tended to. - , . : tub ti Notice ! Notice ! ! FOR CASH ONLY! HAVING PURCHASED THR INTKHRXT ot Mr Georgo a. 11 In the late fli m ot Lewla&Darla, and deelroae of cloelng ont preeent eupply of Winter Good to fl, op with pprlTg and Bummer Stock, 1 will, unul tur tber autiea, tell at l oat Rem-eiwr every article Ottered will he al New York Colt BKTH W. DAVIS, ,,. At Old Bland of Lewi A Davia. fob T Stuw Furniture. Z. A.. SMITH Ac CO., Wbolea e and Ketall Draleraln Farnllaro and rurnlahlaa; deeds, Ja All uf the Mrincb-e, Smith' New Huilillng, unb Fr-'nt Mr-et, Wilmington, H.C. Furniture. D. A. SMITH 5b OO., Wholeele and hLil Pealeriln Fnraltnrw and Fnralahlrg; Good, In All of the Branehee, booth Trad Strort, Chailo t N 0. Children's Pebble aod Kid tboe Kxtentloa Toe. Ch'.ldrtn' Beamlrn Shoe. At JiaV C.A. PRICE'S, MMaikwtSweet MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE, For Two IVifcjhtN. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Feb ruary8t and Oth. Bill AVENUE THEATRE COMBINATION Frein Nw .Verk CUy atPNPAT KIOHT will be reeentrd the gnat aoclety play, In I an', entitled DIVORCE. Act tOlven l Marriage. Ai T H 1 be Strtr Uenu . Aut S-The t ' utile of liitrfare. Avt 4 The Law Retaliate. Avt B-The Dlvoreed. i Tt'KHIl A V NIGHT. AntuiHn Dale ai!at- tatlun of Uuniae' Uleet fanelan tt'ce, In 1 Aeta, Hons. Alphonse. The action xvura during morntnff, afternoon and night. The above nlare will be preeented with all that attention lodrrreand do'all thnt hi ao corded totbeahore Oomblnation, Un iidat- mnt at both l'io and i'ubue a we Lciadlng Comtdf Company of ...l.. America, InuiuiAi at. TH &ni1 Kl Mnta. Ri-irrvtd rata SIM ,1 ir nun, iu, m- u . nmi iou c.. . opnat Helneborgrr't Hook btoreon Hatu de? moinliig at to'olooli. let' e e m New Crop Sugar House Molasses- BRt.fl. S. H. MOLASSES. 200 -Foraaletiy -- - -. febt Bacon, Pork arid Oats- TR Bon D, M. Side and th uMrr, BO Box Smoked Hide and Shoulder, IW Bbi. Tork. t.TO Bn'hal Oat. For wtle by ' KRUrHMRH OAMtBtt BR. -' tebt M WIGHT KHIKT", DAT UAl't, DAV BUIKTS, CLOTHING, All kind for ' MRU, V00TH A NO BOVS, 111. A P. MUNSON tSt CO S, CITY CLnUIKK;t. 10 Golden Seal Brand And a general waortinentof Plug and Klm tlit TOBACCOS. Atrlceeto eult the peyaienl. At Na.9'1 narkrt Ntroot, By rbT d. naoTT. MOKE Than the Usual Discount . - - . , TO CASH BUYER OF nwi mini COLO Hat advanced, and all Imported Gooil mm: follow. Weareelllogatold prloe. The beet Line of Imported nd Domotlo Family Grocer!, Wine, 1 Irjuore, Tw, A'a , 4o., 4o., In North Carolina CJETAS. D. MYERS A CO., O and 7 North Front h-tr febt Salt, Corn, (iuano. Syrup. iofJO Sacks Bait, lO.fXJO Bushels White k Mixed Corn, 300 Tons Eurtka Guano, 250 Tons No. 1 Ouauapo Qnano, WBbU.S. H. Bjrup, For ale low by WILLIAMS A MUKCHISON. Bacon, Pork, 8ugar and Coffee. ! 100 Boxes D. 8. Sides, -100 Bbls. Oitv Mess Fork, 100 " ReflQpd Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. ; . For a'e low by WtLLlAM MURCUWOW. Flour, Nails, Hoop Iron and Clue. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grades; 300 K gs Naila, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue. . For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Molasses! Molasses! 2C5 Hhds. Net Crop Cuba Molasses to arrive. For al low by 5 WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. FlourFlourFlour. lOOJBbla. Plant's Eitrar-tho best Flour in the city. ' For aale low by WILLIAMS MTJRCHI30N. GBEM5 GliEilMG SiLS . OF i FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & EODDIGK, -15 AlJNJRIvJT STMCFPa IVKHT ARTirtt RSVITAHI.t FOR WINTKR WFAH II AS BFKV MAHRKD DOWlf. i Harlng nodiulrn to inlereitr "k'lililhxr tlimiK ur rrlii, we 'lt tl attHiit oa ot all our . i'nnt"lli miiliot w liarenf iMt i i. et'u imhik iff f r in t ui ee to thai pur. charar can mm (t thinivlv.'e Jut esioi'v luiw murh of redurtlnn hben load, till all I 'It DPIMIH riiNI I'V lnt evrr li.'en olten-.l In thOctry at A N V VIM. Our IUiit i rtn an. I tii'ae have mvi.n.l n wiib a e.4ll enrtler In the eraenn nan voneb for erey lUiriuntit we niki. W a hk uai KUuiMif to o.ose out lbbalanejof Ouritookia order to mak miin lor tt ring iaiohH-a. Camol TTair Cloth, formerly 7.", ................. . Colored HorRM, 40, Double Width 1'opllna, " . 40, Solid Bluo roplitiM, SO Colored Caahomero, " 75, Wootch riaids, " S3 All wool Empress Cloth, " 75.. .... SHAWLS, $3 50, COA TS' SPOOL COTTON rl oeuU tmr Spool. StMnoh Fruit n( tlit Loom Sliirtinir 12 30-Ineh HEA BIDE COTTON, l!l cnta Soitteli (linphama, 11 oci.fa per yard. U-lnoliea wiUo P.iiK'iali Tueliinsf, '.I penfs. A N M,mui. i.ikiui'i r or 3 I'tu ( r. wl' be atvax or all al at tlm of tiurabeae. with the IkIIuwIi'I e0ii'tuiuj 1 1, a bed and L'uMcarhed hhlrting, tiliiUiUi, 1'alitoe aaa SHII t'lt!0li.. It-rma airlt tly t'aah and One Prteo. . Nq Nntuplca Cut. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street ' j it n FIEE !; Fill I ' FIEE ! XtlVAi!En ! WATER ! THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOOtlS OF Si Conaiatinjr of DRY flOOIW. .CLOTIIINaWfOFA HATS, CROCKERY, i CHINA and OLlSSWAttK. d.im if''d sal at the Store lately ocmip ed by O. Notioo is lierehy given tliiit tue above II. f-hf I iiviiWt'S. - ',-"1 '.r.tjii.v OLMtraa -t?:.Vl.. .. aw.tAH .t.a.- " - A At $53.00 per Tou, Cash, or $00.00, payablo Ut of November, next; N A.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, : At $33.00 per Ton, Canli, or $.18,0 , payable 1st of November next. K OCAKANTEE that titer pnivlou nigh Grte) of our Kertillter eiiall lie fully MAiaTAtaiD K. H nUt'tr.PttS, Frefldent II. WoaK, Ti'raurrr, O. t OUAFFMN, tiuoerlntet dunt, Jn II . CAPITAL MM PACIFIC EM0 C6-; TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TOXS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO tortile e ttor for CASH or on CHOP TIME: Liberal terms w.l be made XtMuZ&i reliable parties to selllbi .Ouano at onr Warehouse prioe8, W. II. McUAIlY & CO., Ocmmllnn M.re.b.n,,. Ag.nt.for Psa fleOu.no W, a 8ub-Agents lor tho Sale r. n. ninwow... V. WltAMA.n.... Jan 8l Notice. HAVINO DltPt'HKD OF OCR SAOOI.K namrmabd Trunk UnMn?-. ftook, Uuod Will and Hook Account, i" Wilmington, N. 0., io Mtoirm Carp-nur Ma lard, wo hereby tender our tl.anKe t a geueroua iml.do l"r thvlr Illrl patronajfe the lt ten y. ar. and aak a eonttnaance of 'h' i"io to ouruc cewim, who have been accot'tablv In r em iilor fur niHiiy reare an-l are thirounUiy r'ti-d (n the sad.llj, Uarn-ee ani Trunk Buelneu In all It hrani'.bsa Me."r. triwnter Ma'latd will itlln ll ellmoinira'ctd a ainot u In Wllm n.it'n. n. C, and colUct debt due u and riooli t tur th.tame, j.s roPHAMC0. A. Carpenter. J II. nullnrd. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAvro BoroKr thf. ar"Vr men ti mdQiode, weoaVralulUluikof - SADDLES, ' harness, : V TRUNKS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, j. . , And All Kltirleof SADDLERY QOODS, - T - . .- VERY LOW PRICES ret ftwal v to prrroi t paying Itiyoreg Wo reotfn ly aollolt patronage. CAF.1TEU t PI AH. Ann. ftwb W-liuaao is 25 80 15 65 25 45 now ".....now .......now .... .now now tow ...'.. ..now &ow$2 00 cents nor yard. per jord. by thu lato : Fire, am r m-vedul (oc ll. W. Runrt'1, Nn. 0;) Maik it street Uioit miit no sola nuout ae'ay. FEA1TK & ERO; ... ..... C3 Harket Street. , n.-tf BRQ., VVEOFFEIt 0TJR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Keiianu of (lulivored on the Cant, at Our Fctory, at tlo following XlKlUOB0I PHIOESj' SOLUBLE KAYASSA GUANO KAVASPA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON, N C. A xod-tl&wtm. 81,000,000. of Soluble Paciiic Ouano. .CJd Hnndred.N. O. ..Marlon, S.O. 27-3md4w Molasses ! Molasses I . : fr OFFER, TO ABBIVB ' IIV SCH II. MAUG1E ElIEft Daily cxpee'ed from Sagna LaOraad, 322 """" I Choice New Crop IW j j Xlorcea vado MolatM., WORTH WORTH. " . 81-lw ' ft b Mew Crop Cuba Molasses SECOXDCABGOI , . 280 BHr)3' tierce!s'ow w0' INii, x B ig John rioree, from Havana. , , For tal by, .. WORTH WRTH. XeV Crwp CllO. Jluiafj.iua w: Illl'tn. ew Oiop tub Mile. . 4 if fot tale by KJEKOOXIB UAitDKtt B1K'I tebl

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