f l;f llailn Hound. WiT.vivoTOS, N. 0: TUI3EAY. FIB. 9. 1875. TJ lUll.T Jocknal, the oldest diW taper in North Camlinv is pulHt.1 ,ry tnrniitg. f opt M Tuiay, at Eioht Poi lai: a Tar ; Form Dallars si auinths: Skystty-FIV eenil f-T tnontl. h' tarter pr!oijs. Snrrvt by farrVrs in tb tf'v Skvkmt-fit tit pernor or Two Poll a us and Twms TT -rrvK cent per quarter. The WmtKI.V Jot'RSAL, (Frt'laV) thirtT-ii'x column Pi"r. Two l LARe j,.r vei; tbn iip'm fivi Ooixar axi A BA1.F ; to" "t'J"N SKVM Dol.LARS tTfiit-t. FlSHI IM1LAK8 M A BAI tn mjv. Fifths Du.A; twsntj CnpS TwFSTT riVit PolAARfc i 5rHiKU"TIONS In I1 ts.ee parable 1' l lmm. paper coitftutied after the fl!: im of tl 'Imr puiil for. Krut r-rst it lioull b mart v TYt .of.if M mcy rCci or Kxiei. If il.it ca rt hm !.u. t.niicl.it aslut l,,l8 7 puil rvav eeO'ired hy forwarding t! slips '' to ttie order nf'f.s pn;rietm it i!ip ,l.rni r by f!'.ij'n:g the row n(jMtjr,i1'it(,r. ' .dvps'ieil'g Ka'H (per .liiri i-.f twelv j. iMlli- if aH'ort!sir!;t:T, 'his m Initi-in, Oisk Doilak: tw hsi-r- Os lin.i ah akt a i:i r; 'thie f.,.-tl. fi-, Two Dot 1.AK; fear it tTtlur, Two Oim.i avh a!P a half; fiv !i r ti, ., I hrv.h; nI.I.AKA; il ltmr4n. 1 Hi -if Diil.l.ABU AtD A BAir; twelve Jtwurthm, Fivr IOM AM AfD A o nmth. Fioht Dollars twommrt'in FlFTKKH HOU.AH! tin IJHililllA, Tl TV -TWO DoIXABS. Onntict for lnatr rnrWi and tropr pc niH' nru llNral lnni. , J(lre. EaesLHAnn A SAtr!iitR, Wllmlncton, N. 0, THE VHirCKNlTY Tb TruotecR of tb XJuivcro'ty of North Carolina will meot t lUlelpli on WoJuwdoy, Febrnary 10th. Ai niattern of moment will claim the at tention of the Trntw, full mpeting is neoesary. EDITOEIAL K0TE3. IsabplU Wallao, a dweendant of Bir William Wallaoo.of SooUiith fame, died at Dunfermline, Root) a ml, on the lat inat, agod 102 yeaia. The German authoritieabaYenotifled the son of Count von Arnim not to w the title of oonnt any lonRor, as the title was conferred upon hia father by the government, aud is not hereditary. There are rnmora in England that Mr. DiHraeli intenda to mnke an alii tnoe matrimonial with the Gonnteaa of Obeateifield, who ia a widow. Tbe rumor was current aeferal tnontha ago bnt wan aimply called prematura by the premier's intimate friends. The Meaara. Hoe, of New Toik bought books, fitted up recitation room in their factory, employed a o pable person to hear recitations, and then compelled their apprentices to take Urn whole course of study wbiob bad been projected. The Mayor of St. Louis, received an anonymous let or signed by five snp positions perrons, thrat tiirg to burn the city on the 28th of January. Tbey declared that they "hae burnd ChioHgD twice and Bonton onoe," aud - now tl ey iutend to "try it ou" in St. Lrn'm. The 28ib came and went, how ever, and St, Louis wsa not burned. Gold, says the Nashville Union, in , now higher in New York than it has been for nearly two years, and ranch attention and comment are elicited by the symptoms it exhibits of still furth- a - strength. While there is one cUs of observers who contend that the pro oess or resumption noder the act of Gtngrts will diminish the premium, a much larger Dumber of financiers- and among them are not a few German bankers argue that the reoent heavy shipments of coin, the suspension of the weekly sales by the Secretary of the Tressnry, and the da.'ly absorption tifof thrtnstomt oaipts, have reduced the stock of gold at command, and thus caused au sotnsl scarcity that is making itself felt opon the price, aud, with similar favorable conditions, may carry the latter even to 120. Suoh is the talk of Wall street. , For sev ral years past, at this season . of the year, the average amount of .apecie held by the banks bas been about 525,000,000. The last report shows that the amount on hand is only $17,000,000, the loss during the past week having been nerly $4,000,000. -At the last session of Congress, va rious taxes were rednoed for political effect in the then ooming elections. The snbterfuge;f ailed to deceive the people, but it had left tbe Federal Treasury with a deficit of about 40, O0Q.0OO. The removal of the tax on coffee and tea did not reduoe the cost to Amerioan consumers one cent, be cause Brazil and China immediately put on those articles an export tax of like amount. Bo, the restoration now of the old tax here ia pretty certain to advanoe prices, aa the foreign Govern ments are not likely to repeal their ex port dnty, In anticipation of an in crease of ten cents on whisky, nearly all the distilleries are running day and night tc enlarge the supply as muoh as possible before the tax can take , effect, when they will quit, and the Government can hardly expeot a cent from this souroe tinder nine months though increased revenues are wanted immediately. Tbe panio produced by XUdioal legislation is at last coming tome to lU real authora. Wil.nntiTOt 11DTME wf.T-, wl.rn Ihot rotrjitrtin it imp-ratirf'j Tiir.riHoLincruini.i dtnn.IJ I t it owu inWift? Tu TIB I,MEHS OHIIl tSSO. j, ... .,,A ,i,,e..ti(,!i. T.-1 (,,. mrQ- " KAll.KOlDl. S m. , It it Dow beind chsrsed tint (truss frsruls were perpetrated in M r t i ,jlir ffvet the change of tbe Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford K.d iuU the Crolina Central. Tbe traofr of that rosd from the poeneMiyn of it former owuers to that of it present owners, took place some time sro. snd uder the new ownership the ro-d ha bven comi lefed to Chr!ott. Dnnng 11 this time, so fr as ire know, pub'io irtue gave no evidence of ny great thock to its feelings t ti e course of he Carolina Ct ntral Ba lay Com- . . . . . . k . i. psoy. uow is men mst uwr rosd has been made valuable by Ua expenditure of th present Company s money tbe present outcry should be rusde, and so mneh virtuous lnu gua- tion fiendd before the pubiicT 1' it Iteonnx of virtue or because ol u ti rrtt T We Vf ry much fear ih re naon is oi.e that b 'din no gMd to the peo ple ot tliesouthetn jxirtionofour Stair, Hi,d one that evidences especial hostility In (he prosperity of the city ' of Wi - miiic'on. The Carolina Cet,tral Kulcsy off rs ti e Imi. and most natural route to the ooemi f.r the travel'and fro gWs com ina fiom ti e grest Mi-sissij-pi vabey otr the WVsttTn North Ciiroliiia iwisd. The Curoliua Central his now r. 8oh d that point where the interehU of its owners demand that they ahall expedite as rspidly as ptissible the completion of the other road. If no one tlsa will do it the Carolina Uen t al must undfrtake tiie job and at once. The WsHtern North Carolina Road ia to be sold and the Cro.iua Centrl has coutrol of the decree nn ,l. r hioh it is to be sold. If these two roads shall oome under one own ership they will of eoutse be worked for tbe ben tit of that ownemhip, and in this event Wilmington becomes at itnoe tbe Athmtio terminns of a great Month line i from the Mississippi vail y, and at no distant day the At lantio terminus of a great AUautio and Paoiflo Railway To this oousummation.BO devoutly to be wished, many people object. Gen eral Mahone, of Virginia, objeots be cause our "road will take freights from his road. The Richmond aud Uanvil) Road object because our road wi tske freights from its road, an so does the IUleieh and Gatou Road and for the fame rea son. Tne inenas oi onoi u of the roads leading there objoet, aud tbe friends of Beaufort Harbor aud of the Atlantic Road also object, and the North Carolina Rond objects. It is not intended to permit the Car olina Oeutral and the Western North Carolina Rosd to come undnr the same ownership if it can be prevented, for then the Southern portion of the State would be benefitted and not the Northern portion; and then Wilming ton would bi oome the great seaport, and nut Norfolk or Beaufort, and the roads in these and other conflicting interests would Buffer. We think it is time to speak out in this matter, in defence of the intererts of our city and of our seotion. Colo nel Tate, of Burke, proposes for the State to buy the Western North Caro lina Road aud to levy a tax. of eight o juts ou the hundred dollars for ten years, we believe, to raise the money. Mr. Apploton OtiksiuUh, of Carteret, proposes to conlemn the Ail mtio, the North Carolina, and the Western North Carolina Road, noder the righ of eminent domain, for v public me, and to pay lor Hie same ty levying a tax of forty-two cents on the hundred dollars. Major Smith altto proposes to consoli date and build the Western Road by bonds raised ou the credit of the North Csrolina Road. But to accom plish this purp we Mr. Hmith niut-t relieve that road of heavy Inouu- braucea. All of these schemes involve taxa tion and the idea that the people of North Carolina will patiently submit to tsxittion torelievetriesrt raiTfoaTTsTs simply prepoateroits. If wo are not able to pay old debts we certainly are O it Able to eoutraot new oues. Aud this being oitbeoomesthemem- bors of the Legislature from the West to aik themselves if they see any hope for the completion of their road save thnt hold out by the Carolina Central Company t It this be true is it not the part of wisdom to acoept the situa tion aud at ouoet Are not the interests of Wilmington and the interests of the West identi cal T Is there a shadow of a hope that Mr. Appleton Oaksmith ot Major Smith or Colonel Tate can complete the Western North Carolina Rosd 1 Is it not certain that the Carolina Cea tral can and that it will complete, it at the earliest possible day, and for the simple reason that the interests of that Company demand at the earliest possible moment that a oonneotion with the system of railways in the Mississippi Valley should be estab lished? What road has Mr. Smith bnilt, or what road has Mr. Oaksmith bnilt that the people of the West should prefer to ro'y upon them ratbor than upon the Carolina Central Company 1 The qnestion is simply this, do onr Western .(rinds prefer to rely upon aa uncertain oouneotiop with Norfolk or Beaufort in the far future, dependent upon the exertions of Mr. Smith and Mr. Oaksmith, or do they prefer tbe oertain connection with, Wilmington dependant only upon the will of tie Carolina Central to oompleto a nasi n of tin L-ffi rliture. from the West - V ponder w Ix-fore they fvnr lt-gin!- pn jmlioiJ to IheCarolina C.titr.1 Rvl'iy. Their hope aa well a our b"pe,their fataress wrjl as oar futare, ia onr deliberate judgment, depends upon the Carolina Central Railway. Wo d 'precuUi aeotional stri'e, but hrnor and du'y demand that wesuould spk out in the intercut of our people nd of onr section. We Lave ben ent long enough. au nuirricau gin wou iu ;uiu , medal at (he reccut examination at the C 'liege of Brsiil, Rio de Jaueire. An'annonnoement made by the cele- rated Krupp would seem to indicitte, Srtjs the Army and Navy Gazette, that theatmameut of Germany, as far is tins are coucerucd, is completed, or very nearly so. ( The firm of Krup clsres that a reduction of wages bae cime noessary ia oousequeboe of a sliickuess of demand, Treoed.cg years, it is s-iid, gave the min suoh an extra ordinary nmornit of v.ork thut extraor dinary Srtlaries were paid. Jhl" happy pinod Las now Ixeu replaced by a onliod period, and a greal'tinmbt r f ( w oi kerf, even in steel, sro Jiswng t'leir services I'icpeiiHed with. Ludr I cireomstatiees Mr. Krupp, much to bin regret, fiuds himself obligfd to re- Juoh the salaries which he has been paying at Essen snd elsewhere. MI CILLANi 0U8. a HUTOTT AHKTMFN Bl'" "At ft tii; ntHi isj uuai.1 rv. 0 lo atevk Slid ron.Uuitlt Kavolvinf Ad. dlilona : Plows. Hoes, Shovel, Spades, Wlifclbarrowp, ritclil'orks ANV'LS, KbSfKMITH'-t BKIl.OWK, Vtm, Hmmri,Ticl)h'm,OolUis,Hames, Plow Hiesl, Bsr lion, 1iidi, SjiOkSS, Buba, eoiH, I'lOtHH, lil'IM. shootiiimo innsiN, I'OCKKT KMVI N. l Alll.t-; (I' I l.t'.llV, . Itl A lll.V I . 111. ttiors.u's itun.n kfi s 1mtit t"k m IIARDAVARE, At NATHANIEL JACGBI'8 UAltDWAKE DKrOT, NO. ( MAIIKJST BT. jmim w tcrr. 1875 Onr immense stock at greatly reduced prions. Same tmi.st lie sold within next three months Call aud examine. NO HUMBUG ! D. A SMITH A CO. tt- Jan n CARCO NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES For low fiom wliarf by JtTT BINFOKD, CROW k CO. fob 4 .'-ii JjtE&RIB HAMH VJJ Brekt a,iii, Colemsu'i Fnglrtb Muelard, Cri'M- tVaokwcT. 1 e'llee, Anrborj Pate, Fgg Msoraront, Vermleelll snd Julienne Soapa. T Goods elivmdrcergBr FLANNER & SHURE, 81 Korth Front St. tebl 2i Ansomille 31alo school. I.OOATIOM in Miles Ifertti ol tl'ndesboro, N. t T'leopenms'eeeton wIM besln Februarr let. IS'S, and oniiMi ne twtntv w eke, ll. Nrthm n i!ob, (Orslnate of the Vulveriilty ot North I'aroltim) Frlnelpal; ntdi'il b competent .'at.it experlmotd aMiatants In evcrr iicpaimi'M. Tn'lttnu S, fin and (II per qnsrter, payable In iI "oh, i.iuficeto all o m n 'to f u tb lion e' Mlnl.try Hord and lin'glnir. 10 per tnontb. Wa.hlng. fuel and Hiht-a' mo'emte ra o ArrnemenU b v heeu ma le wlto tbe Oroilnai entrl Railway Ompmy to paw pnidiai ver'belr Rod for h'ffte Ample aoronmnitattut'S for 2"0 in.1enl. Tbe i oijf Ualuili Rn are b renal ed anil n-wly mmitbrd ror further infoi mMInn adi The l o'legf UalUlli'KH are being UioroughH add re a J. J. Mcl.EVDON, Aneonnlle, N Jan 19-l-2wd. CASH. gVE MONET BT BUTISQ TOUR ORO. oerisr for cash. A FRESH SUrrLT JUST RECEIVED. Try onr prices and be ronvlnoed. Pure nakerWhlaksf. FLANNER & SHURE, II North Front Street. fobf Beets. Parsnips, gWEET CIDEB, J nut arrlred and for Mis at 0, H. W. RUMOt'l, N. K. OorW of Market and leoonrt Ms. febt SJ-tf . i . ' GO TM thO f f IJACOBll KISCELLANE0U8. TO AIL THOSE WHO THIS CF THEIR OWN INTEREST A!iD THE WELFARE OF THEIR FRIEKCS AND FAMILY. .,-! w Srriiif r't ln.'orirf "1 l l-B et,nt ti i -T ml H'yn i wr rx.b. 1 n',n' t l "n Fnu-ni -lr-rt. Wr hArv o til. lo (it m -tIi b ult't wU ilr Boo' ml M lj -h w tfira.it ( aen t hm in "nrtl-1. n y . , i.u,f,rt antl V y 1. and pt Irra low - tu lw . V fcavr fr.si ftiift 'ti In I is!f.ii' liln and Muwi Br use hr.toa on m wr iht pa. Wn nr umti.i,!l'r iwinri tiw d.1tliffi hhi trrwt Uif-HK " w a ihk It' to Ht i'i bivtngikiA aT,-aif poa c In arioig i.BKk irt .mil Iwm" ,lni ir ih., iUc-hI t wilt 'h wnta ef lh Ii id lliict liato onlj to h) tbiMu Ujf-11 bun. rVANS ValjI,ANW, ht dU xtux t tiulin a. At. To the Public. - A U We APE Or THE FPB1 10 IN g urrsl Is to TBI E OUR GOOD!. A Few More OVERCOATS Left TO BE SOLD' AT bS"fH IN COST. DAVID WEIL (anil . - 21 Niagara Firo in OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets, SI, 450,000. KORTHRCP & CUMMINO, AG E N T S. . iiffloa with Mr. O. H Ho'li.am. an rWb. Itr. at, wb sill ituoil to all oirtrra lull wuh Mm. . Un IS Mm Swede Iron, l'low Steel, Hnilib's ttflkiffk. Hcrew Plstra, Anv'ls e lUmm i. rand HtBu-a. n A Inrga KXiirln.ant i f tha b uiwla ran be fnuudatlb oil eatubllthftd ltardwar. Huoaa of ilOMH lliWIW. It. rS'idZI MarkntSt, Jan 2t n mo REWARD! T VTILI. PAT 'INK HrjNDnr.n I)'H,t,AR X 'or Mm npinalianumn aim ile Ivi tjr in m tim fn 'li'Winir iiaraml nr'"Oiir wh'i firckn riirQr Hit. t tl, ir 1 wntv (!- Dnl'sra for tlie spicbnptluu snd rtoiivrj ufeaeb ana: OKOKdB ()HArilHI, (wtill S ffft, hu b' blgli; I gh- romplrxiunwltli light beard about SO jroar. mi JOK BCRKB. fmn'altol 8 feet. 6 Inrtaiw Sliib; giejr tynn witu lim mouncn ana oia- S.'H. . AltCHIR RTKWAKT, (hlsi-k,) feet, Inrhea Ulyb ahonl IS yi-anol sue. JI'IMIK nol,IKM,(b'afk.) at-out 5 fedt, Inihra llah wllh brua4 elioulrttrt-wuari mlitury jsi'kvt. H n. MSNNINU.iherlH. Wilmington, N. U., b. W, lBiS. fob a fl-tw School for Girls. SKLKOT SCHOOL FOB OIRl.S WIL! In, owinfd In Monti tnti, Vnrks eonn'v, N. O hy MimM. Ssisssa, Fabruar; Sd, Ml. Num Br iinnifii. 1 BHMTroiltWalf tn dncs. T S OSS S1S"IW OV SO WSSKK Rng'lnh Tnl'lon, Uiai(t. fuel and llghta, S1Sn OS I .mlii and frcncli. tarb in (Hi yiiinln IB 00 BSFEKKKOta: Bl'bop At liion, Wllnilngton, V. 0. He. A A. Wstsm, I). P., " , R-v JJ. Kh1I, Mnrgaiitim, " H. . OkiK)n, 1). t., Notlolk, Vs. K- v Vr. limn, i- Hon .Inlin Oui'di', " " Hun .l. hn B Whitehead, " ' l!r W. W Hoolt. " lani -St mmmmm. For Sale. THE LITUIA WATKK ot the Vi'dn's Snttaln Mprii.tnui ins wtr ot ttie o:d HuttXIo irtnga. put up in boxea mntaliiliig m. Imarn Hilt tiallon botllrti win n applies to oroer lnllvere.l al the di-otti,br Uepot or tlw Kirn si'inil A : lianfllla Kklirond t per box, to be pa'd In oiltanne. TIib I tTtll A water but made a vrnmark uble pure, aa any uvnn record In aPectlima of the Hiaiiiier a 0 u.iuure aoo in I'Vai epAla. It bus alo glTn (lert.lel relli l In Unnty end KlmuiriHtie alt'eoiloiia In the iIIwhiii". of Women i"t In fjupeimla the wter .it the old spring ia regarded ae well nigh epe aiflfl. Addrens tHOMAr.OOOI)r5. BuOHloSnrltiea, Ueokleubura t'onntT, Va. sept 4 111 i-mawna Marshal's Office, CITY Oh' WILMINGTON, ( January 23d, 1875. NOTICE, FROM THIS PATE A0'TKFFKR8 AUR rrolnhlted MlHi'i Horres or sto kofsnt ilndln front of the I'lty Market Prliieen t eet irnin the eaetern line ot rronl nrri t ie (he .e'tiirn line of Fourth street nr Mei'iin'A and Thud utrfete, between th mrihirn lineot Mritt aid the' eoutliern line of (.hentnnt -txett", re f!cetgntl lor tb s J'urpore. By srder ' w Mator. J. H. ROBIN80N. myJehsiL Jan ft Final Notice. 021ce Treasurer anil Collcclor CITT OF WILMINGTON, N. C, 1 February 4th, 1S5, Au, FBR"ON!t ani.t,: owiso city TAX Son Kent und ermial Pn pern are hereby notlfled thai, In c the anmeU'et pal I tiflnre the 1 tr darof Febroarjr. i.lant. their Propeit (Indnditig eap.nai'a thereon) will ttien (without cllecrlmlnatinn) be positively ; ADVERTISED AND HOLD. T. 0. 8ERV0S3, Cby Trcaenrer. 31 St frbS , Notice. PPMOATlON WILL BK MADE TO the General Aaartnbly of Noitb Carolina charter tbs City Bank of Wilmington. -Jsn JT ' Hi aw?m Molasses and offee 100 Bbls 8. II. Molasses, 150 Bags Rio Coffoe, For a ile hy - ' KKKUUMER A OALDKRRRO. Jan 1 n- Porous Plasters, nAINKILl.FR, JT Patenn a IndclllblS It.k, . Fund' Bairaot, harden Heed, FlnwerVtd. Onion hela, Ac, o. For ie by ORBEN &FISNMFR, teb 4 1 'U . Irng6liie.' IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. ORA K'" r AILS, llwt Hr.ii.l-- 6-0 AVUU Plnwa, S Ton. tlastiega, 6 Tone Plow Meets, allelse.; S Ton-Hwitca iron, aaanrtedj 80 toil, i ettim KOie, UK) Doa. low B'l . An.. Ac. All abore tor sale at fceok Boitom Prloea. at lbs Wav n arsl war Store of OILKHA MUHUMIHOR . tan II SSMorta Front Street. LOriEUT. A F0RTrUlIE FOR 01! S) I One Gift la Guaranteed to Oneo very II Consecutive numbers. 850,000 for OneDollar. 'NOW LS TOCR TIME." Dame Fortune Helps Tbone who flulp Anemseivee. Pee y Tlrlaa at SI ai-fc. nmt.ertti Iron ti giOWifl, liiriu-i. Tb c1n g'j lo" f rl. a af Tiekau bnn tl wluiiB tbs ri.aiB 01 GRAND GIFT CONCERT In aid of the Tublic Improvements iu I the City of DVuison, Texas. TUB LIAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATIOK Will give a Grand Concert THl'USOAY, narck Slat, ISIS And will Dietribntt to the Ticket Holdera 3250,000 IN GIFTS ! DEFOSITOKY FIIIHT NATIONAL BANK, DENISON: Pla'rihatlon to dmnionca Immi-d'a''T art. r i th. Coneoit. Maiiaur's of til. I'lairlhntlon branbf tbsTlckot rioldora and promlnriii oiusans. LIST OF GIFTS '. a ,."..'..".".. ..... t M II II M ..... i ' ! jo m . it iaai-'h.'."," ""'" 100 " ..... ss " im " .... m qiuo ... loa " en ii ion " " ti ioo ' as Si'S " 10 " .... t 0"0 " S " ..... 1 N0H " SU" .... 4f veo " i ' 15 (M ISO 1 CO" sno" S0" 4 sor , B.iH) (ooo I flue tim 6e tm o 4S.1KT Orand Caah OI", amounting to IttO.MO 14 rrliea in K.al En'a'n. amoiun- Isgto BTi.OOO 4'',"iS9 01ftJ, amoanUng So... .... A statement of tbe la'rlboUfn lll be pab lUh' d and fnrwir.1.1 to ttck-l bolder., and all gilt will be promptly paid after -tbe dletrlba uon . Gooi.aci RcspsiMe Pems fantefl w wum ir in iiiinreii oi mm a iciuwn LlbiTsil Comnititun Atlowod, HOW TO REMIT TO MoneT ahonld be aent bv Ptpremor hT Draft, oit OfRco Money order or Registered Iiettor. Adfl-ewall eonimnnloatl'tti. to AI.PHKIHU. COIXINS,arctI, Dknison, Texas, O. R. JONKIS, Katiintl Hotel, Agent for Wllmlngtun, N. C. Jan 1 j-ltiwltd. HELP THE POOR AND FATHERLESS! GRAND GIFT CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THR Orphan Asy I u m. SI 7,!5O0 I TV Cat I F T S To bs Dlntrlhnted Among the Ticket-Holders. A. OIFI CONCERT wlll b held In WlLSON. N. C. On Vcflncsday. ttie lOlii Feoruary; 1875; For the Exolnsive benefit of the Orphan Asylum at Oxford. Tickets Only Two Dollars. Number of Tickets only 16,000. 3.1 felfta le ba (JlTan Away, fflitklng ovr One atc to Every C ""' ""'.' Ticket. REAL ESTATE GIFTS. One IM In the town of Wilson, N. 0., containing 1 K acre., wi'h large and , en.i lent dwallinii. kavlna 10 romne, ami all nereneaty and conreulent oat bouaea, aitnated oo Farnei atreel, val ued at (Inn elegant story K Kldrnoe.ln Wlleon, corner of Pine and r-en e'reete. with acre, and containing 8 ronmr, lo cated in tun noal eligible part of th. town, Yiiloed at .... 4,000 One k acre Lot. aitnatcn on me corner of Vanoe and Spring rtreeta, with neat resldonoesnd one-hone., valoed at . 1,300 CASH GIFTS. 1 Casb Prliu ii i ' I"..!..."'...".... i - iioo eHch. ...... B 60 " ....... .ai.ooo , ao . 400 WO M SO SO " IS . . 400 . SOO 600 " " 100 1,600 " 1 " Lift) MIScELLANeQUx c fts. One Fine ti.i IliiKgy SSflfl One Fine Bugirv. 100 frne Fine (told Watch.... , 1J.1 One Fine Ladlee 'Watch TS iknmmlitee ot Arrangements Q W Blount, B F MriKg. and A Barnee, Raqe -. .. Deposit T Bank ofWilann. AdTleoTT Board -.lot n Nichols, Fn ttalelh; W F Da.lt, Em, Klitrelle; AHA William. Keq, Oiloid; MaJJ P denkim, NaihTl'Icj J H rborn, F.nq, Ronky Mount; Ir K W King, ,Tame W bancaner and James E Clark, Eeqn, Wlleon. V While tb. enterprlae It not condncted nnder tbe direct an.plcca ot ant Lodge, yet It object I. to aid that noble Institution, the Oil'ord rhn Atylnm. which wat eatabll-he.t bv the orand Lodge of the Itate, and tbe mina( ncnt la entirely In tb bands of members of tbe Order. . The object 1 eielnelvely for tbe benefit of the Orphan Aaylnm, and tbs Committee deem t nnneceaMrji t make any extended appeal to the teople of enrtit Carolina In uehail of an Inetltntlon which la to worthy of their enpport The low price of the ticket pliw.n It ln tbe power of cTery one to aid a noble caure, and at the eame time the nhancetof being relmhursml ate anntna ly farorahle. - It U confidently bell-red that the onterprtae will be a .nco". t-nt If, Irom anv canae, tbrt honld be no Concert and dlat.rlbntlnn, all tbe money reoelrrd Iron tk. ticket ho'di rt thall be returned fit hem wlihoat. d'n'oont. No ticket an d will be entitled to a chance for the Olfte unlets 'thtMmnney tor the tame bar been recel ed at this office. The Qltta will be distributed Immediately after the Concert any pereon holding a ticket entitled to a OKI w bu deal rea tb A eri urn to hare the benefit of inch Olft,wll rotltythe HecrciaiT by aseh endoreemanten tb back of tbe ticket, and the t-me .hall be appeonrltted ae directed SaT Mnnej for tickets mnat be lent bv Hee latnred IMu, Monet Order ot Fxpreee, di rected to L BARNES, Secretary ; Wiuoi, N. C not 8 (r!t-dwtin Bacon and Pork. 60 Boxes I). fi. Sioi"pnd Boonlders, 25 " Rmoked " 25 Bbla Pork, For tale by KKBOBWIB OAXDE BKOt It Jsn SHIPPING. WILMINGTON,N.C.,LINES 4te SEMI-WEEiaY Freight Route to all Points South or East. Fast BALTIMORE. Baltimore sntl Sonta steam Tr3us-- DGrtatioii- CoimiaB7, -SiiLIMl FHi'M HAM I VOBE- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. AM KMM Wl! MING TON . - Wednesday & Saturday. .IVI4J THKOK.II mi L OF North and Bmth Cnrolir a, Ceorg a snd freight to Kaitimorp, rLnsdelplna, ftew lurk Uoston, rrovidenet, Fall Kiver and other Eastern Cities. Ajbo, to Liverpool, Glai-gow, Bremen, At.tv.erp, and other EnropeBii ports. Thwn Ilnrai-onrfrt at Wiiniiinjtrn iiltb t 'Wilnili gtrn. Cr'nmbla An tufts FaPrasd, i.Lra.'it"n Vrtt',' Railroad, tarollns Central Jiallwat, and I ai Fur Rlif Sitaotia, ,,,, noana, oner antqual tarllitlra rnr ttia prnmpt dtinerj of tralgkl l all A the Sleamr of thru i.in. JV'ght l iranrfir.it ardir eoT-rcd td lo r r.itht Kxrr.m thai tvei'lng. mr saiajraar is wiimlrjKm, snd Bntranfr Inir VfUmfrgton Frnlb ltata liuarantvad low a a by aur sibrr Kenlc-I,ea ar OraSN roairi rniiir paia. WMARK ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON LINES. ay For fuitburlniormaliuD a) plj lo allher of tbs DuJcrdgaed Agtsliof V s Lmai EDWIN FITZGERALD, , Agitil laU riioio l ine, W boBth Hi , Ilaltimors. octn KAIL K0ADM WILMINGTOn AND WELDON RAIL ROAO COMPANY. Orvios r (ibsisal uraKiT.aii, i V'lailligTon, S . Jan. I, IRTt WTT w 5e' OHAjNOEOP SlIHKDULh. Oa and after Jau. Sd, Fataenger Train ot 'ho W. A W. Railroad will ron aefollnwti UAU. TRAIN. ae Knioi, Depot daily Bundaye) t t , Arm. at Uunletioru at " Hoi kj Mount at.., " Weldonat 'aS Weldondelly at irr ,aat Rocky Moont 1 tioldalioroat Union Depot (except I U A. M II 4 A. M, ....... IMP.M Mi P. S 10.1 S AM 1141 A V. 1.3d P. V. S 05 P. M, XPHEHK THAI AND TBHOUUH FRKIOHT TRAIN Union depot, July, 7. IS P , trrtTe t troldsboro Si I.Vl A M, ' Koc Mnnntkt 4f0 A. M. ' Weidcb at I.B'i A. M ..Te Wtldnii. dully, at . n P. M, trrlre at Kn. k 'Mount at 0 III 1' M Oolilehoro at.. HIS A.M. t'nion Depot at..! ttuA.M Mali renin mkoe ftio-o twniectinn at Wei don lor all point North eia H. ) l.me and Ac inla t'teek ronlea. SW F.tprca '( mm ,niiectonle with Achilla Oieek route. Iultmwn'ii latlaie Klee'pa ; Vnrn oil thiol in In jt FroWtil Triklre will let. Wllnilnirtoti trl- weukly at 6 4fl A. M.ai d r-Wfl at 1.10 P.M. JJN V. IHVIN1C, Qensral Hnp't. JanS HI Carolina Central Railway Co. oUPERINTe-NDBNT'MOFnCK, . Wilmington, Deo. loth, 1674. ( Change ofSchedule, On and after the ltith ln.lant, tralm will rnn over t.Lla Hallway a follow: PASSENGER TRAINS Leare Wilmington at...".. gton at 7 S A. w Arrlre In I'hirllotte at 7 Oi P M lx-aro ;har 0 t at 7:i 0 A 111 Arrlre In Wilmington at 6:4ft PM T Mght truliia (faM Freight and Pmwen. gerjin ruiure aoim i. Freight trains lieave Wilmington at even 4. M Arrive at Laiirlnbnrg at B to p. M lrtiie Lauritibnrg at. , .. ,.6 (id A. A Ariire at 'brlolU) al .6:00 H. M Leave L'htrlotte at I OA, M Arrlre al Ijurlnburg at ,,.6:n( P. M Leare Lsurlnbnig at... 6:rl A M Arrlre at WUmingtnn at 6.10 P. M Cnnnectlnna. roritisctaat WiUniiiKtim wnb WHmlnpton & we. ion, rn i nniinainn, loinmnta x An gmta Railroad., M-ml-weeklr lewVokand 1 r.wekly Haltimore and weeklt Phlladil. I bia Mtemeri, and the Hirer Rostt to ray Stterllle. Connwlt at flhsrlotte with itt Weetem Ol Vlron, North '"amlina B.titrna't, Cbmlot'e and Ntatr.Tille Rallroa;!. Charlo'ie AAllsnta Air Line, and tliarlntte, Columbia and An gn.ta Railroad Thn.tnppklng tbe whole Wetd, Northwett and Monihweirt with a ahert and cheap lit e t the Seaboard and Europe. 8. I FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. fi-n ass-t.r ST Papera pnb1thlns O. O. Railway suhrd ule will pleaae notice changes. jJKNBBALrlUPBRINTBNDTa.OFFICB WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA -titu- AUQUSTA RAILROAD CO. WilmTo, N. .. Kov. 21, U"4 CHANGE OF 8CHEDULE On and aiter Ttxlay, 24th. the following tcb fdnle r ji 111." - NIQHT KXPRES8 TRAIN, (Daltyi. LuXre Wilmington .:(! P.M. Iiere Florence 11.HiP. Mi Arrlre st Columbia. , 0" A. V, Z " " Anirnata. 8.4ft A. M Leave Augusta 4 IS I, at. Leave Oolumbla,..., S IB P. sf. Leave Florence iSfto A. M. Arrlre at Wilmington no A. M, Paeoengert go'ng Writ beyond Colu nbla, will take through 'lralr, learlng Wilmlng cn at 8.26 P.M PAB8ENOKR AND MAIL TRAIN, (Dally eicept Bnndsy.) Lear. Wilmington 841 A.'v, Arrlre at F'oronce 12,'fO P. M. Arrlre at Colombia MOP. M. Let. Columbia. i. f so A.M. Leare Florence 1 10 P.M. Arrlre at WllmlnvtoD . 7.0-1 P M. Bar Thonth oomiectiont at Floience' with train, tor Charleirton. r Th ongh ttleeplnf Cars on night train for Oharleeton and Aognma. JAMKB AKDFKSON. Osa'l Soperlntendent, BOVSt 20-tf CoalCoal. jtjlBt Awn WHITE AH, Air Bices. Deltrered Promptly. O. O. PARSLEY ft CO. taw IS ti-er Si; t;i)UluljAaaaHSiliiiMJ If rjtSUI aaMeialtr at Uia JOtBNAL OFFICC NEW Y0BK. Clyde's Wiliigi liis, Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -AND FROM WILMIKOTOM- Wednesday & Saturday." 1.AU1NC. TO ALL POINTS IM Alubsma. For North or Esstbouad rra wltlx ut dtlsr ai d fomaicWS bv UiS Fsat WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Agent New Ynrk l.tnff, S Howling Greta ha Tsrk A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and .ew cil Lltea, Wl.aiiligton, N. O. BUSINESS CABSS. DH, JAS. E. EA, SioiecE & Waiiica Efitisl, B. K. Corner of Market and Second Streets, WILMINOfON, N. 0. Alt wnik dene in the belt manner and war. ran'fil. Prlcea low. "or 8 ST Graham & Nash, ATTOHXEYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. PRA0T1UF. IV THE STATK AFB FFB eral ( inrre, tad aiake collect lest any where In North Oaiolina. Aim necoil.t. Hia of Hi si mete. Agrlcnllnral. Mineral and Liinibir trade, and de.lrai.le City Lett ew eiantlv on hand. "' . tSS - " MIOMABl. OBOSLV.,' WILAIS kOAAIS CR0NLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS 1 WJCLMIKGTOK, M. O. i, IAN HT. HFKN AT THEIR BALIS BOOMS V a piati of tbe clir, on an emerged teals. Blank Buck with the boundaries of sverv Lat la theclty distinctly ileflned. Afws-ed ralue, (at and present, .ftrerv let In the city. t Any Information deevett rsraltbed anew e plicatlou. Jnlf IN8TJRABCE. North Carolina Home Insurance Co. THIS Corupan) oontlnnrt to write Pellcles al tairratee.on all claeteeef Inaorablt srop. erty All loeee. promptly paid. . Encourage Home nietltutions. R. H. Battle, Prealdent: Beaton Oaiea, Btere tary. ATKINHOS MANN1NO, Agents. Jan. 114-t . 37.ooe.oort ri inni RAwrKrAri. iai. stpsiwisvkn AtnruM rAfinti wiains lombbv Qneen Ineiirance Ompeny.of Llrtr- lol and lndon, capital S10.00S.Ot4 Worth Hrllleb and Mercantile Ineor- ance Company, capital , ; 1,SOS,OS4 Bartlord Ineuranoe Company , capital I,0OS,0Ot National Flie Inenranc. Company, of Hartford, capital SOS AS Oontincntsl Inturance Company, of New York, capital.... gjaa aat Pliienii Intnrancs Company, ef ' Brooklyn, capital.. JJSeAat Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, capital , .... assjst MA KINK The old Mercantile Msteal New Tort LIFJt The Oonneetlcst Mutual ef Hart ford. ATKINBtlM tt MAKBINQ, weneral Agents, -nor 1 - Bss-tr jyjERCHANTS AND MECUAKICC INSURANCE COHPAin, OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CttpltiAlaee tNtti aae.ei A. T.SToaae, Presidt I. B. Moob, Bert y JOBS WILBEB ATBIKffOW, Senersl A tea No. 4 Nortli Water 8k, Wilmington, N. O. aprllis lai-tf rTOnXA.BIKKE, General temco lw. (FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE) 40,000.000 Aaaeta UepreeentaeU OFFIOB Commercial Excksnge "SsildiBg North Wster Street oct n tt So Adrance In Prices. Ws sr. stlllng Wood: Per mA. Per Core. Oak and BV' ck Jaek, 88 to SO era, l So to 8 S Ati . ......... IStiiSS " SOOIetSS Mined. SO to TO t 4" to IBS Pine -TO " I II t:ut np .a banled at lowett poetlbls rest. Coneur n can aa.e money by par ah ulna tt nur yv 1. " )n 1 , O. PARHLBT O CO. Mens, Boys, ladies, MISSES', CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS Shoes and Boots, Of alt Btylet and Grades, AT REDUCED PRICES. EVANS k VonGHLAJS, Frineesa Ebwel " Jan is -' ... f , ' ' " 4