... wnrmiOTOH, ir. c, wedhesday. February io, 1875. WHOLE HO. 6.7G9 VOL" XX1Y.--N0. 35. H fi. n WlLMLN'tlTOX, N. 0.: WEDNESDAY. FB. 10. 1875 . . BY TELEGRAPH. TRTIXG TO MAKE UP FOR THE DEFICIT IS REVENUE. THE DUIT OS SUGAR TO EE .. RESTORED. THE ARLINGTON BILL TO BE PLACED ON THE CALENDAR. AN EFFORT TO 8 END GRANTS MESSAGE TO COM Mil TEE . ON T R I V I L E D E S AND ELECTIONS. , ! REPORT ON TARIFF AND TAX BILL. GOV. VANCE URGING PAYMENT OF ANTE EELUM MAIL CONTRACTS. Washington, Feb 9 Noon IIorB Sypher, of Louisiana, offered tlit following resolution, which was agreed to : ' Whekeas, The expenses of the Gov ernment require an additional rtwcime of from thirty to forty milliou dollars, andv ; ' . Whekbac, By tbe Act of th li:h if July, ;1870, the duty on imported sugars was reduced at the rute of 83 J pur cent. ; and Wbkreas, Said reduction of duty diminished the revenue of the Oovrrn ment fourteen millions dollurs in gold aunually, without reducing the price of sugars to the ooni-umers; thertfora Resolved, That tho Coruuiitteu ou Ways and May be directed t inquire into the expediency of restoring the , doty" od all imported sugars to the rate of duty imposed by law previously to the paaaafe of the aforesaid Act. The Bub-Committee on Ways and ' Means have reported iu favor of twenty per cent, increase on the present tariff on all grades of HUgar, and it io said Ui fall Committee accepted the report, and that their bill embraces . this feature. "Bkiiatb On motion of Johnston, of Virginia, the vote by which the bill referring to the Court of Claims, the claim of O. W. Cuatis Lee, for the Arlington estate in Virginia, was in definitely postponed, was yesterday reoonakUred and the bill waa plaoed on the calendar, with the adverse report. Johnston gave notice that he ' would address the Uenate in regard to ; the bill at an early day. WAsaixoTO.y, Jan. 9 Night Skn ATI Claytoo, of Arkansas', moved that the message of the President, ou Arkansas, be taken up and referred to Committee on Privileges and Elec tions. Bayard, of Deleware, said that jeer terday an order was made to print the message . and accompany iug docu ments, wbioh had not yet been com . plied .with. True, the message was Mere, but tbe accompanying docu ments had not yet been printed ., He had bee a informed that it was the in tention of the Set ate to adjourn to day at the eipiratiou of the morning hour, as a mat k of respect to 'be lute Senator Buckingham, of Connecticut, Whose funeral took place to day. He therefore hoped the motion to refer would be considered now, as it would .lead to debate and there were but five minutes of the morning hour left,. Oiayua said some days ago he J resented a memorial from tbe Hou. osepb Brooks, of Arkansas, to the effect that he had been unlawfully kept out of his office as Governor, and 'that memorial was referred to tbe Committee on Privileges and Elections, lie (Clayton) introduced a resolution ailing upon the President for iufor m ttion reoeived yesterday after pre senting tbe memorial, and it sreu.. d to him proper that the message should go to the snme Committee aa the me morial of Brooks. v ,Thnrmau aaid-ordinarily there was nn tivmhlA ahout reforrirjff a nTedsaire. but this was an exceptional ease. It seemed to him that if anything could be demonstrated it was a fact thai this message should go to the Committee on Judiciary. it He did not WBnt to oonsnmo time iu arguing the matter now, but he was nre that the message could not bo referred w thont debate, us it was tLe most extraordinary and astounding of all messages. He asked that the unfinished business, the feteamboat bill, bet aken up. .The Vice President announced that tbe morning hour had expired, and laid before the Senate tbe teamboat bill, it being the uufluinhed business from, yesterday. . 'Senate then adjourned. Tbe Senate Committee voted on the Spnthetn.Paoifio Railroad bill; the result was a tie vote; further setion will await the retnru of Senator Stew art, who favors the bill. Qnartermaster Darby has . been Ordered to Raleigh, N. 0. The Ways and Means Committee have agreed upon a tariff and tax bill, which will be report&i to-moirow. The duty on sugar and molasses is increased twenty-five per cent, npon present rates, aiid classifications are not disturtrcd. The tax oo whisky is increased 15 cents per gallon, on all in bond and in the bauds of rectifiers and wholesale dealers, and thirty cents per gallon on future manufacture, and an iuoreaxe of duty on imported spirit to correspond with the increase upon dome-tic. .The tat on tobacco is increased fonf cents per ponnd on all manufactured ' after the law takes effect. 'Th ten per aeot reduction, in set of 1872, is repealed, and matches nro wholly re lieved from tax. Congress refused by a decided vote to tax tea and coffee. . Tanoe, of North Carolina, appeared it. Jb. foie iLeSjmniittro on Appropria 1 t una mi J urir .1 the puviuiit 'i $37,- 0(57, 7 17, J. n ri il!ittu mail ixmtroct rrs for carry tug tlm hikiIm, up t th Jfitb of Miy, lSu!. ll.fuitd to a sub coainiitt e. Titf rtht f tb day's wko was cotisuaifd iu discusKui nn appropria tion to pay Cliu.-tuw uJ Cluck ut-aw c;.rui" to the amount oi Kixmt st.iHM, Oi. Th-y were rt-jf-ctJ and lb Io. diUu appropriatum lull waa passed. EUIUU'E. TITE CArTCHE OF ESTELLA SOT L"f CONFIRMED. DON CARLOS STILL ACTIVE. A GREAT' VICTOUY FOR THE CAliLlSTS I'F.rOlU'ED. LoNPOff, Teh. P Noon The eap tuieuf Et.l!a by tho Alfousoista is uucouOrnii il. 'I he Carlihts claim to Imve n painrd the ground lost iu Gui pur.w a; that Oeivejal Liia hai been compelled to abaiidcu Zoinug and 'iuitiria, atid it Lcuimed in at Snn H 1 s ia'i.aiul lhit lliei A fonwiists lout l'i.OUO in rro'r.t battle. Madrid. V b. 9 Noon Alfonro refniii.s to Madrid on fiaurdy. Jovellar take chief command rf the mmv of the North. MrniD. Feb 9 Night-The Carlifl rhicftu'i), Mcndierc, reported killed bv Iii- own meo, w it abwt for treason I J order of D n Car os Tne AlfotisiKts ojHirRliug againut tl e CarbVts iu Navarro havo sufTwreil a check, CHUed by the over-coufidenre uf the Al'nnfcist commander. --. ' Count Valmsedii ia to be appoint d Cnptain-General of ''uba. lutportant mea-uit s rcsardiug (nbaare pending. Lom-on, Fob 3 Nii;ht The Carlint Committee hero have intelligence of a great victory, seven thonasud Alfon ciHta haviug boon killed aud wounded, Don Carlos issued a congratulatory proclamation. LOUISIANA. NO FORMAL ACTION FOR COM PROMISE.' Nkw Onr,VANs, Feb. 9. Noon The cotton laden steamer, Princeton, ia burtiingin her hold. - Judge Marshall, member of tho CongressioL-al Committee, in a card disavows any formal .action of tbe Committee towarda a compromise. Individual members are responsible as individuals. , ELEUTKICISMS. Several Blight earthquakes at San Francifcco on Sunday nearly panicked the congregations. No damage. At New York yesterday morning a fire broke out iu a three-story tena ment building, in which two girls, aged seven aud ten years, were burn td to dcuth. The father waa' fatally burned. The weather yesterday at the North was intuutely cold. Three men entered a pawnbroker's thop, o Brooklyn, gagged "our uucle" and niched 7,200. E FECIAL. Ifyottwt a 04llf, wer tU War- r.ek. Aak siiy nttt-clam furnh'her tor U. Thi ;altn of Arubr Art Lot fjii liT than Iht itr mi which tb fta grwitac.uDu.M' tm;iartit )lh-i rw'a:h. r the hnnrtrf tlu' Ivor; u at wliiur tlan tb iwtli tiiat it o!e.iud diUmUi Uiat match Km Bud. Wii u'u'wM'icl Hi-, t wl'Oiplng-coah M ijul o i'i vilrut in '.liu tuwi Hruuii.l ue j but In it )ii fiftj 'n h.iv irv l iihI. Scim lamilifK in) MithihK tut iIiiioimh h Anxctyiia bOi iiici t inn I'd. t ir, l,of vor,. m . a lidl ip'rao, t.) irnluort VDiuiliuc, would b an m1 vantiijo. TbMe are more tlinni'tio thou'siid (I'fffirnit kin. if l lux nbe United SUten. -iioicol thfia re Bofhk" si,d liiinii.ii'i otbet are gu-i aid bent Hoial. Oirt lr. er-0'is Hit, nim Ihi bes' aici-bliioua i lil ereritw or b-ard of. Timiv nre Miid undr tho nameot Partou'i I'U'it.im t'lllii C'oatuiiiplivca, lake Police Every momtnt of deiity make jour rare msr liopekai, ardm irb dopouda oa thojn. testimony in tsvtw of Dr. Kcbenek's I'ulraoiilo H-T"p. a cure lor ronfnm.illun, I ar exceed! all ttmt otn be brought to Auppoit lbs prctun aSonjcf any otlir medloine. Heel'r ScbeKck'e Aloiaonc, coutaiullig the certln -atrant' many perron ot tbe Mghet respectability, who liais h 'on rstiiml f beatib, after bclui proneon. cid Imstirabto by phtrtclanii of ackhowledjfd ability. fchHnck'8 Pulmorlc fjrup alon'- fca enrd ioattv, h tho evliTimcSj vsllf ("bow; but the cure In often promoM by (lie em.'loyiiietit of two olher rniedioa wblih Dr. SolifDok pro Tldfs for the purpose. The w additlobal Tome diet are ycbenckji Sea W led 'l onlo uud Man drai.e PU'. By tlie ilmly use of three moili olmnr according to directions, Dr. 8rbenck oertlltfg tbat mu-t any ciwj of ConMimpllon may be o red. Dr. chenek la proreMlonally at file prlncl pal offloe, eirnor Slxlh and Arch itreetn, Phl'tvlelpbla, every Monday, where all I. ttera f.ir advlrs mni be adreiwd. Administrator's Notice, H 'VVIG QCAIIFIED AS ADMINIH- tratiir upon the EaUto of l'octon Hayn, rte c.'hsod 1 .to of Iii Htiiover t ouniy, notice ia h reby nivcn lo all perfoiu indebted tonaid d 'CUM d, lo make iinnitd ate payment, and to all permm having claim" against thede-eafed, toi ri (aiit tbezn.to Hie nnilen-iiturdat Enfleld, N. 0 , or loLI' Attorney, Dnltruli Cnilar, at wi'tn'Ug'on. N. I., nn or before I bo 6th dy of February, 1s7S, or thla notice will La pleaded In bar if a recovery. WRIGHT HATH, Admlnlatrator. Glta February, 1878. - . 3S-Uaww Havana Cigars I havt on band and for aa e, at my rmrot In l.ippl t'a Hn'MI-ie". SuuiU Fiont rtrcet, near OiangB, tins lotef -m HAVANA 010 A Hi nr my own mannfantnrn. 1 hy a'e made from Irat-TKl "baro ai (I can bri' bought at one. third of tli oott of Imported cttiara . j , I.ORAKFL. WadefbOro Berald eojy Osa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. mHK AKNT4L MrETINO OF Tltl X Stockho.ler In ia ! at Fear 1 f rlm'- urai AwcUkB aid be k.Kl at Ih B.i kef Nw H.B"Vr ea rrulay ivealug, U 1KU luit.. at t a'oivek A lit 1 iieiHloo I fwpeelallv dwlrrd aj natirr x grtM iaiirtaane win ruae Be to et.ie mug. riaiiea mtj be gia la IU BWU1IKB. Jod A. KNUCLUABD, Cape Fear Ag. Aaaov treop7tt itblU t-4f HUEJiOY U A.VNE1L rabll.bedwe.klj, at IBCLBT Cleveland Cvuuty. N. t; ,t al a hh aauaa, in a.. ka a large and ravUly Inert aamg clr ru ation ib nea ly A tae coueil.e Wat ( Jdefkicnbarit. Alw, as ttaaait Hreautlon iu m o untie of 4irtnbarf. fork a i l'nit K.O lljnt be a tBiargeil freaa a twenty U a UnrtyJwo eoJnain. and a now domed with a entire an dri-w. Ill folate an Uiwmlii I he Caroon Central kallaay l.ing nua catpletw through to Wilmington, a'i t auriby being tbi Weatern trniana, tbe Jliuatr t a m. n eicellt'oi advertiaiag aieal uut. Aubt wtkr J'TJKHAM e WKBB. Kaltora and front letera. f.blS Xotii c, Bucket Company. The rifih Ward I'deryaitenl Socket f in p.nv No I, are aauia l la me t at the ool p ion w M.iT-r hetwren nrth and Ml b tjeetai V.Mtae wy arenlng at T e'elo k, I'ln new of 1 m penance irqnirta all te be nr. t- inU F.M. JAMES, Ca. Uln. ftb 10 ' SA.lt CANNED GOODS! Tnmnlci. tVrn, Otatera Ii-)btiT, Whortle. horrl.-a, Mixed Flektta, brandy paft, 'li"w.cbow, Wnrcea r anee, I sleep, Ml k, liweied l'eachnand Feara. Bv tioer to. da'. OHAN f 4 UlMO ', CommlMloa Merchant sad Arneara. ifh 1 dr lOO Latere udM Hands WANTED JjTTHF. CAROLINA CBMHAL RAIt. w at uoMFANT.ror wiiob goaa wage ana hard work will be tapplled. Apply to 8. L. FRIMONT, Chief Reglneer and Sop't. 4-M febt Valentines! Valentines! '. Valentines ! For tals at HEiriGBERGER'G Llvs Book and HuUltata. gr order from the ooaatr Bromptly at tend -d to. fb 9 14 Just Keceived AMwlotoTtaoM Cheap Pooma and laaaya. Tea Cent, per Copy. Aim a large stock of File,, Ballf , Harxaonl. eu, Violins, Oamea, ., Ao., at to CUT BOOK STUBS. SBW BTTLES OF Initial Paper and Papeterleal : Broadway loltlall, FatU Initials, Xhs Bsrtfea IalttaU, Mocalo, aod a Urge variety of Fine Fapotof lei, tbe ebeajieat ia the ty. For ale at OONOLEY ft IATE3' City Book Store. teb 8 M WE ARE SELLING Overcoats and Talmas VERY LOW- DRiWAWW5T!rBurrsr-t- (Jail and erjqalr, price,. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, feb M-tf CHOICE NEW CROP Cuba- Molasnes, OABQO FBOM THB "QKR'L OEAHT." e r VOW UKDII. Eor mle by WILUAM8 4 MTJItOHlSOI. febD 14-lf At Manufacturer's Prices! We will cloee oat our ENTIRE STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOES AT PUI.tlE COST I Manufacturer's Prices I FOR CASH I FOK CASH I Our aeortment l well selected, aomnrlilng the boat goods of tha beat faotoitea ta theooun try. Ladies' BojU and oboel I Gentlemen' Boot, and Sbost , CbtldreD'l8bo. , , lafaot 8ho I Alt AT COST FOR CASH, DUDLEY at ELLIS, " blgnbr the Big Boot,. Mo. tl Mambt Smear. '.. V Cab MI-CZLLANiOUS. bait. Corn, Uuaito, Syrup. 9,000 Racks Bait, 10,000 Bushels White k Mixed Com, 0 Tons Eureka Guano, 250 Tons No. 1 Uaauape Guano, 60 BbU. a 11. Syrup, Far aal low by W1U.1AMS at MCKOHIBON. Bacon, Pork, Sugar and , Coffee. 100 Boxes D. 8. Sides, UK) Bbla. City Mesa Fork, 100 " Itfflued Hngar, 100 Dags Prime Bio Coffee, Vat ea'e low be ' William atcacHisoB. Flour, Nails, Hoop Iron and I Clue. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grade; 800 Kegs Nails, 600 Baudlea Hoop Ire. 100 Bbls. Glne. For sale low by WILLIAMH t MUKCIIISON. Molasses I Molasses I 355 Ilhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses to arrive. For sale low by W1LLIAMU A MCRCniSON FlourFlour-Flour. lOOIUbls. Plant's Extra tbe best Flonr in tbs ty. For sale low by WILLIAMS ft MtRCiTISON. f"bt Look at this, Farmers! GUTS AT lfKDUCTIOIV IN PIllCEa 300 T0N8 " OEtitBBATFB and well saowa SBA FOWL UUKSU at t87 BO, on time until Novem. ber let. ALSO, g Q Q TONS Pee Dee Ammonia ted. Super-Phoephate of Bone. Thla Is sew Fboejihato whleh w art bartng Baaafactarad aipreatly tor oar trad by P. )CeUok8o,f Baltimore, and which w, will gaaraatee equal to aay other rbotpaal sow efrkroaloth Trad. Prloe.B7 BO on time until No vemberMst 1878. T LJberal Ursa will be 4 a Dealere COVINQTON, EVERETT ft CO., General Commleslon Merohante WILatlKQTOIf.II.a febT l-2a Notice! Notice!! SELLING OUT AT COST FOR CASH ONLY! i HAVING PCRrHAREDTHF. IS rgRKST of Mr OeirjieU.I eala In the let Bin nt LwlaDvla, and deelmna of elnalng out Sreaent uiply of Winier Good, ti B I ap wlih prl- g and Hnmmrr stock, I will, until lur tbT B"tu', oell at roet Renfenbi-r every attlole offered will be at Hew York CoU KTHW. DAVIB, At Old Bland of Lewi, A Pavi fob I M lw Furniture. XX A. BMITH Oe CO, Wbolorai nd Retail Dealer, In Farallara mm Faraloktci: floowe, . In AH of the Rranebee, Bmiih-i ew HaimingB, ' li'tTtlrtwtaHf WllmlngtoB, N. C Furniture- D. A. SMITH 56 CO., Wholeeals and Ktail Dealeraln Farnltore aud Farnlahia; Oaoda, la AU of the Brancbee, Sooth Trade Rtreet, Charlotte. N C. feb " 82 tf Children's Fcbbl aod Kid f hoes 9. Extension Too. Children', 8eaml( Shoe. At jan O.A. PRICE'S, t Market Street. Porous Piasters) PAIR KII.LFR, Pavann , Indelllbl Ins, Fond', Eitraot, (iarden Heed, Floerrr fled. Onion Seta, c, A. For aalo by flRFEN A FI.ANNER, fob 4 innggUt. CASH. gATE MONET BTBUTIKG TOCBORO. sort, for cash. A FRESH BDPFLT JUST RECEIVED. . Try our prloee and be convinced. Par BhrWilkF FLANNER ft SHURE, "5BW"S"'SS SI North Front BUeet. febT FIDIMTlUn CRATLT KIRimTKI) St HnlH I InU the ibortmt Botles and oa "WmB MISCZUANEOU'. New Crop Sugar House Molasses 200 Bl"'' M" MolssES Farealebv aaitOMNIH ACALPKR Bft. ftbt M Bacon. Pork and Oats Tl Bok, O. 8. Hldea and bhouUltre, M Boxes Saioked Side, aad auoaldort, i 1 . ". SO Bbls. Fork. !, Batkel.Pata. For sal by KIRCUMEM a) CAtDBR BRO. feb T U N IOBT 8B1RTB, DAT CAr PAV 8HIHT8, CLOTHING, All kind, for HEK, TOt'TH AM BOTH, I HIUP. AT MUNSON &CO'S, 01TT CLOI HIEK8. tab 22 Golden seal Brand And a general b-eortmentof ring and Fin Cat TOBACCOS. ' At price to salt tli payaienta At No. S J Market ktraot. By feb T D. PIQOTT. Than tho Usual Discount TO OAS II BCTFB8 0F FAMILY GHUieiES ' GOLD Ha advanced, and all Inport! Oood mu.t follow. Weareeelllng at old price. The beet Line of lport4 and Donwdit Family Groerrlea, Wlnti. llqnor, Tr, .,)., la Worth Carolina. . CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., B and 7 Horth Front feb T Potatoes, ntter& Cheese 100 Bbla. Early Bon Fotato, SO Tuba Hotter, 10 Hoar l.becae, For sal bj XKKCHRRB ACA I J)IR BRH feb T l Wanted to Bent ! toi tentlv loot d If remit liiri 1-b... ,u either My nt I a- ibe turnltuia Atyme ol It will ! wrll by enroaiunK a'lug with -C," Bt Utty Offlco of Carolina teiitial ten i m it Hoes ! Hoes i gOOVIt-, oANE'8, ELWBLt'S WEEIUNO aad Hilling and A oilman'. Ho , at low prU-ea at the Nw Hardware Store GILES M0RCHI8ON, HKmth Front ft. SJ- febT Bank of New Hanover, " WamToir, B.C., Fb. h, IS'5. Sii-Mii wM A DIVIDEND OF FIVE FEB OK. FT. HAS btwa declared by the Dlrretor of tbll Bank, payable on tbe 11th Inat. Check for amonnt of Dividend will b ntirWttmmnnrfm tbat date. 8. D. WAIXAOK, 0Khir. feb T It Hardware- Kill', Pot Ware, Cotton Card., Coffee Mill", CoryOomb, Hh'-t, tjape, Powder, Ennl'h t IU, FooKot Outla y Ka,nvn, Ixtcka. Hinge., Bernwa, Ac, at prUx that will ilt the whul" ale trade, ean be tnnnd at iho Old Katabllabtd Hardwaro Honae oi .TOHN D80N, No. 10, SO tndHI MaiketS'. feb T n School for Girls, J SELECT SCHOOL FOB OIRL8 WILL be opened In Mftrcar.ton, Bnrke counW, N, O., by Mia M, HKisvaaobrnitrjId, 1STB. hnta ber limited. T Baa Positively In advance na OBB ei sm o SO wbk ""'"" Kngllib Toltlon, Boatd. fuel and lights, !M M Latin and French, each is "0 Hoale . .v 86 00 BBrBRERCIS: BlnhoPAtalnaon, Wilmington, W.O. For. A. A. Wataon, l. I)., ". Ke. N. Fall". Morgantim, ' Kev. W. Okeeon,D.l., .Norfolk, V. R'T. Mr. Dame, " " - - Hon .lohn Oonde, M Hon Juhn B. Whitehead, ; " I)r W. W. Soott. " " jan I SKt-f Notice. FFMOATION WILL BE MADE TO Gentrat AnemblF of North Carolina charter th City Bnk of Wilmington, jan I? "avrtvs Holasses and offee 100 Bbls B.H. VoUm,' Ud Baga Rio Coffee, ' For al by UBOEKEB OAXDEBBROS. P NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. great mmm m OF FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 ALriJRKJCT. STEEET EVF1T ARTint FaniTABLRFun WINTFR wrR HAS BirF.f MARKFD DO WW, Matin no 'tir to il.ieir wnt ithr l.iol r rrli'e., w pall the attt,t o t all our P-t on toinp mibi't w hei f M.tciitn i t. ntia ih'n is ruin rot a-a a tbat pur. chvera oa-i f r thi-mwlv"" iituv'v how much of reduetlntt hih.in made. at SU'' H OP Ft lt f I'M TY I' a. ever bn n orn.i In ib'a city at a V a mi. Our 1IT ' r.'n. ami tb n aim have tavotrd it wuh a etll eartlrr In lb. eraaoo ran voncb (of eveiv lirn nt w.- make, w iii naraumaao to t)loe out th, baiane of oar itock 1b ortter to a room lor S rlngputchaeia. - Camnls Hair Cloth, formerly 75 40 40, Oo'ored Hr(r, Double) J'iUh Poplins, Hoi id Blue Poplin, Colorsd Canlioaifto, HM.kh Plaids, All wool Fmpreas Cloth, 80 T5 nr,,. , 75 HIIAwLH, ja 60, COATS' SPOOL COTTON rt Pftits por Ilfl-Inoh Fruit of tha Loom Hliirtina VI afl lnoh 8EA HIDE COTTON, 13 cuts por yard. Soatch Oirtrrhnms, 11 ounts nor yard. 40-inoliea wide Lnglisli Tuokinjf, H5 oi-rifs. AN aiinTinMt. niwnt'ST or 0 run car, will be mvia orr al l i at t'm of nnrth. ilh the lidliiwlng racoiillonv; i'arbcd and I'nblrai'brd ablttlngn, tllnibam. Callcota and Spool tietloti- Term otrlctly Cnali and On I'rlca, BROWN. & RODDICK, J o ti PISE I FIEE ! PmE l WATER ! WATER ! WATER I TIIE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS OF JUL FRANK BROa, Consistinff of DRY OOODS. CLOTHING, Sn.OES, HATS, CROCKERY; CTIINA and GLAHSWAUIS, damaKld sale at tli Btot lately ocaupifd by G. Notion ia bereliy given tbat luo above H. feb I CAl'lTAL fim it nt n ti a nTTtvn Mil I HI H P I I UUJUIJJJIJJJ 1 UUlllU PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO TFIOTJSANDFIVG HUNDRED TONS 80LUBLEPACIFIOGTJANO fnr aln mtliur for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad. with Merchant and other rtliublo parties to sell this Guano at our Warehouse P"00V W. CommtMlonMflrinti.iiMUforFiO.floOa. Sub-A gents for tlio Sale r. n. ninaoi,, (. WIAIIA..... j at Notice. HAVINO DHP"RD OF OCR .ATrtF riBin-i.it Trunk hn'InH.a. stook. O "d Al l and Hook 4rointa, In Wllmiiiglon, N. o., to Mi-tar-. :ap nu r A Ma lard, we li-r.bv ter.ilir tmr tbanh. t a generous uiihilii lor tboir ll'eri iiatronage tlin Ut tii y ate and auk a eoiiitiiutiHte of ih. wm t n:r mk-oe-mrB, who have lieen cnaiubl In our m nlov for many teara an 1 are thurnuiih y pn.teit In tho Had tie, liarorea and Truuk llii.lm In all itabranche. Mer. t;rM-ntnr A Miid wll' attle ell eUlmt contracted a amt n- in Wllroiuton, N. (!, aud coilbct dobti due u ami rtcultt tor tbe unit. J. 9. TOP1IA.M ft CO. A. Carimnter. J II. Haillard, Saddles, Harness, &c. HA VIVO BOtTOHT THK ABOVK MEN tl.,ni d Oood, w offer a lull atock of SADDLES, AKNR.SH, TRUNKS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, And AM R'ndaof SADDLERV GOODS, VERY LOW PRICES For f)ah or to prompt paying buyer,. W, roapooifuly no'lclt patronaue. CAFCITUU At J1AH AIID, Irn s al luiimo Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, ) Januory23d, 1875. j lOTICi5. FROM THIS DATE ArCTIONFFRS ARW prohibited eelitrig hune or Htorkofan kind In front of tbe City Market. Pilnceta ati eat from tbe eastern line or t ront .triiet to the etern line of Fourth etreet or Hecnnd and Thltd afreet, between themirthern line of Market aid tho 'outhern line of i;Ucntrnt treets, are rtenlgnateil for th', urpne. Bl order k Maior. . ' . ' J. U.ROBIVPOK, . City Marali'- JanSt Final Notice. ; Office Treasurer and Collector - . CITT OF WILMINGTON, N. 0., ( February 4tb, 1875. ( , At,T, PKBCON8 RTIMi OWINO CITY TAX'S O'i Keal and ftrxtnal Pronertv at hurrby nntlflfd that in ca the Kama 1. - i't paid before the N'thdav ff Febroary, intant. their Property (Including expanara thereon) will thea (BltboutdUctimliiBtion) bo povltively "- ADVERTISED AND HOLD. f st J"' -'VCL SERVOSS, City TrBnrr. fkl Mt 65 25 80 15 65 25 45 ., .now$2 00 Spool. etuits wr yard. r nm Bampire fat. 45 Market Street i by tint Ia l'iro, arn r.usovtd aud To If. W. llnngo, No. ft3 Market strati biock must ue soia wituotu aoiay. FRANK & BR0-, 63 Market Street.' s-tf nn . Mil Ml ill, III I II " UU-J 1,000,000. H. McltAUY & C O.. r rnttfi Onhiw. virnia ivn HinAn-i Wll.in'lNMTOn. N. c. of Soluble Pacific (Juano, Old Handred.N. 0. Martini, a. tl. Sl-J'mdtw Molasses! Molasses! wryE OFFER, TO ABKIVR IIV 8CIIH. ItlAfitlir F.I.LEIt, Daily expected from Bago LaUrand, mllUda 1 1 Choice Tiew Crop Muaco y y Tlercee vado Molawie. TOBTH ft WORTH. 3!-lw febS New Crop Cuba MolatseSg BKCOSDCAEOOI 280 HHPS, S TIEBCE8, NOW LAffD- rcm JaTana. 1 1 For sale by, WOBTH WOBTB. ', - - M-naeak febt New Crop Cuba Molasses. 1IIID3. Mw Drop OabaMola. ror aaie oy ' KEUOHMEB OALDEB BEOS fob T ..... ..;.,. n.,. CARCO NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES Jw.T For tale low from wharf by BINFORD, CROW A CO. Il-lw . feh4 For Sale. ; THE LITHIA WAT KB t the Virginia nnrtnlohprtiig.or to, water ot the eld Buffalo Nin-lng. put up In boe containing one Doaeo Halt UiiHon b"trl. will be iipplled to order ilolivered attbe ricott.burg Deiwtol th Klch mimd Danville' Kilrod a', ift per box. to be paid In Advance. The MTHIA water ha mele a remaraabl cure as any npoa reoord in aitectlonaot' the Bladder a -d Kldnevs and In ityepepKla. It ha alro given decided relief In (ioutv and Kbenmatio aflotlone In tho dlHBwia of Women and iu Pvetila tha water of tbe old Spring is regarded a well Blgh po ci no. AuurvM THOMAS r. WWUlt, . . Bufla'.o Spring. ; ' . ' 1 Mecklenburg Connty, ya. , septs - tit-suw4i IN STORE, AND TO ARRIVE, .r. fCA KtliS fAll-S, Beat KraiHu: SO ZQU How, mii'aalli,Il 'lon. fU.w SO toifa l otion li. 1(K) Do. Cow Blt. .. . All aoov tor saw a ov ! at ta -"'.- f - Near Hurdwara Store or GILES MCBOHlHOS laall g Morta Fraot i ! ..now . ..now ...sow .now ...now , ..cow ,..now uo