i ! iff CvCyxDx.',' 'ii n VOL XXIV. NO. S6. WmmTGTOIT, IT. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11. . 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,800. ; i i H WILMINGTON, N. 0.: THURSDAY. FEB, 11. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. - iiead(juakti;rs. . THE NEW TARIFF BILL. CRAZY ON TUE SUBJECT OF CIVIL I'JGHi'B. Washinotok, Feb. 10 Noon. Ss ATK. Clayton, of Arkansas, iutru duoed an aot to place the colored (sold iers who enlisted iu the army on the same footiOR as to bounties unit pen siouh with the white soldiers. refer red to Comuiittt e ou Military Affairs, Housa Soner, of Virginia, piesent- d resolution of the v iretnia Ia-pm , , latnre, in relation to tha tax on the , eiroulatiua meliuia. Kvfei'red. Tlie House went into Oouituittee cf the Whole on the PostofGue Aj propri "'ati'ontill Washinotok, Feb 10 Night-A new tariff bill was reported from th Comxittee on Ways and .Means aud was made special order lor to morrow. The following ia the full tcxj of the bill: Bn ii enacted, do., That from aid after the datr of the paasago of turn kot there stiall be levied and olk'oUxl " on all distilled spirits on which tho tax prescribed, by law dball not have -, been paid. anJl whether the said spirt shall then be in distillery, boudea .warehouse or uot, a tax of one dollar . on each proof gallon or wine gidlou. When below proof to be p.ud by tho -' 1iitiller. owner or Dsrsoa bavin? do- essiou thereof before the re mo vol from the distillery or bonded wre house, and so much of section 3,251 of . the revised statutes of the Uuitud - States is inconsistant herewith in hereby repeahxL. Provided thut in addition to the tax of 70 cents er gal ",'Jon imposed by law now existing thorn shall be levied and collected a tux of IS cents, being one-half the increase , . of the tax under this act on euou and every proof gallon or wine gallon when ' below proif or domeBtio disti lied, - apirits manifest and placed in bonded warehouse prior to the day when this . ao bull lake effect and hold iu bund- ed warehouse at that time, and on all such spirits then held by distillers, rectifiers o( wholesale dealers having in their possession or under tlieir con tract, distilled spirits in stamptni . packages and any person who ahull transfer or otherwise dispose of sin h distilled spirits after this set Ink s effect until an additional stamp to bt espeoialy priniea lor tms purpose iy the. Commissioner of Internal Revenue denoting the payment of the addition ' al 15 cents per gallon herein iui ' - posed is purchased and attached to thepacksge or packages containing y tha same in such manner as the Coin missioner of Internal Iteveuuo shall prescribe; shall be subject to, or pay a penalty of one dollar for each and ?' avery gallon so removed, and tho spirits removed shall be forfeited to the United States; and provided fur ' " ther, that on all brandy, gin, rum and ' on all compounds aud preparations of which distilled spirits is a component " part of chief value embracing all forms of distilled spirits imported from foreign countries ou which tho dnty as fixed in the revised statutes in two dollars per gallon, the duty here- after to be levied and collected and ( paid shall be $2 50 per proof gallon. Beo. 2. JThat . section 3.3U8 of the revised statutes be, and the name is, hereby amended by striking out the words 20 cents per podnd, aud inaert , iig in lien thereof, the words 21 cen's per pound; provided, that the increase ' cf tax herein provided for shall not apply to tobacco on which the tax i under the existing law shall have been (, paid when this act takes effect. Sec 3. That so much of section 3, 437, as imposes a stamp tax on friction , matchteB, luoifer matches, and other artioles made in part aud favor, au t , used for like purposes, be, and the. same is hereby repealed, to tuke effect .on and after the 1st of July, 1875. Bed. 4. TThMTnran-nima8wrBw - olnding tank bottom syrup of sugar, "erne juice, melado, or concentrated melado, and on sugar according to the , Dutch standard in color, imported from foreign countries, there shall be , levied, collected and paid, in addition to tha duties now imposed in schedule G, section 2, 504. of the revised stat utes, an amount equal to twenty-five per cent, of said duties as levied upon the several grades therein designated. Sea I. That sq much of section 2, 003, of the revised statutes, as pro . Tides that only 00 per cent, of the sev ' eral duties and rates of duty imposed 'on certain artioles therein enumerated by section 2, 50 1, shall be levied, col lected and paid, aud the same is b ireby repealed, and the several . dutiea and rates of duty prescribed in said section 2,504, shall bo and remain as by that section kvicd, with ' oat abatement of TO per centum, as provided in section 2, 503. Sec 6. That the increase of duties, provided by this aot ehall not apply to any goods, wares or merchandise ac tually on shipboard and bound to the United States on the 10th day of Feb . ruary, 1875. Nor any other snoh goods, wares or merchandise on deposit in " warehouses or pnblio stores at tlie date of the passage of this act. The President sent tho following nominations to the Senate. : John A. Campbell, of Wyoming to be Third Assistant Secretary of State; John M. ' Thayer, of Nebraska, to be Governor of Wyoming territory. The Houa'o has confirmed John M, Thayer as Governor of Wyoming. , ,,Iu the Senate, Merrimoii, of Nor'h Carolina, presented resolutions of the North Carolina legislature asking an appropriation for tho erection of a postolloe and custom house at New born, N. C. Referred to Committee on Publio Buildings and Grounds. Cragin, from the Committee on JXilitary Affairs, reimrted adversely on the bill authorizing tho IVsider.t to purchase a site for a ct!ing station l.r tbe navy department aud .'ther gwriiinriit ues at Fort Fowif. Port Uoyal, S. C, aud it was iudelluitely WiiNipnljed. Oordnii, of Georgia, introduced bill to remove the politi.wldiMibiiitiee f S. D. Le- aud 0. It. Singleton, of Mississippi, whioh weie referred to tue Committee u Judiciary. He also preeuttl a memorial of the Mayor a-'id C;ty Council of Atlanta. G.i.,in favor of having tho bill making thtt plaiM a port of delivery recom ruitto.l to too Committee on Com merce, and iu mot of Gordon the bill was recommitted. Harvey, of Katiaas, presented reso lution of tho Legislature of that SUte endorsing tho mesbairt of tbe Presi dent in regard to Louisiana, aud ex pressing confidence in Sheridan, which were read aud hud on the table,. The Heuute bill to grant a site for the Peabody school, iu rit. Augustine, 1' iu. (to whivh there was uu aiueud lueiit jifiidi;ij(, submitted lat suasion by Eauiuudr, providing that at any time any dnli'ictiou shall be made in the sdmihsion cfpupilB, on acoouut of ract! or color, the site' shall revert to the United Siat slwus'taken upland re-. jeetod, by a vote of ill yeas to 24 nays, Cawiou, t'erry of Connecticut, (hl bert, Iiigall, Mmreli of Vermont, Schurz undj SprttKue being among those who voted in the oeKstiva. Alcorn, of Mississippi, said that the TOts jtlHt taken ind oated the fact that tho Republicans had becomo tho oughly demorahzed ou tiie si bject of civil lig'uUi, and he felt coiistraiued to vote againct the bill. It could" be ooustrued iu uo other way than as an intimation that if the Trustees of the School choobe to do so, they might exclude colored childr.u from its benefits. Morrill, of Vermont,, denied that sneh a construction would be justified. He hrrprd that this institution, which waA a private one, would make no di tiuutiou ou account of color. The bill was then passed without a division, Alcorn votiDg in th" negaUvo, The steamboat bill wus recommitted to the Committee ou Commerce. The bill to provide a government for the District cf Columbia, was discus 4ed, but no vote was reached. Morton gave notice that he ' would otU up the resolution to admit Pincli- b.ick, as soon as the District bill should bo disposed of. ' UOTUAM. THE NORTH RIVER BRIDGED WITH ICE. REPORT ON FISH CULTURE. New To UK, Feb. 10 Night To day, for the first time since 1835, an ice bridge was formed on the North Uiver by which four men crossed from the foot of 18th street to Hobokt-n. An immeuse prowd of spectators wit nessed the feat. At the session of the Fish Culturist Associutiou to-day au elaborate paper on tue geographical distrinutiou ot fishes was rend by Prof. Hill of the Suiithsoi.iau Iuatitute. Prof. Bard, in behalf of tho U. S. Commission, re viewed the work done by the Com- mibviou and said that during the year between two and three millions of fish had ben distributed to waters all over the United States, tho results being quite satisfactory, LOUISIANA. WH VT HAS LEAKED OUT IN RE GARD TO THE COMPROMISE. Washingtok, Feb. 10 Koon The compromise proposition by the Con servatives was hundi d to the Congress Committee as they were leaving ior Washington. All were pledged to s orccy, the greatest secrecy, but it has transpired that all of the Conserva tives returned by Ahe Wells Board shall be seated ; also those disturbed, elected by the Committee on Organiza tion of the 4th of January, and that those under bann be dissoWed, the Conservatives pledging not to disturb Kellogg as long as he is sustained by Grant. CARLISTS VANCED FORTIFYING AD POSITIONS. THE ALFONSIST LOSS AT ES-.-. TELLE. r Hbndatb, Fobt 10 Noon-The Al foaist operations North, are suspend ed for the moment. They are forti fying advanced positions. Maokid, Feb. 10 Noon Alfonso is in Lograuo cn ruufc hither. Val mesado sails the 15th for Cuba, London, Feb. 10 Noon The Al fonsists lost five handled killed and wound fid aud three cannons, . in the recent check near Estella Alfonso visittd Esnndtero, at Lagrano, and was cordially received. The King and tho venerable statesman exchungod decorations. ELECTMCISMS. The Cincinnati Tobacco Board of Trade deprecate an increased tax as injurious to all brunches of the tobac co trade. The C 'Utral Booksellers' Associa tion, of New York, have adopted an amendment to their by laws, forbid ding more thau twentv-Uve per cent, discount to schools, libraries, do. Navigation of the North, and East rivers is impeded by ice. Senator eleot Eaton has been ap pointed to fill Buckingham's vaoaney in the United States Senate from Con necticut. The river and harbor at Baltimore wre almost closed yestoiday with ice. rtT'k"'"' n i',I""k"kT'" V VSa hOi OU WKKK. Will prote It or Mr. t, V'ia) New srtlfiet )nt patont4. Km i.Im wnt fr" to i! ArtilriM V. U. CIU VK KM. ft tr-ii.lw Nw Y-rk 4 tAKAHoUliTt t(,a SPECIAL. If you rati wW fv, rur Ui War- vck. Ajk tuj ar.l-lM rarabk.r for It, Tk CisvlM ( Arhj Ar. hot rpU'ter Uisa tat srvaa whlck tk. fa fTat SVZ.UDONT lmparti lutk. UaU. r tk krart cf tk Irory mto whliar tkaa U. leelh that r elMusd illr wlU tkat maUk. Im Aa 4. . .. 7 . . . W andwMan4 tkat tM wkopln(-xtk b iui rvTiDui id m. tuwit. aronnutt.1 vll i no ohm ban uor.4 iMal. Sua. KuiIim ua I'uihlua but Jolmmib'. Ah1;u Uuiutrm Out tNk-tor, hanin, My. lull. iirMi, i urgauct vuniuuf, wvaia k aa ul tautkg. 1 her are mor. than it. tbotMnd 4t(rkft iiiuxh uiiw lUt Unltnl SUua. HMa.ortneia are or'bl aod Ininrlou olUfr. ar mnyl ax.1 brnt-Si'lal. UI4 iir. fmnoa. lBTti tki om ami-biiiout fill or bwd ol TtioT art no wld uu4or tli B.ia.ot Paitou'. ' uiga.it. rut nniptlTco, Take Nwllea, r.Tery uotneut or aomj hum jvnr our more hvimlrM, asd murk 4pud( oa U. J a. ri it nn cholt of a rem.rty. Tk amonBtbT tutunonj ta favor t Ot. Srkatok't PalBMBts 8rup, u a .ire for oon.naptlua, lar oicood. II that omi b bmughl to Mpooit lb. rUB. ona uf an ottior m Jtelao. So br. Sckoaek' Almanac, oooialumg Ik Mrtlloat. of aiaaj I erwui ei Hi al box riaublilt, wko haro bcn rMtared to health, artor bla proaoao. fd Inrnrabm b. iiSjnrttn. of ackoowlodfOd ability, kehonak'. Palmon! "jrip aloa ka enrrd many, u theog (rid.nn. win .bow; bit t lacur. UotleB pranotad kjr tk. OBBrOjatool of two otter re nidle which Df. Soktoek pro vide, rur the parpooa, Tkeo additional raoia die. ar Hohenoh'i Soa Wood Toato and Man drake puis. My tb Ualj oa. of the aodt oiu.. aooordiiii to dirootton., Or. Boboook eortille. that moA aay cat of Cvniami.it Ion may bo Ofod. Dr. Nvk.aok 1. profwotonally at kit prtnot. pal oflie, ea rner Rlilh aod Areh rtrrta, Pblladrlpkla, ery Voad.y, wkor. all I Iter. fradle.,Biaitbs addmaed. - Large Sales. ( iNcKKAstno porrjUEiir or ora CELKBUATRD FAVORITE FLOUR! Bft'rola and Half Barrl. Tb. mott rellabl. taoilly Hour la at. W bar. Mtd oyer IHUI THOCBA O Itmli and Half Barrel, of favOrlM Itnr M tm boat raatUy Trado aad th. daman la oUadJlyra. rraailnf . W baUov U to b. U. boat and .wreatFloaraoldlntbl. olty, and aaoro a orally aatd than any other on. brand. X.ry body like, and nerybvdy i.'i. .btald MO It. Hold only by ' CHAS D. MTERS A CO., 7 North Front 8t. fob It atar uopy. City of Wilmington, MAYOR'S OFFICE, j WaifEtoToit, N. C, Feb. 10th. BIDS will be rewired at till, efflo. aatll U o'clock If. Friday, U. ink luatant, for tk. purponof oonotmotlrga threo kaadrod bar rel Otitarn book of th. Adrian Enfln. Hon., ou Fourth Itroot. . ; W. P. CANADAT, fb ll-a Mayor City of Wilmington, MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) Wilmixgiok, N. a, Feb. 10, 1876. J AT AUCTION ! WlU sell mt very fin. large Bay HORSE, la front of th. City Hall, oa Saturday aaornlBi, at 11 o'clock. W. P. CANADAY, fob li lt Mayor. Howard Relief Fire EngifleiJffrNoHb A ipeolat meottrg will b. bald this (Tbort day) tight at 8 o'oloak. ALL member, ar. earnestly r)oeted to attend, a bulnaor Imporunc. will b brought be for. tb. maot- tng. Bj order ofjh. ?retdeal JOHN' WBTTIrt, Aibll.lt Oor. BoRTOtary. THE WILMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, "tondaotedby R. K. BIT YAP. . Continue. In .ncoeaaful oparatton. The half ....ton oommenoe oa MO DAT, r.bruary lltb.lKO. TermJ0,$t)an430lB adraae., porbair aenlou of .Ightttn week., according to tk. ad vanoement of the pupil. Location on Fifth street, between Ana and Nun. fekll M It The Democratlc-Conserva-tive Voters of the City Will meat on rBIDAT NIGHT. Uih Inat., at s o'aiot k at the lolloalng namad plro K The trat Ward at LlppiU'e Hall, Se. ond Vnd at tha Court Nooaa. Third War.1, all Urlns North of Market (treat will meet a. BnrnVyn hall, and I lima Honth of Market rreet at th. Hall of tho Bucket Comranj, for ih. pitrK)e of organising Campaign Clnh. for lhai rn.rhing Muoleipnl flerfon. It la loa w ttant tbatrvery maniher rf b. Ieoratlo Co nerratiT;' party rhould att.oJ thee naet. lnii, a. very ImporUat bu.lnv wilt b bronght before tktm Challengo'., t'.B.ae- . re and I ommltteee will be Oppolnte l at th. Diaetlnaa. The (li neral Onr ntiva to '!. nit flondllatr for the Hoard of Aldermen Hi take i.laoeat the City Hall on Friday, tk 2Ath Inetant, at 7 a P. M. Uy or Our of U Uty Kxeentt rommlfta. M. JttOBINaoN, fck 11-M aroertnwr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RKBANO WHtTKUMOK IBTt. tat Ml. kv UttKBM rUAHMR. j Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds I Kw Crop ir. grswa k Laad'Otb M Balat. roroaioiy flit KM A FLAMNBR, braiiauiH. fkkU ' NOTICE. mHI ANNUAL MKKTItiO OF THK Stookkoldan In tha hw au Foar Atricnl laiat AwnclaMua will no k-14 at lb BJ t c Maw MniMwr ua FrUay .raulog, tk 1MB lu.t.. at t.M o'clock. A fail atwndaBC la oepMlally daalrtd aa matter, of neat tntwrtaae will cyat ba toteia DiMUof. Croalo may b. girn Ut lb aauallorm. JlNl. A. BNUKLHARD, Baa'y Cap. F.ar Ag Atao. ItaroopyM lab 10 St-wAf . 8IIEMJY 1MN.NEK. Fubllthad w.aklr, at BHKI.BY CleTad County N.O .at SI M per aanuai, la ntl vanee; ka a lara and rapidly Ineraaalnf ctr raatKn In nearly alt the count lea Wwt MavklenbBrg. Alau, aa ittl elrealaUon in tb ejuutlM or Spartaatiuag, Votk and I'nlon, a. O. Haijuat ban .merged from a twant to a thlrt.-iwo eoluao. and le now adorned with an entn mrw drcaa. .'( pelirtx art vmnertM i no Carolina tenirai naiiwat blna new cumaloted throuah to Wtlmlnatoii. and Shelby being the Waaler n tarmlnua, the Banner I a moat eioollent adrertlatng modi am. Jtaai. awaifwi.. nrKHAM A WRBB. Batter. Bad Frcpitetora, f.bll Mtf Valentines! Valentines ! Valentines I For Ml. at HEINOBERCER'O lire Book and MualeBkw. njr Order, trom tk. oeautry promptly at- Undrdtn, tab 14 Just Received A ew lot of tbuee Choap PoattM) and Kaaaya, T.n CU per Copy. Ala a large tck f Fit.., palla, Harmonl. oaj, Violin, Oaaaaa, AW,, a at tk. UITT BOOK tTOU. VBW BTTLtl Of - if ; Initial Fapor and Papotarloal Broadway Initials, Pari Initial., Tb. B.rtha Initial., Moaale, and a largo varl.ty of Fin. PApeUr- tu, tb. ebear-e.t la tb. ty. For!, at CONOLET k YATES' City Book Store. M lebk WE ARE SELLING Overcoats and Talmas VtHY LOW- DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS. , Call and enquire price.. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, fob at-tf - At Manufacturer's Prices! We will loe oat our BNTIRB Sl'OCK ot boots And shoes AT PMIME COST I Manufacturer's Prloes I FOR CASH t FOR CASH I Oarauortment U well aeleeted, oomwrl'lng the boat gocd. of the boat faotorlea la th oobu- wj. . and 8)jrje.L flentlemen'. Boot, and Shoe. I Chlldren'e SUot I In'anU Bboca 1 . Alt AT COST FOB CASH. , DUDLEY A ELLI8, Riga ot tb Big Boot, No. Mabkbt Btbbxt. Marshal's Office, " CITY OF WrUflNQTON, ) Janaary&kl, 1875. J IVOTIOE, FROM THIS DATE AUCTION EKKS ARK vroblblted aolliri Horace or Stock of any kind In front of the City Market. Prlnoeee tieot from tha eaatern line of Front atreet to the weetern Una of Fourth etreet or Second and Third etreeti, between the northern line of Market and tne eoutuern line or uneatpai atreew, ar dealgnated for thl purpoae. Bi oraer . uayor. J.H.BOBINBON, ' City Manna'- JaaM School for Girls. BELBUT SCHOOL FOR UIRLB WILL b opened Iu Mortal' ton, Burke oonnty, N. ()., by Mim M. Hkibiibb, Febrnary Id, 18T5. ham per nmiien. TiRaa-Poaitlreij in advance y.ia ona ta- m o 90 wbbki: FnglUb Tuition, Boatd, fuel and UgbU, (IK 00 Latin ana rrencu, eaon..... Mnale in oo 9o oo V airtaiKC.: RlrboP AUIneon, Wilmington, H. O. Re. A. A. Watmn, l. I)., ' Rer. F fall., Morgaoton, " . Roy. vAkieo,(U.l)Norrelk, Va, Re. Mr. lyaeoe, . " " Hon .Mia Oooda, "t m Hon Jubo B Whlteh.ad, Ir. W. W. Boott, ' " janl IMt nnmiTtiin rlllil I IrlU th eborteat notlo and S tb. moet ravabl ti at tbo eTUVMAlt OFFI01. 1IISCEUANE0U?. New Crop Sugar House Holasses. gQQ BBLB. B. H, MULA8SRS. FMaaleby KSaORNBR a CALitBB BROS. fakT W Bacon. Fork and Oats Tl Boare D. B-lule aad BboaM.ra, M Boa. Smoked Sides and Bhoaldara, .' SO Bble. Pork. t,"MBaakel.Oata. Fa eele by KBKCHNBB OALDBB BRO. labT M IXItflit Caput, DAY CAf, UAf BUIHTS, All klad. lur MEN, TOrTH AND BOY8, C'lfKAP. - AT- MUNSON & CO'S, CITY CLOT MI It KB. fab 22 Golden Seal Brand And a gan.ial aatortmeat of Flag and Mb Cut t TODACCOft. At prlo. to .ult tba parmanta. At Ho. l Itlstrhwl Mtrwwt, By tebt PIOOTT. u MOKE Than tho Usual Discount TO CASH DDfKMOr Ea advaaeod, and all Inportad Ooodamnet fbllow. W. M.aellltigatold prIAo. Tkebeat Lin. of Imported and Domattlo Family Orooerl.., Winn, 1 Iquora, Tea., As., o., At., (a Horib Carolina. CHA8. D. MYERS A CO., S and -7 North front ftbt .- Potatoes, liuttor & Checsr 100 Bbla, Kar'y Rom I'otatoee, M Tuba Mutter. 100 Itunre Chen. For aale by KBKCHWBR aCALDER BROH. ftb t a . Wanted to Bent ! A HOUHB tor a .mall family, nn Ml Tenleollr looaUd If roail. furiiUbo.) w.ll elih.r hay or 11 tbe lurnliui Any on poaaewlng II h a houae and wlrhing to dl.poa of It will wfll by oommunii atliig with ' C," at ui'i umoe oi aronna central tiauway febt 13 It Hoes ! Hoes ! QOOVIL, LANB'8, EI.WKl.l.'S WKKUINO aud Hilling and Aultman'. lto, at low prtooa at tb. New Hardware Store. OILKS& VV.'tCHISON. U Korth Front t. S3- febf Hardware Welle, PM Ware, Cutton Oarda, (Viffe Mill., Cuiry Uomba, thot, C., Kuw.ler, Knot eh Flic, Pookut Ontlry Kaaura, Lwka. Hlogce, Screw.. 4c at into ih it will iit tbe wtitl- eale trade, oan be found at the Old Eilabllnb.d Hardware noaae of JOHN IMWRON, No.U,W tndll MaiketBt. febT l Notice. A PPLICATION WILL BE MAOB TO Tthe "OoBTtrlrtl awmbly ofWotrt barter th. City Bank of Will Jan IT ilogt'm. Ut-JawMi Children's Pebbl. and Kid fiboe. Kxtenatoa Too,' Children' Beamlem Shoe. At Jan SB 0. A. PRICE'S, 31 Market 8trot. The Last Cargo of Prime U now offered to purchaacr. In Bright New Package., both Hog.Uead. and Barrel., at lowest market rat. OA PS from tilth, beat maker.: Perfomed Boape, eommon and line ; Bucket, Broom., Pail., Measure., Mops, Tab., Starch, Medicine In .mall package rot. ' eoontry trade; Clgara, Tobacoo, Pain Killer, Ca.tor Oil, MaMaug Unlmeut, Keron OH, All Elndi of Wines and liquors At the lew rt market prlo to good oortomen, ADRIAN & VOLLERS . Corner of Dock and Front Street, f.bT - - M4f Beets, Parsnips, QWEKT OIuKB, Jait arrlted Bad fbr (ale at O. H. W. BUNOK-B, . ?, I. Corner of Market and Sooond ate. I KIW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRSiT- Gimmm mm FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & 45 AIAKKICT STREET.' EVKRT AHTIOI F Sl'ITABLR FOR WIN I FK WRAR HAS BFKN MARRKD DOWN. Ha.ln. nodeelr to mlarireaentallhr tlooil. or frlnea, we rail the attent km of all ear IMtronatotlie nie'koit w ba.eof aiaaKiaa all ohm H.x'na imm. piuraaa o tkat par. t haaar. eaa ae for tbemwlri'. juateaactly how much of a mlnetluB h bn made. NO M H OPPOK ri'MTT liaa.ver be"U ollrrwl Intht.rlty at ANV nut. Our DiiLT pa'rnna and thi a whn bare t'a.rel u with a call earlier In th mim. eaa roach fat oiy atatement w maka. Wa aaa DBraaaiaaotocIo out the balaan or our .Lk i order to make room lor ring puicbaMja. Camel Ilair doth. T formerly -75..... Golored'HorgM, , -,:,smJ,'. Donltle Witlth roplins, " 8olid IJlua rorHtif. " ,..., ao,..., w 35 75,..., Col"red Caahomerw, " rkwtoli riaiila, . " All wool Empress Cloth, " SHAWLS, $3 5),... CX)AT8' SPOOL COTTON fl cenU por Hfl-Inch Fruit of tho Loom Hhirting 13 8(1 Ineh HEA Bl UE COTTON, IS cents Hontoh OinirhaniN. 11 oenta ner vanl. 4 0-lnehfs wide) Englis'i TucsiDfT, 25 eonts. an niiiTtiiit pixhovnt nr B raaoaat. win ith In tiillowliif .oevtuint: lluacuau auS Bpool t'oltoii. Term atrlrtly Cash and On Price. F" fro Rample Ct , BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. Jn . ill PIRS I TIRS I FK1EI WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS OF ' IU.. FRAEC S:BE?., (Tonaiotinfl- of DRY GOODS. CliO'lTIING. SHOES. HATS. CROCKERY. CHINA and OLAHSWAHE, dnmncrml sain at the Store lately occupied by Q. notice is noroby given that tne above IL febl SOLUBLE PACIFIC MI CO.; ( OVllXAI.. 81,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TOMS SOLUBLEPACIFICQUANO fur aaie, either for CASH or on CHOP TIME. Literal term will be made anil Merchants and other reliable pur tin to sell this Ouaao at our Warehouse prioes. . w.n. mnUY & ra. Cummtwliin Merohanl., Agent, for Pao floOu.uo . . ; ' - maaBH - mm Sub-A gents for tho Sale v. n. fjiHox.. ). WHAHA.tl Jat II At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, payable 1st of November, next; NA.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or' $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, WB ODABANTIE that th previous High O r d of our Fertiliser, .hall be fully MaiaTAiaio B. R RHIDORKS, President V. MoKAK, Treasurer, O. L. GKAr rLIN, ttuperlntvudent. sirrr Notice. IT Will AVINO DI'POHBn OF OUR SAODLK rtarneseaud Trunk Bnninnea, etook, CJool I and Book Accounts. In Wilmington. N. 0.. to Meter., Uarnentfr & Mallard, wo hereby tender our thank, to a generous pnbllo for their liberal patronage the lt ton years, and ask a continuance of tb same to our fcuc- oeawra, who hare been acceptably in ur em ploy for many years aud are thoroughly poeted In the Haddlo, Harness aud Trunk Buslnesa in all Its branches. Mew.. Carpenter Mallard will settle all claim, oontrauted aaltit a. In Wilmington, N. C , and collect debt, duo u. aud rto.lpt for the same. . - J. S. TOPHAM&CO. A. Carpenter. J ll.nallard Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVING BOCOHT THK ABOVE MEN tlontd Qoods, w. offer a lull itck of SADDLES, IIAItNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kinds of SADDLERY GOODS, 1 VERY LOW PRICES For ( nah or to prompt paying buyors. Wo rospooifnH solicit patTmmjm. UAatPL.l'i:il .nAM.AKU. tehll Mliiiii-ic CHOICE NEW CROP Cuba. 3Iohv?sc. CABOO FROM THK "OEN'LOBtBT." Vow LAFPtae- Eer me bp 1FILUAM8 dt MfBOHlBf tf. pbl OF RODDICK, . .now ..now ..now .now ..now ..tow ..now 65 25 SO 15 65 25 43 ...,noS3 00 Spool. eouts per yard, por yartL n nia orr ail inn at tlm of rnrh lubtMoticd blitruuff, Uinghtius. Cftl.ouM u4 by the Into Fire, are removed and for If. W. lltuigo, No. 63 Market street. stock most be sold wltnout delay. FRANK & BR0-, , 63 Market Street. it-tr Co., and Denlei.ln N IP' niTiaiiQ ,no, WORTH W ATKR PTRKgT, wicniiku ioN, n. c. - Mwaama of Soluble Paclilc Guano. .Old Hundred, N. O. ........Marlmi. ". II. 7l-Stndw WE OF1-EU OUR STANDAED FEBTILIZEBS For the Season of 1875, Joliverfd on tbe Cars, at Oor Factory, at the following ni3iucii:i i?jkioes : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINOTOM. N. C. TwVt-Aui WW IBS a Molasses! Molasses I yjS OFFBB.TO ABBIVB Bl BCIIH. ItlAOOIB ELLEN. Dally cxpeoted from Bagna LaOrand, . OOO Mhiie " 0 L at 1 Choice New Crop Muaco JJ ij Tierces yado Molasses. WORTH 4 WORTH. 81-lw fob 3 New Crop Cuba Molasses. SKCOKDCABGOI 280 HHD3'8 IIKB0ES N0W L-50- 1NU, ex Brig John Pierce, trout Hayana, Formal by, , . : . WORTH A WORTH. - tt-naett Oh t For Sale. THR L1THIA WATKR of the Virginia BatlaM Murmaeoi tno wntvr at the old Buffalo prlKga, put up In buaoa containing one Doaea Hairuallou eottln will oe aappiieo taoruer delivered at tbo Sfottr-bare Depot of the Kick- mond Xr Panrllle Kallroal at as per 001, to he paid inodtanne. 'l b LtTUIA water ba made a remarkable cures as any uiou record In atfectloasof th Bladder and Bblaet. and In Dy.ix-psla. It ba alo ginn decided relief In (luutv and Ubeumatlo aflectloaa Ia th dlaeamor Womou auil In ryppela the watar of the old apriug ts regarded as well aigh pe eldo. Arfdresi nnnnm ' a nija. r v.. , Bnflalo Spring MeekleabargC""'. va.

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