I ((I: :,ff5 JJ f . (til ! J. I ',11 i i ( ! i L VOL. XXIV.-HO. 37. V7TTJTTTIGT0IT, IF. C, FEIDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1875. 7HQL2 110. 0.C01. flu Ttoiln loitmnl. WtLMINQTON, N. a: TlilDAT, FB. 12. 187k BY TELEGRAPH. IlSADQUAItTKItS. MINORITY R EPO R T AO AIXST BEATING FINCH BACK RUMORS Of CHOLERA. IN MEX ICO. THE POSTOFFICE BILL TASSEI) THE HOUSE. DISCUSSION ON THE TARIFF :f BILL. Washington, J?Vb. 11 Noon Sen ate IIiruiltOD, of Missouri, preseutcd minority report front the Commit tee oa Privileges and Electioua, signed by himself and Sun'abury, against th aumiasion of Pinohbaek. Ordered to be printed and lie on the table. The House is again oonauluring the Poatoffioe Appropriation bill. . Washington, Feb. 11 Night In '- the iieuate to-day, AlcCreery, of Ken- tricky, introduced a bill setting forth that it bad been reported in a respon sible medical journal of tbn I , iiit.nl States that a Ooolie ship from Calcut ta had become infected with epidemic oholera daring ber voyage, and if had ben announced, in a uewspapor of the State of Texas, that a diaea-e re sembling cholera was raging in Mex ico, at no great distance from the frontier of the United Statea.thortfore ' the Secretary of War be directed to detail a medical officer of the army, under the direction" of the Bnrgeon Qeneral, to investigate carefully the matter of said report, and if they shall be baaed on faffs, he shall, throngb the Surgeon General, give due and timely notice of the advanee and spread of the disease, ani should it threaten to reach the United States daring the present year, it Rhall be the duty of said oflloer to complete the - records of the epedemicand report the same to Congress. The bill propones an appropriation Of $5,000 to defray the expenses of the ., investigation. Referred to Committee on Appropriations. The bill to provide n.government for the District of Oolnmniia was dis cussed the balance of the day; the amendment of Morton, to have the Commissioners elected by the quali fied voters of the District, instead of . Vving them appointed by the Presi dent, was rejected by a vote of yeas, 28; nays, 28. . Sargeant offered an amendment to provide f ir the election of a dolt gate to Congress, which was being dis cussed when the Senate adjourned. - The Senate cauoussed this morning on the order of business. There was to have been a joint session caucus to night but it failed; probably on ac count of bad weather. The South generally wa to have been considered. The House passed the postoHlco ap propriation bill after rejecting an amendment for the practical restora tion of the franking privilege. The new tariff bill was discussed during the rest of the day's session, Dawes, of Mississippi, the Chairman of the Committee ou Ways and Means, making a speech for it, and Wood, of New York, a Democratic member of that Committee, making one against it No action. EUROPE. London, Feb. 11 Noon A royal train, bearing Alfonso, was fired into by the (Jurists a few miles from Lo grono. None hurt. Berus. Feb. 11 Noon-Binmarck will remain in .office as long as his health will permit. ELECTHICISMS. The National Convention of tlio Stove Manufacturers, now in session at Chicago, denounced frea trade with Canada aud the reciprooity treaty. A Israeli rV doot. aTTluWTeiT was suuh while taking on the Pennsyl vania for repairs. The ice floated un der the dock and overturned it "doing considerable damage. It lies on its side and it will be several days be fore she is righted. One workman is miss ag. It being the only dock on the Dtlaware, the Pennsylvania will prob ably be towed to New York for repairs. All harbors are closed in the Penob aoott Buy, which is frozen over for the first time in quarter of u century. A special to the Savannah News, from TallahaBse, Fla., says that C. W. Jone's, Democrat, of Escambia coun ty, is elected U. 8. Senator. No progress in the Senatorial elec tion in Minnesota. The National Stove Association have a fixed rates upon common at six and quarter, medium at seven and best at eight cents per pound. (J0T11AM. THE TERRIBLE WEATHER. New York, Feb. 11 Noon An easterly snow and rain storm prevails. The Staten Island ferry boat was cut through and has been drawn off for repairs. The Ambassador, for London, was forced ashore by the ice on the flats. Several vessels, in attempting to go to sea, were obliged to return. Several pilot boats are in the ice off Sandy liook, which extends as far as the eye can reach. : . John Haviland & Co., importers of fruit, have failed. Liabilities $3,000 to $1,000. - . A newspaper warmed and placed in the waistcoat will keep out the cold far better than a large quantity of clothing. Now is the time to sub- Flora New Tin H"W 'resident ; rain's rkfia .Mrs !,'. The closing sentence of tlit extra ordinary document conveys a clear iutinmt.un or throat that if Congress should follow the advice of ihe c'in inittee sent to investi'TMte tho condi tion of things iu Arkansas and let the State alone, the 1 rt suleut will inter fere ou his own authority to upset the Stata go-em went, depose Garland and lusta l Brooks as Governor. This is the bold bt menace, aad its fulfilment would bo t'je iuont tinrii g act rtir veuturwl upon even by General (Iraut. "1 earnestly ask," he sujs, "th it Con gress will tuke definite) action iu the matter to relieve tLo Executive from anting upon the question which should be d cuied by the leRiIative branch of the government." lie too evidently menus, if Congresf does tot act, to adopt a cunrse parallel to that which hekasptu'sued iu LouiHiHnu.conHtruiug the silence of tht ix.dvu.su peiuiiHNiou to follow hi" own jiulgmeut as to who is the rightful Governor, and to put lira iu office ud maintain him in of fice by military force. The demand that Congress act on the subject in disregr'.i to tho advice of one of it own cotumittefs wli have visited the State auit inquired into its affairs in ulinuiU. if, a the comnmtee think, the new constituiiun and the Garland government are supported by a large mnj intv of the people and uro loyally va!eJ, what o jasiou is tliew for Con cresh to "take detioite actiou iu the ma ter," or to act npou it at all ? U might as reaionably ask Cungresn to deoiue whether Mr Tiidcn is the legal Governor of New York, with an im plied threat ofotixtiiig him if Congress d'-cliued to go beyond its suthoiily and paxs ntxin his claims; It is a sub ject iu which Cougrtfs ha no right to intHrmod lie, and it forbearance to act can give the President no shadow of au excuse to overthrow b Hinto government t nd put Brooks in office. -- Acoordiug ts the Preiydeua.., Mes sage he has much stronger grounds for supporting the claim of Brook than he ever hud for supporting thst of Kellogg. He does not pretend thai Kellogg was legally elected, and be has rt'Cutiy stute 1, iu a Message to Congress, his opinion that the Louisi ana election of 1S72 was a "gigantio lraud," aud that he sustained Kellogg because, between two invalid claims to the Governorship, he thonght Kel logg's the least objection. But he has no misgivings respecting the claims of Brooks. He asmorts that gentle man's title to iho offioe of Governor iu the strongest possible language, and if be follows the precedeut set for himself in Louisiana General Grant, as soon as the session closes, will send the army to Arkansas to revolutionize its government. By declaring his be lief that Brooks ii the legitimate Gov ernor he has invited him to make au application for Federal assistance in putting down opposition to his author ity; aud it is plain from this amazing Message thnt the President intends to comply with such a request when it is made, unless Congress ties up his hands. We warn him that this will stir up a greAter commotion than was .caused by the military interference with the Louisiana Legislature. We will not discuss the Arkansas constitntion now, for the deliberate judgment of Judge Poland's commit tee, formed after careful investigation, renders such a discussion unnecessary. Suffice it to ssy, - that the alleged ir regularity is metely technical, and is no greater than htii hnppeued in many other Stiites in adopting new constitu tions The present constitution cf New York was framed and adopted in 1816, in disregard of the provisions of the constitution that preceded it, it being held here, as it has been he'd elsewhere, that tho permission of the Legislature Hud ratification by a ma jority (i the people was a sufficient warrant. Grant has just as rauoh legal authority to reinstate the old constitution of Now York as he has to send an army to revive the dead and discarded cuist.itut iou of Arkansas after the people, aotiug under the au thority of the Legislature, have estab lished another. SPECIAL. H'youwift a wide c.illar, waar tlin War- w clc. Ask any llrat-clavi furnicber tor It ?fl!lLlLJwt.hr'l,wilh bdljr fitting col'ari. bu' 'wr tlio KiuiwouJ. Kvtiy one nu i-IH on fit r1Blit and It o8 wol). y The Galea of Arnby At iint?rptt-ler than the arcma wblchNbe fra grant SOZODONT Impartu to tho briuth. Nor a tiie hit&rtof tu Hory nut whiter tlian the teeth tlit are cla.ined dilly with that match lHf flu.d. We u'idri!tiind tUaWl e wbo.iBiiin-cnukh Is tubie wb quit prevalent in tlio tuwi Hrounaae; Dili tlnr. no havn proved Intnl. Soma Isralliw usa notbtiig but lobnwn'n Anodyue Llnim t Oiir Oortor, however, rava a little Ipicae, ti produce vomiting, would be an ad vantage. There are more than oiie thousand different kiudnol I'llln itbe United Statue. oineot them are wonhli-d aiiil liiiuiluiis. othn are good and l.n-flnil. old Dr. Parxona iuventeii ihn bft antl-blliotm ntll we ever w or In aril of Tbev are now wld under the natneot Farson's furgativeFllle Conitumptlvea, Take Notice Every moment of delay makes your enre more liopeles, ard much depends on the Ju dicious cbolco of a remedy. The amount testimony In invar of Dr. Scbinck'i Pu monle Syrup, nn a t lire for consumption, far exceed! all tuat can be brought to rapport tha preten sions of any other modlolne. 8eeDr.tchnek's Almanac, cootal rng the certificate of many per'on ot the hluhet respectability, who liav been restored to health, aftur being prononru ced Inourableby p'ljalclani of acknowledged ability. Hcbenck's Pulmonic Syrup alon has eared many, at thexo evidoacea will show; bet the cure Is often promoted by tho employment of two other remedies which Dr. 8ohenck pro Tides tor the purpose. Thest additional reme dies are Schennk's Sea Weed Tonio aud Man drake Pills. V the timely nae or these medl clnraacootdlng to dirytloii, Dr. frbrnck cortlttes that mo t any rasa of Consumption may be cred . Dr. chenck Is professionally athisprlnel. pal oflloe, crrner Sixth and Amh ttreets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all 1 tter for advloe must ba addressed. WtUOIfiU UfcKU3aWuuaw ,h..o.t lashionabl. "HAi tlQ NEW ADVERTISIXISTt. Real Estate and Loan Association. fTlHE RKGCLAK HON THLT PA I MINT 1SUCKAM) Payable To-day at the offlo f t!i Bavrvtary and Ttiutw, u.1. r.uw, ReoreUry snd frtHMurrr. H-lt feb tl RAILROAD STOCK AT AUCTION- ON THl'KSOAT. February iSth. WJ, at It O Cluck A. M.. will II at icbaiifi Corn er, mow br i a; Hal moos or la wil muiifuD ami st,siil Kailway Umpmy. UHU.NLI A MllhttIS, AaotWKaaro, Muc a4 Real Btt Brukrrs. r-blj 374-ll,14aiS Siar ropy II, 14 nd ISth. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE AT AUOTION. ON THURSDtr, rtbrnary ISth, ISTS.rom ra nce at II o'olurk A.M , will Mil at aacbang Cofutr, 1 bat Taluabl I OT, 41 1 19B, MtuaUd ainn th tiur b ulii of Prmccn, ltwee avnUi antt (.igUUi nrew. t JlitdMlrblHUDSEAD LOT. ft s IM feat, spoil lb eortb Ma at Brmifwlck, b' iwru Aroood aud Tblrd itrtfta-4 loom. t hat drrirab'a. BOtlBR AND f.'T, X a T font, uiii Sixth tr-M. brtwifa Ilarneilaiid bwaun MrMta, coolaii-lnf f ivon 1 bat valuable LOT, M 1 14ft t at, with two lory lirtlhi(f thiraon, eoiuainlnf 4 roomd, ailcbrn, Ae.,oa iha east Mf Fouith atreet, Muuud ot uth ot Nua itrMk HOPSK, loath or and adjoining abort, eon. taliilugt rooDia.SI l ISA ft. HoUE, (tfiitalnlng 4 '(xinit, tooth of and adjuliilng ibovo, It s 129 rt. Ternn aMominodatlng and mad known at le. CKONLT MOPBII, Anrtloneri, Jtaal KtUta aud Stock Hrokari feb U J7-4t-ll,14,lA18 The Flying Ponies at Auction. OS BAlUKDal NEXT.llth tntant,at It o'olook A. M w will sell al lbs yard of Mr. 8. A, Cola upon Becond.naaf Mark tit ret, THE FLYING PONIES, with ttands and ttery artlcl blonglng to th rlug. CKOSLT A MORRIS, Anetloneats. Btook and Ral Eitata Brokera. ' 7-t fb t Wanted! aQKNT FOB A FIKST-OLASS SEW mg Maohine tha light maniac "0omrrio." tnduoements to the right party, Apply at th Oaaton Hon from 19 A It to II M and from J to 4 P. M. - feb li-2i H. BITTER, TravsUr. NOW 18 THE TIMI TORCt Overcoats and Talmas. THEY ARB CHEAPER Than they will b for five jsett to com- MUNSON & CO., omCLOTHIERH, feb 11 T-tf jNO'rxojbs, WOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT hO uout contracted by any of the crew of th Br. Bwquentlne Stalling will not ba paid by tit Captain or Consigns, leb Is ' iT-gte Store for Rent! "?kT- if Mairkot Street will be com- l,letfyepatre a boot Mareh -Ut, end. forMni up to October 1st. Far partlcnlara apply to : . at, FRAOK dk BRO., feb l-tf a Market Street. THE WILMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, CMdnoted by . It. IC. IlltYAN, Coutlnnes In suoceesful operation. . The half session commence on MOXDAT, Febroary llth. 18TB. ' Terms i, sifi and MO in advance, per naif session of eighteen week, according to the ad. an cement of tha ptiptl. Location on Fifth street, Set wee Ana and Nun. feb 11 Mlt Just Received A new lot of those Cheap Poem ami Eseay, Tn Cent per Copy. Alss a large stock ot Flies, Ball, Harmonl. eta, Violins, Game, Ao.,to., at th OITT BOOK0TOHK. NEW STYLES OF Initial Paper and Papeterhea I Broadway Initial, -Parlalnltla', Th berths Initial, MtMale, and a large variety of Fin FapetetN lei, lb eheapMt la th ty. for sale at '" r"" ---j--., OONOLEY k YATES' City febt Book Btoro. a . KXW ALVEETISZMISTS. RKDANDWrllTEOMOM SETS. Fof sal by . URKEK 4 FLANKER. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! Ksw Crop ik'S, grow a bj Laadtk a Butst, Far1 by QRBEN AFL4NNKR, Druggista. feb II I Large Sales, INCRIASINQ POPrLARllt OF OUR CELEBRATED FAVORITE FLOUR ! Barrels and Half Barrels. Th most reliable Family Flour In as. Vr hav sold evsf TrtRrE THOUSAND Barrels and Half Banal of Favorite Fiour to our beat Family Trad and the demand I steadily In. creasing. We bllv It to be th beet and surest riour sold In this city! aad nwratn rally ad than any other on brand. Every- i bady like and sreryaody n should see It. Sold only by CHAS 0. MYERS 4 GO., 6 4t 7 North Pront St, tab II Star copy. 34 City of Wilmington. MAYOR'S OFFICE. i Wilmwoton, N. O., Feb. 10th. BIDS will b received al this effioe nnUI 13 o'clock M. Friday, the 11th Instant, far th purpose of oonstractlnga three kunJred bar rl Olrtera back of th Adrian Engine ilous, oa Fourth street. W. P. CANADAY, -feb U-lt Mayor City of Wilmington, MAYOR'S OFFICE. ) Wnjtwoioii, N.O., Feb. 10, 1875. ( AT AUCTION ! Will ell on very Sm lax g Bay HOR8B, la front of th City 1111, on Saturday morning, at tl o'clock. ', , 1 . ' ' W. V. CANADA!, fab 11-tt , Mayor. The Democratlc-Conserva' tlve Voters of the City Will meet oe FRIDAY NIGHT, llth Inst., at S o'elook at Ul following named pire : The Hirst Ward at LIppTtt's Hall, Second Ward at th .Court Moose, Third Ward, all living North of Market street will me t at Brooklvu Hall, and thoas South of Market aireetattba Hall of the Bucket Company, for th purpose of organising Campaign Clubs for tneap roaening ssanioipai election, jiisiru portent that ever? member of the DemoetraMo Oonservatlv psrty should attend then meet, lugs, as very important businses will be brought before them. Challenger, t'snvss aersand Committees will beapiwintad at these macllug. Th General Convention to nomi nate candidate for the Board of Aldermen will take plaoe at th City Hall oa Friday, the Joth Instant, at Tk P. M. By order of the Otty Kxeentlve Committee, J. H. ROBINSON. feb It-M STtrw. NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders In the New t ai roar A grlcui turai Aiwocla'ton will be held at th Bank ot New Hnver on Friday evening, th 12th lntt..att:M o'clock. A fu'l artendanca Is especially detlrrd as matters nf great imiorUu will come be fore the mretli'ir. Pioslee nuv be glvtn Iu the osnal form. JOS. A. ENQELHAHD, Sec'y Cape Fear Ag Amy. Htareopy t , leb 10 St-wAf SUEJillY DiNxNEH. Publlnhed weklv, at SHEI.BT Cleveland County, N.O.t at SI 10 per annum, in ad vance; ba a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation in nearly til tbe conmK West ot HecKienuorg. A iso, an extensive circulation la . , AinnllM Mr Un.Pl.nkur. V A. Ir .,i H Union, S.O. Ha' Jut besn enlarged from iwemy u a miriy-iwo cuiumu, u.i w nw adorned with an entire new drees. In pohtirt an Dmuteratie '1 he Caioiln Central Hallway being now completed through to Wilmington, an 1 tthelhv being the Western terminus, the Banner I a most etcelleut advertising mertl nil., RaUl wuiikrale Biitors and fropilelorn. M-tf feb 19 Valentines ! Valentines ! Valentines! For ul at' HEINSBERCER'S Llv Book and Musle 8tor. ' "' y y ' ST order from th country promptly at tended to. ' febt ( The Last Cargo of Prime U new offered to purchasers In Bright New Packages, both Hogshead and Barrels, at lowest market rate. ' SOAPS from all tho bast msksrs i Perfumed Boa pi, common and fins i Backets, Broom, Palls, Mure, Mop, Tab, Btarob, Modlolne la tmall package for oountry trade; Cigars, Tobacco, Fain Killer, Castor OU, Mustang Liniment, Kron OU, AU Kinds of Wines and liquors At th 1 wet market trio to good nstomsrs. ADRIAN & VOLLERS Oornor of Dock and Front Street. fekT 3 KISCZLLASE0U3. JTIOHT SHIRTS, DAT CAP. PAH SHIRTS, OJL.O'X'I-IIIN'G, All kln.la for MEN, TOCTH AND BOYS, CHEAs. , T MUNSON &CO'S, C1TT CLOTHIERS. fb I Golden Seal Brand And a general aeeortuisnlof Plug end Flav Cut TOBACCOS. Atrrlreeto suit th pavmtnia, Al No. 9 J lBrkol Ntroett, By fabT d. naoTT. M Wanted to Kent ! A HOUSE for a small family, on veiilently Uwutrd. If res.li tun lli.l will ellhei bay ct Irsy tbe lurnliur Anyone rMisensslpg u 'h a hone and wishing lo llspw of It will iu wrll by cnmmunlvattng wllri ;," at uiiyutnceni uarnnne ueutrai ttauwav. feb I 13 It Hoes! Hoes! QOOVIL, LANE'S, ELWP.I.I.'N WEK1UNO aad Hilling and Aaltman's llv-, at low prlnas at the NiW Hardware Store GILES MtTRCHISON. i North Frout at. S.I febt Hardware Nails. Po War. Collon Cards. Coffee Mills. Curry OomhS, Nhot, Caps, Powder, )nlish rilts, Pocket Outle y Hasors, I oeka. Illntres, Hcrews, Ate, at or Iocs that will salt the whole- l Usile, as u b found at th Old Established Hardware House ot - JOHNDWSON, No. 10, W tnd 21 Maik-itHv febt M Notice. A PFLfDATlON WILL BR MADE TO th Otnsral Assembly of North Canllna harUr th City Benk of Wilmington. jam 17 - WWewfcn F21-, Children's Pebbla and Kid Shoe Extoniloa Toe. Children's Beam leas Ssiees. At Jan tD a A. TRICE'S, tl Market Street, IN STORK AND TO ARRIVE. (Kt KKUS AILS, Hst Brands; BOO 4bOJ Plows, S Tons Castings, S Tons Plow aurels, all slses; 4 TonsSweedes Iron, assorted; M Ooil Cotton Hope, 100 Ios. Cow Balls, An., Ao. AU above for al at Bock Bottom F rloee, at u A , Now Hretwiro Star of - eiLEtt A MUROHISON Ian II St North Front Sweet CARGO NEW CROP CUBAnOIASSESJYNT For sal low from wharf by ' BINFORD, CROW A CO. fob . IMw Final Notice -i once Treasurer and Collector--- CTTI OF WILMINGTON, N. C, ( Febrnarj 4th, 1875. ( All PERSONS STILL OWING' CITT TAIN'S on RihI and I'rrronal Prniirtv are hereby nntlHed that In ca a the same Is ' ct paid before th l(lth rlav of February, instant, their Property (Including expenses Ihsreon) will then (without dlscrlmTunUn) he potll'vely ADVERTISED AND bOLD. T. O. SKRVOSH, Cliy Treasurer, febt 11 at Beets, Parsnips, gWEKT CIOER, ' Jsirt arrived and for isle at O H.W. EUNGE'S, N. E. Comer of Market and Stoond at rht 13-rr Tumiture. 13. A. SMITH So CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Farnllnra Mad rnrnlablng; flood, Jn All of the Branches, Smith' Nnw Bulliltngs, forth rrnt Street, . Wilmington, K. 0. ssassssassr-sssssse Furniture. D. A. SMITH A CO., Wholesale and Ktall Pealets In . rarnllure and rnratahlBg Oooda, In AU of lb Branches, Booth Trade Street, . Charlotte, N C. feb 32 tf CASH. gAVK MONET BT BCTINO YOUR ORO. oerlei for cam. ' A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Try our prloe and. be convinced. Par BakerWhliker. FLANKER A SHURE, t Korth Frout Street. fbt 33 Bacon and Fork. 60 Boxes D. 8. Sides and Hiionlderr, 25 " Smoked " " Tor Ml by REBOHNKB A OALDBR BROS. jaaU iT SEW ADViaTISEIM3. 6RBM- CBflBSn6 CM FOR 30 DAYS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MARKET STREET. EVFHT ARTICLE SITITABLK FOR WINTFIt WKAR HAS PERN MAREKD DOffR, H'ln no illr to misrepresent el'h'ir O.wUor frli , we sail the attent en el ail our parous to ilie tn-nt we have if wssaian six era hkm VLsin r'i' so that par. clivers can see fw thrnivs uat einetlv how niich ul a reiliutl m hss been made. NO HIT:H OPPOH rCNITY haaeisf been nltttrrd Inthlsrlty st AN V Vina. -Our IIailv i'rmis and thuee who have lav ored ne wltb a rail eartlrr In the sterna can vonrk ftr evmy statement w make. a uarssaiNsu w clou out th balance of our stock 1st order to mak room lot Spring putohasee. Camels Ilafr Cloth, fortaorly 75, . . . Oolorpd Hereon, 40,.., Doubl Wiiltb roiilms. " 40,... Bolid Blua Poplia. . " 30,.,. Colorsd Caahpmre, ' 75,.., Hootch riui.la, " 35,... All wool Emiwas Cloth, " 75,. KUAWIiH, COATS' SPOOL COTTON 6 emits ir 3(i-Inoh Fruit of tlin Ijtwim Hliirtin 12 ntf-Iunh SEA BIDH COTTON, 13 ( tits pr yard. Horttoh (liDRliama, 1 1 ccnta ryard, 40-inchea widA Kiieilialt Tuckiog, 25 cotita. AN aiinmnsuL piixitraT n S ran nir, will b aivis) ovs ait iai.cs at timl Of tinrehase, wltb Ih ft'llowlwg ssiwptionsi IMeavhedand Vnlileaohrd bhlrtings, Oinghams, Calicoes end pint twioii, . , '. Term atrlt lly f'statt and On I'rh-e. No) Nstiiiplea Cut. , BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street J n 4 ill Fins i nm i mm WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! TIIE ENTIIU3 STOCK OF GOODS OP Tv2. fNEtS BRO.f Onnslstimr of DRY GOODS. CLOTIirNa. HIIOES. TIATS. CHOCKEHY. CHINA and GLA8SWAUE, damagod sale at tho Htura latoly oodttpietl by G. Kotjoe Is hereby given that tua aoovo 11. feb CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CHOP TIME. Liberal terms ,will be mads with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano st our Warehouse prioes. . vr. ir. jfcitARY & co.. Commission Mrohants, Agntfor Paolflo Qusno Sub-A gents for tlio Sale r. n. tunaosr.. J. WKAItAitl,,. Jan It . At $53.00 per Ton, Caah, or $10.00, payable 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or 838.0 , payable lat of Npvember next, ' WE OOABANTKE that th previous High Or d of our rertllliors shall b fully Maiiitairo H, B BKTDtlERK, President I). McUaF., Treasurer, 0. I, UH.AV fUH, SuDerlntendent, Jan B, H Z. . ".,"J J, "X-'-Zm i-IHJ. Notice. ttavino DiaprmKD or our saddle 11 narnessand Trunk Unsiners. etock, (lud Will and Book Accounts, In Wilmington, N, O., to Mtu-srs. Carpmler & Mallard, we hembr tender onr thanks ti a generous publlo fur their liberal patronage the last ten years, and ask a continuance of th same to ourHuo eewors, who have been acceptably In eur em piny for many yeare and are thurouguly iiud In the aaditle, Harness and Trunk business In all Its branrbes. Mersr. Carpenter A Mallard wilt settle all claims contracted against u in Wilmington, N C , and collect debt duo u and reoetiit fur the same. J. S. TOT HAM tl WJ A. Carpenter. J II. Mallard, Saddles, Harness, &c. TTAVINO BOUGHT THE ABOVR MEN- XI tl ned nooda, we oner a inn itoca or HAPDLE8, HARNESS. , TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kind of BAJDIOXJEZTST GOODS, VERYLOW PRICES For Citah or to prompt paying buyers. We resueoifnilysnilrit r CAKPEKTEIt eV HIALIiARD. tebS 81 lninao CHOICE NEW CROP Cuba 3Xolasc. CARGO fR"M TBS OEN'LGBAKT." sow LAKjnia. , lot ' by , WILUAM9 MDRCH1R0N. 3 OP s .. ,aow ...now . ..now .now ...now ...tow ...now 65 25 80 15 65 25 45 . , fa 50,.... ...nowftj 00 SikkiI. ......... wiita rard. by tlia lata Fir, aret n raoypd and for if. W. ltniiR, No. (13 Market street. atooK miiBt bo ioia witliout delay. FRANK & BRO, G3 Ilarlrct Street., it-tr 1 1,000,000. Co., aad Dealers In M0 f sruvlad Ouano, XvOBTH Vv ATRR MTRKKT, wiiiiniNu ruN, n( c. " of Soluble Pacillc (Juano. Old Hundred, W. 0, Marlon, H. O. 37-amddlW WE OFFElt OUR STANDARD FERTILIZEES For the Season of MSB; doliTerfd tn the Cars, st Our Factory, at tlio following REDUCED PRICES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINQION. SJ. C. 4 oil-(J4w4m. Molasses ! Molasses t JjTK OFFER, TO ARRIVE 11V NCI1H. 7IAUCIE ELLEN, DaUy tieoted from Sagda taOrand, 0 0 0 Illida Q CC I Uholo New Crop Mnsco J JJ Tlcrco f vado Molasses. WORTH ft WORTH. . i " IMw febS New Crop Cuba Molasses, SECOND CAROOt 280 HHD8' TIKB0ES N0W LASD IN(i,x Brig John Piroe, front Havana. For Sal by, ' WORTH WORTH. W-naolt febt For Gale. THE LITHIA WATER of thVlrfflnln Buffalo Himutie or tiie wtterot the eld Bnnsio Siirlne-H, put up In buses eontalnlna one i)usen Half Uallon bottle, will be supplied to onier delivered at tbe Heottburg Depot of the Kick mond A Danville Ksilroad a' f 6 per box, to be paid In oitvanco. Tha LITHIA water ha maile a'remsrknblo euros as any m en recori In affections of the Bladder ad KIHnevsai. In Uvspepala. It hss aim given deeiiied relie In Ooutv and Itbeumatlo affections into diseases of Women and In ryitie th wst of theold Hprlug wreianleda weil n li aie- . oifl. Addrnst Hekluiiuig .-""""

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