I : 1 f 1 ill 4 1 -i 1 ! 1 ' ! i U IS i i 11 i VOL. XXIV. - NO. 33. WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1875. WHOLE NO. 6,02. $ki ibiln 3!onriKiI. WTLMiyOTON, N. 0.: SATURDAY. FEB. 13. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. HtUIMJU UtTKltS. INEFFECTUAL EFOHT TO TAKE UP THE ARKANSAS MESSAGE. rAINFUL ACCIDENT TO CON GRESSMAN BECK. APPROPRIATION AO REED ON . FOR THE CENTENNIAL. MORE RELIEF FOR LOYALISTS THE COMMITTEE REFUSE TO REPORT RAILROAD SL'B felDlES. PINCHBACK TO BE PLQBUERED OVER TO-DAY. Washinotox, Feb. 12 Noon Skn ate Clayton, of Argann:8, niado an fttort to have tlje niettsnce oi iu President, ou Arkansas, affairs, taken up for the -urpoe of fiaviug it re- lurred. Edmunds objected to tukiu? np the ruem-age during the morning hours. Clayton then withdraw U motioa. .. . The House is considering tbe tanIT LiilL CongieBnmn Beck broke his wrist by a fall on the ic. Washington, Feb. 12, Ntghr. The Appropriation Connni(t bavi agreed to appropriate half a nn!luu dollars to euablu the ExHcntivn De partments and SnithHouiaa ItiKtitnt to participate in thi Centennial thin ia for th auitablo bulldiiig, shelvitig, clerks hire, &o. A. full Cabinet discufced railroad matters. The Comtnitteeon Banking and Cur rency have decided that two iniprea aionaof not"8 shall be taken outside of the Treasury building. Houbi After df bating the tariff bill two hours, the house went into Committee of the Whole on the private calendar. A bill for the relief of certain loral , creditors, whose moueya were coLfia cated by the Confederate Congress in Louisiana, was also reported on fuVor bly by the Committee of the Whole, but the Htuj adjourned, without taking a final vote ou it. Senate The Vice "Frea'dent laid before the Senate a communication from the Seeretaiyof War encloii:g a report of Major Wni. Ev Morrill, in regard to the extension of the Chef a- Seake & Ohio canal from Cuuberlund, Id., to Pittsburg. Pa., which were referred to the Committee on Trans portation and Roads. Scott presented a memorial of citi zens of various parts of Peiinsylvaniain favor of Government aid for the Teiaa Paoifio Railroad. The Bill to guarantee the interest on the bonds of the Portland, Iil)n aud Salt Lake. Railroad to the extent of $280,000 per annum, waa discussed at lei gth and rejected -yeas 2,nnvs HI During the discussiou Fr liuglmv sen, of New Jersey, said that tho Com mittee on Railroads this scflsiftn had before them six or seven bills provid ing for subsidies; they hnd considered them, carefully examined the subject and heard the arguments and had con cluded that they would not report any of those bills favorabiy to the Senate. Some of those bills before the Com mittee had infinitely more merit than the one now pending bet'oro tho Sea ate. The bill to provide a government for the District of Columbia wan dis cussed the balance of the day, but no flual vote was reached. Morton gave, notioe . that he would move to take up the resolution, for tho admission of Pinchhack to-mojrrow. THE FIRE FIEND. TERRIBLE FIRE AT HARTFORD. A QUARTER OF A MILLION IN ASHES. Hartford. Feb7l2 Noon" was discovered at 3 o'clock this morn ing in Milter's fancy store ou Main street. The hydrants are frozen and the fire is epreading South. The fal ling walls have injured aeveral per sons and firemen. Loss 8225,00(1. Still burning. Details will be given later. . Hartford,' Feb. 12. Night. No water ater half an hour, and the fire was nncontroable. Starr's building was burned. Ives, Ingorsol & Go's loss was one Lundred 'thousand dol lars. It is thought tho fire will be con fined to its present limits. 1 "'ELECTKI.CIS31S. Prof. Oieman, of the University of California, accept the Presidency of John Hopkins' University, for which Hoj kins bequeathed $2,500,000. Another ineffectual ballot was had yesterday for a Minnesota Senator. An effort to withdraw Ramsey and Lochren and concentrate on another Republican failed. In the West Virginia ballot yester day, for a Senator, Camden received 31, Walker 23, Price 18, and scatter ing 13. Navigation in East and North Rivers is seriously impelled by ice. , The Massachusetts Supremo Court refused to interfere in behalf of the , boy murderer, Jesse H. Pomeroy. He will be hung. The railroads leading into Oswego, N. Y.,hve been abandoned on account of the recent storm. An effort is being made to open the Oswego Syracuse and other railroads, abandoned for the present - Rev. Mr. Jnggsr, Rector of the Ohnrch of the Holy Trinity in Phila " delphla, aocepta the Bishopric of gOBthim Ohio, TUK urn. INTENSE COLD OFF CWE COD. A QUARTER OF A MILLION SHIPMENT. IioSTON, Frh. VI Night It is bit- pM-vaUmoffCap- Cd Four filing v-ratl?, iu attempting to ruare tins harbor, are ashore and' fifteen are ice b mud. A revenue cutter has gone to th "r ssis'iiuce witli provisions. V.nu1s are sibhore at other points inl manv f the crew are fixated. Ite ship Fuiikt r Dill, wi'.h Tin) tons of m gir and a quantity of heirtp.wa burn ed ard scuttied iu Manilla lwiy on F b. 3d. Lis fi"0,li(KI. Vi;ST IN DUX NEW TREATY BETWEEN n.YTI AND SAN DOMINGO. .TaCmfl, Feb. 12 Noon. The new treaty between Ilavti and SaU Delflin- go binds each toniiititninthn integrity of their recjwctivH t rritoruw, and ee- ling the .adjHceut lsuiuds to foreign powers. Uai'i ible lcrie'Witii eig'tty of h 8 toliowii'K will bo ' executed tor man eating. Coffte abnhdiint at thirteen dollars for L.'iLMiTra. Ihe ltifiirgent C'eneral Du ( harnie has been killed and his atati Captured IViice biA been rentond. THE (JKANGEl.S. PROCEEDINGS OF "THE Na TIONAL G RANGE AT - CHARLESTON. CnAitLESTON, Feb. 12 Night The NutioLialGraiigi lust night adopted tin report if th( Committoe on the ad dress of Master D. W. Adams, eudors- iiigjus recorntnendiitiou that the sub ordinate Granges be fosterc 1 by th' National Grunge, and that mannf. o t-jrei in the South be encouraged,. EUROPE. MORE MEN FOR- HIE CARLISTS AND FOR CUBA. . London, Feb. 12 Noon Twenty- three bishops have protested against utei fereuce wi'h (Jatbolio oleetions is mplied iu Bit.nlurk's late circular dm- patch. Xjonpqn, reb. ia isigiit tiawarii Kendall, the Aiuericau theutrica man nger, wss poisoned from and over doe of chloroform. , , - ; Mauiui). Feb. 12 Night. A decree cullafor 70,000 men, 15,000 of whieu aro for Cuba. Eight thousand reals secures exeuiptiou. Tho bank of-" pain advanced the Government 100, 000,000 renls. . ' Alfonso has reached Vnlladolid. DIED. At s'eiu, .C , Cijl'ttinTy Ijl'h, IbT.I, In lixr .Wflnciii. M.iZ ilOlH lKA.NK, UtutfuU-i Of the l:ite 1 liimi i W. xruwn.ol thicity.anU nllf'it (Nil. -1 I'. HurtrliftM iretlotk. " i t'rlect thr.'un!i Hiir oi ijir In iiik vw Mtini,ni. th.: 3 ft lilt., of errslo irn. AUIliiv MuNl'MUtT, wllenf- lr. W. .1. H'rtuto-t, BI 31 yoaiik . A trii v '-tinir!M umi'i mna, ovingn u mtlitul niii', i ili'iu'eil nrt'lii r; n, tire, tuni- rv .! i-otin otHti d Cbrttlaii has rnxert r.ini thin win ,U ot n.ic inW th-? iiilmtnut liiii i'l niliiem I no ni 'I. h fi -if t lie M'd Iu her irl. Hi:r n;tplili li(" l hiM ti-T ctiiM'ii, WfllKStT btur it tnniv. (invc uili i'i ii r.-pi hr hoa. Hip h.ipi't. Imt till t Iii-h Is jjit'Bi it it ii in. nt a f il'l roml'irt 1 h Uoreuvnl lamtlv. SPECIAL. 11 you i,t a i !i f''!nf, wi'xr th Wnr- w ck. Ak any fl.--.t-ctiu I'.iriil-tiiT lor It. Dm 't If Mh-re.1 with b elly Hiring rnTar. but w ir t'i I mooii'l. Kvt-rj o..e jouiutim fl ti,lit tout tik. wi'li. I'lte .nii' of I'earl, thro'iyh which tbn kumivii yoire limit, nu i uor bucnnie To kfpp tun t'tith t' r eyi.r lre trum li'n isli. to tcndr thlrrtecay Irapo-'flblu, :t in only iienswy to nw Krara.it h ZODUNT. Il inaiitlf. itio .' ii niprnun'y hoifnoDi8. Th ntililii. nrn her-lv "urpil, Ibnmeh tl'0 roiiinini. ot 'he .lor rtti L ilint Parsonii' eurg- tiva ei'lc font iiii 10 li jurioii. finotle. bur iii tl.i y nav bo aumitiiKirn io riiitnrm aim h most wink anrt clmtttTwl constitution! in fuinil doni-c, with great certainty olucce. iiriMitaiiiiirn ot hi-time, iiircntril iitCni.w rnlli'tl .loin mm' A ni'i Mm linlnii-iit Tb'i (ii miiK-tM or OilK Mitltilo in theenreof itrniiciiiliti Htnl nil ill-P'-i" s oi thrt ai.d Iuiik. will uiaka the fame oi .lolin-on rot lex foi ahly, it 'lew widely known, than that or Loiili Napoleon.. ronuniinive, 'I'ake Notice. Fvory jnemcnt of delay lanksii your cnr more boilt'iii, ard much din'l on the Ju ite'oniipholMMif a remedy. . Tli amount uf Kstlmotiy In favor of Dr. Schetca'n Pulmonic Svran, bh s enrfi for tonnumption, far exceeds all that enn ta brought to anpiiort the preten l onsufany other mwliclne. lr Stchenck's Almanac, containing the CTtlfVatix of many l er.niiK ot thi highest reiectiihljliy, who bay. been restored to health, after beln prnnmin. red incurable by r'iyirian. of acknowledged ability . Kclienrk'a fulmotilc i' ritp alcn ' ha cured many, an thew evidence will show; tnt th. euro Is often promoted by tli employment of twh other ri!niillo which Dr.. Schcnck pro vides for the purpwe. Thcae additional rem. dies are Scheiick' 8o Weed Tonic and Man drake Pills. By the timely" rnw of these ructl rlnvs. according lo dirontions, lr. Scheuck certitteitbatinii.it any cm of JJuntumpilon may be q red Dr. Mchenck ia professionally at tils priuci. pal offl.-e, come' Klxih and An-h trels, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all I' tier, f.iradvlcn tnn't be aildremed F.piacwpal Vlaltnllona. nHon'g The following are Bishop Atki aiipointmenta for the month of F ary, 1875: . j4 Rocky Mount...... Feb. 1fl' Enfield.... .........Feb. Riogwood.. . .Feb. 17. nail fax.. ......Feb. 19. Weldon Feb. 21. Collections at each place in behalf of Diocesan ininsiona. If tie cold weather continues a fow days longer, we may baveno fears of an irA famine next summer, every one will bave scoured an ample inpply. . SEW ADVERTISEMENT!. Executor's Sale. Valuable Sound Plantation at Auction. N THVRM'AT. K.hiuarv lWh.lirTs.Bt I oYlo A. a., I m. I sella K.fhanc orixr I.. i Hi purpose el d!.U a aid vtlriitiili.l j Z?X&lE'JlJ m lh r, ftonoii lk ailira uius 1 lr. A. Nki.k, uvrih bi 'h !! of W A w 'Ighl. iIiuh Ormnt Bd aihrn, inl ? M e . (Jwk, kuil wlilch pr.tM It trua Containing 1 , 1 03 Acres, .'W I hl h am rloarrd ft ml nd-r fenra. fif itt iira cbois tXwt lor Hummer r! I. . Apt of Pine, Wktt Oak, An. TKKMo Onr-thlr1 ra.h. balanoo la 1 .ad yew., with It per "i't In'oimt. . U. W. Oi.UHAM, Kieutur. CROfiLT ft MORRIN, A.otlonMr., 1 Krl rrtai na stork Brtik n. fct 'I . S4-lt.tt.14.UAIS last aim Only a Fen Moro Over coats Left. Closing ont balance of Block at la, tha. Iv tork.Uoat, Call .arly and racoiv. Bargatna. VAX1D t WEIL el 11 A Distiller Wanted. I MAN WlfH NO FAMILY, WHO CAN make Whit, konta, and bring Mtiffaotary referenceai to go to Mobile, Ala. Apply to feb JAM Kit). STBTKNMON. w-tr Executor's Notice pjAVjIUyUAUFirD At HB'HJTOH oi i up iftt will ai i i.tam.n r David K Futcb, nolle. I bercby gives to all peraoni having olalms agalnrt tb. rtecdenl to .ibiblt them to m. .a or b.lor. th. 1Mb day ot Fel ruary.lSK. Alt peraona Indebted totaldde .(deat ar. hereby requested to max. Immedi ate payment tome. , Ci.lUMNKR, . Kx.cutor ofD.ykt K. Fntch. Apax Farii, Attorney. lei. ia M-ltaww Boots and Shoes. I am receiving dally new additions to my already latge and well araorted .took of Boot. ni Shies, wblih 1 sa selling at frreatly ie Hurnl iiric.s. An examination solicited be fore purchasing eleewnm C. A. TRICE, , 32 Market St. T P. 8. Children. S hoes .tieoial ti. feb 13 IS LOST! A 001,1) 8I.KBVK BUTTON. The Under wul confer a favor by leaving th. Mm. at this offlco. feblS-lt VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. UN XHrR-iDy, February 18th, IH73. eotn niMici' g ut 11 o'clock A.M., we wlils.ilai i!.xi.hatigu Cumrr, That valnauiy LOT. loll, eltaated upon the nor taenia of Princess, Liotwuen BtventU and highlli stroete. Ihatwoirsble HOUHE AD LOT, V x IM Xee'., upon the Hurt b side of Rrnnrwlck, b-tw-vou necAnd aud Third street-4 looms. Thatdesirabie.rrtOrRF AND LOT, x T3 feet, upon hlxth street, between Uarueitaud swann Mretta. oriiau.lng 6 room.. . That valuable LOT, 66 1 1M f..t, with two story Dwelling th renu, containing 6 rooms, kitchen, &!., on ih east ai'le at Fouitb street, second . ot suutbol Nun street. HOTJHF, outb or and adjoining above, con talnUig 8 rooms, M x IW feet. HOt'HF, containing 4 room., ntnlb of and adjoining above, 31 a i2 feet. Fefnn iccommorrfflriTrafioad. known at ale. CKONLT MORRIS, Anetloneera, ileal ittteU and Stock Hroker. fob 12 H7-4t-U.14.1iai8 The Flying Ponies at Auction. ON BAIURDAT N KIT, llth Instant, at 11 o'clock A. M., w. will Mil at th. yard of Mr. 8. A. Cole upon Second, near karketitra.t, THE FLYING PONIES, with stand, and every article, belonging to th. r'ng' ORONLT ft MORRIS, " Auctioneer.. Stook nd Real Eitate Brokers, feb U IMt Wanted ! N AGENT PUB A FlftST. CLASS BEW mg Machine th. llRbt running "Douxstic." Inducements to'th. light party. i A Pply at th. Oaston Hon.. from 19 A M to 12 M., and I rum it to 4 P. M. febll-2( H. RITTER, Trawler. Valentines! ; Valentines ! Valentines ! For sal. at HEINSBERCER'S "tar':"r IJv. Book and MsjIeRtoTa, Kf itrder. Iroxa th. eoantry preaptly al-tond-d to. frbl : " M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RAILROAD STOCK AT AUCTION. ON TOrntDiT. February laih, 1'TS. at II i o clort A. M we will at-1 1 at Mrnang t.i'n er, aoa ShKrra l aeiial etmkw theWU mingtoa ' Se Mi Kailway u eapany. CKO.NLV A MuhKlt. aariwne'ers block and Keal Foata Biokers, fb 11 17-t-lt,Ul. Htar copy II, 14 and llth. NOW IS THE TIME " TOBCr Overcoats and Talmas. THEY ARK CHEAPER Than they will be for fly. year, to com. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, febll tf VrOTIOtIS BF.KKBY OIVKJS THAT NO ueht eontrootad by any of tb. trow of lb. Br. Bari)antln. 8 telling will not b. p.ldbylhe Captain or CnlBe io ix n-t. Just Received A new lot or tone Cheap Poevna and Eaaaye, T.b Cent, per Copy. Aim a large stock of Flies, (Belle, H.rxtonl. e, Ttoll... Game., 4o,,&., at th. CITY BOOK BTOnVt, NEW BTYLES OF Initial Paper and Papeterlea ! Broadway Inttlala, JPaU lultlals, Th. Utrtiia Initial., Mutate, and a large variety of fin. Fipetar- lea, Ui. cheapest la Ui. ejty. For sal. at CON OLE Y A YATES' City Book , Btore. re ai RED AND WHITK ONION BETS. For sal. by ukekn ft flanner. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! N.w (imp islll, grown b Landi.th Built, For sal. by QHBEN ft FLANKER. liruuglste. feb 11 u City of Wilmington, MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) WrxuiKOTON, N.O., Feb. 10, 1875. ( AT AUCTION! Will eell on. very In. large Bay HOH8R, la front of th. City Hall, on Saturday morning, at II o'clock. TT. V. CANADAY, feb 11-1. . Mayor. At Manufacturer' Trices! yt9 will close out our RNTIRE 8TOUK OF BOOTS AND SHOES AT'l'KI.YlF. CONTI Manufacturer's Prices! FOR KH I FOR CASH 1 Onr atment U woll selected, eomnrtslrg the belt g'Ji dsof the beet factories In thecnurj try. Ladles' Ro its and aboel I Gentlemen'. Boot, and Shoe. I Children'. Shoe. I InfanU Shoe, t All AT COST FOR CASH. DUDLEY A ELLIS, Mgu ot the Big Boot, No. 41 Markit8tr.it. feht It It Potatoes, Jiulter & Cheese mo Rbi. Fsrly Ros. Potatoes, - 100 Hoste Cheese. For sale by ' KRRCHNER ACALDER BROS, feb T M Havana Cigars I b.ve on hand and for eee, at my room. In Mpplit't Bu'ldlngs, Houtb Front street, near Orange, a flu. lot of HAVANA CIOAB of my own manufacture. They are mad. from ImiHiit d Mbaccn ard can be bought at one. third of th. coit of Importtd cigar. 1. URaEFL. feb I M-lm WsdesWtro Herald copy Ira. CANNED GOODS ! To mate., Oern, Oyster., tiOhster., Whortle berries, Mixed Pickle., Brandy Peacl es, rhow-chow, Woroea.er hanoe, Catsup, Mi k Preserved Peaches and Pears. By teamer to day. GRANT ft HINTO, Commission Merchant and Grocer.. feb 10 . dw New Crop Cuba Molasses. Ijfg Hit 1)8. New Crop Cuba MolasM. For ml. by KEROHSK A O ALDER BROS febt H . 22 Golden Seal Brand J nd a general assortment of Ping and Fine Cot TOBACCOS. At price, to rait tb payments. At No. W navrk.t Htrwt By fehT" D. PIOOTT. YVEUDINU UAKUbi'ny.,. UeaMeX (awbioMbl. style at tb. .OUaVnaii orrtua MISCELLANtOUS. IMfjlit Caps, jj1c.ht mhik1s, day caps, IA SHIKT8, oiofriii:G, Ail kind, for MEN, YOt'TH ANl HOYS, CIIKAT. AT MTJNSON & GO'S, CITY CLollLjliili. r.h Hoes ! Hoes I gUOVIL, ANE'8. ELWELl.' W K F.I'ISfl and Hilling and Aultman'a II oe , at low prices at Ui. N.w Hardware Btor.. - GILES A MrRCHlHON. I. North Front at. feb J Beets, Parsnips, QWEET CIDER, J ait arrived and for sal. at O. H. W. BrSOF.'S, N. E. Corn.r of Market and Seooud Sta f.bl H-tt Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, ( January 23d, 1870. IVOXIOIS. FROM THH DATE AHC TIONFr RB RK problhtud selling horar. er Mock ol any kind In front of the lily Market I'rlneeM stieet Irom the eamern Una ot rout Uriel io the wtwt.rq Un. of Fourth etre.fr or snwi and Thud streets, between the uorlhern line ot Market aid the southern Hue ot tybeeteut streets, ar. designated tor th' mrpoe. iiy oriier m miior. i. II. RMRIKON, Cltv Marslia' JuM Hwedo Iron, Plow Steel, Kmlth . Bel kiwi, Kerew n.tfs, AmIIs... alexlg. Hsmmms, Hand lUuiuiers, oVo. A aree assortment ef the above vowla i .n be found at the ol.i estubllshed Hardware House of .IOHN DAWON, , It, Maud 81 Market Ut. Ja4 '.'1 ' Administrator's Notice. JJIVIfG gtlALIFlED AS ADMINIS- rator upon th. Estate of Dot ton Hays, de ceased, let. of New Hanover County, nolle. Is ereby given t. alt person. Indebted toa d deoaaard, to make immediate payment, .nd to all pereons havln claims against the desa'ed, to present them.to lb. Imdeislgned, at E ned, M.U., or to bl Attorn'ey, HiiHruli Clutlar, at Wilmington, N. C on or before the fltb day of February, 11(1, or tbl. notioe will be pleaded In bar of a recorery WRMHTH.U8, ' Administrator. Ih February, Wi. IMUwdw New Crop Sugar House Molasses. BBI.8. 8. H. VOLAHAKH. ,. Far sale hy KDHOHNBK (,'ALOER BR08. feb t IU Bacon, Pork and Oats 11 Boae. ui, 8. Hides and Shoulders, BO Boos Hraokoil Hide, and KlionUlnre, Bbl Pork. - 100 BoeheW Oata. Foraaleby , pBEJEltCHriEK A CAI.DF.R BRO" tebl Flour! Flour! Flour! J00 Bni.8. BOB WHITE H.OIJB, '()() " WL"8 Ruw-Jan Flotir. For sa'e by KKBtJHNRH OAI.DEH BHOK. No Ad ranee in Prices, W. ar. .elllng Wood; . Per Insd. Per ford. Oak and B'.' ik Jaek. M to iu cts. as tts to vnn sn intoM l no to I W M led .....WW 70 " I 40 to 100 Plna lit " I IA Cat np a ,d liaulen! at inwsl possible one. oneu ii r. can aat. mouny by pureliielng at our c i um i . i ii. raKHt.r r . u. large Sales. INURKAfllNQ POPrLABITY OF OCR CEl.RBKATED FAVORITE FLOUR ! Barrel and Half Barrels. Tb. mitt reliable Tamlly Floor In on. We bav.aoldov.r THBIK THOUSAND Barrels and Half Oarr.ls of Farorlt. Floor to oar beat Family Trade and th. demand 1. steadily In. .rearing. W believe It to be th. best and oreat Flour wild la tbl. city, and more gen. orally awd than any other on. brand. Every body like, knd srsrybody tin should use It. Sold only by CHAS D. MYERS CO., 7 North Front 8t. Htar oopy. U4 , feb II Tllli BUFFALO WATER. For Sale. THE LITHIA WATKB of the Virginia Buffalo 8innu oi tho water oi the eld BuOalo Borings, put np In boiee onatalnlng one Do sen Half Gallon bottle., will be euppiied to order delivered at the dootlsburg Depot of the Kloh raond A Danvlll. K.llroad a. per box. to bo paid In odvanro. The LITHIA water has made a remarkable ouress. anyuion record In affectlonsor the Bladd.r a d Kidney. In liyepepsla. It has also given deelded relle In '-Gonty and Kheumatlo aflbetlon. In i dlneaaea of Women and In Pysuepsl. the wate of the old .pringu regarded a. well nigh ep. oiflo. Addroe. f,. TBOMAa F. GOOUK, BnflaioHprlng. NMklenbarg Oonnty, Va. Mit ni-eta1 52W AJ)7EBTISEME1.T3. GFiEiiT GLEAGKIG SilLB FOR 30 DAYS. BHOWN & RODDICK, 45 MARKI'lT STB.1SET. Ttvrav AUTirr r. KriTAPLF. for wim fii wr has hfri marked doww. Xl Hln eo.le-lre o itilsfei.r-srnt el'h--r Monitor rrteea, we eall the aWnt .a oi all war PM -urn tutu mihivt we eei r w ihhii m. ohm ewMin. in yisiw r nee so Uat Bar chafers oan (f th-mey )ut e icily how miieb of reduction h'e bn B ad. NO alt H OPPtillf rMTY I'a. ever b'mn ..fiire.t ln th'e elty at .NY viaa. Our. Hail, V pa'ron. ami th. ee who bay laiored with a e til eartlrr In tha etaaoa eaa voncb for even sutrmnt w make. W Asa osTauais id lo cluse out the baianea ar u, onlsr to mike room lor Hpriiigpuicb.'a Catuola ITair Cloth, formcrl? 7S,... Wored rWrgaa, , 40 Doulil Width Topliiw, " 40, Holid Ulua roplioa, 8H Colored Caehctutire, " "5, , McotoU riaida, W All wk1 Empri'M Cloth, M 7.1 HIIAWLH, S3 50.. COATS' 8P00L COTTON 6 oauU rwr 3(t-Iooh Frnit of th Ijoom Hhirtiim 'i 8-Inch KEA HIDE COTTON. 13 wmta per yard. Honti-h OiriRhaiiiH, 1 1 oenta tiejr yard. 40-inclit'a wide luiiRliali Timkiug, a.lwnta. . ' r aniMTioaai. piMionaTor o raaos.T. win ne wiv.w ovr an eat Be at tlm of p.r.besa, with Hie following eanepttons; h leached and I'ubl.ached Bhlrtlngs, Ulaghani., Ualloot. and apoi r-ottoiif I rrus. .trlctlr Cmb and Ono Prlca. IT H. lamplei tilt,' ' BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. Jau ' It FIRE ! TIRE ! FIRE ! WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS OF Conaiatinir of DRY GOODS. CIiOTIirNa. mOES. ITATH. CKOOKEUY. CTIIXA aud GLAH8WAICE, daniagnd.liy thtt lata Fin, ara reiaoved and for aal at the Htora latWy ooi'upid by (l. ll. W. HuiiRf, Ni. 63 Marknt atropt NoUou ia Ut rel'y given tbat the above M. feb I SOLUBLE PACI1IC G II A K 8 CO.; oviirir. 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for itilo, either fur (IAH1I or ou CHOI' TIME. Libttral krma will be modo with Murohauta aud otiinr ruliablti farlitis loattll this Guano at our Warehouse prioca. . , , t'tiinmlmlon Mervhants, Agent for r.oifloOuanoCa., andlM.lm.in Nn. I Peruvian Ouano, NoHTir Wathii Hthkbt, . KHI.MI.'MCJ IO, M. C. Sub-Agcnh lor llio Sale r. ii. fiiiiNoi, 1). UHAIIA.n..., Jn It At VAQO per Ton, Caah, or 860.00, payable 1st of Novpmber, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Tod, Caali, or $38.0 , payable lt of November oezt, WE GUARANTEE that the ireviou High Or da of unr Fertlilier. shall b. fully Mai&taikbb H. K HKIHOKHt, resident I. WcKaK, Tieasurer, O. h. UHAI'FUM, eun.rlntend.nt. Jan 5. . Af Having ni'pnuicn of otra saddlk eiarnossand Trnnk BnHnma tork. Good W 1 1 and Hook Aeronnta, In Wilmington, N. ).. to Mmers. Cam inter A Ma lard, we b' ri by teudir our thanks t a generous puhllo tor their llh.ral patronage the last ton y.ars. and ask a eoiuliiuiico of the .am. to onreuo eewors, who have been acceptably In eur em nlov for many year, and are thoroughly rtd In the Maditle, Harnett aud Xruuk butlntss in all Ite branches. Messrs. Oarpenteir Mallard will aettl. .11 nl.lmi contracted a alnst u In Wllmln.ton.N 0 , and collect debt, duo u. and receipt for the same. J. 8. TOPHAM&CO. A. Carpenter. J II. Mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVING BOUGHT THE ABOVE MEN tlnni d Ooouji, w. offer a lull itock or SADDLE8, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, . 1 And All Klnd.of SADDLEBY GOODS, VERY LOW PRICES rr raah or to prompt paying boyora. We reeiieot fully solicit palmare. lebl 31-liunaO CHOICE NEW CROP Cubn, 3IoiaseN. CAROO FECM THE "QEN'L GRANT.". bow taairi.e. Ebrtale by WILLIAMS ct MCRCHIFOS. AMf Ml OF now .... ....now now ... ..now now .....cow ..now 55 25 80 15 65 25 45 , nowge 00 HdooL eenta tw Yard. atock muut be lold without dulay. FRANK & BRO , 63 Market Street. 84-tf of Soluble' Pacillc Guano. .......Old Hundred, N. 0. .....Mnrioii.M. I). .' ' il-3md4w WE OFFER . OUR STANDARD FEP.1ILIZEHS For tho Beoitou of 1875, delivorcd on the Cura, at Our Factory, at the following IIi:iUO)L;j PIMCES: SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUAliO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINOION. N. C. .-eoa-dAwlni. iafScf a'-a Ar ..a. - Prime U new offered to purchaser, la Bright K.w Package., both Uogibekdi and Barr.la, at loweat market rat. BOAP8 from all th. beat maker. ; Prttund Soap., common and fin.) Buok.U, Brooms, P.IU, Measure., Mop., Tab., Btaroh, Modiclne. la .mall package, rot oonntry trade; CI (jars, Tobaooo, : . . fain Killer, Castor OU, Mustang Liniment, ., KeioMOO UU, v All Kindi of Wines and Liquors At tb. lowest market prloa to good euttoatera, ADRIAN U V0LLER3' Ovrnor of Dock and front Htreeta, feb I SI AT SUEJtBY BANxNER. Pnbllsbed woekly. at RHELHY Clev.land Oouiity. N.O.,at II M per annum, in ad. vane.; has a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation la nearly el! th. eonntlrs Wast of Uecklenbnrg. Also, an ratenslvo nlronlation in tb. c -mules of HoarUnburg, York and Union, tt-i). Ha'j ist he. n enlarared from a twenty to a tbirtv-lwo) column, anil I" now adorued with an entire ane Oreee. If pUhct ar DtmtxraM 'Th. Cerolin. Central hallway being now onmpleMt thenugh to Wtlrulniirnn, an lMielby being ih. Weatern trrotnaa, (he Aanaee te a most eicellent adyertl.ing aied- mjt. avrts. mttMrat. PUKHAM W BH. Bailor, and fropi tura. Kill "

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