o. n 'AN T I VOL XXIV. -NO. 40. wnnnroToiT, ir. c, Tuesday. February io, 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,801. M? V " ' !H. iky nf&. k ;y l II IP' JlLU Cc ?!nfn Hotel WILMINGTON, N. a: ' !v TUESDAY IB. 16.1875. BY TELEGRAPH. THE USUHY BILL IS THE . K0U8E YESTERDAY. PROPOSED' AMENDMENT POST PONING ITS ACTION UNTIL MARCH OF NEXT . 1 YEAR. THE SENATE DISCUSSING THE PUBLIC DEBT. I . ? SPECIAL TftJOCHSAU lUuaan, Fbrury 15. Tbe Usury bill wus dinnid in tl,v House t-dny, tut no voto wits taken. MnoU intrrtst eontumen to be foil on every hand in the mftttrrJ Tbo vote will probably be rtached to-morrow on the s oond reading of tbe bill. Tlf motion peuding at adjourweunt wsh one made by Mr. Mbsns, that 1 1 bill ihonld not go inso )ffct uutil tl e lst Muroh, 1876, which there is bou,.e hop4f passing. : The Senate is considering therpnhlio Afbt, the name to bo Buttled on tt' but is of five millions and a quarter, not in cluding the special tax or construction bonds, with interest omiueucing at 2 and ending at 5 pv cent. 8, USADQUAltTKKS. GRANT TRYING 10 FORCE Tflfi WAR BILL THROUGH. a T)Pn! imT fcrcpnuT rOMfXO. CIVIL BIGHTS IS THE SENATE. DECISION IN THE SUPREME mm- ....' COUR1'. THE SENATE TALKING PINCH' t ' ? i-' : ' BACK. ... Washiitotoh, Feb. 15-Noon It in atti that the President favi.rs fir eaucus bill; and threaten, that if Con gress fail in its duty he will not fii'.l in his." Should Congress adjourn with out action it might be mceHfury tor him to proceed in greater- rxti-omi than the mare suspension of the v.r4,, ot Aa&a corpus The Hub-ooniwittfe.will roport to the fall committee, The three Rt-pubii-OBU.will join in the. report, which, .it iaaauL Will favor the ..wi-itiou of Kellogtrj nd ia somewhat bitttr in ita denuuciationB of White LeoguerR. , . Bbnatb Several petitions woro pro ented remouBtrating againBt any in crease of tax on tobacco, and referred to the Committee on Finimoe. Edmunda, from the Judioiary Com mittee, reported back the House Civil Kighta bill without amendment and gave notice that he would call it up at the earliest possible moment. Hotjsb It being Monday a lnrgv number of bills were introduced aud referred. The Senate Railroad Oom miHeft did tot take up Hoott'a road. The House Committee had it np, but will give it '.further consideration to morrow evening. The prospects are not encouraging. The Eleotion Committee heard Col. Oirter to-day in behalf of Lawrence. Bypher addresses the Committee to morrow iu his own behalf. The Honw Committee did not meet. 1' iisaidtia the report of the Sub Oommittea irom Louiaiaua wi.l be red hot ... Wabhikgtom, Feb. 15 Noon riic Supremo Court affirms the deci sion - that States may tax a railroad npoa its gross receipts. issippi it decided that the opinion of the agent does not bind the Company. The revenue receipts to day were oter 8t,2f0,000, whioh is attributed to the withdrawal of goods from bond to escape the probable tax. , V Benatb The Committeo on Rail roads reported a bill regulating the Aiinsttnetinu of railroads in Terri tories, with , a . recommendation thHt tue eenate non conenr, 111 ine uouxe amendments and ask for a Committee of oouference. RnliAi-tn intrndiiffid a bill to seenre to the depositors of the Freedmen's Bank the money lost uytuem. ive ferred to Committee on Finance. t 1 Afnrrill nhandoned his District Gov ernment bill, which was tabled by a ote of 34 to 23, wtncu Kins 11, wneo, after a long struggle over the rnles, the reaolutiou to sent Pinihback, on hie, credentials, was called up by Morton. Toe motion to prooeed with Pinch back was carried without division. Jlorton, after a few words, yielded th floor to Serireant. of California, whose eieech wa not conoluded when the Senate adjourned. Housh The Committee on Com merce reported a substitute for the bill lor the improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi, which was ordered printed and recommitted. The Jndioiary uomnmiee was di rected to inquire into the discrimina tions in favor of the New York Asso ciated press against American Asso ciated Press, and roport by bill or other wiae,. . , 4 The bdl providing for the redemp tion of the oveidue United states bonds, known as the 'lYxaa Indemnity bonds, was passed. The Ilou-eltien proceeded with the District of Colum bia. The bill for the improvement of the month of the Musissippi river was made the special order for "Thursday-," to tlio exoloaioa of ail other business, LlTtST FROM Tim Hl'AT.OF WAR. ITItn AIOTSISTS FALLING HACK. Faitli, Feb. I.V-X0V1 A Oarlist 1 1. It urnni til: t MhhIiioh ha.- i-vp aixti frni the riut otfive Nurth aud ! i bk ck.idnl in I'enit'elBna. I All uiui,sters ixet pt L Lans, ot jr quet of ruaoMrthou, .. remain nutil t after i he crisis 00 tne cowHtituti.jtl i b 11 , : ' lhn$ is seriously ill. . . There is rticiii'g in the-pmlit'caT sitn'ion and iio ohm is v illlna; to m dertake Mia a-ne Cahi'H'-t. t.tKm, Feb. IT N'no Alfonso1 lis? mrivtul. Miirquis PeMidms, Miiiinter 6f Ituiitie, as Ambftsxa d ir t' Frsucw; tVnsovan del Cublulio S'.ictv 1 df h;m. Santankr, F h 15 - Noon Pa a ne f.H gene to Madrid; the police liinl to piuh et him troiu violenqe. and iiiMilt K"oii las d jiiirtnro. The Al-toD'-ists hnve f.tlU'ir bck.. The Civ Iik's )iMTt been rviufo.ro.1. It'lboa is threatened Mob n ix, Feb 15 N-g!-t -T.ster ad- Viei S elowilll'.t -ttlO tifll "til fi it Htrl 0' snfFetii.'g from want, of (nod or.ter, Hiid n.i Ion? ns th. uie rT.min flrratj'e orews enu ni'ike llieir WHY tn land. I HE INTENSE COLD WE.VmER SUFFEIUXG ON Tln BAY. I3oston. Fb 15 NoonYesterd y WIIH ti n Cold'.Kt dn'v !f ljeMHM.p Mry haibois along thu. coast e fi' zeu. ' . '-, A levFiiho cutter, jnt returned fx m Provit.eetov u, wh"ie si'"' In- bun le-hHipj; tl.'rty, iivlioims! vcj-.vIs, liril gs f tit lut-n f" m the stimuli d lrommel, bouiid from Florida to R'W toti. The ruen urn frut-ted,- r.v.d t),t atnpuUtiwii of their hunds and fie wilt p'ubiihly be ne.i-fjiiy,.' Tl e were Wit uilnl . ' ch'S, one dyi. I I pmt rcticlii'',"'0 "horo and tlie iln i in tlipjiiriiiiig of the ecboom-r. ''1U- ,ii!i"r,tf.o1'n!irig up.retnrned to the cersa of disaster. Many 4 the ice hi nnd ve-M'ls urn out of provlNions lit e vet Gi n. G10. M Macy d ed jt Bi.wtori, ou Snnd.iy,' from a wmrid received from tits owu pistol, which was dr h'V'g1 d by jiis f;i!lmg. It was a small pistol curried in the breast pocket, '. - JXKirriticis. '. liiintennut G-o. (, Kmith, of the 23il Iiifauiry, hss ('o'uiiiiil.Ud suicide at Cheyenne. , At a 'meeting of the weavers, at Fall River, it was resolved, to exclude r (.orttrs letters' frcm (iMier p!nf(H bung reail, aud uriug firmness Mid pledging aid, A . resolution of ndher e'lca to the strike- wan uumiimously adopted. , , ; At Cipcinnatii whisky is foverisii, and . the distilleries tcdve, producing 4D,0Hi nilioii uaily, to bent the prob able tax. During the week .3oG,blO gallons were titken hnt of bond, Upon which 8-W,fi77 tux w, ji-id. There has been an emeute smotig the Chinese prii-ouers iu juil at buif;ii pore, in which sixty-Sfven were lyriied and iiijured, including sixteen -'wardens.' ' 1 . ' . ' ' Tiie Cubau rewdi-Lls at Nvw York hud a uuiBS iiieetieg ou Suturdit). Jiiso Horsuus Juhcqiuu pi-sid"d. Tie) object of IIih nu etiiig is to consider the beat method of assisting their 'brethren in the held. Victor Place, Freuuh Consul at New York, during the Franco-t'rnsaiau war, died receutly in France. A firo at Darien, Geor? in, destroyed a number of stores anii the Gur.ette printing office. Loss 6100,000. In surance SK'.tKK). Ibis is the third flro within six months. It is BiippoBs d to be Mm noik ot negro lncenaiaries. At New Orleans, on Sunday night, H?nry Duchnr, colored, who was ro tuia ng from church, was assailed by a party of drnkeu soldiers who drove him home where lis had a snot gnu, with winch he killed Warren Hicks Co. 1). 3d infantry, The menu Civil Hights Ue.olntion, The following proceedings are re ported by the Raleigh Xcws upon the Glenn Civil Flights Resolutions, which were the special order oa Friday: - Mr. Glenn took the floor, and said that he arose for the double purpose, of supporting the resolutions, and also making a niotiou for postponement, haviug been earueitly. requested by warm personal friendHif the Republi can party to do so, He did not wish auy one to think that on making this motion he intended to dodge, or iu any way evade the question. He said, at the time ho introduced these reso tious lie bad 110 thimglitof the commo tion they would create, and regretted that such was the case, but neverthe less he stood on fhe very sume ground that he took then, and would not re tract one word or .sentiment uttered then. He had beeh abused and villitied by friend", and the Kepub ioau press of the country, t t a part of it.liad sef n fit to hi Bp on ; h;m vituperation a: d abuse, and though . his .feelings have been wrought ou to some extent, J' t he cared nothing for it. lie was BeLt lirre by the good and honest people i.f Yadkin county, a eonstilu' ncy that would reflect honor upon any muu. To tbut constituency bo had made sol ran pledges, and iu the course I e had pursued he only carried out those pledge, &o. He closed his remarks by making the motion to postpone till Thiir-dv next : Mr. Foote said : ; I favor the postponement of the re solution to a cerUiu day, iu order that members taut have mature dtdibera I tiou ou the most momeutoua questions ! ever uetore tins itouso, i Sir, hen I look over,this hallsnd se the crowd of anxious faces, both 1 in the galleries and in the lobbies, I feel the magnitude of its Importance. There never has been a subject pre sented to the consideration of the peo ple of North Carolina of more vital interest than this. I have no disiofii tnn to delay action on my own ac count, i ne lHwition I nave taken on this floor heretofore, I still adhere to in regard to this vital question. The newspapers may criticise my action, aud 1 may be condemned by some aud my motive impugned, but that does not deter me from doing what I be live to lie right as an bumble member of this body. - My course here, which has been the cause of such extended notoriety re-, cently, is not inoctnsislent' with the position which both my noble col league (Cok Duls) and myself occupied before our constituents in the last campaign. The subject was then daily discussed before, them. I retract ntLiug I said then, I have no regrets dow for my action upon the Civil Rights bill iu Congress, but remain steadfast and Qmoveable iu those principle which I believe dear to the hearts of all true North Carolinians; bvlio . ing the passage of that odious measure will only degrade and lower us in the fcale of human society. If the Senate fusiei.s that law npon us, I would not be true to my constituents to affiliate longer with the psrty that does it at.d thry will snstaiu me in myeour. Rnt in order that there may be a full and nntrammelled ex pucnon by the members, and the House seems to be srowded with other business to-day, I think the postpono riient ttskrd for by the geutleman from Yadkin (Mr. Gleun), is propsr, and I hope will meet with no objection mliHttvt r, out of courtesy to him and iho .e who wish for more time for re- fWl on ' As to myself, my course is plainly mutk, Umt in the remarks which I niHtht the other dsy, Mr. tsucker, I think a rastter' of such rust magnitude as this, should unite us all in one solid phalanx both f'vr the good and hsrmony of this great nation, - Wiih these remaiBB, I. call for the question." At the conemston of Mr Foote s riMUHiha, Mr. Walker, of Richmond, .a d: . ' Mr. Sneuker.I will cheerfully con- cn!e to the gentleman from Yadkin ail that he can demand.. There is no uvhtnvm in thm Hiill whittevrr be a is political Aiolations, for whom I feel a higher personal regard than my honored friend Irom Xadkin. 1 uavo risen, Jur. Bpeaker, not to op pose his wishes, but to comment unon 0110 expression which fell from his lips dui iDK the course of his remarks. He says that his position may resnlt in his political ruin, as a born ten of North Carolina, and with a heart swelling with the generous impulses which eharacleriBe her people,, I will tell the gentleman that no man who follows the lead of his conscience, and obeys the commauds of his judgment, ud especially one who stands fa' vin dication of theBupreniaoy of the Anglo, Saxon race', can ever fail to command the affections and the support of every true North Carolinian who isnot tram meled by passion or prejudice. I have said all, and even more than I intend ed to esy, bnt , I do einoerely hope that the motiorrf my friend will be adopted without a dissenting voioe. The motion to postpone prevailed. DIED. On Mwdnf Btglrt,' the IMh lint.. KOntK RANHHWr, son 01 nth Mild id Hoult )rnl,l, sgMl yinr, I milnti snrt 19 liny.. 1 lie reUtiTen, fi ihdiIn ond .i-quniiitMuV. of Mr nl Wr kinnil .Inruhl n In.ltwl to iit.rnittTi lunfrsl t 3 o'clock, this afUirnoon, iioiii t.litr ronlduiice on Heoond, urarcburcli UttlDt SPECIAL. Tbs bt ft itri'iwua men tn town art w.nring Warwick (hilars. They iaj thor. U nothlii eke vhm tor ounrnrt,. W o.Il tbe ttfintlon of our rcsdera to tbs adf ert'snment of tile Txm Gift Concoct Ack olatlou, la ano')er coluua. The ANoolstloa bin b.aii siPfUnf with abitriiliet inccew and rai.r. to U cttii-V" f Denlion end Kertn.nl Texu. We recommend tboie of onr render who r cslra pwebseing Tickets to do so tt once to to etsnd an efln.l ehanos of drawing the OSplUl priiS. The ats Of Fwli Ibrcugh which the bumsn noioa lr.or.i (hooid nerer beooroe rBSfyJCnJteeftMn tsth fcr.T.f frew tfntn blemlah, to render thftlr ilecy InpoiiiibU, It it only neotswry to twe Fragrant BOZODONT, It ts sntlmptlc enit Vnpif ms'y wboleeome. The jinblle are hereby awured; tbronb the column of the Jopssnt, iht Prn.' hnrft tivo nils contitu tio liijurioiui principle, but tlil tticy in.T be )lmli)lred te ebndren and tb maet w.k una fluft'ortvl cotihttt utlotie In tusll dorii, with great certsiuty of lacoew. Dr. A .rrhnon,eri of the tnot toeneafal prciltionevoi"bi" rtm, Inreiitert what le now cllii .lohijion'e AiiuSyne Liniment 1 h kipi eiicccH of til. urtluln ig the onr' or Mroschitln .ml !l dl't)1"' of thrust iid Iours will nmks Die n.me of .foknon not Iff furur hMt. if lone widely known, than that of InI Napoleon. , , , 'niiunipt Ivrs, Take Notice, Evary mumtnt of delay makea yonr eure more hoiwMi M, erd much deperdt ou thejn. itclout bhidre of a, reBwdy. ; The smonntof testimony In f aver of Dr. Pebevck't Pulmonic Hvrup. a. a curs for eontumptlun, far exceed all thiit can be broaght to inpport tbe preten. tlou.of any other mediolne. See ur Bebenck't Almrinno, containing the derl Ificatet of many rer-oiis ot tbe hlhcut re.peotablltiy, who hate been rmtored to health, after being pronoun, red Incurable by phttcHnS of acknowledged aMllty. Bchenck'l PnlnionlnByrnp alon- haa cured many, at tbsee Stfdencet will .how; bnt the care u orten prottioted by tbe employment ot two other rtmedlei which Dr. Bcht uok pro rifUe tot the pnrpoee. 'these additional re me dice are Soheiiek'e Hen Weed Tonlo and fyau ilraie Pipe. Ky tbe timely nie of these modl-oln-t according to direction., Dr. Bcbenck ceriitie. that mnirt any case of (Xin.nmpllon way tn a red " , Ir. Kcbenak ts prCeMtonally at bit prlneU t.l Offlne, w rnM S bub Sad Arch itreett, piilIadHlphla.eTeVMotid'y, where all 1. ttem f r dvlc mti.l be a.Mrwai'ri. fc4A.WWWWt"-" -" " Moid i oiaiot's, Ow t.ANBiO from Schooner MaryB. oee.ee, ., 300 Bbl. Ftra F k Fyea. 300 B t . Kx'rt Bany Bote, Ke.t M its 'S-d BUiek U new btrrsli. ' For salt by Kturnun cm.w j. nn Mil HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. FRANK AiCO'S JaiBieBialed Kane) Pkearkaie, -tfr TOia OFTHB AROVR WKLt, known and .elo.bl" reril r ur Ml tor rvb or en crop time eettetartorj ccuiiiy. uti.r.l ai u on lot. O.Q. PARSLEY CO. rb u tf Doykln, Carmcr Co., Wholeanle Druggletfi 4 " BALTIMORE, MD. tneeeaeer t Wed. BojUs A 00. QT1LL M AM'FACtl'BK and tell Urge VJ quMtitit. of tncir otanaeia rioprieiat) ktMtminre, Hick e -K mybody-e Vegetable' Carthartle Plite." Ur. A iwUilugtou liboltta and UUurbote m.qicin." lr. "BoTkln-e Wotm Killer." Ur. H;kin'o nnsn Syrap." tr. "Bo.kia'o l.lor Tunic," er 'Oompound F.itrect of Mitndtske." B.l.d'ii Heree and Cettl fowilne." 'Hird' Worm Oiml.cttoii. " wtai ger Bluer. nl SrhKepte." All tbe ebo.ii iruul. re tut bceontri inil- arl. and Are kept CKuei ally by diugsiiMe and country nit rr bin tt, futt le-A'VIjb Wilmington Lodge No. 31U. H.tuier mrettnc this P. M (Tneedty isih) at. Tt, o'lock. eu.nicn ot IniiiorUncA-wlll pome hciite the meeting. rty er er w. at , FRhSTON CFMMINO, V , Beciettiy, fob IS t It Valuable Real Estate FOR 8ALC. We offer fur Hie on accommoil.lliig term, that THREE STORY BRICK BUILDING, with art e, aitnsted nimn oulh tide of Market, between "'Oi.i ami nrcoml recta, t mSracitiii uiou the ilrat f,mr tb) two laie rowmndlun- l.-rf., iic. ui If.l by 0, jt, I lice, .n , ami Mria Miner Brut , ami al or. 1$ loutnr (Wi h Sia, waWtat d all mmleru ini; rovmnt) M rt. fe, J'li'.katt. a. a ho.rd.ng Unu. 1 h wnoie yMdmg In Uuee tlfpipfM-ii (lint-, a rental of tUlrU-vn bundtea and fifty doll.n (B.IM) Ibu loth.i a front or (St) thirty fnur feit Un Ma'krtHrcei, rnunlnn tuulli ll'i I act ti. beUmcoa-taili v, with a tut In the alls, a,!- J'llnUii 841S In rear ol Biore Decupled. b income (iihcrt anil nawir, upu wiuo.li tocto 1 a 10 SUirj hrli k t uiuilng uwhI at a Btaery. for a full d.tvrlution, eamtustlnn and teruia, at'P'y to LitujiLi (U'iikii, Anctlnnetna. Ecal Krtate and etix k UrokHtt, fk II 40- it A VICTORY ! Our Childreil'fl Toes. w B HAVE At LAST BUCOEEDBI) IN : getting . CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, Hi at are One and drottr, with iiebnw or til.et tip., act are more iliioOil" than the rartnltc tip. 1 b-y art known U) wi-ar cbllilreu luur and Are utoinli. Willi lit break in tli. m . I'areiittWill do e)l to tiy tbtm. Lal and aeetucm. AT EVANS oV VoiidLAHN'S, Hoot and shoe Rture, fell IS 40 The Usury Bill. All tbone In lamr of the 1'huit Bill, now cenilint in tbe l.celltnrn. we luilted to t- iorjdaMi Mettina at. Biooklyn Hall, line ne. ibk, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose oi niera oriallalug the Lrgulature te p.a the time. MAttV CITIZENS feb IS etf lf Grand Annivetsary BALL, HOWARD RELIEF FIRE ENGINE co: NO. 1, -A.t the City Hall, Thursday Evening, Feb, 18Lh, 1875. Committee of Arrangainenta! .IAMBI M Annus, A. APBIAB, Joss Msrsa, W. II, STaarsa, Fnsn MtBTtss. Jous 0. OtuasicTTiL, Ticket, may be k d upon application to tuner oi we uoffimiuoe. ' leblS 40 It NOTICE, Amtatlng'ef the Tlrrt Ward Demoers'lr. uorterrative tiampaign viab win be bold Wednetaay Dlgbt n.n, ats o'clock - -A matter, ot treat Importance will be con' Mered, a full atiendaucs of all UonaervatlTe rotert la the Ward it earneetly requested. By older of the Prealdent, W. A. WltXlAMS, Secretary, feb It 40-St LJC ran d R a I ly. The I)t mocratlo-ConterTailT totcrt of the flrit and ascond pre.-tni t. or the Third Waid will meet to-nt((ht at Biooklyn Hall, at T o'clock, tharp, tor organiaaiion for the cam paign. All votets are argentlj rcqneeted to alt ad. By order of the COMMITTFZ. feb It ' ' 40 It Christian Reld'a . . LATEST - NOVEL, . Hearts and Hands, A Story in Sixteen Chapters, Bt Chxmtiaw Bkid. Author of "A Daughter of Bohemia,'1 "Mo (on H.nee," "Valerie Aylmer," (tc... etc, SO Cents. Jutt receWeU by ftxpren. For sals at HEiri3BERCER'S Lire Book and Mnnlc Store, f-b l 4i BALANCE stuck or Gents' Furnishing Goods, HAT8, CAPS, Ac, Selling: Very Low, MUflSON & CO., OITT CXOTHIEKB. feb '4 It Hardware 1 Wall., Fo Wa, Ofttton Oard, CefTes Mltl, rn'iy I'ombt, Slnt, ('.pa, HdW'tir rnxith Fil e. Poi kei tl y H.ir.. I ocka. rllngx., Scrw, As tt prices 'ht will ..lit the whnle lals tradf, can be found at the Old Ea abllebed Hardware House ot JOHN D4WRON. Ko,D, tadU MvW.t St. SEW ADVERTIIIMIITB. Notice. TTAVIfiO OUPtiNICD OF UUB Ann II XjL HemMwand Trunk BnwnoM. Mock, Uod will and Bnek Acroanta. in W II mlngUNi, N. tl., te ktnw. CartMBter A Mallard, we hereby tender ear thank, tu a gencraua pabilo for tbeur IISer.1 patroaage the lairt tea J tar., and aak a eonttRMne uf tke eame to onr Suo- oaMort. who ham beea eeeeptably In sat eav ploT for many tear, and are thoroughly poeted In tbe Saddle, haraeea and Truak Baalnaas la all It. brancbea M.Mra Carpeatar A Wallard will nettle all claim i eoatraotad avalcrt a. la Wllralngtoa, !. C , and ouUeot debM due as and rttselpt fur tse eaaia. J. B. TOP HAM 4k OU A. Cavraoalor. J It. HlaMUrw. Saddles, Harness, &c. H AVISO BOtTOHT THK ABV MKH ttard Hood, we off.r a tail itork of SADDLES, . HARNESS. TRUNKS, COLLARB, BRIDLES, And Alt Ktndeof SWDDLEI'Trr GOODS, very'Low prices .Mlll.k U lAMMaMMhlll.MM WT. reieoifuli enlli'tt plroiiare. iiari nitni itiai..,jan. eh J II luinao hk lo Electors! Notice Is hereby (riven that the Reg istration Books will be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. on MONDAY, the 15th instant, (to be kept open according to the requirements of the rroc&t Act passed by the Legislature mending the City Charter) at the following placet: i In tbe Flmt Ward, at the Knelne ITona. en Ann street, betwat n Krontand txioonit .irie far the Rcmin l Wanl, at th tlnti t Hon"" In Ue tlret prrotnet ot the I bird Ward . at I borti- t m e I art H"ii-1 In the iwcond pmrini l el the aaid ward, at WHmlnini atiia.lile Hil road utabii, eortirr id lad Oroea.nd Snrtnl"' .tiie"; Inthi-thirl precinct, ai the num. re A ti uii nwvtf Mill i..i rvi" f anti iu iiiv iuiiimi prrolnct al Al lium How', .hop Quetiri ueol, between l uirc ami Konrtn .tr.fi. W J' H,'ha M, I SHE W, KINO, 0. A W1HU1S.B, 1. JV Tl'. JF.H-K.I. HEDGES, . F. II. DA BUT, . liraulrtft't, tv it '": ' ' ':" :. suit BLANK BOOKS, ENVF.LOPEH, PAPERS OF ALL KINDS. Pact, Ink, Penholders, Mucllajn, Ink Rtandr, Paper Wl.hl., f so Kaok., spongs Cu, Dampermg t'0(, Copying hiu.tte, I.ettvr Unoki, Blittuig Paper, I en ter Prtte, I.-d I'cnclU. Kla.tlo Batida, Htnel ' and hnl b.r, Ink and Pencil Krai ere, . 4ko., aVo.v die. -ALHO- Bheet Muile and M oelcal Isitramenta, For tale at CON OLE Y A YATES' City Book I Store. rcti i I Executor's Sale. Valuable Sound Plantation at Auction. o THCRSDAV . Ptbraerv lth.187S, at 11 O'olni A. M., I will sell at Knhangn t'nrnrr, tor the nurpoeeof dl.l.lun and urtikimetitol theK.t.i.or Jam.. Slokley, rjeoaaed, all of inaiT.inaoie rianiauon, wnn ail improre merit. thereon, fronting miles ain the nouna, nan ny tne lanne tormeriy oooupiea n Dr. A. F Ntwklrk. north b. ihe laade of W. A. Wright, ilamee Orant and other., weet by Mott't Oreek, and whloh tcparatet It from nngunTiiie, , Containing 1 , 1 05 Acres. JOS ' f whh b are clearrd and under fence. Klgtit to tea ebelet tttei for Bummer rett denctt. lit) Aoiet of Pine, Whit Oak, Ao. TERMS One-third ca.b, balanoe tn 1 am" ' yeaxt, wiint per cent inter en. ti. W. OliOH AM , Bxseator. OKONLT MOBEI8, Anctloneere, -: - ; fsd Katataawd Btock Broker. rno it yw.li.t,lis R K AND WHITi, OHIUN BITN. For tale by .. UKEKII A FiiANKEB. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! Kew Crop ISTS, grown bj I.aridieth A Bnltt, For tale by UKEKN A FLAKNFR, Drngglata. feb 11- " ts At Manufocturer's.Priceti! We will eloeeoal oar 1KTIRB BTOUK ; ' i-or",-'-'-;-' BOOTS AND SHOES AT PJIintE COST I Manufacturer's Prices! 4 V FOR CASH! v FOH CASH I Onr awtmiit I. well teleotrd, eonprltlng tti - beet got dt of tbs beat faotoiletln lb. country- Lad In' Voits and Shoes I Oentlemen't Boots and Rboei I - Chlldren'i Shoe. I Infanta Short t All AT COST FOR CA1H. DUDLEY at ELLIS, elgn oi th Big Boot, Nr,41 Massar Htkiit, febt . Iltr Butter and Cheese Tub. and Flrkinl Batter, 100BoiMUbm larnl. ht KKRUHHTPR A OALVBR PROS. Tobcco, Tobuceo, Tobacco. 2jQ Boi.t Chewlrg Tobacoo. For sale by a 14 aajiucussa a trnjuuMia tain. JEW ABVS&TISZimTS. BRQWN & RODDICK OPFER Special Inducements '-V1 '.:-;.-..; ., :-': ; :- HAMBURG ED0ING8 ')T his All Cottons aro Advancing. In view of this we have made very Iioatt tmrohaaes lately, and are' now prepared to give our Tatront the advantage for a short UmrriOwould ad. vise til who are in want of snoh to make their pmohasei AT ONCE. Cloaring .Out The balanoe of all our Flannels at prices xLt' approbation A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worthSI Soiling for 00. Cents Per Pair. STRICTLY CASH ONE PRICE-NO SAMP ES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street FIOS I FIRS ! Fins ! WATER ! WATER ! WATER t TUE ENURE STOCK OF GOODS OF lili. FRANk & BR., (V.nsihlinff of DRV (00m. CLOTHING. 8ITOFA IIATH. CROCKERY.' CHINA and OLAHS WAKE, damaged lulu at the HtOre lately occupied by (). Notice ia hereby given that the above M. febt At $W1.00 per Ton, Cash, orCO.OO, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 par Ton, Cash, or $38.0 WH OtJAEAJITXt that the pretiout BlgbQr R. R. HHtnor.RS, PrMrtdeat D. MpHAE, Trsasartr, O. L ttHAFFUN, SopetlnUtident, jan I. . t i . - , , ; SOLUBLE PACIFIC U0 CO.; CAPITAL 11,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIG DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE rACIFIO GUANO for tale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merobanta and other reliable parties to tell thia Oaano at onr Warehoun prioea. . We n.MclUllY & CO., Coram tart a Msrekanti, AgenlefOT rsoiflsOusao Uo.,aadlsaiersio No. l Feruvlan Oeane, v ' North Watbb Stbekt, - wicaiNajTONn.;. Snb'i gents for the .JSalc.bf SolnMe PaciHc Gnano. r. H. niHftOrV.. C. 4JKAMAH1..... Jan II IBSfiKR Hoes ! Hoes ! gOOVIL, UNtl, EI-WKtiL'B WEKDIN and Hilling and Anlhnan't Hoe , at low prlos l at tba Mew Hardware Store. 0ILE1 A MCR0HI6OK. MKoflb Front St. febT Beets, Parsnips, gWKKT CIDER, ' Jatt arrived and for tale at .'' O.H.W.BUHOB', N. E. Oorner of Market and Second Alt. fsbT It-" LAST C Only a Few More Over coats Lrft. Closing oat balanoe of Stook at len than H' i ," TorkOutt... ., . tsr Oall esrly and reeslrs Bsrgalne. DAVID 4 WEIL.' feb H . ...V ' 8 A Diitiiler Wanted. MAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO UAN make Wblts Renin, and bring srtietaetory references; ) go to Mobile, Ala. Apply to teklt Mef ICE AND JHSERTIOIIS "Week. that CANNOT FAIL tb meet iht ot. ail. , ? ... 00, by th late. Fire, are removed and for 11. V. Runge, No, ti.') Uarket street stock must be lold without uolay. FRANK & BRO., , 63 Market Street VE OFFER OUR STANDARD FEKTILIZEES For the Beason ojf 1875, delivored on tbe Cars, at Oat , lfeotoryal the fallowing REDUCED PltlCES t SOLUBLE NAVA88A GUANO payable 1st of November, next; - i payable 1st of November next, da of our fertilisers thall bs folly MAIlTAiltia NAVA8SA GUANO COMPANY WILNIINQ I ON, II. , . eodtAw4at. .Old Hundred, If. 0. ' ,,,.ktarlon,a.U. 2I-3inddkw rJ5 Ghildren's : " Pebble and Kid Shoes Wr""S B istntlA J'oefc Children's Seamiest Bkoes. a A. PRICE'S, - . U Market MWMt IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. die. All above lor sale at Book Bottom Prices, at tbe - New Hardware Stwro of fllLKS UUKOdWON Ian tt M Mwtk Front Btreet VALUABLE EE AL ESTATE AT AUCTION. (i'TsrrRiir. rebruar ittb. 1R7S. mnniil g at II o'olock A- kl., will eeUat asebatige Corner, ' ' ' That .alnabls LOT, 49 1 ISA, iftneted npon ihenor h rt ie of Priaoea, between eeTentb and eighth ttreets. "Thtdf'r.b'HTJSE ArD LOT, tl S 101 tet. upon tbo north Mile of Rrnmwir.k, be tween Second and Third ttToeta 4 lejumav . - rbatdertrahla HOnSR AMD I trT. M t T i'eet, niHiu Mxtb, .tr-tt, b.tween Harntii and . nwana ttreete, eonialttng 0 rooms. - , ThttalnabieLOT,MlS ftst, with two-. ntnry Dwllinf la-'reon. foatanuog leoaaa, . kitchen, i' nn b a-tsl mo: Fouitb (treat, . Mound ot aohth ol Mia etreett - ft-" r i HOTJSK.eoti'bof and sdjulntng above, oo -tati.ingtroomt.n s ISJ tei. Hi TJ-'K.oonfaUlng 4 to-'ais, soolh of djnlnliig above, It a Ho ffu TarrataeeotninodtlPgaad made knewaat 'llS. ..v... v A. yntilttl i;ivtri.i w iw-.t,..-. An.tegr, Real IMaS anrt I sttwk a.k 11 7 OKA KEGS PAILS, Hett Braatln Wt i)Xj Plot, S Tout (ladings. I Tons Plow steeit, all elaee; ITon.Sw.edeelren.aeeorteds SO Coilt. Cotton hods. 100 Dot. Cow B.lla. ak..