M law. rtl Vol 1! La - r f ! ..Aii vv 7 VOL XHV. NO. 41. WILMINGTON, H. C, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1875. WHOLE NO. G.C05. . . T - 1 - : , 1 1 . I , r J H Li fli? j0:uln :?lnnnr;il; WTLM1NOTON. N. 0.; WEDNESDAY. FEB, 17-1875. BY TELEGRAPH. RALEIGH. THE USURY BILL STILL UNDER FIRE. , THE MEASURE THOUGHT TO BE WEAKENING. DEFEAT OF THE PROPOSED COUNTY OF CDHARA. NEW , , spenAi. to joctucauJ Ralkior, Febrnury 16. Mi". Mebane'a amendment to pout pone the operation of Usury bill to Much lat, 1876, waa tiird-r considera tion daring the day, bnt the merits of the bill were disciussed. ' Me's'sra. McRae, Finger, Walker aud Oaknui! h . .poke against the bill, and Mr. Dortcb spoke in favor of it The Houae ia in Beasion touigt t ' but no vote baa been reached. The probabilities of the passage of ti e bill re not so positive,and the friend of the bill are u6tto oonQdont of itn sucoesB. There is a strong probability of an extension of timo. Th'g6(5imt(r-f(jsij3y defeated the proposition to establish the uaw eoun- . . . r . . e 1 iontWayne aui Jobunton counties. BALTIMORE. MORE TROUBLE WITH THE COLORED CAPET BAKER. A LITTLE WAR BETWEEN OAR , RETT AND SCOTT. New York, Fob. 16 Noon A dh patch from Baltimore any : Some more midshipmen of the Naval Acade my, are jsettiug into trouble over the colored cadet, Baker. On Tuenday ot Ut wwk ha qnnrrnled with oaw or bia classmates ana was snowoaiioj. He cursed them liberally, -and next day midshipmen Hood, of Alabama, aud S)ton, of Bouth. C troliua, cam aoross Baker in an obacuro part of the Aoademio grounds aud .notwith standing his apologies, gave hiiii a tor rible beating. An' investigation is to be made. In the meRulinie two p t- .The '.authorities have made tnwl to keep the matter quiet, mid it otih became known through the talking 1'f " some of the midshipmen outoide of the academy. " BaiTiMjnB, Feb. 16 Night The correspondence betweeu 1'tesidtiit Garrett and Col. Scott has resulted iu a, renewal of ' bostilitie's. The Penn sylvania Railroad has taken steps tu shut ott the Baltimore and Ohio Road from the freight aud passenger trullic , north of Philadelphiaovtr their Jersey lines. This means war to the bitler eud. The quarrel involves the freight and passeuKcr trafllo North aud Wt wt, and indirectly South. UOTIIAM. AFP0INTMENT3 OP' ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBH0P3. ' THE ICE BLOCKADE. . , Ninv Tobc, Feb. 16 Noon A ca ble difpateh to the Freom'tn's Jounmt Aononuess that James A. lLja!y made Cat hoi ;0 Bishop of Portland, Maine: Thos. Ualborrr the Augustine Bishop of Hartford, Kaiu of, Il irper'w rcrrT 'rTI:ittlT"v'1, wV-a"tiT-Ji:',.mlr, lhaver. BishoD of Gren B.iv: Hurley, r Bishop of the Seecreatod, for Peoria; i John Ire an I. Vicar Auost l'o, for Ne braska: Seideubush, -the Ba'iedictino Vicar Apotolio for p.trt of Minnesota. Also that paper says that Boston, Philade phiti, Mtlwaukoe aud Sat Fo ! are to be Arch Epiioopal bees. , Xhe loe in Long- Island Sound Compels Teasels to take the outside route. By the breaking of ioin the Lower By many vessels were dragged to wa, - - - CARLISTS FIRING ON A CABLE STEAMER. . ELECTION EXCITEMENTS IN ' ENGLAND. . Madbid, Feb. 10 Noon The Car fists on the' northern coast have Bjain fired on a cable steamer. , The headquarters of General Marl ones have been establish d near Puen ta la Reina in the province of Navarre, Laserna fa the Chief of Alfonso's Military Cabinet Valmaseda dd not pail for Cuba yesterday, but will at un early day. London, Feb. 16 Noon -Thesteam-er George Baiters, from Portheawl for Gibraltar, is supposed to be lost with twnty-one on board. ; Tbe election for a member of Par liament is in progress to-dav at Stake, npon the Trent. Three candidstes ure in the fli'ld, inolndiug Dr. Eenealy and a member of tbe i'ichhorne fam ilr. There is creat eioiU'ineut in town nd a riot ia apprehended. An elec tion ia also being held in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, to fill va oanoy. John Mitchell, the candidate of the Irish Nationalists, will be eleo Mi witnoot opposition. llEAlMJUAUTIUIS. 'THE II 4 EE AS' COIUTS I AiODIFlKD. TUURIYEU AND H.YP.HOU LILL ! - REPORTED. TWENTY-TnilFX MII.UOXo 10 M CIVIL bEUVICli WAsu:NiT;N, I'b. ICeNoon Srn- ats .1 faige uuai!erot ietmfn trora Uriik'gijita .-rt jreseu!. d .or I tie re t! nl f that portion of li.e interim! I'revenue law known us sVl.edule C. Re ! forrod'to the Comiuiitea on Finanoo 1Ioc-k Tin' h 11 Soc the pa meijt nt O.Uiiua allowed by tiietHfiitltt rnCUiiifn CVuiwiyutiu was repirtud anil . ou i poiut of or.lt r reU'Utd to t!ie Cum uiittv. '"f the Wtio!o. . - The H')Uke rt f ue.l to g ) iuto ti t 'Committee of tiie WunK oa tha tariiT, bid by a vote of CO 'o M. AsnixoTOtf. r 1 1). it Mff'.t it is nnders'tooil timt the "ch'IPuh t'ommit- teo hiive uioditi & tho tuil giving the Preiidmt the iiaiit to tuisnoiiil tl.m ha' i'dB jriUii in oi rtin sectioua. The IJrw.deiit euiis. nl, and it is thought that, m tliia I'h.'ipe it v ill push. The (JkIiiik t aujoiiuid far.y to altotid Hooper a fuulral. Cul t. Norteu liHt been ordered t:t eommi.ud the Sha1uut at -Ni wOr loans, Skxatb Thfl lloiie bounty bill v.-rs read twice and n f i ri d to tho C tn-r tuUtee tu M litsiy AC'jiih. Tho Judiciary UowuiiiU e reported adversely on tlio 'bill ti u-Jjui-t cu.,ir-, ftn-M ud alloauo.jd u tin) ii(ieibl Courts. . ,.,.' ' .Mr. Surirant resum.d, but w in', torrnpte.l by the fnncitd, for wUwb the S.-u:ite took a rcceiw and then ad journed. - ' Hocsg The Post Roriftf.Bill.av.cl the bill for tlm- 'icorguniztiou of, ihe and the River aud Harbor' Appropria tion l$:ll was. rejMirtul from the Com iiitttoi) ou Commerce' and referred, to the Comoiitt'eq ou Appropriation. Tiip tinnrtry Civil- Api'-roj. nation Dill was bIso reported-and nude the speoisl-older - for .to-niorryw, -It up piopriatos ovpr twetity-thre.e tuilliontt. Ttie bill pioixming to amend tho Conititutiou iu respi ct to tho election of Prohiueut. ami Vice-Presidt nt wa reported from the Couiuiitteo ou Elec tions and was under discussion, wneu it wtiH interrupt, d by the funvial oe e monies of the lute ierewentative Hoopi r, of Muss. Tue Buiate, Supreme .Court, Presd di'tit ainrthe Cabinet . ssiihted at the cvrctuouies, after which the body wus tiikcu to .0k Hilt Cemetery at OeorctoMrn, and the .Houh then ad journed. " - - Too Kiver and Ilirbor bill waa re potted o the UoiiMU snd referred, to the Committee.- Tho appropriations give iMobile bnrbor SJ'i.dOtt; Cedar K--ys $l5,0i)t); Chariest wu $10. WW; Syauiiah S7(t,0iW; (laivebt-ou $iii,0()0; Mississippi, Mi.s'iuri sud Arkau sas - rivti tlbO,0(Kt; Mississippi be twe' n the ni'iu'h of tho O'liosud 1 1 n is SJUll,000; Ohio river &kKl,lW0; mi jTrvepieiit o'n the mouth of the-' dibs it.Hippi"t)(i,l)iM); Ji'M Di-n my soil (bit veston It iy- (SllWtM; Red KTver raft $20,000; Chattuhooehie and l'lmt rivers jiS.OOO; Aplnehioola 10,000;- ChoctowiMiliie tltt.OIH); ...Cape Fear river JlOO.OiiO; Jam' Rivet ?50,0()0; Channel of Oa'vertou Buy j?2"),000; :abiue P.iSBSO.tlitO; Warrior aud-Toni Uigbi-o rivers ?'Jj,0"0. - The Keeretiirv of War directed- to have the work done by contia :t io the lowest. biddor us fur as poNSibte, (UXMJCT1CUT. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONTEN TION IN SESSION. - THE OLD 'DOCTRINE OF STATE .RIGHTS BOLDLY PRO.- V . CLAIMED. IIartford. Febi. 16 Night In the Democratic State Convention, David A. Wells, the PrCsidant, iri his ad dress said that the -liVpnblican party hud failed to properly administer the Koveruroen't, iiud restore peace aud h '"'""? since the wsr. He therefore nriea a return i lieTatSofalib1 nrtreii a return i.) iomaoraiiu priuiu- plus, which, ho stated as opposition to Federal' interference, in the affairs of the States, that-, government boing the best which - governs best . tho equality pt nil men before' the ''law; a bj.-tt.ir curencyj bassd on hnrd m'iney, and taxation for revenue oniy. He thought" it i'mporttuit that the so principles shonld bo outried out. farther than in expressions and jdat iornis. He denounced the Federal interference' in Louisia ia, 'as d ictatod by a vagabond politie.id adventurer. Tho Convntion uuauiitously bomi uated tlie old ticket. ' - ; . ELECTItKJIS-US. ' A Northern lady, lately deccssed, left Muj. Tlioa. G. Jouea, of Mont gomery, Ala., a legacy of 0500 for the great service done the cause of peace and good will between tho North and Hyuth, b his Confederate Memotnal Oia;ion, delivered last May. The first annual meeting of the Augusta, Ga., jockey Club sitioe'the war, commenced yesterday; 1st rncrf, mile da"h, for 3 year olds, pnrse $100, won by Denver; time, 1:I9J; 2nd nice," two mile dasb, for 4 year olds purse 8300, won by Crowu Prince; time, 3:131. . - - ; ...' . Yestenlay, f wuile Mr. aurl itlrs. Mellot, of McConnellbburg, Pa., wre visiting, their bouse, with three child ren", tats bnmd tip. lhe ohildreu were Stocked in the none. TfNeill tt.s attention of our rca irra to th arlrert'M merit of tlie Tf fllft Cnncait An slaomi, Is ano bet tolumiv - 'i bo Aramiatluo bts Wn rawtlnf with ahuti lint runraiw and t'lrriftoaU ctos-tanf Drnl on and Northria Texan. W ntiimiuratl lluti of our render h etlre purcliamng Tt -keU In do .i at onoo, RoaatitandaBqual cbanooof drawing tb aapltal prta. "" ---- v j STATENEW3. HILL' The Ontral K.it.d, atChurliit, iw 'tobcM.U furth r cuhirged Jui im-. proveU. t'n'ou ooun'y, &)'ith Carina l'kv viited, by al.irjje mi:(r.ty,en) 'luudrinl ! aud fifty thouMiul dollar fur the p'r- j tauburg aud A't-k-uviil Railroad. -. I A new i on. I ZH0O IlS I ten nutfor- lira iti tne M.-irn Jiv.sion oi tne Cttrvh.'ia Central Railwsy, eveu nrilos iom .CliHrlottrt, to be culled Tm Creek," T. T. McC'old. I Vt master. The Shelhy Aurora' .ay: It is rrinuut-l tlint a ..wi lvwU'ily, on her return hom frora this place, whci slie had sold hr cot ton,' a fw days ajgr-vsiint uikI kicii a wiiiie null who hud blacked himself and stopped her iij tue roua fur the puepuso of torcmg ner to givf ovt r tier money. Wc hut id'i'ii.tiusbh4 "i gut her Hie luiui.ts aud canuot vi.ueh for tLti repot t. TI.e Ashevill.- Pioneer s.ivs : Thei ia a woman, in Cherokee count v' who is theuother of wte sons Three of them, clsun pnt. mity of t white man, three ot an Iuji.;i, and ti.ree of a ni gto. Seveu of tiu mile have, givju bond for th.'ir tppiirai)ee st the nt xt teriu f f);e l-Vdi-i h) ( !i!lirt to uiiKWer t'i thecharffAi.f tt.iU'inA of the" liternal lli ver.ue Iji.wh. ' The Rdville Ectrrnrino sa.s : Jidfft Middii'tQii, a prisoner, in the eouijty jail, wits found dead ou the moruniR of the Oih iot, .A coroner's jury whs Mimmoijfii nud an inqii.t lii'Ia sikI sfter tani imtion, iuti the f'ict-! sud oii'Ciimst.iucrs, front a view ot the CorpHo fuaad Unit taid dt ceased ws 'chihed U dotth rv the cold weathrr.' The Shelby Anrnrn says: Fire of tlio highway robbers, w-ao have be.'u iiifes'iiig pprtious of South a:id North Caidinu, were cnptnrud ncarSp'arlau burg, H. C..-onu day lant week. It sot-ms tnr.t inrc is it regular orein the A-thiiitio to the l'aciiio coast; nud (rout their mode of prinwditfo ouo Would think that th liotoiious John A. Mnrrell. had orue to hfc Boil be gun sucw his re'gu of terrjr." The Dnrham ''Tcibaceo rimitssv!: Last jear Mr. J. G. Luiihiurd, of I'tr hou county, piuuUd one Here of hud 1 U tobacco, tie oas. colli oiie:llnir of he tobacco re ihd on that acre upon i this mnrket for $l(!7 1!, siid tlmt sold will not compare -in quality to the two thirds now ou baud. If tnbucc j eoil- tfuui'S t t-ell at thv prVfteTit figili . he niy reahotiuiny cxjm ct to r.e.tnzj Jflll( from the ouo acre intobfteon.or'should ho sell the remaining two-thirds upon the same teriuf of th' one tliiid u'rendy ilipood of the amount would ln j."0l 48 This sts cotton or any oilier crop in this country. The Raleigh News soys;' We intch tiopnlfy 'ailed to notice tho perious illness of Mr. Menus, the" lirprei-eutfl-tive iu the Uottsb ' Jroin Cuburr'us, in our yesterday's ii-ne, fur fnr that his relatives would Income lymece-saiily alarmed. Sunday his condition was inch that his physicians thought it best , to tolgrapti at; once for his father, nui-rvt'ii his warmest friend ero denied ai!iniHnioii to hi room. Yesterday he was much improved, apd we arc g i ild to know thiitat thi) hotir of going to press-Ju. is still convalef cent. His dn-eawe is plurol puenmuuir. The Charlotte Democrat ' soys: A Very serious if not f vtal sn.ioting ulTair took place at Monroe on Friday last in the stors of Mr.Beri:-Heath. Mr. EUlrid Griffith (son of our conntyman, VVtn.;F. Gnffitti) was eng'ifl iu buy iug cotton at Monroe foriirpr & Ah x-' under of this city, and was .hot in the back by a man naimd Mprtv Mr, GritKth had b 'Ught four bales of cot ton from : Moore Mooro delivered three of the inferior hu'es and refused to deliver the fourth, which sue aidered the best. Words passed, and Moore drew a pistol and leveled it. at Griffith, when Mr. Heath juriipid be 1 ween the parti-a, nn I Mo. f i then reached around Heath and bhot Grif fith in the back ju,t uhove ths hips. Griffith than drew a smull pistol and shot Moore in tho thigh. Moore fin d again end harolv tailed Griffith's head. .-Moore then attempted to es cape, bnt was arrested. . We are pleased to learn that the latest reports irom Air. UnlliUi rrpre&eut him as doing w" The Atlanta Constitution of the J2tU inst., savs: Last even ng tX-Goveruor, Z 'B. Vauce. of Jsorth Carohua, de livered his lecture -upon- Demagogues at DeGive's Opo'ra iiythe. Ihe ieoJ tore wus giv'eu" by invitation of tho Young Mtu'-Library Association'. The Governor wus cted by a very o.impiinieiitafy audience, in which the Legislature and - Judiciary were weJl represented. A number of ladies wtre present; snd taken altogether hia au ditory quality- could not be i'mpioved njion in onr city. Ilia b'ubj.-ct.was "The Dcmngogfie," and he nppeased as the defender of this much sbiised individual. : Gov. Vance is odo of the most gifted humorists we hav ever hei r I, and kept his hnarera couvulst d in laughter. Often aud suddenly he would give ut teranct tb some beautiful parages of eloquence. Another churm of his lec ture was the number of anecdotes be had interwoven therein, each one cj which brought down the house. . The Governor raid' many good things which we have not the.K'paee to reproduce. The lecture was thorough ly enjoyed, and will not soon he for gotten Seed .'Potatoes, N' )W I ANRINC1 (torn bcb-Mincr Mary C. lleetca. soft tihi, rrtia pink ryf. . , 30U B . Kx rKiny Rimi. . Dct Mine a d Suckiu i ow birralt Foraalo by ' ' HtNFOVI), CKOW CO. f'' ' -' ' l i 11 0 1 MTf UP "T'T K.KSTTII at H,'l I if "1 the ihort.at notice and va lbs miatreaannatiete na tii . .mniiNAi. ora-trR' r t:oniM ('AHiiianitv isi rjfuu VY OAHPI avolty t tba jotfcSAL time a. 8PICIAL The i M ilr.'4 ntB la kws sr. VMiisf flrk C.illm Tbj my tfcr b satlilDg fc tbm for euinnrt. Th i.atra ! Prl, Ikrcagk vhlek tb human vuic l.wwt, rkna d Hitr -'Waa f u y. TdkMptli. tth fitf rrM Iron bltfnlnh.ttt rtmlt r thlrtcsjr lnpoibl, It I oil SerriutaU f Iti una Fr4art.st hOZflDtlhT I Xi ln(bf jUo smi tvpipBialj wboloMKt The pub!! sir br-bj tnrri. lbrofh Iba rviuni. oi ar Jin R L inl lrai fltll tlv.' 1 1 t i.'iiiain no li'Jurwii Hlnclpia, but thti ti i-y a it b Klniliill ra torbiidrrw n4 th Bnt nk Bud thatlDrnt ounatitatloo 1 aia.il auMi, w tb (rl rwtklut; of IDcccw. Or. A .'ihiiwn, om of tht mot tirrm(a r'tiiun At lo. tlnw, tnt.tril whit It Dow (nl'.f l .lohiMu'i Au4tk Llnlurnt lb grt.t hkivm or 'hit rilal la ihrrot hrtincMni nd all dUenwi of tbrt i.d lnn wi'i man mr name of jnn"on not im raver My. ii l4 vidrlT kuoD,thu tbt of Lp1 rlolon. riunmiiTri,Tki Fltlc. r.r.'rr moiof nt or iiriay mskea joor enr nor baiclrw, srd fflnrh depsnd os tbJ 1iciiutchrliuf a rmlT. Tk smoiiDtvC tot wour la fk.w ofDr. Hrhsark'i Palmoslc Sirup, na cor tor rondmgiiHoa, far atofad a)t that rau b bronht to raipot tb proton i'f in; other tootlotna. Sa Or.Scbanrk'a Airuantc, ouatainln( tba Mrt!aYato of sianj ti -om ot tba blghwt roapaotablltlj, who hats tern rwrt to haalth, aflrr blnj pronoun. ri.it loourahia bj pd)tfln of arknowltilarl a'.uliT. Sobfnck'a Palmnnlo Sjrop alon kaa rar4 rsanj, at thiw xilaoooa will ahsw; bit ite rnr Itofton romotut hj th anblojrernt ortwuolbw Mtn.lla wblrk I)r Rfhiinrk pro lUlrt for tb purpoM. Tktta additional rama ifu ra (rhsnrk'a Haa VeM Triiile and Man 'IraM rtl i. Hj tba llmal.t ni of tbrat si.ll- olnr. ai'ri)idln to dirort lont, Dr. Si hfook eertlflrt that iant any rnn of tVninmptIon m lie o re I Dr. Mrhpnrk ta prornlonall at bis prtnat. pal offlce, 0. rnrr Slx h and Arnh itraata, riillml.'li'bla, amy Moiirty, wbara all . ttcrt fir aft t Ira mum b addraaard. NRW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERAHOUSK MONDAl EVENING, Febrnary 22d. T0S DEMER'g PAKTOIlXE TKOU'E. ' . Prnwvritltif tbacorolral . HUMPTY DUMPTY ABROAD .,; And tba laiigl ahla ' 113 aPt lAl.TY AH-I IS1S, 0Miiititiiy aiiah, (iinltib. and I nti h oomis n'g', la yimlnj, ifmoa.tlra, tnstbl Kg, -I aa at fTtlddir d- bruin, aaiobata. skating ot, a pt'larUl, jua tt.g, lla dunk), prluiai :r g aiHoialf, binutilKl tro lo. Now scant-ry Rew Trtrka-Flew narartba.. . avTHE tjst'Ai. soa' K oc pwji gs Bi h rvml Sat lor fali at MHIiKlXH'a Huok sto-a ; . lipeu r 1 1 O'ClOi k ; romini-n'ft at I. - W. k. CoLKatN, ifit WMIKGTON BUIlDraGASSOCIATtOrJ rjlUB BKCiUtAU MONIHLTr Mealing' ol t:i. Wilmington llnltdlng AaKiflatlon alll b iiul at Hiii.rnirn Hall, (old l.lhiary hiomi) tlila (I Himirl i Tdili'g. at "If o'clock IIm.h wI b "reil during the day at (dv ( .. ilnano any In Mr bantii f i clmngi Bnilitlng. Wltkm (I. MacKtK, ' Sfcntary aud Trcaanrar W B A. fab 17 gilt Notice. Kaviin'q riaP'in: or ocrt .ado tr. Hinai,d Trunk Hn'lnnra itock.Oood i I ami Hook Aerotintt. In Wlintngtoii, N. 'I., to Mr.ar-. ta'p nUT A Ma lard, wa b'-rebr tamli-r mir thauka t a gonoraua pnbilo for 'In ir ll'.ernl patronage tlm latt ton y art. and auk k cmitltiiitiirt of ba ami tt our Snr ti'om, wlm hatfeen ao.ca, tbl In ear rn . l liiv for many t eara to I arr ttimoiinh y piiftad Intho "vt n, Hnnn w ant Trunk IlutlneHln all Ita braiirhi.4 ' . Mfin, tfiK-nter $ VA'laid wtlt (ettia all rialini conitacti-d a alnat a In Wllminion, N C, nut collect debt dua oi and raoalpt for mi) lam. ' J. 8. TOP U AM 40O. A. Carpenter. . Jf. H.lQallard Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVING BtnrOHT THE AHOVIt ME! n mil Oi ckIk, a- offor a full itook of SADDLES, ' . HARNESS. i TRUNKS, COLLAR'S. . BRIDLES, . nn- an itinator -SADDLERY GOODS, VERY LOW PRICE8 for rah or to pronpt payln(,btyra, W lioji 'v po'irtr, jtatrowair. , li-h 8 11 lanae A BAt'ing ef the First Ward Temoeratr t-iit '?rat.le ('Hiul'Klgn I ah will be bkl We lne iUy niUt next, at I o'clock A multi'm of irrrat lmiirttic will b ron aiilorert, a full atidnUnre of all OoiiMrvatlva TO'r In Ihn w'Aid ia earn, ttljr requaited, . , By order of 'hs Prfatdent, . W. A. WlLt.UMg,Befttal7. felt 14 ) a Christian Reid'o LATEST NOVEL, . . , i' 1 Hearts and flandi, A Story In Sixteen : Chapter, Bt Christian Retd. Author of OA Daughter of Bohemia," "Mor- toa iixitao," "Valeria Aylmar," etc., ate. 30 Ceiita Jrwt reoelred by Eipres. For sata at HEINSBERCER'S Ura 0ook and Matte Star. f.h 16 n SWEENY'S HOTEL, New YORK. On tho European plan. To raoet th dnwn tnwo riquir.niuU) canned by clolnf ibe Alitor House, tliliwell.known and ropn'ar Hotel la tlioroiitlily renovated, rlurntbd, anil la uli'an a new pin. Larilea, accoaipanlid by their h i'batida. o' proparW Inimluoed. wlf find huroe enmfmt and njilrt lydt' dining room on parlor floor. CCT TH 18 "DT . ft bit U-ltawlw Hardware Kallf, Po Ware, Cotton Card. IJoffee Villa, Cn-ry i omha, fht, Oap. Pow1r F-l lb HI a. I in km utl y Hai'ira, I ocka. BlnRea, scrwa, Ae at prhw 'bt will t ilt tha whole sale tradv, ean hfounil at tbe Old Kaiabllabad b aril War UuOMOt .. - i JOHW DWSOBT, fo.r3, W tod II Market 8. ftkle, ' . ' M HEW ACYIRTI8ZKXIT8. CITY TAX SALE. Cto.TiTOTaiiCollcctcF CITY OF WILMrNQTON, N. O., Febrnary ICth, 1875. IM AOOOBDAKC WITH BXlSTlWa tawa, I UI ofl-r far aalaal fCBLIU Al'G- liUN, larronl Mt liT rlall ht It alork, at., a Wta aday, March Wttrwia. tta lolll darf lb4 (Koi any, la aatlf tba tutT Tatar, wn a aapauara da tharava, aad ttaalnlug aa- ttaM rue u yeai ii. T. a BERVOSS, TratMarat and Vollaototk Xiaaj of & ,. Total appoaad Owaara. j to Tu las. - a - AdktBMin, SMtof IM Ml A on Harry. HraMa in K 4 1 balaar m t Harnaa, aradrto) II I S HaroM, Dan I r M A 4 1 00 Bollaar.Mra at K aatX A I II do Ttaataa SS .All do IM at I da 1 Mil do 11 Will MS M Hanatl. Joka k VI wo Hiakoa, Uwy I I W ft mi Hiaboa, Hnry at IM W I i Bootlnt, Loufaa lit Ml 100 COKa'aajOo, W H da kit pl da lT pttt So II pt 1 4 I di 14 riili do IM pll do iaj pti , do a"S Mill do HO Itlal "do II da m Mill 141 M Calalday Vrea, Aft M a I 1 It 44 so pil4SlrallwayClW Oapa rar Flbra 4 F 1 ptll ptIAl pllAll pt I 4 A 1 1 pl 1 14 A 41 II Till A pt 1 1 1 4 I A I PIII4I pU 1 A 1 4 1 1 ptllA41l . pltlAtl pi 4 A I I pt I A I A 1114 II A t II4SI Alllptl Allptll ' Alt4l pill pit '"Allpt A II pti , a ki ...... B A In I A I, awl A I In I Altlaw A 1184a wl AISMtnwl I k 1 4 1 1 pti Al4lal4KIM N It I e i do do do do da do do do " I I I I t I I is it ll ii 14 10 ll IT II IS kt It w li Sad tl , r da do ia So do do do do do do do ..do do da da do do da do do 4I H t ana SSI IM 14 do da do (Dark, Saral Clark, joahua onnor, Ailrrd A4 iaabett, WmJ lad lowan.S T aatof IM Ork,May Ktefil Outria, KU - II l., yoa -. I . ttd . 41 'oofiaia, J.arph D4A DnSi.t, Aia K lit Unrant, Jaaaat of & G ward, Jaa IT Kllta.Jol.a W . t Cranr, tbarloit las no tat FatMW, "amltn io r.Hraw Jalla U Wl do Sll ruber, Arlhnr ss laiiae.Otaoir AtolU Oi-min, anato iW (ileal n, Mr Ann 1 traM.Kf uban lull UT Kail. Tb 17 Hr Ha, Jaa H SI Hawk R', Mary Cat of IS Hi wl'tt td D a Hewlett, Jdo W Mt do ' . do Wa ' do 6 do DH v o est HM,J-.o 103 HIP, Virgil m . Hill, lo0 10 do IU Holm'', Joha b l" do ' , 1OT Hall, KU W, at of IM do ' . ISO ' do .-' HI Jobaain, T.ewli 1 June, aaao HI do - M tordui, Wn A . M Jan"IBiiiwn,Agte lor V K Bauituc do- Sfl d ' , ' do JJ do W do im Rest. Tho H IT l.mb, Geo P 181 Larrlngton, Dlan IU Larblna, dwaa 1ST Leonard, Oeo M do. Ill Leonard Iahmaal ot Lilly, laaao It LUlington.Oee ? Lara, A Ux KM Lot,. John D t8 Limivlen, Mr A IT7 - do ' tta do Ml Leonard, Rett H4 do ,.BI5 MeOulre,Joba IM MoCJa're, Jiepb IM MoLeartn, Joe ITI Martin, Sam Ml Mayer, Frail in at ear at, OP - III 41 TO I lu It! tl w I M) 'IM Id to moo HI w in to ot-' Melton. Fllaabflh l Merrick, Win H 211 F.I 4 Merrick, Bnl IM Mil Moore, Thoet t8 B W I llnrpby, Kllikao4 . Annabella IM ft 1 41 Morpby P, act. I '4 da fw KB Kah,Jaeatof 1 NW4 Nixon, Hnaan 94 W 11 Parncthoa eetof ii W l '7100 in oo TOO I0 10 04' Pulnncy. Wa M W!l Reed. Kllia it do ' t ".ed. Heaeklab 111 Rlehardann, DarUt 121 Riplat.dnii rat 197 KlplBT, Vallla 4 Kobbln. AS. n (JO .14" at M I II 411 K I1SNK4 10100 Rtnpwin, laaballa M At F I ' MISbale . , M 4 Fl. Atba'e Mill M 441 bale mi M S Ml W 5 balo w i bale W Mr W4 8 Mil 0" "I . do m , tare Too M TO 4100 imttoni.flam'l R 3'H : iBBiont, I no in io Stok ly, 'a fat of 1 llutton, Martha J 15T Thimpon Katbel KM Walk r, Vlrgtl OS do . It Walker, Roe ' J7I ' Wattcr. Maron ' DM Weill, Mr B V4 Weat. A M eat Of ' 180 11 M 110 3100 00 lm on m on ltoo Wllil.ma. Jffry KM William, Bnaan 4) ' doatlnne 41 di II tl M ISO lot oo 11300 ' 1000 . 41 00 Willi., William 131 WIIAHNRKe WoodrnfT..! H rH IT Mill Wllw.q da agt for ' JliOTT III 'Wl Waddeli, A M 140 E 41 balo 4 DELINQUENT LIST. Burke, Mary DI 111 Mi'Lran, Dan OT 00 roe iro noo HenT W III B'anrby, W Wl Ft Thorn", Martha KU El F'b t,!, Jiaoa 3, MircbT anaio. rb-4i C. FRANK t COB'S AmmBiateA Kan a Vlaawpliata 10Q for aalr lor TdA OFTH'AnOVF WFLL knnwn and atla-bla Fertt larr. lor ea-b or on ernp tlmf ta'bif tory aeoilty. Liberal dlaoiaat a lot. 0.0. PARSLEY k 00. MM NEW ADVERTISISHIT3. BROWN & OFFER Special Inducements in : d HAHBUEG EDGINGS AND INSERTIOir This "Week. All Cottons arc Advancing. .- .1 ' Io view of this we have made very lieavr purchase! lately, and are now prepared to give our Fatroua th advantage for a short time, but would ad vise all who are in wmt of luoh to make their puichasei AT ONCE, V Ol o aiing Out The balance of all onr Flanneli at price approbation of alb. A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worth Soiling for 60 .'Cents Per Pair. STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDTniT. 45 MnrlrAt. RtrAt. FIRE ! Fins ! FIRS ! WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! T1TE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS OF .. v OonaiatiDft of DRY OOODS, CLOTHINCi, 8II0EH, IIAT8. CROCKERY. CHINA and GLASHWAKE. damasiHl aln at the Htor lately ooeitpied by (. Motioe ia bereliy given that the above M. fab I ULI PACIFIC CUH Cfi.; OVll'TiV PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO TH0U8ANI) FIVE HUNDRED TONH SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO for aalo, either" for CAHII or on CitOF TIME. Litieral terni(iwill be made with Merchant and other reliable parties to aell this Guano at ourWarehoune prioea. . W. If. WcItARY & CO., '.'CDimlaalon Merchanti, Agent for PiOiflo Uaano Co., aad Uaaleraln N I prmvlan Onano, . Nobth Watew Hthbkt, i , ' V-.,- - , -. WIMtllKUTON, N. 0. . i v Sub-Agents fur tho Sale of Soluble Taclllc Guano. v. n, iBsot.... ,v .....I C. UHAIIA.VI Ja II Executor's Notice- TTAVINU QUALIPIia AH IXJOUTOR i lb laat- will ard tettament of David K Pstob, notle I brtrby tvea to all peraoa hartai el alma agalnet tb decedent to' esbtblt ihr m to in on or btfor tb 1Mb day ol Feb ruary, 1171. All peros Indebted to ld Je ordaat are Lereby requeted to make tromedl- at pay meat to na, , - O.Ai BAMNRR, '. Eiecntor of DoyU C ricb. A Eur il, Attorney, fob 11 18-ltawlw Administrator's Notice, AVIHO CCALiriEO AU ADMINI8- irator npon tba EUt of Porton Ilaya, de- oeaaed.lat of Vm Habover Oonnty, notloa la hrby f lva ta all peraon Indebted to aald deoaawd, to mak Imratdlate paymeot, and to all pmoni bating claim ajalntt tbadereaaed, to present then.ta tb ladetrlgned,! B'iflild, H, 0., or to bit Attorney, DuBroti Uutlar, at Wilmington, N. 0., en or befor th Ith da; of February, 1811, ot tbl aotib wUI be pleaded tabarofaroovry...,,.,.,..,-. . . .; WRIGHT HATS, . Adralnlitratot. Ith Febrnary, 18T5. ' . , IWtortt FINE OLD B . AND. . WINES,' Tb Fareat and Beit Good Imported. Tbey tan b relied on for r MEDICINAL USE. fW herein rkocl th" targeat and moat ralu tblellneol Fine Old Wine anil Old Bran din In North Carolina, and will aell them dot to Importert prloe. OaBtlemea wbo ralne Fin flooda and ap preciate them, can alwajl find tbem In our Mock. MparkllngandRtlll Wtnea, Hoeki and Cta at, Dry Soai peroong, 1UT, Aleiand Porter. CHA8 D. MYERS & CO., 0 T -Carth rroat Hi , Wi'mlngton, N. C, Ttlllabnro Ftomdar, Mon a tar and Kobe- orlan and Wad' Oro Hera'd copy. . fel 14 - To the Public. A IX Wl ASS OF TBS PUBLIO IN general I to FRirx our oooni A Pew More OVERCOATS TOBKBOLDATLKSTHANOOaT. " DAVID & WELL. jaaM U EODDIOK tliat CANNOT FAIL to meat tb SI" 00. by the late Fire. are removed and for ll. W. Ruue, No, C3 Market atrett, , alocK muat he told without delay. FRANK & BKO, 63 Market Street . . - - - . . .. I tf 1,000,000. .OldBandrad.n, 0. ....... ..Marlon. tj.O. S73mdAw Havana.Cigars . I have u band and for ta a, at my room In l.lppl t'i Hmldlnga, tjouth Front ttreet, near Oiange, a Una lot of ' HAVANA CIGARS i Of my own mannfaotnr. Tbey are mad from Intimrt'd tubaono and oan b bought at one tblrd of tb ooit of Imported oliiar. . 1. URAKFL. febl . 4-la WjitK.Wo RaraM tiopy Int. CHOICE NEW CROP Oubri lIolT8e. OABOO FROM THE "GKN't. GRANT." ow tAKpina. lor tale by ' ' I - WILLIAM! 4 MCRCHI801V. 14-lf rbl Butter and Cheese inn Box fjheee. Avw far 1 h KKRUHNER A OALDBR BROS, Tobacco, Tobacco, . Tobacco. neA Box Chewteg Tobaooo. FoK aula bv '"'' ' KKHCUNER A OALDER BROS. b t4 RAILROAD STOCK AT AUCTION- ON THURSDAY, February (Ith, If TB. at U O'oloek A. M.. we will 111 at Kxrbanga Corn er, SOU Shareo Capital atork of the Wil mington and NcarJIda Hallway Oompkny. CttONLY A MORRIS, Auctioneer, took aad Real Fatal Broker. fbll , 14tlMW Blar oopy U, 14 and llh, t , Potatoes, Butter & Cheese : ,-..-.;,.. 10 Bbta, Early Rom FoUtoca, 10 Tub Bntter, , : lflO Boxei Cbec. For tale by KKUCHNIHACALDKB BROS, feb T g Bacon and Pork. : 60 Boxes D. S. Bidea apd tt.ioulden, 25 " Smoked " " . " ' 25 BblaFork,, . : ' For aale by , ilKKUHNER A OAt.DKR BROa." ) IT Boots and Shoes. .' I am rrrclTlt't dMiy new adillilor. to my tr iy large and wf 11 ataortedatofk of Boot ni uti-fa, wliuh I ro lili'i t yimtt riser d rrlera. An rxamlnation illertud for l OrcbMng tlbe . , C. A. PBICE. 82 Market 8t MT 9. 1. Chi;dxn'i Sboaiplaity. b . m .