r r VOL XXIV.-HO. 42. wnimraToii, ir. a, Thursday. February is. I875. whole no. CXC3. ijlrll:t!liv-jioririi;il WELMIXOTON. N. a: THURSDAY, FEB. 18. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. RALEIGIi: THE USURY BILL IN THE HOUSE. IT PASSES ITS SECOND READING. AND COMES UP AGAIN TO-DAY AS SPECIAL OHDER. AMENDMENTS ALL VOTED DOWN. SPICIAL TO JOrBKAU J RiutiaH, February 17. Ill the House to-day.the Usury bi'l passed its second reading by a vote vf 63 to 35. Tbe proposed amendments were all ' Toted down. It comes up on its third rending in tbe House to-morrow, as the special order for 11 o'clock. HEADQUARTERS. PETITIONS , FOR AID TO TD E TEXAS PACIFIC ROAD. THE HOUSE EXERCISED OVER .THE SENATE BILL. JUDGE RUSSELL WANTS OUR MUNICIPAL ELECTION LAW BULED OUT , THE CASE TO BE TRIED AT RALEIGH NEXT MONTH. Washington, Feb. 16 Noon In tbe Senate ?arious petitions were pre sented from tbe citizJus of P. nriBj-l-Tania for aid to thff Northern PaQiiio and Texas Paoiflo Railroad, and re ferred to tbe Committee on Railroads. The House is in Committee of . the Whole on the tariff bill. Washjuoton, Feb. 17 Night Hotjbh The Tariff Bill was discussed all day in the Committee of tbe Whole. The Amendments did not get beyoi.d tbe first section, which applied only to whisky. Propositions to reduoe the tax from $1 to 85 cents aud to strike out the provision taxing stock on hand, were rejected. An amendment was adopted increa ing tbe duty on ehampaigue from $0 per dozen quarts to 89, and from 3 per dozen pints to $100. The evening session is for bnslnem other than political to be reported from the Judioiary Committee, The Senate at the expiration of tbe morning hour took up tbe resolution to seat Pinohback. Morton, who ban the bill in charge, said he hoped tbe Senate would sit it through, and there is cow a probability of an all uigbt session. . Information has been received here that a motion was made to -day by D. L. Russell, counsel for plaiutift', before Judge Bond, of the U. S. Cir ouit Court, at Baltimore, for an in junoiion to prohibit tbe holding of the municipal ejection of Wilmington, N. O, on the ground that the charter reoeutly adopted by tbe Legislature . of North Carolina disfranchised ne groes. Tbe case is to be tried at lialeigh on the 6th of Marob. A man, supposed to be. laboring: under temporary insanity, leaped from the dome of the Capitol to day to the roof of tbe main building, it least one t hundred and fifty feet. His name is unknown. The dreadful oconrauoe oaused great excitement. The name of the person who jnmpid off tbe dome of the Capitol to-day, was James MoMahon, a carpenter of thii oity. . PENNSYLVANIA. TUESDAY'S LOCAL ELECTIONS. Philadelphia, Feb. 17 Noon. The eleotion yesterday for Councils resulted in the choice of 22 Republi cans and 7 Democrats to the Select, and 65 Republicans and 15 Democrats to the Common Couuoil. In the third ' ward James L. .Marshall, Democrat, was eleoted by twelve plurality over Harry Huuter, to fill . the vacancy in the State Legislature caused by the death of Wm. H. Fogan. In one division of the fifth ward the ballot boxes were destroyed. WnxiAiispoBT, Feb. 17 Noon A Dem6oratio Mayor has been elected. Tbe Republicans carry the balance of the ticket. , , ' ' Habbisbubg, Feb. 17 Noon The Republicans elect the Controller by 125 majority. Sobamton, Feb. 17 Noon. Tbe Democrats have elected their Mayor. Riadino, Feb. 17 Noon Evans, Republican, has been re elected as Mayor. bTBACuat, N. Y., Feb. 17 Noon A Republican Mayor has been eleoted. DELAWARE. BREAKING UP OP THE ICE IN THE BAY. . DklawareJ Bkhsakwateb, Feb. 17 Night The southwest wind of this mot mi g carried the ice out to sea and took many vessels with it A part of the returned this evening without ddoulty.. The barque Cieufuegos. from Havana for Philadelphia, bad her bow porta stove by the ioo and sunk in twenty minutes in nvefatboms of waterv The crew were saved. She lies about two miles south of Hen lopen, with her lower yards just und f w,t. EUROPE, j FROGRESS OF TuFImTEUUL Ti'nrvp . . bllDLM. THE WAR IN SPAIN. JOHN MITCHELL WILL GIVE THEM TROUBLE. London, February 17 Noon. Tlie Prince Imperial at Wooliieh was seventh iu his clans and first in. leuo inR and ridnrg. . Disraeli will introduce' a resolution declaring John Mitehelt ineligible. The captain and thirteeu of the crew of the Syduey Derfn are miscing, the remainder of the crew arrived at Valencia. It is reported that Jobu Mitchell refused to take the oath of allegiance, It is also said that the Home Rule members will rtfne to support Mitch ell, biii policy dfferiug from theirs. A mi etiug at T'pporrary declared that Th ease Mitchell as rejected they would again return him. . Paris, Feb. 17 Noon. It is re ported that Don Carlos, Don Alfouao aud others have raised a krge sum in Londou to carry on the witr agHinat Alfonso WEST VIRGINIA. THE CAPITOL BILL TO BECOME A LAW. : ALLEN T. CARFEN1ER ELECTED TJ. S. SENATOR. IlrxTTNOTON, Feb 17 Night The Governor luta agreed not to veto tint Capitol bill, and in five days it will become a law. On adjournment of the Legislature the Governor will pro ceed to Wheeling to make arrange mi nts for tbe removal of the. Cap'tol. Ou joiut ballot in the legislature? far U. S. Senator, Alleu IV Carpenter received 85 votes," Judge Moore 25, and Price 19. The mem bers then began clmngnig their votes and the remilt then stood, CarpeuWr US, the Republicans voting for Berk shire. Carpenter's election will be a great help in pacifjiug the Charlestoniaus for tbe loss of the Cupitol. TIIe' HUH. ACTIVITY IN "THE WOOL MAR KET. Boston, Feb717 1875. -Night-There is a sternly demand for all kiudaol domestic wool. Manufactur ers are purchasing in lots as want d, and fair avt-rageaales are notioeable for some weeks past on comparatively dull market indicates that the stock in the hands of manufacturers ia quite small. No material change in priees is expect ed. At present the bulk of the stock is h'dd "vitU con-id'Table firmness atid desirable lots of fleeces are only of fered where full current prices are realized. Tlie sales of Pennsylvania and Oliio fleeces have been at from 53 to 57 cents for XXX and choice ELECT JUC1 SMS. There has been a terrible fire at port au Priuce, by which five hundred houses were burned. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad1 has reduced its passenger travel from thirty to forty, per cent, to and from all competing points. There is a large fleet belw Balti more.the bay closed to (saining vessels. It is reported that the insurgents in Cuba have abandoned jurisdiction in Cieufuegos. No MilTfiiug for foodlwi the Mass achiis -tta ic.j bimnd fljet, as the shore was easily resehed on the ice. . Hon. John B. Dmy ton, ex-President of the Jersey Fire Commissioners, suioided by shooting himself yester day. The fctrawhouse of Vise & Co., has failed. , Liabilities $1,000,000, BALTIMORE. THE RAILROAD WAR. Baltimore, Feb. 17 Night It 'is stated that orders buve been issued to the employees of the New York and Pennsylvania Central to receive no freight and no tickets for points on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, nor t honor through tickets issued by the B. AO. Road. - Hold Hobbery I San Fr&nclaro. " A bold robbery was committed iu the Dime Savings Bank of San Fran cisco ou the evening of the 6th inst. It has been the custom of the bank to keep open on Saturday evenings until 9:30 o'clock, to accommodate laboring people. During the business hours- of the bank a large amount of the depos its in currency and coin is placed in the show windows as an inducement to careless men to deposit their money in a safe place. On tbe night I men tioned, about 8 o'clock, as the clerks were busy at their books, some daring fellow walked deliberately up to the window aud dashed a brick through one of the large panes. . At tbe same instant be inserted his two La ids through tbe convenient aperturt, and bifore the crash of the window pane hud even attracted the attention of the penons inside, he had escaped with his fists full of greenbacks. When the consternation which the daring deed excited had somewhat subsided au examinati6n w m made, aud it was discovered that tbe. audacious thief had carried away ovor $1,000 in green backs. When is a s ua'l boy like 'a big banker ? When 1 ft is a wroth-child. Boston has one man who cannot tell a lie. He i deaf and dumb peanut vender. . : ' , "Pray," caid a gentleman the other dav to a lady, "do you like ateam bota ?" "No," Bbe replied, "not much, but I am exceedingly fond of smack." H took th huit. A disreixfltful mm inkpilhis futhnir t "Wbv la neighbor Smith's luiuor store i J" "wnntorfnt .dollar f jtHll. my wn.' "Becsuee Daas it" aaid the bor. Th "1 can t too can't pans it," aaid the boy. That boy got a leather medal in the shape of anum tier ten boot. .... ' ''Where's the molasses BilL." said a ml beaded woman sharply to her son, wno tiad returned with an empty tug, "None in the city mother. Every grocery nas a Dig Disc board outside, with tbe letters chalked on it, 'N. O, Molasses.'- . The Sunday Herald, a reliable ; Washington journal, assert that while Butler was arguing the passage of the Civil Rights bill last week and almost within sound of his voice a negro "attempted to outrage a little white girl in one of the oorridors of the Capitol. A story is told of an old gentleman. who always took notes of the minis ter's seraion and on one occasion read them to the minister himself. "Stop, stop! said the latter on tbe oocurenoo of. a certain sentence, "I didn't say that." "I know you didVt," was the reply; "I put tbat in myself to make sense. Even in the saloons, opinions upon grave subjects are expressed forcibly. A gentlemau slightly under the influ ence of the intoxicating bowl furnish ed proof of this fact a night or two ago. "Whisky, zur," he said, "hio brightens the intellect. It ought to be introdn. ed into the publio schools, tur." There is a quarrel between the two sovereigns of Siam, aud the second King has fled for shelter to tbe Brit ish Consulate at Bangkok. The sec oud King iu Siam, though clothed with royal rank, is not a real power in the country. He ia expected to stand aloof from active interferenoe in affairs of Shite, and, according to the most crt di bio explanation of the existence of this dual sovereignty, he ia only a monarch .in reserve, a sort of seoond string to tbe constitutional bow, ready to take the first King's place if the latter should die, so that there may be no danger of revolutionary violence during an accidental vacanov of the throne. The present first Kinar of Siam ia not much more than 22 years of age, aud his colleague ia aooui tii. miu potentates speak Eng lish. The oause of quarrel ia probably this: The voung King, whose son is only six months old, and who is sur rounded by young advisers, being consumptive, has been forced by these oourtiers to make the seoond -King surrender his claims, in order to keep their own party in pewer. There ex ists, however, outside the two royal circles, a great feudal family, headed by the late Prime Minister, who, from bis dislike to tbe innovations, has re tired into the interior. He ia engaged in plots to bring afTtiri to c .deadlock, and thereby strengthen his own influ ence. The plots of the Chinese secret sooieties will tend farther to compli cate the affair. Mr. Charles Francis Adams, Jr., has a happy knack for working up statis tics that make his lecture on railroads as entertaimug as it is instructive. He shows conclusively by the offloial ta- Dies mat n a person traveled an a pas senger on Massachusetts railroads eight hundred miles a day every day of hia life, be would, by a doctrine of cuanoes, De seventy years old before he would receive an injury in a rail road acoident. Frenoh statistics show ed that stnge coach traveling was at lenst fifty times as dangerous as travel iug by rail. The danger of being mur dered iu Massachusetts was greater by far than that of being killed in a rail road accident. In 1873 tbe railroads carried 42,000,000 passengers without killing one ; iu tbe same year in Bos ton alone five persous were killed by tumbling down stairs, seven by falling out of windows. In fao , Mr. Adams figures seem to prove that there is not a much safer plaoe of refuge in the worm tuan a Massachusetts railway car. We know of many, however, tbat are ciieaepr and more comfortable. SPECIAL. The bnt drewed man in town sr wvarliif Warwlck Oollara. They'll? tier li nothing Ilk thm for oomfnri. Th I.Atriof Pvarl, through which th human voic Itiuoi, thoa d norer bacons rusty. To keep th teth for iter frei trom blemtah, to render their deoiy Impartible, It la only nectKMry to use .Fragrant BOZODONT. It t siitls; btlc atid mpiemely wholeeome. ' ! ' V The cnlillc ire hereby a-mrd. thronih the column or the JoiiB4t that 1'arioiia' eurg tlve fills eonttln fao lnjnrlom irlnolple, but niai tcipy may oe a mm mured to ebiidrrn and th most weak and shattered oonetltntloni la mall dowi, with great certainty or incoeaf. Or. A hnnon, one of the moot laeeeenful practitioner of bi time, lorentr'1 what la now called Johueon'i Anodyne Liniment The RrMt lunceM of 'bin article In the core of Hroftchmi and all dleet or throat and Innga. will make tbe name ot Jobn'on not lew favor: ably, It'leet widely known, than tbat or JjOuIi Kai'Oleon.' . Conniimpllvea, Take If ode. Every moment of dolay makee your ear more hopetfM, and much depends on theju. dtolouicholreof; a remedy. The amount uf ttntlmony In rarer of Dr. Bchenck's Pulmonic Sjrap, an a cure for consumption, far exceed! all that can be brought to support the proton, tons of any other medicine. See Dr. Bchenck's Almanac, containing the certificates of many lrons oi the highest respectability, who hae been restored to health, after being pronoun, ccd Incurable by phjMclani of acknowledged ability. Bcheock'i Pulmonic Syrup alone has cured many, at these orldenoei will ihow; bat the cn-e Is of tee promoted by the employment of two other remedies which Dr. Bchenck pro vide! for tbe purpose.' Then additional reme dies are Pchenck'i Sea Weed Tonle aud Man. 1rake PI1H. 1 By the timely see or these medi cines, acoordlng to directions, Dr. Hoheook oertldes tbat noA any ease ef Consumption maybe red. - .,.. , Dr. Hrbenok i! profesalonally at hi! princi pal office, (xmer sixth and Arnh ttreets, Philadelphia, every Mondy, where all i. tters for ad rice mns be addressed. , DMIMTIMP "W"' kXE'iUTKI) at rlUIl I InU tbe thorteet notleo and pa the most reawnable e bi. at tiio .goMXAii Ofics. NEW ALVESTISISI5T3. , BtEIOTa CO,, TAILORS 785 BROADWAY, (Opposite A. T. Stewart & Co,,) Have on exhibition at the PuroeU House, a oomplete assortment of sam- " plea of their New Spring Stock, consisting of tbe latest noveltiea in ENGLISH AND FRENCH COATINGS. Gassimeres and Cloths, in all shades. fsklS 2 It Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. ATTENTION MEMBERS I yOV ABB OHDKBEO TO APPKAR AT the Ensln Houw THIS (Thnrsday) MOHN ING, ttO o'olook.ln full UnHorm (wlihh.f) lor Parade, In oe'ebiatitin of tbe Nineteenth Anniversary or our Uompany. Tee order to msroh will be glvsn at It O'clock, A, M ., sharp. Hanerars Msmbsr! mr aaae. olaily requeated.to Join. By order of Foreman. W. T BCHMANN, Keoordmg eeoretary. LINE OF MARCH. From Enalne House down Market stree to F ont, up Front to Princess, Bp Princes. 10 i ntra, no J niro w vneeinnt, np t no.muv w Fourth, nn Fourth to Nnn.Cown Nnnto Front, nti Front U Market, up Market back to Kugino nous. teblS - Executor's Sale. 0 N THE 10TH DAT OF MARCH MIXT' at the reside nee of th late David K. Fu'ch, t will eipoee to sale all of the personal proper ty of which tbt 'Ste decedent dle4 postesMd i Consulting of Household and Kitchen Furni ture, Farming Dtensils, one flue Brood Mare Three M alee, These Carts, T wo Ws gons, e lie Buggy, Hogs, Oows, 8heee, Fu-lder, Corn, Pes- nu'i, One Peannt M.ohlne romplete, Steam Engine and Boner, Carpenter's Tools, Ac Un lbs lath dyef March neit, at Eiohange Corner, In the City of Wilmington, ti. )., 1 will selt Twenty Bharei of Wilmington and Weldon R.llro.d Block. T rmi ef Ha e-Cash lor all rami of twenty Are dollars and der. Over th a amount a ered t ofili mouths will be given with Interest from date of sale, kotos with approved secu rity required. 0. A. HAMNER, Eieoutor of David K. Futch. feb II 42-lslebAtXarch CornCorn5torn. 3,000 BCSHELB CORN. For sale by fellS KCaCUKEK CALDEK BBOS, Rent of Valuable Real Estate "IT THE 10TH DAT F MARCH NEXT. JI on the premises, I will rent for tbe bal aiice or the year, a portion of that valuabl olede of nronertv on which the late David X Futrh reelded. wmi.l.tlngf one hundred acres or Isanti, witn a larse ana wen arrangea uwe lliiflHouwor eight rooms, atd all d sliablr cnthonsee, located near Topsail Bound, ia ten miles of Wilmington, N. U. 'arty renting will be required to give note with appr ved aeturity. 0. A. HAMNER, Ouardian of Caledonia Futch. 13! feb IS . 42-stl8febftMarcb Holasses Holasses 100 BBL8' VBW OR0P CUBA' iwi.ii d; .1 ) EERCHNEB A CALDKB BEOS. feb It 4, Bacon and Fork. 75 Boies D. 8. Sides, 60 " Smoked " 20 " . " Bboulders, 80 bbla Tork. For tale by ! , KEBOBNEB A OALDEB BBCB. feb 18 4t S25 llilt OEWT gAVCDBY BCT1NO OtOTHIHO FOw. BUSINESS SUITS, DRESS " 'fT'-"" ':' -v--!-i-- .1.-?.?- -f.r . WEDDING " mad to order at eoit satll March lit. , DAVID k WEIL. ftbll Rapidly at Cost ! FOU CASH ! o OR STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOES isselllng rapidly, as our riUCES ARE LOWER than ever before. Child's Feb. But Roots at at nn. worth no MliMsPeb. l.aced Hoots at 1119. wor'b Hit, Ladles Jovro Boetsst. 10, worth anno, Men's Gaiter, and t'alt tie. at SI no, tl On and SI 23, worth S 80 lo SI 00, and everything elre In rrnnortlon. . Call soon balers the stock is broken. DUDLEY Jt ELLIS, Blgn of the Big Boot, Ko.41 Msaait Strut, fS 411 iw Notice. HAVING DiepORHD OF OCR BADOtlf rtatneseand Trunk hnlns .look. Uond Wl land Book accounts. In Mtlmlngton, N. ' t to Merar.. Carp-ntar c Ma lard, ws h-r.b tender our thanks t generous pnhilo fm i heir Ittieril patronage the last ten y ars. and ask eonMnuanoe of iht same to onreno nemrs, who have been acos tablv In ear em plov for many tears ao l are tburonahiy posted iu the "sd iio, Harnrse and Trunk Business In all Its branches. Messrs. Carpenter A Ma'lard will settle all Islmi contracted a alnst u In Wllmluulon, N and ooll.ct debt, due ui ami r eeli t for be same. . J.n. TOPIIAM AGO. A. Carpenter. J II. mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVINO BOUHP THE ABOVE MEN-ti-'m d Oi ode, we offer a lull itock or UADDLES, HARNESS, trunks; COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kind. of BJLopuErsr goods, VERY LOW PRICES For Taeh or to prompt pajlngbuvers. Ws reepeoifni'T eoHc't r.iii)Me. (JAMPENTEHeY ITIAM.AHD. lebt SI lunao OPERA HOUSE. MONDA EVENINO, February 22d. TOM DEMEK'S PIMOMISE situ ire. Presenting the comical HUMPTY DUMPTY ABROAD And the langbsble 113 aPECIAl.TY AHTIHTB, comprising Irish,' Kngllsh, and i'utch comic songs, hat spinning,' gyninartlt'S, tumlil ng, paile ard 'adder dancings, sciobsta. skating on a pedeettl, Juggi lug, live donkey, perform ing animals, beautiful mu-lc. tlmw Bcenery-mew TrlcktNew U ssrdroke. AWTHK CSDAI. HOAI.EOF PRICES Rmierved Beau for sale at HEIMBBEKUEK'B Bookstore Openst7 0'cloclr',.comm'npe. at I. W. E. COL EM AW, Agent feb IT 41 t BLANK BOOKS, ENVELOPES, PAPERS OF ALL KINDS. Pees, Ink, Penholderi, Mucilage, Ink Btands, Paper Weights, Pen Baoks, Sponge (upl, . Damper lag Cups. Copying Brnshri, Letter Books, Blotting Paper, Let ter Press, Lead Penolls, Elestlo Bands, Bteel and Vubber, Ink and Penoll Erarers, Ac, Ao Ae, ALBO Bbeet Mnsle and Musical Instruments. For sale at CONOLEY ft TATES' Oity Book I Store. feb 14 M Boots and Shoes. I am receiving dally new additions to my already large and well aeeortrd stosk of Boot! an t Hbnes, which I am selling at grestlv re duced i rices. An examination eullcitad be fore purchasisg elsewhere, O. A PRICE, 82 Market St. r P. t. .Chlldren'l Shoes s rpeolalty, fob li as' WritniKi OAMINa.ndT IBI riNO tAaA aeve tie err:: "5. JACK and NEW ADVEHTIS2SK1TS., BROWN & EODDIOK , . OFFER ' Special Inducements 1 N HAHBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS This Week. All Cottons ore Advancing;. Ia view of this we have made very heavy purchases lately, 1 and are now prepared to give oar Patrons the advantage for a short time, bat would ad vise all who are in want of suoh to make tuoir put chases AT ONCE. Clearing Out The balaooe of all our Flannels at prioea that CANNOT FAIL to meet tha approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid Clovesworth8 1 50, Selling for 50 ;Cent Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO SAMPUS CUT. JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street FKIE ! FISH ! FIOS I WATER I WATER ! WATER ! " TIIE ENTI RE STOCK OF 00OD8 OF A,..uk..f nnvrinfinn nT.Yvmvrt nnira niTa nurtrwrTiw CHINA and OLASSWAHE, damaged sale at the Store lately ooonpied by 0. Kotioe ia hereby given tbat the above II. fsM SOLUBLE PACIFIC GMI CO.; CAPITAL. 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS 8OLUBLEPACIFI0 GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at oar Warehoas prioea. W. Oommbislon Msrobsots, AienUfbr Paoiflo Oa.no Snb-A gents for the Sale r. n. ibox.... C. t.KAItA.TI. ...... Jan 11 IHI At 853.00 per Ton, Cash, or $60.00, payable 1st of November, aezt; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At 833.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 WS OUABANTEB that tbe previous Rlgb 0 1 R. R. BRIOOERH, President " I. MoHAK, Treasnrer, O. I QHAtrUti, Soperlntendent. ' Jao S . FINE OLD BEAN . AND, WINES, '- The Forest and Beit Goods Imported. They ean be rellfd on for . . MEDICINAL USE. We have In stock tbe largrst and most valu able line ot Fine Old Wines and Old Brandies In North Carolina, and will sell them cloie to Imnortera' nrlers. Gentlemen who ratue Fine Goods and ap preciate them, ean alwaji find them In oar Mnarkllneand Btlll Wlnei. Hockl and Olar ell, Dry Moappernong, 181, Ales and Porters. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 0 Ac T Worth rront . ,. Wilmington, N. 0. Hllliboro Reeoider, Mai ton star and Kobe aonlan and Wadsiboro Herald copy. u leb U Christian Reid'e LATEST NOVEL, .. . Hearts and. Hand, A Story in Sixteen Chapter, Br Christian Reid. Anlhor of "A Daughter of Bohemia." "Mo - ton H.nee," "Valerie Aylmer," ttc, els, BO Cent. JuetreoeiTtu oj axpresa. For sale at HEirJOBERCER'S Lire Book and Mosle Store, feb IS l New Crop Cuba Molasses. tj BHDS. Hew Orop Cuba MolaMee. ror eie oy r;"":r:3 oau.--:i r f.:M n by the late Fire, are removed and for it W. Runge, No. 63 Market street, stock must be sola without delay. FRANK & BR0 , 63 Harket Btree . . , II. tf fit A 1(1 & IU.. to., aodl)eaeraln N . 1 r runQi.no, jnortb wanrm pitkbbt, WILmiNU'lONs N. C, of Soluble Tacillc Ouano. Old Hundred, W. 0. ...Usrlnii,.. 0. I-3milw WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Oar ' Factory, at the following REDUCED PRICES: SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO , payable 1st of ' November next. rte of oar Fertiliser! shall be fully If AtHTAiaia NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY W.I.MIHOrOII.NC. HAILKOAD STOCK AT AUCTION ON THTJRSDAT, Fibraary lith, tfT9. at U o'oloek A. M.. we will eWl at Eichange Cora er, soe ah are Capital fctockof theWU mington and Hra 8tde Hallway Oompany. CHONLV & MORRIS, Aaotieneen, etook and Real KsUU Broken, feb 1J Jt-11,H1 tar copy II, 14 and Ulh, K . . SWEENY'S XIOTEXj, NEW YORK. On the European plan. To meet the down town requirements cansed by elwlng the Astor House, this well-hnown and popular Hotel Is thoroughly renovated, refurnished, and Is elean ae a new pin. Ladles, aeoompanled by their husbands, or properly Intrwluoed, will And home comforts and qnlet. Ladles' dining loom on parlor floor. OUT THIS OUT. feb 14 IMUf If Hardware Nails, Pot Ware, Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills, Curry tlombs, Bhot, Cans, Powder. English, FII'S, Pocket (lutlery. Rasore, Locks. Hlnces, Screws, As., at prloes that will snlt the whole sale trade, oan be found at tbe Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, . Ko. U, 31 tod 81 Market St. feb 14 v Seed Potatoes, N' OW LANDING from Schooner Mary B BeeTse. 300 Bbls. Extre Pink Pyse. 300 Bbls, Extra Early Kcee. Best Mains freed Stock lo sw bsrrele. Tor sals by BINF01U, CROW TO. fob IS- ' Ilolascs.and cLzz 100 Ebls 8. H. Tfolftwcs, 153 V-i""t V-'n C ' r,u