k VOL. XSIV.-2I0. 43. WIIim?OT0H, H. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY . 19. 1875. WHOLE HO. 0.C37. tk tl.ftln lournnu 'WILMINGTON', N. a: FRIDAY. FZB. 1&. 1S75. BY TELEGRAPH . ilEADQUAUTEltS. THE HOUSE EXPENDS ITS EN ERGIES ON THE TARIFF BILL. THE FORCE1 BILL ORDERED PRINTED. AN EXTRA SESSION OF THE SENATE SPOKEN OF. SENATORS RANSOM AND MER RIMON ON THE LOUISIANA QUESTION. NO ACTION ON MORTON'S PINCUBACK RESOLUTION. Washinotok, Feb. 18 Noon. Sen atb i-enatir M?tr morf Nrtl Car olina, clie.( a' six hour speech at 9 o'clock tais morning. Edtrardsat 9 IW o'o!ock tin's mnrn incr nffVrml tli ffl!owini7 amendment: "Strike out the resolution seating Piuohback aul iosr' that t ho Com mittee on Pritilegos and Emotions b and it is hereby instructed to. report forthwith a bill deolariug that no con stitutional governmout ciihU iu Lou isiuua and providing for tiie eli -etiou of Goveinor.Lieuteuaut-Ooveriior ami . member of the General Aswnibly for Louisiana and all other Srstfl otH oere which are by the constitution of that State elected by the peoplo of that State." Senator Ransom, of rsorth Carolin i, . then took the lT or and spoke a, some ' length on his desire to restore pence between the North and the Soul h night without action on the telegraph bill. ,. ..: ' Wi'SHrffOTON, Feb 18 Night. - Senam Ttiuraan said the question before the.Sennte wa? not a question f'Vit, (rrocia Knk m nil .utitin ff.r tllA Senate alone. If there is to be an ex ' tra session this resolution oould be ; considered then, and it seooied to be . admitted on alt hands that an extra session of the Senate would be cou tened on the 4th of March. He be , , lieved it was the first duty of the Sen ate to provide nusns to cany on' the ,;, government, and would tuerelore vote for taking up the appropriation bill. Morrill, of Maine, said he was dis- Eosed to" regiird this .resolution eutirr j m an order of business, 'and with a lew to getting the Indian Appropria tion before the Senate, he moved to : ' Jay the resolution on the table. Upou ' 1 t'-iis qts stion the jess and uajs were oidered and the resolution was tabled, ' yeas aa, nay za. Ferry, if Connecticut, who would have vottd iu the sffirniaiivo, tvns p dred With Boutwell, who would have . voted in toe negative. ' " West moved tliattheFenateailiohrii. 1 1 which was rejected, yeas 6. nays 52 Wiudom, "of Minnesota, inovod. that the Senate prooeed to tne cousiaera tiou of the Indian Appropriation bill. rne ljiaian appropriation um ., taken np and the Senate adjourned '. "" Housa The House spent three hours on the tariff bill. All amend- ' merits offered by the j opponents of - the measure were voted down, bV an amendment was adopted on motion of Dawes, increasing the tis ou ' domeetio cigars from five dollars to . six dollars a tbou-sand aud on ciga '.rettea from. $3 50 to S3 75. Having got through the first two sections of the bill, tue wiiii-Key.nna me tooseno sections, the Committee rose aiul the House took up as a speoial order the v" bill reportel by Btanard, of Missouri, from ;the Commit ee on Commerce, for the improvement of the month of the Mississippi river on the Eadx' - Jjtty system. Xne House passeu ine Wi.ljf hill vil.linnf. iliviuinn The House then resumed the tariff . 1ill. The third seotion abolishiug t he . tv on matches was struok out. Tlie f jurth section, increasing the duties . v on molasses and sngara 25 per ee t, was amended bv iDolading Melada. The Committee then rose, aud, Co barn, of Iudiaua, reported the canoiis 3 force bill, which was ordered to be ; printed aud recommitted. The Committee on the Pacific Rnil road will vote on the Texas Pacific on Friday. They, are about evenly . divided. ' ,' It is stabd that the majority of the Senate Judiciary Committee cousider : nli t ...'R. Mail 9nUuilw aa a Annfrdnt. which Congrexs cnnot abrogate. t f baltdiouk; " THE RAILROAD WAR. Nkw Tobk, Feb. 18 Nodn-Col. -Boott is determined to stand firm. New tickets were issued to-day at ' 'Charles Street Dt pot, two and , a half ,- miles di tant.fiom the President De pot in Baltimore, compelling the Bd ' timore ft Ohio Road to use carriages for that distance to transfer passen gera. t - ELECTHIOSMS. - -The gas works at Des Moines, Iowa, I' exploded yesterday aud were destroyed . One missing. r . Both branches of the Alabama Leg liaktnre yesterday pftssed.ulmost nnau imonslj.itrong'reiolutioiiB instrmtng Senators and wqnesting Repreneiitu tiVea to snpport the Texas I'aeifio, and Atlantic & Pacific railed billa, ,r"" (iEOlUU A. THE RACES AT ATQUSTA. AuorsTA. Feb. 18 Night The third rM of three fnile da h for all sgs, for a purse of 8300, was won by C:.owo Prince; time p:43i. The second rae t)f mile heats, best two in three for 11 ages, purse $300, was won by Mat tie Ould; time 1:54, 1:8 and 1:51) J. kaleigii. ACTION OH -THE-USURY-GILL POSTPOKED UNTIL TC-DAY. 1 MR IE GRA9 IHTRCDUCES A SUPPLEMENT TO THE BILL YYKiCH IT IS THOUGHT WILL PASS. IT COVERS THE GROUND OF THE MEBANE AMEND- ME.ST. DISCI SMO' THE V. I. K 1 M 1 1 V I L. li Ki II I'Si MI .NO- I.I IIOM. SI ECUL TO JOUli-VAK , Ralkioh, Feb. 18. Aetion on the Usury bill on i'S third reiulit'g iu the House Las ben pO!ttxni-d nutil to-morrow. Iu the Suate to-dsy Mr. L"Gt.'ii.d introduced n bill nipple flieutary to the Uuiry bill and rmbod.ving. the Mcbanu auif uJ.m iit, that the hill do not so into eift'ct until the first day oi January, 187G. It is tin nglit it will pass both Houses. II The House occupied three hours to.-dny iu diKMihsi. 3 Mr. Gleuu' Civil R:shts resolutions. Messrs. Candler, Normeut aud Trivett averred their oppo.-itiou to tlio Civil Rights Hill, but were opposed to thu resolutions, 0 aiming that the Legislature hml 10 right to say a nwu should leave anv pwty. . Mr. Glum excoriated thein, syiugtliut the ltepubliuau party hud adopt d this inesMire as tfieir potl'i'T auil every member of that party nitii-t endorse it or they fhonld come o it at oiiee from the party. The limine will continue the dimsussiun of the subject to-night. .- K. THE MURILLO ARRR'ED IN bPAlN. Berlis, Feb. 18 NoonEmpe'r William is iud sposcd. Von Moilku'a sicku! ss is tntliiig. Madhio, l'Vb. 18 Noon Mnrillo's St. Authouy ol Padua, stolen from the Cathedral iu 8evtl6 sud recovered iu New York, has arrived at Cadiz. Tlin-e iron elads and twenty five hundred troops will be sent to Cuba at an early day. ' ' llmtorinir hnrrrtt iTIuner The prooesa of the restoration of eorieucyund other valuublcs consti tutes one of the niot iatereting fo i ttires of the BerviV in tho treasury do p;i tmout at Wa-hiugton. A c rres P'jiideiit doearibe. the work as it is ourried on iu ore of the sunny rooms of he treasury building, where four ladies are kept constantly , employed. It will bo remembered that an express oar was r eomly burued near Wash ington, v'l'he government had 85,75i), OtM) in it, and he private property, consisting of diamouds ' watches, &t , awmuteit to hulf.as nineh more. The jewels and watches only were returned t.i the trxp-ms ocmpsiiy, TLe toonej iu the governmentaafes was so charred that at a breath it criiuibh-d, and yet fonr-fifihs t;f it will be deciphered. Ench Jitilo shrivelled p:ece is iletnctud with a thin knife ftpd laid on blotting pspi r. There the ladies examine it with ninguifyiiig glasses, and after de ciphering as tnueh ns possible they piiste it on a strip of thin puper; and so, bit by bit, a whole note is pieced out. After her great tire, Chicago s nt two hundred cases of money, all in cinders, spgregatiog, at owners' valuation, 8154 3'J7 98, and out of tliBt rfnm $120,511 83 was redeemed and returned to the owners. Boston profit ed by Chicago's experience, and psck e 1 her burnt money so carefully that ( f the'eigbty-three oasen, coniaiued 812 91), ?88,290 tO were returned tu her, lifsides other valuable papers. The most skillful of tbee ladies once deciphered .$185,000 out of 8200,000 that had been iu thu hold of a burned ship for three yenrs.anl theAd ims Ei pre company, which was responsible for the anioiut, gave her five hundred dollars. Another time she and her asKOciates worked faithfully and long over some bonds a crazy cishier threw into the fire. The bank anked only for $100,000, but the ladies picked oat $145,000, whereupon . the directors, with reckless t xtrHvagsn(y,' presented them with four dollars apiece I Tlie Ueeuber Trial. ' Mr. Beecher's sons are working very hard in ins behalf, aud every day are with some of the yonDger counsel seeking out testimony aud perfecting plans outside tf the court rjom. Henry Beecher, Jr.; is a smart yuing insurance agent in Court 8' ret t, BriHiklyn, and during thia trial he in trusts bis business to bis brother Her b rt, aud joins with his "brother W . li min helping the lawyers. Mr J, I Hdl. Ucnersl Irnpy, and a Mr. p. Kjady are busy all of every day, out side of the court , with diHere- brai 0'ies of the cane,, and it is asert 4 by one who is in Mr. Beeohcr's em p oy that six lawyers whose names n vtx iklIi Kuan m a A a rni bwa ai I work for him making thirtetn in all, i i m j . . i . U tnerai xracy isoommu tiug ins open ing spesoh to memory, and is waiting patiently to bo calhd into the court r 'oin to'deliver it. The defense hve a long list of witnes s, and the work ing lawyers dntnulo the court room are learning sptcifically what each one can tetify to They pass the result 'of their - work into. Mr. -Httfsrmsn's ' hnnd; who has the clerks tra'ned to arrange !he matters to a l.icty.wnd thfl results will betbst the facts for the defense will ha woven strongly to gathtr, and made to good advantage. STATENEWS. The Pui'lin Record savs: Tl:s dwel ling of MrASarah Hodges, of Faisou'a toanship, was oonsumed by fire on theniKhtof the 10th inat, with all the out houses. It was. occupied by a Mr. lisrneU, a tenant, baid to be in sured partially. The Kinston Uszette savs : Mr. Job Siaith. of Pink nili'towu ship, killed two pig last wet-k which e e one year 8 months old, and weighed ttisJ pounds one 540 pounds, the other SCO. They were half native and half Chester. ine wasningtoa Eono . says : Va t riday last, Dr. John McDonald. as,i,ted by Dru. Tay lor and Blonnt, re moved the from breast of aoolored wo man in this place canoerous tumor. from which she had been suffering for iX yesrs, weighing over ten pouuds. T ie patient stood the operation well a id is rapidly improving. ' T ie Fa'eigh News savs We lesrn thr a little daughter of Mr. Wiley W. Clifton, living near Rolesville, in this eounty, was burned to death on Mon day lact. She, with other children, were playing around au open flreplaee when her clothing took fire, and though her father was near by, and made every tffort to tear her clothing from her person, she was so badly burned that she died in a few boors thereafter from the injuries sustained. Drs. Fleming and Young were called in, but could do nothing for the little sufferer. She was buried on yester day. The Washington Echo says: Aaron Bonner, a colored msn, was con demned at the last term of the Su perior Couit to be hanged on Friday, the 6th day of February, for a rape upon the person of Martha Kippx. a white woman.- He was senteuoed by Judge Hilliard, but before the day of execution arrixed, the Supreme Court decided, that Billiard was not Judge, nnd that Moore was. Thereupon tlie Q 'Mv'eTnol"'OnTSpctlm''f Hilliard. sen4, to the Sheriff of our county a re spite for thirty days. The gallows wa iu readiness in rear of the jail, aud the rope adjusted, and Aaron did not know that lie was not to be hung un til the Sheriff went in to take him out to execution. The Washington Echo says: There is a custom, which baa long been prac ticed in some sections of onr county, of aeredadiuga newly married couple with tip pans, horns, squeduuoks and horse-fiddles, interspersed at various intervals with the discharge of guns, p p crackers, &o. . A person who has not. been fortuualeenoah to enjoy one of these musical entertainments, can form no idea of the harmony and mel ody of the tbnsio. Mr. Redding Crutch, a member of one of these ser enading parties, while engaged iu dis coursing the sweetest music the above mentioned instruments would afford, received six buck-shot in d ffdrent parts of his body, aud had to be brought to town yesterday to have them exti acted. Dr. McDonald re moved the balls and at 1 st accounts r,the patient was in excellent condition. The Oxford Leader ssys.- The rcsi- diuoe of the Rev. Win. Hester, about 2J miles from Oxford, near Salem Church, was discovered to be on fire last Thursday nighf. Mr. Hester had some two years ago added on a piece t the o'd building aud at considera ble expense had made such repairs as to make it an almost new building. The fire, it is thought.originated from a stove in the old part of the house. When discovered, that portion of the building waa filled with smoke. , The building and contents were soon re duced to" ashes and with the exception of some furniture, which was to the lower story, nothing was saved. It is estimaU d that the loss is between $2,500 aud $3,000, on whioh there was no insurance. A negro woman named Peggy Robinson has been brought to (own charged with setting the pluce ou fire. MARRIED. On the lS:h ln . hi St. Paul's Ev&nge!lol Luthcr-in t hnrch of Ihln rlti, bT Ib E. U. It. Hrrnhelm, Mr. JOHN L OUDl.KV atd Mrs OAR- LINAlv H AR Aim at thu tam timn ut rt nine, nnd hr thi sums, Mr. J(H PH .1. H() l)hN Slid Mi M AHY O. STRATJHS, both dmigtiters of Mr. J. W. BtrauM, of this Bl'y SPECIAL. Tkavellirs mould wer Elmwaod collars, Tlioy r eauliy omtI- d, wsr well, looknlceiy, and do not require washing. . ,. Harmless aa Snannar Daw, Trt In the blgbeat drgrM ntHBffctn' ssd prcrerTitlte, 8OZOD0W T krr tbt teeth al whj'i beslthy sad pottee, and tbt faml ruddy Mid lr from esnksr. - .-- QrmtLaim and discomfort Hi ranMd by the n of iur iratire. whii h grltw and rack the M. tern, fartimt' ruraative Pilli are free trom all impnw) in 'ti r aoqars mild ana heel tb-glrlng pi (Uelr operation. '., At this Mwn of tear tbeoranps and paint In th ptonisrh and bowels, Ujftery, narrii(n, Vo , 11 r quite onmmon.and h"U d he chaokid at onro Johnmn't Anndynt Linimtnt It the b"' artirlethtt rnu be nes.i ip ai1 iiiuU oasts, aid tUoulJ be kept inerery family, Xlsed iniei ualiy. ronaonipilvca, Take Ntle Every moment of daisy make yonr ear more botieltN, ard mnfb depends on the Jo. mr.loui choirs of a reaaedy. The amoantof testimony In lam of Dr. Hcbenck's ruimonle Sirup, as a cure for conaomptlon, farsseeedi all that on be brought to iuppoit tbt preten. sien.of any other medicine. at l?r Sehatick's 'AlmaDc,conislnlng the cerUHiateinf many t erfous ot the blgbeat feapeotabtlliy, who hat been rentored te health, after butng pronoan. red Incurable by ii)Mlani of acknowledged ability. Hcbrnck'i PnlmoHorup alon ha curtd manv, m these eldenee wil show; bat the cure Is iftin rroino ed by the employment of two other rmt(lti which Dr Behenek iro vld a for the purpoaa. Tkcst additional rem dinars fcheneH'i Wsid ronlc and Man. lira Pills. Hy the 'Iniety ox of these Bae ii oima. ai'ouidlng to directions, Jr. Srheuek ertiBt that nD.t any taw of Cen.uwptloo way l a a ret 1 j, ; ) ' I'.f, set jof k !,, pro'eraloaatly at bh) prlnel. pl cffloe, e ni" Blxih and Arab ttrmts, Palladtlpbla, trery Mond y, where all . Mars fur adylaa mM b ad4rma. SEW AEVERTISXKIXTS. mm TAILORS 785 BROADWAY, i (Opposite A. T. Stewart & Co.,) ' . . xv '.;. nave on exhibition at the Pnreell nouse, a complete assortment of sam ples of their New Spring Stock, oensisticg of the latest novelties la ENGLISH AND FRENCH COATINGS. t , Cassimeres and Cloths, in all shades. Notice. fJIHK JOINT ACCOUNT ARRANOEMFM h-rstofor iltB bMwMa Mfcrs WlllB. Hliu k A Co , New Votk, ml Byvir, h-t bi r itwlinl. nd I refliintt my Irttlicla, H I TM I in concern, d, Uvcioo their ioouudU Mil iri tlisblo. WM. ' fsb 19-41-Jta . Calanthe Lodge, No. 7 K. of P. BKKTHRKN I vu a s rtiy r)ii d In tified ttls U ha'i t OAH I'i bALL.Tai JjIui UVUMHU, IBS lito WorklaTlilrdKtnk. By vrdr O. O. bEHBT Ot Kvrs, : K. of a. A B. fib ts-tfc '..'VlSG-ISTlIVIfl t'lksat Wis root of dlara by purtf I. l' blood.reatorlngti e llr and kSl a wiiraltby action, Inviguiat the nrr.ou. Ijifca VEGET1NE Is net a vll. nanaraa. etimpcund. which lltr p y purgs the hnwai', but a a't, p'cmiit r m ady which ta aur 10 I urlfy the blood and thereby reatots ike heith. YEOETISE other dhveere of tie blond, by mat yol ti.il't pnyaicmne. owing wrp mwKa iu tunj all d.teaaM Ol Ui 'ut VEOfcTINE Do, not dfolTelull.llnti f.I.e bmiee by pinging end crtatli'g a Sxlllieue pprllte, but -lv nature In charing and urliylng th wlio eiyiicm, leading the pttlant gradually to perlect beaita. VEGETINE - Was looked npon i an txp' r I meat for tome time by tome of our b t ptiyal 'lata, but thoe -moat lacreduione In regard 10 lit mtrltaia Bow lUmonardtBtfrienitaandtupportera . VEQETISE Instead of being a pafft d np medicine has wutke.1 It way up to its piei-eut aatonl'blng ninoi-i. by aotual rot-lit In urlng all d't eare ot the blotd, at whatever nature. VEGETINE Bayta Boa'oa pbyaician, "las no equal as a blood pur tier, r rating of Us many wonder ful enrre. alter all other lenvdiee had failed, 1 vtrtt.d tbe laboratory and cnnvlnrid myelt ol IU genuine merit, it it pttparta iromorr-a, rooUai d herb., each of ahuh la highly ffT"o tlre and they art romprundrd In tut b a niao aar s 10 ptbduoe aatoniahliig reaulU." VEGETINE II ackaewledg d and reremmendrd ph; ll aiana aud anihecrlii to ha th bnatpuilhrr and eleanter i f Hi blood yet Ulecuvtsreil, ami thonaanda aik In Its prauaj who hay been leetorea to aeaen. PEOOP. . WHAT IS NEEDED. ' BotToa, Feb. 11. 1171. Ma. H. R. Btbtsws : , DSar Sit About one year alnoe I lourd my self Iu a iff Me onndltlofrorugitneraldehllilv VKtiKTlKK waattrondv reciimmendeil tome by a irlrnd whehad beeu much beneflud by Its net. 1 proemtea ine arucieanu atier naing evv eral bottlee, waareaUtred to bt al b and d lacoa tinned it u. I reel qalta oonthUut thtthor la no med cine .up-riorw 11 lor loon com plaint fur which It Iseapeolally prepared, and would cheerfully recommend It hi thoae who fel that they need something to roitor thru to perfect health. Kttpectlully youra, V. li. PBTTlfcOJLL. Plrm of 8. M, Petting!!! A Oo , 10 State Mreat, Beaton. . Cisoisaist,oT. M. 1M1 Ma H B. Btitsssi Dear Slr-Tbe two bolt lee of VKOKTINR furnlhi-d me by your agent, my till baa ua.d w th great benrllt. For a long tlmaehe baa bean tronbhd with Itili eta at d co.-tiyenrsa; Uini troublea art now entirely removed by th u of VKOK- T1NK. . 8b waa also troubled with Pyij epela and Oeneral Leblllty: at,d baa been grr'l bet fltcd. 1HOH .ettSIOBf!, , Wa nut bueet. FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. 1 V trni, Mass., Jonttrt, 1871 Kr.B. R. Stsvssi : - Dear Sir Through tb advice and sarneat raaaelnn of Key. K H. Htat. of tbli place, J have been fkktng V KOKTIN It for Uyipeplia, uf whl.'h I baveauS'ered for year I have need only two bolt a and already feel atytelf a new man. Beayectfuily, Da i. W. (JAttTHR. Report from a Practical C hernia t and Apotnecary. Bostoi , Jan. 1, ir Pear BlrThlt I to certify bat I bav o'd atreUII 164 U Ooaen (ISM b -ltl-a) of youi VKHaTINiCtliir sirili-i, ITS ident n sav that it h glv th l-t ia'l-la Hon nt any r im iy for th ompla nator w .l it l re e umCn'ld, that I vrr eoid Mraroeli adiy fiieavi without tome ot my rnetoaieii ttlf ng t't it an er ll on t1 emaalvetoe their f loi da 1 am 1 rfeetiy eognlsant f eevwril e a of sor-'fu ou Tern r. bring curatf by VKOk 1'lNlt a -'Slnihla vied' ty -v . Very reepentfnliy years M H.MA,4Broidwav. ToH. B.STSTasa, aq. (w VEGETINE l-ffsBY AU DRUQa DDIUTIIIP "T,'T aiaiUTPU at rnlH I mil th thftrwt nntlot aad aa th BVJtt raaauoabi t ma at Um , 49VHAU Off lOa. (h co, CRCC SAwflB ts Agnit !.! rntC rtmklaallan New.U.kaalt. I'h ,hraaiua. Send atamp, P, P. ULt'ca, hew Bedford Maae. tw SOMETHING FOR TOO, l. hUKoi.lft aikd II B Send stamp and It. Adilreea. atrtet, nw w fork. UnWrV e.alymadebv aenml Ka a IM- luUitLI roHTe Hs pkt Z or g- ttlu np ins In lowna and eoun'ry frr (he o drat Tr 1 ompany In America. O'rateet Indaotmet ta. ft'd tw nr war. 'ANTON TB W lis Chamber, .trait, M. Y. w Ofanyandanryklnd Send atamp wirataiwaru, a I a e a ima, maT A Man of Thousand. A ('eMtinBliv) Curvet -When d-ath w hi'd'iv r.rrt.il from t'onau mi nl Ian. all remedial hailngtat ed aad lle.11 Jaataaw-e xtrimnting ae acc'iiatiteiK naiieapiapr ..tlnn ot H UIAN Ht MP which rured h t ' B IK, and now glvaw till- recite trreon rarelm of t ataaipa to ay eint a. HPMP a ta nigniaw at-, a naraat tnestitmarn at a w II htrat a firah'-vid Inttbi nra Addnar ran.to k A On., I I'll Kara at., t hllsdtli hia amlng tbla iaier ; 4 a A tu n And a t'omt o 11 t r 1 oeni rree wo wani a tu'iaaie perann BH -L - ...it.tl. . .' - j igiiuvrLM 1, tai .aaa urui to anil wfs liyvg odal r anr eal'hllab-d O i. IJ Saul of etai.la and lanil y go. da or all klndt n eon atant ata and w ar, 1 he o'de.t ', " t) honi la America. Sa e nvtr ba f a n III ou In U'i I Aaas aaa Par to lb- r'tht peraon ant rhano f r all, nal ir female, at vourhom- ' or trave log. Nan k. If oo gntow ok wn II and jou fraeand pnf paid a lltKof earn n rt and a romp at outfit Art'irnt at om-e andarrnravoa t-ril ory H J HAI.i,A 0, , M. Huwad Taaar, Baillmtirt, Md. 4 CLOTHllJG TJVADT-MAOE OU MADX TO OBUKB. We guaraatet tkt fit and quality at 25 TER CENT. LE88 THAN NEW YORK HATES. SHIRTS CUT LENGTHWISE th cloth, freth'y male, now Id Store, - MUNSON & GO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS, feb 19 0 .lf ASSIGNEE SALE I O. KAHNWEILER, Auct'r. fJIBE CKDKR810E1), ASSIOKEE OP tht relate f .!. B. Wllllame, will sail at public aootion(ln quanittlea to) tuit) th large aud unuau,, alfjva Ul Iry Good, Scc, - v , Hvai utaii vv 5W I'l mrjiwji KT.nnA VonOUhn, PrlnofH(tT"et. ThflAl3 wnl , comnKii.ee t 10jf A. M , Mond-ty, rb ruarr 31, IMfl, and ctn(lnue from slay to Ut. until f h atni'l sfm.l,.aJi.. i. .1 I .... f ' mt th Rrlsb waaa.a aMa. taTP. - "v we auci vuauuigg gp vitayU VUl, A vuperiur t . - IRON BATE, DESK, CHAIBS, STOOLS, tta, for sale. Alao, thab0T.8TOBK for Beat until Oc tober lit, 1816. y ' , - SILAS N. MARTIN, . nklHMt AMign. - Notice. HAVING OIPmCD OP OUR SAOO It naraewaud Trank bnMnee, etoek, Uomt Will and Book aocounu, In Wilmington, N. I . to Mware. Carpnter A Mallard, we hereby tender our thanks t i a generous pnbllo for their liberal patronage the laat bin jrrare, and aak a oomlnninee of the tame to ourruo oeaaors, who have boon aooeptably in ear rm nlov for many veara and ara 4hirnnahi nn.i.ii In th Madille, Uarnete and Trank Buelueat InJ all tta branrhea. . W Bear a. (Urpentee A Mallard wilt tettlt all olalmiooniiaoUd a-alnet u In Wilnlngion, N. C , and collect debu do and receipt for tb, earn. J. 8. TOPHAM ACO. Aa Carp)Htre J H.nstllaVret. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVIO norOBT THE ABOVH ME i n d 0 ode, offer a lull itook of SADDLES, HARNESS. v TRUNKS, COLLARS, , BRIDLES, And Alt Kindt of SADDLERY GOODS, , f very'Low prices rrrh O' roprneai't trying buyare. W, r,ioil1i' eo'lr't rt-nuar. DAsrePITaaMa.nALI.ARD. i i.eb 5 , 41 tina. WEDDING CARDS ihewuwt latbkeaaal, ftvle at t UOTTKM CP and prlDUd la vie at th. VAbowoa HW ADVISTISIilliTS. BEOWN & OFFER' .Special Inducements IN HAHBURO EDGINGS AND INSBTI0ir3 This Week. All Cottons aro 'Advancing, In view of this ws havs made vsry hssvy pnrchaaes laWlv, and tit tow proparad to give our ratrons tb sdvanUfra for s short tims, bnt would ttV viss all who art is want of suoh to make their pniohaaM AT ONCJL O 1 earing Out The balance of all oar Flannels at prices thai CANNOT FAIL to Btat tbt spprooation of. all A Job Lot of Kid Clovetv-worthSI King for OO .Cents Pr Pair STJtlCTLY CASHONE PRICE NO IAMFIEI CUT. , JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Harket 8tree FIRE ! FISS ! FIOE I WATER ! WATER ! WATER t THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS OF RtfrFRApM & BR.; OnnsistiDir of DRY GOODS. CI-OI HINO. SHOES. HATS. ClioCXEBT. CHINA and CLASH WAKE, dsmarcfi aal't at the Store lately oooiip wl by O. in ou oe is ncrebj given lust tlie above li 0XiXX-rlLlj v PRICES REDUCED THIC DAY, TWO THOUHAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CA8H or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell tbis Gnano at onr WaxtbouM prices. W. 'cuimlaeluB MtrehsoU, agtnttfor Paolflo Qitsua Hub-A gents for tho Sale r. it. inao.. e. w ha it an janll Christian Reld'c LATEST NOVEL, ' 1 Ilenrtt and llandi, A Story in Sixteen 0iaptcrt, Bx Chbistum Bjud. Author of Ma nanghttr of Bohemia." Mor ton Hauaa," "Valeria aylmer," etc., ,10. nv uaan. iuex raowivvu vj aipraaa. For sals at HEINGBERCER'S Uv Book aud Mailt Store, fen IS f at) New Crop Cuba Molasses. W r BUDS. Ksw Crop (Job Kola St For sal by EBBOHKIB at OALOIB BKO feb IS Hardware KalU, Pot War,, Cotton Card., OofTta Mllla, Cnrrjr Uombt, Shot; Oapt, Powder, Knglieh Fllra, Pocket Outlary, Raaora, Locka, Ulngea, Screwa, dto , st prktet that will tnlt tb w bole tale trade, an bt foaad at tb Old Bttabltehed Hard war I Houa of .TOHNDAWROW, . No.ll,dll MaikttSt. feb 14 tS Flour I Flour! Flour! JQ0 BBIJ. BOB WBIT FLOCB, 400 " B,u MmFlw,f 200 " Wblt Eui,1m FUrar- " For sal by URUHBBB St OALDIB BBO. Jan 18 M saavtav ML s 'JStv vajJi. jl. I AVID BT BTJTTNO OLOTUKO BOW. BUSINESS SUITS. . DRESS " ' WEDDING " tad to oriltr at ee.t satll Msrrh tit. T DAVID A WEIL. t is 41 . Coal Coal. . ! Ti KU AD WBltB. ABH,..' J"....J ' - AH Bissa. Dtttrlrad Proajptly, 0, 0. TAirXET A CO. EODDIOK 00, t.UU- J.JB1. bj the late Fire, are rvmoved and for U. W. Kntifrs, No. 63 Market t tract. stook tnnst be sold wtuont delay, FRANK & BRO., 63 Harket Street mUM CO.; 1,000,000, Mij II. McRAKY & CO., . Co., andUtalerslaMi, t fernvlan Ouans North WiTin SfaKir, ' WILBIINIITONt.Me.9a of Soluble Pacific Guano, OtaBnndrad.V. a Marlon, ft. O. ZI-SaalAw SWEENY'S HOTEL, NKW YORK. Oa th F.uropean plan. To meat tbt dowa toea reflulrementsoavtwdby eloalng the Attor Hona. tnlt well-known and popular Hotel t, thoroughly renovated, relnruUhed, and la olan aa a near pin. Ladle, accompanied by their buibandt, r proparly Introdnoad, will And bom eomfoiu aud quiet Ladle' dlalag room oa parlor floor, OUT THIS OUT. feb 14 It-IUwIw BLANK BOOKO, ENVELOPES, PAPERS OF ALL KINDS. Ptt, Ink, Penholder,, MaeiUgt, Ink Btaada, Paper Wtlghta, Ptn Backs, Spongs Oapt, Damperlag Caps, Copying Brathts, Lttter Booka, BlotUng Paptr, Lv tar Pree, Ua4 PtnolU, Ilaatl Btndt, Stttl aad Babbsr, Ink and Ptnei Eraaara, . ats At.. Aa. -.. ALSO . , Sheet Mnsta and Magical IsstosjaMia for tala at OONOLET A TATES' Oity Book I Store Boots and Shoes. I an rtotWlni dally nw addltU already larie and well astorted ttok en1 Shoe, which I am selling at grtaiiA daoafd prices. An examination solicited Wa fers puroba.iog elttwhere. a A. PRICE, ' 82 Market Ck 9T P. I. CblklrtVl Sboea a rpMlalty. fab II m ,. Bapidly at Cost I FOtt CASH! QTJB STOCK OF BOOTS AITIV SH0Z3 kssUiagnpidly.Moar 'k PRICES ARE LOWES than ever befoea. i hiidt eb. But Baota at 1 SS. weHa I W. Mtaa-sPrb Laoed B"'a at S I T9 w f SI IS. lAUave ,ave, Roeis si M wtts ,sss M ml Ual"" and alt Tim at ! S ! OSSadl . - ft . wrrlh SO to M tu, SKt STeryiblug el. In re'pertlna ' Call ooa baler tht Mwrk la brokra. DVDLIY t ttl, Btgnof thtBlgB. rat oK.