Mr it1$ 1 . i .41 WILMINGTON, N. d., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,808. VOL XXIV.-NO. 44. il r " il ; Of iblln -.jloumnl. WILMINGTON, N. C: ATUEDAY. Fi-B. 20. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. thO Hill PASSES ITS FINAL READ INC BY A VOTE OF 66 TO 30. .. : (HfPCI.iL TO JOVRNAI.. Ralkioii. Feb. 19. The Usury Bill passed tlie TIou s to dy by a tote of fifUo 30. The amt iHl meats postponing its operation nutd March, 187(5; fm'hmittiiig it to the peo ple forratitientinu and ullowiugteuix r cent., were hll successively voted down. E. HEAlMiUAHTKIts;. THE PRESIDENT CALLS AN EX TRA SESSION .OF THE r SENATE. FAVOR AH I E REPORT ON' TEXAS PA CI IT 0. RILL 1HE POLAND REPORTS AGAINST IN TERFERENCE TN ARKANSAS. WasiuSci ros, Feb. ID- Noon The President has issued a proe!emain culling an extra session of tlie Senate to convene on March 6th. Sknitb The credentials of C'uiue rou, U. 8. SHimtor froni WisPouSH. and McDonald,: tienit r f rom ludiuua, were read ana placed on file. Hocse On motion of lLirriss, of Virginia, was inserted, in a1 bill pre vidiug for artificial limbs for pension ers, a provision repealing all laws Unit prohibit the payment of Revolutionary or War of 1812 peusious on account of disloyalty. . Tlie House refused to go into a Com mittee of the Whole on the tariff bill, and went into a Comrait'ee of the Whole on the private calendar. Washinqton, Feb. 19 Noon Full Cabinet meeting to-Jy The Coouiar aud Diplomatic! Ap propriation, bill has been approved. , The eulogistic honors to the lute Senator Buckingham have been post ' potied. The Hons Committee reported favorably on the Texas Pacific Rail road bill, aud it was recommitted. The House will give a night session to its . consideration next week In the Senate to-day, Flanagan pri aeuted concurrent resolutions of th , Texas Legislatnra asking pension for , the soldiers aud sailor of the Mexi ' can war. A bill was introduced making West Po-nt. a..a uort of eutrv. - A squabble ensued over the ord. r i f buslnu-s Logan wmited Pens ons.Ed Wire's Wanted Cvil Rights and Sei geant hoped Picbback would come ii arrain. It involved neace or war in Louisiana. He wonld sooner the case Bhonld be decided wrong than not at all. Hitchcock said when the ludiuu Ap - propriation bill was disposed of he w:uld oall the bill np for the admis sion of Colorado, 'ihe Iudian Appro priatiou bill was taken up, aud the Senate is considering it, to-ni;;ht House The Committee ou the pri vate Calendar rose without reporting a single bill, aud ttieu the Aimy Ap ' piopriation bill was taken up "aud passed. V Poland, of Vermont, from the Select Committee on Arkansas slTuirs, , re ported a resolution that it is not iul-,- , viaable that there should be any inter- ferenee with the government of thai State, and gave notico that he won hi call it np for ciJusideration next wet k. v , The House then adjourned. OHIO. : A BROKEN RAIL AND A TRAIN . IN THE DITCH,,, t , 4 BROKEN LEGS AND ARMS. Philadelphia, Feb. 19-Noon Traiu No. 5, east bound, from Colum bus at 6:35 o'clock last evening, ran over a broken rail near Stenbenvilie nt 8 o'clock this morning. . A special car r.. with the Vice-President nud Oeuial i Freight Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was ditched and burned. The Vice-President and , v Agent were slightly hurt. PlTTBBL'KO, Feb. - 19 Noon No lives were lost at Steuhenville. Vice President McOullough had both leg broken. Quito a number were injured . and a nnmber of cars were burned. WEST LMUES. TERRIBLE FIRE AT PRINCE. PORT AU TWO-THIRDS OF THE " DESTROYED. , TOWN Niw Yoit. Feb. 19-Night-The losi bv the Port an Prince tiro is auout 2.000.000. Naarly two-thirds of the Uwti are gone. The Alps brings details of the fire: It commenced about 10:30 o'clock, and in a short time assumed great miigiu tade. The houses, pri i ciimlly wood, were very dry; aud water was scaroe. There were only three small engines, with hose about garden size. Seven hundred families are homeless.. The fire was still bnrning wnon the Alps .lafi. - v .-- it.ui: AD j GERMANS 'J H RE Vl'ENINU -CAULi-ira coast. THE rRorosEu l'i'nt'i ' YT7 il i --1V OF TRE FRENX-tl SENATE Paws, Feb. l'J-Noon. The Right a'i I sioVnhuve a-ed upon aut bid for the org.ijiz..tiim of the SeuaV . 1'ho ftjiMnubiy shill appoint seventy live Senators who shall tie irremovable, iietufiniiug '."J3 by ctiuncda geui-ral, montcipat eouucili and councils of ar-rondisst-ments, one third of fhat num ber tj be renewed by'i-hvtiona every three yeata. MaM.ihou agrees to re-i:unuc- th pren'gative of appoiulmg portions of the Sijiate. Wotktnguteu'H 'Aoei:ition are dis-pilshing- the sending of delegates to Lonim'N, Ft b, lit. Noou It is stated thd.Iohn MitcheU's i.un, who was Captain tn the Oonfedeist army, will bet returned trom Tipp-raiy. Mionld he be uihipuduleJ .Mr. R ' Kinim, a r -las.-d t'tiU'HU, ii! be invited to stand for tin. cmviry. Mi'chell s rrp'.uted serion-ly ill iu mum tjii -iiee of the ex cileint ut of his election. Eie (r.-rniftn nien of war at Kill have baen oahrnl to rendezvous for lramediatt serviH'. The -bfuoers and crews are not allowed togonshore. It is supposed that they will hail for Spain in eie of further d!y of satisfaction Si.aiu for the (juhUvo ou'rage. TWih move wilt piobnldv loicu Spain to 'Buni'1 ac!ive operations ng.iiunt llm (,'llll.stx An eiicvclicul f.-oiu the P.'pn to fie P U'Sisn bishi p . deliouuces th Folk oct'lrRia ical Ls and e.vo .mnin. nica'en bishops wln iicceptjbenefices IruiTlfie State. Mahuid, Feb. 19 Noon. The mu isters appointed abroad aid Senors iiiinc-s to Ei g nud.Uedmar to RiHsia, Meny o Ocrinany, Coello to Italy ,'imt l fan to An-lna. L0U11ANA. ANOTHER NEGRO IN THE IT13H SCHOOL. New Okleans. Feb. 11). Noon. A uei?to was admitted to tLa High School, when twwity of the twenty t0 ivhiteB left, lhere was no dtsturliance. Mr. Ward, of Colfax bolotietv, who represented Grant Parish, was expell ed for disorderly conduct by a vote of forty nine to nine. UKOlItUA. THE RACES AT AUGUSTA. AtrofSTi. Feb. 19 Night-The fret race, best three in five, for horses t ot under 3 minutes,' General Hood win ner, time 2.10U 2-.V21, 2 A'i I and 2:4C; Qiiicliery seuoml. Second race, m me for hor. e-i not under 2 :.'li I, Basil Dnke winner, tiinu 'Z:$C. and 2:1CJ ; Lady 1'u telaon second. Iko Iloopi-r, colored, was hanged for the killing of Sattei-wbite iu LVetm ber, 1873. Tho blood buing the sou roe from which our systems ore built up and from Woioh vc derive our itiefital as well s physical capnbilities, how im portant that it should be kept pnrc. If it cuuiuiiia vilo iesttiing poisons ail organic J'uiiCtious are w i: a ki-ned there by. Settling hi.ou import uit orgurs, as the luus, liver or kidneys, the elf.-et is most disiisfroiis. Hence it behooves e'very onn to keeptheir blood in a peifi etly healthy condition nnd more ef-peoiaiiy does this apply at this particular season of tho year than nt any other. No matter what, the excit ing cause, the real cause of a Luge proportion' of all discasts is Lad blood.. Now Dr. Pierce does not widh to place- hia Golden Medical Discovery in the catalogue of quack patent nos tiuois by recommending it to cure every disease, nor does he so recom mei d it, on the contrary there are hundreds of diseases that he acknowl edges it will not cure; but what he does c'atm is this, that there is but onefirmof blood disease that it w id uot enre, aud that disease ?a cancer. He does not recommend his Discovery for that disease, yet ho knows it to be the most searching blood cleanser yet discovered, aud that it will free the Wood and system of all other known blood p.visons, be they animal, vegeta ble or mineral. Too uouien wiscov erv is warranted bv him to cure tin- worst forms of Skin Diseases, ns all forms of Blotches;' Pimples and Erup tions also all Glandular Swellings and the worst form of Scrofulous ami Ul cerated Sores of Neck. Legs or other parts, and all Scrofulous Diseases of the bones; us White Swellings, . Fever Sores, Kip .foiut nud Spinal Diseases, all of which belong to Scrofulous dis eases. Conftnnrd Hip Joint DUr'me. Cured, W. UuiYTrSTATioN. Ia., July H, '72. Dk. I'iuiice, Buffalo, N. Dear Sir My wife first became lame nine years sgo. Swellings would upi ear and disappear on her hip, and j she was gradually' becmuine reiluc- d, ana nc r wuoie system rotten wuu ais ease. Iu 1871 a swelling broke on her nip discharging large quantities, nud iuce that time there sre several ope iues. Have had five doctors nt an ex. peuse of ?123, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical operation, ji'lv, 1873, he writes tbiis Mv wife has certainly nceived a grt-st benefit from the nso of your D,sc.ive j for she was not bble to get off the be and was not exjieoted to live- & week when she commenced using it, a year Rffo. She 1ms been doing tho most of her work for' ovef six months, Has used twenty bottles and still using it. Her rrcovcrv is considered as almost a miracle, and we attribute it all to tho use of vour valuable medicine. I can ehetrfullv recommend it as a blood purifier and strength restorer J, M. JlOBtKiBO " Diswvery U Bold bj druggists. MITOUELLV, ELECT.. II'ISMS. . The rebel prisoners. Generals Calis to, tint oi ud Jutguea, Kiiiltnl frout Havana on tlie l,")lh lust IL iirr Smith. o( Now been j sutenoed to tea yearn (or perjury in i falsely swearing he owned property. lu order to go bail for a fneud. Kpr-yilM lUCr-Mli tu UltJ 1HWU Ul Director Vf tho Pennsylvania. Rad road Compaiiy, the position munn d by Preaideut boott was eeeouded nod will bo miitported The Strakoaeh Opera Troupe lost all of their baggage by the Steubeuville accident H. J. R. SIoMilliaQ it elected Sen ator from Minnesota. He ia at pre ent Chief Justioe of the State, and is a Republican. . STATE NEWS. , Bishop Atkinsou preached in Wilson on Friday last. Eleven persons were confirmed. " ihe Oxford Children's Friend says: A severe ease of chirken pox appeared iu Oxford last week and was mistaken for sruall pox. The people were alarm ed, aud several citizens, who had been exposed to the disease, were rusticated three miles from town. The excite mcut has now subsided, and business moves on as usual. The Tarboro Southerner says : The Treasurer of this oounty, Robert IL Austin, Esq.. one of our eldest and most respected ci'ir.ens, has held that position for thtrty-.oight years without g-viug cause for a shadow of a com plaint during that great leugth ot time. Cau this be said of another countv or' of another oflloiaJ in the State? - The. Wadboro Herald says t Mr. Robin Hanuer, the oldest citizen of Auson county, died at his residence, about oiie-and a-half miles southwest of this place, ou Saturday the 13th iust. - His age, as nearly as we can ascertaiu, was from on'e hundred and five to one hundred and ten years. He remembered sovsral incidents con nected with the American revolution. The Salisbury Watchman says: The vote on the town subscription of 8&0, 000 to the Yadkin Railroad (from Sal isbury to Wadesboro) was bad on' Monday last. Notwithstanding the almost frantic opposition of a very few parties the result was unexpeotadly fl tttering to the f riendsof the enterprise, ".97 volts were cast for, and only 13 against subscription quite a comfort able, majority that. Rowan county will vote in June next noon the prop osition of a county subscripion of $100,000 to this Road, and its .advo cates are confident of an over whel ming majority. The Charlotte Observer says: We learn from passengers ou the North Carolina train yesterday, and from private telegrams received in this oity, tuat a. considerable tiro occurred in Concord ou Monday night The flames wero dtscovrred .about 11 o'clock, issuing from the rear of Litaker's ! store, which is situated near the i Court House. The front part of the houxe m which the fire originated, is used as a candy whop and bar room, aud the rear, or an L adjoining it, is occupied by negroes. This building was consumed, out some of the con tents were saved. From the store the fl ones oommuuicated to the Court Uvuae,aiid, notwithstanding the efforts nitnle to save it, it also was consumed, unlwith it many of the records in the oiHcp of the Clerk of the Court The papers in the Sheriff's office were saved, as wore those also, wo believe, n that of the Register of Deeds. In addition to these a small dwelling (Mr. Ivef tier's) was burned. There was an insurance or $4,000 on tbe Ooiut House, and J 1,600 ou Latikers store. The exact mauner in which the the started is not known. The resi dence and store of Muj. Foard were in reat danger. Both eatiRht tire nov els) times, but manfol exertions drove the flames back and saved them. It is remarkable that the Concord Hotel should have esenptd destruction, as it is situated not more than fifteen feet from the Court 'House, and the only explanation of this is that tbe winds wa blowing in the opposite direc tion. ' : .''; "' . .- SPICIAL. T ha vcLLiifis should weir Jlmwood collars Tliey nreeiu-1 y csrrl.d, wear w.ll, Uwknlceiy, aud do not rein(e wtthlilng. Ilnrmlo.aa. Mnntiuer Dew. Yt t In th. lljhctt dgre Dlaliifrctanl nd prcfervitlve.'SOZOboNT ke.p. tto tMtb al- wiiyn healtliy .ml apotlvi, and the gum ruddy and free fiom Oaiiker. flristtsiro aud Uiscouifiift lou-l by th. uc or picgutiTi whun griiw ni rscs inenji tro. Parimi' Pumativt PilU r tn from at Impure m ii-r, and sra mild and h.lth-gWliig in luoir oi-emnon. . . . At Ihtt Mtuoii of y.srth. cramp and pnln. In tin iiNimnch snd liowl, nv. -nisry, iiiirrlios ,t , HT-t ()nlt cirum-"', an-t hcu d be chi-k( d at nit, r J-ihnim'i Ano 'ljnt I.immrnt In Ihe bpt Rri irlH ilia can be or.-t in all inch o.mi, snd rhonUl he kiiiil In over; family. Uwd later- usl'.y. ( oiitinnpllvc, Take Nvtlee. Every moment of delay make, your oars more hojielfM, ard much depend, on thejn. 'Icloim chulre of a remedy. Th. amount of trutlmoiiy tn favor of Dr. Scbecck'l Pulmonic Svriip.inaciirefor coinumptlon, far exceed all that c-in l brought to anpport th pre ten loin of any other medicine. Ree Dr. Bchenck's Aimno, containing the certlfloatei ef many errotiK ot the hlghent reipectabllliy, who hare been rtored to health, after being pronoun red Incurable by shjelclao. of acknowledged a'tltliy. Beh.nuk'i Pulmonic Syrup alon-ha. cured many, a. these evldonc will (how; bat the ture In uttjfx promoted by Ih. emplojnient of two other rmidle. which Dr. Solienek pro- rkti fur ib rurp-Me. ' TheM Uddltloual reuio dlc ar srhnck Sea Weid Tonle aud Man 'Irate rill. " Hi ue of then modi elm., accord log lo direction,' Dr. Nch.ock oertlfle that mo.t any cmV Comumptlou D1HT b cr.d lr, Kchenok 1 proi"e"lonally at bh prln.l pal efflce, o rnr fdxth and Arch irreet phlMelphla,very Monday, whor all Ktter for a-lvl.. vast b ftddrarftfl. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ELLIOT TAILORS 785 BROADWAY, (Opposite A. T. Stewart & Co.,) Have on exhibition at the Fnrcell nonse, a complete assortment of sam ples of their New Spring Stock, consisting of tho latest novelties hi ENGLISH AND FRENCH COATINGS.. NtJJ'JTIIVON. v Cassimeres and Cloths, in all shades. rMi CHARLES READE'S A HERO AND MARl ITIK. HRKO AND A MiHTTH. A Trn. 2. rrtttve. Hj-i lurlcn Hv.ils. knttiur of i. not null ," Fati I..IlailAc WtUi irmi. rii-r, l.i cpiit- .vrv nue will rend thin nisrv.lou f' ' h.iulaialn bumhle III., and w hope lbt rr.if una will druw im mur.l I'mu It. Tn u It Hum. an luo.ejumly ttnutilT. and cumpr. b.Dttf . MriBOi. .V. Tnliunt. TALMAGE'S SPORTS THAT KILL. Snort, tknt KM. HtT l. Witt Tsliaif, uthor of Klr.t Htra of S.rnion.," " Hro i .rimol Sirionii.'"IU Well. Dug Out;" ftc Ulo-h, SI 35; ppr, ft. . ,. tor Ml at HEINSBERCER'S LIT. Book KihI Miuir 8lor. fbn M Balls, Tops, &c. J0" of KEOKtVKD TUB LARGEST LOT BALLS, TOPS, HARMONICAS. JEWS HARPS ANO FLUTE HARMONI CAS. T.r brought tn thl. nit;. ' Top. rom Hire, to en c.nti. Jew. Hsrni tiro out. Bs't llf- teen cei.ta and iipword.. Com. br.yr and ebon from Dm cUes)nt .took la the city, at . CONOLEY k YATES' City B6ok Store. rebiW Wilmington Strain Fin Engine Company No. 1. jyjEMBERS ARE NOTIFIED TO LEAVE belli with Menu farpentor . Millard AT Oscu. In oriter to h ivo timietiTi-igcnsiian befnr pri dlg wl'h the ntv erglnu. My order tl roremnn TMOH.P. MRARF.M, Kec.Meorniarv. feb,0 4 1-It. Hardware NalK Pot Ware, Cotton Card", Coffee Mill". Cuiry'omb., Shd, 0p, Powder, l-nul-sb P 1, . rora.l i Uliery nni nr, i.orae. iongi-, Screw.. Aa at i-rli-e. 'bat will mlt th whole- Kale trade, can be found at tho Old RaiabliHb.ed Hard war Hntueof .tons D'WSON, Ko.19, 39 mdiil MaikatfV. rb 14 S! Rapidly at Cost ! FOR CASH! 8TOCK OF A BOOTS AND SHOES IjwUlngrap'.dlTjUour - PRICES ARE LOWER than ever before. t;hlld' Peb, But Boot at l no, worth ? en Peb. laced Boot at SI T. wor-h fili. Ladle. Joyce HiettatS4 0 wxrtb SSW Men' Qalrere and Oall Tie at SI AO, Si 00 and 2 23, worth SO to 1 00, and everything ele in nrotKirtlon. . Call nooa before th. tock Ia broken. DUDLEY ELLIS, btgn ortb Big Boot, Vo. 41 Makiott Btu.wt. feb IS 4 iw. ASSIGNEE SALE ! B. KAHNWEILER. Auct'r. fJlHE TJKDERS10NED, ASSIGNEE OF the estate of J. 8. William, will noil at puhtle ancthin (in o,untltl to aiiil) lb large and d.ilrable utoi-k of Xry Oootlsi, Scc, at the Brick Store, next door Wert of Mew KTtn A Von01bn. Prlnoee stn-et. Tbele will commence t 10X A. M , Monday, e'en runry 221, IM8, nd conHru 'rem Say today, until tbe .lock ofmerchatidiae I. elutd out. A superior IRON- SAFE, - - - DESK, CHAHIS, STOOLS, do., for sal. AIM, th abort STORE for Kent until Oo tjberlrt, laia. SILAS N. MARTIN, fbl4Mi AMlga, ' J& CO,, Hoes! Hoes! gooviu,LANsva, ft wunfawKicPiN sad Hilling an t Aaltmsq'. Il-itu. at lu irk at th. Hard war. Htorii. OH KS A MrRCHini)N. . sNi.ithrrontat. S3- trbT CLOTHING JfADY-MADK OU MADK TO OR UK If. We gnarsote. the fit ai d duality at 25 I'ER CENT. LESS THAN NEW YORK RATES. SHIRTS CUT LENGTHWISE th oloth, freshly made, now lu State- MUNSON & CO'S, CTTX CLOTHIERS. feb It 41-tf Notice. TTAVINtt DHPOSICII Ot unit SAht I K XX natnewaud Trunk nninn- .took. OoikI Wi I and Hook Accoitni., In W llinliiiituu. N. J , lo M.rare, Ca'p-nlir & Ma lard, we h-rrbv lender our thank. Ii a guiiereu. iuhile for their llii.r) patrunage tlie l-t l;n yt., and aek tf conMwiiancx of ihi .am. tli our Mir- oMriM, wlio tiavu Ih bii ao- -tubly In nr rm- nloT Cut mny jeate an-l sr. thiirouglny H.ed In the t,ne, ham ami Trunk liuiiliie.t In all It. bram ho. Mi'.r. ;atienler Ma' -ll I'ttto nil elKlin. conltanti-d a ain.t u In Wlliuingum. N. (1 , and collect ddbu du u. and rcoelpt fur th. a in.. J.8. TOPHAM ACt. A. t'arpei.ter. J II. Mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. Havio notmur the arovk mkn o m il ()i nde, wa otl'er a lull .tuck of . SADDLES, HARNESS,' V TRUNKS. COLIiARS, RRIDLES, Ana All K' SAJDTftJETCZ- GOODS, -AT- VERY LOW PRICES For f!Mh or to prompt ; lug buyer. We renpeolfiin. Ati'li'lt i'nt'nnH,e i' a v v.s ri: it n a i. i . a h d lib ill luiiiio , Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Etc. KK) Roios D. 8. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. C. M. Fork, 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, 100 Bbls. Rpfl nnd Sugar, 400 Kega Nails, 100 Bugs Prime Rio Ooflee, 25 Mats Java Ooflbo, 800 Bd Is Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls.' Glue, . 100 Bbla. Irish Potatoes, 10,000 Bushels White and Mitod Dora, 1,000 Hacks Salt. Ii00 Bales N. R. and E. Hay, 800 Bags Shot, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Onano-.-Ouano Guano. 3r0 Tons Enreka Guano, 250 Tons Gnauape Guano. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. feb 14 M ft Children's Pebble and Kid Shoes ExtenAlon Toe. Ohlldron' Seamless Shoe. At ten m O. A. PRICE'S, M.iket Street. Tobacco, Tobacco, Tobacco. 2jQ Box Chewing Tobaico. For ea'e bv KEKCilNER A OALDEB BROI. ' itbt Molasses and ofiee 100 Bbls S. H. Molasses, ' 150 Bags Rio Coffee, , For nt by urii.'uvrn . nil nrRDIIIll jan 11 New Crop Sugar House Molasses- 2QQ BBL8. 8. H. MOLA88K". ; . Fotlby "ItXitCllMH A CAUKB BROS, fob t NEW ADVESTI3EHE1T3. BROWN & OFFER Special Inducements I N HAMBURG EDGINGS T h i s All Cottons are Advancing. In view of this we have made very heavy purchases lately, and art now prepared to give our Patrons the advantngo for a short time, but would ad vise all who are in want of such to make their pin chases AT ONCE. Clearing Out The balance of all our Flannels at prices that CANNOT FAIL to meet th approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid ClovesworthS I 50, - Soiling for 50 ICents Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE P RICENO SAMP I ES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, rb u ' FIRE! FICS ! FinS ! WATER ! WATER ! WATER 1 THE ENTIRE HTOCK OF GOODS OF : IUi . FR A l! EC & BR. , r,.:.ij.. tmiv nriniti nt ri'i TTivri unoifn TiATa fiTtAPiriTTiV CHINA and GLASS WAKE, damaged sale at the Htore lately occupied by (1. Notice is hereby given that the ubove - M. SOLUBLE PACIFIC UO CD, CAPITAL $1,000,000. i - PRICES REDUCED THfO DAY. TWO THOUSAND FTVE HUNDRED TON'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sate, cither for CASH or ou CROP with Merchants aud other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warehouse yrioes. 0ornmuli)U Mur chant., Agent fur PaclOodiiaiio Sub-Jv gents for tho Sale v. n. mot. t!. U.IAItAM.... Jai-UI H PI At 803.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, payable 1st of November, next;' N AVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, : At 833,00 per Ton, Cash, or 838,0 , payable 1st of November next. iVK QTJARANTEH that the previous HlghO R R BRinoKK. PrWeut 1 j I). MoHsE, 'I'reawir.r, ' O. L. OHAFKL1N, StiierlntflDilont. Jn S 11111 L1I1! it. i For Sale. THE LITHIA WATRR of tho Virginia Buflalo Spring, ui toe water ol the old BuSalo Spring, put up in box, containing n Dcitn Hall Gallon bottl.. will b. mpplled to o iler delivered at the Soottebur DeKt of the R ch raond ft Uanvlll Hallroad a'. fl per boi.'to be paid In odrance. The I.ITHIA water faa made a remarkable cure, a any upon ret ord In attectlonaof the Bladder aid kidney, anu In It ha alw glren decided rail., In douty and Rheumatic affection In the dieeaae of Women and In Pyepepela the water of the old Spring u regarded a well nigh p. clflo. Addres THOMAS F.OOODB, Buffalo Spring", Meoklonburg County, Vs. Pt4 SU-iaw-a Corn Corn-Corn. 3 000 hvltnu C0RN' For lain hi KKR0HNEK A CALDEH HUO. 41 . teh 18 IAVKDBV BCVlNa OIOTHIKO ROW. BUSINESS SUITS, W D " '- S "' DRESS ; " WEDDING made to order at coit until March lit. DAVID k WHT, UUI Utl l ilUMiiUL RODDICK AND INSERTIONS W e.e k. 45 Market Street. at bv the lato Fire, are removed and for II. W. Range, No. 6!) Market street stock must bo sola wltuout aelsy. FRANK &.BR0-, 63 Market Stree 5 TIME. Liberal terms will be made Co.,Midl).lla N. I Peruvian OuiM, Noiith Watrr Hthrst, WILItllNUTON, P4..C, of Holublo Tariilc, tinano. Old Hundred, N. O. Marlnn. a. O. m-llmdAw WE OFFER OUR STAHDAED FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Factory, at tho following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO de ef our Fertlltxer (hall be fnlly Maimtaikbd NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY . lAlt MINQTOS. Si. C. eod-dw4m. SWEENY'S HOTEL, ,jt - NEW YORK. On the Enmpean plan. To meet th down to u requlrrinent caused by elotlng the Attor House, thl well-known and popular Hotel la thoroughly renOT.ted, relurnl.bed, and Is clean x a new pin. Ladle, accompanied by their biMband. or properly mtrodnoed, will find horn, comfort, and quiet. Ladle1 dlslag tojra on parlor floor. CUT THIS OUT feb 14 llttt Boots and Shoes. I am receWIng dally new addition t my already large and well aaaorted tofe of Boot an I Shoe, whlrh I am elllngat greetlv re duced price. An examination solicited -for purchaamg elsewhere. O. A PRICE, 82 Market St, 9W P. 8. Childreu' 8hoipclalty. feb 11 A VICTORY! Our Children's Toes. w K HAVE AT LAST 8UCCEXDXD IS getting v. CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, that ar Una and dreny, with no areas or I1tm tlpe, and aro mor than the m.tallo tip. They are known to wear children four and tit month with ut abnak lu taem. Parent will do well to try them. Call sad , we tiicm. .- , : i AT RVAH8 A ViwOLABHI, ..... . v jfM 4nd gho. Store. fchtS ' - , 40 RBlANI WMITK ONION 8KT8. ""RKESArLABNIB. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Hew frop KS, growa by Latd.etli a P'i'-, For ! by c,(.-.. rT , . f ; i. i i t i f 4 ! 1 !

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