SI It ill fiWITii "fitl if) A. 1-1 tl ii I I VOL. XXIV. -NO. 45. WIUIIHGTOH, H. C, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1875. WHOLE HO. G.COD. (i"hf,.lj:;i!n riinirnal: WILWINrtTOX, X. 0. : 7 - - SHU DAT. FEB. 21.1875. 8Y TELEGRAPH. HEADljUAHTKKS. WHiT THE nor. COMMITTEE .WILL PEtojlT. THE SEN ATE CAUCUSIVG ()X THE CIVIL KICi II Trj JULL AXOT1TEK DOOR SHUT AGAINST THJ SOUTH. W.saisoros; l'VU. -2D --Xo'.n-CHr(j-ntnr oocupioJ hi at-nt iu tho ' Strata to tly. The Iuilmu ApprojiriaticB bill it bnini c-jusnlure.l. Horns 1 in Cnrrirnitlfe the Tar iff lull. ) Tim HaltimoM San s;veifil says tin Hoar couaaitti-o w.ll iiinko Iwi re port. ou Beating mt-pibers ixpe' by the military, sml tli otlur whk UlZIIig Ktllk'g. Wasiiinutos, Feb. 20 -NightTh.. Treasury rdcoiveil (our million tlo'.lars in bonds from Europe, to-day, fir ro droiplion and txehiiii. TLh S;uttt eaiiotlsel this' iiinrtiiir? on the order of busmen. Then' was a slim tttUuilaiiffi. Tl.e Civil High's bill was cunsidt-rcd, but no ooncitiMou was rescued upou uml su'jwt ' The Library Oowuiittuti heard "Gtti. Denver aud others of Hie Jh'xu'nu Veteran Association in favor. uf sit equestrian stalno in houor of tKu. Zohray Taylor J Alcorn introduced a bill for thv relief of the uvei flowed MissiKnipi river lands. The Indian bill was taken up, but gsve way t eufrgies. The debate in tin House today wn-. on the motion inudtt by Jlurhard, of Illiuois, to striku out of tlie Tan If bill the Gth section, which provides for the restoration of the 10 per cent, re duction ou nittuufucttucd goods. Near ly all the members from Pennsylvania, Democratic tut well as Kepu lutiin, spoke iu favor tf retaining the section. The single exception was. in the ciu-e of St.'rm. a Pennsylvania Democrat, who, to the amazemeut mid oluigrin of all his colleagues, supported the motion to strike out the section, atil avowed himself unqualifiedly a free trader. The motion to strike ont was lost by a vote of 86 to 98, and then, without finishing tho bill, it' aside, aud eulogies were pronounced on the four recently deceived mem bers of the House, Crocker end Hooper, of Massachusetts, Hussoy, of Maryland, and llice, of Illiuois. The Louisiana Committee will re port through Mr. Fuiater en Tuecd y. and a minority report wifl bo submit ted by Mr. O. F,, Hour. The report of the Qomniittee, which will be signed by Messrs. Forster, Phelps, Potter and Marshall, will adhere to the origi nal views presented iu ' the sub committee report, and contains n rec ommendation that a resolution urging the proper authorities in Louisiana to give the control of the lower House to the Conservative members b adopted by the House. Home of tluwo siguiug the report will express their wiliinci'eB to support a resolution fo 'mi Dy recoa;uizii g h Kelh gg Gov ernment, but the rcsolutiou tUeir re port does not urge, for the reiison that tiie rights of Kellogg have not bt f n established by any evidence taken by the committee, but are' admitted upon general rumor, and as the host possi ble solutiou of the present dilhVnitios. Washington, Feb. 20, Night Senate. Andrew Johntou's creden tials were prt'stiuttKl. A resolution uppointing a commitU e of five to sit during recess to exiimiic the various brunches of the civil st-r-vied and report by bill or otherwmo, with a view to reorganization, wns it. -tioduced. A resolution giviug wouuded s-ii diers, widows and orptnus of th.n.v who died in lino of duty preference m civil service. Passed by a vote of'80 to 8. Thjs sliuts out the South. EUROPE. TERRIBLE FIRE AND LOSS OF ' LIFE IN SWEDEN. Gattenbuiw, Feb. 20 Noon A match factory was burned here oroa ti ed with workmen. The tipper story was cut off and fifty perished in the flames or by leaping from the build ing. ",. Paris, Feb. 20 Xoou The As sembly has adjourned until Monday. London, Feb. 20 Noon Tue Stock Exchange is closed for repairs to the building. ELElTmClSMS. The Standing Committee of the diocese of Illinois havoitmutd a pum p del showing that Dr. DeKoves' tlection to have been perfectly fair aid conducted according to the can non. Mrs. Dale, of Detroit, held a hot buckwheat cake over her husband's oouutenance for several initiates be cause he expressed his disapproval of free love doctrines. "Tins family mast be run on aa nusectarisn bnsis,'" said Mrs. D, Tb.3 grand jury of Little Rock have cone uded their investigation of the tatimenr, sigued by a nnmberof ex TJn, m soldiers, that a reign of terror zjited in Arknnsas. The jury sny in their report that they examined ab nt forty of the signers, and nnible, after diligent qtieslioning, to flnl a single instance in hich any man had been deprived of his tight to fote, or any other right, Tf.t' blood b h.x the Mtirtw frotii which our null tiiN are built np aud ;ruu h( tell we del ivo our tu.-ntal as '! us plij.etl enpu'i.htus, LiiW im portaut thut il t-l.un'. l be kej-t pure. It it tvutaies vilit te.stt-ring jxntions nil orgiiiiic (iiLciiors are .ufct iiel there by. Settling ui.ou impoitsut org us, h the luns, livpr or kideeya, the nTct i- iu .-t disuH' Hence it ! h liiHiv" evi ty oiir to Let'p their blood I in a pi'ritctiy lieuittiv couu.ittou ana i mro eiwc slly dat-s this apply at this particular w-:un of thiT year than ut hi-'j 0'u.i.T. No nitt r what th rxeit ' iisi Oiiit'-e mav be, the real c.ue. of i li f; propoi fun of aU di'riiM8 im bad b!i o,l. Now Dr. 1'ii ice d ch not wtt-U Ui p uc .lns Ci'.hleil M dva! DiC v. -iy N't t It- cu'aa "e of ijum t p-it ut wot. trim t v rtcouuiH'inliHif it. to cure evetv itii-.eiise, iior dm. lie so 'rec'ii lil' t il tt, oti tl.e isiltlai V tlt'-re ui h :uau d of ili.-'i uvea tlu.t lie acknowl ejy.s it ill ifit Hire; but what he ies c'iiiiii in tbi's,' ti.ut'tln'ro js but i'iic foi tu of IJ'fV'l diNi ttse 'tliht it tl! not ruse, tt:jil that di? aie "s r:tt;er. lie dots in t iivomuH'ud his Discovery fT that (ircitc, y t he, knows it to be t;ie most teati'Mug blood deaut-er yet diMivrul,.iiiiil tout ii wdi tr.e the Mood uud syst in of a l' i ti r Knou b'nod piiiMot'a, to; they tui:iii'ii, vegtrta bii or luintial Tue G'-Mtu Dihcov eiy is u nrrti(tt I ly him to cure th worst f'Ttus df Slitu DiscHsta, as all forms of Biotches, Pimples and Ernp tious ul:-o id! G.'aiiniilar Swelliug sud the wort form of Scrofulous and VI rer.iti d Soiea tif Ni ck. Ligs or other pirt, sud nil Sriofuhms DixeJifes of the bonf h, as White Sw.fl'ings, F. vei Sore, I 'iii Joint sir Dist-a-es, all of which be long to Scrofulous tlis- CSM. Uanfii'Mt d J!t Jo'il I)icatr Currd, V. tJiu.VE Si ATioN. Ia., July 14, '72. Dh. PiFtti H, Jliitl'ulo, N. '.: Dear Sir My wife fiift becsui' Limn nine years ago. Swellings would upbear Hiui lihii)'pcnr on her hii, und tdui- wau-jutdiittlly he coming. red itei'd , und lu r wJiole system rottcu with dis ense. Jn 1871 a'swellug broke on her hip discharging large quantities, unit since that time there sre several opi'n ii'gi. llsve had live doctors ut au ex pense of $ll, who say nothing will do Htiv good but a surgical operation. July Ifith, 18?o," he writes thus : My wife Las certainly received a preat lsnofit fioui the use of your Discoveiy for she was not fable to get off the ben and wa not expected to live n week when lte commenced using it, a year ago. She hiui been dviiug the, most of her work fur over bix months, lias iwd twenty bottles and still using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, and we attribute it all to the use of your valuable medicine. I cau eheerhllly recommend it as a blood purifier aud strength rewtorer - J. M. Robisso.v Discovery is sold by druggists. DIED. At tle rnxiil 'tire of IT, H O. Mel sunn, Bnoiiiiiii, f siiikm onntitr. Mi . en fndnv, .) o iinry h. ,T5. lr .It iH N it. Mel iTVUl'. wlii) liorn , ctober 1 1 ( li , 1 1 S , Iu Kicliinima 'Oiiiuy, K; U. Ito P' s liberal education tnhiin ttvc ", una mmr.t lo Miwipliiil Btcn'tliP j'lar l4.i, h Ftii uiriliciMi., qiinlity liK InuiK i. lur tlm pnv t cn (im iiro'ei-.'on ty at idiiHtuiK lirihn Uiilvirsitv of L'-liii-in.i la Isftj. b-n In Inr iTi'il near I'orl llilisrio, !UI hornn roantf, wlirre li-inai-H'wl tti ir ton. Ion u ii b ctio .eo u wittiin a lew luontb. of hi. Ill-Htll. H - SFICIAL- 'J'satki.lkr kjioittd Elniwoflrt wlir. Tilt Hrnrnti v raulid, wear w.ll, lu.k nicsif , ititil do nut .n-iprr W ifhi ig. liar in leu a Miiunifr Dew. Tit in t'lii' tiv' t'it decree Mrii.fectaal and pr. Mi v iii, MiZe'Di'N i' kn c tl.e teeth al ay liuaiihv mid n;4tt.'M, ar.d the g tins rii'Mv aii:i it fiotii rnukiT fir -"1 t.Him niul i KMjoitiiti I. i !ii-f-i tiy the u i- ui jnr gviy" .whii'li jftt.-'au.l tack tli inn. i,;ij" 'lo-ydiiti- t'ills ntu fr- t'ruDi all iniMin m itt r sr.d t mial hiui hm'tU-giv mg 1 lln.'ir o, cmlinii. ('oiiuHillti a, lake N'ntlrn. Kyi i ni'inj'.iit of di-lny mnkim raro (a ire liot.i'l- s. ui (t m :rh depei.'ts on the .In. 'ir'on. li'iii-e "f n r-m ily. 1h ) i.oiohi.i i,l ti Kt.iuuiiy m idvor ti DK Srli-!tick' t'niniiinic 1 rj p. ?.! h inr tor roti.siinintlon, turexccBds a l cui li - hi'oiiK'it to u piu t lite prutnn nii'in.i f any other medicine. ple Or Sclienrk's Ainion ic. roninlnti (j the oiTtlHi-aleK of irnuiy i eiroiiA tli biKhflft rr.tieetaMlliy, who he tn'Cti 'tiirrd to lie.ilih, after b. lni( pmnnuti cut InciirablB by nhynL-inuii of Scknowlodijf d a'ull.y. Se'iini k's Pnlmoi l Kyrnp alon has -uri ii maiiv, pn thase cviduureA will ulinvtj tint thu cure I. oft -n j romo ril by the em itoynn tit. of two other rimertleB uliich fr Pelieock 1 ru ytitrs tor tlm purpfflK. Thesi uil'litiiiiinl re 'no die are rcheiick' t Wet d Tot.rc and Mn Jtaie HiiiB. Hy the ilmely ne of theiw nie II-cin-. according to directions, Dr. Sehei.cli ccrttBep.tbttt mift anf es of ionnmptlon may Le o'-red - Pr. Sihmick i piofei-lonlly at bis prltiol pl oflli-o, ci rnr Stxih and Areh itrtnt. piitUiloiphlH, evi-ry Mond.y, where all 1 tier for ailvie.e miiH' bfl ft.lrtr"F'd. , Notice. Havivo hpsk.ii or titra sa hdi.k eiHin 'wutuU Trunk Hndnr.ii tock, (loud Wiilamthrwk iterouuis, in ilinhictou, ', tl.. to Me,-r. Oarp-ntcr Ma lard, wo hjrebi. tinnier tun' tliaiiki. t a generous piibilo fur their llJtPi',,l patriiiidge. the lat ten y ars, and nk a nontlnumen of itn Dime to ourMic newnr:., who liiive been ceetnhly In nr eln plov for ninny team tu 1 are thuroiigniy pelted in the Mdil-, llai a'tn and Trunk Builu :n all it hritni-huii Mu will nettle all e!aimeonirai-.t.i1 a-ainnt u in Wilmituton. N. (!, m il oollei't dubtt due tit and rtcclpt for the lettm. J. H. TOPHAM &CO. A. Cdriienter. J ll.lllallurit. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVINO BOUOHT THK ARnyR MCN ti ..ed Good, we offer a lull ttutik of SADDLES, HARNESS, TltUNKS, COLLAHS. BK1DLES, And All Kind of SADDLERY GOODS, very'Low prices l or Cash or to prompt p lug buyers. We re!nCtl'lllv nt'leit 'Hl.itnieii. lAkFKMli:itk .tlAl.t.AIIU. leb 6 si-luioa NEW ADVEE.TISEMZ5TS. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. -820- WILt SCT 4 FIRST MORTGAGE Premium Bond Ml 'See bet d aia . U.J for the pirp-atof a ieg I ii ill. ar t;i ir. clou or a i aiming It inn ta y ut Vrkt te be l ed ttv a lVrpt'timl World's Fair, pemnetit bni, whei erery m.nn'ur lire . m mliinll kii I e!l hi (nnit, and cterr jn'.-i.t etn li li Intention; a c unnl uidn.o h . k l 1 pio taet beaeSt to the liUUUlllr. Kor t; it pui pote th I.tgt.Uiur of the Sta'e ( f Nt w Vork list granted a eba'ter tn a tit-b-r it our inn. I .iih ami reftalile nie'. i timili., tint tuev. cnileiuiin I av pnrohated uu lew than eight b'o. k of the m-t valo iblu land tn'the t tty of New York l.ha btrlJIn, P. b erreted i le -e ttoi I high (I V tent in h U'hM. mini nnted by a muiliciii itorae ami wPI eov.r a Beuf W aet. It wl.i haeniitiruo l oo, brleked Uk in.. Kind flm-proiM. The bona, whirk ar uli I ,t Hi h. aro erured by aflmtmort-gagt-UDtlie nud and buldlng; and for t'ie I u per. ol uisklng them iopuiar, tl llnec ImtntT eelded toh qurterly drawing" ui alto mil eaoh, ibl money balna tha Iniat- rrl on the amount vl the whole loan. Ktti bniidliolder mu-t raeaite at leaat til, but he my reoetre OlOO.OOO! nr fltt, er tl' yt Vi f o or WiQo. . Fourth Series Drawing, prll 6th, '75. There draWlm take n'aoa tiyerv THRRR MONTHS, and evn'udr EVKKT DOMP will participate In them. The next premium allotment will be held an Monday, March lat, 1870, m which due l.ttbo premium, amounting 1 vi out, will be dlatrlbflted aatong I, one boud- hoia e. we im a ilmnan euntoer oi arawn Heria Dvii ilnan hand, which may be orchaa4 on arpiioatlon. Atldreat, tor Bond ana fall Information, MQRCENTHAU, BRUNO & CO., FINANCIAL AOKRT8, 23 Park Row, New York.x Poat Office Drawer H9. Kemlt by Draft on New York City Bank. Keil'-tered Letter, or Poet t'ffloe Alonej Order. Postponementa Impoaalkla Un- derthls Plan. Applications for Agencies received. lebll 44-dmaw6m OVERCOATS, Tnlmas, BiiMlne Salts, -AND- . BOYS SUITS, We are selling without profit. Those In want will uerei And good cheaper Ai t on the hint and buy of MUNSON & C fllTT UL.OTHIBH8. fh 21 Satisfactory Prices Are the mw buying O, PIOOTT, Tobaooonlatt At. ii Mstket Stroet, Soutli fi le, head of the Maiktt. leb 21 I Egg Haccaroni, ttitUan Uaecaronl and Vermicelli, Colman' English Mustard-bottle and tin; Oanva.lelly, Bhakir Preserw, Vuructt' ar.d J.abin' FUyorlng Kttract. Wax, Paratlne and Adamantine Uandle, libjuor. Cordial and Bitter. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., D A 7 North Front 8t. Pure Old Palo Brandy. Vintage 1S8, Plnent Old Brandy In the State. Fine Old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wine. OfJ AS. D. MYERS & CO., ' B and 7 North Front feb?l tl J Q BHDS. liEW CBOP CVBA, JQBBtiS. EWCaOPOTJBA, For isle lw by WILLIAMS Ik MUncniSON. febSl it WKDninmOARDMaVadVISiriNU OAHOH a aioUlU at lb jyVUNAt urrtu. HEW ADYBTI8ZMINT8. THE PEE OEE HERALD. Tubliahcd every Wednesday at WADESBOMO. ANSON COUNTY BT JOSH. T- JAM!: CO. H.a laree and ran'illt Increasing clrcn' Hon In the Pee Ie ooumry lu .ViMlh and South t'amitn. Adterlleert wilt tnd It the Seat medium In either of the aiater -Maiae lor reacJlng tlia raraiera. plainer, anil ain bni The ej-frtisrtr foenf atirrrfiiiinn pat mna;t rjtMbitcd in itt column i fh hrnt n'(( nee of Ut larye and influen tial crrWdrioH. T ni-rimen eople.. with rote for .dvee ', aent fea, otr paid on appllratl lolhe uoder.liied, el U r at boro er nnmiegiou. JoB T JiMM CO., Cdlterr and Propctetma. febW Otf Country Merchants Now I your tlm to buy Hardware, aaflokl I going ap and price i mutt adrauce and a I Imported good bate already adyaneed. We hat on hand a lrge Mock of the good which wear (till railing at el I Sguret. (lire a a trial betor trying elaawhet. KHiXi MITBOHIAON. febtl 4fl Turpentine Tools, Ha.ker. Dlppor., lteund Shaven, n.rk ttoma. Pilaw, Hack We'.hn, f,W rt Ait, rrnr noniw, .lol'Oer., Iirawtn; I.I tl, Sl n i ce -i" a ib. awTw n--v.ii. .mi ml mr loweet peanlbla price., ctn be lonnd at the Old KatatilltbaU ttarowar iionae or .IDHN DWOS. No.19, 1 uelll Muk.l 8'. rbsi 1 Choice N. C- Hams. Freah eapply of BCTTKtt by cUanier Polee.'i dua to daf 0 ttfl rooer Ir are at hot rem (irlow, and delivered without r barge. 6HAWTHINTON, ' Orocerl A Comai Mkiu Merchant feblt tWItd&w Exposition ROLLED PRESSED BEEF. W hare laeeeeded la g.ttlug the " Ageaey" of tbl d.llolou luxury. CORNED BEEF, Pat up In Roll of tin full and already eooked for Immrdlfte Table ate, TRY IT. Aed alu pat up la hndwme I ponnd can. Bold only by 0E0R0E MYERS, Sola Agent. feb II 48 TO IE PlIIll Thoee wishing to buy CLOTIIINQ at Cost should do io within the next week, as we cease to sell io that way after the first of March. DAVID 4 WEIL, a . 4A feb 21 The Usury Law. ail iIiam In nt I tit fttur Hill and a 1 theee opnoeed to It are given fur notice that n premium will m k to iitifi-r -noe in the i rie- nr llrtiu .n.l .Km. nf all elt.aea. kitiila an I Klylen, Irom the ebrapett and o.imnionei.1,, 10 ihoee riiiniaieq to antwer ina ot. ie tn nie moH laetidliiu. I am able to autt, and aiu d ermini d to auit all who f.yur ma with a ra'l U, A PKIUK. fehJI 1 .48 BE QUICK IUght Now is the Time. Bating ut taken tnek, we find hundred, el artic'e. niat wo had r'ther tell at o Hmoem own price ttiao to glee hoimt room to tor another eaon. We had rather hare the room than the good. Our wlioU-naie ai d retail trade tbl aeamn bit ro dini'iiUhf d etjick tbat we ara ooiopelled to go bo th early 10 older to have ateoaln.ture in time for onr Spring trade I ben you or our ru.totner who are In want ol any a tide nmatly found In Winter iliwk iu a Dr? Good Rtiir. can .are money by tak ngthe advautag or.the intinu and buying II now of the Leading Dry Ooodt Houreof BOSKOWITZ A LIEBER, 29 Market Street. 45 feb tl Harrlss's Drug Store. Prescriptions Carefully Prcparod. CAROEN SEED. FOR SALS I Drug and Mmtlolne freth supply just received. Marvin' Cod Liver Oil, , Moller'Ood Liver Oil, ", Maker'. Hod Liver Oil, Win. or Tar Hive Tar, Pleroe'Ooldan Medical Dltcovery, Cachon' Tooth Soap, Perfumery, Toilet Arttclt., In full variety. ' W. W. H ARHtSS, M. T. N. W. Comer Merket and Front, fab II 5-lt Molasses! Molasses! " m Bhde. Hew Crop rba, - 100 BliU' New tlropdlll, 9S Hbd.. S It Molamea, 1B0 Bbla. B. H. Moleam. For l by aUttCttEft 0ALPFBBBOS. flt Ae- CITY TAX SALE. Office Treasurer and Cotlcctcr CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. a, February 16th, 1873, TN AO'lOROAKOK WITH BXMTINU A law. I wdleRrr tor meat; At O i tort, la Froal 1 1 Ity Hall at It . elw k, M oa W.da ailay, March leik, l;3, the following Milaly IB lit I ra with yipenar. dae theteoa, auit remalulug a- paw for lk year If. i. t. a SERVOSS, Treaeiirar aud Oiilleoton . W-: ' Naraa. of appoaed Owaer. $ a Total Lot 4 Parte Tax. Adklntoo, Heater IM Hairy, Mr. MS IVi Harn.a, kt.drica So Harne. Oanl F . M rleilaray Mr. at R af do a. Tiuara s do 1M do IM eo tit Renaett. Juha ait Ri.ltup, Mai y t& Mt.bu,., M-Biy M IM Butitln., I.oniaa l! ut iiopti K4lbal.i JSIO a a A 4 AltS A4 0 It 0 M 4 0 ua M W W S M t P I't it a s pt i a pt i a pt pis laser 1114 It eo ftVt (in film 4 Ml ... t ee i0 Railway tin, lift 0,0 s.r do W o S d do do . do ens do I 41.1 do 4 t do 4v 1 1 s 4 a ui so Oaatldcy llru. Agra J nt 4 a a pt 3 4JS railway J 00 Cape t r.r Kibr. Ce I 1 ptl pits pt II A I pt I a 1 I pt I 4 A 1 1 pt I it .4 A 4 ptm4AS pt 1 S B 4 A pit46J pi I . a .i 4i. pt '4 A 4 1 pt a t a ft e p. 4 S pt s a e AlaMM A i a a 4 e a A 4 5 0 pt it AMptl4 A Opt 4 pt 00 P 0 . AS pt 4 A 0 0 pt 4 She KO A I a tv I -A 1 1 n w I A I 1 m w I AlSnw4 A I i S 4 n w 0 A I.S4B A I I 1400 ptl AI34Sa04itSl uo do do do ou do do So du ea do -do do iro do tlo do do do do . do do I 4 s 1 a a io ii l is 14 l I n i IS 111 HI St fan Ml 4 sis bed MI U MU too eel W6 l. do do do do du do do Clark, burnt Clark, doabua iloutter, Allrrd Ml 14 sou 1 ou in on lllittl I Vi on line t tut 1 no 0I li mi 4 m I Ml 10 Wl 44 TO 0 0 toi to 0 SO vuo 1011 ia on MM Mill WO kl l Wll Mill Mill M 1 4 0 17V KO A4 W 1 bale R I bale A II li A II 11 E4 K 1 K 1 III bale AS Wll M I Ml K I K 4 I I WOS we E l 21 4 SO W 111490 All Rl KI4 0 A 4b W0A0 WO R4, . I, Pt4 0 rt and 4, I, K4, baio It A pt i H E4 pt 1 3 4 pt I I ptl pt 4 pt I WraJ ISA tWiwan.ST wtof 14 Ormik.Wary aatef0S uuirte, Bit , a Itavl., (, I Itaweoii, lvld 4" liooglam, JuMpa mi Dadi.y, Agneatt Its llnrant. J a eat of s.11 R iwaril., daa SI Elll, Julia W l ktvanr, charlotte is oe via Fat row, larollne ruiyaw tiuna u u do US Flaher.Arthar SB Uau,OicleAet oftl Uerkln, Annie ISO Ulean,Mr Ana Ti Grant, Reuben Uu 117 Hall, Tbo t Hartlat.Ja.H t Hawkln-.Maryastof 118 Hewlett, Bit D 04 Uewleit, due W tor do- t do - MS do (ISO do StS do bHT Hilt. .In) H m Hill, Virgil ltR Hlll.Jo.0 SIS. do til Holme., John L li do lt Hall, Kll W, til of 1M do lmi do 17S uo Ottl 11 'U so 0 (0 18 40 see - ou 10 All 000 M III I 00 ni mi 0 ou 1 no 10 01) ilohnana, tewl. al Jont., Laao 5H do Bit Jordan. Wm A as Jam.aUrown,Agt lor V K Hunting vni do do It fl m Bin n ISi li 1ST 04 IIS S4 81 m n m n 2m vm St 4 SiS no sen mi IM 104 fl! r,o 2M SOII 29 do do eo Rent. THo R lamb Geo P I.arr'ngion, Diana Larklna, Owen I,rouaril,Oio do Leonaid Inhmael billy. J.-ao l.iliingiiin, tiro G t, All X Love, John D Lumtfn, Mi R A do do Leonirn, hob do HcOaire,ilnbn MoUu C, ,1 M'ph In, Manln, tarn Mtver, Fred M earn, w P do Melton. FIlMbelh Mi rrlck, Wm H Merrick, hvnj Moore. T ho I Nah,itat cut of pt 4 B 50 Wl 51 oo M nn I' io W i 048 R4 K 4 0 Rl I i SWSI MBS t -S K4 F.4 . i N (' 4 W II B4 E3 MI400 K It 0 So !1 M m ti (ill IK II in i ti 1 1S Mi !i) KO SB A 4 W I 1 MIS MI4B W 0 M 1 1 bale Kit h fit Ml M 1 I a w o N W 4 Wll W 1 M 1 1 3 bale w g M I pi 141 iii n wa M 40 S ptln III 4 BO I ?n Hi II 48 en 0 (HI ISO ui left At) On t 10 (Ml (HI N'xon, Sna.n W'4 Patae, 1 ho eetof 2i Polnney, Wm " . W8 09 17 4rt oo 6 (0 1 1 no BOO Head. Ml lS d atiO Reed, Hexrkl.h I'il Rlcbardarn, Havid til Riplet.dno eat - 1X7 Klpley, bailie 40 Kobblu., AS e'i do 145 Sampnon, laabtlla ss di . 'i7 do m Simmon, gam'l R K I 1 1 N K 4 m 00 At Fl " " M 4 8 bale 11 ' oo 7 mi II 70 41 U0 M Hmmon.. I ho M iM Rl Ht k ly, 'a eat. or 1 1 A 0 ba'O Stuton, Mariha J 1K7 M 1 13 I Walker, Vltgll m Mil do 2S 0 Walker, Roaa 779 Ml w after, Mnron A M t Weill, Mr R f"4 W S hale a.i, s M et t of im w bale WIl'temvdetTry 2UB W4 Wlllt m, ft Joeophlne H Ml d 01 W 4 fl WU, William 131 MBS Wl! AS RKIIO wondmrT.J H Prett BT pt 1 1 S 4 Wila n Ja agt for J l,evy 911 WS1 J Waddell, AM 140 E4Sbate DELINQUENT LIUT. Burke, Mary !W 111 M'-I.ean, Daa er Hear. SO WM tn,by,Wm ! ?a Kl ThomM, Martha 208 El Feb T, '., SI and 2s, Mareh 1 and 10. leb !741 II '0 MOtl . S oil 19 On (Ion 19 OO 11 no ' M 10 (10 112 00 100 lira om T 00 em 2100 , JUST IN The Alderney Brand Of (JOND'NSF.r) if ILK tn Patent Hexe. Milk Cracker. r Zwiebaok, and for tale at O H. W. BDNOE'i, V R. Corner of Market and Second hta. jab 21 tO-tf Potatoes! Potatoes ! IQ0BBL8.B R rOTATOES, I A A " r.I.FoUtoee. For sale by KXR0BMIB ACALD1B BROS. febtt NEW ADVERTIJZJIZMS. BROWtf & KODDICK OFFER Special Inducements HAMBURG EDGINGS AND DISEETI0NS ' This Week. All Cottons arc Advancing. It) vifw of this wo liavfl nim.lo trery hfaty ptirchssrs latly, and ara now prepared to give) our ratrnnatlia advantage for a short time, hnt would ad vise all who arn in want of such t nmke thoir ptnehases AT ONCE. CM e a r i n g O u t I'he bslauit) nf si! our Flsuncls at jiricua tht CANNOT FAIL to meet the nt'I'Mhation of all. A Job Lot of Kiel Clovosworth9l 00, Selling for 60. Conts Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO SAMPIES CUT. JROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Streefe DAMAGED All Goods Damaged by the Late Fire iruwrr ins iSold. Rn.-: FRANK BR., feblt SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO CO-; CiVl'lVI PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for salu, either for OAS II or on CKOP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchant and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warehouse prices. .. ...' . t- . ' . - W. II. McIUBY & CO., OommlHtlon Merohanta, Agent for Co., aud Dealer In No. 1 PeravlaaOaaa), North Watir Htbiat, wii.ninit,Toi,.nf..c. Sub-A gents for the Sale v. h. mnmrv v. uHAiian....... Jan SI CASH rice $50 00 per to of 2,000 pounds. ii MMaelaUaVJiwajUMUl THE UIOH rlTAMOAllO OF QUALITY HAS BKEN FOLLY MAINTAtNEIX, ANO IT IS OONSIDEgKD BYTnObE WHO HAVE GIVENITAFAJB TB1ALTHK BEST AND MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTACEOU8 TERMS FOB LAROB LOTS, OIVFN ON APPLICATION, . LOCAL AGhElSTTS -tVT ufVLXi TUB PBINOIPAL DEPOTS. DbROSSET ,s ., GENERAL AGENTS For North Carolina and Virginia, ; WILMINGTON. Jan 17 Corn CornCorn- 2 000 Bt'8HL uobn- For lale by KKaOUNSR A OALDBH BROS leb II 45 GOODS. 63 Market Street. UNDER MANNING HOUSE - i 11,000,000. of Soluble Paclllc (Slaano. . Old Hundred, H. O.' Marion, B. a ' JVifmrtdtw T I II Price $58 00 per 2,OC01bs. Payable Nov.l. t,. 14-Dltaw(?und'.)lmftW4 Cheese, liutteri Hic3 and Lard. - BO Bovee Gbeeee, l l oh Butter, 00 Tleror and Bbla, Sloe, BO Tleroe and Tubs Lard. Foraalehv kkuchxh oALDxai tsri lab at b