A. .A, Ik J J.ikfl VOL XXIV.-HO. 4C. WILIIIHGTOH, 11 C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1875. 7H0LE 110. 0,010. flu Ibiin ?ionrn;i!. WILMINOTON. N. C: TUE3DAY. FEB. 23. 1875. HEAD(iUAUTKS. RUMORED REMOVAL OF MINIS TER JAY. TIIE LOUISIANA COMPROMISE. 1 THE RIVER AND HARBOR BILL PASSED THE HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT IN FAVOR OFLVWKENCE AND SHERIDAN. NO ADJOURNMENT BECAUSE OF WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Wahiungtox, Fb 22 Noon. A New York Tribune apicial says thai Minister Jay is to be 'suapeuded by the Hun. Godlave 8. Orth, roembrr-at-large f rota Indiana, and Cliairmau of the Committee ou Foreign Atl'uirtt. Uiit name will be sent to the Senate after the 4th of March aud be will leave for bis new duties aoou there after. Meaars, CiKtft. Zliariivvtt4iil Leon ard bud long iuU'rriw'"wttit JKWJe & in Uoramrtte'e. iny are uow with tJie ... President for. his aaiu'tiuu of the con clusions reached, when they will be telegraphed to New Orlenus where the Conservative cauoua is iu seaaiou, for continuation. Iu the meantime de tails are inaccessible. Senate Joint resolution of the Missouri Legislature were preheated asking for the improvement of Mm mouth of the Mississippi river accord ing to tuo plan of Captain Kails. Re ferred to the C mimitteeon Commerce. Uotma The House, under a supen sion of the rules, has pawed the Kim aud Harbor Appropriation Bill, iu eluding many items for the Southern States. . Washington, Feb. 22 Night Nom .inations; Commodore Reed tu be rear admiral, Captain Hughes to be admi ral The report of the Committee on Elections is 6 to 5iu favor if Lawreut e and Sheridan. Lawrence eci.U'sU the aeaV of General Cypher, and Shcn; dan was contested agaiust Piucbback, as Representative of the State at Urge. The majority report was sigued by three Democrats and three Republi cans; the miuority report by 5 Ki publicans, including the Chairman of the Committee. Houmb -A Bmall cumber of bills wei e introduced. Reading of the Long bill was demanded, which consumed the morning hour. Testimony taken by the Louisiana Committee was ordere d printed for the use of the House. The bill regulating Chinese immi gration passed. The day wasoonsum d in voting ou a propositions to suspend the rules for a variety of purposes. The proposition to take up tho bill to regulate the Freedmen's Bank was defeated. , The proposition to niako the Texas Pacifio Railroad bill a speciaj order for next Wednesday ereniug was aliso defeated. The bill to pay awards of the South ern Claims Commission to the amount . of about 8750,000 was passed. The bill to pay claims allowed by the Secretary of the Treasury was de feated. ' The bill for tho reorganization of the Quartermaster's Department f the Army was passed. Sjsnate A memorial was presented by the Board of Trade, bankers nud merchants of New York, against annulling the Pacific Mail contract. A bill providing for the distribution of certain official documents and the Congressoaal Record was passed. Lewis moved that the Senatendjouru in honor of Washington's birthday. Wiudom, who had charge of the Indian Appropriation bill, refused to, yield the foor. The Indian Appropriation bill pat ,. sed. The West Point Appropriation bill passed. - 'r ' Johnson presented resolutions from the Virginia Legislature, against tLe increawf of tobacco tax. The Pension Appropriation bill was considered. Morton moved an amendment to the bill reported by the Committee on Privileges and Eleotious, for the counting of votes for President and Vice-President. Tabled. Ayes 82; nays 30. Morton renewed his amendment. He said tinder the operation of the Twenty second Joint Rnle the objec - tion of either House would suffice to throw ont the electoral voteof a Stair, That the continuance of this rnle might result in throwuig the electiu of the next President in the House f Representatives, and he wanted those who voted against his amendmout to understand that they Would be res . ponsible for it, and in this connection he called attention to the fact that the Democratic Senators had all voted to lay his amendment on the table. The caucus this morning reached no conclusion beyond that they will dm . pose of appropriation bills as they read them from the House and gi e Tiuchback and Civil Rights ad inter' urn attention. VIRGINIA. ENDORSING THE SOUTHERN PA- CIFIO ROAD. Richmond, February , 22 Noon. Friends of the Southern Pacific Rail road in the House of Delegates yes terday had a conference with Judge Ould, Chairman of the Committee on Railroads. The Judge said that nearly every leading man in tho. House fa vored the bill now before Congress, and expressed his willingness to vote for a resolution instructing our Sen ators aud requesting our Represent atives in Congress to vote aid to the road. Europe. PL VN FOll REORUAXIZ VTOX OF the fkexcu sKNAiE. I Sl'AlX IO PAY THE VIECHMIS INDEMNITY". I THE BRITISH AND THE AFRICAN COASTS. Paris, Feb. 22-Noou-Tb Left hari-ehled tu support the bill for the organization of the Senate upon the plau of 13 appointed by deputies, and liie balance by eoii'.oila. Maoku, Feb. 22 Noon It is re ported that complications between Germany and Spu over the Uttatsv affair have been decided. The Politioa averts that'the indemnity will be paid to the relatives of the victims of the Virgiiiins affair fixed at eighty-four thousand, and that tho execution will b kigued when Cuhiug presents hu cutUutuls to the new government. DtULlS, Feb. 22. Noou John Mitchell has issued an address to thd 'lipperary elector.-, presenting himself agaiu for. Parliament. A meetiug iu Tipperary resolved to. support him. It i believed he. hn no opposition. LiOn'kon, rib. 22 Noun Advices from Zauzilmr state tint a il-et of British men of war bombarded aHd captured Fort Mombiizniuo, island of Monibaz, of the east coast of Africa. The engagement lasted live honrs. LT'lie garrison lost seventeeu killod ind wounded. Two slave ships with three hundred sluvcs aboard were cap tured Beklin, Feb. 21 Noon One of tbepnu!;p.,l measure that checks iiu migratiou is the prohibitirg ot enlist ment on foreign aoconut by tho pay ment of premiums specially directed ugaiimt Bruisilian agents at Hohnlake is not to asswt Binmarck. Bismarck's labors are lightened by arrangements facilitating control ever the Prussian ministry. The German press is indignant at the Pope's encyclical. TENNESSEE. OLH BROWNLOW AGAIN AN EDITOR. KnoxvimjB, Tknn'., Feb. 22 Noon. W. (1 Brownlow has purchased a ouo-half interest in the Kuoxville Dai ly and Weekly Chronicle, the priuui al Republican paper of the State, which will hereafter "lie knewn as the Whig aud Chronicle. The daily ap pears thin morniug with Brownlow's salutatory and the valedictory of Mr, Ricks. Brownlow is to be principal editor, and Mr.Ueile managing editor, The Whig and Chronicle will be a Republican paper, and Brownlow pre dicts a Republican triumph in 1870. CJOT11A3I. DINING THE - VETRANS OF THE WAR OF 1812. New York, Feb. 22 Night The vetrausof the War 1812, to the number of ubout 2H, under command of Gen. Henry Raymond, were entertained by the officers of the (5th Regiment in the Germauia Assembly Rooms. Their ages ranged from 70 to 85, aud as they riled in their names were attached to a petition prrfyiug for the passage by Congress of the bill for allowance for men who served iu the war of 1812 ot 30 days aud whose widow married prior to 1812 The Vermout Supreme Court de cides that the stockholders of a bank are not responsible for bonds deposit ed in the bauk for safe keeping A traiu on the Chicago, Rock Island aud Paeitio Railroad was thrown from tho truck by a broken rail. One tf the ct'Ki'he fell fifteen feet, fifteen persons were injured and one killed. Wulil Bro.'s giuo works at Chicago, covering eight acres, was burned. LofsSH-0,000; insurance onlvgHti.OOO. DIED. In thi nit v. on tin1 morning ul' a !It lint., MAH'l'Ui NIK LAN, a nutini ol tlio CaiUh ol Fn ety, county of Bcoramon, lielnml, sgul 8; yt'r. 'I Im funeral sk p!ac:- to-day m 1" o'rlock, Irom hl Iat4 rraMflnri on Third .tret to Ht, lliomaa' (CaUmlli) llhiircli, til cc tiUAkilala Cin rtsty SPECIAL. Thavkllkr mioulil near Klmvood collar. Tlicy sr.eatl'jr carrttd, wear wall, loiik nicety, arid do not reiprte warlilng. IlarmJeNwa Miitniicr Dew. Yi t In tlm tiighet t degree DWrifcctatil nd prrperv ttve, NoZODoNl' keeps thf teeth al ways boHlihy and upotleoi", ami the gums ruddy akdtrve fioin canker flrcatl.aira and diKionit'urt In oaiiwd by the U"e Of pit rati ve.. whli li g'lii as. I rank tUe y tern, fnnom' PwiiUirr Villi are free from ll impure unit r and are mild and lieaUh-glving In their operation. B Vt thinseenm nf year the cramps and ialn. In 1111 stomach end bowelK, d.ta-ntnrv.dlarrLon.. C , art quite com lien an't li"U J be checki d at uie-e XhniKin't An'nijttti .iiiihikiiMp the biet article ilia can be me I in all noch came, and fliuuld he kept In erery family. Uaed inter nal y. l.'oiikiitnpll vet Take Notice , Every nmment of delay makea your ctfe mora hopelciw, ard much depends on tlioju (llcfoanclinlreor rcmady. Tbe amount of tcnllmotiy tn farot of Dr. Si henck'a Pulrnooie Strap, us a cure for consumption, far exceeds all that can be brought to aiippoit the preten. ttonaufany other medicine. Nee I'r Hcbenck'a Alnisiuc, containing the cartilloateaor many I cr-one oi the blgbent reapecUhlllty, who bays bran retiired to health, after bulng pronoun, red Incurable by .'iyiclna of acknowledged ability. Hcuenck'a Hnluionlc Hy nip alone has cured many, u thee erldencea will show; but the cure la ofton promoted by the employment of two other remedies which Dr. Sohcnck pro vide) for the purpose, Tkcaa additional reme dlca are Schenck'a Se Weed Toulo and Man drake Pills. Hy the timely use of these medl clnil. acootdlng to directions, It. Bcueuck cerlllles that 4ot any case uf Ocaiumptlon ' may be rd. . - . w .-.-w.v.- Dr, chenck Is profesliinally at bis princi pal oflke, t rner Sixth and Arnh ttreets, Philadelphia, enry Mcmrt'y, where all I ttera for aTdyloe moat ba addrcmed, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Wilmington Steam Fire ; Ensino Company So. 1. Ms-MHERS -Teu art bereby aotlfled to iPax at th Knelne Mom. at 21 o'lo. k skarii, this ( I I'F.HO i V) afiernoon, lit full uni form, with wnue gloves, for parade H,M.ray membrr.4 are rt,.ctully tn tiled t9iti-nd. My order tf Foremen l'ttOS. D. MK ARKS, bo. Seerelaiy . Vriinlngtan Hook aud Ladder Company Xo. h Th mrmhtrs oftlils Cnmpanv are hereby no'ltl'd tnmeet tt the Truck Heus In lull fiill'oroi and blt gloves, at Jij oVock lhl P. M rbar". f i r ptrae All honorary ineoa beisare nvltrtl to participate. tv order ot lb foreman. V M. A:VILLSON, Secretary. f I' 28 46-it Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. ATTENTION MEMBERS! Vou are ordered to appear at fie Engirt Hoiitln full unlforiu (with hat) this, TPE3- V IY, artfircoin, at O'clock, sharp. Mnnorary members are invited to attend also, Bv order of the Foreman. WM J. BtlHWANK. - rabfl-lt . " . Ueo. Seoretary, Concord Chapter, No. 1. Hpcinl meeting tbs evening . at 1 o'clock, for the Punt M enter' drfree. VMtiug lomps. Ht cordially Invited to att ml. By order of the M- K. H P. C. W. OLDHAM, Seoreury. St. John's Hall, Teh. S.VI. 4-lt Agricultural Meeting, '(be adjourned mooting of the stockholders of tue taw itar a grlcuUural Aasoeiatlou alll m et In Directors Kuowot the Bank a' JOW tlmorer thlseeeiiing at (o'clock. The annual IrelWn of Directors aid other Important bull. Hi will ba (raneaat. J. A. BNOKLHARO, febnit aeoretary. carpets; Our Stock at Cost to Close Out Same. . BRUSSELS AT 1 15 and $1 20 3 PLY CARPETS, 1 80 ALL WOOL Do. 85 to SI. Cotton and Wool Do. 55 to 60 Cta. Cotton..,; .40to5Ots. For cash only. D. A. SMITH & CO. feb n 4 If NOTICE. The member, or the Hibernian Bene n lent AoclUon are rrque.trd to-met tojlsy Srorcptly at Sx o'clock, at their Hall (late hi. rarv Keaim g Rcoins) for the purpoeaofat-it-nding ttir funeral i f their deceased brother member Martlu Melan. JOHN McENTKE, Secreiary. fell S3 46 It Notice. HAVING DIPbKI OF OC&SADDUC narneaaaud Trunk Bninm.s rtock.tiood Wl l and Book Aceounia, tu Wilmington, N, J., to Muovs. Uarp-nter & Ma lard, we bvrebr tender our thanks trt a generous pubilo for their lisersl patronage the lat ten yi ars, and ak a coiittnutooe uf the same to our Hue-, oexHor:, wbo h been acceptably In aurem piny for many years and are thoroughly otled In the Mad.lk. llarniBS and Trunk Business In all Its branches. Mcfsrs. !arientr A Ma'lard will settle sll claim, contracted Aelni.t u- in Wilmington, N. r, and collect debts doe us and receipt fur the same. J. 8. TOPHAM &CO. A. tiarpeiitcr. J ft. Mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVINO BOUGHT THE ABOVE MEN il nid Ooods, we offer a lull .tock of SADDLES, 1 ' HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Klndi of SADDLERY GOODS, veryTow prices far nah or to prompt paying buyer. Wt reivectfuliy solicit patrouaie. I'AkPK.IITEII eV ITIALt,AHD. teb S at 1-.ni VjAVED BY BUYING CLOTHING HOW. BUSINESS SUITS, -DRESS WEDDING " made to order at Met until March 1st. DAVID k WEIL. 41 feb 1" JUST IN The Alderney Brand Of CONDENSED MILK In Patent Boxet. Milk Crackers, Zwieback, and for sal at H. W. KUNQK'S, N. B. Coruw af Market and Second Me. tab 31 ib-U - 7 TT: - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INDUSTRIAL CXKI8ITI0H CO. -820- WILL rv A HUD iHII Premi urn Bond NLMestrialEilitiCo. These boadk are leed for the purp-eeof aiaing funds for the er.ctlrm of a building in the Cny ol new York, to be uied for a Perpetual WorldV Fair, a liermanent home, where every manufae lure can eihlblt and sell his goo l, and every patentee eau show his Invention: a e ntreot industry which will prove a vast benetli to the whole oonutry. For thin put pose the legislature of (be atate of New York baa granted a charter to a Hum b'r o' our raM wealih. and respectable me-, chants, and thow. gentlomea eare purchased no Irsa than right blocks of the nn-t valuable land la the t Ity of New York, i he biiildme to be erected will be sven Morl.s high ( IW ttiet In h ilir. surmiuntrd by a magnificent dome, and will cover a space of ti vt: U will be eonetrucied of I'ou, brick and glass and nisde dra-proot. The lioiids, winch -r all tor a I a' h. are secured by a ftist mort gage ou the land and bul ding; and for fif puraiea of making them iHipuur, tne Direc tors have decided Uhiv quarterly drawing if tlaO ut'Oracii. this monxv belug tho Inter est on the amount of the whole loan. Kverv bondholder must receive at teaal a', , but he may receive 1 .( ! nrSB.Oiip.orllt.tlOl, or1.Cl,or fS,i, 0 , die. Fourth Series Drawing, April 6th, '70. These drawings take placa every T"RK.K MtrNTHH, and evcn'ullLEVKR BOND wilt psrtic'pa'e In Ihetu. The next premium allotment wi', ba held on Monday, March I at, 1870, nn which day 1,m,A premium., amnuntlitg t ai v 0011,'wiH be distributed among t.isii bond- buld-rs. W Mtve a limited "umber ol drawn aerie Honda en band, whloh maybe pprchued on application. Addreaa, for Bonds and fall Information, MORCENTHaU, BRUNO & CO., riNANClAt, AUKNT8. 23 Park Row, New York. roet Office Drawer No. 90. , kemlt by Draft on New Vork City Banks. Regl-terfd Letter, or Ptwt t'ffloe Mourj Orrtei, Poatponemnts Impossible Un der this Plan. Applications for Agencies received. feb 21 4t-d4mwfiia OVERCOATS, Talmas, Business Suits, ' -AND-. BOYSSUITS, We are selling without proHt. Tbose In want will never find goods cheaper. Art on the bint and bay of munson. & c :L CITY ULOTUIKB8. feb 21 4(1 Satisfactory Prices Are the mss buying D. PIQOTT, Tobacconist. At 9i Market Street, Botttti aide, head of the Market. febJir W Egg Maccaroni, Italian Maocaronl aud Vermicelli, Uulmsa'l English Muttard-boftles and tins; Qnava Jelly, Bhakar Preserves, Burnett's a'.d Lubin's Flavoring Extract". Wax, Paratlne and Adamantlue Candles, Liquors, Cordials aud miters. CHAS D. MYERS k CO., S A 7 North Front St. Pure Old Pale Brandy, Vintage 13S, . Finest Old Brandy In the State. Fin Old Hherrys, Madeiras and Port Wines, CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ft and 7 North Front febl 46 tt ISi BHDS. NEW CROP CUBA, JgQBBLS. NEW CROP CUBA, For sale low by WILUAMS A MUBCHISON. Ieb21 . 40 w EDDINO OARDSanelT IS1T1HU CAUUS S apaclsHy at Uie . iivu(iiaD vvnvai. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PEE OEE HERALD. Bublialieil eviry WeJneatlay at WADESBQRO. ANSON COUNTY. BY josh, t, jamis:a co. Has a large and rap'dlv Increasing rlrcuta. nna in the Pee Dee country In votth ana Bourn Carolina. ' Advertisers will find II the rat mllum In either of the alater Mtate tor reaching the trmrs, ptauieia and mori hsuta. The rxtt ntive local mlvertisina imi mnai exhibited in its column i the (tent evidence of it$ la rye and mjlttcn (ial circttlatiuti. tr Niioclmen eonles. with ratoe lr adver llsansj, sent fre, (aaUge pkl, in applicall' n mine UMitcrni.wi, ciiu r at vsir.upro rr Wilmlngtun, Josh t. jam EH &w. Editor. and Proptlrt.es. feb 31 4.VM Country Merchants Now Is your time to buy Hardware, asGuM at going up aud prices niu.t advance and a I lDtrted good, have already advanced. We hareoa band a lerge etock of tlie-e god. which we are still selling at old figure., (live s a trial before trying elsewhere. GILES A Ml'KUHMON. fob HI 4.V Turpentine Tools, Tllnna ll.nnJ BI.mu tl...k atoms, r I fee, Hack Welili'i. Cooi i rs ' Arts s, Trios Hihiiis, Jiiinters, llrawliw Knl vs, a i.rit, ,ik.i ui in anuTff giHMi., ami at luc luwmt pnimlble prices, c in ba found at the 0 d Kstalillihed Hardware Unties m . JOHN DaWHON No. IP, ) indll Maiketttt fbSl4 41 Exposition ROLLED PRESSED BEEF. We have succeeded In getting the "Agancy" of this delicious luxury. CORNED BEEF, Put up In Rolls of tin full and a'ready cooked for Immediate labia a-. TRY IT. Asd alsi put up In handwme aiund cans. Void pnly by GEORGE MYERS, k Sle Agent. feb Jl 46 TO THIS PLBLIU. Those wishing to buy CLOTHING at Cost shoultl do so within the next week, ss we oeaso to sell iu Unit way after the first of March, DAVID k WEIL. feb 11 Cheese, Butter Rice and Lard. rVt Boves nhecse, ') t ub Hotter, Bt Tierces and Hbls. Vice. Ml Tiwnca and Tubs Lard. For sale by KKKCHNKH A OALDKH KHOM feb 21 4" BE QUICK Bight Now in "Uie Time. Having lust taken stick, we And humliods nt articles iliat we had relhor Mill at c stumers own prices than to give hiioxe rtwm lo for another season. We had rather have t he room than the goods. Our wholesale and retail trade this season basso dlnitnwiid slock tnat a cure coninelled to so North early In order to have stock in sune la time for our Spring trade. t hen vou or our cii.lom-r. who era tn want or any a tide u.ually found In Winter slock in a Dry floods Htnre ran save money fry taking the advaiiAave of the sl'nattnn and buying It now if thexeadlng Dry tioo I. Humeoi BOSKOWITZ 4 LIEBEB, 29 Market Strott. 41 feb 21 CASH. O AVK MONEY BT BUTINfJ YOTJR ORO- oeriea for cash. A fresh surrLY JUST RECEIVED. ' Try our prices and .be convinced. I'nra UakorVv hiakcr. PLANNER & SHURE, 31 North Front Street. 3.1 febt Children's Pebble and Kid Shoes Extension Toea, Children's Scamlfee Slioee. At Jan 90 C.A. PRICE'S, 82 Market Stre No Ad ranee in Prices, Wa art selling Wood: Per Uad. Per Cord. Oak and B t -:k Jack, M to M ets. J1J W M Ash h , IttnWl ' OOtol Ml M'aed 60 to 70 . Jf'tolW pine I" " I ' Cut ap a id bauled at lowest poaslbl cost. Oonsea re oaa save avinrf by purobHsIng W1, U.a.PA4LtTC0. NEW AD ,H0WNT & OFFER Special Inducements IN-- HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTI0II0 This Week. All Cottons arc Advancing. la view of this wa have miulo very hoavy tiurohaafs lately, tni are Bow proparod to give our I'atrona the advantage fur A abort time, bnt would ad viae all who are iu waut ot audi to make theft pmchaaes AT ONCE. C 1 e a r i n g Out The balance of alt our Flanuela at prices that CANNOT FAIL to meet the approbation of all. - A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worthSI 00, Soiling for 50. Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASHONE PRICE NO SAMPIES CUT. , BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. DAMAGED GOODS. AH Goods Damaged iUUN'l? 1113 SOLD. M. FRANC E BR., 63 Market Street,' feb 41 OA.l'I'i'A.lj 1,000,000. eaavaMSaaaasak aMaaMBaHaaaB PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either fur CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchant and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warebouis prices, W. If. McRARY & TO.. Commission Merchants, agents fur PaoiBoOtisiio Sul)-i gents for the Sale r. n. ummM. V. UMAHA.n Jan 11 At 5,1.00 por Ton, Caah, or $Gfl.OO, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or 838.0 a vVK GUARANTEE that tb previous HighGraJe B, R. BRIIXIEHS, President D. McftaE, Treasurer, 0. b, UKArPLIN, Huiierlntendfint. Jan . Rapidly at Cost ! FOR CASH! Q0R STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOES la selling rapldlv, as our PRICES ARE LOWER I ban evrr before. child's Peli. But Boots at Si no, worth S? 00 Ml.sea Pvb. Laced Boots at SI 79. wor-b mlti. f.aillea Jovr. Hons at f 4 '0 wortb ffiOO Men's Oal'ers and Oalt Tin at at AO, S3 00 and J 23. worth SS M to S3 00, and evervthinii elie In twiner tion. Call soon be lore tbe slock is broken. DUDLEY A ELLIS, "btgn or the Big Boot, No. 41 Mannar BTRiHT. feblS eii-lw Molasses ! Molasses ! JTO Hhds. New nrop Duba, 100 HhU' Ntw O'opCnha, Wl Hhda. S H. M.ilassea, loo Bbla S. 11 Molawes. For a it. by &EKUHHEH CAtiUKRBROH. ttbin VESTISEHEL T3. RQDDICK hy the Late Fire UNDER MANNING MOUSt 'trip hit Ann rn illlb UUJ11JU bU-i Co., andDealniilaN -. I Pruvtan Guano, AORTII WATER HTREET, of Soluble Pacillc Guano. (OldBnndred.N. O. Marlon, a. O. 37-JmdAw h, -J J - r"r ; WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Senaoti of 1875, dttlitored on the Cars, tt Oar Factory, at the following I tICIUOL:i J?X-MCJEH : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; payable 1st of November next, of our Fertilisers shall be fully MAiMTAiaap NAVASSA GUANO COPAIiY 9 WILMINGTON, N.C. i 4 -eod-dwtm. Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Etc. 100 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. C. M. Pork, 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, 100 Bbls. Refined Sngar, 400 Kegs Nails, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Mats Java Coffee, 800 Bdls Hoop Iron, 100 Bbla. Glue, 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, 10,000 Baahela White and Mixed Corn, -1,000 Sacks Salt, 200 Bales N. R. and E. Hay, 800 Bags Shot, For sale low by WILLIAMS t MURCHISON. Guano-.-Guano---Ouiso. 3150 Tons Eureka Qnano, 250 Tons Ouanape Guano. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHI30N. feb 14 Corn Corn Uorn. 2 000 BCiHIL8 c0BN , For -ale bv KEKCUNBB A OALOBIt Tf feb IT v J

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