t ... i "rrrP'll I We J ul '. h vWht re f.tlleU."- Ui -,uUt.' x-'Oulh.a. ;,.1,!!t(.nil.1,w.v.., ,v,.t.h - ' WILMINGTON. N. C : Tri52Af. FIB. 23; TbeD.UL? Jovbsxl, U.fui.l.st U;h r iu North Carolina, it publislrsd r.e-y umrning, except M-miJay, at EmHT Dollars a year; Fot k Dau.aks i wolt'l.; SrviXTTFIfE cents jyr month hi snTter periods. Snp.l l-j ariier hi xh city at SKVtXTi-FIVf t.f inw h, or Two Dollar ar.4 Twis- TY-riv (villi per quarter. Tbe Wekci t JtttKS.i, (rmimj) hirtr-ii cotiima juiw, Two Dmuw ysir; thr coji Fivk DotXAK aki' A HALF; fourCtipk'N EV1t3l l01.1s tpciii, EibtDhxak acd a half j tn frlfl. FirTKES P0U.AM; t"Hllt eopk TKJmr-riT Iv.u-ak. .'irimcKHTtoxs In all i t pvW ! ,Ivmv, mnd ik jpcr eontlmifd ftrt)i' ipinition of tt time pUI fr. Remittasi'iw ilioiim I tutl tiy I"ot ofli.v Money Order or Exprwa. If tbl ot b June, prottrtlin against Vwtn tit niai) mat tie eurJ hy forwanlinc drft pavale to Oh- order of the proprietor it the Jui KSAU or by inllug Ui money a rnUtereJ li'lter. . iheinininc Hatet (fr inch if tel KDiid IU-e tf advertising type.) I' d', oiw inserti'iu, Oxk Dollar; two hiaer Uoi Osk DoLUkU ad a imtr; thre hiAeitiiUia. Two 1)oi,lak; four Iii"r1ln, Two Dollak t A haif; flvelier ti' TuhKH I)ol.l.Alw; U liiertioim, 1 .KK UoltAWi ASIO A UAI.F. ', twelve i'Hwilmia,. Five Dou.au akd a half, mmith. EltiiiTDolJ.AKts tiro luoutha, FifTKkn Doixaks; three montlia, Twieji TT-TWO PoU.AKS. . Cuiitrai'U for loiiter period and longer pa made upon litieral termi. jiMnnti , ENetJ.HAKD SAtTNPERS, Wilmington, N. 0. I" EDITORIAL K0TE3. The PreHideptlas npproveil the joint leMtlntion ht Oongrem ' nutliirlitg Tli ma Vf. Fitch, engineer of the United Stdten Nary, to acoept tlu weiulinR prenout to Lis wife, Mr. Mitniio Bhi rmnn Fitch. A lady writing from St. retemlnirg, at the time of the coronation of Alex ander I, thua ilt Horibed the ceremony : "Th emperor entered thecltnreh pre ceded by the assigning of his grand father, surrounded hy the nt-enniun of his father and followed by his own." Mndame ChriHtine Nilnon haci been eognged for $1,000 ft night to give twelve operatic, concerts In France du ring March. Thoae will lie divided between the citiea of Lyons, Mnr 'ille,Lillc,NBntc,llordeaui( Rouen, Nice and. Toulouse. Van Dieraau's Load has ita gruss . hoppor plagne, and iu DecemlKr early summer there the district where they are w stripped of every green tuing, and even clothing und leather wore devoured. The only hope of the reuatiiuder of the oouutry whs in the starvation of the insects before they reached maturity. It is SHtd that there are iu existence three iuiporml loaus contracted by tho Hiuprcse, the total of which is 32,500,- 000 francs or ?t5,500,000. These benr uo iutereet and sre only payable upon the restoration of the empire; anl then are to be puid teu times their face, that is to say , 323,000, 000 fruues or 853,000,000. l' A steamer is being transported from St. Croix river to. the Hed River of the North. It lies on three cars, rest ing ou blooVs and rollers. It will be taken through on Sundays, when uo trains are out, its width making it itu possible to pass another train on the turnout track. Some men who were sinking a well at rortlandvilie, Dakota, the other day, came upon a big open apace, about thirty feet down, and when the drill was withdrawn a hot stream be , gan to pour oat and bos continued to '.' esoape ever since. The snow has been melted for about a half mile around the well, and the air and earth being very warm, wolves and other wild ani- ' 'mals congregate there at night to escape from the cold. The well is a great curiosity to the people of that country, and no explanation of the . istrange " phenomena Las yet been offered. The Tersailles Assembly, on ad ' jonrnitig for the Christmas bolidnys, ! Toted by a large majority 810.000,000 for future embellishments of Paris, proposed by its ruler, the Prefect of the Beiuo. Since the revolution, Sep tember 4th, 1870, the said embellish- . ments have not only been suspended, but famous old: publio edifices, like the Taileries and Hotel de Ville, have lain in ruins, which resulted from tho fiery sets of the Communists. Build ing operations will now be resumed, but not fn the imperial style of allnus - maun. .,- ' ' From 1871 to 1873 Germauy took from , France 847,000,000 francs in . gold, a snm eceeding by 180,000 all the gold imported into Europe during that period .from Australia, Mexico and California. With this gold Bis morck established the new German coinage, with its tew gold piece, the mark, worth twenty-five francs, or an Ejglish sovereign.- The same Hold ia eomiug back to France in the shape of ingot-i, which are converted Into twenty franc pieces, and the joy of the French press is great" It is rather curious that Germany constantly owes Frano fur g)ods received, and that she mutt pry her in the very gold which France ' ' - t" : v. y whoa paying the in II i.f tl - '.e tacaucT l:cb stiU n-ts in the La u- 111'' l . wi.l met -m tli- .'ill ' n Mann. HH ctal Mf-'im, I'v virtue if '-o.? it luaticu frt'tu the Vn ! i t toti.it Till. I r M IT.. The ll publican are nuicli awrnieJ j cit'en m the event . it I'iikml?!- t inr.rard to its control. Tb.re nr.- tlc up nm and Mlow uu ,-i4t.i h; -..... , , t r : thai wmM be-aet for ibrij Lv rueti t Bt-vcuty-tlirei', ti"t iiii-lmtnig I , U,rv tb.-ui-ir frtiU J to r-Mt , Ijiuiiua vscnui'v. Unt thm mmiinnl "u tutTrt upun tiu ir rif;htK, tie j IkJic I niHioriO-' im-lu.li h mu b S-'tin- j nKme iu the county wonM tak. tl.t- I ..... H-.twrtsnn. A South Croliu: I '' '?"J. o."''1 ,!r,,'? ! tWv. r, ui iortu; Aixrn, in musippi. - li-wth, of tV.jfi ruii; Hacuil-1 tun, of Tetss; Ferry, of Connecticut; Cbristiaucy, of Michigan; Cameron, of Wweousin; Paddock, of Nebraska, and Shsron, ! of Nevada, mm of whoti can lie counted on fur the revolutionary Radial pro gramme. Iu order to overcome this teudeucy tho Republicans are i n dtavoriug to get iu two rotten borough States Colorado and New Meiico by which th. y hope to get four Radical Senators. Both these Territories together, counting Iudians, negroes, eiriel-baggcr, and natives of all erodes. Lave not the populutiou of a Cuugreasioual dmtrict, - aud it is not probable that iu tje nut half century the revenue derived from both States would be sufficient to pay the salary, mileage, pickings aud stealings of one B'Uator. Colorado cuu support ouly a Mptra populutiou east of the Rocky M aintains, aud in what lskuown as t o "Parks," went and soutliweht of Denver; while New Mexico is still lets inviting to emigration, having only a f aw oases scattered smid its volcunic diiscrt". Speaking of it Oen. Ifit,en aivs that trie whole American popuu tiuu of New Mexion, less tho army, its huigers-on, and transieut miuers, ojuld sit iu the shade of a good aimed apple tree. These are certniuly poor m lU-rialsimt of which to make States f this gliinotis Uuion. Rut these deserts will be mnkH to Rrow a Hue crop of Radical third term Presidential dec torst8eutora and Reiirtn'Ututives. E.voh State will be entitled to two 8 n. tors, and, at least.one loyal llepresen alive. The executive session of the Senate etlled for the Gth of Marehr thounh o densibly for the eoiillrniatiuii of Fed eral appointments and the cousidcru tiou of the Hawaiian treaty, is really to test the paity fealty of tho new Senators. A considerable nnniber of them are new men, some of them elected by Democratic support, mid it is very important for the President to kuow how far he can rely ou thorn to support him, in the eveut that the Force Bill is not passed, uud the Inm isina and Arkansas troubles bio turned over to him for oettlenieut. The President already feels that ho will mood tread on uncertain ground, aud that possibly there might be dinger iu these Independents and In dependent Republicans. fti:ATOII IIAIMHO.il. The speech of Senator Kamuim, on Thursday hist, has called forUi iwiu- pliments from all quarters. Although he spoku aftr an all-night's aeasiou, and when his physical couditiou was auohthtttho was compelled ,to stop before ho had concluded hisaiguuient, h s speeohissaidtohavebueuono of the ablest aud most affective of the ses- siou. We are glad to kuow that Sen ator Ransom is among the numt iullu- eutial members of the Senate, and that he hss frequently used, his ititlvt- i nee for the benellt of his people as we have had substautiul evidence thereof. Washington correspondents of the Northern pressure unamnious iu their ooinmeudatioa of bis recent (Dart, and assure us that it places him iu the very f i out rank of duhutors iu the Senate. Tho New York World says; Mr. "Ransom, of North Carolina, mode a "speech oa the general Southern sit "nation which U commended warmly "by all bauds. It was an elegant ap- "peal for peace iu the South, for bar "uiony in the country, aud for the ''burying of sectional hate and bitter "liess. It evideutly made a deep "impressiou ou the Senate, as it cor- "taiuly did ou the galleries," ' The New York Herald says: "Bu sides Senator Ferry, Messrs. Bayard, "Ransom aud Thurmnu spoke with "reiuarkaolo effectiveness, Ueueral Ransom, in particular, delighting "aud even surprising his friends." '' The Baltimore Vim says: "The "speeeh of General Ransom was an '.'able aud eloquent effort, full of pa "tornal psace and good will." A VAI.I4D1 lll.llll. Tho negro Mabson, who is a Seuator fcom Klgeoombe in tho present Gen eral Assembly, informs hif. sable cou atitueuts that the negroes of Wilming tju intend to resist with arum the en forcement of the amendments to the Wiliuiugton City Charter, and advises the same to be done by the negroes ot Turboro ia case similar amendments are mado to the charter of that town, which he says are proposed. We do not quote the incendiary Isn gunge of this negro to warn our cili Zsms of impending danger. Negroes in our midst, aud their miserable, de praved and disgraced white associates, are doing enough to stir tip strife bo twen the races, bu we want the people of this Stato and of the North to see who among us 8"ek to sow the wind, may reap the whirlwind. Th Tsrboro Enquirer says in re gard to Mabson: . A few evenings ago in the Court r.. .y 'V- a iv-i ! 'l.i't v' ' in .''( l'i ia-.M. 1 llT ..: i- ;i, I: --i .1 In' -iv . t .it '' I ' n' !.!!' 1 I V ,'iUi I it--i . ,t U.e i: ' r. .1 ..ui .1 In . t fi i. I'll if. - fc 1 . u I a H I -.1 l' It i t t'. !. I V l.iici'.U' r--i-t .on , ft:rtLtTiui)i. sli.it A lllil h.miillf 111 Ii tiatttrV Wtr.j'.l M,i.u U yr-.M rii i f'lut'i t!"' '"Wl" of I mlimii iL:! . urK-ui' tiiia iU ooloie.l . .1 1 11 ...II ...4... r,.lm.ti,tl,, v eiWinj.. .' , I ha tew Kvuutr The election of a Vnited States H-u-utorbytliO Letjibluture of Minnesota, coiniikti toe lift of nierobi-r of rfic ! At Hi'iiate of tne rortj I.urtU tJongreisw, utttlii exception of one uiiputeu eat fioui - lioiiisittua, claimed by! Pi i c'ibaok. The compu te list is iveu below. Iherespi'divd terms end with the years uot'd: Ahibitma Go Goldthwaite, l!?i7; George E Spencer, 1870. AikatiSHS Powell Maytou, Ism; Vephen W iHirsey, 1X70. California Aaron A Sargent, 1870; Newton Hm.th, 1K8. Ootiuecticut-Orris H terry, lflt'J; rt'illiHni W Katou. 18H1. Duiawure Eli SibUbury, 1H?7; l houms F RiVMrd, 18l. Flortdii Simou B Conover, lS7i'; Cbarles W Jones, 1HS1. GeoiRiii I'b.OH M Norwood, 1877; John 11 Gordon. 1870 Illinois John A Logan, 1877; Rich ard J Ogl"s y. 1870 Indiana Oliver P Morton, 1870; Joseph I! McPonald, H!. Iowa George G Wriht, 1877; IVm D Allison, 1870. KaiiHss Jiunes M Harvey, 1877; John J ii'fcall, 170. Kentucky Johu W Steveusou, 1H77; Thomas O M-'Creery, 1M7J. Ijouisiatitt .1. Roilmau Wri t, 1877; u vacancy, 1870. Maine Jjot JU Morrill, Han nibal Humlui, 1S81. . Maryland Geotuo U Deubis.lr.i; 'Will l'lnekuey Wbyie. lhM Massacltlisetts ifUliTi IloUtWfll, 1877; Henry L DWh, ll. McIukiiii- IhufiHS W ietiy, Ihiiiic V, Chrit-tiancy, lHsi. Minni'sota WiliiHin Wniiloiu, 1877;. S J 11 McMillan, J8l. Mis-iwippi- Jiunes M Alcorn, 1H77; Blaiich .K Bruce, lf Hl. ' Mmsntiri'Lowis V I!o(;v, 1H70; Francis M Ccckiell, 1881. Neltruska- Plnneaa W Hitchcock, 187!;Algernou H Paddock, 1MH1.' Nevada-John P Junes, 1879; Win Sliaioii. hi. New liiunpshire Aaron II Criigin, 1877; It Wndh'igh, 1870. Nv JorM'y F T Freliughuyscu, 1877; Thecdoro F Rundolph, lh81. New York Hostioe Conkliug, 1K79; Francis Kernuu, r 81. , North Carolina Mutt V RaiiHom. 1877;ASM-irimou, 1873.' Ohio John Sherman, 1870; Al!eii G Thurman. 1881. . Oregon-James K Kelly, 1877; duo II Mitchell, 1870. I'eniiHvlvonia Simon Cameron, 1870; Wm A Wallace, 1H81. 1 Rhmle llund Henry B Anthony, 1877; Ambrose E. Diu uside, 1881. South Carolina Tints . I Jtolieitsun, 1877; John J Patterson, 1870. -fennesseo fHenry Cooper, 1877; Andrew Johnson, 1881. Texas Morgiiu C Hamilton, 1877; Sanmol II Maxey, 1K81. Vermont Justin S Morrill, 1870; George F Edmunds, JUKI. Virginia Johu W Johnston, 1877; lloboi t E Withers, 1881. West Virgiuia Henrv G Puvis, 1877; Alleu T Csperlou. 1881. . Wisconsin Timothy O Howe, 1877; t Vngiis Cainl'ron, 1881. ImlU-jitos Deinmr iiii iHitlcmm Iji'vial b f iiiili'n. Inili i ciu rtii.it Ki'pulilliiaiin mill At t.l-Moii(ipiV.lsi. rlaillraln U U noton. KOIMAltr. Xi.iiia tuini(i !'. .......... 4!" .......... 4 J : XI I V Ml l mijri wi. 41 is l Kniiii'ilii-a-. ... Ihmiorrv" Iioli peioli'trt.,. Vmniiey.....,, lu accordance with the proclama tion of President Grunt, the new Sen ate will meet in special session in Washington ou tho oth of Murch., MISCELLANEOUS. i NU TOP AKR THK.N BtTHR Vor H.WE i hi; ni:vr 1 ((I'amty Now In SliH-k and Cniictunlly Kb.t1v1h Ail- niiions : PlOWN. Hoes, Shovels, Wlieclbarro'WH, Piitltrorks, ANVILS, BLACKSMITH'S III'LI.OWS, Yicea, lUiiim-rn, Trm-a Dlniiiin.CollaiK.llHiDtm, Flow Niel, Mar Iron, Itiim, bpokisn, Uulm, I'OTi. fklMOIIIH, ovi;s. M-iioo lll; ms, rat si r k si i vi.!, I aiii.i: I i l i lit, IIKVllI VI ltt, i.oiiMi.y nvivr t'i k, 4 IMII'lill'S l Ml.4, And a Ooinpletn Sliok of HARDWARE, At NATHANIEL JACOBi'S HARDWARE DEPOT, IN'O, l MA1IK ET. KrI 'mo HI . . vj Havana Cigars I l av on litid und Tor i, at niv nx-Diii In 1 Ipplo'i. BnildlTiir'. South Front n'free t, tunr tUm a line lot of HA t ANA (JKIAKS ' i o m nvti msnurnoiur. Tliv sfe rnadn ftom lm-H.it it Mlmnpo K.,d i'hii bo bniili ot; on. fulfil uf the co.t.of imtiurtid cWars Mr 9 JM-1 m - Wb-Khoro Hrst(l cop? m. Potatoes! rotiitofs J WtUt.K.R PttTATOKS, 100 " r' r" fotMt- Fprmleby ' ' ItEHCHNBR A CALOIB IIKOS GO : 7ff?Pl' the'i jjACOJllj MI (MLANIDUS. j The Last Cargo 'of A Prime CUBA CLAYED LI l ii.. bii. m l 10 i a:iiiiii Iu iomlil fir.ir-, b. ii hiij-bfu.in .i Htrrt-', hi fitf-;t mrk t lai .turi Iruui i ilia brut tnnkan; Porruuiol S-.... cuiiiOiuD a&'i fliitf ; iui'kt:tti, hruvnit, I'.i;. MvamiTM, J1"l. Tubf. Stvrh, Ytili.!;ii la naill 'a.f tut f',.ntry trvU-; c:f-fcr, 1 .ili co, !': hiiii. 1 Ut Oil, Wrj.IuC l.i.'iinieiit. All Kinds of Wines and Liquors I tl. lnwr.i iurkl to fjxi cartomrr. : ADRIAN & VOLLERS lHnr ot (. ami Front 8trwt. fai.I 1 SllEl HY IMXAKU. Pnt.lHif J w-It aiKHF.IHV Cievs ami Wu oy N t t M ti )Mr uuitiim. in a-t--n f, k- iri ii.l r ivmlfy li en m ii( cir- ii tin in m-k'lv nil Uiv iinnt. V n o" M -rklnO-nrif. A !, mi o rtitr rtreuUtlon ii ih ii ii lit.- u1" Siutrtantiin. Yoik ' J t iilj-i H O. Hh j i tipii i-nirf d t'rt.m h It -uty ' lliiili iii. fillilBil. nii'l t H"W Hilnrnrd "h ti mti-e nrw draw, ' fnliUct arr Prmorrutu "l'h t'Biii'im On'rnl KhIiwhj ii. ii miv niLleinl Ihrouli In W Hinlnli'ii, 1 fllnMhy Irtiiji III tYet-Hl t rmllliil.. tl Hi,tntr i ni"t rrt-llent ailveitinius BiiJl- urn. Haiti TWKierntt. THH AM WKBB. KJltvrt mt l-roiili'tor. as-if fi ll t( Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, t January 23.1, 1875. ) ) i vvi ojii. . FKOV TH UATK At' TloMKfKH AH" l tiil.li.iinl i-i." (I "i.r or 'Kk lI any m mi. I In In".!, nf tl.w . It Mokcl I'ltn.-wn i.t.i-ei iri.in i bi- r.n iii Ohk o' ' mm nr-n in Iih wt. rii ol Knuilh nr tt .r Mu'oii'l .ii il liitiil mtwii, l"twi r'i 111" I'lrth'-m line oi M'tikfl ma t.lie ninlirrtf Hun ol l livHe'il truK, m i'i'iiinii.i til k ii'euK", My unlfr 'in Ma or. .1. II. K"IU -MlN. Cilv Mrli' Jii1 ' U) kin, ('nnnt-r & To., Wholosalo Druggists, Ac, R ALTIM()UK, MD. t uoi (wi t While lloykli) A t)o, STIl.t, MAMTKArn'KF. knit mil V-irgf inntii. k i.f Mu lr MlnliiUnl Pio rli l tl) A. il . 0. n mii-t , Kycrytio.lyV Vcirnotlilo Cartlmrtln Pltlk." Hi. W"'llin yiii,'ti ijiolein mikI lilariliu Mllli!tl.." Mr ' H'i kin's Wm ui Kltlwr " Or. Hi kin'ii I'otiyb i-yriii." - . - Di.' Ho-kin'n 1.1 vm Toiih," or 't)oiU omul -irl.l Ol' .Mrtll'jlHkO M hniiilV II imunl 0tll Pcnitem." "Ili'iil " Worm iionfrciloin " 'l.iii'i Hiliein ml clu.sui " All I'm iil.ovi- .oli tr lM brcumlt'K il h r i, unit re kept mmi'i nlky by ill n(!('. hiiJ iu nicy nifr liu !. li b In- 41-lm IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. QCfk KK.US Albs, Hurt nr.mli; 6.10 (JtfKJ I'l'iws S l iiln rIH'(K. S 't'oim Pli-w .eel-, all ntxt-ti ft Toii kwAlm linn, hirlil j (tn t oil. - ctton Hopa, Iohi Uoi, tow H-I'k, A i.. .Vi'. All utuivn for Kilo at Hoi-k tioltum Hiict ut tlm ; -,, . , ;., , . . . Sim Hardware More of Urt.K.S . Ml'RH-MHUN Un HI 'ISNnrlli Kmot Mwl A Distiller Wanted. MAN WITH NO FAMILY,' WHO HAN niHka Whit Hwln, ami tiflnu tintfl!nrv relerrnres; lo go ui M"il''!. Al . Al'iily to full 'n .IAS1KH P HTKVrNHON. if Gl7A0. GENUINE'' n In Large or Small Quantities. Uy InOructlonr nf tho Peruvian Oovirn. lilnt. tbelr AitPiitH have ml'Miced tbe pitrot OuniiHpa (iuioio Irom Hi plumber ixt. In 4, to mxty to ilollam Slid Uityiv-nta (W) g ild. pr ion 01 v.ii poiniiM Mriw-, enotiiUNioiirf r tli miniB time a now ncale nl ill oonnt." Hie lowent buti-R SI rents on pirwls from N) to Hit) uiiiK.ltit) bihit lino mi .Mm Unmmi.i over. A" u"iil. they will n it mill In lorn of leihnii tes toin. Under this new arrangement I am enabled to till orders for lots of ten ton end upwards-t le price than the Agents of the Pe ruvian Government. I will, as heretofore. sudpIv Quantities un der ten tons at the same rate as cnarysn oy mem. t'lrenlar. - M iliilnn ltlmorla's, rBlVrencee and lull panioulurn, mail' frpon h nili.-ut on o R. B4LCAZAR, "n .59 BenyerSt., New York. P. o. Kmc dfJ7 . T-rtJwtf Bacon Pork Flour, Sugar, Etc. 100 Boxes 1). 8. aud Smoked Bides, 10 ) Bbls. C. M. Toik, ' 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, t 100 Bb!s. Refined Sugar, 400 Kegs Nails, 100 Bugs Prime R'o Coffee, 23 Mats Java Coffee 800 Rdls Hoop Iron, .,-100 Bbls. Glue, .,.,.,.:,,, 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn, 1,000 Hacks KaU, 200 Bales N. It. and E. Hay, 300 Bags Shot, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCnihON. (uano-.-liluaiio Guano. 350 Tons Eureka Guano, 250 Tons Gnuimpe Guano. For sale low by WILLIAMS .v MURCIIlSON. fb H . gAVK liY BUYINQ CLOTH IM; oV. BUSINESS SVITS, DRESS ' WEDDING " " ' -made to ordpr kt roi-t titi'll Marth int. DAVID WEIL. feb l Molit sm s ! Molasses ! ' IM Hh.. NVw Crop Onb, liitl Bhl Ntw Or nn Cubs, ' t; Hb(,,8 H. Mo1mu, -".;', ,; . . ' 160 Bb) S. H Mohkts. ; ., For stl by KKKOHNKR ft CALDEKBROS. feb '.1 45. LQmr.Y. FORTUNE FOR 01 ! One Gift Is Cuaranteed to Oreo every 1 1 Consecutive number. 850,000 for OneDollar-i "NOW IS YOUR TIME." j Daaie Fortune Helps Those who Help Themselves, sm ir i Tii-kc't t 1 1 rsrti. liumlrriiii! ticni t) bO.&H', tiicliviTe. The i.t-l.i g,f- low .n. i.l J ick-l bring-it Kl'liin l!ic rcaA ui GRAND GIFT CONCERT In aid of the Tublic Imjirove incuts iu tho City of Decison, Texas. 5he TLUS GUT COKCEBT ASSOCIAffiN Will give a Grand Concert l liriCDAY, Hareb Hint, 1?3, . And will Distribute to the Ticket Holders 0250,000 IN GIFTS! DEPOSITORY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, DENISON. Dtn'rilintlou to coiumrurt irone d'Htel? after tlifl l'iicil Miuthge- ot Uf tiinirtbulii'li i-hivrn by tb Ticket HolJ. ri ami roiutnri(i cituen. LIST OF GIFTS : I Itcaml i. lit... . .. Nl (nf t w . . H-VM! 1 . us o n I II , . l .MP 1 . ' AlKi I " ' .1 VR Ii 1 " " .... I.W ia " " avm tui'b . w " ' " " Wl '6 0i :m " " ' 11 '-..,.., 4 f ii" ' Ml " ' ' IIKI .. ' S.Ik II liKI ' Ml SIKHI iiio " ' " M " '. n fkw no " " jo - 4 'Kk' Bon " " i. )i( Ml 1 (Ml " ' s " ..... S.iwh 1 fun " " HU ' ...;.. f0 iCWft " " " I " ....... 4i JR" t!l.;i.; (Irmiit Ch-Ii (liltk, liiiUMiitlnit lit -ik),imi 2i FrUi In lie I t-Xriiu, aiuouut- l(to !, 4:..ri ililU.iiaiiuntlnii to ts A nialcuipiii of tin- HwtrlbuOon will b pnb ili.li. it ml I'orwHr.ln i to lickut hnnler. 'il ! Kliti will be ptorai ily pUt utter the illstrllm 'Ion anil Rcspmisililc Persons Wanted t W1ITH Mf uif llt'fism tl lll'P rt inniui" Liberal I Conifi-if4tuu Allow til HOW TO REMIT TO CS. Monev ulioulil lisent by Kpri.mr bv tH ont timoe munoy orrter or twuisvarea i.etisr Aiittni' nil nonuiinllli HUi'iii' to Al.rill:iM(. 4 OI.I,l, e I ') Ukmhon. Ikxas J. K. ,10N:-t. Nation ;i H.itl, Aoent for Wnmiutfton, Ni (' Jwit .i t. wU.I r.WCELLA5fEOU8. Look at this, Farmers! nt ii at i e Ki v err i c n IN V1UC1X, qnnTONS of thk !Ki.fbh ATk o ,a wull known SEA FOWL GUANO at S67 BO, on titrto until Novem ber lst ALSO, 500 T0NS Pe De9 Ammn'a- ted Super-Phosphate of Bone. Vhl 1 a now Fbonphaio which we are leivlng njanafai tured cuprely tyr our tade by P. .nil Hon, ui 'UHliniiro, and wblcli we will guarani.es eqaal to arfy otiier Plirmpbatii now i flified to the 'I't-nlo. Price $37 OO on time until No vember Isti 1875. SSF Liberal ternii. will be made to lilr l.y " . ' .'' '-- ' ".' . '..':..-: COVINGTON, EVERETT & CO., General Commission Merchants .7- WILMINUTOH.N.O. fob I Notice ! Notice ! ! SELlLMi OUTAT COS! FOR CASH ONLY! HAVING PTJKCHASEDTHR IN t EHKST oi Mr Gortrge H. Lewi In the into 11 m oi Itf-wis Ac Dayjv anrt dnlroiiK of clnnhiK nnt (,rwi.t -u.ilv of Whner Goodn t II I up wbh pri-g anil nnmmrr nioua, i win, miui nir thrr n1 t oo, ell at i ts". Kem-nib-r every aitlolt offored will be at neyr turiij;ou. T SRTH W. DAVIS, Af Old Stand ul' Ltwls A Pay:..,. febT ' Rapidly at Cost ! FOR CASH ! Qfll STOCK OF , BOOTS AND SHOES jsnpiUI rnp .U v, a PRICEH ARE LOWER tbn rvi r b 'lore. i.hlld'n Pcb. But. liooust l no, worth dfl MIhkPi-Ii ntn Boot at IT5. ror b ti J.I. t, i.iii'" .Imcii I'ooietf4 iu woitb ,MiO Men' Ontiom and Onli Tloa t SI M, S'ikiiii1 sj 'il worth SS 60 to 3 W. and oviryiiiiit fb in proper t 'on. !al) mum lnli-rc ilieetock int.iolii-ii. ' DUDLEY Sl ELLIS, - Blgn nf lh Bin Boo', No.41 MiRKir Htrkkt. feb N , 4'4 Iw Cheese, Butter, Rice and Lard. SO BnTe Ohi-rio, . . , ?(i ' nh (latter, . 1 ' ' M fterc-k oel HM. t1!, . ''" v" rki Tiicu mid i ubs Lur I. ' For or EKKCHNCE t Al.nr.R RHUS 'e'i2l , - O DniUTIMP "ATLT KXKtiMTKlTM r It 111 I II! U tbs th-KtoHt nntli-D and i a lb Biot remxinablt teinmit tbo JOUUNAL OFFICE. WILMINGTON, N. LINES ( ; I Fast Freight Route to all Points South or East. BALTIM0EE. SoHtiicni Stisiii Trans- jorte Ccsipy, SA.LINit FKnM BAl.TJJlOItK Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. ANI FhOM WlLMlMlTON Wednesday & Saturday. ui ix4 i iiiiiii ai mi i.n ut North and South Carolina, Georgia and trtifc'ht to Ualtiuiore, I'lnisileljihia, New York BoMon, iT-ovidenc, . Full River sod other Eutem Cities. Aho, to Liveipool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp, and other European jairts, i - Tlifi.fl 1 Irfm-iiMirct ut WHniiiiuti n lll. H. Wlloillitou Wflilon Knilnwrt, emollua l:lilrl bnllwat, klitl IM Vttt "Hlvit H1. B i witU tbvtr conneitiiiK Hcmlh, otter ui yqual raellitici- lor lie i n Dipt iltliTiijol trsbikt to l tioiniH. . Ai the KiVnirr or tnrM Linn, on mmii In Wilmington, top at KiilitiaS dr(l. tbt tVfijtbtlii tmnrir ur.li t corM tbtdo to car wufuit erlay ml tnri(ti.l b) t).rfat V" 0 ilry(i In Wnniimli.n, mid to tmrKt. r in i W llBiimlon l-outb, Hale Guaranteed h low an li any other Hnule-l.okkc or tlyar-. rliai;t- ruruilly iaid. CMARK ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON LINES. j y"Kor t.iithn II.I..I u.Htl. ii u ply lo elllier or the an lr?lgnd Antiiilnof t' I.iim: EDWIN FITZGERALD, A.bt lull M( l ine, On homb St , Ilnltimom. IK t IU RAIL KOAI WILMINGT0H AND WEIQON RAIl i ' RQAO CCMPANT. Omni or Okhkkai. sumKiin ii. , wii.iiiitiiii, i: ,Ihii. j, iK. 8 SB 8 isarji ez& UHAJNOK UK M HKlliL,K. On n.1 flr dan. M, Phrvl I r.nm ot llio W. W. HnllroMt will run m fnllowj ; , MAIL 1KAIS Pnloh I-;pol dully (exoti't hniinluvs) t , ! 4rrlrrt Ooidborot KtH-ky Mount at. ' WeblutiM iit Weldoiiitiiilv iil. . rr t Kovky S'ouut..."", ' , Oolileloroat.... ., " Cnlou Impot. ,. .. ... .11-41 A. St. IfS P. ...... t4 r v . ...... 10.1 6 A M r.'-lit,,.".! 41 A V. SIKSP. M. rlPKKHS TKdH A NO THKOUUH FKF.ItiHT 1BA1N Le I'l'ioo depot, daily , l. ...... 7 13 P. V , Arrive t lloldntmro at I. Ml A.M. " Hooky Monntat. 4 m A M. " Wi.lilon t 1.1 A. M l.(i vVi-ldoti, daily, St.......... . 6 4'i P. M rrir at. Uo' ky Mount at MS P M . " (ioldnboro t HIS A. M Cl-.ion tiHt at 6 80 A. M MM! t rain innken i-loe ooniertioi. at We. Ion for M poiute North la H. j Lint aud Ac niia Oreek route. gy Uxor I'M Tralii ioiiuiH-ti.nl wun Aaama Jreek roirte. I'nllninn'a fiilar Nep 'nKt nra outblt'lrnlii y Freight Tram will (ears Wilmington trl woekly at S.4.1 A. M. ai d ar-lre at 1.4V P. M. JOHN F.DIVINr, Oaneral Sni 'l .Ian J g-tl star copy. Carolina Central Railway Co. 8t:PKRINTFNI)ENl"S OFFlt'K, ' WilmingtoiHecliitU, W4. S Change of Schedule On and after tbe lr.tu inataut, traiua will run oyer tLls Hallway an follows: PASSENGER TRAINS !. Wiliuinuton at..'.. 7 IS A. W ArrlrouiCliHrllotUi at....,,, 7:4o P M LottVO t lmr o t at b: 46A M Arrive lu Wllnitnion at... fl:4nPfc- V Mht. I mine (taut Krtlul and Paeiu ger) In future uotiu. I'Titrcrrrr'rirATirs-"' r Lear Wlliulngtoij at 6.10 A.M. Arrive at Lauriuburg at..... ....... .11:40 1'. M. j"are Laurinliurg at , 1 0 A. M Arilveat. t:lmrlotte at :tst P. M Leave Charlotte at ,.5:.-0 A . M Arrive ai Lauriuburg at..... :...ti:ofl P. M Leave lnurlnburg at 6;! A M Arrives. Wilmington t..,.,........ti.0O P. M Connections. Conr.ect at Wiimii.gtou wnb vVilmlnirton & Weiiloii, hh i Wilinlniitiin, t olunibia & An giita lUilroailn. -roil-werklv liew York and i ri-workly Maltimnro and weeklj Pbilndil hl Steamers, and tbe Klver Hbata to Fay ettevillo. Uuonocts at Charlotte with its Wentern Di vision, North I'arolina Kailrua-', Cbarlotto and -ttenvill- KHilroa', (.harlo'to & Atlanta Au- l.tne', -and CharlotteColuHibjii.-rra''a-ii- TUu mpplving the whole West, Korlhwest and southwect with a ahcrt and eboup lir e t . tbe Seaboard and Kurope. 1 , 8. I. FREMONT ' Chief Engineer and Huperlutendfint. d-eli iWVtf V Papers pobll-Ulne U. 0. Hallway auhed iiIm win iiieaw notice I'liHtigr.. JENKKAL HfJPBKINTF.ND'TS OFFICII WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO. WiimsuTtm, N. C., oy. 21, IH14 CHANGE OF 8CHEDULE On end alter Tocilsy, 2iHi. the lollowlnv rch ednle (nil ii : MOHT EXPRESS THA IN, (Daily), Leave Wilmington s.?f. P. sf. Leave Florence ll.WSP.V. Arrive at Colombia 4 (Vi A M, " " Augusta. S.4SA.M Leave Augusta.,... ,1,.., 4.1 P.M. Leave Oolumbla... B.isp, M. Loave Floroncc .i.. 12 50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7.10 A. M, Pwip'iigem go ng Went bovond t:olu nlila, will tnke through Trafn, leaving Wilmington PA8SEOF.B AND ISAII. TltAIN, ( Dally ecept Bunday.) Leave Wilmington. fl.4 A M, Arrive it F'ormina 12.W P, M. Arrive at Ooln-nbla.,..,.... S.10P. M. leaye Columbia 8 30 A . M . ISav Horsnrs I 10 P.M. Arrtveat Wllralnrton 7.0!i P M. VTh )iih connection' at Florence with. traia i0r Clnr'oKton. V Th iMtgh Sleeping C:ir on night trains for charleeion and A u gum a. JAMES ANDKBHON. . . Uen'lSniierintetiitent. nov ti . , aio-tr . . .. .. JUST IN The Alderney Brand III CONDENSED MIIK In Patent ritxe. Milk Crackers, Xwlcbavk, and lor tale at . ' OH. W. hlTNOF.8. N. K, Corner or Market aud Seoond Me. febJl 4fl.tr NEW YORK. SAILING Fit .M EW YORK- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P.M. -A DFKOM WllJllNOTON Wednesday & Saturday. i.Aiinti to ai.v rnnis is Alubsma.' For North or E6t bound Wilmlt oli 11 rnlnn.l.U in.v.i. b.n...i WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Aprnt y.ik Liucr. t howllnji OretM Hiw Ywic A. D. CAZAUX, A(eiit Bsktiniorc ml New liork I.Oien, Wilmington, N. C. -ty BUSINESS CABD8. Graham & IS ash, ATIOIUNKYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. CV PHACT1CK IN THK Sl'AlK AND FKD nal Court, aud nake colleeiiokt oh. ie lu North Caiulina Aiw netoilale lr ot Ileal .hUMte. Agricultural, Atinnal and Lumbir tracts, and ilmiraole City I.oieian Mant'y ou hand. . ''y ,v ' r OW rf HivaAiL croslv. wiLssa kvaaii C R ONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATEBROKER&i W11.M1NOTON, N. O. I IAN HK SFSX AT THEIR BALIS KOVMI J a plan of the city, on an enlaratd arala. Bl.-.tik Book with the boundaries of evtry Lot IB tbeilty dintlnctly deBm.d. Amwd value, pant and prewnt. of every lot iu the city ' , .-. Any Information dwlred fprnlrtiul uionaB plioatiou. July '"' - .;.'" i INS17BA1.CS. North Carolina Home Insurance Co. THIS Company oontlnuea to write Pollrleaat talr rain, ur all claxetof lutwable prop. erty All loaeea promptly paid. . Encourage Home uiHtltutloni. ' H. it. Battle, Preeident; Beaton Qais. Beers tary. . - .' . . .mffTuuikv n. . ....... n AgrnU. June 1M-U 37,000,000 FlftR IKNItHAIMK 4'AP. IAI. K t'.FKIJKlV'l Ell AITt-k PAfllkH IMN'lkft MiftftKlk gueeu lUBuranoe Company, of Liver pool and London, capital.... lO.OW.Od North British and Mercantile Insur ance Company, capital 10. 000,001 H arttord Insurance Com pany, capital t,5M ,0Ci National File lnmirance Company, of llurttonl. capita) ,, 600 ,0M CX'titi non tnl lnenranee Company, ol New York, capita) , I. ROC ,004 Phrentx Innirance Company, of Brooklyn, capital 1,600,UO Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, capital, .... BOOJOS MAHINB-Thb old Mercantile Hataa) New Tor. LIF The OonneaUont Mutual of Bart ford. ATKINSON 4 MANNING. . Uenwal Agents. i"v 889-tf YJF.RCHAXTS AND MECHANICS.' INSURANCE COMPANY, " OF KIOHMOND, VIRGINIA. (Vtpltal.. WO,tl A V Bwnwua O.-l.. I. I V II a . - JOHN WILDKH ATBIXanS, General A gea -St-A NorU Wauw.St. Wilmington, M. O. aprii is .. . . -.. - tsa-tt JOHN A. BIB W, (FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE) 40,000.00 Aaeeta Ucpreeenleel. OFFICE Commercial Exckange " Bnild.ni North Water Street. - act 11 .'; Screven House, K. BRApl.F.T, Proprietor, SAVANNAH, GrA.. fJIHIS LONG AND FAVORABLY KNOWN house, pleanantly situated on Johnson Square, hvvlng been recently repainted atd repaired, and having all of IU department! filled with competent, polite and ettenUve employes, iillurn to tlm traveling public oemforta nusar panned by any House In the Southern States. Pa.wngem having Through Tickets and de xlrlng to lay over at Screvn Hon e, will hare Fre Trannortatlon frm the HnnM ti lleunla or Steamer, tn Screven Hones Omnibuses. d0W ..... Svt-tak GHitl Iuw km The Usury Law.' All thoM In favor' of tbe Henry Rill and a' I thoae opposed to It are given tW notice that It, premium will m ke r a alrlr-noe in the irlm-a of doota an 1 1- b ea of all cNwee, kinds and Hrliw. from the cbeaprat and roinmoaeat, to thoe ca'i niated to atmwer the ie,.rn of Ihe roo-t taM dlona I am able to suit, and am de lermiri'd toni'tail who favor me wlib a call, iVEDDIHQ CHDsBi tbeauwt laiblonahle ftyle at tbe JOUBNAtorriOl