7 . Hi - J N T'V i'V A VOL XXIV. KO. 47. WILimJQTOIT, H. G, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1875. T7H0LL HO. G.811 fit i I I ii i;f iiailn 3i01m.nl. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. FIB. 24. 1875. eY TELEGRAPH, THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON LOUISIANA. REPORT. THEY UNANIMOUSLY CONDEMN THE KETUtfNIG BOARD. ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO BURN ; PUBLIC BUILDINGH. THE COMMITTEE" REPORTS ON LOUISIANA AND ALABAMA. THE HOUSE ENGAGED ON THE TARIFF BILL. DEVELOPMENT OF GRANT'S PROGRAMME IN ALB AM A. Washington, Feb. 23 Noon Horsi The Louisiana Speoial Com mittee reported with resolutions, unanimously condemning the Return ing Board; and by a majority of four to three reoommendiug the Louim ana House of Representatives to tali. immediate steps to remedy the iuju . riea aud to place the poroun rixiit fully entitled in their seats.- AIho ree oomm adingthe reooguitionof Kellocg as Governor till the termination of hi term of office. Ordered to be prints1. The Committee on Alabama affairs also made a report. The House then proceeded with the Tariff bill. In the SenatetheJndioiary Com mittee reported tha the United States is not bound to proceed with the con tract for additional Pacific mail ser vice to China and JapaD. Winder's Building, occupied by Mjh Ordinance and Engineer Departments, wa fired by incendiaries. The build ing is opposite the Navy Department, which has been fired three times. Some one is crazy or there is a plot to destroy records. Washington, Feb. 23 Night The Senate Finance Committee agreed to the bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to buy the Freeduiau's , , Bank building at $315,000. Hodsk G. F. Hoar, of Masstt- - chusetta, Chairman of the Special Committee on Louisiana Affairs, niado his report, closing with the following resolutions: Whereas, Both branches of the Legislature of Louisiana have re quested the Seloct Committee of the House to investigate the circumstances , , attending the election and returns thereof in that State for the year 1874; and whereas, said Committee has unanimously reported that the Returning Board of that State, in canvassing and compiling said returns and promulgating the .results, wrong fully applied an erroneous rule of law by reason whereof .persons wer awarded iu the House of Represent. tives seats to which they were not en titled, and' persons entitled to Beats were deprived of them, Resolved," That it is recommended to the House of Representatives in ' Louisiana to take immediate step") to remedy said injustice and to place the persons rightfully entitled in their eats. i?ejoiwcd, Tnat William P Kellogg be reoognized as the Governor of Uie . State of Louisiana until the end of the term of office fixed by the Constitution of that State. The majority and minority reports were ordered to be printed. As the result of a colloquy between the Members as to whicti was the majority report and which was the minority report, it may be stated that all the members of the Committee re port against the action of .the Return ing Board, and that Messrs. Foster, Phelps, Pptier and Marshal uuite in a majority report that there was no geu erai intimidation in the State, .but a free and fair election which resulted in favor of the Conservatives wlio were deprived of the result by the wrongful action of the Returning Board. Uhat Messrs. Hoar, Wheeler and Fyfe nnite in a minority report, and that Foster assents with Hoar, Wha ler and Fyfe to a compromise to reoognize Kellogg as Governor, and giving the majority in the House to the Conservative delegates. The majority report in the case of Alabama was presented by Cobnrn, of Indiana, Chairman of the Select Com mittee, and the views of the minority, by Buckner, of Missouri. They w. re ordered to be printed. Coburn, of Maryland, made an effort to get up what is known as the caucus force bill, reported by him last week. Smith, of New York, mad an effort to get up the constitutional amendment to regulate the eleotion of President and " Vice President, but Dawes, of Massachusetts, pressed action on the tariff bill and succeeded. The . . House ther, at 12 o'clock went intc a eommitte of the whole on ... the tariff bill, Hale, of Maine, in the ' Chair, all debate on the bill being limited to one hour. - The House spent the whole day in committee of the whole op the tariff . bill, aud among other amendments put on one for an income tax, but as soon as it was reported back to the House Dawes moved a substitute for . the whole bill whioh was passed; yeas 123, nays 113. The bill as passed makes the tax on whiskey hereaf er to be manufactured, not taxing stock on hand at all, ninety cents a gallon; on tobacoo 24 cents a pound; on cigars , $3 a thousand; on cigarettes $2 75 a thousand;, on molasses, melada and sngaf imported from foreign countries an addition of twenty-five per oent on the present duties. It restores the ten per oent on manufacturer's goods, and provides that the increase of dutios shall not apply to goods actual ly on , shipboard for use on or be iore 10th February, 1875, or to goods ou deposit in warehouses or public stores at the date of the passage of the act. StNATE Spenot t presented a memo rial from the Republieau members of the General Assemblv of Alabama to the President and Members of Con gress setting forth, fir-t, that changes bare been tnnde by the Alabama Leg islature in the penal code of the State by which a system of iuvoluutary ser vitude and peonage for African citi zens is sought to be inaugurated; sec ond, that political legislation has been enacted by means of which 93,000 Re publican voters Nare practically de prived of representation, that the Re publican couwtitution is restricted aud there is a practical nullification of the constitutional amendments. They therefore at-k Congress to empower the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus iu certain contingencies in order to preserve the. peace iu the Southern' States Referred to the Committee ou Privileges aud Elec tions. The Post Office Appropriation Bill was then taken up. The amendmeut to strike out the clause repealing the Pauttie Mail subsidy was lost by a vote of 52 to 1 1. The Army Bill passed.' The bill tor the admission of CoU rado is up. Edmund stated that the mujotity of his party desired their action, otherwise he would have preyed the Civil Right bill. The Cabinet to-day decided to take dMutiou at present upou the propo sition from the Paeifio Railroad Com pany t.j make a sinking fund of tei obligations to the Government left the discussion in Cougress should put to hazard tiie regular appropriation bills. ; There was no discussion iu the Cabinut to-day either upon the Ar kansas or Louisiana affairs. (JEUHOIA. THE STATE TREASURY A MIL LION SHoar. THE. BOBBERY CHARGED TO HENRY CLEWS. ELABORATE INVESTIGATION BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. TREASURER JONES REQUESTED TO RESIGN. Nbw Yoke. Feb. 23. Night -The Herald has an ugly speoial to the ef fect that the Georgia State Treasury is a million short. Treasurer Jones reported over a million in the treasury, but only one nundred ana ntty thousand dollars can be found. An nvestigation shows fhat at least one hundred and fifty thorn -and dollars in bonds have been paid twioe. Treasurer Jones says Henry Clews, who was State agent.nevergave him a statement of disbursement If Claws paid bond J without cancelling them and then put them on the market again Treasurer Jones had no means of knowing it. The whole State regards Jones as perfectly honest. His bond is two hundred thousand dollars. Atlanta, Feb. 23. .v ight The Sub Finauoe Committee, appointed to examine the Treasury, have made an elaborate aud voluminous report to day upon its salient points, which are as follows: On the first of January last Treasurer Jones reported the cash on hand to be one million and three thou sand dollars. Since that time he has oollected one hundred and sixty-seven thousand dollars, making the total for which he is refponsible one mil -lion one hundred ami seventy thou sand dollars, and for which he is credited as follows: Six hundred aud thirty-two thousand dollars are iu the hands r f ngnts in New York, for the paving of maturing bonds and interest ou coupons which was not received at the time Treasurer Jones made b report to tie Leg Mature; also one hundred and sevonty-nine thousand dollars paid out by the Fourth Na tional Bank of New York as interest and premiums ou gold; also paid out of the Treasury direct on Execu tive warrants since the first of jjanu ery one hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars, also cash onhaudoce hundred and seventy-seven thousand dollars, making one million one hun dred and two thousand dollars, which haves sjdefioit of $08,000 to account; for this dfifioit Treasurer Jones sub mits informal vouchers for advances made' to civil establishments, state road, exchange bills, executive war rants signed by Bullock, interest on temporary loans, loss by failure of John King at Columbus and counter feit mounting to $fU,003, nono of whicn are in proper iorm, and which, upon b supetficioal examination, the Committee does not allow, thus leav leaving about four thousand dollars unaccounted for altogether. The Committee further state that Treasur er Jones has illegally paid one hun dred and fifty-two thousand dollars on old bouds.due January 1872, the same being a part of the bonds said by Bullock to have been paid by Clews. Of course Jones is not charged with this in the foregoing balance. Jones states in extenuation that he had had no notice of the previous pay ment. "' " The Committee conclude by recom mending that Jones be requested to resign, and in the. event that he re fuses that the State appoint ft compe tent financial agent to supervise the Treasury Dapartment and ascertain accurately the condition of the Stato's finances. - Tie Committee do not attack tho integrity of the Treasurer but condemn without qualification the system of book keepiug and the gen eral administration of the Treasury. The report was ordered printed and made the special order, for to-morrow ; evening. It is not known whether Jones will resign or not, but it is predicted by many that he will not, and if he refutes there is some talk of impeaching him, but they'will hardly resort to such violent measures.- Am ple'proviaion will 'be made by the presont Legislature to oover all deficits and keep tho finances of the &ute in ft healthy condition, EUROPE. THE PROCESS OF ORGANIZA TION OF THE FRENCH SENATE. TOASTING ROYALTY AT BERLIN. Taris, Feb. 23 Noon The floor of the galleries of the Assembly was crowded Una a. m. Toe report of the Committee of Thirty upon the organi zation of the Cenate reads : It rejects the American plan, and approves, with some modification, the plan of electing the Senate by the Assembly, jounoua ana colonies. A motion of urgency was carried by both Centres and the entire Left, whereupon the Right withdrew. Castellare, Monarchist, mountsd the tribune and declared that the Senate would lead to duolution and anarchy, and threatened that if the measures were voted imposing upon MacMahon the duty of organizing the Republic the Right would resign in a body. Duval, Bouapartist, moved that the Seuate be elected by nuiversal suf frage. Rejected, tlie Bonapartists only voting for il , - Waller, Bouapartist, moved that the Seuate consist of three hundred members, departments aud oolonies e'ecting 225, and the Assembly'soven-ty-flve. Adopted by 422 to 201. An order making the Organization of the public powers a special order for to-day was adopted. - Behun, Feb. 23.-Night-Minister Davis gave a dinner in honor of Wash ington's birth day. The first toast was Graut and the second the Kaiser. The question about the Gastave be tween Germany and Spain is unsettW, Paris, February 23 Night The Bonspartist organs express their dis approbation of Wallon'a amendment in violent articles. All the ministers except the juatioea of the interior voted for Wallon'a amendment. 11ALE1U1I. THE PUBLIC DEBT BILL PASSED IS THE SENATE. THE nOUSE CONSIDERING THE PROPOSED EXPULSION OF THORNE. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 23 Nighl The. Senate to-day passed on its third reading the bill adjusting the State debt. It provides for tha funding of the debt as follows: For the old debt and registered certificates, 40 cents on the dollar; for funded internal im provement bonds, 25 cents on the dollar; (it does not include Construc tion and Speoial Tax bonds). The fol lowing interest to be paid: For the first two year, two per oent.; for the next three years, three per oent ; for tho next five years, four per oent.; for the next two years, five per oent. Notice is given that a supplemental bill will be introduoed to fund the Speoial Tax bonds. A resolution passed the Senate to day to change the time of holding the State election, to prevent North Caro lina from being the pioneer State. The House is considering the ques tion of expelling a white member, J. W. Thome, from Warren county, via Vermont, because of non-belief in the existence of God. ELEiJTIUCISMS. The Pennsylvania Senate by a vote of 21 to 6, instruct their Senatoi and request the;r Representatives to favor the passage of the Texas Pacific Rail road bill. A billiard match for two thousand dollars and the championship of the world, with three balls, played in New York, wag won by Maurice Vegnsuk, Rudolph scoring hve hundred and fifty six. ' The Missouri Legislature yesterday adopted concurrent resolutions dep recating Grant's course regarding Arkansas, and urging that she be let alone. SPECIAL. Tbavkllirs ibould wear Klmwood collar. They are amity carrttd, wear well, looknlceiy, and do not require weaning. Harm less ae Nu miner Dew, Tet in the btghett degree Disinfectant and preservative, SOZODoM 1' keep, tbe teeth al ways healthy and tpotleii, and the gum. ruddy and free from canker. Great Lai m and dlaoomfort 1. canoed by Hie ureof purgative which gripe and rack the tyc tem. Parimt' Purgativt Pillt are free from all impure matter, and are mild and health-giving in their operation, , . . BJAt thl MMon of year the cramp, and pain. In Hie etomarh and bowel., dyenntery, diarrhoea, Ao.aro quite common, and .liou dbe checked at once, Juknitm'i Anodyne Limment 1. the brat article tha can be ared in all och caat., and nhonld be kept la erery family. Uaed inter nal. y. Consumptive, Take Notice. Every moment of delay make your eure more bopelraa, ard much depend, on the ja. dlciou. choice of a "remedy. The amount of tratlmony In raver of Dr. Bcheeck'l Pulmonio Sirup, a. a cure tor con.umption, far eiceed all that can be brought to .upport the preten. .Ion. of any other medicine. SeeDr.Bcbenck'e Almanac, contHitilng the cartlflcstei f many perrons ot tbe highest respectability, who have been restored to health, arter being pronoun, oed Incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability . Sohenck'. Putmonlo Syrup alon has cured many, as these evidence will show; bat the cure Is often promoted by the employment of two other remdte. which Dr. Hchenck pro vide, for the purpose. These additional remS dle. are Schenck's Sea Weed Tonlo and Man drake Pill.. By the timely use of these medl clnr., according to directions, Dr. Hcheuck certifies that mo.t any case of Con.umption may be o red. Dr. Sohenck 1 professionally at bis princi pal otll ne, ot-rner 8ixih and Arch rtreete, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all 1. tters for ail vino must be addressed. NEW ADVXETI3E3IENTS. Butter and -Cheese.- ir Tubs and Firkin. Butter, 100 BoM UbMM Far sal by KKHUUNia ft OALDKU BEOS. Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. Th member of thl. Oompan are hereby namoned to meet at th Truck Moum, thl I P. at , .harp, la full uniform, to attend th luearw ! our QHum orvuar unman, ua.u P BAPPLKK. By ordr ot th First Aaiitattt Foraaao. la charge. WM.A.WI1X80N, Secretary. fab it 41-ft Attention ! Mail Gws. Ton are harsh BtlHd to mt at APOLt.O R 41.1., corner Market and Seoood trt, this t wedday r. at. at (. cio. a. Full attendant arnatly reutd. O. 0. W. Mi l. LEU, F. A. BISHOP. - Committee. libit Mt THE TRIAL OF Henry Ward Beecher Vorbatlm Iteport. Fast I. V ith Portrait of Franoi D. Mool. ton Past II. With Portrait f Mr. Illaabeth R Tilion. Pat With Portrait ef Theodore Tiltou. (160 royal octavo pages each.) now II4DT. Price of taoh part, CO taut, far. sal at HRINSBERdKH'N Ltv Bosk aud Muslo Stnr. febM - 41 Notice. HAViNtt DMPOSItn OF OUR Si IHH.K naniaand Trunk HnMnevs. atork, Uwk Will and Book Account, in Wilmington, M. U, to Met urn. Uarp'uter a Ma'lard, we herebv tender our thank, ti a generou. public fur their liberal patronace the laat ten vara, and ask a eontluuance of Hie same to our Huc oMmra, who hav been aorertably In our em ploy for many yeara and are thoroughly posted fn the Saddle, liar new and Trunk Uuslueae In all It branches, Menr. 0rpentr A Mallard will settle all clalmi contracted avalnat ui in Wilffilugton, N. C, and collect debt due u and receipt for tbe earn. J, 8. TOPHAM A (JO. A. Carpenter, J ll.inallarel. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVING BOUUHT THE ABOVE MEN tlned Goods, ws ofl'er a full .took of (SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Rinds of SADDLERY GOODS, VERYALOW PRICES For rash or to pmapt paying bayers, W respectfully solicit patrouair. CAatPCNTEHeV B1AM.ABD. tebl 81-1 moa CHARLES READE'S A HERO AND A MARTYR. A HERO AND A MAttTTR. A True Narrative. By Charles Keade, author of "aardOaeh," "Foul Play," tie. With a por trait. Paper, IS cent. ? Kvery one will read thl marv.loii. tela of heroism In humble life, and we hope that every one will draw some moral from It. To u It seem, an exoeedlnsly attractive and oompro henalve sermon A'. V Tribune, TALMAGE'S SPORTS THAT KILL. Sport that KID. By T. D Witt Talmage, autlwr of "Pint Merle of "erraone," second erlea ot Berinon.," Old Well. Dug Out;" Ac. Oloih, SI 2A ; paper, ft. For sal at HEINSBERCER'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. febM Live Book and Wnale Store. OVERCOATS, Talmas. Business Suits, - - AND BOYS SUITS, We are selling without profit. Those In want will never flod good, cheaper. Act on tbe hint and buy of MUNSON & C fab 21 VITT OLOTHIKR8. 4.1 Egg Maccaroni, Italian Maocaront and Virmlcelll, Qolmaa'i English Mustard-bottle, and tlu.j Onara Jelly, Shaker Preasrves, , Burnett's and Lubin' Flavoring Extract., Wax, Parahne and Adamantine Candles, Liquors, Cordial, and Bitter. CHAS D. MYERS Jt CO., O t 7 North Front St. Pure Old Pale Brandy, Vintage l3H, Finest Old Brandy In the State. Fine Old Cherry., Madeiras and Port Wines. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., , O and 7 lorth Front feb?l -tr CARPETS. Our Stock at Cost to Close Out Same. BRUSSEL8 AT 1 15 and $1 20 8-PLY CARPETS, 1 80 ALL WOOL Do. 85to$l. Cotton and Wool Do. 55 to CO Cts. Cotton 40 to 45 CU. For cash only. D. A. SMITH A CO. yb a a tr THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every Wwlueaday at WADESBORO. ANSON COUNTY, JOSH. T. JAMISIA CO. No Ad ranee in Prices, We are aslllng Wood! Per liOad. Per Cord. Oak and B" Jack, win Met, ln iH Am.. 14 to MS luotoieo Mlied ......... 60 to 70 leOtofM Pin J' 1 18 (Jut ap and haoiea at lowest poMlble cost. Contuia r can save monoTbr Durohaaln at our yar L jam v. m. rao.Di.ai aw, Ha a larg and rapldlv tnrreaalng rlrcula. tion in in re uee ntuutry in norm aua eoum Carolina. Advertiser will Bud It th heat medium In either of the sister Btat lor reaching th rarmera, piauters ana merclianie. The rxtenxive Iwal atlivrtiting rot ronaye exhibited in it column it th oet evidrnvtt oj it targe and tnjtuen tial circulntioti. " HMclmcn oil'le. with rat fr adver tlalns. aunt fr. inatai: paid.. in aut'llrallun roth uuilerainexi, elilur at wa-icntioro or wummgtcn. J08I1.T.4AMIC8 A CO., Kdltor.and Pmi'tlpUHa. fehll iS-tt Country Merchants Now I your time t buy Hardware, aaUold is going up and price mint advanr and a I Imported gixM hav already alvancd. W barton hand a larg Mock of tbeae goods which wear atlll lllngjtt old llgure. (live at a trial before trying elsewhere. Gtl.KS A atVHOHMON. feb HI 1 Turpentine Tools, Hankers lXpner.. Hound Rbave. lUik Ntoma. rlle, Hai'k Walchti, (Kii irn Aun, TruM iioom, .loniter., rwlni( Ktit'ea, Jtc, A laru itoea 01 the ahova giHala, ana at the lowest pnwilil prlwa, can l louuu at Ui Uld Kutablli'lied ttardwar Hoiia of " JOHN 1XWHON, No l,ao tndit Maikt 8'. fb 21 45 Balls, Tops, &c. 08T KKOBIVED THE LAKOK8T UiT of BALLS, TOPS, HARMONICAS. JEWS HARPS AND FLUTE HARMONICAS. trtr brought to thl. city. Top from three to ton oent. Jew Harps Are cent. Ball fif teen cent and upward. Coma beys and oho from th cheapest itoak la the city, at CONOLEY & YATES' City Book Store. ret w 44 Havana Cigars have on hand and for eae, at mv room. In t.liiDltt'. Btiildlnu. Houth Front .tract, near Orange, a line lot of HAVANA CIGAR! of my own manufacture. They are made from Importrd tobaoco and can be bought at one third of th oust of Imported cigar i. uitanri.. fb M-lui Wade.boro Herald copy 6m. SWEENY'S HOTEL, NEW YORK. On tbe European plan. To meet th down town requirements caused by doting the Attar nouas, unawen-anown ana popular Motel I. thoroughly renovated, relurnlahed, and I. olean a a new pin. Ladies, aeoompsnled by their husbands, or properly Introduoed, will And home comfort aud quiet l-ailleo' dining loom on parlor floor. CUT THIS OUT. feb 14 M-ltaw2w. Satisfactory Prices Are the manes, buying NEW ADVERTISIMEMS. D. PICOTT, Tobacconist) At IS Market Street, South aide, head of the Market. feb 21 e 4A Cheese, Butter, Bice and Lard. 1X1 Bores Cheese, 20 Tub Butter, M Tierces and nhls. Fire, M Tierces and Tut. Lard. For sale by KKHCHNKK CALOEB at ROM. feb 21 49 Exposition ROLLED PRESSED BEEF. We have tuoceeded In ettlng tbe 'Agency' of thl. delicious luxury. CORNED BEEP, Put up in Roll of tin foil and already cooked .. .. for Immediate Table ue. TRY IT. And al.l put up in handsome t pound cans. Hold only by GEORGE MYERS, feb 2t Sole Agent, 4(1 BROWN & EODDICK OFFER CASH. gAVK MONEY BY BUYU YOTJH OKO. oerlea for cash. A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Try our price and .'be convinced. " Pur. Bakertl'hlakejr. Sxecial Inducements I N HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS This Week. All Cottons are 'Advancing. la Tlow of thia Tf have mailrt. tmy hoavr imrehanea latelr. anJ are now prepared to give our Patrona the advantage for a abort time, but would ad vise all who are in want of auoh to muko tltoir ptrtchaaea AT ONCE. C 1 o u ring O u t Tho balance of all our Flanntila at prioo that CANNOT FAIL to meet tha approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worthSI 60, Soiling for 60 .Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-.-NO JAMPES CUT. JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street; DAMAGED GOODS All Goods Damaged by the Late Fire; MUST MB SOJL,X. M. ; FRANK S BR., feb II G3 Market Street. UNDER MANNING HOUSt mmi PACIFIC EMSB CO.; OiVZlTA-L. 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC) OUANn for aale, either for 0A8II or on CHOP TIME. Liberal tcrma will be mada with Merchant and other reliable parties to soil this Guano at our Warehouse prices. W. IT. McItAIlY & CO., Commission Merchant., A gents for PaulfloUiiino Co., aud Uealnrsln N. I Feruvlan Guano, Notrm Watub Sthebt, WlLirilltiuTOIV, N. 0, Sub-Agents for tho Sale ot -Soluble Pacillc Guano. r. n. inox...,, V. U It A II AM Jan II .....Old Hundred,. 0. .................... Marlon, B. 0. 7-SmdAw feat PLANNER & SHURE, 31 Hortb rront ttoert, WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Heason of 1875, delivered ou the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following ltI3I3U01I PRICES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, payable 1st of November, next; N A.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, WK UCARANTKK that the previous HlghOra of onr Fertiliser .ball be fully Maiktaikid NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY R. R. BKIOORKS, President D. MtiKAK, Treasurer, U. I OKAKKUN, Muiierlntendent. Jn5. WILMINGTON. N. C. 4-od-dAirni, Rapidly at Cost f FOR CASH! QTJR STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES 1. selling rapidly, a our PRICES ARE LOWER than vr before. Uhlld'a Peb. But Roots at 1 ho, worth a? oil M Use Peb. Laced Kwl at M 78, vror'h 2J5. I.artlr. .loyre Hoet. at M (0, worth BO0 Men's tialter. and Calf Tie. at 1 DO, $2 00 and VI 29. worth as 80 to 3 00. and everything elte In iroportion. uau soon ueiore tbe "toe a is broken. DUDLEY A ELLIS, Blgn-of theBIg Boot, feb IS Mo. 41 Msbkit Htbist, 42-lw I Q HHD8. NEW ROP CUBA, J BBt,S.i NEW CROP CUBA, For sale low by WILLIAM3 k MURCHISON. (b21 46 Corn Coriir-Corn. 2,000 For .ale hr KKHUllNKH A CAI.DKU BROn febJl Si BUSHELS CORN. Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Etc. 100 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides. 100 Bbla. C. M. Tork, 1,000 Mils. Flour all grades, ' 100 Bbla. EeQued Sugar, 400 Kegs Nails, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffew, 25 Mats Java Coffee, 800 Bdls Hoop Iron, lOOBbls. Glue, 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn, 1,000 Hocks Salt, .- 200 Bales N. R. and E. Hay, 300 Bags Shot, For aale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Guaiio-.-tiiiano-Guano. 850 Tons Eureka Guano, '. w 250 Tons Guanape Guano." 1 - For aale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. fb 14 , "39 TO THE I'lllll Those wishing to buy CLOTHING. at Cost should do so within the next week, as we oense to sell in that way after tho first of March. feb 21 DAYID & WEIL. 43

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