WILMINGTON. X. C: i::;r:rAY. ri3. i. u:5. T Daily Jovksal, U-eolilM 5ily ; ,;r iu North Carolina, i puhlilJ ,vry luomir.f, cpt MwuUt, at Eiuht Doixaks a jut: Foir Dai.larsIi nontlu ; Skvestt-five cuU per monlk, tor hortr pwkxl. Smd by (.'wtkts in tb city at SviKTT-riv cent pw idm h,or Two Dollars ni Twisty-fit. nU per qnarter. The Weekly Jovrjial, (FriiHyY thirty-aix column papM, Two Dollar par year, three eopk Fivi Dollar xsv A Bi.i t X roar enptf s, mth iwu erecpi, Eight Doixam audi half ten copi, Fifths Doixam; twenty Cople TwiSTY-FIYE DolXABA. j Sowt-Kirnoxs in all case iyMe in j kdrmct, and no paper continued After the eipiratioo of th time paid for. , Rkhtttaom thould be mad by I'rt pfllo Money Order or Expreaa. If n- v 10I I done, protection Against kwe by wall may be cured by forwarding a draft payable to the order of the pnprieUr tt the JoraAL, or by tending the niowy 1 registered letter. Advenialng Balee (per inch of twelw jotld Iti'o of advertising, type,) One Inch, one insertion, onk hollar; iwo mwr .. One Polla asd a half; three hiaerUons, Two Dollars; four lutertloiie, Twa DotXAM AND A HALF; five lneer- ti'i Threw. Dwxakh; 1i tnwrtioia, 1 iRF.E DOLLAR AND A HALF ! twelve tnaertions, Five Doixam asd a half, 0 month. Eight Dollar two month, Fifteen Dollars; three month, Twes tt-two Dollars. Contract for longer period and longer pace made npou Ulieral term. jJdreM, Enhelrakp SAirsnr, Wilmington, N". 0. Jl'DUE HOND AND THE C ITT HII.L-ANOTilRH OUMCLI. OUT BjHAtF. li:ii:itAL INTI'.HVUN TIOSI I!" STATE AFFAIRX. We publish elsewhere a copy of the bill in Equity filed by Dnuonri Ilolmes and David Gay, two negroes of this city, against W, P. Oldham and oth er, Registrars and Inspectors of - the election recently ordered by the Leg islature of North Carolina, to be held iu this city on the 11th of the coin ing month, . The bill was (lied in the Federal Circuit Cofurt for the Eastern District of the State, and the order of Judge Bond ia that Mr. Oldham and the other defendants show cause on the 6th of March why an injunction should not issue prohibiting the election, &a. Copies of the bill and order were served on the parties yeitorday Judge Bond has one corameudable ouality that his brother Federal Jurist, the illustrious DntELii hd not. When Dt'WEt,L undertook to set aside the laws of the so-called sover eign State of Louisiana, ho issuod the order at midnight, but when Bond undertakes to set aside the laws of the Otcalled sovereign State of North Carolina, he makes no pretonoe even of waiting for the darkness of midnight to cover the foul deed, but prooeeds at once and in broad daylight to sweep away, by a bold perversion of judicial power, the last vestige of the right 0' local self government, CDrRKLL, like an assassin, sought the hour of midnight for his deadly work in Louisiana,but BoND.oonfldeut in the power of the legiona of his master, who presides over the destinies o! the nation at Washington, moves .boldly and openly to the destruction of the very existenoe of North Carolina as a free and independent member of the Federal family of States. The people of North Carolina, the people of the South, the people who love liberty in any clime have little to hope from Judge Bond. He is a man despised and hated perhaps as much as any other man who drawsthe breath of life. The chosen favorite of Grant in the execution of the most obuox ious laws eter devised for the oppres sion of a down trodden race, Bond has won for himself an immortaility of infamy unparalleled in the history of any English Bpeaking people sinoe the days of Jeffries. It was of this man Bond of whom Senator Batabd, of Delaware, spoke when he declared npon the floor of the Federal Seuate and in open session that as an innocent . man he would rather run the gauntlet of the bullets of a squadron of Fede ral cavalry than be tried before his Court that in substance he preferred Merrill's bullets to Bond's justice. This is the man before whom Messrs Russell and Bailey, native North Car olinians, and Mr, Bailey, at least, an attorney-nt-law under the old reyime, have preferred the complaint of their negro clients. We are not sorry that the issue has been joined. If the State of North Carolina has any rights left that such men as Bond and Quant are bound to respect it is full time that both they and ourselves ahould know it. If the Legislature of North Caio'.ina cannot, under an express power given to it by the Constitution of the State, pass a bill to provide for the organization of one of its towns and cities without getting the approval of Judge Bond or of President Gbant, we cannot be in formed of the fact too soon. It may be that Bond is onr master, but we do not believe it. The last two years Lave been unhealthy for men of Bond's persuasion, for in that space of time the judicial heads of no less than fonr of his brethren upon the Federal I . Li- 1. .1 L 1 !. : '.. , L. .' Ili w S i'i.YMN, if (.);,, o; j Ti l;m nr. cf Kat.a: I'-t m in, ti ! io AUl-ama; aiul Pvlfll, of Louisiana, cow aaow LLetu co more. , Ltt Bond beware. The out Fcvl eral House yf. Kcj're'Utativf will l overwhi'Iiningly l'tU(Hvatii II iitimo formnoi-cnpTiDgLighitilli,ia!p''s';t",n to grow circnmsix'et. If (5bT and a Radical HuiiM ut nave 1H kf.i.l, can Ghst and a Itniooratio House in 1ST8, or will a Democratic rrmident and lVtuooratic House iu ls77, ae Iiot f We welcome the iiwne then, for if ' . Bono dart to attempt to overturn the law of our State, bo but apeod the . liua dT of liia fall from the Bench. i 11.. rnt meeting of the Board 1 ... " - 1 of Trnstoe of the University a Com- mitt.wnsiHtiiigofODveruor Orahnm, mlge John Kerr and MtMwra. V. L SUHle, r. C. Cameron, W. T. Fair clot b, II, L. ratterson and Kemp V. Battle, wan appointed' to draw up a memorial to the Legislature in refer ondetotbe laud Bcrip fund, given b the Federal Government to the Btato of North Carolina for the etttublihli- meut of agricultural collegoa. The memorial waa traumUk'd to the fjnnral Awmmlilv nil Htimlv IttMt.bv x.. Uv.. i J ' I CJoVemor Brogdon, Who 1S () the President of the Board of Trus- teen. The following is a bnoi sum- . . I mary of the memoriul: The Board in eudeavoring to posses themselves of the propertr and euocta of the University, since the decision of the Supreme Court, alllrmiug tlie 1- M. - m it . : - a ... A .1. ...... ; I validity of their apiHUutment, deem it their duty to call the atteut ion of the Aemt)iy to uie coniuuou 01 tun Agricultural College Fund, line fund is derived from the sale ol the laud scrip donated for the purpose of pro- VM1UB oouegea wr mo uviirut agriculture and the nieohauic's arts, by act of Congress, approved July 2d, IHtl'i. The Share of North Carolina, : I . 1 41. -. I J .. ... I equal to 270.KK) acres in scrip, wan accepted by resolutions of the General Asuembly.ratinedthe'iadofl-ebruary, MA and the charge thereot given to the University, by act ratilied Feb- lumj wv.. 1 a scrip the State agreed to be bound by ., .-, 1 1..- - . 11 ... 1 all l.liu f tr.lv 1H111I1M Mil I 111 Hill I l.lf Ilia f li Llln I .. ..... , , act of J illy 2d, 1861 -One condition, as win u Heeu irom 1110 aci.i wiai iu proceeds of the saleof the scrip should l,a iiiv.uit.Mit in iiitirHht litmrino1 iBiinri- I " -o. tiu. tl,a inUmat tit Iim annlitul In thai "i . iuniiiu.Hiuuu ui ngiiuuiiuini iui,. so. A second ooudition is that if any of tlis principal or interest is lost, tne State should be bounii to return the same. A tuiru oonaition is mat 11 tne btate ttoes not ostsbimu me agricui- lurui ouiifKU, iu wuuie auiuuu ib- oeivoa ior tne inu snoiu oe repuiu to tho Uuited Stutes. The memorial states that tho Board of Trustees, priorto 18B8, after diligeut enquiry, nAAntnUititM tltnf tifl nantu ItflV iltrd BrUtl Im;vji ifniiiiiife tuav uu ivuvn uii m.nu w id the usual price paid for land scrip at that time, sold the whole lor Sl.J.i.lHR), in 18(17, as much as was realized by reiuiMylvauia and other States. Tliut 10,C()0 was exjwnded in that year for the use of the University, tinder the provisions of the aW of 18(12, allowing as muoh as ton per ?yMit, of tho fund to be applied to the purchase of laud to be uaed as an experimental farm, & The sum of 9125,(HK) went into the hands of the Board of Trustees, created uudcr the Constitution of lHliH, and an iuventiueut thereof waa made, wlnoh is now wholly unproductive. Upon this statement the memorial asks the Legislature to take bauk the securities iu whioh it was invested, and to replace and make good the $125,000 with interest thereon in accordance with the agreement of tne State, when it accepted the -donation from the Federal Government, by giving to the Trustees a oertitloute of the State's indebtedness for the amount, bearing interest at the rate of 0 per cent. If this lie done the Trus tees will be utile iu a few months to open the agricultural department of the University at Chapel llul, wherein the youth of the State may be in structed iu brauches of learning relat ing to agriculture and the mechauio arts. . Tho maiiner iu whioh the Federal Government deals with tho States of the South, with neither provocation nor legal obligation to justify inter ference, needs not now nor here to be discussed. ' It is kuown of all men, Nor is it necessary to discuss the question whether the Federal Govern mont has the power to enforce, and that too by due prooess of law, the return of the land sorip fuud if tho State shall refuse to apply it to the purpose for which it was accepted The 2d Seotiou of the 3d Article of the Federal Constitution reads as follows: "The Judicial power shall extend to ail caees in law aud equity arising uu der this Constitution, and the laws of the United States and treaties made or which shall be made, under their authority - ; to controversies in which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more States. " More than once have resolutions already beou introduced into Congreo nuking enquiry what has been done with tli3 land so rip. It being thus apparent that the only question in regard to this matter is whether North Carolina shall make good this laud scrip fund to the Fed eral Government, or whether she shull make it good to the University for the immediate beneut of the agricultural interests of the State, wo feel assured there will be no hesitation in the mind of any true North Carolinian as to what the Legislature ought to do in the premises. A favorable response will enable the Trustees to resume the exercises at Chapel Etill in J uly next The revival of the agricultural depatment will be speedily followed by the revival of other departments. The University buildings, worth at least $300,000, the Libraries of over 2Q.000 volumes, the Philosophical and Chemical Appratns, Ac, Ao., will not only be saved from ruin and deoay, but at onoe ' rendered .' :. f.r t:., i,.--,--;. ;. m-i !;th,n:i.l lint (.! !y lii! mi i IU HTe&.l !.' tsarr f ,.r ! -!; v f. 1 l.'Mrniiig ani'.i K t! o pricnUnral t '.at.cs l::r!i H ho f.'lt fur UrruiiOll to cotno. If, howi rr,' th I. ;!;i!nre Klin'l diHrt MrJ the l"Ver of tLe luciwrml, uLilo the oll' itum of the Btate to the federal Government will ruimlu intact, it w uncertain when, if e?r, the l uiversily will he revived. How greutthenw.il Im the repponeilnlity rating cjn those wlio thn jeopaid the restoration of an iuntitutioo of nucb great capacity for good ? The oh- . .... r '.I ligation ol tuo Slate i :onu wan to tbo Federal Government to replace thi f uud i Hiiiuetioned and nniuetioual!. The advutage to ... . . 1 . 1 r ..... . 1 , revival ol tne LUivomuy, auu r.r ... . ,. 1 1 ticularly to our sgnouunr.! pupum- tiou, from iU iiumdiate devotion to atudiea ia which farmer are wipecially intetPhted. are equally UUqUChtioUld I a auu iiuijui unonuoie. AHKAMAf. Tht Prealdenfa roller wv l.tRbta-A UarnlMR ! all Turbu lent rroua ' in matt. 1874. in renmrABr, '75. llythr, lrtitU nt TVi thtt Se.nalK 0iA I "J "ir ' " I ...;..,. v;,.. . . llura. I "". J , 1 tl. n ",vVUaBEAs. hom r to aend, iu Certain, turbulunt aoooraauce wttn 1 1 i .i ,iiim, rf I and disorderly the resolution of tenJ f1"IUD,,Br; the Senate of the ti.ut F.liMtia Hrd' intit.. all the ,7t F.Uutive of uuKaesaioo not ArkBUHtt. wu not heretofore fur- 1 i I etoie jmve wm. uinUed relativo to , : d together, affairs iu the State lt( . Bmj f Arluusa. 1 , to rtmigt UIS w,u yeuture to ex ,.n,nritv as auuh tiros the opiuiou Executive, and an- thot all the teBti- ,(,riti of Bttld mOUV SHOWS lUttt ytat. aIU in th whereas, said 1872, vuu. utr ima waa I ' . . - , tue election 01 Jos. Brooks lawfully elect- . I ,,e Iuleelurtdduly ed Governor of el(,ct(lJ by the that Htate; that he oHneral AHseuibly has been unlaw- () aM Hiflt0t 4s fuy deprived of j j iu ti,e the p,)H8eH8iou of nnntituiion III Ollioe Biuun ,i..f oit m that time: that in ""! - I lor a long lieriwu mii mo K,, xercising tiou of the State m I . ful , ... I ...mllttl. t(ie f t1nc.tioiifi of was by violence, sai(j olUoa iutirnidution and , , t ;.. ii;n. a nien ue waa in- reviiiuwwuni j 1 ... t: ....at - ductea accoruiiig ceeuiugs u c- jg the Uoustilu- tlirowu, auu a new ti()U Bt)(j ttWM cf Constitution , , Ht it, Rn(i ttti0Dted. and a 0URUt ty its citi- new State govern t t0 0UHid ineiit established H(j tn6 iwni EXe- These proceed outjve t.m,reof ; iugs, if permitted to stand, piaoti- au( u Whereas, the cidlv ignore all iiMUft iax , nyder te0 4 . . ' . .1 . the rights ot mi norities iu all the of art. 4, of the Statss. Also, what Constitution of is there to pre- the United States, vent each of the il rl lava naaa- Htntim recontlv re ed in pursuance admitted to Fed thereof, has here-. end relatiouB ou t.iforeiuadeappli- certain conditions tiou to me to pro- from changing teet said State, their constitutions and the citizens sud violating their thereof Rgaiust pledges if this BO- domestic Violence J tion IU Araausas now therefore, ia acquiesced in ? I, Ulysses . I respeottuiiysuo Grant. President mit whethera pre of the United cedent so danger States, do hereby ousto the stability make proolama- of State govern tionand command mont, if not of the all turbulent and National govern disorderly persoin nient olso, should todiHperae and re- be recognized by tire peaceably to Congress. I eoru thoir reapcotive estly ask that abodes witliiu ten Congress will take days from this dolluite action in ditto, oud hereaf- the matter, to re- ttr to submit lieve tue t-xecti- themsnlvos to tho tive from acting lawful authority upon the qnes of the said Exe- tionswhichehould tutive ud other be decided by the onnstituted nu- legislative branch thority of saia of the Ooveru State, and I iu- ment. voke the aid and U. S. Gbast. co operation of all good citizmis ta uphold law and ..' presorvo tho pub lic peace. U. S. Grant. HUSCELLANEOUS. And yorr arb thfv sukr votj have TIlUHUVr M aiJAI.ITV. Now in Mtook and Oonatantly Receiving Ad dition: Plows. Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Wheelbarrows, Pitchforks, ANVILS, BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS, Tlcoa.Hauim'r, Trace Chin,Collar,Haniuii, Plow Wool, Bar Iron, hdua, Kpokeit, Uulia, l'OTl. SJ1MDKIIN. -OVKMI, niimtu irons, 1'ocki:t knivi s, ' TtHl.r) t I I I.I KV, ii:'oi.vi:kn, 1.0l I WIST Cil'NN. . , ' - COOPKH'S TWtM.S, And a "omplet Btcck of HARDWARE, NATHANIEL JACOBTS HARDWARE DErOT, IV O. It MARK ETHT Jmll A Distiller Wanted. MAN WITH MO FAMILY, WHO OAN make .White Hixln, and bring eatirlactory rrrnc; to go to Mobil, Ala. , , - - Arply to JAMK3 0. BTKVEN80N. ftb II ' (8 if GO T thT J I JAC0BI I buyIJ L Ax2jJ -820- KILL ('V A FIRST urn Premium Bond Thrw IkiikIh art lwued for tht n of i!mg tumu lur tli er.rtuni ol iuiiuu( u th v.ty m inv Yiwk, to l un lur a rcrpetual Worlds Fair, irmanrnf home, wUr Try manarae- p,..,t- . !.. tn ti,nt1Ui: a "traoi 1 11(1 IIP, 1 ,uiia Kill Ptl ,M, wholti countTv. Pit thn put MM tlta Ticlaiitar of thtm' or N w 1 or Imt gritntfa cbarter to a uuni- no lu Uiau right vock o the 111 t Tlnbl Unit in the tty of Nw York Th buiMlnv In bi creeled will be Teu torl-i hiih (IMI (pet In b lnhn. a o mninl by maguiUueui ituie. aim iu cover a iowi i will tie eom.tut t of i'ou. brick nd gl all lot i ei h. a a scored b a flrrt nmrt- . a ir ilia ruui..of DiaKlimtlmm wpulr. tb Wrea VJJJ.tX t oi.tue rn..iim...ruie wiioie b.n. KTer bom holder must receive at leat til bBth f(K)elvt JW B'M voo,or n.oot), 4c. . . Pii4U Cain(f n(itulnCT April 5th, '75. The drawln gUko pla.s every THRF.f I evntiitlly KVKKY BONT I MN I'Mt, anil will p rticlutte In thrm Tb next premium allutniant wM! be held on Monday, March 1st, 1870, on ahli'b ilav 1,01.0 premluma. m iiutinK t' m ..1 . lil L.. .11.1 ..... ... .. ( mm K.....I. ve'airnJVTa,;. U.o H .. .!- h..d, VbicU n., be p r rched on m P ic-tiou. AtlttreiM, 'or Bondti u 1 full Infurmatlon, . MORCENTHAU, BRUNO & CO., FINANCIAL A0KNT8, 23 Park Row, New York. roatOirico Drawn No, till. . u ,, . r, .t u..i.. "7 vn .-w ..rayii.y . Knui-tnrea i.nmr.or Ftwt time Monry uruot Postponements Impossible Un-1 ( derthls Plan. Applications for Agencies reoeived. feb 11 . 41-14ruw(im I TISa I net o crr gt Primn I now ofl'ered to ptirrhawra In Bright New Package, both Hognbead and Barrel, at lowoit market rata. noAPB from all th beat maker Pertumeit Hoap. common and flnej Bucket, Broom, Pall, Measure, Mop, Tuba, Slaroh, Medicine in imall package for country trade; Cigar, Tohaooo, Pain Killer, (Jaator Oil, Muwang Liniment, Karoaene Oil, All Kindt of Wines and Liquors At th lowett market prlo to good oottomer. ADRIAN &VOLLERS Corner of Dock and Front Street. IS t I1 Kl-tf Marshal's Office, CITY OP WILMINGTON, January 23d, 1875. FROM THIS OATK AUUTtONRFRH ARK prolillilted Mlling Hurarn or Htockofany kind In front of the City Mafket. Prlncem utieet from the eastern Imeot Kront utreet to the etnrn line of Fourth ' atrret or Henond and Thud utreet, bHweon the northern tin ol Market aid the mutliern Hue of Olientitut utreets, are dwlgnated lor this purpora. by ordor Me Mat or. J. H. RORISBON, . , CltyMrlia' jan S4 Boy kin, Canner & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Ac.,' BALTIMORE, MD. Suowwur t . Wade Boykln Oo, Q TILL MANUFACTURE and noli Inrge w ia.nuim in vueir otanuaiu rroprieiari Alediolnra. piicIi a 'KrerybodT' Vcgeiahle Carthrtic PlHa." . " ",lulu Swu titioiera and Dlarrber jntniicine." Dr. "Bovkln' Woiin Killer " Or. Hcyklq''oiiih Syrup." Dr. "Boi kin' Liver Tonic," or -'Compound Extract of Mandrake." "Hrthd'a Hume and Cattle Powdr." "Batrd' Worm Oonfrctlona" 'Orat ger Blttr and Mchi.apn." All the aboro good are taut becoming and anl, and are kept generally by dtuggun and country merchnnU. feb l-4lm Molasses-Molasses 100 BlM' KKW 0KOP CUBA' 1Af obi. Bngar House. AW tor sale by KKRIJHNER CAI.DKR BROS. feb 18 it GUAlvO. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUAXO. In Large or Small Quantities. By liiUructlon of the Peruvlun tlnvern. nient, their Agmite har ml-anoe.l tho prloe of (Juanape (lu.ino from Neptemher Irt, 18T4.IO ixtjr twodollarand Ally tvnta ((2Ni) gold, per ton 011411 liound. groaa, ei-ubliehliig at ilie Mine time a new ecale of din-vunt. the f, I'ein 81 cuntii on parcola from CO to 1W tona.tlie hlgh,t37ooi! M ton and over. An n.iial they will not rail In lot of low than lea tona, 2ftn?le2t.fil1 operator lots ?..u'iSihSn the Aents of the Pe-KitLai5overnmnt- will, ae H2ei0f,ie "PP.1? quantities un ..tJrC'!ir' ''"' n-nlrnoriata.rerenco ad tuil partleulara, nailed free on amHirafon 0 ft. BALCAZAR, p.o.BMmMaww","li,wirork- Jd.o '7-diwtf. a roniuirii ronci! One Cift la Cuarantced to One o every li Consecutive numbera, C50,000forOneDollar. "NOW 13 TOUR TIME." Dame Fortune Help Those who Help Xlitm selves. IkO ir Tlrkeit t 1 emrh, itumbHni trnm to Bin.ixi, lurhil. Tbo ictr,1iuKJ tow lri,col Ticket bringt it wilLin th ra'koI It. GRAND GIFT CONCERT In aid otthe Fublio Improvemetita iu the City of DenisQiL, Texan, 5hb TLIAS GUT CONCERT ASSOCIATIOH Will give a Grand Conoert Till HSD.4Y, .Vfarctt ilil, 1HI3, An(j wiu Distribute to the Ticket Holders 8250,000 IN GIFTS! DEPOSITORY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, DENISON. Dle'rlbatlon torommeuoe Iramrdlalelv after the Concert. Manivt'i of tb Dulrlbution chiieenby tb Ticket tl older and prominent eltneu LIST OF GIFTS : I Grand Oarb 'iltt AO.Oon t " M " KS.IKI I " ' ,. IS WKI 1 ' " " , IC.ftlfl - ... 6.0i 1 " i50 t " " 1.8W 111 ' ' 500ach 8,iii Ml " " " ViO " BOtH 30 " " . 1(W ' 4,61111 Ml ' 100 " 6,KH1 UK) ' " Ml ' 6(100 tun " " " " . '(HI " " l 4,fl! 5110 " " " i " evil 1,IMI " " " 6 " B,IW i.roo " " ....... s.iflo 4i;.imi " " 1 ' 40 yi 4:i,7i'7 (Irand ('h Oitt, amounting to 2iki,(KK) 'U friaea In Heal Ketaie, aniount- tto... IU WW 4,ij Gift, amoanting to. A tatetnent of th Diwirlbutton will b pah Unlit d and forwarded to tick-it holder, and all gift will b proniitlj paid alter the dlntnbu tiou. Goflu aai taousiiile Persons Wantci IU WOf Kr ine iDiert-m ui uiir ai vvimuuii LliMjr! Corumuwlon Allowed. " HOW TO REMIT TO US. Money boiild be sunt by Expremor by IVaft out omo Money ureter or Kegtnored Lieuer Addrewall rommnnlr-artoniito ALPIIEim U. M.INN.Het t'v Denison, Texas V-. O. K. ,JONT,.Iat.lnnl Motel, Agent for Wilmington, N. C. jan l l-iwwim TjOOk 3it this. FtHHlCrS ' Att A. 300TONS OKLRBRATfl) sua wan mown ska FOWL GUANO atB7 BO, on time until Novertv ber let. " ALSO, g Q Q TONS Pee Dee Ammonla ted Super-Phosphate of Bone. Turn 1 a new Phosphate which we ar bavltig manufactured exprewly lor our trad by P. 7,ell A Son, of Baltimore, and wblob we will guarantee equal to Any ether Phonphate now offered to the Trade. Price $57 SO on time until No vember let. 1870. tor Liberal term will be made to Deatern by COVINGTON, EVERETT & CO., Ceneral Commission Merchants WIXMIKGTOH.N. 0, feb 7 3.')-'tn SHELBY BINDER. Publlohed weekly, at SHELBY C'le,e and County. N. O., at SI 80 per annum, in ail ran oe; ha a large and rapidly increasing cir culation In nearly all th ooiinilm Won ol Mecklenburg. A lo, an extennive circulation In the entntie or Hpartanburg, York ai d Union, H O. Hajut been enlarged from a twentT to a tlilrtr-lwo column, and I. nnm attorned with an entire new drem. Jit pnhlict art urmiKram i ni Carolina central Katlay being now completed through to Wilioiu'gton, and Hhelby being the Western terminus, the fianner I a tnot excellent advertielng medi um. Ralet moderate. DURHAM & WEBB. Eaitor and PropriPtor. feblfl M.tr "New Process" Empire FainUy FJour, Best Flour la tbe World. Try It and we guarantee a tarln of 33 U per cent. A wa expected It took the "premium" at tb Fair lor making the fe . , PUREST, WHITEST and . .8WEETE8T BREAD One trial will oonylnc you. Th "Bt Butter iu tht World." alwayt tbe Mm and the only reliable elegant Butter In thi city. Balad Dreaning and Atmore' Mince Meat At GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 South Front Hi. an U IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, -i QP( KKO AL8, Bert Brmidij BOO tOtyJ Plow. (I Tooa Caatlnga, S Tone Plow BieelK, all te; Tons Bwerde lion, axanrted; BO Ooili. I'otton Hop, 100 Do. Oow B-ll. An., Ac. All abOT lor sal at Rock Bottom P rloe. at the New Hardware Store of GILES MUROHIHON l" l 88 North Kront Utreet. Potatoes! 'Potatoes. ! 1(H) BBLS. E. R POTATOES, (JO ' " " ' Pi E. Potatoes. - -ForaalRby KEROHNBK CALDER b"ROH. fb2t 45 RED AND WHITE ONION 8r,T8. For sale by UBEEN PLANNER, . Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Kewrrnp Wi gtown bjl.and.eth A Bult. For tale by ORBENAFLANNFR, rtl.lt Druggl.t; WILMINGTOp.C, LINES sr. . SEMI-WEEKLY Fast Freight Route to all Points South or BALTIMORE. altimore and Sontlicrn Stem Trans--icrtaticii Compy, -8AIL1M FKllM BALTIMORE Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -AND FKOM WILMINGTON-, Wednesday & Saturday. CilVI.Vi Til HOI tiff B 1 1. 1,8 or North and South Carolina, Georgia and rreigbt to isaltimore, 1'biladelpbia, Aevr lor a Boston, rrovidenee, Fall Kiver and other Eastern Cities. Also, to Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp, and other European porta. Tbee Line connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington A Weldon Kallroad, Carolina Central hullwav, and Frar hlw 8lfB.f", wim uieir oonnecung noau, oner unequal raciiitte ror tu promiit dflUerjol iMlsbt t all I'Oint. . ' A the Steamer of tne Llnm, on arrival In Wilmington, atop at Kallroad dOt, tb rrUgutu txatmt'rred under coT'red lied to cam wittiout delay and loramdtd tkalaH Ir.i.lit Expren tliat tnt-U,f. i . urny(t in wumir.gion, ana to transr- Itaiea liarant4 a. Low fie by cnnigea jtrompiir put a, : "WMARK ALL GOODS VIA WILMEiGTON LINES. j T'For furlber Iniormatlun a ply to either of th anJcri-lgnfd Agenti of U Lib: EDWIN FITZGERALD, ' Agent rial t more Line, SO evnih St., Baltimore. Agent Baltimore oct 29 KAIL ROAD WILMINGTON AND WELOQN RAH RCAD COMPANY. OrviOB or UiaaaaL SDrBKiaraanaav. i Wllmii.gton, t . Jan. 1, 0HANUK Of dCBEDULJC. On and after Jan. Sd, paminger Train, or th W. A W. Railroad will run a follow i MAIL TRAIN. iar tTnloa Depot dallv (except MundajK) at I.8SA. V Arrlv at Uoldboroat ..11.48 A. M, " KockyMount at 1 C3 P. V " Weldonat M'iP. I-bbt Welrtonflnlly at 10.00 A M Arr aatKockyVount 11.41 A.M. Goldaboroat... ,1.88 P.M. . Union Depot ,....6 08 P.M. XPBX8B THAI AND THROUGH FREIGHT TBAIN It CMou depot, dally, at... MS P. at, Arrive at Ooldaboro at 1.W A. M. ' Rocky Monntat 4 CO A. fti. Weldr.ii at I SO A. M Ubt W.Mrtou, dally, at ( 40 P. M, Arrin at K j meiini ai. .ir.m Uoldsboroat 118 A.M. Union Depot at ( SO A. M Mall rraln makes clone oomectlou at Wei don for all point North via Buy Line and Atr ial uree rente. av Kiorew Train oonnectnonU wltb Acqnl Oreek route. Pnllmkn'M Pdlaee Hleep Ib 'r illa rln. Freight Train will leava Wilmington trt- wkly at 0 40 A. M. at a amre at i..u r. m. JOHN F.DIViNk, Oenrl HupH jan 3 i-tt Utareoi'V. Carolina Central Railway Co. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, j , Wilmington, Dec 10th, 1874. 1 Change of Schedule! 1 On and after the 1Mb instant, train will Mtn oter tlila Railway aa follows: PASSENGER TRAINS i.ea Wilmington at.... T1AA.M Arrive In Charllotte at 7;4S P M Uiavo i;hr o t at . :6A M Arrive In Wilmington at 6:40 PM T Mght trains (fast Freight and Patuen. gr) in future nolle. FREIGHT TRAINS Lea, W tl rain gton at BOO A . M . Arrive at Laurinburg at... 8:40 P. M. Irfiave Laurinburg at 6 V0 A. M Arilveat Oharlulte at,....,,. ...f.:00 V. M Leave Charlotte at ,........6:i0 A. M Arrive at laurinburg at 6:iK P. M Lee Laurinburg at 6:IKI A M Arrive a, Wilmington at... 8.00 P. M Connections. ' Connect at Wilmington with WilmingtoB & Weldon, n I Wilmington, t olunibia Sc in gnala Railroad, cmi-wei-kly New York and i ri-weekly Baltimore and weeklt Philadel. l hia Hteamers, and the River Boat to Fay ettcvllle. Connect at Charlotte with its Western Dl vielon, North Carolina Railroa-i, Charlotte and SlatPMVitle Railroad, ;barlotto & Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte,, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad Thus suppling the whole West, Northwest and rioutbwest with ashert and cheap lueti the Seaboard and Europe. 8. L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. del2 iS-tf MT Paper publishing 0. O. Railway ached ule will please notice changes. ENKKALBaPKRlNTEND'TS OFFIC1 WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA ..... -A!D- AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO. Wltm8T0, N. O., Nov. 21, 1KI4 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On and alter Teeday, 24th, th following ch edule ill t n : NIGHT EXPRESS TBAIN, (Dally). Lea v Wilmington 6.78 P.M. Leava Florence 11. M P, M Arrive at Columbia. 4.011 A.M. AuguaU... C48A.M' Leave Augusta 4.18 p, M. Leave Columbia. 1.1(1 P. M. Leave Florence ....1280 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington 7.10 A. M, Panger going West beyond Colu.nbla, will take through Train, leaving Wllmineion at 6.2S P. M. PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN, (Dally except Sunday.) Lear Wilmington 45 A. M, Arrive at F'orenc...., 12.3(1 P.M. Arrive at Ooliv-nbla B.10P.M. Leave Columbia.,. 8.30 A.M. ijeav Florence 1.10 P.M. Arrlv at Wilmington . . 7.00 P.M. 7 Thouth connections at Florence with trains tor Charleston, T Th ongh Sleeping Cr on night train for Charleston and August. JAMES ANDERNON Oen'l Superintendent, , nevfl . 2o-tf JUST IN The Alderney Brand Of CNDHNSED MILK In Patent Uxea. Milk Cracker. ' ' " " Zwieback, and for sale at O H. W. R TINGED, E. Corner of Market and Second Ms. feb St 46-U East. HEW Y0SK. Ws Wiliiili Li, SAILING FR'iM KW YORK Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M . -AhUFSUM WILMIilOTOS- Wednesday & Saturday. I.ADIO TO A IX POINTS IS Alabama. For North or East bound Wilmli otrn. rolnmhla inxui, r.ih.a r trom Wilmington Houtn. any other Home I.oeeaa mt Over- WM. P. CLYDE k CO., Agent New York Line. Bowling Green Nw Torii A. D. CAZAUX, and New Jork Lines, Wilmington. N. C ly BUSINESS CAED8. Graham & Hash; ATT0BNEYS AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FFD era! Court, aid make collection any where In North Carolina. Alas negotiate ralM of Real EtaU. Agrlcnltural, Mineral and Lumber tract, and delrDl City Loticosr tantly on band. Mr iftstf MlOHABi OSOBtT. wILAB KtlBBl CROHLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS WILMINGTON, N. a (IAN BE 8EEN AT THEIR SALES ROOM! , VV . tne ci,J an enlarged teal. i -nkHB.k.?",f. bon,arte of very Lot in tbaeity distinctly defined. ln'tho'city JiU'' PM1 Dd ,f Try Any information dedred rnrnlsbed aron aa- pUratlon. " w Julj 1 IN8UEAHCE. North Carolina Homo Insurance Co. THIS Company continue to writ Pollole At . ir rates, otf . claneetof lnurbl prep, erty All loews promptly paid, . Encourage Horn institution, tary H BtU"' Prelaenti 8ton OaiM, Br ATHINSOS A MANNINO, Jun. . A mum rooiis, a7?,0 rtHK tntmuABcm caw. TAl. KKPKKNKNlKj, AFTUl PA riAil HON-IOM l.OMijg,. gueen Insurance Company, of Llvr. pool and london. capitol ....itO.000.OCI North Britlfb and Meriandle InanA ' ance Company, capital 10,000, Harttord InsuranceOompany, caplUI a,(SOO,000 National Fli Insurance Company. of Hartford, capitol 00,OM Oontinental Insurance Company, of New York, capital 3 800 0M Phcsnix Insurance Company, of ' ' Brooklyn, capital . 1800 004 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, oapital .... 800 AO yMAyKINE-Th old Mercantll. UttntT LIFE Tb Oonneetlont Mutual of Hart Tora. ATKIN8WN a MANNING, novi . uanerai Agent. vA-tt jyjERCHANTS AND HECHARICS INSURANCE C0MPA5T, OF RICHMOND. VIRGIHIA. epii r ...f3oo,t A. Y. Stobb, Presid'ti I. B. MooBB.Seot JUHM WILBKR ATHIHKOB, Ocnvrl Am No. 4 North Water 8t Wilmington. M. O. . tf-tt JOHN A. BIME, (FIRE, MARINE AND LUTE) 40,000,000 A Boots ReproooBtL OFFIOB'-Comnwrclal Eiokang rSwiainf North Wator Street ; oct 11 34j. Screven Houoo, B. BRADLEY, Proprietor, SAVANNAH, GrA, rjlHIS L0N9 AND FAVORABLY KNOWS Houae, pleasantly situated on JohntonSquar, hiving been recently repainted and rpalrd, and having all of it dpartmat fllWwlth competent, pollt and attentlv mploya, offers to the traveling publlo comfort unnr- pasaed by any House In the Southern State.. Passengers having Tbrongb Ticket and do siring to lay over at Acraven Hou-e. will hav Fre Transportation from th House to DpoM or Hteamajatn Sere, en Hon Omnibnae. d UMfla The Usury Law. All those In favor of th ITsnry Bill and all those opposed to it are given fair notice that It premium will m ke r.o difference In the prie of Boot and f hoe of all eluaes, kind and style, from tbe cheapest and commonest, to those calculated to answer the cles'rp of th most fastidious. I ant able to suit, and am de termined to suit all who favor m wltb a call, feb2. O. A. PRICK. WEDDING CARDS 22W& ttacaiwt tBAhlouabl atyle at th journ At, ottioa