T J 1 V. ; I I I gpA AVAX VOL. XXIV. -NO. -48. WIIinNGTOir, 11 C, THURSDAY, FEBRUAEY 25, 1875. Y7H0LE !T0. G.812. WILMINGTON, N. a: THURSDAY. FIB. 25. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. JIEADQUAltTEl'iS. . THE .SENATE BUSY ON COL 0 It A D 0. THE FORCE BILL UP IN THE HOUSE. SPIRITED DEBATE IN REGARD TO II". PASSAGE AT ARMS BETWEEN ELD RIDGE AND SYPUEB. THE COLORADO AND NEW MEX ICO BILLS PASSED TnE SENATE. Washington, reb. ai iNoon. uw Semite hasup the bill fortheiulmieston of Colorado is a tsuie. In the House reports were made from the CoraruitUe ou fcilectioijs giv ing the seat from Louwiaua to alien dan as against Pinchback, and from Arkansas to Hodge as against Guuse, which are to be called up hereafter An effort was made to get a considera tion of the Louisiana report and of the Arkannas report aud the caucus foroe bill, but by a fusiou between the democrats and the moderate hreptibli caus preference was given to the f uad ing civil appropriation bill and the House weut into oomaiit.tee npm it. Washington, Feb. 21 Night The House is in session to-night ami the . majority have succeeded in getting up Coburn s Force bill. Hotjbb G. F. Hoar, of Massachn setts, rose to call up the report of the Special Committee on Louisiana Af fairs. Coburn, of Indiana, rained the question of oonaideration and denirod to have precedence given to the bill reported by him aud known as the Caucus Force Bill. Poland, of Ver mont, claimed that his report ou Ar kansas matters should have preoe denoe. Ward, of Illinois, Buntitincd Poland's views, and represented tlw.t the disturbed condition of Arkansas demanded prompt action by Congress. Hoar said that the resolutions report ed by him yesterday contained recom mendations concurred in by all the members of the Special Committee, and immediate action was desirable, in view of the fact that the Louisiana House of Representatives, which was asked to remedy injustice, would ad journ in a few days. Poland sug gested that all these Southern matters should be allowed to stand aside until after the passage of the sundry civi! appropriation bills, and that then they be taken up in the order of their pres entation to the House, t Smith, of New York, declared tba the Constitutional Amendment re ported by him for the election of the President and Vioe-President, was the unfinished business before the House, and was a measure of the highest im portance. , Coogor, of Michigan, intimated that Poland was the representative of ' the party of masterly inactivity, and that he might have had action on Arkansas affairs in Congress. Poland defended himself from the imputation, and said he had only failed to press the earlier considera tion of Arkansas affairs, in deference to the pnblio business, as represented by the Chairmen of the Committees of Ways and Means, and Approj ria tions. As soon as the next appropri ation bill was out of the way he pro posed to proceed with it with all pos sible despatch. Negley thought it was high time that the House should direct its owu business instead of leaving it to tho Committee on Ways and Means and Appropriations. Ward, of Illinois, came to the de fence of Poland aud of the Committee on Arkansas affairs. Coburn represented that the debate on his. bill would cover all the ques tions raised in the reports of the Special Committee? on the Southern States, and besides his bill centaiuod something definite and tangible. k Finally, after a' long colloquy, the Snestion was put on the motion of arfleld, of Ohio, to go into Commit tee of the Whole on the sundry civil appropriation bill, The motion wns agreed to yeas U5; nays 101. The Democrats all voted for the mo tion and 101 Republicans against it. The discussion on . tho civil ... bill branched off into frauds and intimida tion, and the use of overflowed bacon for political purposes in Alabama, and there was quite a noisy altercation over it. After the Co n mitteo rose there was an exchange of compliments between Eldridge, of Wisconsin, aud Sypker, of Louisiana, arising out of the report of Eldridge's speech a few nights ago. Sypher ' characterized what he complained of as cowardly and contemptible. - The Senate to-day passed a bill for ' the admission of Colorado and New Mexico, and then took up Morton's bill to provide for a.nd regulate the counting of the votes for President and Vice-President, but adjourned without action. The Senate amended, in several par ticulars, the Colarado and New Mexi co bills, so that they will have to go back to the House for the action of that body.. The Treasury will to morrow com mence the payment of the March in terest on the 10.40'h, without rebate. GOTHAM. TRACY OPENS IN BEECHER'S - ., DEFENCE. f . New York, Feb. 24-Night The Brooklyn City Conrt room was crowd ed this a, m., when Gon. Tracy opened in Beecher's dofenco. All of the par ties to the suit were early in their places. Tracy devoted niueli eloquence ou tx-ka'f of lit'eeher, who he ail took his stand sloiit, but supported by his God aul the justice of his character, he aitudod to his prominence as a snpporter of the Union at the ooiii nienceiueut of the late varwhieh he said won the admiration of the whole world. One of the most striking char acteristics of the emu was a profound aud earnest interest in yunngmen (aud women?) , This prosecution was the reward he received for the love and devotion that he had lavished upon a vonug man. Tho counsel related tho history of Tilton and dwelt upou his leiiig a deist and denouncing the mar- ringo relations as a fraud and hinder ing the advancement of tho world. ."jmillSIAXA, A BITTER DENIAL IN REGARD -.: TO McENERY. THE ADJUSTMENT AGREED ON. Washington, Feb. 21 Noon In reply to a card published in the New Orleans paper, by certain promiueut citizens, iu relation to conservatives iu Wttshiuiton, stating that Governor MeEuery had lot-t the confidence of the people of the State of Louisiana, the Conservative1 committee here desire to stute that they have at no time, either directly or indirectly. individually jior collectively.-iu any manner expressed any suoh opinion, ou nave mtraiued trow treating iu ralation to the questions of 1872; aud uow declare that had .my suoh opin ions been expressed in their heaving or within their knowledge, they alion.d not liuve Hesitated to promptly -de ny arid correct the same as unfounded in truth. Nkw Orleans. Feb. 21 Noon- McEuery protests against the Comoro niiso of the '72 elections. Governor Kollocg and the Conserve tive caucus have dispatches statitie that Messrs. Burke and Leonard, now in Washington in the interest of the Conservatives.havo accepted Wheeler's reposition. A majority present in tho House have expressed themselues favorably. and Kellogg ia anxious for some ad justment before Congress adjourns. EUitOPE. THE FRENCH ASSEMBLY PASS THE SENATE BILL. THE ENGLISH VIRGLNIUS CLAIM GLADSTONE REPLIES TO NEW MAN AND ARCHBISHOP -MANNING. Pahis, Feb. 24 Noon The Assem bly passed the Senate biil clause by clause. The election occurs ouo month befora the dissolution of the Assem bly and commences theirfuuetious up on the separation of tho Asiemb y. liONDON, a eb. 24 JNoon It is stated that the Earl of Derby has accepted from Spain five hundred poauda for each white and three hundred for ench black man murdered iu the Virginius aff.dr. Gladstone has published a pamphlet entitled "Vaticanism" in reply to Dr. Newman and Archbishop Manning. He maintains his original assertions; he eulogizes Newman whose secession the greatest loss since Wesle ; acknowledges that the loyalty of the mass of the Catholics is unchanged; refutes Manning's assertion that the claims of the Roman Church are not changed by the Vatioan decrees, aud points to the declarations repudiating the doctrines of Papal infallibility ind the temporal power by which the Eng lish and Irish Catholics obtained full civil liberty. ; ELECTHimilS. The Massachusetts House defeated the amendment to the Constitution giving the right of suftrage to women by 85 to 135. Veguanx, yesterday, beat Rudolph 39 innings, liudoplh scored 326. Mexican advices report the Sabanno volcano to be iu violent ernption. An earthquake damaged a number of houses and churches at Gnadalajara, and extendod to San Crsitabal, where several were killed. The religious ex citement there is intense. A Pro testant Bible reader has been assassi nated. An outbreak is apprehended. ALABAMA. EMPHATIC PROTEST FROM ALABAMA IN REGARD TO THE RADICAL LIES. MoNTooMiysY, Feb. 24 Noon The Democratic Senators and Representa tives of the Alabama Legislature to day, without exoeption, signed an em phatio protest against the memorial presented in the United States Senate yesterday, by Mr. Spencer. They de clare the charges in the memorial to be false and nufounded, and appeal to the legislation of the General Assem bly of Alabama as conclusive proof of the falsity of the charges reported to have been made by the Republican members tlier. of. . A' Satisfactory Prices Are the nins9B buying D. PICOTT, Tobacconist At S3 Market Street, South elde, head of the Market. tub 21 ill New Crop Cuba Molasses. JffJ till 1S. IS'ew Orop Cuba Mulartei. For tale by EKUOHNKR o) OALOKB BKOR fob! 33 MARRIED. In Kladea euuntr, on the lOih February, It ti.o rrei.ltnreot Hubert l.eee, br Hot .1" T. . Vt L. ..BALL 10 Mir ANN B i'UOl'AM, allnf HlMUa N. U. Presbyterian pleaae copy. DIED. A t bi reMun In PHUbors. on Rnmlt ti, n-t ln.ta.it, Dr. WILLIAM P. HKKHY, eon of ui isp. .ismes Ancrutu Berry, uf tnteoity KKru mi era. SPECIAL. Tne Flrawoxl and Warwick collar. T niadedlnereatly from any other. Th edgee are all foldoJ, and th tarlae U an exact ln UtioD of llii.n. llnrtulena ata NniMiuer Dw. Yet In tlia hlghea degra PMn fuctanl and prewrtlB, HUZODoNT keep. Hie toath ah whv hoaltti j and .(totteM, and the gum. ruddy and tttn fruin eauker. Great Laim aud dim-omlort lrauit hj Hie u-vui ir(i,iiTpp wiuf-u grip ni raca rnevy. t. m. i'ltrstmi' 1'ur.ntirt filli are frtw from all Impure iu ,n, r, aud are aiud and healtU-gUiug At thii Mran of Teartheeramp. and pain, la in" iviuaru ami oowon, ajunmrv, dlarrbixa c . ar quite com mnn , and .linn d be t-lierktd l uik u JuAitroa't Amnlynt Lmmrt la the bt wii' ii" inn rn ne bmj in an .iion mwh Hiouui na atpt merer; Umlly. Uaed inter t'ouhuiptlvr,TB,k Notice. Kverjr moment of delay make your ear mure hulf m, ardmiich dejiendi on the Ja. uiviou c ii'ii re or a remedy. The amount of testimony In rarer of Dr. Sclienck'a Pulmonic Strop, ae a cure for oon.umutlon, far eieeedi all that can be brought to tuppoit the preten. lone of any other medicine. See Dr. SchencVa Alroan.i), containing the eertttirateeof many lerona oi the blghent reepectablllly, who hare Vf n reetared to health, after being pronoun. rn Incurable by phyelrltns of acknowledged ability. Nch)ek' Puloioulo jrup alon- ha ured many, aa theee eridenoe. will .how; bat the cure InofUn promofed by the rmplnyment of two other remedlee which lr. Scbenck pro ride for the purpoee. The.t additional re me diet are Hchenok'i Sea Weed 1'oulo aud Man drake Fill., tty the timely use of theee modi olnra, according to direction, Dr. Hrheook nertlHee that mo.t any cate of Con.umptton may be o-red lr. Hdicnrk Is pro'enlonalty at bii princi pal ofllie, oerner Sixth aud Arch it reel., Philadelphia, erery Mond.y, where all l.ttere fur advlne muxt be addrewed. -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1. MfMRERH: Ton are berebv notlne.1 to apptiarat the Knglne tloura, tlili (1'i l'RH D T ) afternoon , at 1 :48 0'iilock sharp. In full uniform, with white glorrs, lor parade. Honorary members are specially Invited to be present. uy order ci Foreman XH08. 1. MKAKK8, Keo. Secretary, feb 13 48-lt Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. ThA members of this Onmpauv are hereby notided to appenr at the Truck Hoiim, ihla P. M. at i o'clock, in full uniform, fur parade. Honorary nixmbers are invited to participate. By order ot the First Amtatant Foreman, WM.A.WIM.SON, HecreUrr. feb 26 4H-it Howard Belief Fire EngineXo-No. 1. ATTENTION MEMBERS ! Ton are ordered to appear at the Engine Home this, THURSDAY; afternoon, at i o'clock sharp, la full unlrorm, (with hate) for parade. Jrinnorary members are Invited to 'attend, By order of the Foreman. WM.J. BI7HMANN. Keo. Secretary. feb (15 It NEW LOT HANDSOME TIES, . RID GLOVES, Gents L. 0. Handkerchiefs, "PEERLESS" SHIRTS, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, at MUNSON & CO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS, feb 23 48-tf 111 I UMUl 1 500BBLS'FKE8HUME " CEMENT, 200 " CALCINED PLA8TEH, For sale by WORTH & WORTH. teb1 48Jlw Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE ani RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Dealers In GAEOEN BEKD, Kerojeneand Llnsedd Oil, Paints, Qlass, Ae , Ao. 4 MARKET iTREET, -Wilmington, N. O. feb SO KEW ADVIETISIilENTX. THE TRIAL OF Henry Ward Beecher Verbatim He-port Part I. 1th Portrait or Francla D. Moni ton. r Pikt It. With Portrait ot Mr.. Xlliabetb R. Tillon. Past HI. With Portrait ofTkeodoreTiltou (lui royal et-uro pagee eaoa.) " low inr. Price of each part, M tenia, for aale at H KIN'S BKKdKR'H Lire Hook aud Muale Store. rvbH el Notice. TTAVINO DISPONED OF tl!R SADDLE AA HarneeeauU Trunk Hnilim, .tork. Hood Will. .... U.u.l. ... U. 1 1 ()., to Meter. Carpinler A Mellaril, we hereby tender our thanks to a genentua pnblio fur their liberal patronaire the uut ten ware, aud ... win. . .V.I.U., 1 1. IIWIU.IUU, i. . ask a eontluuanee of tha same to onrHuo- oeaeora, who have teea acceptable In aureus plot tor many years and are thoroughly posted m mi nauiiie. naxaeanana iruna Duunvaa in an its branches. Merare. Uariienter A Mallard wilt settle all Claim, contracted avalnat ui In W mlniiton. N C , and collect debt due ns and receipt for iue mm J. 8. TOPHAM A CO A. I'arpvulrr. J II. mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c, HAV1N(1 BOUGHT THE ABOVE MEN tinned Oowls, we Oiler a lull itock of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, . COLLARS, BRIDLES, And Alt Kind, of 8ADDLERY GOODS, VERy'lOW PRICES For finals or to prompt paving buyer. We respectfully solicit patronaire. UASrKNTKII & ITlAI.I.AHn. tobfl 81-lBiimo CHARLES READE'S A HERO AND A MARTTR. A HKUO AND A MaKTTK. A Trne Narrative. HyClnrles Ke.de. author of f bard tiash," "roiil Play," 4c With aper tralt. Paper, 13 cent. Kv.rv one will read this marv.lou tale of herol.m In humble lire, and we hoi that everv one will draw some moral Ir. ni It. To ne It seems an esoeedlnily attractive and com pre. ueo.ive sermon. a. i. mount. ALMAGE'S SPORTS THAT KILL. Snorts that Kill. Bv T. Oe Witt Talmas, author of "rirst Merle. ot'Xermnns." Second -erle.or Sermons," "Old Wells Dug Out;" Ao. Clo'h, SI 29 j paper, SI. For sal at ' j HEINSBERCER'S Live Book and Mnslo Store. feb JO t OVERCOATS Talmas, Business Salts, AND BOYS SUITS, We are selling without profit. Those In want will never And goods cheaper. Act on the hint and buy of MUNSON & O .. OITT OLOTHIER8. feb SI 4S Egg Maccaroni, Italian Maccaroni and Vermicelli, Oolmsn's English Mustard-bottles and tins; OuarAtletly, Bhaker Preserves, Burnett' and tubiu'i Flavoring Extraote, Wax, Paratlne and Adamantine OamMes, Liquors, Cordials and BltUrs. CHAS O. MYERS & CO., 07 North Front St. Pure Old Pale Brandy, Vintage) lt9N, Finest Old Brandy In the State. Fine Old Sherry., Madeiras and Port Winos. CHA8. D. MYERS & CO., i-' 6 and 7 North Front feb 21 , 4-tr CARPETS. Our Stock at Cost to . ,: ... . ) . Close Out Same. BRUSSELS AT 81 15 and 81 20 3-PLY CARPETS, 1 80 ALL WOOL Do. , 85 to 81. Oottou and Wool Do. 55 to 00 Cta. . Cotton 40to45Cts. For oaah only. D. A. SMITH & CO. feb 23 46 tf The Last Cargo of Prime 1 now offered to purchasers In Bright New Packages, both Hogsheads and Barrels, . at lowest market rat. 80AP8 from tl the beet maker; Perfumed Soaps, common and On; Buckets, Brooms, Palls, Measures, Mops, Tub, Starch, Mediolnee In (mail package for country trade; Cigars, Tobacco, r , Fain Killer, Cantor Oil, Mustang Liniment, Kerosene Oil, All Zindi of Winei and LIqnori At the lowest market prloe to good cortomert, ADRIAN & TOLLERS' Ouraer of Dock and Front Streets, 83 tf febT WEDDimaoABDHanelVlsixirau C'Attll) tioUlty at the lovioiAUt uxrio. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every Wtnlueaday at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, BT JOSH. T. JAMES: CO. Has a lariVanit raiddlv InPreasInc clronla. iraa in in. re uee Muutry in Korrn ana Bouia Oarollna. ' ' Advertisers will Ind It th heat medium In either 'of the atster Vtate tor reaching the larniers, piamera ana inert-name. Im rxtemttt'e Itx'al alirr(iin(f ixtt ronaffe exhibited in it culuinun in the be-Hl rt'idtncfi of iti large and itiifiuii tial circulation. r 8poiaien copies, with rates for adrer tlataf , ant free, pontatie paid, on application tntne undersigned, elilnr at Watleshoro er numingien. tiunn. r..iamr.n t U",, Kdltor.aad rroiitletois. feb St 43 tf Country Merchants Mow I your time to buy Hardware, as Gold Is golnn up and price mint advance and all mported gooit bar already advanced. W hereon hand large stock of these goods which w are still selling at old 0guros. Olve s a trial before trying elsewhor. OI1.KS A MUUUHUON. feb VI 4.1 Turpentine Tools, iiH.rni, iipMire, rwuna nnaves, ntc inim..rill, ntc'l weiulill, t.'ooprra AdSS, Trues Hoois, Jointers, Drawing Knltrs, An, n iarf puma ui in. amive goons, anil at the Inweet iHHWllile prims, on be round at the Old e.euniumuu naruwre nouse ot JOHN D4WHON, Ko. 19, 28 uullil Miket rtt. feb 21 it) SWEENY'S HOTEL. NIW YORK. (In the RiironAAii nl.n. 1'n tuut town reqnlrsnienbioai'sed by oloelng the Aetnr House, this well-lumen and popular Hotel l thoroughly renovated, reluriiiehrd, and ts clean aa a new pin. Udles, aovompanlrd by their husbands, or properly Introduced, will flud home oomfiitt. and mil t I.m.Iimm ,tiiiln room nn purlor door. CUT THIS OUT. ieow Ri.iiaw'Jw. CASH. O AVE MONKV BY BVfUHi YODB OKO- oerles for cash. A FRESH 8CITLY JUST RECEIVED. Try our price and be ronvlnceil. PurwUkHerWItlaker FLANNER & BHUlE, 81 North Front Street. 38 febT Look at this. Farmers! GlllSAT HKDUCTIOIV IN PKICKS. OAATONS OP THB OKLRBBATRU aiirw.ll known SEA rOWL OUANO at $87 BO, on tlm until Novem ber 1st. ALSO, 500 TONS Pee Dee Ammonla ted Superphosphate of Bone. This Is a new Phosphate which we are having manufactured expressly tor our tiaile by P. Bell A Son, of Baltimore, and which we will guarantee equal to any other Phosphate now offered to the Trade. . Price S97 BO on time until No vember 1st. I87B. ST Liberal term will be made .to Dealers COVINGTON, EVERETT & CO., General Commission Merchants WILMINGTON. V.O. febT BMm 8IIEJ.BY IUMER, Published weekly, at H HELP. y. Cleveland County NO , t l 00 per annum, ln ad ance; has a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation In nearly all the counties Weer ot Mecklenbnrr. Alsn.ansvten.lv rircnlatlnn tn the onunties or Spartanburg, York and Union. 8 0. Ha'Just been enlarged from a twnty to a thlrtv-two column, and Is now adorned with an entire who dress. Ui pnlilict art Dr.mncratit The Carolina Central Hallway being now oompleted through to Wilmington, ani Mhelby being the Western terminus, the tanner I. a most excellent advertising medi um. Holes modtraU. DUKHAM A WKBB. Kditors and Proprietors, feb 10 8J-tr . "New Process" Empire Family Flour, Beat flour la the) World. Try It and we gnarantee a savin g of 33 w per cent. As was expected It took the "premium" at th Fair lor making the PUREST, WHITEST and SWEETEST BREAD One trial will convince you. The "Best Butter in th World," always the ssms and th only reliable elcgiut Batter In this city. BaladDreeslng and Atmore's Mince Meat. At - GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 South Front 8t. an 24 ' ai RED AND WHITE ONION SETS. For sal by GBEEN rLANNEH. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! New drop 1878, grown by Latdieth k Built. For sale by GREEN A FLANNER, Urugglsts. feb M 51W ADVERTISEMENTS BROW & BODDIGK OFFER Special Inducements IN HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS This All Cottons arc .'Advancing. In view of tliin wa hnve mitdo rerr Lohty pnroliase lately, and are now prepared to give oar Tatroua tba adraotAga fur a short time, but would ad firm all who are in want of guoli to maka Uieir paiohasea AT ONCE. O leaping Out The balance of all our Flannela at prices that CANNOT FAIL to moot the approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worthSI Selling for .00 .Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO SAMPIES CUT, r BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street DAMAGED GOODS. All Goods Damaged by the Late Fire ...... 31 UT H1U HOLD. FRAH'K c BR., 63 Market Street. feb II SOLUBLE PACIFIC HO CO.; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for aale, either for GASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal term will be made with Merchants and other roliublo partioa to soil this Guano at our Warehouse prices. -. V. 11. JfcRARY & CO., Oomra lesion Merchants, Agent for PsoltloGusuo Oo.j andDealerslnNo. t Perurlan Ouano, Nobth Watir Stbebt, " Wll.jniNMTOlV, N. O. Sub-A gents lor the Sale of Soluble Pacllic (Juano. V. UMAIIA.tl.... Jan 81 Rapidly at Cost ! FOR CASH! QUE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Isselllng rapiilty, a our ! PRICES ARE LOWER thn eter before. child's Peb. But Boots at l IM), worth 2 IN). M Isse Peb. Laoed ttnots at SI 75, worth $'t 19. I.ailles.loyoe Bwtsat 4 10, worth fftno. Men's Qalrers and Oalf Ties at SI M), t2 UO and 2 23, worth $i IW to 9 00, and everything else In iiroiiortlon. Call soon before the stuck Is broken. DUDLEY A ELLIS, Sign or the Big Boot, NO. 41 MABKkT STIISHT. feb 18 M-lw 1 150 HI1DS. NEW CROP CUBA, UQ BBLS. NEW CROP CUBA, For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. feb 21 48 A Distiller Wanted. MAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO CAN niak White Rosin, and bring satisfactory references; to go to Mobile, Ala. . Apply to JAMES O. STEVENSON, feb 18 an tf fa Children's Pebble and Kid Shoe Extension Toe. Children's Soamles Shoe. At Jan 90 C.A. PRICE'S, Si Market Btr Corn and Oats, 1,000 Bushel Com. 1,000 Bushel Oatev ."."' For tat by KKRUHNER 4 0 ALDER BROS, feb 14 88 WEDDING CARDS KM theasoet latbwuabl Ityle at th WUUUNAX, OfFlOS Week. 00. UNDER MAN NINO HOUSE .Old Hundred, N. O. Marion, S.O. ifl-3mdw Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Etc. 100 Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides, 100 Bbls. 0. M. Pork, 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, KM) Bbls. Refined Sugar, 400 Kegs Nails, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Mats Java Coffee, 800 Bdls Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, 10,000 Bunhels White and Mixed Corn, 1,000 Backs Salt, 200 Bales N. R. and E. Hay, 800 Bags Shot, ...... ; ... For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Guano-.-Uuano Qnano. 350 Tons Eureka Guano, 250 Tons Gtiaoapo Guano, For sale low by WILLIAMS 4 MURCHISON. feb U 3D TO THE NUll Those wishing to buy CLOTHING at Cost Bhould do so within the next week, as we oeaso to sell in that way after the first of March. DAVID & WELL. 48 fob 21 IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. flEA RHUS MAILS, Best Brands; 000 4vQJ Plows," Tons Oastln gs, S Tons Plow fill Ooils Cotton Rope, 100 loi. Cow Bslls. Ao., 3fr. All abor for sale at Hook Bottom Prloe, at the New Hardware) Store) of GILES ft MURCHISON Ian 31 38 North Front Htreet Potatoes! Potatoes ! JQQBBL8.X.B POTATOES, 100 " F.E.PoUtoe. For sale by KEUUHNSB m CALPEB BROS. febn 4S Corn-Corn-Corn. ty QQQ BCJSHEL8 CORN. For sale by KKtlUllNER St CALUKtt BKUit feb M

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