((1 -u VOL. XXIV.-110. 49. wiLimroTOH, ir. c, Friday. February 26, 1875 WHOLE U0. G.813. wmmxaTON. n. o. FBI DAY, FB. 28. 1875. CY TELEGRAPH. UGADtlUAIiTGUS. - AN ALL NIGHT SESSION IX Tflf HOUSE. FRUITLESS ATTEMPT TO UP THE FORCE BILL. OE THE LOUISIANA RADICALS NOT SATISFIED. THE FORCE BILL UP AT LAST, NO DISCUSSION HAD ON IT YET Wahhinoton, Feb. 25 Noon The .House spent an all-night eesbiou in fruitless attempt on tue part of the Republicans to got up the eniiciiti force bill. Although by the new nil dilatory motions are forbidden, i . means was amooverea aud tut iu practice oy ma unmocrats to oircuni- Tut that rule aud make it entirely utile. Th plan was fur the Demo crats to refraiu from voting mi tli min proposition, and as the Ui-piibli- oans oould not keep together a major ity of the limine from tneir own ruukH the vote would reveal the absence ol' ft quorum. Then the tediotui proceed of a call of the House would be pro ceeded with, and when it was finished and the vote came to be taken again on the main proposition the Demo crats would resort to the saint- tactics, refrain from voting and thereby aguii reveal the absence of a quorum, whiol would again necessitate h new call of the roll of membera.In this circh the House has been going round ami round from last evening till noon to day. The Senate has admitted Colorado, and at adjournment, was at work on New Mexico. The House has been in continuous session, fUlibustering over the cau ous force bill. Dispatches from New Orleans threat -en further complications, caused bv jealousies among toe Republicans9 There are technical defects in the tariff bill regarding the imp rtutiou of malda, which will carry it back to the House. Civil suits have been inaugurated against person who received mouey from Irvin. and a warrant has been issued for Irvin, on a charge of em bezzlsm nt. jix-uovernor rarsons, wnose nanio for the position of United States District Judge for Alabama, has been before the Senate all the Wintttr, has been withdrawn by the President and the name of John Brnoe has been sent in for the position. Mr. Bruce i said to be a citizen of Wisconsin and his nomination does not give satis faction to Mr. Spencer. The Louisiana Conservative caucus awepts Weeler's compromise by a vole of thirty-four to thirty-five. Dispatches from New Orleans re port that Kellogg made a speech to nis faction quieting them. - Washington, Feb. 25 Night . House It was not till 4 o'clock to day was ine caucus torce bill was launched on the turbid and stormy waterB of the House. The entire time between 8 o'clock, last evening and 4 o'clock thi s afternoon had been con tained by the parliamentary mnueux ers of the Democrats, notwithstanding the new rule against dilatory motions, and it was only when the Republicans got an absolute majority of the House in their own ranks that they were masters of the situation. It was tin n too late to go on with the discussion in the demoralized physical condition of the members, after a continuous Be 'sion of 29 hours, and the Republi cs ib themselves decided on an ad journment. What new tactics the Democrats my have in reserve forjto-niorrow, Jfjmaitis to be seen, but ut least they have it in their power to consumes large part of the day in having the journal of the last day's session read. : Chandler moved that the evening session be for the consideration of the steamboat bill Objcected to. Mr. Edmunds said if the Senate saw fit to postpone the regular order, it wo aid rel'ere him of all thereupon bility for the Civil Rights Bill. The bill restoring certain soldieis of 1812 to the pension roll was lost by I vote of 29 to U. Morton's bill for oounting the Pres idential vote and oontigent questions was taken up. . , Several amendments were offered and adopcd, Bristow bad a conference with the Senate Finance Committee, and stated that the conclusion reached was tbitt the tariff and tax bill be reported sub stent al y as it eame from the Houst , The bupreme Court to-morrow heais the argument of the United States vs. the Howe Insurance Company and the Southern Insurance and Trust Company The question is whether the corporations granted by States during the rebellion give corporate powers to said corporations. ELECTIUCISMS. A bill repealing local option pnesed its first reading in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives by a vote of 128 to C9. It is olaimed that the assets of Hart, Goughey A Co., who foiled yesterday at Pittabnrg, fully cove.ed their lia bilities. , Wheatley, Williams A Co's sugar refinery of New York has been bus- pT.,PUX. . . . me cnipniro iimmnniRtB cipmanu a I more equitable distribution of tbe re-1 1 f fund. All of the troops in the I c"'y tne flw in rr-ndinr-ss, I EUKOl'K. THE FRENCH nOVERNMENr HfcOlUlANlZATlON. Paris, Feb. 2J Noon An smend- nuut to the Seuve bill, that 75 Sena tors be clr s u from a double list of nominations by MiicMahou, was adopted, . Having disposed of tie Senate, the assembly to k tip the otya lizitiou I ublic powers, which paused its e cond reading. The ameiidnu-nts moved by th Kiclit and Bonapartists, were 1 11 re jwr.nl. The clause implying the recognition oi the R public, wuich on .lauinry h..d one majority, att finally adopted by a vote of 4 i.J to JN.'i Rome, Feb. 23 N -on It is retort el mat Votu, Italian juiuister to Washington, is Loudon. to be transferred to din. lento ! fnn ihs halt'lgri Nodi THE. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. SIXTY-THIRD DAY. Feukcauy, 24th. 1875, Air. i' rencn, a bill to compromise that portion of the Speciul Tax bonds tnat nave not been declared uuoonsti tuticuul. Referred. Mr. Armlield's bill requiring the tegistratioii of deeds (published by us yesterday morning) oume up ou its third reading. Several uuictidmeuts being adopted. ciianiiiZ the features of the bill, we lenublisu the principal portion of it iu it ueeus conveying real estate. and of agreements to couvey the same, snail be valid against subsequent pur chasers for a valuable consideration, and without notice, only from and after their registration iu the county where said real eBtato is situate. Provided that deeds made before the' ratification of this act may be registered at any time within two years. ao part of this act exocpt the pro viso to the first section shall be in force until the first day of January. 1870, and said proviso shull bo in force from and after its ratification. The bill was discussed at some leugth by Messrs. ArmQeld. Kerr. Staudford, Cant well, Boddie, Bell, Mills and Parish, when the bill as amended passed its third reading. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A memorial was read from the Na tional Board of Trade of Chicago, asking the publio enaotment of a law requiring firms closing business in the State to register the numes of mem bers thereof with the Clerk of du- pe erior Court. Referred. By Mr, Tate, a bill to raise revenue: ordered to be printed. liy Air. riunix, a bill to require the offioern of various counties to make a report of all of the monies ooming into their hands. Referred. On motion of Mr. Foote, House bill to allow mortgage deposits in the Courts of this State, was taken up and put on its passage. lue following bills wore tabled: House bill giving the richt of re demption to debtors whose real estate has been sold uudcr executions, mort gages and dee is of trust House bill to exempt corn, wheat and tobucco from taxation. The special order being the bill in relation to the Western North Caro lina Railroad, was taken up. 'iue bill pro v ules lor the appoint ment of a Commission to be composed of the Governor, Robert F. Armtield and Jag. L. Robinson, to purchase the Western .North Carolina Railroad, at a sale to bti made under a decree of the Circuit Court of the U, S., at Greens boro, and any claims against sa d road, which may be necessary to se cure to me Slate ol JNortu Carolina a perfect title to said toad. Also, that if the said road be purchased, the Governor shall appoint three Commis sioners, who snail manage said road and to build and complete the same to its termini at Paint Rock, and Duck town according to the original charter of the road. It also provides that for the paymont of the road, the Commis sioners shall issue bonds upon mortgage of the roHd, and'the earn ings of tire road to be applied to the completion to the termini stated; and should this sum not be sufficient the Public Treasurer is required to pay such deficit out of the general fund. It further provides for tbe use of oon vict labor on the work. Mr. Tute advocated the bill and proceeded to explain the various ma chinery prop'-sitions in the bill to show the feneability of the plan. He thought it was the only means to save the $400,000 interest now held by the State, etc Mr. Walker, of Richmond, an amendment providing that the net earnings of the road shall first be ap plied to the payment of the ooupons upon the bonds. Adopted. Mr. Staples, an amendment pro viding that no sale or foreclosure un der the mortgage shall be made until six months' notice is given by adver tisment in six newspapers of the State having the largest circulation. Adopted. By the same, an amendment requir ing the Commissioners appointed to give bond to the amount paid by the State for the road; afterwords modified by ranking the bond double the amount of the not earnings of the road. Adopted. By the same, an amendment that after the organization the number of Commissioners shall be increased to f jnr, one of whom shall be elected by private stockholders iu such manner as the Commissioners shall prescribe. Adopted. . '1 . The'bill passed its second reading almost unanimously. For tbe South Atlantic States to . ... " westerly winds . and cooler and clear wonthor, Dl4 Mnddvalr t Heart Dluut, II w common is the aunouueemeut. Thousands are suddenly swept into eternity by this fatal malady. This disease generally has its origin in im pure blood rilled with irritating, pois onous materials, which circulating through the heart irritate its delicate tissues. Though the irritation may at first be ouly slight, producing a lit tle palpitation or irregular action, or dull, heavy, or sharp darting pains, yet by aud by the disease become firmly seated, and inflammation, or hypertrophy, or thickening of th lining membrane or of the valves, is priKiueeti. tiow wise to give early at tention to a cse oi tins kino, i n natural throbbing or pain in the region of the heart should admonish oue that all is not right, and if you woiuu preserve it ironi lurtner dis ease, you must help it to beat rightly by the use of suoh a remedy as will remove the cause of the trouble. Use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disoov ery Itefore the disease has becoms too seated, aud it will, by iU great blood purifying and wonderful regulating properties, effect a perfeot cure. It contains medicinal properties which act specifically upon the tissues of the ttearr, brmtnuB about a health v action. Sold by all first-class Druggists. Jir( Dim asc Vurtrf. ' Rockjpout, SpeuoerCo., Ind.J February 1st. 1874. k Dr. R. V. Piemok. N. Y.: About two yeara ago 1 was afflicted witu a disease of ths heart, which at times created a pressure around it. almost causing Biiflocation. I taw an advertisement of your Golden Mcdi eal Disoovery, recommending the some a a cure for disease of the heart. I then bought half a dozen bottles of it. and after usiutr three bottles I was entirely relieved and am now enjoying good health. Gratefully yours, Vitus Killian. SPECIAL. Tne Kim wood and Wimlck collar r mmie dlrtVrmitljr fiom any other. Th tdgtia are sit folded, and tbe aurlao U an siaot I ml' tativn of linen. Cramiii and nalna In the ilnmarh ra tha ra tult ol ImperffctlnilliieBiliin.antl mat b im- iii jrl lately relieved by atlowof Johnaoii' Ano dyne Mnlment A. teaatxiouful la a little aweat- oued water la a dte. Heavy oat ant food fur horaem none will de ny ttiitl; bat oati cant make a horae'f coat look rtnoolb and ir bmtT whan ha lioiitnl a.milltl.iii. Sheridan's i,aalry noudWon Powderi will do mi wuen an eiae tana. Native Pearl Versus Porcelain. Dentin' wearl a poor lubttltute for Ma ture'. Let thoae wh i o believe, ui th BOZODONT, which, ir dally applied, will p'. vont all necewlty for Tnlae teeth by keeping the real one und and healthy. ConeampllTca, Takw Notice. Every moment of delay make your ear more hopelew, ar4much depend on tliejn- dlcloo choice of a remedy. Th amount uf testimony In farer of Dr. Schenck' Pulmonlo Syrup, a a care for consumption, far eioeedi all that can be brought to rapport the preten. Ion of any other medicine. See Dr. Schenck' Almanao, containing the certificate ef many persona ot the hlgheot respectability, who hT off n restored to health, after being pronoun. ced Incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability. 8chenck' Pulmonic Cyrup alonn ha cured many, as these evidences will show; but tbe cure Is often promoted by the employment of two other roinedle which Dr. Bobenck pro vides for the purpose. Tkcss additional rem dies are Scheuck's Sea Weed Tonlo aud Man drake Pills. By the timely use of these mecll oluea, according to direotlons. Dr. Sohench certifies that most any case' of Consumption may be c'tred. Dr. Hclienck is professionally at his prlncl. pal office, c rner Rlxth and Arch 1 1 reels, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters fur advice must be addrereed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. siveatert In Stock Prlvlleae in Mall Ntrert, loada'to mary THoceNiN or iMiLi.AKS rat r.T. uomprenrnsire exiiiana. torv circulars, containing detalkd statemei ts and quotation prices ot an stocks dealt in at tue Act fork Slock Ercangt, mailed frtt to tvose desiring to epet uiaie. Aaaress, ALEX. FKOI'HINUHAM A CO. ankers aud Brokers Opt N r. Stnelr'Kxonaniie. 1 Wall St ten zw-iy-eer Mwiunt Thought on Penenal Hellglon. M'JORKN Oonvlctlomon th deslrabltncsi of irequnt (Jonnmunlon. THKEKADEK, Interrogated a to bis pro. grcss. . v TMOUOHT8 to be entertained before an. t ring upon our dally work. MKANH of Cultivating a Consciousness of the Plrlne prnsence. EVF.MT8haTaT0icfor us, ICwe will II tan to it. s All religious works for Lent for sale at HEirJSBERGER'S Ut Book and Musle Stor. febt6 4t Balls, Tops. &c. 0ST REOKIVED THE LARGEST LOT BALLS, TOPS, HARMONICAS. JEWS HARPS AND FLUTE HARMON , CAS. ever brought to this city. Top from three to ten cent. Jew Harps fir cent. Ball flf teen cent and upwtrds. Com boys and chow from th cheapest stt e't In th city, at CONOLEY A YATES' City feb SO Book Store. 44 500 $1000 atot-ysx se -7 - X-iBiirX Butter and Cheese. , , Tub and Firkins Butter, 100 BoM ubtM6, rr sale bv v KKBUHNBR A OAT.DXR BROS. Mill I liU th shortemt notio and at th most reasonabl t mi at tho jou3al ornua, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. AV1KU nirVMll Of OUR SAODIK Martin and Trunk Bmlneea. rtuck. Oocd Will and Huuk aeoounU, in Wllmluatoa, K O., to alwur. t'artxnter ft Mallard, we hsreh tender ear thanks to a generous pabllo rur their liberal patronage the last ten ytars, ami auk a continuance of the same to oarBuc- eMeora, who haa been acceptably in eurera pkiT for many years and are thoroughly potrd in me ao lie, names ana xrnna uusiuei all it branrhea. Menrs. Carpenter A Matlartl will sett! all claims contracted aalnt at In W ilmlniilon, N (? , and collect debte due a aud receipt for me same. J. S. TOPHAM AGO A. 'ariHler. J ll.mailaro Saddles, Harness, &c. TTAVFNO BOUGHT THKABOVRMKN AX ilnrd (luotU, w offer t lull Itot k of BADDLKS, HARNESS, TKUNK8, COLLARa. BIUDLES, and an R i tins or SADDLERY GOODS, AT- VERY LOW PRICES l or Ossh or to uronint iMtylnc buvers. V reejieciruiiT iicit patronage. t AVI'linil EH ft KIAI.I.AHIf. tebS Bl lainae NEW L0Tv HANDSOME TIES, KID GLOVEH, Gents L. C. Uaudkeroliiefs, - TEERLES8" 8HIRTB, Silk and Giogbam Umbrellas, at MUNSON&CO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS, fob JS 4s.tr Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Dealart in QAKUKN BSKD, Kerojer snd Unseed Oil, Paint, Glaus, A , 4 a. 4 MABKKT HTRBKT, Vt'llmlDgtou, N.O s febB E. FRANK COE'S Anmoniated Hon fhosphate. TO.NH OF THE ABOVIt WKIX XUv known and yalubl Fertiliser. ut sain lor cah or on crop time satisfactory security. Liberal dtsonuut on lot. 0. 0. TARSLEY 4 CO. 4U-tf febl OVERCOATS, Talmas. Business Suits, - AND BOYSNUITN, We are selling without proflt. Those la want will nerer find goods (heaper. Act on tb hint and tu-y of MUNSOK & 0 01TT OLOTHIEKH. feb 31 4S CARPETS. Our Stock at Cost to Close Out Same. BRUSSELS AT $1 15 and $1 20 3 PLY CARFET8, 1 30 ALL WOOL Do. 85to$l. Cotton and Wool Do. 65 to 60 Cts. Cotton 40 to ib Cts. For cash only. D. A. SMITH & CO. feb 23 46 tf The Last Cargo of Prime It now offered to purchaser In Bright New Packages, both Hogsheads and Barrels, at lowest market rat. ' SOAPS from atl th best makers ; Perl timed Soap, common and Sn ; Bucket, Brooms, Palls, Measures, Mop, Tubs, Starch, - - Medicine in small package for , . . -. , country trade; Cigars, Tobacco, ' Pain Killer, Uaetor Oil, Mnatang Liniment, Kerosene Oil, All Kinds of Wines and Liqnort At th lowtrt markat prlo to good coitorasrs. . ADRIAN & VOLLERS Oorner of Dock and Pront Streets. febT 8Stf FOR SALE ! Mules and Wagons. BKVSN (7) Bead rood larg Mule. TWO () A Wo, 1 Road Wagons. ONE (1) A No 1 Timber Wanon. On goad easy terms. Ani lrto J. lC SMITH, Weetbrooks, Bladen OountT.N. O. Jan 28 l 'deod.imdcwlar. Havana Cigars I bare on hand and for a. at nimmi In I Ippitt's Bnlldingf, South Pront street, near Orange, a line lot of HAVANA CIGAHS or my own manufacture. They ar mad from Iraport'd tobacco and can b bought at one. third of th eoet of Imported clgsr 1. UKlGFIi, feb at-im Wadetboro Herald copy m. New Crop Cuba Molasses. Ijfg HHDS. New Orop Uaba Molae. ror saie oy . KKROHNCB A OALDIB BROS frtt i WF OrHWnCAKnNandTISITlNG fiAHaV4 imii. t tie . .. crnr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PEE DEE HERALD. rnblisbetl every Wednesday at WADESBOUO. ANSON COUNT!, at JOSH. T JAMES! OO. Has a larr and ranldlr Increasing clreal ttoa In th re DMeuuntry in KorlhaBd South Uarollna. A direr Users will And It th beet medium In either of th sister Blataa lor reaolilB th farmer, planters and marchanla. 3he er(eniv lwal ailverUini ttat- ronane exhibited in itt column in th MM mdene of itt larut and Inrum nai circvtaftoti. T Specimen cord, with rat for adver tlaing, sent free, iwataii paid on apilitatlrn to the undersigned, -Willi r at Watlralioro er wiinueg'ou. duo it r .iax B! it ut., Kdltors and Prop' h'tura. fshJt iAtr Country Merchants Now Is your llrus ti buy Hardware, aaUold U goln up and price- must adraurs and all mported gocttB bare aliestly adranocd. W bar on hand a larg stock of thews goods which we are still selling at old figures, (lire s t trial before trying slsswlior. J U.K. AMl'KUHUON. febst 4.1 Turpentine Tools, Haskers, flippers, Urund Nhavea. Hack HUnns. rile, Hack Welvliti, I'oocir. Adsis, Tm Hooue, ilomters, brawiun Kill ee. An. A large tc of the abore inotts. and at lb lowest possible prices, ran be round at Ui 0 d r.UbllU4 Hardware Houss of JOHN DAWSON. No. mdai Hiaiksisi. febJI 4S Look at this, Farmers! GREAT liKDUCTION IN PKIOJTC8. QQA TONS Or THS CKI.BBBAThU au"well known SEA FOWL OUANO tl87 BO, on time until Novem ber lets ALSO, KnnT0Na p Dee Ammonia. www ted superphosphate of Bone. I hls Is a new Phosphat which w ar baring manufactured ipreiy tor our trad by P ZellABon.of BalUmore, and which wt will guarantee equal to any ether Phosphat new oAared to the Trade. PrloeB7 60 on time until No vember let. I87B. KTtlberal term will be made to ltaler COVINQTON, EVERETT 4 CO., General Commission Merchants WILMIKOTOM. P.O. febT SUEliBY B1NJSER, PublUhed weekly, at SHELBY. Cleveland County N. (J.,at SI 80 par annum, In ad. vanne; has a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation In nearly atl th count Irs West of Mecklenburg. Also, an extensive circulation n tbe e innile or Suartanbura. York aid Union, 8.0. Ha' Just ben enlarged frum a twenty to a thirty .two column, and Is now adorned with an entire new dress, lit pohlict art Oewuxralie The Carolina Central Hallway being now completed, through to Wilmington, an 1 Shelby being the Western tirmlmis, the nanner is a most eioellent adrertlslng medl um. Itntet nodtrale, DURHAM A WRBB. Editor and Proprietors, feb 10 ts-tf "New Process" Empire Family Flour, Heat lour lath World. Try It and we guarantee a saving of SU per cent. As was expected it took tit "premium" at th Fair for making the POBE8T, WHITEST and SWEETEST BREAD One trial will oonrlno you. The "Beet Butter In th World." always th tsmt and th only rellabl elegant Butter In thlielty. ' Salad Dressing and Almore't Mince Meat.. At GEO. MYEltS1) Hand IS South Front St. an 24 81 RED AND WHITE ONION BETS. , For al by OREEN FLANNER. Seeds ! Seeds I Seeds! New Crop IfTCS, grown by Lardietu flulst. For sal by OBKEN St PLANNER, Druggists. feb t BE QUICK Bight Now is the Time. Haying lust taken stock, w Bnd hundred of artloles that w had rather sell at Customers own price than to glr bouse room to for another season. W bad rather hare the room than the goods. Our wholesale and retail trade this season basso dlmlnifhrd stock that we are com pel led to go North early in order to have stock in stor In time for our Spring trade. Then you of our euitomer who are iu want of any a' tide nually found In Winter stock In a Dry (loods Stor can ear money by taking U advanta of the situation and burlua It now of th Leading Dry Uootls Houie of BOSEOWITZ A LIEBER, 23 Market Etreot. fth it 41 HIW AD BROWN & Special Inducements. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND IHSERTIOIIS This Week. All Cottons arc .'Advancing. In view of this we have made very heaty purchases lately, and are now prepared to give our Patrons the advantage for A short time, but would ad vise all who are in(want of suoh to niako their put chases AT ONCE. Clear i The balance of all our Flannels at prices that CANNOT FAIL to meet tls approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worthSI Selling for .00 .Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO SAMPLES 'CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. feb II xg DAMAGED GOODS. All Ooods Damaged lIUHrXvBli. HOJL.IX rJ3. FR ARSEt & BE!., 63 Market Street. feb It SOLUBLE PACIFIC UM CI OA.i11?VL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS 80LUBLE PACIFIC OUANO for nalo, either for OA8II or on CKOP TIME. Libnral torma will be made with Merchant and other reliable parties to foil this Ouano at our Warehouse prices, W. H. McRAIlY & CO.. Commission Morohants, AgsnUfor PsolflO Uusno Co., and Dealer In N. t Ptrurlan Ouano, NortTH Watkb Stmet, WILniMUTOHr, N. o. Sub-A gents 1'or the Salo r. n. oinaoN. t. aiitAiiAm..., Jan II At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or 8G0.00, payable 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, WK QUARANTKK that tbe prenous nigh Gra of our Fertilisers shall be fully aUiTAiiriD R. R. BRfOORRH, President O. McHAK, Treasurer, O. h. OHAFFLIN, HuperlnUndent, Jan B . Rapidly at Cost ! FOU CASH! QTJR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES leUlng rapidly, a our PRICES ARE LOWER thn Tr before. Oblld'a Feb. But Boot at 1 AO, worth J 00 Mieae Peb. Laced Boots at 1 IS, worth 2 75. I. atllns . ovne Hoots at 4 10. worth 5 00. Men1 Oaiter and Oalf Ties at l B0, t'l 00 and 2 23, worth f 30 10 f 8 00, and erythlng elf In prnriortlon. Call soon be tor the stock is broken. DUDLEY A ELLIS, feign of th Big Boot, JJo.41 MaaKiT Btbsst. feb in 42 Iw 150 150 HHD8. NEW CROP CUBA, BBLS. NEW CROP CUBA, Kortal low by WILLIAMS t MURCHISON. leb 21 Corn and Oato. t.OCO BosheU Corn. 1,000 BusheU Oat v for l by KER0HSEB CAtDEB ESOS. VEBTISE2IEK T3. EODDIOK OFFER- I N n g Out OO. by the Late Fire UNDER MANNING HOUSt ll.OOO.OOO. of SoluMo Pacillc Guano, Old Hundred, H. 0. ., Marlon, R. 0. n-3indAw WE OFFER OUE STAND AED FERTILIZERS For tho Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Out Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COf.lPANY WILMINQTON. N. C. 4-oU-dw4m. TO Tllll PlIIO, Those wishing to bay CLOTTHNQ at Cost should do so within the next week, as we oease to sell in that way after the first of March. DAVID 4 WEIL. 48 feb 21 IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. ORA KE08 MAILS, Best Brand; 600 4uO J P low, Tons Castln us, S Tons Plow Steels, allslses; Tons Sweedes iron, assorted 50 Colli. Cottmi Hope, luo Dos. Oow Uells. Sto.. All alKir ror sale at Book Bottom Prlcw, at the ' Rew Hardware (iters of GILK3 ft HUROMIRON Ian 81 " 38 North Front Utreet, A Dutiller .Wanted.'' MAH WITH NO FAMILY, WHO WAN make Whit Rotln, and bring latisfaotory references; to go to Hob lie, Ala. Apply to JAMES O. 8TEVKKS"N. . - . -tr feb It Children's pebbJa and Kid Phoe Extension Toe. Children' Seamless Shoe. At Jan 0 a A. TRICE'S, it Market Htr 0 ITT FN CP j and printed in i -. I tuvu ( t: v m

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