9' a V i Jk til 1 ;if i 1 1 fill 1 1 I .1 II I I I tfllllIHGTON, H. C.7 SATURDAY, 4 FEBRUARY 27. 1875 WHOLE 110.-0,814. VOL. XXIV.-KO. 50. v Hi J4y J) .. ' ilLLV. f!if Daiin journal. WTLMINUTON. X. C: JATUROAy. FEB. 27. 1875. BYTELE GRAPH- iiKAi)(rAKTi:i;s. A COMPROMISE IX Till: IKH'SK THR FORCE BILL COMING TO A .IIKAD. SKILLFUL MANEUVRKS IX TUP. HOUSE BY THE DEMOCRATS. . THE FORCR RILL PKQ-U'ECr. GROWING WEAK. , CIVIL RfUHTS RESUMED IX THE SENA IE. 7 Washington, D. C , Ftb. '2fi --No m Sk.vate The tariff bill wH.riportiil from the Committee on Fiuaure wilh out amendment. The couiinitM1 being equally divided on the bill, it wan plHOd cm the Oalcndnr. Houhk A corpim-miM' van mid to biiHinebs iiixteud of oomipyiiitf tin day in Hip reading of y-httrd.'.y'H Jour nal. The diiy wai Riven to the Ap propria! in bill. The t-vtiiiug r-Minii watt a-Migut-d to debate ou tho. Forej bill, aud the previous question is to (it called ou it to-ruorrow. The House went- into Committee on tlio Hiimlry Civil Appropriation bill. Wahhincctov, Fet). lift. Night The Miabihsippi InVBsti,!it.ou ('imiiuiUee have reported. The Republicans hiuij one report and the DeraoeruU tin other, the majority report closing with the recommendation of the pussugo of the cnuoua fore bill, and that tut vio lent action in ViekHburg jiiatilles Gov. Amen iu calling ou President Grunt for troops. James N Tyner was to-dny nomi nated aud confirmed Second Assistant l'ostmnster-General. ' It is conceded that tho Democrats gained a substantial and great victory by allowing the dobate on tho civil rights bill to close ou Saturday after noon, after which limited debate ia to continue indefinitely ou amendments. The Republicans determined to force the vote on Thursduy uight; hud this been done it would hove left two additional days forPinohback, Loutst ana aud the caucus foros bill The Democrats are now confident of de feating all other political legislation. The proceedings in the House on the sundry civil appropriation bill were dry and uninteresting. The items for purchasing Mi&s Bauson's picture of Gen. Thomas aud ' Carpenter's pioture of the sluing of the emancipation proclamation, at $10,000 and $25,000 respectively, were stricken out on a point of order , and the one for Miss Viunie Reams' statue of Admiral Farragutinsertel, the lat ter being under contract. When the Committee roue the bill was not qnite half finished, the pending question being an apppropriutiou to pay the expenses of the suit to recover pos sesion of the New Idria quicksilver mines, the famous McGarratiun claim. The sexsiou to-night was for debate only on the force bill. The fact that the Democrats waived their right to have the lotig journal of yeak-rJuy read, which would have O JUHumed six or seven hours,, is probably au indi cation that they have not much appre hension that the force bill can be passed. Sknatk Ship owners memorulizo against the proposed abolition of the Light House Hoard. Merrimon presented; resolutioi.s from the North Carolina Legislature, in favor of light houses iu Alburn-are Sound. - The Legislature of Nevada petitions for a repeal of tux ou State Rank cir culation. Tho Finance Committee reported ' adversely on the bill to secure depos itors of the Freedmoa s Rank, which was indefinitely postponed. The bill amending saution 33.-12 of the the Revised Statutes, relating to stamps ou beer barrels, passed. The bill restricting the refunding of custom duties aud piescribing cer tain regulations for the Treasury Department, passed. The bill amending the charter of tho Freed men's Savings Rank and other purposes passed. .Civil lii-rhts was resumed. Thur manoffered an amendment striking ou i -- the clause regarding btate jurors. JNo . other amendments were offered yet the Senate is discussing tho bill to night Norwood made a telling . speech. ELEUTKIC1SMS. The Chicago communists did not make the demonstration which was apprehended. The damage from the flood through out East Tenuessee is great. Froba- bly a week will elapse before tho ' trains will run over the Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia R. R. Gordon Claude, . a cadet engineer, has been dismissed from the Naval Aoademy for refusing to fence with a , colored cadet. A gorge in the Sehuyllill has broken. There is a flood a. Muuayunk; the gas works are submerged' and the mills are stopped, wlrch throws 2,U(!0 hands out of employment. The ice in the Juniata river is mov ing. Several bridges have been swept way- ' , , , .. No further trouble is apprehended - , from the floods in Tennessee. The rail roads are washed away ou every route. The Nashville, Memphis aud East Tennessee routes will bo alll-ight in ft day or two. The Atlanta.Alabama aud Chattanooga routes will be - longer getting repaired. There are five breaks on the latter. Henry Y. Thomas has been elected Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, rice It. M. Withers, elected U. S. Sena'or. The Virginia streamsare flooded.but to serious damage is apprehended, ;onmi. i A SIXGI LR FATAL ACCIDENT. ! Xk.w YotiK, Feb. "26. Xoou. The ' biirk Men u'.', with li,-t!0 bbis. sugar. ' valued at $70,000, was mink, j While the congregation of Si. j Andrew's Church, consisting ruost i ly.... t.f women and children, were iliCir'rH? vospi'M, t'ao wall of the a-jieii-t I iii!d;rg rewit'y . burnt j io'i ttiFou"h li e rui'f of t,t church ou the ( iviR'Ued congteaHtum. Five are I dead, t ivo me exw ei ii to die, ti u are i uri. iisH' w.iuml'd, und tiltv are lin.it. I Ni w'Yohk, Feb. 'J'i Nij-h - The j Vie' -burg an! !-' it ly, bound j hither, which arevathoie u I'.rne ' Isluul. are a M il loss. Thi eook was drowned, all the rent ou hoard being saved. Tiu r e.rgoes eenf.:sti'd of cotton and tniit. Xeit'ier the l'ieen M'r the Fiai.eo mere dani:igid from iMjing bshure. Tin! patients i jiired by the St. An drew's church disaster, exivpt 1' itriek I. 'Vii!, hoi' bpiee is hopelissly tiuit, :ue doing well. 11IE F i; E N C II GOVERN MEM' TROUELES. ' Fahih. Feb. 2'5 Noon During lie closing debate on the rubiu i'oftern bill, many ameuuiiu uts were moved by the Litimist.i and fionupartisU U) lrain time, but thev Wei'e all voted do'.vn. Thti fieaf of government was fixed at Versailles without debate. I! f"V( a vote ji the whole bill wns had the L gitiiuists prevnted u fornud prob st ai-'ionst .its passage. De la Ro.'ket vitmed the llouse that there duUI be i terriljle frtrttgg'.o between the ('onservatives and ..Republicans, ami tho Mouurchisti) would unceasing ly combat the new institutions. Mic Million has summoned Buffett, J'rehideut of the Assembly, to form a a new Ministry.' London, Feb. 2r Night A steam ship, hence for Hong Koug, hos foundered iu the Indian ocean. Nine teen pers ons wi re saved, six dronpd aud eighteen are missing. UHOHMA. RAILROAD BONDS THROWN OUT. " ArtjANTA, Ga., Feb. 2G. Night. Tho Legislature has declared Unoon Btitutionul, nullnnd void the second series of 000,000 in boudi endorsed by the State in 1.870, issued to the Ma con & B.-unswick Railroad, said en dorsement having been declared valid and binding by the Legislature of 1872, the first series of bonds amount ing to $19f,000 having been declared vaiid and binding on the State. WEST VIKUIXIA. THE STATE TREASURER TO BE IMPEACHED. CiTAiiMWTov, W. Va., Feb. 20 Noon Tho Legislature has adjourned ami will meet at Wheeling iu November. The House, after a stormy- session, appoin ed a Board of Managers to im peach Auditor Bennett aud Treasurer Burditt fur high crimi s while in office. The investigation of the manage ment of the Btate finances continues during recess. DIED In thin eitv, on Sail K(V.., httkMto Kraitoilck liaMu r, dni.jli(i:r of Feirr mil Mai ieoi IX.liiii. r, iigcl 7 ;vi',ti uionllMBud Hitavi. . 'I'll'- lum;ri! will fake ri"-' t rlane- of li r m xher, wi th - c.irnrr of Tbinl and rn iiHwl.-k uetp, nct Mnivlny nueiiing st Uo'c'o 'k '1 h( ftlcticf snil iii-iunlniftiii i oi tin? turn ly ar rcfeetiu W liivtncl stienl. I'hiln li ljilii ftiij Niiw Brunswick imi" it l'lete tofy, H SPECIAL. 'I'no l'.iinwo d sinl Warwick ccllHm or' nmrlo ililf. rent ly fir-m y etlipr. The oitgci ao nil fwldtd, ard the iir:&ou U an oinct Iral Utiun of Imun. C'rimr"i und r.'m in lh( umiim'ti re (lie re putt i inuwrh il in igiUii, hihI ni'iy be Im-HiH.-'iately relieved bt Hdn-cfit Joht:wtnii Ano (iynfi l.i'nmi'Tit A. teae")fiil In M tie wet t'litd watKr in sdusi. Hi y 0Hf Rrn pind tut luirsex; none will de ny time; tt oa'ica it m.ke a hrw' cent look fmo.iili and g'osy wlieii h L out of C"iidit)o. herldnn' ' ft'iilVy 'onditin Towder. hl do till, when lt else tiilln. ,' ,' Nnlivo I'earl Vcru Porcelain. .( i tlt'K in; r ie a poor subeiltute for Na tur' Lit ;boec wbi o believe, ue the SOZOOOS r. whlcli, il daily apidl d, wi:lp-e-Tiiiitall nei;'i'7 tor fal tei'th by keeping the teal oim niuiul hiiiI liealt hy; t'oiiMiinptivm, Tnkc Snllce. K very mom mi r of rtfllfiy make yourrure mora lioieliiB, ar d mufh depend, on thejn dlclon.clmlreof a remedy. The amount of tefttimony in ta-er of Ir. firtienck'-i Pulmonic Syrup, e a cure tor lonsumptlon, far exceed, all tlit oiiu be brnugiit to euppuit the preten .lon.of any ether medicine Seel r.clienck'. Alniuii.c, coiitniiiing the ceri Irli-aten of many lerFiiui ot the hi(liet renpectiiblllly, who have been rcntiircd t" hoslth, lifter being pronoun, red Incurable by p'i?tclan. ol acknowledged ability. Hcla nek'. Pulmonis fyrop lon bin cored many, ah tboso evidence will ho; but the i' urc In oft 'ii promoted by the employment of two other rmnedle. whlcli Dr. Scheuck pro vlili ii for the purpose. These ddltlonl reme dies are Schencly'j Sei Weed Tonic and Man-.inik'-Plli. lty lho timely nie or tlieie mo.ll Cin , according to directions, Dr. Bctieuok certtle that ru'at any case of Consumption may be cured Dr. Schenck 1 proremlonally at hl prlncl pl otlce, c rare flxtli and Arch ttreeU, Pbilidiilprila. every Mon lay, where all Ictteri fir ailvie? mm: be sddrewed. Cheese, Butteri liice and Lard. (ii R'irr.ii Clicea, an i ub Hutli-r. M 'I Icrcin and Hblfc Bice, Ml Ticrfi' i- slid 1 utis Lard. For eale by a EttCUNGU CJALUKA BKO-c. Hb2l 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS i -or- Atkinson & Manning 9J0.('0O,OOli . Hvprrnld. , FIRE. In., o. ol orh A B-eric ...... Phll.fel'hl. t'li -nu In nr !!- Coruptii) . ... New Vo k. 'onnin DUl li aurano Jo NiW To-k. N. Urn In. Micaatll In I o, L' n.t- n Hi tf.trd Fire luik. cotupity ... - antofil. Niioiii Fire li, 'rut.nv ,.Hrt(i.i4 KltinkII:d K A M. I'u Co. . Ma.A'huelH MARINE. M. rcitiill'K Miitua ln. Co New Totk lnv (;. of lrtb America Plil'kdvlpbU. LIFE, Oonnerllriil Mutual Life In.CJ. Hartfor.1. Icb tl 80-lf liivceirit In Nlock Frlvler In lnll Mrerl, led to mary ihoi iinii er tmiiiKa CR' r T ( omprcb nrlve eieiai.a ttrt recuUm, rnlahd'ig detalbd atatrme" t and 'lootattnn price!) of all tlecke de.tlt In at t'-e Ai Y'irk Stix-k Extkng, mailed to i pomi uimi ii'ji to Bpcuitip. nunrw, Al.tX FKO ' HIXRHAM CO., Hai krra and Brokera ftpr N V flock Kuchange. 1 Wall St , tib .d-lr od NKW YOWK. I hong lii ou Prraotinl Hrllflon M"I"KN Konvlo loiiiiin the dealrablene.1 of trcnut nt t'onin) union. Till-. KF.ADKk Inlrrnigatcd aa to hi pro- ThiHTohTS lo be entertained before en t Htik iiiNn O'lrdallv work MM of Cultivating a Conai'louaneaa of '-i I'lvme nrence (, Vr'yH bave a voice lot u, It we will IU fn to if A II religloua work for Urnt for -ale at HEINSBERCER'G l ive Hook and MU'lc Store. SWEENY'S HOTEL, NEW YORK. On tho European plan. To meet the down town rrrpilrrno'i't i-auaed by clutlng I be Ator Houe, thia well-knoirn and popular Motel In thoroughly renovated, rrlurnlrlird, and la clean a a new pin. Ladle, accompanied by their h'iKhan.1", or properly lutrwluoed,' will find home romfoita aud quiet Ladiiw' dining room on parlor floor, Cl'T THIS OUT. reb H B9-Haw2ff, Potatoes!' Potatoes ! jQQ BBI.S. K It POTATOKH, 100 " P'801'01 For aalebf KEKOBNKB A CAI.DKH HKOM. fh11 .. 48 Corn Corn Corn. 2,000 P.U8IIBL8 CORN. For Mle by KEtWUNER A CALDKH BROI- l'tt 1 M Corn and Oats. 1.000 Bahele Corn. 1.(100 Bttahele UaU. For fale by KKRCJHNKR & CALDF.R BIIO". fell 4 A VICTORY! Our Children's Toes. Wj-jfE HATE AT LAST 8UUUEGDBD IN getting CfllLDEEN'8 FINE SHOES, that are fine and dreray, wltb nobraaa or tllvei tipa, anrt arrt mora durable than th metallo tlpa. They are known to wear children four anil live mnntha wtthnut a break In them Parete will do well to try them. Cali and aee ibi m . KVAN8 oTvojcOLAHS'S, Boot and Bho Store. M 1 W Seed Polatoes, TOW t ANIMNO from Schooner Mary B Knevea 300 Bbla. Extra Pink Eyea. ,100 Bbla. Kxtr Early Hone. ) lie t Maine Seed Stock In new barrel. For aala by BINrORD CROW A CO. feMll 4fl iw Molasses Molasses 100 BBI'9' KW WB0P tJtB' 100 l,b'' "ug4r Hou' For ale by KEUOHUKU AJCALDBR; BROS, feb IS 41 JJV Satisfactory Prices Are the nntm buying rrm in O. PICOTT, Tobacconlat, At 2J Market Street, 8otith lUle, head of the Market. feb 21 45 JUST IN The Alderney Brand Or CONDONS Ft) MILK In Patent Boxet. MllkOraokera, . Zwlebaok, and for lele at O H. W. kUNGE'S. N. E. Corner of Market and Beoond hta. feb 21 .. 40-W IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. ntrA KKGH NAII.1, Beet Brandi; 604 ibOKI P Iowa. S Tona Oaatln ga. 8 Tone P low (iifum, all irlT.crj ( TouaSweedealron, aaaortod; 80 Colli- Cotton Itope, too Dot. Cow Bella, e., Ac. All above for aaleat Rock Bottom Price, at. the mew Hardware Star of OILE-l A MCRUH1BON an HI 3S North Front Street A Distiller Wanted. MAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO CAN make White Rotn, anrt bring eat intact ory reference!; to go to Mobile, Ala. Apply to febU .IAMESO. STEVENSON. SK-tf Children's Pebble and Kid Sboea Extentlon Toet. Chlldren'i Beamleai Shoe. At Jut W O.A. PRICE'S, , K Market Sir 100 $500 SEW ADVERlISEMENTt. Notice. HAVING DKPCIUKII OF tl'R SADDLK narneeaaud Trunk HnaliMwa. KiM k. Hood U lil and Himk Aeroanla, In W ilmington, N. (!., lo Merara, Carpenter A Mallard, we hereby tender ear thank to a generou publlfl for their liberal patrunag the laat tan yrara. and w cvitviBiin ut . u hmi w mil vuu- eeeeor., who have been acceptably In eur m- n the Naddle', rlarntaeanil Trunk llualnea In li up .iinriin . Menrai Carpenter A W a' lard will aeltle all Mluln.. a..',. I. ... (.. t&'ill..l..l.. V C. and coH.it debt due u and rvceipt for me aame. J. It. TOriUM 0O A. CarMnlvr. J II. nallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVINO SWOHf THR ABOVE MKN-tn-md lkoda, w otter a lull itock of SADDLKH, 11 A UN ESS, TRUNKS, COLLAK8, BH1DLES, And All Kind of SADDLERY GOODS, . VERYLOW PRICES I or f'aah or to prompt paying buyer. We reepeoituHy aollclt (laltoaaire ( ,ii'i;-ii i;iia 7i.il. i. a if ii. . leh 8 SI lumar NEW LOT- HANDSOME TII.S, KIDGI.OVr.H, Ocnlr L. C. Handkerchief!, TEEItLKSS" H1IIRTS, Silk and Oiugham rmbrclliM, nt MUNSON & CO'S, CITY CLOTHIEK8, feb 33 4.f Green & Flanner, WHOLESALE acd RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Dealer In GAUIT.N HEED, KrOMCind t.ln.i'ed Oil. Plnt, Ulae, AYo , Ao. 40 MABKET STREET, Wilmington, N. O. feb id 4 E. FRANK COE'S Amruomated Hone Fboephate. I-A-V TO.IK OF THE ABOVE WELL LvyvJ known ami valuable Fertlllnt-r. r or aale lor cvb or on crop time (atlafactory BeCUIUV MUVI.IUHIUm.w.im O.G. PARSLEY & CO. feb 1 40-tf OVERCOATS, Tulnias, Business Suits AND BOYS BUITS, We are telling without profit. Thoae In want will never flud good cheaper, Act on the hint and buy of MUNSON & C . CITY CLOTHIERS, feb 21 45 CARPETS. Our Stock at Cost' to Close Out Same. BRUSSELS AT 81 15 acd $1 20 3 PLY CARPETS, 1 30 ALL WOOL Do. 85 to 81. Cotton and Wool Do. 55 to 60 Cta. Cotton 40to45Ctu. For cbbu only. D. A. SMITH A CO. feb 23 46 If The Last Cargo of Prime I now offered to purchaser In Bright New Package, both Hagabead and Barrel, at lowiMt market rat. HO A PS from all the beat maker; Perfumed Soap, common and flu ; BuckeU, Broom, Pall, Moaaure, Mop, Tuba, Starch, Medicine In mall package for ' country trade; Cigar, Tobacco, Pain Killer, Caator Oil, MtiatJinf Liniment, Kerosene Oil, All Kinds of Wines and Liquors At the lowert market prloe to good cuftomeri. ADRIAN & VOLLERS Corner of Dock and Frcnt Street, feb T S3-tf FOR 8ALE ! Mules and Wagons. HKVSN (T) Head good large Mule. TWO (v) A No. I Koad Wagon. ONE(l) A Mo 1 Timber Waiion. On good eaay term, A Ptily to J.E HMITH, Wealbrook. Blalen OfiuntT.N. O. jann . deod-lm&wl-r. Havana Cigars- I bare on hand and for , at my room In I Ippltt' Bulldlnga, South Front atreet, near Orange, a fln lot of HAVANA CIGARS of my own niannfanture. They are made from Imimrt d tobacco and can be bought at one third of th eot of Imported cl tiara - 1.GRAEFL. 'feb t 1 4.1m Wadeeboro Herald copy (m. New Crop Cuba Molasses. 75 HHOS. New Crop tuba Mola. For al by KEBOHMEJ A UALOIB BROS febt U WF.UDIKU CARI.NandTISf TIHU JAIiIpeolaltyat th JOu&NAA urvigi. MISCELLANEOUS. THE PEE DEE HERALD. rublisbeJ every WeilnemUy t WADESBOUO, ANSON COUNTY, BV JOSH. T JAMI8!A CO. Haa a large and rapidly Increaalng rlreula tloii in the Pee le country liiNuithamldoulh Carolina. Advertiser will Ami It the et medium In either of the aiatrr rltatea tor reaching the tarmera, plautera and nierohanta. 77tt rstnmiiT local attirrtinhitt'ttat- ronatc tthilritod in il tntlumn i fht fxt tvidmrd'. of it large and influen tial I'irt'ulafinn. V Hnecimen ixiide. with rite fur adver tlMiig, aenl free, imatage paid, mi applicall n ro trie unileralneil, eltli'rat v a-l' nro ir wumirg'on. .MHll.T. IAMKH CIO,, t'llltorneiid Prup'leliira. fell 11 4.1 tf Country Merchants Now la jour time ti buy Hardware, as Odd la going up and price iiiuM advance and ail Imiioited goidn have already advanceil, We have on hand a txrge stock vf tlicati good which we are atlll selling at old dgur. Cllve ua a trial before trying elsevdicre. UII.KS A Ml'Rtllll.HiiN feb III 41 Turpentine Tools, Haakera, IMniier. Bcnnd Hhavea. 1lrk Ktom., Files, Mack Wek'Mi, (Voi-ire Ailxa. Tru-e llooi, diiiniitia, lliaolng Km -p., Ac a mi av ri"'a ii iiiv nmiTv ytiwis. ni'u ai inn liMiiat poiwtlile price, can ha found at Hie ( d rtttillinl Haidwara llnuae ol ' .JOHN I) AW SON, No. ID, A ind i Maiket Ht 4.-1 fab ill Look at this. Farmers! Oil EAT IIKDUCTION in iiici:h. flAA TONS OE THE CKI.EIIKATFl) auywell kuowii 8EA FOWL CUANO atfB7BO,on tlmt until Novem ber let. ALSO, 500 T0MS Pee Do Ammonle ted 8uper-Phophate of Bone. I'hl I a new Phosphate which w are having manufactured iprsly lor our trade by P. ftetl A Son, of Baltimore, and which w will guarantee iqual to any other Fhosphale now oflered to the Trade, Price $87 BO on time until No vember 1st. 1878. aV Mbcral term will b made 'to Dealer COVINGTON, EVERETT t CO., General Commlaalon Merchant WILMIKOTOK.H.O. fehT K-im SHELBY BiNJiEU, Publl-hed weekly, at HHEI.BY. Cleveland County N.U.,at SI M per annum, In ad vanoe; has a large and rapidly Incrraalng cir ruat.'on In nearly all the count In Wtst ot Mecklenburg. Also, an titenslva circulation in the cunulee of Hnartanburir. York ai d Union. 8. O. Ha 'Just ben enlarged from a twenty to a thlity.lwo column, and la now adorned with an entire new dreae. politic ar DtmotraHt The Carolina Central Hallway being now onmpleUMt Ihrongh to Wilmington, and Hhelby being the Western termlnua, the Hanurr ta a moat eaoeilent advertising meat um. Rnttt mederalc, Dl'KHAM & WEBB, Etltor and Proprietor, feb 10 18-tf "Now Process" Empire Family Flour, Beet Hour la the World. Try It and we guarantee a saving nf t3f per cent. An was expected It took tue "premium al lh Fair for making the PUREST, WHITEST and SWEETEST BREAD One trial will convince you. The "Best Butter In th World," ilwaya the asm and the only reliable e'eg-tnt Duller In thlclty. Salad Dressing and A I more' Mince Meat. A,w GEO. MYERS', .. 1 II and 13 South Front St. an 24 HI RED AND WHITE ONION SETS. For sale by OREEM ft FLANKER. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! New Crop 1875, grown by Lacdteth A Hu It, For tale by U l KEN A FLANNFR, Druggist. feb tt BE QUICK Right Now is the Time. Having lutt taken .took, we find hundred of artlmea that we had rather roll at e stumer. own price than to give boua-t room to for another season, w nan rainer nave me room than the gooda. Our wholesale aud retail trail thla aeaiou baa ro illmlnl'hrd ttiH'k that w are compelled to go Noith early Iu order to have lock In .tore In time for onr Hprlng trade. Then you of oar cuKotni r who ire In went of any a tide usually found in Winter Mock In a Drtkilood Store can av money by taking tl advauUge of thest'uation ud buying It bow of th Leading Dry Uood Houe of BOSKOWITZ A LIEBER, 29 Market Street. f SI it NEW ADVEUTISE3IEM3. BHOWN & EODDIOK OFFER Special 'Inducements - I N HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS This Wo ok. All Cottons are "Advancing. - In view of tit tea ws liav mmU' vrrv lioayy pnrchaflna laUly, anil are now pn-parej to give our Fatrona the advantage fur a short tituo, but would ad. viae all wlio are in want of Mich to muko their pnicliaaei AT ONCE. O 1 o a r i The Imlant of all our Flftiinpla at priooa approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid Clovos-worthSI Selling for .00 .Cents Por Pair STRICTLY CASHONE PRICENO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 1. 1 1 IliU li DAMAGED GOODS. All Goods Damaged MUHT HE SOLD. R1 FRA.M & BR., 63 Market Street. feb SOLUBLE PACIFIC GMO CO- OllT AJL. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE H UNDUE!) TONS SOLUBLEPACinO GUANO for sale, eithr for CASfl or on CltOP TiMM Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to soli this Ouuuo at onr Warehouse prions. Comojlaslou Merobantl, AgenUfur Polfloduauo Sub-Agents for tho Sale r. n. niBiorf 11. UllAHAn Jan tl Egg Maccaroni, Italian Maer.arotil and Vermicelli, (Jolroau'i Fngllih MuiLatd boltloi and thij Guar Jelly, . Shaker f reserve, , Durnett' and Lubm'i Flavoring Bxtraet, Wax, Pararlne and Adamantine Candle, Idquor, Cordial and Hitter. : CHAS 0. MYERS A CO., OA 7 North Front St. Pure Old Pale Brandy,1 Vintage IMfl, Flneat Old Brandy In the State. Fine Old Cherry., Madeira and Port Wines, CnAS. D. MYERS A CO., X O and 7 North Front feb 11 44-t? ... ..i. ii ..I... i'i iaiM mam I i. I ,. I. , is I , Bacon, Pork, F I our f Sugar. Etc. 100 Boxes D, 8. and Smoked Bides, lOOBbls. C. M. l'ork, 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, 100 Bbls. ReQned Sugar, 400 Kegs Nails, 100 Bags Prime Rio Cofft, J " 25 Mats Java Coffee, ' 800 Bdls lloop Iron, 100 Bbls. (Hue, 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, 10,000 Bunhels White and Mixed Com, 1,000 Hacks Salt, 200 Bales N. li and E. Hay, 300 Bags Shot, For aula low by ' WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. Ouano-.-dnaiiO" Guano. nr.O Tona EurcLa Guuno. , 260 Tons Guanape Quauo. JTor sale low by , WILLIAMS A MURCniSON. rbl4 rtn. Q BHDS. NKW CBOP Ct'B A, J Q BBLS. NEW CEOP CCDA, for (ale low by WILLIAMS 4 MURCHIS0N. Ibu ... ng Out tliut CANNOT FAIL to meet Ui4 OO, 45 Market Street ua by the Late Fire UNOKR MANNING HOUSft 1,000,000. ' " -. ' . (Jo., and Uealera In Nn. I Peruvian Ouano, , XMOMTIt WATKR MTREBT. wiMriiniuTonf, ,n. o. or Soluble Paclllc Ouano, 014 Hundred, W. O. ,. Marion, fl.u. T. . Xi -Soul Aw Exposition ROLLED PRESSED BEEF. : We bats lacoeedtd la ettlng th "Agency" of dellclou ltuarj. CORNED BEEF, pat up In Roll of tinfoil and already eooked for Immediate Tall um, TRY IT. " And alM pat up In handeome t pound can. Bold only by GEORGE MYERS, Sole Agent. 48 feb 21 3Iolasscs ! Molasses 1 i ISO ilbrla. New Drop Cuba, ' ' 1(H) Hbhr New Orop Cuba, - r viffllhda.S U. Molaaeo, . " lfid Bbla. S. U. Molaaea. - -. -v. , Tot aale by KRUOHNER A CAIiDERBROS. 111 I 1111 1 500 BBl,s' rKE8H 1,1 r4E- - " CEMKNT, ' 2()0 " CALCINFD PLASTKB, . Fur ml by ' WORTH k WORTH Clw febtl H03 kin, Carmer & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Ac.? . BALTIMORE, MD. . . Kuooewor t Wada UojklnACo. STILL MAUCPAOTUBB and Mil large quantille of their blandaid ProrrleUry lUdii ior a, tnoli a Eterybody'iTegeteble Cartuartle Pill." lr. 'Wortbltgtoo' Cholera aid Dlarrhaa Medicine." Ir. Hovkln'WerKlllr.' lr. Hoykln'tCnugli riyrnp." Ir. "Bkin' Llvor Tonic," or "Oompand Eatraotof JManJrak.' - , 'Balrd' Hurae aud Cattle Powder.- "itiilrd'a Worn Uoufeotlona." ' ;i rai ger Bitter aud Schnari.'" , All th above good are l eat beeoailng tnd ad, and ar kept generally by drupgura and boa-try merchant. ft 1 -! W I