A, . WILimiGTOII, 11 C, TUESDAY. IIAItCH 2. 1875. VOL C7.tU0.!52. T7H0LE HO. G.81G. VHi BYTEtECnAPH. SUPPLEMENTAL USURY , BltCWBSM THE THE HOUSE YET TO ACT ON IT. apaXVTO' JOTJJUUt. " ' r ' kf Rat-UGh;' Marcb 1st. ,.' The Senaia Wufpaned a supple mental to theUsnry poetpouijig iU operation until October 15th, 1875. It is not knovB vliai Action the House will take in the premises. " '' it HEADQUARTERS. THE FORGE PILL PASSED i HE ' ,. HOUSE. . .-,...- BROUGHT TJP; IN THE'fiEJi ATE. i. THE DEMOCRATS DETERMINED IT SHALL NOT GO TO THE PRESIDENT. GRANT SIGNS THE CIVIL RIGHTS INFAMY, r Washington, D. 0., March 1 Noon i Horras Tne Force bill was passed shortly after mid-night pn Saturday. . It was ao amended, as to limit the i President's right to suspend the writ ; of habeas corpus to Alabama, Mitsia i sippi, Louisiana and Arkansas, and to i expire at the end of two years. Teas 135, nayslU. 5 , ; Before the bflt-totd was taken on the passage of the bill,' Young, of I Georgia, said be desired the country t to know one fact, and thxt was that cut of the 40 Detpooratio RepresentatiTea j from the States to be effected by the . Provisions of . this bill, : not one of , them has been allowed a word in dis vassjontipon its- merits, bnt onjhe eonUary the gentleman in charge of it has thought proper to deny time to ' any of the representatires from the joutnern oiates wno intenaea to op pose the bill except a few minutes to two or three of them. It may be stated that the Demo cratic Senators are determined that the caucus force bill which has passed the House shall not be allowed to reaoh the President. Concessions, they say, are over. The President has signed the Civil Rights Bill . Senate The Force bill was received from the. House of Representatives and read a first time by title. Thur man, Bayard and others objeoted to its seoond reading and it remains on the Vice-Presidents table until to-morrow. - Its seoond reading will throw it rvrar another dav. It will come ur on the direct issue on Wednesday and the session closes Thursday at noon. The Democrats are all determined that the bill shall not reaoh the Pres ident. - - - Hocsb A motion to suspend the rales and adopt the resolutions report el by the .Louisiana GotnmitUe was defeated by a vote of yeas, 154$ nays 8o, not two tmrds in tne amrmauve, A similar motion to bring the reso lutions to a vote directly and separ ately was carried by a vote of ayes, 172; nays, 85, ' Stephens, of Georgia, being tbe only Democrat voting aye. The resolution recommending the restoration to the Louisiana House of Representatives of the persona wrong fully deprived of their seats was then adopted without a division, and the resolution recognizing Kellogg as Governor, until the end of his term, was adopted by a party vote. ' EUROPE. FIERCE ATTACK BY THE CAR- LISTS ON BUiBOA. ' ii i ill a London, March 1 Noon Seven v battalions attacked Bilboa on Friday. After a furious bombardment Forts ,. Puento Nuevo' and .'Arbolanea were taken and 'retaken three times. The ' Carlists were finally repulstd. The Alfonsists "afterwards attacked the ' Carlists' position, but were repulsed. ' The Alfonsists' loss was three hundred ' and fifty killed and wounded. The Carlists ! preparing for a grand ef fort against Puycorda. Paris, March I Noon--Buffet has ' undertaken the formation of a new . Ministry. ' ; Madiod: u! riarcb ; 1-Night-The Minister of foreign Affairs, without consulting his oolleagnes tent a circu lar to the Powers concerning the - Gustave and other affairs. The cabi net counoil wiltf consider! the acts as sufficient cauie for' suspension. pEOROlA, THE BAD MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE - FINANCES. ' Atlanta,' March "1 Nlgbt Tlie Legislature has passed resolutions of censure upon tne mate Treasurer, lor neirliffonoe and" bad manaRement in offioe, directing the Governor to np point an assistant Treasurer to retify and inaugurate a system; also direct ing and providing for a thorough in vestigation of, the finanoial condition of the State? "There bas been no de falcation, only careless management. Hardeman, on adjourning the House xine dfc, advised obedience to the law, and said that patient submission to wrong would stimulate the sense of right in the hearts of the American people. '""'EL12CTRICIS3IS. -, t ------ A change of wind has caused a chan nel in the ice allowing the vessela fast is Cape Cod to teaeh open 'water. i tie Bunding- committee oi tne Episcopal Convention of Kentucky bas rtaolvea not to consent to the confirm ation of Dr. DtKoven as Bishop of Illinois. Plumley's paper box factory at Phil adelphia, haabeen boned. The front walls fell carrying down the telegraph lines. Three hundred and fifty girls are osted. ' Loss $100,000. , Wm. Henry Duttuu, jr , proprietor of the Bottton Evening Traiuonpi, is dead. The Heoretarv has called in Ave mil lions of five twenty bonds, the interest on which eeaaea January 1st proximo. ' The Conference Committe on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill, was agreed to. Debt Statement increase during the month, d million; Cash in Treas ury ooin 75 millions; ourrenoy, 11 million. 8 5atb Citizens of Dakota petition that the Black , Hills reeervrtion be ojened to the people of the Territo ries.' i5 - " ' ' 1 " ' Bill makictf Pascagonla. Mississ ippi, a port odelivery. Passed, mil to secure inrtner eecnruy lor navigation on the Mississippi', river. Passed. , , Bill bridging the Arkansas river at Piue Bluffs. Passed. Efforts to get up a steamboat bill failed. ' The Tax bill was resumed. . Chandler gave notice thut he would call up the Steamboat bill tonight. Horn II addressed the Hecate on tne Tax bill, which he reported without amendment, and hoped that no amend ment would be pressed, as a single one would endanger the bill. Tne estimate-! increase of revenue on tobacco is lour millions: from molasses, seven and half millions jfroni oigsrs, two millions; Horn wnisky, twelve millions. . Hodsb Messrs. Lowdes, Pierce, Sener and Smith, Of Virginia, voted against recognizing Kellogg as Go v emor of Louisiana. Appropriation bills were resumed. 9 Both Houses are in session to-night. The Committee of the Diocese of Virginia declines to give its consents to the election of Dr. DeOovan as Bishop of Illinois. the floods: CHATTANOOGA UNDER WATER. THE PEOPLE TAKE THE THING RATHER COOLY. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 1 Night The river has been at a stand since morning, covering Muiket street from the river to Ninth street, sub merging the Union Depot the Gommercisl, Vauhorn, and Read's Hotels, and very nearly all the busi ness houses on Market and Ninth streets, to Chattanooga, completely, and many houses in the main part of thojeity which are not so foituuate as to be built on high ground. One man, who was intoxicated, was drowned on Saturday, and two others last night one of whom was colored; the other was chief engineer of the Chattanooga Iron Company's works, named Jones. The steam ferry boat was among the submerged houses in South Chattanooga Saturday and Sun day, relieving and taking oT a'l who were in need. Many have been the duckings received, but everybody, not exoepting those whose loss is heaviest, is in a haipy mood, and dn posed o take it cheer 1 ally. We have to use a boat to get to and from the telegraph offioe, and from ono side of the town to gthe other, still mess ges have been delivered nearly as promptly as usual, notwithstanding the greatly in creased number of them in conse quence of the flood. Railroads are out off in evory direction, conse quently there have been no mails to or from the city for several days past, until now, a steamer has gone down the river with the mails and passon gers to Bridgeport, whore it will meet the train for Nashville. Only: one wire remains up and its loss is feared momentarily. SPECIAL. There g f reat sitlafnotion in patting on sn Blmwood colUr. No pulling thin way and tost wsy, u it fltt tt once. Cramps and pslna In the utomarh re the re tult of I ni perfect in'Mgemlnu, and mnj be Im mediately reliered by adooeof Johneon'e Ano clyae Liniment A teatpouul'ul In a I i i tie tweet- ened water in a done. - Heavy oat are good fur hortet; none will de ny that; bnt oats can't make a horae'e coat look fmooth and g'oiwy when he fa out of condition. Mneriflan'a ( aTRlry condition Pawdera will do thla when all else falla. Native Pearl Vcraua Porcelain. Dentlet's wear is a poor substitute for Na ture's. Let those win 10 believe, nee the SOZODONT, which, If daily applied, wlllp'S vent all neceit7 tor false teeth by keeping the real ones sound and healthy. roneantptlrea, Take notice. Kvery moment of delay makes your ear more hopeless, and much depends on the Ju dicious choice of a remedy. The amount of testimony In faverof Dr. Scherek'i Pulmonis Syrup, as a cur for consumption, far exceeds all that can be brought to sappott the preten. Hons of any other medicine. Beelir.Schenok'e Almanac, containing tbe oertlttcatas of many persons ot the highest respectability, who have been restored to health, after being pronoun ced Incurable by phyrlclans of acknowledged ability. Schenck's Pulmonic jrup alon has eured many, as these evidences will show; bat the cure Is often promoted by the enudoyioent of two other remedies which Dr. Sohenck pro- Tide fbt the purpose, Tkest additional reme dies are Hchonck's Hea Weed Tonio and Man. drake Fills. By the timely axe of tbeso medi cines, according to directions, Dr. rlckenck certifies that mo.t any ease of Consumption may be surod,,-,,--,.,-..,,.....,,,-,...-, ,ltL -'I.'. W - Dr. Hcbenck Is professionally at his prlncl. pal office, oorner Sixth and Arch ttre.ts, Pblladelphla, every Nondiy, where all . Uers for advice must be eddroid. WrDnirtfaOABDNaa4TIITlKlfs C AMI OS espeoisltv at the JUUkiNAL UFF1UB. MARRIED. 1 tnl rttY, oa the 14th alt , at la rMB of th. bride's saothr. by K.T. J. K. al.t... Mr. JMS1 A. HAN KINS sal Mia MAW OIK J. Bl'NTIhU. NEW ADVJLBTISIMESTS. St.' John's Loilge, NO. 1. A. V. And K asieirifllt BuSMal I a-i a nf kif .1,0, gj -- - --.W1 VVVlHltAllTI I this (TlESIAT) evening at halT-put I o'clock ft work la U. Kutered Appiautiot. IVgree , . . . . - Byurdttsi W M. JAM KS O. MrjNlHI, - - ' HoiUirT. St. Juli'i Hll. March , 117 &. - For Bent ! rp pRIOKSTOKIoa Soathenst eotn.r 01 Front sad raaess atrest. M oeouptMl by Harry Webb as a Keataaraat aal Mar Keew. P measles gl.a ImeiedlaUly. , Apply fa" -.' : .r 1 : , avarek Stt JPKtCS 1AVI9. Auction Sale. 20 HORSES AND MULES, I will sell tbls sawnlat , at 11 o'clock, tn front or tha old Comity Jail, Sooit and Prlu oretatmla. . I. KARMWKniH, matcbS-It ... - - Aaetkmeer. " Tk. RUmssel ! CHOPPER CnTTOM IU PI.lilb.Wr, ItJ. Uwtbiwr ni r(tlTtf natlW. S.M. 1.11 riaait.a uurk m (i so mra. Ail 4. fe.lt Maiu. fef lM cut im lr.l I'lrwl.r vit wtf U 0. a O. Ok. r.trm.nku, M o.,r u Unl t(t. march t - w-tf Just Received! WKHAVrjUST aKUCIVID A LOT VU THK flAM&VOMCST Ladles' and Gentlemen's That has ever been Sored for aaU In this uu. keU - ft-- .- .-, - ' EVAN3 & VonGLAHN. march , ' ss-3m 177S. "1875, CENTENNIAL OF TH- Germ Fnsllier Mwi . , CHARLESTON, 8. 0. The German fuaillera or Charleston, South Carolina, will eelebrau ta.lr centennial An. niTtreary on the Ihlrii uf May, liia, with oars, monies appropriate to so lourulibg au occas ion. In 1771, one band rl year, ago, and before the Uoclararton uf maepeiienc, the Cl.rman itis.ru oi Uharltatou tallied to the sUnuaid ol American Liberty. They urbanised a Ourps for the defeuoe of the Colonies iu the great war lor txr.dem e4 reudered a gual serrlce in the eeubliaumeut or selt-gOT.rument. lli.lr re cord tn the Hevolutionary atruygle la a matter ofkiaiory. Their aor.iora during that memo rable contest, under eeuerai LiaooLd of ih. Continental army, and at the biegea or haran uah and CbarkiatuB and ea oilier battle fields are ptoad tMtlmonlals of th.lr patriotism and devotioa. They sealed their d.rotlon to that cause with the blood and Iitos ot many of tueir nuiDoera. - la 18U the Uermau Futlllers were again called upjn to assist In the defence of the coist, and in IK), when lh bloody tomahawk ot tue Dumtnole drenched the plains ot Florida wit h trie Diooa oi its people, ana ins cry Kir succor was again wafted to the shores ol Cam. lit: a, tlie German ITaslllert, animated by the spirit of It, TOlnnfered their ser rices and aided Is redeeming their inter State fro r the ruthless hand of the wage. Tne company has uirouga an tne ncissr tildes and trials of the pan century preserved Its orisuls .tion. and is now believed to be the oldest military organisation In the United tans. A early as ITltt they attached to their mili tary feature, a society for the support of tnelr ludlgent widows, orpnansand destitute ruem bn In this uoble cause of oharlty, tuot hsve xpended large sums from their own irlfste resources ; uieee nave I'een snauerea oy toe caiaajitleeofthewar This will be, as Is believed, the first military ceiii.nnlal celebration In these United Stales. The Fusiliers desire to orown this centennial. not only by giving interest and slf nlflcanoe te me occasion, out aiso oy placing npow a per manent basis, a fnrM far the relief or tbe wid ows and orphan! of in ir decsased roem' ers; these obJecU would Indeed be fit and grateful memorials of this historic occasion They therefore appeal with oosfld.nee to their tel. low cltistas throughout ths broad est ansa ol this union, wbot iiosrues, now enjoyed, they helped to achieve. Whatever donations may be given for these purposes will be gratefully aekuomedged. B OR ROTH, B.BOLLMAN, D. A. AMMR. WW KKOBKLOOH, Ja U.BSHIUettG, A. MIl;Kl', O.H.HrLl.BIV, ' JNO.KLIMOK, . O. t. WUTKKS, . F.V0H8ANTEN, Q K1KCRC. CO. ri.KNGE, D. MtTLLKR, B. RdHKNlUAL, Sptcial CmmUUt en Centrnmal. march 2 IHe tSuperior Court, NEW HANOVER COUNTT. Edward Kidder, Flslutlff, against Thomas H Bobbins and Adella 8M his wife. Tit Stat nf Xorth CnnliM, to Ike Shtriff iff A''e umortr iouniy, biMintf : Vos are hereby commanded to snmmoa Tboma H. Bobbins Bad Aiielia. bis wile, to appear at tbe next torm of ssid Uonrt, to be held at tbe Court Ho see In Wilmington, on the LloUi Mondav Biter tbe !i Mendat in Kebruarv. flRTn to answer the complaint of the fa'd plain tiff If tbe defendants ehsll rail to appear at that time, tbe Plaintiff will apply for thers- nei aemanaea in tne comntatiit, togetner witn the costs ol this action Of this snmmona make due return to the Clerk oi said Cowt fur the county of New Hau. ovr Or n ouder my hand and anal of laid Court, tnu ist day oi inarcu. isio. JAMES H EATON, Clerk of said Coart E. 8. Ma arm, Plaintiff's Attorney. In the above entitled aot'on n appearing to tbe satisfai tlonof tbe Court that tb. defend ants, J homs H Kobblna and Adella hi. wit., are DOn-residentsnr tills rotate. lttso' tiered that Mrvtoe of inmmiina b. bad upon them In the above entitled action by nubliev thin thereof onre In each week fee six succes sive weeks In the I'aiLT .tout sal, a newspev per published la the el yof Wl mlngton within tuts 41 suiciai 1IISUICS. JAMES BEATON. Clark Super lor Court, area a i.-ditawiw A. M.AA 1 SEW ADVIR1ISI5IZ3TX. Dissolution of Copartner- The eiartnrdilp her. to Aire existing ander Arm name and style of David M Weil Is this dtydlewlved by mataal eeaeent, H. R. Well having withdrawn from the firm. - . K. WBIL, A. DAVID. Feb.t7tb.irs. TTAVINO purchased the Intereat ef Mr. A 11 H. Weil la the law ftrai ef David A Well, iwlli eouttuae the bnal .ese at their old stand No. IT Market (treat, aaU respecU'ully aollolt a continuance of the patronage a liberally be Slewed apon the late firm. A. DAVID. Notice Mr. A. favtd wt'l settle all elalas agalnvt the late nisnof David W.ll. Fanlee ewiag Use tate Biai will please ea I and settle Imme diately, as Ue Books bust be eloeed. A.DAVID. asarck I Bl Im The Law and the Lady. A MUVEU ST WILBIIOOLMD, Anther of "Tbe Moonstone," "Armadale,' "'The Woman la Whlto," 'Basil," "The Dead Secret," Autonla," o., Jta . y rorlt HEINOBERGER'S Uve Book and Muaie Store, marah I M Notice. TTAVINO D1SPUHKD OF OUR 8 ADDLK XX Marnessand Trunk Bnslness. slock, Uood will and Book Accounts, In Wilmington, N. ()., to Meesrs. Carint.r A Mallard, we bsrsby tender our tbanks to a generous public for their liberal patrouage the lt Un yrars. and ask a continuance of the same to ourMuo nossors, who have been acceptably in aureni tilOT for many years and are thnvouuhly posted la tbe Mad-lie, llarnrss and Trunk Business In all its branches. Mersrs. Carpenter A Mallard will settle all claims contracted aalnst a In Wilmington, N. C , and collect debts dee us and receipt for the same. .: J. I. TOP HAM A CO. A. CarpwMter. J It. Mallard. Saddles. Harness, &c. SAVINO BOUGHT THK ABOVE MIN tiitnrd floods, we oter a lull stock of DDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kind of SJUDIDlaEinr GOODS, veryTow prices rer r.h or to prompt paying buyers. We respectfully solicit patronage. CAMPKNTBII MAM.ARD. tebl 81-lmnae Wagon Haterial- Axles, kprlngs, Holm, Bpokes, Rims. Tire Irou.Csst Whorls, Buggv Wheel.. Shafts, Heats, Trimmings, Bulky Wheels, Ao. All of the above goods sre A No. 1, and tor sale at the lowest oaah prices ol the Old Kstabllshtd Hardware Uiuse of ' JOHN D WHON, Nee. 19, md HI Maiket St. rSbIM M PAS8KN0KR DCPARTMKNT, WiLMtn aioa ,11.0,1 March 1st, 1870, The attention of North-hound travelers Is Invited to the fact that, commencing March 2d, 1175, entirely NEW PARLOR AND DRAW- r INC ROOM CARS, boill expressly for thla avrvice, and furnish il wlih due regard to comfort and elegance, will rnn on all DAT TRAIN! between WUmlng ton, N. U., and Portsmouth, Va., in dltect cemmunicattOB witn tna maguinceni Steamers of the Bay Line, Heats or compartments can be secured by UlesTsnh to tbe undeniined, by application to Conductors upon Night trains North, upon wtlminaton. tioinmhtac atmnsi nanroau. or 't icket agent at union u.pot. State Rooms and Berths i on the Dav (Line Stsamers can be secured by application to Conductors of Day trains upon tke seaboara n Hoeuoae nauro a, or Dy telegram to tue nnuersignea. Seneral Paeseager Agent feb2 Bl-2w Base Balls aiid Clubs, Tops and Marbles, In large Tariety. " Just arrived and for tale at G B. V. BTJNOE'S. N . E. Corner of Market and Seoond ate. fab ita ? . - . - - - 6i-tf THE LAST CARGO OF PRIME Is new offered to parchaaera In Bright New Packages, both Hogsheads and Barrels, at loweet market rate. ALSO ' UAR HOTJ8B MOLASSES, Maecovado, Sugar Drips, New Orleans Molasses, Baoon, Pork, Dry Salted Meats, I ard, Fish, Butter, and a full line of assorted Groceries. All Kindt of Wlnei and liquors At the lowest market prloe to good enrtomsrs. ADRIAN &VOLLER8 Corner of Dock and Front Street. febM Bl-tr In 8tore and to Arrife ! 5fl Colls I'otton Plow Mnea, Caska Traces, Jo Dosen Hamea, 80 IVissa dollars, BOO Plow, Tan Tore Plow Uastlan. too Dosen Heee. a I kinds, and everythini needed on a t laatatloa. tUadqnartere lor-uooper a loots. UIIE A MURCRtSON, W North rront Street, feb M II MISCELLANEOUS. THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every WeJneaJay at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, . JOSH. T. JAMISTeV CO. Hss a large and rapidly im'reasing rlrcals tloa la tbe Pee Dee country In North and South Carolina. Advertisers will and It the best medium In either ef the sister Statss tor reavblug tbe tarmsra, planters and merebanta. - 7Vi tsttmixfi local atUvrtUing xif ronage exhibited in itt column U (tent evUlmcit vf itt largt and Injliu n tial circulation. if apeelmsa copies, with rates fiw adves Using, sunt free, poeUg paid, on application to the aHtersineit, elih-r at WMIralioro er Wllmlsgiua. JU8 II. T.I A HICK AOO., ICdltoriand rronliois. febU 49 tf Look at this, Farmers! ft It 12 AT WKDUOTION IN 11CKH. KAA TONS Or THK OKUrBHA-rkU auf wall known SEA FOWL GUANO at tB7 00, on time until Novem ber I atv ALSO, 30Q T0N9 Doe Ammonia ted Super-Phoephete of Bone. This Is a new Phosphate which we are having manufactured expreieily lor our trade by P. Zall A Hon, of Baltimore, and which we will guarantee equal to any ether Fbosphato new ottered to the Trade. Price tB7 SO on time until No vember let 1878. " Liberal terms will be made tto Dealers b, E. I. COVINGTON, General Commleelon Merchant WILMINGTON, N.O. fobT :)-"m Who dr. rot want to Buy CLOTHING ataneitiaordlnarf LOW flOURK, had bet. ter net call on us. We shall continue the sale on Just sneh terms after March let. ; -- . MUNSON & O C1TT cLoTHIBRS. fab as ; bi "New Process" Empire Family Flour, Boat Hour la tbe World. Try It and we guarantee a savin g of 3D per cent. As waseapected It took tbe "prumlum" at the Fair lor making the PUUE8T, WH1TK8T and 8WBBTEST UBEAD One trial will convince you. The "Beet Butter In the World." always tb same and the only reliable elegant Butter In this city. Salad Dressing and Almnre's Mince Meat. At GEO. MYEKSV 11 and 13 South Front St. an 24 il Cheese. Sutter Bice and Lard. BO Boree Cheese, W Tub Butter, Ml Tierces and ttbln. Pice. AO Tierces and Tubs Lard. ' For sale by KJCKCMNEB m OALDEB BROS, leb ill 4 R ED AND WHITE ONION SETS. For isle by GRKEN A FLANHEH. Seeds I tSccds! Seeds! ' New Crop IR75, grown by Latdieth a Bu'at, - For sale by GHKEM Sc FLANNF.R, Drugglnts. feb IS 81IEM1Y BANlNER, Published weekly, at SHELBY. Cleveland County. N. 0.,at l M per annum, In ail Tsnee; bas a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation In nearly all the oonniies Wi't of Meckienbnrg. A iso, an extensive circulation In tbe omutine or Mpartanburg, York ai d Union, 8. O. HaJut been enlarged from a tvjntv to a tlilrtv-two column, and la now adorned with au entire new drese. Ill pnlilict an Democrat Tbe Carolina Central Hallway being now oi'mpieuxi tnrougn to wnnin(tn, an t Shelby lielng tlie WesUrn terminus, the Hmner is a most eicellent advertising medi um. Bain moiUraU. DUKHAM St WF.BB. Kdltors and Proprietors, fob 10 M-tf Bacon and Fork. i .... 75 Boxea D. 8, Sides, 50 " Smoked " 20 " Bboaidors, 80 bbls Pork. For sals by KEROHNKR A OALDEB BROS- feb 18 41 A Distiller Wanteds MAN WITH NO FAMILY,- WHO CAN make White Roein, and bring aatlsfactory references; logo to Mobile, Ala. Apply to JAMES 0. alSVCMION. ' tilt EW ALVEWISISnJUTS. BEO WN- & I EODDICK ' . OFFER I r Special Inducements; , HAHBUBG EDGINGS AND IHSEBTI01IS This AVoek. All Cottons are Advancing. Iu view of thin w bate made yryhi&ij purohaHCB Utej, and are now , prepared to gie em ratrona the aihautoge i for a abort timo, bnt woad ad vine all wlja are ia Waul oX auoU to make tlioir pntpbaBOB AT ONCE. 1 I The balance of all our Flannel at rriooa Uiat CANNOT FAIL to "meet tie ; . 1 approbation of all. . ' A Job Lot of Kid Clovo8"Worth8l 50,' felling for .60 Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASHONE PRICENO SAMP' ES CUT.' BBOWN & RODDICK, s-r . t,-.- vwwvi .tfc,v - . ' la- i ovirxvjL. . .raWJll-:, ..J .. ..i lJk i IVvVO mmU FMIFICEMB CO.; PRICES REDUCED THI8 DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE UDNDltRi) TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO . for nal, eitlinr fotf OAHII or on OUOL TIME. Libornl tnrma will b mde witn MorouanU ami other Muuilti parties priooa. Commission Metobsnti, Aentsfur racllloUusiia Kub-Ja gents lor the Sale V. M. IHO.X ., (J. ltIIAW.. ...... Ja0 8l ! . :; E. PRANK COS'S Immoniakd Mune I'liosplnite. tff 'TO .IU Or TUB AIIOVR WFI.Ii JJ knewn ami valuable rortlllscr. sor sale lor caiti or on crou time sitllalsoUiry security. Liberal discount on lots. O. Q. PARSLEY tt CO. febl tf Bacon, Pork and Coffee. Boxes U, 8. Hblet sod (boulders, SO " Smoked Biclos ami Shotililers,' H$ BMs. Pork, 100 bags Cofft a. , forsale by - ' - ' KCKUIINElt tk OAlillEH B 110(1, fb in tl Hay! Hay! Hay ! tQQ BALES EAHTEKN HAY, N. K. HAY, Fur eale by KEKUHNKHA ( A 1,1) Kit HKOH. feb 28 Bl riantihg Totatoes! I Q BBI.B. K. R. POTATOES, 100 " .K.Fetatoea. Forsaleby KCKuHNBK A CAIjDEH BROS. fsbv Bl Corn Corn Corn. 5 000 Bt?alIltw ooBN' ror sale iy KERUHNEIl A CAUlKll HKOH' lei. t I' Musical Instruments. VIOLINS, BANJOS, -FIFES, ' ACC0RDE0N3, HARMONICAS, , JEWS nARPS and SUEET MUSIC. For dale at tbe City Hook Store. ' , , ALSO . CHROMOS, STEEL EN0R1VINGS and . STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, COXOLEY & YATES' City Book Store- No. 47 Maiket Street. fob US i oi !1 150 HHD3. NEW CHOP CUBA, , jQ BBtiS, NKW CROP CUBA, ' . J rorsale low by WILLIAMS A MURCniSON.4' leb 21 i vs-. . , ' nilUTIUP N KATLY KXKOUTEOoa rillri I InU tbe shortest notice) and at the most reaaouaUia te ms at tbo jouitNAjj orriua. t tit 45 Market Street. in ii ajmssasamai isws an ar - mmi, .nuisiiiew r '"' ' '' " ' ; ,; - "... f ill am i . I a . . : J L ivm tw e ftn m w tj. m iw,t $1,000,000. to noil tuis uunuo at our warono Co., and Dealera In V. 1 Peruvian (hisno North Watku Htrbet, IVIMtllNOTUi'V, iw. i of Soluble Paciilc (Juano. Old Hundred, . a ., Marlnu.B.U. .1 i 7-Smd&vr "1 Vila Our Stock: at Cost to Close Out Same. . r BRUSSELS AT l 15 and l 20 8-PLY CARPETS, 1 80 ALL WOOL Do. 85 to 81. Cotton and Wool Do. 55 to 60 Cta. ' Cotton., 40 to 43 Cta. for cuhIi only. ' D. A, SMITII A CO. . ' fVb tt -" ' ' 1 , ' tf : A.rr Satisfactory Prices .. Are tlie msvaei boylng , l$4l D. PICOTT, Tobacconlat, At i Market Street, South aide, head of th Market, febiil ' ' J 500 BABUKLS ' AKDIIAir BABIKU Choice Family Flour, 'i Under eur own Bra d. ' ' 1 "WIIITHBOSHI,' " ' ' (', ' , rAVOUITE," ' "COOK'S OWH," UAiirjiiio .. .. : s aud "JSSPKttASZA.rt ' Best gradol or FlmMn tbls city. ". ' ( ) CIIA& D. MYERS & CO., ': : B AT North Front ot : Apples, Cranberries, W UITE ONIONS AN1 IABL and PLANTING POTATOES. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., ' ,,6 47 North Front St. - feb 98 . ".r'' ' ' 61 i 700 Bushels ' Corn, ! FRKSHWATKH GROUND MEAT, every'' diy from Prime White Baltimore Corn at . , ' . ! , i QK-ANT A HISTON'3, " . ' 1 City Depository for Uctlhermi'eMllle.' 1 feb8 - i. ... - l-ltdftw SWEENY'S ; HOTHTJ, . NEW YORK. ; . On tbe European plan. To meet the down- town requirvnicnisoiiuiied by oloslnx the Astot ! Housa, thla well-known and fiornlur Hotel ia thoronglily .. raaovatexl, retuinUhvd, sn.t Is clean aa a now plu. Lailie. accompanied by their hasbanils. or properly Introduced, will And home comforu and (inlet, l-adim' dining room w parlor floors CCf THIS OUT. fob 14 .. I!)jtwtw. WEDDIKG CAnDS-SWS tbomoM iMbionabl. atjl. of ca i t