A- iV . VV v V.-IIO. 53. UmmiGTOIT, 17. C., 7EDITE3DAY. IIARCH 3. 1875. unoii: no. acn. I i in -i , T7tt.t,tt?:gton. n. c.: ;. XIAHC3. 8. 1875. m TuLE-CHAPH. QUARTERS. THE FINANCE BILL IN THE :-. ' ; ' SENATE, x DILL READ A SEC OND TIME. bill passed in the . house.. TAX THE - PRESIDENT OP THE . UNITED STATES AS A - llUilDIXOi. dSTlt EIGHTS AT ALEXANDRIA. ' WahhihotoH, March 2 Noon San atb The amendment to tax tea and coffee 10 oenta per pound wu lost yeas 6; nays 60. , Mr. Johnson's amendment, eioept ing ' tobaooo already manufactured from tha operation of ' the increased tax, waa adopted by a vote of 28 to 26. Mr. Jonea then moved to lay the bill fin the tflhlA. whinh wu named h a role ol 30 to 29. u 1 , g I Adjourned at 12:30 A, M.' ' The force bill waa read in the Sen ate a second time by title, bat objec tion waa made to ita third reading, and it wu laid over, no motion being made to refer it to any oomtmttee. , I Thi House; -At A: M, passed the sundry civil appropriation bill, having been in aesaioa upon it from 7 o'clock P. 11, and then adjourned. r To-day the Honaa had before it the tax -bill for the District of Columbia, and paaaed it, fixing the rate of taxa tion at 1 per eent on real and on per sonal PTer?, i4 abolishing the represe tai n cl th District by , a de'aUia Ouflgreaavi. ; ' XiAHHiNOTOif, March ,2 Night A full Oebir t met at noon and adjourn ed at 1 o'clock, when they went to the Ccpito in a body and made personal p"al ta behalf of a tariff. l'h''t esyi:,ThaPreHident, with aeveral membera of the Cabinet, in- uiuu IK IBB 1 1 1UUJW HIIU IWUV on wJ Avvorney-General Williams, tt thA fsnitr.l tsuA-9 J And arhila tueie Lad a conference with the lead ing 1 prcectaiivea ; and t Senators r to t'' tax-biil laid on the table j . The President and mem- I c. j cf Ue Cabinet present nrgtd the ' ,ir-r ax aUra neceaaity of taking the bill from the table and passing it, and it is ttdsrstood that an effort in that di hWctlci wtmld be made, - 0. H, Pohin has been nominated as PenpaBttIlaleigh, N. O. , Lorenso Thomas, for a long time Adjutant General, ia dead. , .Uo The bill regulating the tax The tax tl II pel eent. - Church prop erfc, aotuauy used for ohuroh pur f . I exempt. f f . LJt Hoar, of Massachusetts, from ,1! i Paleot Committee to inquire wl.. -iir the privileges of the House bad beca violated by the arrest of Whitelaw need, a witness before a Commits of ,th House at the in kwuice of Alex. B. Bhephard, submit ted a report and recommended the pa" 9 of t bill declaring witnesses be e' ".cr branch of Congress, or a t ....9 thereof, not subject to the survios of any civil process or any claim or cause of aotion arising prior to suoh appearance while ooming to V.Tf ' " on Irhile in auoh attendatc or. uiui aXter a reasonable time to re turn. The rules were suspended and the till passed by a vote of 131 to S3. The credentials of Maxey, from Texas, were presented. EuSffiTS Liogan called up tne Dili to equalize bounties. It was passed by the easting vote of Vice-President Wilson.. It was claimed during the . discussion that it takes not less than thirty nor more than one hundred millions from the Treasury. The Biver and Harbor bill was re ported without amendment or recom mendation. Calendar. The Senate is in session to-night on &a tax bill which was taken from the LOUISIANA, . THE DEMOCRATS OPPOSE THE WHEELER COMPROMISE. THEY RENEW THEIR DETERMI T . NATION TO PRESS THEIR : '" CLAIMS BEFORE CON- OBESS AND THE AiV, COUNTRY. d :i " ' . ., Naw Oblxins, March 2 Noon The Committee of Seventy have adopted resolutions that in their opin ion, the members of the legislative caucus who voted to accept Wheeler's proposition, do not, reflect the views and wishes of the Democratio-Gon aervative people of the State. That the Committee deem Wheeler's com promise unwise, impolitio, and ut terly subversive of the rights and principle t for whioh they have been contending. That they adjure those members of the United States Senate who are friendly to the cause of Louisiana to oppose, by all means in their power, the passage of the lo, oint resolution recognizing the Eel- nr - povernraent. That thev an- nouuuo, 0 j behalf of the Democratio- Conserv " 'ra, .teopla of , Louisiana, their unalterable resolution to contin ue tt ejOiia the Kellogg government, and to prosecute Louisiana's cause brfore Coc jrees and the people of the Uci'sd Ctates, regardless of the aotion of the members of the Conservative canons who voted to accept Wheeler's eomiToroiee, , , Kkw Obleans, March 2 Night r 't ConRorvative Hnnatnrs have t ' 1 t:w'r st ttefc-'tate Hovao, MAINE. MUTTERIN03 OP THE GATHER- " ISO STORM. WHAT MAINE THINXS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS AND FORCE BILLS, . ..t DEMOCRATIC TRIUMPHS AT PORTLAND AND KESNEBUNK, PoRTLiND, March 2 Noon. The Democrats yesterday elected their Mayor by a majority of 436, against a T 1 . 1 . r r ,n xwuoiican majonij iasi jvta 01 ovt. K nnebunk has gone Democratic by a large majority for the first time in eighteen years. Anocsr a, March 2 Noon Lewis E. Norton, the assistant Postmaster at Pittsfleld, has been arrested for rob bing the mail He oonfeesed. EUKOPE. AN EFFORT TO MODIFY THE , FORCE BILL IN IRELAND. BUFFET RE-ELECTED PRESI- DENT OF THE FRENCH , ASSEMBLY. in "1 ' JOHN MITCHELL'S HEALTH FAILING. v ANOTHER TERRIBLE RAILROAD I ! ; ACCIDENT. London, March 2 Noon In the House of Commons Sir M. H. Beach, Chief Secretary for Ireland, introduc ed a bill leasening the - penalties for the unlawful, possession of .arms in Irelaud, and repealing the btw author- izmg tne closing of public houses; the arrest of persons found out of doors at sight in proclaimed districts, and removing restrictions on news papers. He stated that the govern ment intended to re-enact laws against ribbonism in Westwreath, as it had been assurred that the ribbon conspi racy existed as strong as ever there, He pointed to the fact that John Mitchell wu elected to Parliament because he had declared that he never would consent to be at peace with England. And he alluded to the re turn of numerous emigrants from America who said tbey had acquired the Western vioas and forgotten their Irish virtues. These were reasons for not wholly removing the restrictions on the possession of fire arms in Ire. land. . ? QThe Marquis of Huntington, the new Mberal leader, supported tne bill, which passed its first reading. k John Mitchell is utterly prostrated in health. He has frequent fainting fits and it is tnougnt tbat be will be compelled to withdraw from the elec tion ooiitest in Tipperary. Pabis, March 2 Noon The Assem bly to-day re-elected M. Buffet Presi dent, by a vote of 479 to 63, the ma jority being larger man tne Assembly ever gave before for President. This snows that JUuflet wiu command a strong majority in the House if he suooeed in form a Ministry. Messrs. Martel, D'Audiffret, Pas quier Kerdrel and Pieroel were elected Vice-Presidents. , London. March 2 -Night There was a railroad "accident near Lich field, Staffordshire; 80 persons were injured. ELECT1UC1S5IS. Parse, Knight, Comly and others, heavy holders of the North. Pennsyl vania railroad securities, have pur chased the entire stock held by the city of Philadelphia, aggregating 80, 800 shares, to prevent the Pennsylva nia railroad getting that road, whioh is to be part of the new through line to New York. Ninesteamersinthe iceoff Cape Cod have signals or distress. The ice is carried about the bay by the wind and current. In consequence of the Civil Rights bill, and fearing trouble, both tf the principal hotels at Alexaudria, Va., nave cancelled their licenses, and olosed. , Nearly all the railroads centering at Detroit are running passonger trains, but freight trains have been sus pended. SPECIAL. Then la great litlsfaetion In putting on an Elmwood collar. No polling tbii wy and tbat way, as it BU at onoe. Cramps and pains In tbe stomacb re the re suit of tmperftct indigestion, end mj be im mediately rellered bvadoea of Jobneon's Ano. dyne Liniment A teatpoonful in a little sweet ened water is a dose. HeeT? oati are good for horses; none will de ny uiai; Dai oii cant mate a norse's ooai iook smooth and nlonr when be Is out of condition. Sheridan's Uavalry Condition Powders wlil do iuuwn.naii.iMi.il.. Native Pearl Versus Porcelain. Dentist's wear Is a poor substitute for Na ture's. Let those whj 10 believe, use Ue BOZOOONT, which. If dally applied, will pre. vent all neceislty for false teeth by keeping tbe real ones sound and healthy. Comaumptlvea, Take Notice. Every moment of delay makes your core more hopeless, end much depends on the Jo. dlcious choice of a remedy. The amount of Hiumony in ibtt 01 ur, Bcnercil rulmonio Byrup, as a cure far eonsnmptton, far exceeds all Uat oan be brought to support the preten sions of any other medicine. See Or. Schenek'a Almanac, containing Ue certificates of -many persons of Ue highest respeotabilily, who have been restored to health, after being pronoun. eed Incurable by pbyrtclana of acknowledged ability. Bcbenck's Pulmonic Syrup alon- has cured many, as these evidences will show; bat Ue cure Is often promoted by the employment of two other remedies which Dr. Bohenck pro vides for the purpose. Tkess additional reme dies are Bchenok'a Sea Weed Tonle aud Man. drake Flits. By the timely net or Uese medi cines, according to directions, Ur. Boneoek certifies that uot any case of Conromptlon may be cred. ' Dr. Bcheackls professionally at his prlncl. pal office, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Moudny, where all letters lit advice must be addressed. TRIBITE or REVPECT. At a meeting of the Wllmtngtoe Reok asd LMontxiauoT fie. l, seta sttroa im, a oum- nil tee tti pointed to itrart nwl.tioiu ei prfutTe or tbe mum of Ue Cupnyla1h loaief tk.ir oomrade Uaoaea P. tUrrLia. Tee l emmHtee have pisp.redaad adopted Ue Was.siS. It b plesS the Almighty, la Ue exeroue ef Un wim PrarideBoe. la remove from our mld oar friend acd brother suem- her tteorge r. Happier, and esirlng to place on record our testimony of his character aad eur anpr.ol.tloe ar bts yirtaee. It It hereby Kitohti, 1 hat In Ue death of our late broth er tbe Com paay mourn the tea. of one ef its oiaeet m.moe sana one 01 ire eariieet Fore men, who mTer shrank from any port or any duty, but was always promt and tfflolent and va. always to be Men wher danger la time of or we. mri imminent Kfoi4. That as a eltiaea he was honnt aad Indutrioas, klad-hearted and geaereee, liberal to iboae in need and ever ready te lead a help ing hand to the tick and ea taring. RrwlMd, That his name be written a no a a blank page la tbe reooideef our Company, wli h Ue date of hie deoeeee, eadCjbat we wear the badge ef moaialog lor Ue cutomary pa rted. MeioltJ, That we tender te the family of anr deceased comrade ear etarere sympathy, In 'hie, their boerof smtelloa. Rttolrrd, T at a eopv ef these resolutions b sntttbe JooasALaad Star, wllhaieqaeet for publication, M.r Stobt, : R. W ASDKIWS. J.I. Maaasa, ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mechanio's Building and Loan ' Association! HB STlk RKUULAB MONTHI.VMEIT inc will be held at tlie Hibernian Hall. Front street, (old library Rooms,) this even ing, at ix e ciocE. 0. 8. KT.US, Secretary aud Treasnrer. 80-lt marohi Pee Dee Courier. UK THS MKKCH ANTJ OF WILMIMO. ton aware that the Cornier I the only Demo cratto pxper paWlshed la Recklugham, and that It elroalatet eUnsiyely In Blohmond, Montgomery and Auon oounlltsf Kates ef advertising liberal and ne eitia charges mads tor changing advettlssments weekly. DUCKXTT EKVIW, march l-tf Editors. Thomson's Malacca, Indo china, and China. Tba Straits of Malacca. Inde-Cblna and Ohtoa; or, Ten Tears' Travels, A dventares, and kVsidenoe Abroad. By J. Themsra, F. A. u. autnor or uiunrauonsor unina ana He People." With over 60 Illustrations from the Author's ewa ruotographs and S ketch ee Sro, VloU, S4. " For sals at ;f, 't .'; ''':, yy: HCirJCDERCERQ ' UM Book and allele Store. - - martk I AS AT AUCTION. Mr. Osbilel Mare, of Woodslde. Qaeens connty, Mew York, la here on bis firth annual visit t this olty with a choice collection of Oamella daponlcas, darnetlon Pinks, a gen eral assortment of Hoses, some very flue ; Hyaointns in nioom; a seieeuea or opring Plant, too numerous to mention, all of whioh win be sold at our salesroom at Auction, on Thursday, Maroh 4th, 187S, commencing at II o'clock A. M. T The Ladlts ars eipeelaUy Invited to at tend Ibe sale. CBONLT MUKBIS, Auctioneers, Krai Estate and Stock Brokers, mare 1 1 ., 68- St The Law and Lady, By Willie Collins. "HEARTS AND HANDS. " By Miss Fisher. "HITHERTO," a story of yester day, bj Mrs. wnitney. "WHITE AS BNOW." Garrett. At By Edward TriE CITY OOOK8TORE. Ghromos CHRIST HEALING THE SICK. A beautiful Chromo by the Rev. Jas. A. Oertel, and a large variety of other Chromos and Engravings. For sale by - tCONOLEY A YATES, . 7 Market Street. march I - 1 Bt Foreclosure Sale -or- By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mew Hanover county In a oertaln aotion wherein - tepben D. Thruston, tl ol., Is plain US and Joseph H. Men and wile are der.nd. ants, made at Pall Term, 1174, the under signed, UominMOBsr and Beferee named In antddecree, will otter for sale at Psblio A ac tion at tue Oourt Houee door in the city of WIU mlngton, on MONDAY, the sthdayof April n-xt, at 13 o'eloek. Uat valuabls piece ot Heal Kttste situate on Water street and known a. tbe Verandah Haloon, together wiU the Ware House and yard adjoining tbe same en Wilkin son'. Alley. Tbe flret lot, beginning on TJrquhart'e line one hundrtd and Br- (100) feet from Front reet, running thence westwardly along ra'd line to Water street, Uenee north atdly along Water street tweaty-two (?S) leet to the bul'd lugs lately occupied by James Anderson A Co ; thenoe parallel with tbe first mentioned line eastwardly to within one liui.dred and U e (106) feet of Front street and thenoe south wardly tweaty-two () feet to Ue beginning. Al.bO. a 1M wlih toe tenement thei eon, br. Inning on Wilkinson's Alley, ninety-two 4Wi root seven (7) tnnhea from Pront street and running soutbwsrdly thirty-four fset tew Inch es (St feet 10 inches), Uenoe westwardly eigh teen fset sight Inehes (IS feet t inches), Uenoe riarallel with the first line tMrty.foar feet ten nches (31 reet 10 inohee) to WiUin. n'e Alley, thenee eastwardly along Wilkinson's alley eighteen feet eight Inches (IS feet t luebee) to tbe beeluning. Also tbe use or an alley ten feet wide on the norU side ef the first de scribed lot as It baa been formerly used. The above dsnrl bed property being apart of Ui. 4 and 5 In rliock 101, as laid oat In tbe official map- f the city, Terms of tale oesk. ....- v ALKI.T. LONDON, Beferee and Oamailwloner.' maroh t' M-St-Marl,14,21,UdlApleth l-ri GOTTEN liLt..i I . J md printed PLANT XZW AD YESTISIIIST I. Auction Bale. THIS DAT ( Wednesday, Mares Id, 1871,) at is e owes a. m ., at eur saiearooms, FCBNITTJBI, CBOCKEBT, wlU sundry articles saved from Ue lata fire. CRONLT m MOKBIS, - Auctloaeers, Real Estate and Btoek Brokers. marca ai For Eent! PT1HB BRICK STORK on Soith east corner otFront and Princess streets, sew occupied by Harry Wsbb as a BesUaraat and Bar Room Posasanon given Immediately. - Apply to march 1 4t JUNIUS DAVIS. Just Received! WKHAVB JUST BJtOtlVED A LOT Of TUB HANDSOMEST Ladies' and Gentlemen's FINE NHOEN That has ever been altered for sale la this mar. ktt. EVANS A VonOLAHN. march! fit-am 1773. 1875. CENTENNIAL -or THE- 7. CHARLESTON, S, O. Ths German fusiliers of C liar lei ton, South Cnrolina, will oelebrate their uentenulal Au. nlversary on the third uf May, IsIS, wiU osre. monies appropriate to so Interesting an occas ion. In 1T7S. one hundred years ago, and before the tieelararton ef Independence, the Oerman etttsentof Charltston rallied to Ue itandard of American Liberty. They organised a corps ror us aerence er tne voionies in us great war for freedom and rendered renal service in Ue . esUbllthment of self-government. 1 heir re. cord la Ue Revolutionary struggle la a matter of history. Their services during Uat msmo- raoie eonicss, uaoer uenerai liiaooLn or me Continental army, and at ths tiegee of Savan nah ana Charleston ana on other battle Balds are proad testimonials of Uetr patriotism and devotion. Tbey sealed their devotion to that eause wiia ui pioou arm uvea vi many si Uetr n ambers. InUlS Ue Oerman rnsUlers were again called upon to assist In Ue delenoe ot tbe coast, and ta lias, when the bloody tomahawk of thetSemtnole drenched the plains of Florida wiU tte blood of Its people, and Ue cry for succor was again wafted to tbe shores ot Caro lina, the Worms Fuel lists, animated by the spirit ef la, volwateered their service, and aWd m redeeming tbebr si Her State troa the ruthless hand efUe savage. The oompany has through alt the violssl tndeeaadulalsofths east eenturr u reserved Its organlBstloB, and Is bow believed te) be the eldest military organisation la Ue United States. As early as 1193 they attached to their mill. Ury feature, a society for the support of Uetr Indigent widows, orpbansand destitute mem bers. In this noble oause of charity, tbey have expended large sums from their own private resourees; tneee nave neea snaHereo oy us calamities of ths wsr. This will be. as Is believed, tte first military centennial celebration. In Uess United Stales. The Fusiliers aeeire to erowu in is osuienniaj, not ealy by giving Interest aad slgnlfioenoe to Ue occasion, but also by placing pnon a per manent basis, a fund for the relief of tbe wid ows aud orphans of their deceased ioemiers; those cojeots wouiu inueea ne nt ana grsieiui memorials of this historic occasion. Tbey therefore appeal wlU confidence to their fel low eltl sens throughout ths broad expanse ef this Union, whote liberties, now enjoyed, Uey helped to achieve. Whatever donations may be given ror these purposes will be gratefully nokn.wl.dged. H fJEBDTB, B, BOLLMAN, . D. A.AMMB, Wu KriOBKLOOH.Ja O.BKURUBBB. , A.MKNKR, 0. H. HILLKlf. J NO. KLINUK, O. F. WIRTERS, F.VOHSANTKA, Q KIEOKK. 0.0. PLENQE, D.MULLRR. X, ROSKNTH AL, Rectal C'emsHt en Centennial. march) M-lw Dissolution of Copartncr- ship. Tbs eopartnershln beretofor. existing under Arm asms and style of David Well Is tbls day dissolved by mutual consent, S. 8. well naviDi wuuarawn irom uie nrm, B. R.WEIL, A. DAVID. Feb. TUb, 1879. TTAVINQ pnrohased tbe Interest of Mr. 4 m a, a. vvvi in y iiw arm oi astiu cs rrii, iwlll eontlnae tbe buel ess at their eld stand No. ST Market ntreet, and respectfully solicit a continue noe or the patronage as liberally be stowed upon the late Srss. A. DAVID. ITotice. Mr. A. David will settle all claims against tbe late fltm of David at Well. Parlies owing tbe late firm will please ea I and settle Imme diately, as the Books must be closed. A. DAVID. march t 81-1 m Notice. AVINO DISPOSED OP OUR 8ADDLK . Marnessand Trunk Bnslnwe. stock. Good U., to Messrs. Carpenter A Mallard, we hereby tender onr thanks to a generous publlo for their liberal patronage the last ten years, and ask a continuance of the same to our Suc cessors, who have been acceptably In eur em ploy for many years and are thoroughly posted In the Haddle, Harness and Trunk Business in all Its branches. Messrs. Carpenter A Mallard will settle all claims contracted against u in Wilmington, N. C , and eolleot debts due ue and receipt for tbe same. J. 8. TOPHAM AOO. A. Cavrpositer. J H. mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVING BOUGHT THE ABOVE MEN tlnrd Goods, we ofi'er a lull (took ef SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kinds of SADDLERY QOOJDS, VERYALOW PRICES For Caah or to prompt paying buyers. We respectfully solicit patronage. CAMPENTEB A MAM.AHD. leb 0 Il-lmnao Wagon llaterial. Ailes, springs, Hobs, 8 pokes, Rims,' Tire Iron. Cast What Is, Buggy Wheel. Bharta, Heats, Trimmings, Sulkv, Wheels, Ae. All of tbe sbove goods are A No. 1, and for sale at the lowest cash prices ot tbe Old Established Hardware Iljuss of JOHNDaWSON, Nos. 19, W and 111 Jlrwket St. feb (1 HISCZLIASEOUS. THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every Wednesday at WADESBOKO, ANSON COUNTY, " Bt josh. t. jamis:aco. Bts a large and rapidly Increasing circula tion In Ue Pee Dee country In forth aad South (Jsrollna. Advertiser, wilt find It Ue best medium In either ef Ue sister Slates lor reaching the farmers, planters ana merchants The extendi local advertising pat ronape exhibited in it$ columnt i the ben eiidenee of tti large and influen tial circulation. tr Specimen eoptoe, wlU rats, for adver Using, sent free, postage paid, on application tethe undersigned, either at Wadcaboro er Wilmington. - JOBH.T. JAMBS A OO., Kdltorsand Proprietors, fsaai so tf Look at this, Farmers! GREAT niCDUOTION IN PItlCES. ) AA TONS or THE OKLBBBATBD anyVsll knows 8IA FOWL CUANO at toy BO, on tlma until Novem. bar 1st. ALSO, OnnTONS P Dea Ammonia. tad 8uper-Phoaphate of Bona. This Is a nsw Phosphate which w. are having anoufactursd siprsssly lor oar trade by P. tell a Son, of Baltimore, and which we will guarantee eaual to any nthar Phosphate now oltbred to Ue Trade. Pries tor BO on tlma until No- vembar I at. I87B. SET Liberal term will bt made to Dealers IB. IV COVINGTON, Oanaral Commlsalott Merchant' WILMIKUTOB.ri.a rebT C XS-tm PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WlLmaeToa, M, 0., March 1st, 1S7S Th. .M.nlln. KJnr.k.k, tin. I (.aVmIm.. Is InvUmt to ibe fkot that, oommenelna March M, WB, entirely NEW PARLOR AND DRAW ING ROOM CARS, built eiprsssly for this ssrvloe, and furnished wlih dus regard to comfort and elegance, will run on ail DAY i bsini usiwesu wiiniuig ton, N. 0., and Portsmouth, Va., lu dlreut esmniunioatioa wiu uie msgniacent Steamers of the Bay Lino, Beats er 'compartment ean be secured by telerraoh te tba anderttined. by application to Conductors upon Night trains North, upon Wilmington, uoiumDia m augnsia jsaiiroaa, Or iicaet Agent at union vepui. State Rooms and Berths uron the Bar Llna Steamers can be secured by application to Conductors of Day trains upon the Seaboard A Koanoke Katlro d, or by telegram to tne unaertigneo General Parssnger Agent feb 61-aw Base Balls and Clubs, Tops and Marbles, la large variety. Just arrived and for sale 0 H.W. BUNGE'S, U.K. Corner of Market and Second Bts. fob2S 81-tf THE LAST CARGO OF PBIHE Is now offered to purchasers In Bright New Packages, bota Hogsheads and Barrels, at lowest market rate. ' ALSO , SUGAR HOTJ8E MOLASSES, Macov1o, Sugar Urlpe, Mew Orleans Molasses, Bacon, Pork, Dry Baited Meats, Lard, Pish, Butter, and a full line of assorted Groceries. All Kinds of Winei and Uqnori At ths lowest market prloe to good enstomers, ADRIAN & VOLLERS ; Corner of Dock and Pront Streets. " feb pahties : ;, Who dc not want to Bny at an eittaordlnary LOW FIGURE, bad bet. ter not cell on us. Ws shall continue the sale en Just such terms after March 1st MUKSON & 0 OITT OLOTHISBS. fsb M tl I Tf I'HOI NET7 ADVSTI3I2IiT3. BEOW & EODDIOK OFFER Special Inducements EAIIDURQ EDQniGS AND HISERTI0II3 This Week. All Cottons arc f Advancing. In view of this we bava node very heavy purchases lately, and are now prepared to give our ratrona the advantage for a short time, tint would ad vise all who are iu want of snoh to make thoir pui chases AT ONCE, Clearing Out The balance of all onr Flannels at prices approbation A Job Lot of Kid Cloves-worthSI Selling for .00 Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-MO SAMPUS CUT. f BKOWH & RODDICK, 45 Ilarket Street. mm At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At f?i!$0jpor Ton, Cash, or $38.0 WU QrABAllTaTtfiSbspreviousHtghara mi R. B BBIDOERS, "Jl. D. MoRK, Treasurer, It. niHr iTVMunri - - U. L. UBAlrrUM. auperlnW-i koi. . jane. GAlWJULl4 PATH 1 11UI& PRICES REDUCED THIO DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will bs mds with Merohaiits and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at onr Wareho i prioes, stst Commission Merchants. Agouti for PaoittoUuane Sub-Agents for the Sale V. II. OIRNOIV 0. SJMAHAITI Jan II E. FRANK COE'S AanmatnisUeW Bona fboephale, trr TO.S8 OP THE ABOVE WELL IUU known and valnable Fertiliser. For sale lor cab or on crop time satisfactory security. Liberal discount on lots. O. Q. PARSLEY A CO. 1 rsbl 41) tr Bacon, Fork and Coffee. Boxss D. . Bides and Shoulders, M " Smoked Sulci and Shoulders, M Bbls. Pork, 100 Bags Ooflee. For sale by r..- KEKUHNER A OALDER BROS, feb M SI Hay! Hay I Hay! 300BAUCSA8TXHNHAV' 100 " M B HAT' , For sale by KKROBNEKA CALDER BROS; feb 2S . II Planting Potatoes! JgQ BBLi. . R. POTATOES, 1 HA " ? .E. Potatoes, a vv For sale by KEBOHNKR CALDER BROS. f.bVS 11 Musical Instruments. YIOLINS, , BANJOS, FIFES. ' AOCORDEONS, HARMONICAS, JEWS HARPS and SHEET MUSIC. For sale at the City Book Store. .. .also CHROMOS, ' ' STEEL ENGRAVINGS and ' STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, AT CONOLEY t YATES' City Book Store. No. 47 Maiket Street. feb IS si T ED AND WHITE ONION BETS. , IX For sale & YLLmtRt Seeds ! Seeds I Seeds! Kew Crop 1RT8, grown by Landietb A BuUt, For sale by CKT-'N A FLAW"?, that CANNOT FAIL to meet the of all. . . 60. WE OFFER OUR STAND ABB FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Faotory, at tho following lllOUCID PItlCES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; , payable 1st of November next, a Of onr FertllUers shall bs fully Maiktaiksd uftUAQOfi minim pnnpv ItHf HOOH UUrtilU UUiirh.il WILMINGTON. N. C. -o.i-d&wm. S5BI eont.eas 1 a werl . - ' Wi P ., sill lav Wr r- B1.GOO.OOO. 0 " . ... jaT sr -ra a ar- w a Co,, and Dealers In No, I PeruvlsnOuano . WOBT1T WATER BTBBKT, ! , WILRllNU'rUN, N. of Soluble Pacittc Guano. .....Old Hundred, N. O. gl-amddiw CARPETS. Our Stock at Cost to Close Out Same. BRUSSELS AT $1 15 and $1 20 8-PLY CARPETS, 1 80 ALL WOOL Do. 85to$l. Cotton and Wool Do. 65 to 60 Cts. Cotton. . ..... . . ..... 40 to 15 Cts. For cash only. D. A. SMITH A CO. fsb a . , -tf . Satisfactory Prices , Are the maesee buying , O. PIQOTT, Tobacconist i ' At HI Market Street, South side, head of the Market. feb 31 . 45 500 BARRELS AMD RAl.P BABRBLS 500 Choice Family Flour Under our own Bra d. "WHITE ROSE," -FAVORITE," " and "ESPERANZA." Best grades of Fkur In this city. CHAS. D.MYERS A CO., Sesl North Front St Apples. Cranberries, TTHU'K ONIONS AND TABLE and . CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., '' 5 A? North Front t. tab II" ' J ' " Ai In Store and to Arriro ! AO Colls Totton Plow Lines, S Cases Trs'es, lb Dosen Hon4. 30 IHiun t'.ollnr, ftr) lto, 1'en Tors Plow Ostinn, DottoII.i, i fclml. ami everytltUis nUMl on a I Hadiartere lor t:oier'a I ws. 6H.f ' ' " ' tlXX A TTfl I 111 m,. e w 1 m

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