(tiff iff 0 07 ' r ! . VOL XXIV.-HO. 54. winmioTOH, n. c, Thursday, harch 4. 1875. 7H0LE HO. 6,018. WILMINGTON fl. a; TgUESDAY. MASCH. 4. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. t HEADQUAUTEIIS. the TARiff bill passed the SENATE. ENORMOUS ORGANIZED RAID ' ON THE TREASURY. TREMENDOUS A PRESSURE BUSINESS IN THE HOUSE. OF , THE FORCE BILL ALMOST DEAD IT IS DOUBTFUL IF IT WILL BE CALLED UP IN THE SENATE. COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO '" '-NOT TET IN, .;,' WashikoW, March 3 Noon Tie , Tariff and Tax bill pissed .the Peuale alter mia-cight, witbout ; amendment, bj a vote of. 00 to '. It goes totn President to-day for his siirnatnre. The Bounty bill goes , to the Houae (or ttf concurrence. IT was amended so as to allow the Government to bor- row money-to meet the wants of the bill. There i another, amendmHDt that soldier! shall not baoharged with DounuMptua went vy mates, wmou it is claimed will swell the drain on the treasury tremendously. The Senate has been engaged on the onndry Civil Appropriation bill all the moraine.) i .-! " hi the House the Conferenoe report on the Postoflioe Appropriation bill baa been presented and agreed to. It 0 in tains a partial restoration of the franking privilege a to the Congress al Record and other publiodooaments, up to next Deoember, and permanent ly as to seeds and agricultural reports. The Deficiency bill is under consid eration, and there it i tremendous pretsure of business and consequently great disorder and ooufoaion in the Washington, March 3. Night T TheXJomptroUerorOnrrency has called 'nrxn the National iBank for a report xi their aoudltion at the close of busi- " turn oa Vi$ is tastr r w ' : .A c: 3a KM aiade in the Senate ' tlJ morning as to the feeling of that mil wbi.referanoo .to proceeding vim woM ia anown as toe "loroe biU.13 The result Was that a majority -uit-f thaBenatwwaa opposed to taking rn mil ther tepropriation bUla b..lu.yP9aed W, and indeed, so eolioit ' aWwere h Senators to go on with the latter bills that they requested Mr. Morrill to report the Sundry " Citlt'Approprition bill, and waived the sal leading of the Journal It iat!..?'-doubtful now whether the force t ' will ever be called np. The- jnate- ha been " engaged all ' r -dy fa the;dieoassioa of the Sundry CivaAppropHationbiU. In she'- House the Deficiency Bill , ,t arts pasted t a quarter past 4 o'olock. .A resolution of thanks to Blaine as BpeeleT was offered by Potter, of New j Mix and nnaniinously adopted. A motion to suspend the rules and ' $aAs the bills for the admission of Colorado and New Mexico as States jNwWSf defeated by a vote of yeas 164 to nays S4, -pot two-thirds in the affirma tive. It was almost a party vote. rThe President has nominated Hen- j Flktftase, now U. 8. Senator from , 4fSii3 toMPoBtraasteratVicka purg. Sjhuts The Senate has been en gaged all day on the Sundry Civil o Af prevriatidn . Bill, and a large num ' 'dbeV-Nrf 'amendments were agreed to and the bill passed. ,,,,, Tne River and Harbor Appropria tion Bill was 'then taken up and a Dttpber of amendments reported by the, Committee on. Transportation Boutea, Agreed to. THE FLOODS.- : : JIEPORTS OF DAMAGES IN TEN ' ' NESSEH, EXAGGERATED. .TH:.!f .'.! ' "" 1 ' ' ' v-m Exoxvilu, March 8 Night The Kotal damage of the late floods in 0 Olilitectiorf ilsA been4 grossly exagge rate!. Considerable loss has resulted in iadftidaal oases, but it is entirely confined US the- margins of the larger ttrttamvTn impairs on the East Ten J"negee; Virginia and Georgia Railroad will bsvsosnpleted to-morrow, and "" Ixalns' Dan run threngh " to Dalton ,witbeut, delay and to Chattanooga by i tissorday. ijiKajiTj EUBOPB;--' 1 ' ANCMeb! bEFEAT OF THE CAR- .mioif fiusrnti? i.Mit. 5 ' tfADBTD, Maroh 8 J-Night-A fores : bt CftrUste, under1 Mirei, were defeated aifc thANtwnal troops. . I.; BsBLm, March 3 Night Bis- marak'i health has improved. ,LoSi)ON, iMaroh '8-Night The ' Grand International Handicap Hur ' , die raoe, at Croydon io-4ay, was won by Watoott's Industrious.! There is 1 ft heavy snow storm here; ' " l i : ' MISSOURI. ,!ulrt imi:l l mm I rti'.', !;... . THE BIGGEST SNOW STORM OF THE SEASON. . St. Locis, Maroh 3 Night A furi ous snow-storm commenced here 'iabsnl 1 o'clock this morning and" raged the remainder of the night The - snow now lies about a loot deep on a j level. ' All street railways are blook ' tded and trafflo of all sorts is much inpedsd. All railroads centering i, hers are mors or less blocked and , trains a- V much behind time. No sucbet-r ,o has prevailed in this sec tion fc eleven years. , - , :. ELECTHIC1SMS. The is an extensive lookout at the Doilhntu, Mass., woolou mills, the operatives refusing to work eleven honrs. . - The fare on the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad is. to Pittsburg, V to Wheeling, $5.60; to Cinoinnati, 86; to Indianapolis, $7; to Louisville, $8; to Chicago, $8; to St. Louisville, $10. There is great apprehension in the Delaware valley, from the ioe. En gineers have decided thnt it is useless to attempt to remove it by blastiug. There was a driving easterly suow stoim yesterday at New lork. The reduoed fares on the renuRjl vanis Railroad from Philadelphia to the Went have been abolished, and commencing yestonlay regular rates will be charged to all points West. The bails Robinson Crusoe, from Boston, September 30th, for Cape of Good Hope, aiid the Francis, from New Castle, N. S. W October 7th, for Hong-Koug, both of Boston are thought to have been lost with all on board. Two English Bishops denounce cie mation Bishop Wadsworth, because the Are is a symbol of punishment, and has always been looked upon as the peculiar doom of the wicked; Bishop Selwyn, because fire is an era blem of purification and of the proousa undergone by the regenerate soul. DIED. At hl rr itnet. In Uilncilv. on th ennlne or uta i luauui, ni. jjiu,. L. nun ir;r, aed Vi y.ar. ,i a be friend arid .enualntaiiran of th turn- " reauectritliv ihtIW. t ktlml tnetii' ucrai an vto. at Front stmt . K. Chntrli at toelncktbl. afternoon, tbuiica to Oakdal. Cemetery SPECIAL. 1)0 not rpand yoar moasy tut b1 wtibuiK. The Wrwlck coll.r loiiku bettor than linen, and doe. not need washing. Orami'. and palu. In the stomach are the re mlt ol iDntrreet baHreiilon, and mi? be Im mediately rellered bt a done ot Jobnwn'a An- lyne l.lnlnient K taD0Oafal In a little tweet- ened water la a done. Heavr oat are rood for horix-n: none will de. njr that; bat oat. cant ftiake a heme', coal look moot, and I'omt wn.n he I. out Tanndlllon. Sheridan'. i,aalry Condition fowilert will do tbl.irhenall.lMi.il.'' - - - Native Pearl Veran. Porcelain. Dentitt'i wear I. a poor labitltute for Na ture'. Let those win 10 bell.T., aw the BOZOOONT, which, If dally applied, wlirpr.. .t all nae.nlty lor tm tettk by kaepln( th real one. aound and healthy. C Baa anpu.ea, Take Notice. Kvery monxent of delay make your ears mora hopeleat, and modi depend, on th.Js. dlotoni choice of a remedy. Th. amount of ttlmuy In faver f Br. Schick', f ulmonlc S)rap, M S Jure (bf oonmaotioa, ' far exceed. n that can be brongtit to lupport the preten tion, of any otb.r medicine. 8eeBr. Scheook'. Almanac, containing the cerliflcate.of many Barton, ot the hlghMt reepaotahlllt y, who bar. been reatared to bealtb, after being 'prono.ru ced Incurable by pbynicltn. of acknowledged ability. Bchenck'. Pulmonic Kyrnp alon ha. eared many, a. theae .rldanoe. will .bow; tat th. car. t. often promoted by th. employment f tw. other nmadie. which 0r. Scheuok pro- tide, for the pnrpuao. Tket. additional rem. die. sr. Bchenck'. Sea Weed Tonio aud Man drake Pill.. By th. timely um of these medi cines, according to directions, Ir. Bchenck certifies that moat any cant of Coniumptioa may be cored , i - i - . .. . j Dr. Bchenck I. prof.aeionally at hit princi pal effloe, eorner fllxh and Area rtresta, Philadelphia, erery llonday, where all letter. for ad Tic mu.i be addraaatd. . NOW IS THE TIME . . TO BUT CLOTiHUG An Inspection of our Stoek will stttefy any on. that prioea hare reached the bottom. MUNSON & C .. OITT (JL0THIEK8. march! I Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company 6. 1. The regular monthly meeting and annnal eloctloa efoffiot-rt will ho ba d at the Engine Boum thi. .rening at S o'clock. THOS.IV MBABES, Kec. Secretary, march! M-u Auction Sale of Plants. ' Th. Hfth annual sal. for account of Gabriel Maro I. postponed nntll . FUIDAT, march 5th, 1873, at II o'clock A. M., In eonaequenoe of Don arrtTSl per Ball. UROMLV A MORRIS, , A action e re, Btook and Heal K.tat. Brokers, march W-lt First Ward Glub. A meeting of th. First Ward Club will b. held at Uppitt'. Ball to-night at S o'clock. A large attendano. requested, ' . , ,r K!BywdaroiithsPre.ld.nt. , W. A. WILLIAM, arch 4-lt ""t -. 8ecretary. Second Ward Club. IXha Detaoctstla-OnserTatit. voter. In Oi's Ward ars notlflrd to meet at 8 o'clock tbut ( rbarttd.y) .renlng at the Court House for th. transaction of Important business. JAMKSO.MtJflDH, f nareb 4-U ' Secretary, " For Rent! Until October 1st, 1BT5 Hous) containing fl roouu, aituated oa the east siae of Flfih street, next north er th. Motboduit Uhurob. Kitchen , good water aad all nectaiary outhouses ou tbo remise. ; Urge lut, and a 'dellghifnl tul. .no. Apply to ' , ; CBONLT A MORRIS, . .. South Water fit. march 4 , 61-lw-eod CJAROSJ aaueeial at Hie JoUHNAi VttlQB A White Cook Wanted. A ill wait wnnn-(lotm.n, Inh or Amtriras boco oxtk wll and mk hr- wir . tif ralljr twill In prW.ta rmlly, ra. Bnd ploy vent b? kdUKMiof throo.h th Pint umo, ' JCNICS, j. o. Bo wa, Wllmln.ton, H nmrub 4 St-tf Nobby. banil-rcwd, CLI' wlrf, .nil nchln wwtd- uiiida on innrufwl Ut ; ArTutad not to rip. i ll xlur old i'n, broad tola and iral the lunat coutortabl. mho worn, Aa aiamiu. Hob It miicit.d. 0.11 at C. A. PRICE'S, 81(0 or th. Uolrinn boot, arch 4 f. Du Pont's Powder. JjrcK.BirLK AND SrOKTIhU, Bt,A8TlNO AND and guarur Ke MINIKQ-Wliola. Half For aiilo bj 0.0 F AKSLE Y A :. M-tr march 4 Pee Dee Courier. HKTHK alBHCHANTi OF WJLMINQ Wu aware that the Cornier I. the only Dmo- eratle paper pukliskM la Bocklngham, and that It clroulatut eiunsifely In Richmond, Monlgomtry and Anaon evuntleaT Kat. of advertising liberal and no ritia charge, mad. for cb.nging adr.ttlaement. weekly..'. IUCKCTT A KKVIM, ' march l-tf ltd I tore. Thomson's Malacca, Indo china, and China. The Btralt or etalarca, Indo-China and Oblna; or, leu Vrari' Travrlr 4dvrntnriis and K sldenr. Abroad. Hy ,1. Thomu, F. R. O. X ., author of'Ilin'tratlonior China and It. PtHiplo." With orer SO flluatratlon. rram the AuUinr's own Photograph, and Sketches Dvo, Cloth, SI. - For sale at ' H E I N 8 BE R G E R ' 8 Ut. Book and Suite liter.. mar.h S ftt PL.AWTS AT AUCTION. ? Mr. e.bilel lfaro. ef W04dMd. Oneftna oonnty, New York, label. oa hi. flitk aanaal Tult-D tfcl dry with a oboloe collar Uoa of raroeiia japonicaa. liarnatlon Pinks, a a( oral aaaartmeat or- Mease, aoaaa ymtt Soa i Hyacinth. In bloom; a aalactiea of tJrYtng Plants too numerous to mention, all of which will b. .old at oar salesrooms at Auction, on Thursday, March 4th, 1875, eoBjmeocing at 11 o'olock A. at. W The Ladle, ars .specially inrlted to at tend the sale. CRONLV tt MORRIS, - A action ear., Real Estate and Stock Broker., Bursas The Law and Lady, By Wilkie OolUns. "HEARTS AXD HANDS." By Miss Ksher. :t'ITHEBTO,, a story ol yeater day. By Mrs. Whitooy, -WillTJS AH B80W." .By Edward Garrett. , At - v . . THE CITY BOOKSTORE. . Chromos CHRIST HEALINQ THE SICK. A beautiful Chromo by the Rev, Jas. A. 06rtel, and a large variety of other Chromos and Engravings. For sale b; .CONOLET A YATES, 11 Market Street. march 3 Foreclosure Sale -OF- .s yaliai Gilr Property ! Brylrtueot'.dactMof th. Snuerlor Comt of N.w Hanover county In . certain a -Hon wherein tepnen u. lnruston, n al., are tain tifls nd JOMph H.prff and wile ar. del end. ante, made at rail Term, 1ST, th. under signed, Commissioner and Referee named in .aid decree, will otter for sale at FnbliuAao tion at the Court Bona, deer lath, city of Wil mington, on MON DAT, the 6th day of April nmt, at 13 o'clock, that yaluab). piece ol Heai Retat. .Itnate on Water .treat and knows a the Verandah Selena, together wit th. War. Hon so aad yard adjoining the earn, oa Wilkln Km'. Alley. The flret let, beglnnhig on lirquhart". Itn. one handled .nd Bee (108) Let from front . recti running thenoe wettwardly along raid Una to Water street, thence north vardly along Water street tweaty-two (VI) teet to the build leg. lately oconnlsd by Jamea Anderson A Uo ; thenoe parallel with the lint mentioned line east ward It to within one hoKlred and Hi. (lOS)feetof Front street and thence soath ward y tw.fity-twe (it) feet te the beginning. AbsO. a lot with to. tenea.nt thereon, be ginning on Wilkinson's Alley, ninety-two 92 1 feetaevea (7 taebe. frera Front street and running aonthwardly fhlrty-four fe.t tea Inch- r.s (31 feet 10 Inches), thenoe westwardly eigh teen reet .igni incnes ( le teet e incaesj, inanoe G nar.llel with tne nrsi line tnirty-roar reet ten mche. (34 feet 19 Inches) to Wilkin. ro' Alley, thenoe eaatw.rdly .loni Wilkinson', all iey ishteen feet eight inohes nohes (Id feet Inches) to the beginning. Alsolbe use of an alley ten feet wide on the north side of the Brat de- Mr! lied lot as It has been formerly used. Tb. abor. described property being a part of Lot. 4 and 5, In rtlock Iftl , as laid out In the offlolal map 'f th. city. , Term, of sal. cash. ' ALKX. T. LONDON, . Referee and Commissioner, maroh S M-6t-Mar ,U,,WApHth Planting Potatoes I BBLS. I. R, P0TAT0K8, 1 . 100 " P .K. Potatoes.- " For sale by to 8MB A CALX) KB BUnR. feb ' 8 SI Tr.l AND WHITK ONION BKTS. XV ' For Ml. by UJtJCKM KLAKNRR. Seeds ! Secd! Seeds I New finip 1870, grown bj Land eth a Bnlrt. For sal. by OKBKN &FLANNFR, Crugglin.. f.b ----- II HEW ADVERTISEMENT!. For Rent ! rpHK BRICK STORE da 8o.th.ast cor nor ot iTreut aid Prinoat. street, sew occupied by Barry Webb a. a Restaurant and Bar Room PiMMMloa glv.n lmai.dlat.ly. 1 Apply to march t 4t JUNIUS DAVIS. Just Received! WK HATK JC8T RECE1VKU A LOT OK THE UANUSOatKar Ladies' and Gentlemen's That ha. .r.r been ottered for sal. In this mar. krU .. EVANS k VonQLAHN. - tuna, march 1 1775. 187S. CENTENNIAL -OP THE - CHARLESTON S.O. Th.O.rman Fusilier. of Ubarleston. South Carolina, will celebrate their tientennlal An. nlrrrnary on th. third of May. Ill), with ere monies appropriate to so luUnsting an oocae- o. la 1TTS. ene hnndreil reara auo. and bafura ins (KHiara'ion i inneenueiioe. ihe Uermau clliaensol Charhston rallied to the standard ol A inert nan Liberty, 1 hey orgaulaed a eorpt im un ueienos ei me tOionies iu me great war lor iroeuom and r.nd.red . anal eerr no in the establishment of sell-government, '1 heir re- oof a in th. sterol nilooery trugile I. a matter ol'hi.iury. J heir soryius during that memo rable contest, under General Lincoln or ih Uontinerital army, and at th. aiegee of S.t.n ..a an4 Charleston and on other battle fleids are proud testimonial, of tholr tiattlotism and devntloa. They sealed their devotion to that cause with th. blood and live, or many ol their amsBbera. In lMlli th. German Fusiliers w.r. a.aln oalled noon to assist In th. defence of tha coast, and in lea, when tha bloody tomahawk Of the Hemlnole drenched lb. plain, of Florida wun tne oiooaot us iieoine. and in. crv for luuoor was again waited to th. shore, ot Oaro. Una, tha tier man rnslllrra, animated b the spuit of 'IS, volunt-errd their aervloe. and ama in redeemini their Meter (state fro a tha ru Hilars hand of the savage 1 ne oomuaov has ibrouun all the vie sal- udes and ti lata of the nasi canturr sfeserved its organii.ttou, and la now b.)lv.d to be Hit oldest military organisation la th. United eiates. As early a. 1792 they attached to their mill- Ury feature, a aoclety for the inpport of tnalr Indigent widows, orphan. end dratltute mem ber. In this nobis eaua. of charity, tbev have ipeuded large Mmsfrosa their own private faemree.) tnate hare sees suauervd by lbs waqiiuHwusvsr. Thiawill be, as U believed, the SrM military oaaramaial celaeraoon In ths United Hlatea. The Fesiller dastr. tat erowa this centennial, at ealy by giving Interest aad significance te th. occasion, bat also by placing upon a per manent basis, a fund for the relief of th. wid ow, and orphan, of their deceased teem her.; these object, would l.deed ttt and. grateful memorial, or idis nunorio ocoaaion. They thereldre appeal with con Ada ace to Ihelr tai. low el tissas throughout the broad einanse of tbl. Dnloa.whoc. liberties, now enjoysd. they helped to aohlete. Whatever donations may b. given for tbea. par poms will do gr.triuiy aetnowieagea. kt iitDivri B. BOLLMAN, D. A. AHMK, , , w knubkLooh.jb 0. BSKBI1S8K, A. MRNftr, , O. H.HIXI.RN. J NO. KLINOK. O. r. WltTBRS, F. VONSANTIs., Q RIEORR, . O.O. PLKNOS, D.MCLLKR, . ROSIN r HAL, ' Sutoial (JmmmiUUt an Qmiimmiai. SS-lW .arch' I Hotice. Ptl AVISO DISPOSED OF OUR SADDLK Harness and Trnnk Bnilnes., stock. Oood ill and Book Aceounta, In Wilmington, N. ()., to Messrs. Carpenter as Mallard, ws hereby tender oar thank, to a genarooa pnbllo for their tlbersl patronage the last tea yvars, and ask a continuance ef th. same to our Sue censors, who have beea aecer tably la ear em ploy for many year, and are thoroughly posted In the Saddle, Harness aad Trank Baslnsss in all Its branohee. Meson. Carpenter Mallard will asttl. all el.lm. contracted aralnst as in Wilmington, N. C , end eelleot debt, due a. and receipt far tb same. J. B. TOPHAMACO. A. Citrate altera J. 11. nallaxel. Saddles, Harness, ftc. HAVrNO BOUGHT THE ABOVB MIH tlnned Ooods. wo Oiler a loll .took ef SADDLES, ,.. . . , r. ' uai;mehh, TRUNKS, (XJIliARS, BRIDLES, 1 And All Kinds of SADJDIsEXCX- QOOSS, VERY LOW PRICES a7) rank or te prompt paying barer. Ws respectfully solicit patronage. tA.rtiltlEHaiVAIul'AHO. teh ( . St-lmnae Wagon Uaterial Axles, Sprlnrs, Hnhs, Spoke., Rim.. Twe Iron. Cast Wheels, Buggy Wheels, Sheila, Heats, Trimmings, Sulk Wheel., (fee. All of tb. above goods sr. A Me. 1, antf for sals at tha lowest cash price, ot the Old Established Hard war. House of ., JOHH DAWSOH, Ho. IS, SO and fl Maiket St. M fob 28 Hay! Hay! Hay! BALIS IA8TXBS HAT, ' 00 J' M. R HAT. For aal. by BJCHGHNER QALDKB, BROS. feb 28 SI Vase Balls and Clubs, Tops and Marbles, In large variety. Jnet arrived and for sale at ' " 'o. H.V. RUMOR'S. N. K. Corner f Market and Seaond 8U. fob as ...... si-tf Havana Cigars I have en hand and for a, at my room, la l.lpplit'. Buildings, South Front street, aear Orange, a las l ,.. .r , ..r.. -. . HAVANA CIQARS of my owa maanfaotare. They are mad. from lmHirt d tobacco and oan b. bonght at on, third of th. cost of Imported cigars 1.0RAEFL. frbt fe-In Wadesbor. fl.r.14 eopy -- MISCELLANEOUS. THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every Wednesday at WADESBOIIO, ANSON COUNTY, BY JOSH. T. JAME8!et CO, Has a lari a and rauidlv Inoreasln. clre.l. tlon In th. fee Dm couutry lu Korth and South Oarollna.' Advertiser, will find H th. Seat medium In either of the sister State lor reaching th. i.rmera, piamora ana merrnanis. The extcntlve local athtrtMng pat ronaue tvnwimt in v column w hrt evMcncr. of it laroe and inturn tial cirvulatwn. ay Uperliusa conies, with rate, for adver Using, sent me, iiostaae paid, on apidluaflen to tne undersigned, eitlier at Wastrsooro o vtiinu.giott, JOSH. T..IAMRM 0l., ' Kdlloriaml Proprietors, feb SI 'Utf Look at this. Farmers! CiltKAT 111UCTI0IN IN PIIIC10N. KAATONS OF THR CRLKRRATRI) aufwall known SEA FOWL OUANO at 107 DO, on tlma until Novem bar 1st ALSO, 300 T0N Pee 090 Ammonia. tad Super-Phosphat of Bone. rbls I. a new Phosphate which w. ar. having maaafaotured.ipr.ssly lor our trad, by P. Eell s Boa, af Baltimore, and which w. will guarantee tqual to any other Fhospbal. sew ftsred to th. Trade. , 1 Price S7 DO on tlma until No- vomber lati 1878. . BST Liberal term, will b. made to Dealers by . ' E. , 1 COVINGTON, General Commission Merchant WU-atlNUT'OII.W.a, febt PA8SENQKR OIPARTMINT, J ' Witam.toS, M. 0., March 1st, 1878. ' ) ' ' " - - ' ' i Tbe attention of HoruVbonnd travelers I. Invited to ihs faot that, oommenclng March ird, 1870, entirely . , ' , r ;.-,r NEW PARLOR AND DRAW- INC ROOMCARI. J bnilt arprtstly for this astvlo., and furnish id wlh due regard to eomfort and elaganoe, will ran on all OAT THAINS between Wllrolng ton, H.V., and Pertamoath, Va., ta direct OMnmaatoaUoa with th. magnlaoont i; ;i , ?...,.. ...... ..u . it. fci j' ' Steamers of the Bay tine, Ssats er compartment, can be sennrtd by telegraph to th. andanlgned, by appllohlioo to Oond actor, upon Night train. North, upon Wilmington, Col.mlila Augusia Hailroad, or Ticket Agent at Union Depot State Rooms and Berths .pee the Say Una Steamer, oan be sMursd by application to Conductor, of Day train, upon th. Seaboard St Ko.nok. Ballro d, or by telegram to the undersigned. A. POPR, ' General Pafssnger Agent. . f.b 48 AVirtr THE LAST CARGO OF PRIME ! .)- .i j ? r- 1. aew offered to purchaaer. In bright B.w ' . - j . Package., both Hogsheads and Barrel., .t loweet market rate. , i , V AlSO i. .' 8UOAE HOTJSK' MOLASSEfT, Moscov.lo, Sugar Orlpe, How Orleans Molasses, ' .,, Bacon, fork, Pry Salted Meats, Lard, With, Batter, and a mil Una of aseorted Orooerlea, All Kinds of Wines and Liquors' At tb lowest market ptlo. to apod etutom.r. 1 AXmihN & VOLLERS Oeraer of Dook aad front Streets. ; ' .1 - tl-U fsb Dissolution of Copartner- J ship. at The copartner ship heretofore .listing under firm name and style of David A Well lathis day dissolved by mutual oonaent, 8. U. Well naving wrtnarawn rrom ma n'm B. K WHIL, .javu.: r.h.sioi, isTst RAVING pnrobaeed the Interest of Mr. i B. Well In the late firm or David Ac Well, ill eon t inn. the business at their old stand Ho. ST Market rtreet, aad respectfully soili lt a eontlnoanee or th. patronage so llberstily be stowed spon tb. late firm. - A. DAVID. Notice. 5 " Mr. A. David will sett' all ele'ine against th. lata dim of David A W.il. Par vies owing tb. into firm will plena, ca I and settle Imme diately, at tb. Book, bust b. closed. A. DAVID. mere. I ft) lm f E. FRANK COE'S ........ AsmsMoaimteel Rone Fheephate. "1 TO .IS OP THB ABOVB WELL XUU known and valnabl. Fertilizer, for sale tor sash or on crop tlma satisfactory security. Liberal discount on lots. . . 0. 0. PARSLEY CO. fhl 44 tf SEW ADVEETISIHEM3. BROWN & EODDIOK -OFFER Special Tiiclucemonts , IN - " i . HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIOHS This Week.' All Cottons arc !Advancing. ; Iu view of this w have niaJo very heavy Dnrobaaes lately, and ara now prnarad to give our Patrons the advantage for a snort time, bnt wonld ad vise all who are iu want of suoti to make tholr pmohases AT ONCE, C 1 a a r i The balance) of all our Flannels at nrioes tliat CANNOT FAIL to meet the approbation of all, . A Job Lot of Kid Cloves Selling for SO Cents Per' Pair ' STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO lAMPlES'CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. feb It CAIHTAL SOLUDLE PACIFIC Gl'ilPJO CO PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. ; TWO THOUSAND FIVB HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CAHII or on CROP with Murohsuts aud other rolinblu fartios fomtnlsslim Merchant., agents for Pacific Uno nub' A gents lor tlio Sale " (D. UIIAIIAII,.,, Jaw SI ltMl..l. ,MM'i Bacon, Pork and Coffee. Beae. D, S. Sid, tnd bbouluefe, ' ' Smoked BirM.ridBlirmMers, S Bbls. Pork. .. IfW Uamidottee. 4 ' ' ' ' ' -: for sale by i !, v r,! ,, - , , .,. ,,J ( ' ' KBROHtHCtt A OA(.DKH BHOS. ' r.6 n ti Husical Instnimentfl. '"-.' I.I lt!i ' -l-j 'Ham.' , I t k ( j violiss,''-! .s,i,;j " :u,i ACCOltDEOHS, HARMONICAS: ' j JEWS HARPS and 1 . .. . .. BllEET MU8IC. ,. For sale at the 1 CUf Ilooh Store. .. !'..-... ALSO ,! CHROMOS, ' STEEL ENGRAVINGS and '? 8TERE0S00PI0 VTEWB, CONOLEY A YATES' ' j City Book Store. No. 47 Maiket Streot. rbm . - ,' sr Exposition o ROLLED PRESSED BEEF. i We have mooaeded In .ttjng tb. "Agenoy" of tbl. delicious luiury. CORNED BEEP," Pot up In KolU of tin fell and alr.ad oooked for Immedlat. Tabls nse. ... - 't: ': V . ... sCl : TRY IT. , Aid alsi pntnp In hendsom. j pound can. Sold only by , . , GEORGE MYERS, , h -iii.il. i ric..u., i;:l ii.- f A ; . , Sole Agent.! feb 21 . 48 BE QUICK i H"' Riffht Now is the Time. - Having lust taken stook, we find hundreds of articles ihat we had rsther soil at cusumicrs own irleee than to sire bouse room - to lor another season. We bail rather have the room than th. goods. Onr wholesale and retail trade tUaiws.ou has so diiulnitlied stwk that.aieara compelled to go Noith early In Older to have stook tn Mora In tlma for our Spring trade. Then vouof our eustomcr. who are In want ol anv a 'ticls anally found In Winter stock tn a Hrv Ooods Store oan save money by taking the advantage or the si'u.tlon and buying It now ol the Leading Ury Ooods Uoaseoi.. j ,. BOSKOWITZ ft LIEBER, ' yflffTOTBAIGAIS ;.g Market Street :. a n g O u t . worths I BO. 3 ,000,000. TIMIC, Liboral torms will be made to still this Ouauo at our Wnreho Co.. aad Dualertln No. 1 Peravlan Ouanv oirrn W.Tmn ptrkkt. vrii.niM.rro!f, n. m i 'i .... iu .1 ' 1. of Solnblp Pacillc Onano. .uia Miiniran. n. ii. im ..(. Marlon, S. 0. .1 .gl-lnidJIw CARPETS; 1 1 A Our Stock at Cost to ; 'ClosOut-Same'.;, " BRUSSELS AT I IS and$l 20 8-I'IjY (JABrlCTo, 1 UU '. i ALL WOOL Do.""- 85 to i; . Cotton nod Wool Do. 50 to 60 Ctn. Cotton 10 to tO OU. ' For cash only. , ' ' ' ." .1 D, A. feIlTII A CO . lb 98':, - :i TT . 7 4s.tr JSJV Satisfactory Prices (l-M Aretha aiaise. haying lm b.' PICOTT, Tobaooonlat .1 - 5 At ti Market Street, Sonth Market. .fit 2 - I feb 21 , . side, head of the , 46 500 , (. gQQ 4 .so aal.r baBASM Choice! Family Floiir ' 1 D.der our own Bra d. t 'WHITK BOSK.", , ; H rfPAVOKITh?," - ( " "COOK'S OWH," . ; ' . . - . and "KSPXRAVZA." :(r i'' .'.f 't..' .- i 1 ... i r Bel grade, of Ploar In this oltj, . ) - -': OHAS. D. MYERS t CO., 1." ' " ' 6 e T Korth Psidat 8t : ' - 1 ' . Apples, Cranberries, jrv-HlTB ONIONS AND TABIJt and rkUIUiU.rui.lUas, CHAS. D. MYERS ft Ca: t ,5 & 7 North Front St. 'feb 14 41 In Store and to irrlro ! . . i .. . BS Oolls Cotton Plow tin.., 6 Casks Traces, f6 Oosen Hames. 30 Dotes. Oellar., .600 fiows. Ten Tors Plow Castings, "0 Oozen Udes, ail tlnds, and .very thin, needed on . i laaUUon, Headquarter, lor vooper. xooia. , . . -, iJ aiLjtS&MfRCHISON, i,i -.rrn J it u 88 North front Street, , feb 28 , .... . ,. ,! 1 .... . SI For Oalo. THE LITHIA WATER ef tbe Virginia Buff alo Murium 01 tha wterot the old Burl'alo Springs, pat up In hoses oontauiltig on. Ooien Half llallnn hotllea -will b. SUIIOlied tO Order delivered at th. doettshnrg Depot ef the Rich mond S Danville Haliroaii a'. i per iwi.io h. paid in otivanr.e. xn. i.n uia wiwr um made aj remarkable n.reaaa anyiiyn reoord In affections of the BlaiMer a'd Rhlnevs and Iri Kvepepila. It has also glvwn fleeMed rellei In l,i. t and Khanmatlo arl'eotlona In tut dissents or Women and in Dyspepsia the water of th. old Spring regarded as weU als, pe " Buftaiottprlnga, MMkl0t0urgam"'. Va. M- m-vw-a