pi jft 4 Hi VOL XXIV.-HO. 56. WIL1IIHGT0H, H. C. , BATHED AY. 1IAECH 6. 1875. wiiU-Li; ii u. 0,020. Cfjr ilniln Immrnl WILMINGTON. N. G. s SATURDAY. MARCH 6. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. UEAPpARTEKS- THE NEW BENATE IN HARNESS. THE GALLERIES THRONGED WITH LADLES. JOHNSON AND BCRN8IDE GREETED WITH APPLAUSE. SWEARING IN THE NEW SENA TORS. MORTON OET3 THE FLOOR THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO BE SENT IN ON MONDAY. THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA FOR THE COUNTRY. Washington, Maroh 5 Noon Sen ate A soon a the new Senators were Rworu in Morton offered resolutions acknowladgiug the Kellogg govern raeut in Loumaua and for the admis sion of Pino, ti back an Senator from tliat State; they were laid over. He gave notice that be would call np the fatter perhaps uu Monday. Wabhinqton, Maroh 5 Night Senate At do time since inaugura tion day has there been auolra crowd pretseut as this morning witnesaed the open ug of the extra amnion of the Senate, and swearing in of the new Senators. The weather was disagree able, and a snow storm prevailed, bnt the ladies were not deterred. The gal leries were filled with ladies long be fore the hotir for meeting. By eleven o'clock it " was impossible to obtain atauding room, even in the doorways. U pon the floor of the Senate, the curious were hunting out the seats of Andrew Johnson, Gen. Burn side and other prominent Senators who were to be sworn in. Upon the desk of Andrew Johnson, on the Democratic side of the Chamber, as well ,as npon that of Mr. Dawes, oa the Republican side, were handsome boqnets, Burnside entered the Chamber, greeted with a round of applause from the galleries. Andrew Johnson did not make his ap pearance until after the meeting of the Senate, when he was called up to take the oath. ; He was greeted with ap plause, which was soon checked by the Vice-President At 12 o'clock Vice-President Wilson called the Senate to order. Chaplain Sunderland, in his opening prayer, in- Yoked the Divine blessing upon the Senate, saying : As these Senators are assembled heie to oommenoe a new chapter in the history of this body, give to each of them life, health and strength, and in all thoir labors and responsibilities may they lean upon Thy arm for support. Maj. McDonald, Chief Clerk, then read the proclamation of the President convening the Senate in extra session, after which the Vice President di rected him to call the names of the new Senators. As called they advanced to the Vice President's desk and were worn in in groups of three or four, as follows : Bayard, of Delaware, Bruce, of Mississippi, Burnside, of Rhode Island, Cameron, of Wisconsin, Chrie t.mnnT. of Michiirnn. Dawes, of Massa chusetts, Eaton, of Connecticut, Ed munds, of Vermont, Hamlin, of Maine, Johnson, of Tennessee, Kernan, oi New York, McMillan, of Minnesota, McDonad, of Indiana, Paddock, of Nebraska, Randolph, of New Jersey, Thurman, of Ohio, Wallace, of Penn sylvania, Whyte, of Maryland, Caper ton, of West Virginia, Oockerell, of Missouri, Jones, of Florida, Mazey, of Texas, Withers, of Virginia, the last named five taking modified oaths, they having been engaged in the Con federate cause. The new Senators were nearly all escorted to the Vioe President's desk by their colleagues. After the oath had been administered to Johnson, a handsome boquet was hand 1 to him by a page, with whom it had been left by some friend of the ex-President. Messrs. Booth, of Cal ifornia, and Sharon, of Nevada, not having reached the city, did not re spond when their names were oiled. After administering the oath of office, Vice President Wilson shook hauds with each Senator, the new Senators having all been sworn and seated. Anthony submitted an order that the early hour of meeting be 12 o'olook. Agreed to. Edmunds , submitted a resolution providing for the appointment of a Committee of two Senators to wait npon the President and inform him thit quorum had assembled and the Senate was ready to receive any com munication from him. Messrs. Ed rounds and Stevenson were appointed. Morton, of Indiana, submitted the following, whioh was read and laid over : Resolved by the Senate that the State government now existing in Louisiana and represented by Wm. P. Kellogg, as Governor, is the lawful government "of said State that it is Republican in form and that every as sistance necessoiy to sustain its proper and lawful authority in said State, should be given by the United States when properly called upon for that purpose to the end that the laws may be faithfully and promptly executed, life and property protected and de fended, and that all violators of the laws, State or National, be bronght to speedy punishment for their crimes. He also offered the following: Resolved, That P. B. S. Pinchback be admitted as a Senator from the State of Louisiana for the term oi six ears, faefrinnimr on the 4th of Maroh. 1873, He asked that it be laid On the table, and save notice that he would . call it nn for consideration at an earlv day, perbaps Monday next. Anthony moved that when the Sen ate adjourn to-day it be to meet on Monday next Eamlin,of Maine, said that the Snat might as well-nwet to- m a ntntsmty for Ini reorganisation of the eouimitieew, and that it might as well be done this week aa unt. The motion of Anthony-was agreed to. On motion of Frtliughuysen at 12:20 o clock the Senate took a recess till one o'clock. Upon re ajsenibliug Edmnnds, from the Committee te wait upon tli l'res ident, reported that he had performed that duty, and the President replied that he would commnuieate with the Senate on Monday next Adjourned fell Monday. London, March 5 Night A Berlin special Bays that the German Uoviin meut . demands the dismmsal of the Papal Nuncio and the cessation of re latious between theVaticBUundla'srii?, Geo. W. Morris, a noted Philadel phia surgeon, is dead - Two mtmberB of the B uck Hills'tx pedition have reached Fort Laramie ou a small sled drawreywol. They' were two days without food. OaV member of the expedition has died They report gold but the weather an too cold for prospecting. A dinpateb from St. Johns snys that the Violetta, from Fiance, with salt and ngr, has been abandoned iu the ice. The captain and crew weresavi d, People from the shore went out to save the ship, but the wind shitted and scattered the ice. Twenty lost and twenty-two missing. Postmaster King, whom the House wanted iu PaciBo Mail matters, has ar rived at New York from Cauad a. A bill has been iutroductd in the New York Legislature ftlhwii g Mrs. Tiltou to testify in the Beecher case. The standing Committee of the Pennsylvania Diooese are six to oue against DeKoven. The Committee' unanimously support Jagger. ine Very Rev. James Cuulan,foro yeirs paittor of St. Patrick's Church, Charleston, 8. C and formerly Vicar General of the Cleveland Diocese is dead. . The Italian barmie Giovauni Paltue- ro, for Boston, is wrecked 'off Capo CocL, Sixteen lives were, loat Only tne Stewart saved, fix or seven ves sels are ashore between Sandy Neck and Sandwich. :,. ., The Diocese of Louisiana consents to the confirmation of Jugger, but wunnoia their consent from DcKovou. EUliOPfi. A CARDINAL'S nVT FOR ARCH BISHOP MANNING. Paws, March 5. Noon. The Left will not consent that the representa tive of the Moderate Right shall enter the Ministry. If negotiations fail, Mao- Manon will form the Ministry without further consultation with the parties in Assembly. Beblin, Maroh 5. Noon. In con sequence of the Pope's last Encycli cal the Government introduced into the Prussian Chamber, of Deputies bill withdrawing State endowments from the Catholic clergy, and provid ing for the restoration to those who bind themselves to obey the law. Decrees have been is'ued by Em peror William, forbidding the expor tation of horses. London, March 5. Noon. Arch Bishop Manning has been summoned to Rome to receive its last Cardinal's hat. STATE NEWS, Miss Louisa A. Leote lft Oxford last Saturday to ioin the Preub'. terian Mission iu Japan. She was a teaclu r in the Orphan Asylum. Mr. J. It. Mills refused to accent five hundred dollars deposited in, the Citizens' Bauk of Raleigh by the Grand Gift Concert at Wilson, for the Asylum at Oxford. The Wilson Advance says : There was a chicken fight at Rocky Mount last week, Halifax vs. Edgecombe, for 8250 a side. The Halifax party were victorious by three odds. The Salem Press says: We regret to learn that the store of Messrs. Denny & Kerr, at Flint Hill, Yadkin oounty, was destroyed by fire on Saturday night last, with the entire stock of goods. No insurance. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. v , The Wilson Plaindealer says: At the recent term of Superior Court for Nash county the aggregate of fines imposed upon people of that oounty for failure to have their weights and measures sealed amounted to about nine thousand dollars. The Rocky Mount Mail, says : With a small cartridge pistol Mr. Dempsey Calhoun, last week, shot twice at a rabbit which was hotly pursued by a Eack of dogs. Uoth shots struck the are. This beats shooting ou tne wing all hollow. The Wilson Advanoe says: We learn that an infant child of Martha Evans. at tl Poor House, fell in the fire, and in lie aosence of its mother, and was burned to death a few days ago, and one day last week, the! house of John Wilkius (colored) near Ringwood, was Duruea ana two children f erished in the flames. The Salisbury Watchmau says: The Yadkin River was higher last Friday than it has been since the memorable "fresh" of 1852. The waters wire within ten feet of the N. C. Railroad bridge, which is, ordinarily, forty feet above tnem. ' The Charlotte Observer says : One of our cotton men " raised the wind " a few dftvs nco. in au iiioninniin num. ner. He purchased of a farmer Jl bales of cotton at 15.10, oil thirty days'.time. He turned immediately around and sold the same lot to an other cotton buyer for ,15 cents cash, Thus be will get the use of tho money for SO days at a less rate of interest than he oould borrow it from the .banks. SPECIAL. I"t i.ol itt l vour mini j tor bat ranbtntf ThoWitwl.-lioill.tr io.k better tLa lints. ,K h Tioth Wsh ot furiier day. Mri.lON X glv-tb np h gmt Ooo !! tu tli humbug! ll Umim Tlif re r jvr.ib ihtv a huuilntd or bkms tr io In ti. ,u.l iirliliwU( tuwM, aba dU) ni1r in in lliu tii-irrrli y tUVrti ot kidney tru.il'Ut wtioilti not ku w ut -lotmton'i Ado i. nn I linniBhi ! !unt i certain cure. Iu n.nri, (tn at rollrf may bm oluuJ,II itiM a i nn r.i cine. . Wenalire tbat tha amleuttural oawrtall "r ill i uiiiilry taconiiaead taa of SbtirU uid d atuiiy i onouioa rnaa. i. r. ' rariU'Ti an1 1 th' r In Uiti noctlon ha luuf knuaii mil aikirourrl the adtanuget at lhfMwdiisiirrr ell u'hora, ouaumptlvea, Take Notice. Every a miTil or itclay makia your Stir m irr tifiH H , aril murb loei ila on Ihajn iiviuiiK ch -itro of a r uwily. Th amoantif irstimniiy .n tartir of Dr. Rfh rk't Patmontr St ru, iu a cure lor rmiatioiotlon, far txrr4f H thai out) In) bmuirht lo apiArt th iretn lon oi any olhor aimlicini. See Dr. Schentk'l .ilmanie, containing the certiorate! f many ir.on ot IIih t ijjit.-t iriwctallllly, who hart t- cnritjr.il M b e a Uii , after being tironoan. cm1 Itirutaliis by r'lVMclan of acknowlcdgcj alllli.T. Sohi'm'k'a Pnl moole Cjrap alori' ban I'lii't.l nianr. tlieim ft. iitnoe will bor bat (lip t' urn is oft .'ii jruinti fil by the emiloynient ol two other r'niedtf which Dr. Schtmok pr villi s for Hid iurjK; 'l'ai ji aildttlonal rem .lies ra.ohfliic'ii eit Went 1'onlo ami Man "ki)!'il . Ity the itinely ua of then Biedl din, ai oorilitnj to direction, Dr. Bcbeock in rntl-'s Hut urn t any can of rnsumptlon mnv I c n'lrni - it. Hi hnnck ia tirniimaM at bia irlnrl fiil cffi.o, tu r'i-r flx!h anil Arch Uvel, PlillmH'l.hU, t vtry Miindiy, where all b Men fir atlVire mum ho H.liltcm. d NEW ADYERHSEMBHTi REPORT Of the nlltln of the Ural Na ' lloual Hunk, of U'llminglon, mt Wilmington, lit the State of North ( urollun, at the ( loan of Uualuaw HI a re U lat, lyji ULsouituiis. Lnana himi .Distxiiutt. ...... . j .... S3A1.I03 So Lv.ir1rri 8.7M 01 IT. N. Ifiimlh ti ar.cnrc '.IrnlitHnn inn fwui no Other blni ka, llontla and Mortgngi'S, Us'ffiiT 8S l) i.' iiwii ai'iT.ivml Keeetve atoi l, 10,av4 81 uiii'noin uiii'-i ;Mitinnai niinkH..., a.utT an liiic triim Miln llHiihn uiul llimkura. SUSS heal Katute, iui nitnrtt and Kijtturi'a ll.TtW IA 1 urrcnl Kxpenev ami Xaiea paid. Mia IS Pruuiluma Vaiil..... MjM (Jiietlia and olhur t!ac!i Jti ma S4D 01 HilUof oilier National Biuikn 19,(13 ro Cnicllon&l Uuncucy (hicliiillug Stckola,).. ,0Ot II dpci'ls (itiulurting guW 'Ir-RHnry n.iti-.i . ast aa Lojt.ilTouilor Noti..,, ai.noo 00 He.ioatptinii fnn.l with U. S. Trtiaa- U"ribpvret of circnlnticn). . ..; S, 100 09 I).ii' from U. S. 3 roaniter, ii. lir tli:ui 9 per ct. redeaiptiou fiimt . 1,100 00 Total.... MAUIUTIliH. Oapital Stock paid In;...' 250,00 00 Surplus Kiiaa s.Sit 84 Uthtv ltiHl'vnleit pioHt 23,784 2 NtlorHl Bank N' tm cuttaijdlnj. ...l(.J,tKI) DO DirTdiT.de nnpntd 1,043 00 fiiilivl.lutl lictLBila n'.Jt.t to cticclc IWl.RTS OS I enmiill ctrtllkau m driuit...... 07,414 i Dun to other National ilankn (f.2-11 71 i'lin U) Mtntii liunkii and Kiuikure.. SI,S44 (II Noton and Uillii ri.'-ilmt'oiinli'd S0.MOO W) Xuta tui.m III STATE O. NOBTH CAUOUNA,) Cann-iT or Nkw JUaxovau. J f, A. K. Walker, (Jaslilcr of tlm uhore nantd Bank, do wilemnlv nwi'iir that the above utato-Di.-nt in truo tu tho best of my knowledge and belief. . A. K. WALK KR, Cashier. Sulisrrilit.it ami am l n to lieforo me, tlila Uii) Sib day of March, IMS. U. M. BOWDEN. Notary Public. Correct Attest; E. Ml'KRAY, W. Ii. MiiHARV, K.h. BUltKI.'SS, tiiurcli ti Dlrcctora. BS-lt Fresh Bird Seed, 0 NION 8K.T8, HABDKN SEI'D, ALi OMnl.. KKROSENK. For eale low bv (illKEti St FLAnnEB, . Driifgiatl. march 6 WANTED ! OUHKRNC'T OB NEGOTIABLK PAPXB ' r.m ' ' 000 Packages Fine Cut and ' Plug T0D8CC08, AT A SMALL MARGIN. By maroh I D. riQOTT. u Aa I bare on band an Inimonae elock of Hoemnmt Shoes, I will s.'ll tbvm at extremely 1 w (rices Iq onlar to maku room 'or my Spring puri-ntTi!, r. icganc nana-fearcit uoore irr Si ff. Vorv fine H S. Hox-'I'ne (In Iters ts SO. Olilldren's Shoes from 11 C'nts and upward), and tivcrything frouoraiiy oui.d In a n et olass Ilro? and'fcuoe sn.re at proportiouately lev prices. march 6 Hgn of (h Gulden Boots, BE QUICK Bight Sow fa the Time. Htliif( Inst talion stock, we And hundreds of attic rs that w bail riMliur sell at o iat'imcri own pi U na than to vlve housn n.om to for anoihur suaanii, Wi had raihttr hare the room than the ncinil. nr wlolesal and retail trade thin skhs'iii has n illmiribhi'd stcek that we are flompuileil to o No-th can In order lobar toi: 111 siorn In limn for our Hprlnff trade i J I.Mti v.'ii or our cni-tonirre whn are In want ef i a. i a tlrw iiMiallv (omul In Winter stock in ' Drv Homle Hlur - en .ave mon j by takli.gtbo mi vHiuni'f ot me si'tiarion ana nuying it now nt in. I etuif; im j Croons nonmoi ' 110SKOWITZ k LIEBER, 29 Market Street feb II HEW ADYEETI8Z5tMT8. Brunswick County Claims IL PKrUONS HOL1NO CLAIM! aalntt Ua aenty of BrsBawlok are raaiUd to prMBttkMioa er barora U third Maw day la May. I 111, to alUar Mabw of the Board of Commlaalooer. of Branawtrk ooaaty, to the Treasurer of said esunty, or to M. 0 Oulhrie, Clark of tb Hoard of Ooaamlaatoaera, MAHIDtN BfLLAMT, Attorney for rnaewlrb Ooaaty maroh I ot-tluAwtldMon.liialay Potatoes ! Potatoes I JQQ BBLfl. RARLT BUS! POTATOll, 100 " "nk ,T" f t' far tale by If kOHMH A C ALDUS BROS. anarch I M Corn and Hay 5,000 5ff5S.WHI" A"D l Bal.a Hay-Kaatari, 100 bake Hay-North Rlror. for iaj by ' RBROMKBH OALOIIt BEOS areh S W Bice, Flour, Lard and Sugar (VXBBLS.HIOI, no ' Floor. IITIrrceaand Hbll. Rloa, SO Hbla H.flnrd and P. R. iugar, luUbda. Demarara Hogar. raraal.br VKKUBHRR OAl.niK BB aiarth SB HOW IS THE TIHE to;itt CLOT Anliuueotlonofeer Stock will attlsfyany on that prloee hat reached the bottom. MUNSON & O 7.. CITT OLOTHRBB. march 4 A White Cook Wanted. A nl white woman Qennan, Irtah or Amerlraa who ean cook well and makaber aelf .a. rally aaafilta a private family, eaa flnd.mplomoai by addraaatai throngD tha rttiica. v.o. boiwa, WllainitoB. N.C. march 4 M-tf Hobby. Uonta Hx-T Nobbr Vail ton, band-sawed, t:able wire, and machine aawad matte oo haproted laat ; warraotao ooi to rip. ahoca for old man, broad tola and heel the moatoomiortabl shoe worn. An aiamiua tiOB la aollcltod. Uallat a A. PRIOE'B, Sign of tbt Uuldea Boot, iaarch 4 64 Du Font's Powder. UOK, KIFLI AND BPOKTIMO, BLAITIMO AhD MIMMO-Wbolo, Half and (juarur Kt For aala by 0. ii. PA RILE r 6 00. maroh 4 B4-tf Thomson's Malacca, Indo china, and China. Tbt Btralte of kfalaeoa, lodo.Chlna and China j or, Tan Teari Trar.l.. adrentares, and Kiaidearo Abroad. By J. Thomson, t. R. 0. 8 . author of "Illustrations of Obloa and It People." With orar N llluatratlona from the Author't own f hotographa and katchot. 8 to, Oloth.M. For aalo at HEirJCDERCER'O Lire Book and Maait iurt. marth S The law and Lady, By Wilkle Gollioi. "HEARTS AND HANDS;" Bj Mlae risbflr. "HITHERTO, " a Btory of yeater day. By Mra. WbitneT. "WHITE AS SNOW." By Edward uarretk At THE CITY BOOKSTORE. Chromos' CHRIST HEALING THE SICE. A beautiful Ohromo by the Re. Jas. A. Oertel, and a large rariety of other OhroinoB and Engraving. For Bale by k00N0LEY k YATES, 47 Market Street. march 8 5) mm In store and to Arri re ! SO Colli Ootton Plow Mnee, I Cuke Trace., in Doten Hme, 30 Doien Collar., 400 Plow., Ten Tort Plow Catting., WO IXbb Hoet, ail kltidn, and ertirythltig needed on a I Ian cation, Headquarter! lor Coopar't 'I oolt. , UILKH & MUKCHISON, 18 North rrootBtrtot. feb W '-.' ... ' Bl Pee Dee Courier. RETHK MERCHANTS OF WILhllNO ton aware that the Courier Uth.cnly Damn eratlo paper pablltbtd la RooklL am, and that It circnlatet exten.ltely la Richmond, Mnntgnmcry and Auioa eountleaf Kateiof advertlilng liberal and do axba eharget mad for changing adr.it aementa weekly. DTJCKKTT A ERV1N, march I tf Idltort. iMolnssos! Molasses t 200 Bbls. B. H. Uoluaat," ' 226 Hhds. and Bbls. Cuba Molaaae, For tola by KIBOBK1B UAXDgu BBOB L atar.hl H KISCZLLAMZ0U8 Just Received ! WIHATEJl'ST JHCCtrYEU.A LOT vr THE HANDgOMEaT"0 Ladles' tvnd Gentlemen's That ha tr.i bota offered for aalt in thlt aw ktW EVANS A VokGLAITN. marah 1 M lot X77fl. lt7&. CENTENNIAL -OF THE - CHARLESTON. 1, 0. TheOernaa Faailiereef t barlatton, Sonth Carolina, will clebrate their Centennial An. niTartary on th. third of May, llul, witheert onlat apuroprlato to to Intaraetlna an ooraa- lon. In ins, ont hundred teara aa-o. and beftira 100 ueoiarariou or maejuniteuoe, tne oerman eltla.nt of Charkatoa rallied to tho atanderd of Ancrlnan Liberty. They orajiie.d a corp. for the detenoe af th Colnnle Hi th treat war lor frattlom and rendered t'gnal aerylna m the a.tabllihnent of Mll'-governmtnt. 1 heir ri. ourd in tb Kerolatluuary atrugla la a matter of hl.iory. Their tor. lori during that memo rkhla ooutfat, under General 1.iiiol of the Oonun.ntal army, and at ihngm of Haan nab and Cbarlomu and on other battle fleida are nrond Uaiimonlall ot theirratilotUmai.il ileTollon. They waled their otkn lotbat oaneawimine oioou ana lire, oi many ul their nnmban. In 11 tb Werman Fn.tltera war ataln railed npon to aaalat In tb defence of ilia noatt, and In m. wben Ih. blood tomahawk ef tb Seminole drenched th plaint of Florida wiu toe oioou oi it propi, ana in or; rur .uooor waa ataln wafted to th ihoroa ol Oaro. Una. th Oertnan Fsttllera, animated by the .plrlt of It, rolnntaered their aerrlmt and aidfd in redeeming their titter state Iro tb r lhle hand of I he lavage. The oompany baa throiiiih all th trirl.il- tudaa and trial, of th paat century prwerrad In organlaUlon. and tt now believed to be the oldaet military orgaulaatlon In th United A. tarl at 1192 they attached to their mill. tary laalnro, a toolaty for th tnpport of taelr Indigent widow., orphan. and dratltut mem sera. "In thtt nont. ranaa of rharitr. that btr. Otpendad larg in ma from their own private retoarca ; theat hare been tbatterod by tb. Mlamltl.torthtwar Thlt will be. at I. believed, th tint mllltar. nentnnlal oelebratien In the United Ata'ei. Th FnalllOTi dwli to srown tlilt ceuteuiilal, not only by giving rntaraatand tlgnlfloanos to Ui onoatlon, but aim by planing apon a per manent ba.la, a fund for the relief of the wid ow and orphaat of their deoaaaed luem er. ueeo onjeou wonia innea o at and graw rnl memorial, of thl bltlorla oooaalon. 1'liey therefore appeal with eonfideno to their fat. low oltlaent thro.ghout tb broad onianae of thla Union, what Uberttet, now enjoyed, tb.v neitmi w aoiueve. wnauiver aiiuaiuint may bo given for theat purport! will b natefully aoknowledged. n uarvjira, , B.BOLLMAN, m m in ji n. W KUBKI,OOH,Ja u. nr.nniiooE, A. MKNKI, 0. M. IIII.I.RH, JNt), Kt.INt'K , O. F. W1ETBK8, F. VON RANTJCtv, HIF.DK E, 0.0. PI.KNUE. rt.Hri.iiKR, B. aUNEN'J'HAL, - tptcial Vimmititt en C'ralmmnl march I si-ii Notice. TTAVINO DlgPtlSKD OF OITR RADDI.K XX atarneaaand Trunk Bntlnefi, took, Oond Will and Book Aceounta, In WtlinlngUin, N. O.i to Merer., Oarpanter A Mallard, we bare by teuder oar tbauk to a generate publlo for their liberal patronage the laat ten yaata, and aak a eontlnuaue of th am to our Huo- oeaaora, who bare been acceptably In oar em ploy for many veara and are thoroughly pouted In the Meddle, liarneat and Trunk Builuem la all It branch.. Merer. Uarpentor Mallard will atttl all olalmi contracted against u In Wilmington, N. 0 , and collect debt, du ut and rvtpt for th ' J. S. TOP HAM 00. A. Cargiiter. J ILnallard. Saddles, Harness. &c. TTAVINO BOUOHT THE ABOVIC MEN- jj. tinned (lood., w oner a full ttook or B ADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, ami au Kina or ' ' AT ' VERY LOW PRICES for Catoh or to prompt paying bajor. W roaueouiiii; aniici. patron age. CAatPCNTEB JII1IJ.1RD. feb 81-lmnae Wagon Haterial Allot, Sprlngt, Hob., Bpokrt, Rlml, Tlr Iron, Caat Wbe.lt, BuggV W bee la, Sbafta, Seat, Trimming., Bulkr Wheel., Ste. All of ha above good, are A No. 1, and for tal at tb lowe.t eaab price, ot tho Old BUbllbtd Hard war Usui , of JOHN DAWSON, No. M, M And II Mai kt St. fobtS M Hay! Hay! Hay! gQQ BALES EASTERN HAT, 100 B. H. HAT, . Fortoleb KBROHNBBA OALDKB BROS. feb W 81 Base Balls and Clubs, Tops and Marbles, In largo variety. Jntt arrived and for tal O H. . BUNOE'B, M. E. Ooruer of Market and Seooud 8tt. fib M 81-tf Havana Cigars I have on band and for Mia, at my 100ml la Mtipltt'i Bnlldlngt, South Frout ttroet, n.ar Orange, a fln lot of HAANA 0IOABS of my own manufaoture. They are made from Import! d tobacco and oan he bonglit at one. third of tb coat of Imported elgar 1. 6RAP.ru fobt M-im Wadaatuvro Herald copy m. 150 HHDS. NEW CByPCTBA, 0BBLS. KEWO&OPCTIBA, Portal low by WILLIAMS k MUKCHISON. BROW & EODDIOK OFFER Special Inducement I N HAUBURG EDGBTOS AOT) IHSERTIOITS This "Week. All Cottons ore Advancing. In riew of this we hava made very heary purohaai lately, and are bow prepared to gire our Patrons the advantage for a abort time, bnt would ad vise all who are in want of luoh to make their pniohaaes AT ONCE, Clearing Out The balance of all oar Flannels at prices that CANNOT FAIL to meet the approbation of all. A Job Lot of Kid Clovesworth9 1 BO, telling for 00 Cents Per Pair STRICTLY CASH-ONE PRICE-NO SAMPLES CUT. BR0W1I & RODDICK. tvb it SQLUDLB PACIHC CUfflfl CO.; CJ-fViJirr-A.i PRICEO REDUCED THIG DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CHOP with MerohauU and other reliable parties priooa. W. Oommtaalon Mtrehanta. Agent for Feelflc Qu.no ' " .:. .. ' . Sab-1 gents for tho Solo ar t , aarvirii . t ,,,41111 O. WKAHAmi a BBi n nsar.r " 1 jaunt Bacoo. Pork and Coffee. CO A Box D. S. Bidet and Should!, 60 " Smoked Sulm ai d ghouldrrt. U Bbla. Poik, 1041 Hag Ooike. For tale by rtlCUdflNKB A CALDKH BBOH. feh W SI Husical Instruments. VIOLINS, BANJOS, FIFES. A00ORDEONS, HABM0NI0A8, JKWB HARPS and BE11ET MUSIC. For sale at the City Hook Store. ALSO CHROMOS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS and BTEREOSCOPIO VIEWS, AT CONOLEI A YATES City Book Store No. 47 Market Street feb 18 SI Exposition ROLLED PRE88ED BEEF. We bare tucoeeded la tttlng th "Agency" of thl dellcloui luxury. CORNED BEEF, Put up la Roll of tin foil and already oooked for Immediate Table ut. ; . TRY IT. Asd alto pat up la haadtom I pound eana, Bold only by GEORGE MYERS, Sole Agent. feb II 40 THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every Wednesday at '! WADESBORO. ANSON COUNTY, -: . -',' ' ..'. Bl ' josh, t james:a CO, Ha a large and rapidly Increasing etrenla. Bin In the Pee l)ceoouutrylnoilhand(ioutti Oamllna. A lT.rtlMr will And It th beat medium Iu rlihrr of the titter State lor reaching tb larmera, planter, and merchanl. 76 extensive local advertiting pat ronage exhibited in it column U the bent evidence of He large and influen tial circulation. ' " ' ' -1 T apaelnien eopla, with rate for advor. tt.irg, nt fne, poUge paid, oa application to the underlined, eilhr at Wadeaboro or WUmlogtoa. ., JOSH. T.JAMES A OO., BdltoriandProprtetnr. fob at tt-9 45 Market Street. ' 1 .ij-M-aa-x -a. jm 1,000,000. TIME. Liberal terms will be mad to sell this Gnano at our Wsxeho II. IICKAKY & CO.. Oo., and Dealer. In tin, I Peruvian Quane ... NORTH WaTSH MTBSBT, ; ' WlliRllNUTON, H. - of Soluble Pacillc Guano, Old Handled, It. 0. Marlon, a. 0. in-bnda.tr CARPETS Our Stock at Cost to ClosetOut Same. BRUSSELS AT $1 15 sod 01 30 8-PLY CARPETS, 1 80 ALL WOOL Do. 8fi to $1. Cotton sod Wool Do. 65 to 60 Cts. Cotton tO to 40 Cts, For cash only. D. A. SMITH A GO. febO 4 If Satisfactory Prices Art th amei baying D. PIGOTT, Tobaoooniat! At H Market Street, South alda, htadof the Market. fob 21 al 500 BARBELS . AMD BAI.V BAaABLB .... Choice Family Flour Under our owa Bra d. "WHITE BOSK," "PAYOBITB,' "OOOK'B OWN," and "BSPXBANKA." Beat grade of Flour In thl lt. CHAS. D.MYERS A CO., SAT North Front St Apples. Cranberries, ' TTTHITB ONIONS AND TABUS and FLANTINr) POTATOES. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.. t 0 A 7 North Front St. febti it e. FRANK COB'S Ammaniatedl Ron fhoepkato, 'T ff TONS OFTHB ABOVB WELL JLJJ known and valuable Pertillaer. For tale tor canh or on erop tine eaUafaotory teoarltr. Llbrldlo"unton lot. 0. 0. PARSLEY A CO. fob 1 n r Dissolution of Copartner ship. The eopartnerthlp heretofore oxlttlng ander firm nam. and ttyl of David Well iatha day dianolred by mutual coaaent, B. R. Weil having withdrawn from tb Brm. , 8. R.WEIL, A. DATiD. Fb. tlth, WS. ., , . SATINQ pnrehaaed th Intereat of Mr. ' , R. Well In the late Arm or David 4k Well, ill continue the butt eat at their old ttaad No. tT Market rtreet, and retpeotfully lolleU a oontlnusno of the patron ge to liberally boa towed upon the lat firm. ' ' . A.DATIO. . IToticc Mr. A. David wilt tattle all elalm agalnet the late firm of David A Wall. Parile owing the late firm will pleat e I and eettl Imme diately, a the Book arv b loted. 1 A. vAjm. Mai "

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