9?L 'X ' 'a X T VOL X23V.-IT0. 57. uamnoion, n. -C, btoday, iiaech 7. 1075. thiols no. 0x21. Cbf Uailn lonrnal. WILMINGTON, N. a: STJSDAY.MABCH 7. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. IlEADQUARTEItS. LOUISIANA TO BE AGAIN CON 8IDERED IN COMMITTEE. THE NEW PAYMASTERS. v DEFEAT OP THE LEWIS RIDER TO THE RIVER AND V HARBOR BILL. Wasingtoh, March 6 Noon The President hu prepared a lift of the new Paymaster! whioh he will proba bly send to the Senate on Monday. The nominations are about equally di Tided between the regular and volun tear offloera, though there s another statement that but two regular officers are included in the Hit ine names are inaccessible. There are two hundred applicants for the places. The Lewis rider to the river and harbor bill was defeated in the Senate by the absence of Gordon, of Georgia, and Hitchcock, of Nebraska. General Gordon, who entered the Senate almoat immediately after the vote, made earnest and persistent efforts for a motion to reconsider. Dennis, of Maryland, would have complied with the request, but he had sot voted oa the call. Others who had voted nay were deaf to the solicitation to move a reconsideration. Had Gor doa been present there would have been a tie, when the Vice-President would have voted aye, carrying the measure. IBoth Allen and Gordon appealed to Morgan Hamilton, of Texas, for a reconsideration, but he was immovable. WABHHfOTOif, March 6 Noon Un til within a few days the plan of arbi tration in Louisiana Affairs, so far as their Committee were oonoerned, was . not positively fixed. It may now be settled that that the oase will be con sidered by the Whole Committee. They will eommenoe vo? SuCh 'as papers coming from: New Orleans reaon them, probably as early aa Wed nesday or Thursday of next week. The proposition of an extra session of the Louisana Legislature is still suggested ,j oy ine uommittee. EUROPE. THE' GERMAN CHURCH DOWMENTS. ENS , Bkhlik, March 6 Noon All parties exoept the Ultram&ntones and extreme ' Conservatives have agreed to support ' the bill withdrawing State endow ments from the Catholic olergy. It is believed that another bill is being pre pared requiring the test oath from Catholie applicants for civil service, and to dismiss those who fail to give satisfactory assurance of their loyalty. Pabis, Maroh 6 Noon The differ--anoes between Buffett and Dufaure have interrupted the negotiations for the organisation of new ministry. The negotiations have been resumed but no result has been announced. ELECTHICISMS. The telegraph building at Albany, N. I., corner of State and Broadway streets, has been burned. Loss, in cluding the museum, $60,000. A fire in the business portion of the oity of Houston. Texas, incladins Main (treat, destroyed $50,000 worth I oi property. The Standing Committee of the Pennsylvania Diocese have refused to consent to the consecration of Dr. De Eoven. The Committee of the Dela ware Diooese have taken the same ac tion. -'; Advioes from Asia minor state that 30,000 of a population of 62,000 have aiea oi starvation. The Standing Committee of the Diocese of ew Jersey have refused to consent to the Jagger oonseoration. The DeEoven papers have not been leoeiveu. . k A. -J. 'Crane, late Collector of In ternal Revenue for the Third Vermont District, has been sontenoed to 18 months' imprisonment, and to psy a fine of $2,000, for irregularities in offlce. The banking house of Hays k Wells, at Johnstown, N. Y has been par tially burned. The charred remains of Edward Yost, who slept in the bank, were found. A diamond pin and a valuable watoh, and a large sum of mouey are missing. There were no attempts to rob the bank, and there is no oiue to the origin of the Are. ALABAMA. THE STATE GRANGE WILL HAVE i I AFAIB. .; EXPELLING A BR I B E TAKER FROM THE LEGISLATURE. 8bi.ua, Maroh 6 Noon The State Grange has decided to bold its First Annual Eair at Selma, commencing October 25, lasting four days. MoNToomnr, March 6 Noon The : House of Representatives, by a unani mous vote, expelled a negro member named Gaskin for proposing to do certain things in bis legislative capa city for three hundred dollars. The Committee examining the charges, consisted of three Demoorats and one white and one colored Republican and reported unanimously that be was guilty. . There is a universal rejoicing in Ala bama over the defeat of the Forte bill. linODE ISLAND. SOME OF THE CHICKEN! GONE HOME TO LITTLE RHODY TO ROOST. Niwport, Maroh 6 Night Gover nor Howard presented a report of Chief Constable Northrop to the Sen ate yesterday afternoon, relative to the official interference of U. S. Mar shal Cugireehall, at the recent aeixure of liquors whioh wer under the pro tection of the Slate. His speech Las, it is said, caused a profound sensation throughout the State. The following u the substance of the speech: In the collision between officers of the State and the United States, I was called on by a member of the constab ulary force and informed of an exist ing difficulty and was asked to inter fere in the matter. It seemed to me, on an examination of the faots, that although there was no doubt in my own mind that I might direct a por tion of the military establishment of the State to sustain the State officers of the law, yet prudence required that the question might better be decided by a court than Dy an intervention of the military; besides I was reluotant to bring the military in antagonism with the police of the city of frovi- denoe. Therefore I directed the con stabulary to make no further effort to seize the liquor there held by the U. S. Marshal and Chief of the Police. As a result this has been placarded as a victory on the part of the U.S. Marshal and his Deputy. It seems proper that I should therefore say that the pusi lanimity, if any, is mine 'rather than that of the State constabulary and the obloquy, if auy is mine. I agree fully with the universal opinion that these attachments are collusive and thereby a disgusting shams, and I share agen eral sense of the mortification at the indignity to which onr commonwealth was snbieoted. I realize also the gravity of the situation and recognise it as an imperative duty to take meas ures for au early and proper adjust ment of the question. There have been dinned into onr ears for the past six months threats with regard to Fort Adams and revenue cutters, but so long as these threats were words, and idle words, they have been treated as such. Yet when VT i gravely stated by arespwf&;e;nd fatatfg&t jS!1? that tT . i? ii 'i i.r ... wvj iivui i-uil AUHUi. .UU UIO U. B Kevenue Cutter Samuel Dexter had been placed at the disDoaal of the Marshal, it seems proper to ask why is this done? Whom is it desired to attack? Not a foreign foe, not turbulent community in rebellion. It must be then for a purpose, waging war ou me people oi a Bute: a State where the people from the date of its settlement have been noted for their intelligent conservatism and pat riotism. It may be improper for this honorable body to consider suoh me naces so long as they are menaoes. bnt now that the issue is directly foroed, I inina u ougnt to receive your atten tion. Your presence here. Senators. is a mocking farce if suoh proceedings sa luese ue sustained Dy tne f ederal government, x our honorable judioi bit ana executive may as well resign meir omoes ana leave the control and direction of the State affairs to the subordinates of the United States gov ernment. No graver Question has been foroed upon the State since its urst settlement It is a vital question for in it is involved the sovereignty oi the State and the harmonious relations of the State with the United States, The little State of Rhode Island It en titled on Suoh points to an equal re spect aa the larger States, or the gen erot government iteeii. I make no argument on this question. The mat ter is in the bands of the General As sembly, and I am confident it will be adjusted in such a manner as to vindi oate the honor of the State and main tain the integrity of the laws. I have not the slightest doubt that the an thorihes at Washington, when this matter is properly communicated to them, will promptly and emphatically condemn and repudiate the proceed ings oi ine Marshal in the premises. TIRGIUIA. COUNTER IRRITANT CIVIL RIGHTS. FOR Richhohd, March 6 Niirht Mr. Gilmore, of Richmond City, to-day in troduced a bill in the House of Dele gates to punish disturbances in hotels and theatres, and other places of amusement. It provides that persons who create disturbrnoes in hotels by boisterous demands for accommoda tions after the proprietor or bis' agent has declined to entertain for want of room, or other reasonable specified causes, shall be punished by fine or lmprisonment.In the case of theatres managers are to have the right to issue reserved tickets stamped not transferable; and when the party is not the original purchaser ana de mands admittance the door-keeper can refuse bim but the proceeds of the ticket must be refunded, and if he re fuses to take the money and thereby causes a disturbance, he shall be ar rested and fined in both cases; half of the fine goes to the hotel-keeper or manager, as the case may be. There are similar provisions regarding steam boats and railroads. The bill i. garded as an entitle? to the Civil Rights bill. 4 1 , . THE "iCE. ATTEMPS TO REMOVE BY BLAST- ' ING. Pom Jjtims, Maroh ft Nicht Mr. O. Ohanute, chief enji leerof the Erie Railroad, yesterday made a further ex periment of blasting the ice in the river bed. lie stated that no water has found its way to the bottom, but that it was running: underneath the gorge. He propones to wait nntil the ourrent raiias sufficient to carry off the ioe, and then to start the whole by blasting. The ice needs watching and when the right moment comes the blasting will begia. DUD. Oa the Stk tnetent. ef PtnttN, et the reel denreof kit brother, at WhIUvtlle, at SAMUEL S JACKSON, a proalaeat oittae mwaty, aad eoa la i.vertbe late mb, aged stoat yen IIW ADYIXTISXSIItS. llarrlis's Pruj Store. FOR SALI1 i Ooapltta aawtaaat of alr, Tastk, Well ana OUUiM krnsaat, Otabs, JlcliM eat Mpartor OAROM SSIU. Baaaa a4 1W t nrga varlaty. , Frath lapply af Drtga aa4 awM eapievaS Patant sftdlelaaa. f , - ; Farfoaarj aa Toilet ArHelaa. W. W. WABHISS, !.. K. W. Oaraai MarkH i fraat Its. aveeb 1 - , : ft-lt NO ONE FAILS HOW T BIT CL07BID6 WHOAHE IN WANT, f)ur aitraaaly low arleaa warraat a sale, Btltnca of atoak lolaf faat. - MUNSON & CO, oin noTiim mlrob T Executor'. Notice. JJAV1MQ QCALIF1BD BtfOBI T Jul. of Probata af BTaw laaavw raaaty es Kxaeotor af Patrick Maryky, oanaiiS, 1 hertby iva aoilaa taall aaraaas lafeblaa Mid doeadsat, to atkt tuadlata payaaat to as, ad to all paraaas kavlac .lata, atalatl u'.d decedent ta aikiblt U. Wat U aa ta er befbra Ue Ttb day of If aroa, A. D , tne. F. U IfTJBPBTr, Baatar. aarebT ( H-ltowSw S CLBOTBD HAMS, Beat iay tTaiBeer. : . 9aekM.it r. ror.ai.ai , i O. W. BTJaOB'S, jN. B. Oonar Market aa4 Saaaad stream. naiarobt ... If Howard Relief Fire Engine Co-Uo. L Aa edleaned aaatbif wUI be belt a Hea der, the Stk IrwUat. at a a'elaak P. M. akara. ta iranaaet baaloaai af lapartaaee, kaf. aaaav uuwu w ui imm aoaiaiy aaenBa. A fall atteadaaee le rHairac. By arder af tba Praaiaeat. WEi. BDBblABW. Baa. Beeratary. aarek f It Wilmlnjrton Steam Flit I Engine Companjlit. 1. There will be a at tlaf af tte Oaapaay oo Monday atenlag, l b maiaat, at S o'clock, my meaber is earneeUj rof aeated e be preeent. .., , , - By order of the Voreaaa. W. I JBWBTT, ... BocSeoretary. rob f et-tt Second X7ard Tbe Peaaeratle-OoiieetyejM v vatare af hu War4areaoilfl.4toaeetatthe ceart Beaae on af eaday .t.d1d, (tk Inatant, atSe'eloek, ivr to parpaae or naaiaaung eeaaiaeies rot Aldermen. AH BR t). MrJWDt, .. aoratary M Virl Olnb. trt T SMt Second Supply of Now NOVELS. OLD MTDDLBTOK'S MOKBT. A BOTol. y iHtry ueeiiM.y. THB LAW AMI) TBI LADY. B Wllkla vuiiin.. duet reeelTod and for tele at HBIUBBBBGBB'a, ptlHOi, OBAKS AJIDOSBOlfOB. Foraaisat :JJ.; HEirjGDEnOCR'O Uto Book and VatU I tare. Darah I Corn, Hay, Oats and Ileal. 1,000 Bnihel. Corn, M0 Bale. Baateni Hay, f.lrtOBBtt.l. Oate, (to Baibele Water rotd Ifetl. For sale by KBBOBJf BB A CALBBB aarebT BBOS. ST llolaeses ! Uolacses ! 190 H id. Bew Crop Cube KelaaM, . 100 Bbl. Onba MolaaaM, ' ' Bbl.8acarHoaM Molaten, -'. : 10 Hbda. Demarara If olaatee, SB Bbls Hew Orleans MolaaM. For eale by KBKUBRKB A OALDBB BBOS. aarek I SI Potatoes! Potatoes! 109 Bbli. WO BarlyBoea Ptrtateet, Pink lye routoee. roreaieby B.BKCHHEB OALBBB BBO, aarebT ST Powder! Powder! kO Kegi Blfle and Snorting Powder, M0 Beg. Bleating aad Mining Powder, U,00) Poet Pon, -For tale by KBKOKBBB OALDBBBBO. aareh T (f TURPENTINE AND CCOFER'S TOOLS, Baekert, Puller, and Dinner, at biat Wiula known In tbe market. Bank Flier, Hack Weight and Haet WkeU tor. of all kind.. (looprr'' Tool, orbert brandtBortoa. Bar. tio and Hlmraon.', for aal at loweet prioet at tbe Xm Bardaare Store er ILK MCROnnOH aarek f as North Front Stroaa. wEDni::o cr.D3.8TOr Ikeaeot fcJasabl twe the I u i.2LAi cjftcar VZW ABTXXTIIXIIXITS. IAST CiMCB THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK, , CONSISTING OF XIY GOODS, eVo.( Will b Cloud out This Wk at Prlvat Sale. r Bargains may be had by oalling at ones. atarekf Corn Flour Sugar- : Coffee. 1,000 Boshels Prime White Oore, 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grades ; 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 900 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. For rale low by WILLIAM. MVBCBtSOM. Hoop Iron Clue, Nilla and Shot. 600 BuBdles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, MO Kegs Nails, 800BaBhoi Bar ealo lew by s W1LL1AHI bJUBOBtlUB. HayDaoon-Syrup-Rloe. MO Bales K. B. Hay, 'MM Boxes BmokeA and D. 8. Bides, 100 Boxes D. B. k Smoked Shoulders, SO Bbls. S. H. Syrup, MBbls. Bice. For sale low by - WILLIAMS k MURCEISON. MolaaaeaT" Molaaaea I 00 Hhds.anl Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For sale low by " WILLIAMS 4 M UBCHIBOI. CuanoCuane-Cuano. 900 Tons Eureka Gnano, . lliJ Tons Guaaape Guano, W1UIA13 al tarehf " .. j .. . .... .1 p. I -T7U- fcTFIS, IXCIIAWCI COHNER Has u reoeived an Elegant Aaaort- mentof Hamburg Edglngf and Intertlona At : . VERY LOfl MICE8. T Callaaul CIS aarok! ilaa. NEW. JgiTBA MBit VACXEBEL, Kxtre Large OodBth, Salaon, lagar Oared Ham and koajdert, look Ckeoat, tine AVppl Obotte, Bdaa Gbeeaa, Bxtra Craaa Okeeee. Affetblsteff'- COOKED CORKED CEEF. ,utered letter. Vroeh Beaated J.- "anidulaU, Ao., tend a. JAMBS BABBOTJB, ' All the ab. M A , Alexandria, Va. w ""at, wanted emTWbero. 4w BOROUGH HOUSE, aart -? J0UXH WATEB SiaiSET, Fort,? FlamTCNOTON, 1ST. O. CHAAr4 Lodging. QPABKLtKS) BTOBi p ka Wlnaa-goarttaailS OF THB PAT rrlott. j OHAS. D. Ml Bed and Oom. a and r Undoubtedly -Mo That eat Brand ef U D" CELECT VIIIOXEY I.tkebert, pareeteod neet tellable famll; ra w inu; now in ine a.riei, ite BnrltT le aitaeted br the hlfbeet mad leal and eoleaUSe eatnottij aad lie pepaiar price af , TBBXB DOLLARS le aod.rate. and learee no reaaon for tuin. rig the ooaaon af aiterated aiitnreeeald at h Uk CHAS S. MYERS A CO., Sole Agents, 6 r North rront tn larehT Star oopy. i SFSIKS; 1875. SPBISQ. I675. IFUDOWB Having reeaivod largs additions to our Stock for Spring trada, we now offer ths sams at unnsiially low prioes. Purchasers art rwpwtlully requested to examine. D. A. s?,:ith 4 Bar ah t BEFORE REMOVAL DAMAGED BY FIRE AND WATER, 63 Ilarket Street. UNDKt MAltNINO HOUtl. The "Woman of Fire." ByAdolphe Beloi w "MI STORY." By Mrs. Kf B. Maoquoid. "Lady Sweetapple," or, Three to One. By 0. W. Pasent, D. C. L. "Istelle." By Mrs. Annie Edwards. ' "Hearts and Hands." By Christian Raid. "A Strange World." By Miss M. E. Braddon, "Hope Meredith. " By Elisa Tabor. "The Mlid of Killeena." . By Wm. Blaek, "Old Mt (Idle ton's Money." By Mary O. Hay. For sale at . CONOLEY A YATES' City Book Store. aarek t Notice. Hi! A VINO DiafOSBD or OUR SADDI.K arnaaand Traok Bnnnwe. ttoak, Ueod Ill BDU .WJI .DVVMIU. in ITIiaiUIIVB, f. . O., to MeMre. Uarpenter A Mallard, w. breby tender our tkaoke to a attneraui pnbllo fur tb.tr liberal patronage the laet ten ytere, and aak a oouUnuaooe of Iba aaae U ear Sao- n.aare, n bate beea aeaei'tably la our en- filor for many year, and are thoroughly Mtd n the Saddle, Uarn.M and Trauk BeelaeM In all Its bran oh m. If eare. Uarp.ntar Mallard will aeltlo all elalroe ooatraoted aiaintt a. In Wilmington, N. O , aad eolleot debts doe Be and reoelpt for UM eaae. J. S. TUrUAM dkuu. 4. Oaraaatevr jr.B.naallar. Saddles, Harness, &c. " BOTJQHT TBI ABOVE If EM' VTAVItfTJ-W.". w offer a full iteok af JA tloOMll BADDI LE8. ... ... HARNESS. "VHtl l IV TaUNKS. C0LLAR8, 1 BRIDLES, And All Kind of QwfaJDXXLSJXnr GOODS, VERY LOW PRICES Wmw CmuU or to nromnt nalna hiMra. W rtepootfullr aollolt netroaan. CABFtliriiH MAM-ARD. ll-laaao Havana Cigars I save ea haaA and for eiia. !(. mmm i UppHfiBaildloit, Seelh front rtreet. sear Or as (a, ta lutof HAVANA OIOABI of ay ewa aaanfaotnre. They are aada turn laport4 tebaeee and can be bought at one. third ei the eoetaf Imported eliara febS B4.ia WaAeibere Berald aepy la. T7agon Haterial. Ailet. Sarlan. Rube. ImIh. mm., tim Saate,TrlaalBe, balky beei, Ase. All of the above (ood. ere A Bo. 1, and for tale at the loweet oaah prleee et the Old EeteblUb.d naraware uoaje or ' JOHN DAWSO Bes.i,sndjtAOCo. rbbM Dn,P.i aughilo a Son, Char. ell A Bro, Ooldaboro, N. U. A Oo., Monroe. M. O i Murray Tar Wilmington, v) . wiinaBiwn, vv-r-h a Tkoau. Balelih.MOi LM flheo, frankllntoD.N O; Tlnberlake A Earf.. Paclflo.NO; Braneb A Oo, Wllwn, WO M A Angler, Durham, N O, fab at 0MAw2a "New Proceee" Empire Family Flour, Beet riotu la the World. Try It and we guarantee a eavta g of 81 W per cent. A. wm exrented It took the 'premium" at the Fair for nuking the PUREST, WHITEST and . SWEETEST BBBAD One trial will eon vlnoe yon. gTho "Beet Batter In the World." alwejr. the me and the only reliable elegant Butter In this city. Salad Oreaisg and Atmore't Mlnee Meat. At GEO. MiEKS, B0- ii and IS South Front St. to tta .Trr " ' " e or earn w ik. MABSDb. BELLAMY, ' Attorney for Brnnnn- county. aareh s 0o-diaAtMkRRiiiiiay Hobby. hand-fewrd, Oable wire, and machine eew.d aade on in proved laet warranted not to rip. Bboea for old a.n, broad role and beel the ana. eomiorwDia enoa worn. An examine hob ponoiiea. , Calls a A. PRICE'S, Sign or the Qoldtn boot aareb 4 - m Pee Deo Courier. BE THB MEBCHANTJ OF WILMINO. ton aware that the Ooniler It the only Demo tratu paper pnbllahed la Bockli. aa, aad that It elrenlatet eiUntlrely In Jtlchmond, Ifontgoaary and Aaaon eoantletf BaUeof adrertlelng liberal and no extia eharget aada for ebanglng adrettLemente weeklr DrCKETT AERV1K. JEW ADVZSTISZXIMS. 45 BROWN & We still continue to sell at oar former low prioes notwithstanding tks ad vance in the markets, and as ,a substantial proof submit the following list of prioes: Coata' Spool Cotton 6 cents a spool or 70 oents per doses. . Unbleached Cotton from 6 oeuts per jard. 83 inoh Fruit of the Loom .11 Cents per yard. 8 " " Loom. ,,ia m 88 " Wamautta ...Wj New Sprirjff Caliooea, best quality, 10 oents per yard. Ladies Fnffs for the Neck 6 aud 10 oents, worth 35 oents, bargain. It would be a great taring to thoee visiting the eitg for the purpose of do ing their shoppingin the Pry Goods line to1 give ns oall previout to making their nnrohaaes. We take this method of advertisinor nrinea far vnn in tnm. pare thero with not only Wilmington and vioinitj. but with those of any sta tion of ths oonntry. We have no time or inclination to bntton-hole yon on the streets, or look you np io the Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Oar object is purely, business, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Ruoh as 100 doaen Kid Oloves for 60 oents per pair, worth II 60. Ladies hemmed Inre Linen Handkerchiefs 19 oents, worth 39 cents. 30 pairs Blankets S3, worth W 60. WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASHNO SAMPLES CUT. JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Ilarket Street 0UAN0 ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH jT I Price , Price 050 00 per to of 2,000 pounds. J TBB BIOH STAND ABU OT QUAUTT IS OOI1DERED BT THOSE WHO HAVE OIVEM IT Af AIB TB1ALTBB BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER MANUFACTURED. Oo. ".LIOERAL AND ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS FOB LABOB LOTS, GIVEN ON APPUOATIOB. a . Po TX it LIEBER, Market Street. AN0. Be f luiriE N F0r Small Quantltls. jMnn. nt the P.rurUn Oot.rn Agent have advanced the prloe of -a dollar. and flltv oente IfKi M) gold. per ton er pouna. srow, ..laoimniug v tbe eme time a new scale of dloeonUi, the lownt being 8" oente on perneie rrom on to 100 tone.tbo hlghott 11 10 on 600 tone and over. A.n.oal.they will noteeit in una oi una man lea tone. i iihHm thia nw rrans;meirtt I am nabledtoflll orders for lots af ton ton and upwards at rioetnenine aK.ni.si inw r a. .nun rnn m w an the cavern Fuvian covernmnt. I will, as heretofore, aui are. .UDOlv QUI derten toneat t he as ma rate aa ohamed.bv tram. i Circular, containing teetlmor lale, reference and full particular., maura iraon aniiiuu to R. BALOAIAK, We, M Beaver St., New Tor. ; P. O. Boi 129. dec IT T-dAwtf WHAN'S THE GREAT FERTILIZER FOR ALLCR0P8I STANDARD GUARANTEED. JIAATONS DAILTEXPEOTKD AND 4UII for .ale on liberal term, at reduced price, to both eeh and time purohaere. Ex tra Inducement to thone In want t of l.rr i lot. VICK k MEBANE. fehSS Bt-dAwlm TO TI Ptllll ngto bny CLOTHENd within the next At S53.00 per Ton, Cash, frat Raw-Bone Snperiiliosiiliaio I M. m ear N A. VASSA AOil. a. too.uu pei a on, iain, or vm).u WX OCABANTEE that the previout High Ore B. B BBIDOERH, Prealdent D. McHAE, Treaeurer, . O. L. QBAFFLIN, Superintendent. JenS. E. FRANK COE'S Ammeaiaud Ren. Vhwaphate. 10Q i or aaleloi TONS O? THE ABOVE WKLl known and" c'uble rertiiiur. or eatb er on crop tin, eatleraotory eeetvlty, o.a. nr: :y a 45 RODDICK II E 058 00 per 2,0C01b3. Payable Hot.le BAS BEEB FDLLT MAIMTAIBED, ABT IT a ri."iT-vrnna of the State of hou. .uocearoftheOonaervatlTept-vyy.fi opment of the hUlden wealth of thtr inviting emigration inu oor mum, vanoement or ma wenara oi our pei -. , everything that aarvee to make a State propa. out and Independent, lie ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be round of great advantage, a bath the Dally and Weekly circulate largely la every portion of the State. Batee moderate. STJPSOBIPTION BATES l Dally, One Tear ST OS Weekly, " t Subscribe for BTONE41 1 874. UZZELL, (Proprietors. ' VI -U Jan0 3 If Wilmington IS ALITlS TO BBB INTEBB8T8 In Kaet Carolina, ber bnelnea men willadvertlttla THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well etabll.htd weekly aewrpa. per, clrcnletlng eitrn.lv.ly In tie ooonCeol Hyde. Beaulort, Pamlloo, Pitt, Xdgeeombe and too adjoining. Batee Low. Walt. P. WHtiaaaoir, B. Gaivoan, Lata of Tar boro. of WaahingtoB . , Editor and Proprietor, eot II Star oopy. Itl The Florence Pioneer," fnblUhed Weekly at FLORENCE, DAKLINQTOM CO.. S. O. Termat S'J Per Annum la Advance. Its large and dally Inereaalng elrenlatloa ta the Pee Dee oountry, and along tbe line of the Wilmington, Columbia A Augutta Maiiroaa, render. It u excellent adrertlelng medium for the buelnera men or Wilmington. Monthly and yearly oontraott made upon the aoet liberal terms. . , , ,, . ., WM. LITTLE, Editor and Proprietor. febM i The Enfield Times. DANIEL BOND, Editor Proo'r O. Q. DAVENPORT Associate Ed. Tibmb j One Year, IS 00; Six Month, SI OS One or the moet interesting exchange that eomee too. from the Old North BUU-JBa mm, Baltimore, Md. Judging from the flrt number, It will Imrne. dlately take rank, editorially, with the Sret pai nor. in the South Norfolk ( Va.) Annul, Bhowe an aptitude end ability In diMuntn Important publio queetlon., and evince, muoh enterprIM In the general make up and meehaa loal execution. BrmmniU ( IVimi) state. One ot tbe neateat and bert edited papera , the State. wuton. t. u.i rmmtuw. Th beitDrlnted paper in nona vanuunb Spirit tflh South, deen SOT. The Ansoniaii, . uircriv :Kcvft?APEi m , pay. e of oar Fe mm at NAVASSA o. WIL&Uai&N;ttor. r h the Farm are -lnn. Stanly and A Wliito Ccoi ivrs the A til t white woman German, IrUh 4 . American who can cook well and m.ka kr Mlf generally uastul in a private family, ea And emnlovment bv eddreetlne: tiirou.h L.a f t Ollice, y. i: . CO. t)f mi . arsh 4