1 V , ' IJJnJrn f ; til) Xf JJ n WILinilGTOn, IT. C, TUESDAY. IIAItCH 9. 1875. WHOLE IIO. G.C22. VOL XXIV.-1IO. 58. flu ihib jjctirnnl. WILMINGTON, N. 0.: TUESDAY. MAECH. 8- 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. MAKING UP. THE SENATE COM MITTEE SLATES. TETITIOX FOB THE PEFUNI 1SQ OFTHE COTTON TAX. ADVERSE REPORT ON IT BY THE COMMITTEE. MORTON AGAIN TALKS PINCH BACK. MORE OFFICIAL THIEVES UN EARTHED. Washington, Match 8 Noon The Seoretory of the Treasnry this weik will i8ue a call for thirty million bonds, on account of the sinking fund, uuder act of March 8d, 1873. The in terest on oalled bonds ceases niuety days afte.- the call, bat it is under stood that the. bonds with aoeruod in terest will b paid on presentation (tt any time after the cull. . The oommittea of the Republican Senatorial caucus has not completed the list of the standing committee, bat the Demoorats have been informed that they Will be allowed three mem bers on a committee of nine, and two Senators hold over the chairmanship will remain unchanged. The cliair m tushipof the Committees on Com merce, Postoffioe aud Pobtroads, Pub lio Lands, Indian Affairs, Pensions, RiTelutionary ClaimB, District of Co lumbia Claims, Territories, Railroads, Eduoution and Labor, and Contingent Expenses, are vacant. For these chairmen will be named from the next highest on the committees. These changes may place Bontwell chairman of the Civil Servioesnd Retrenchment, and my give the chairmanship of the Committee on Ccmmeroe to bpeucrr, of Alabama, though he may be assign ed chairman of tho District of (Coluja li,will whioh givethe important posi tion onjCommeroeto Ooukling. Should the ploa indicated be carried out, West, of Louisiana, will be chairman of the Committee on Railroads. The Committee on tho Judiciary of the Senate, to whom was referred tho Ktition of oitizeui of Desoto county, ississippi, praying the return of taxes assessed and collected on cotton for the years 1865, 1866, 1867, 18G8 and 1869, respectfully report that the petition of the oitizens of Desoto coun ty. Miss., asks the return of the tax on cotton for the years 1865 to 1869 in clusive on the grounds that the tax was unjust and oppressive and because it was unconstitutional. The Govern ment of the United States has been obliged to raise a large amount by taxation to defray the expenses of the reo.-nt war. The property and indus tries at the North have been heavily taxed, and as cotton constituted the prinoipal wealth of the South the Com mittee see no reason why a tax upon it should be considered unjust or op pressive. The cotton tax has been claimed to be unoonstitn ional for the following reasons: First, because it is equivalent to a direot tax and is not laid according to population. When the Constitution was framed the larger States were can fill to provide that the direct tax should be aooording to population for fear that a tax npon land by the acre might impose large and unequal bur dens on them. Hence the Constitu tion, article one, section two, provides that direot taxes shall be apportioned among the several States according (o an enumeration made every ten years. But the cotton tax is not a direct or a land tax; it is a tax on the productions of land it is an exoise on cotton levered from the land in bale and by the pound. Second, The tsx is claimed to be un constitutional because it is not uni form. The 8th Seotion of Artiole 1st provides that all excises shall be uni form throughout the United States. This tax is uuiform; it is the same whether, the cotton be in Maine or Louisiana.' The faot that cotton is . grown at the South and Dot ax the North creates no want of uniformity aay more than the fact that as manufac turers are found at the North more than at the Southitrendersatsxon the Northern median io partial and local. Any one can raise cottsn and as a mat ter of faot (Northern capital is invested in its production. The exoise is uni : form. ' - 1 ' ""Third, It is said the tax ir unconstitu tional because it is a tax on exports. The 9th Section of Article 1st provides that no tax shall be laid on atticltsex ported from any Stote. The fact that any artiole my be, or is largely expoit ed, does not make the artiole an ex ported artiole; this is simply a tax on cotton. The object of the Constitu tion was to prohibit a tax on exporta tion and this tax is not that. The Committee therefore rc oaomend ed that the petition be not allowed. Congressman Bufllngton, of Massa chusetts, is dead. Sbnath On motion of Morton, the resolution was taken up for the ad mission of pinohback. Morton then f roke in favor of seating him. Washington, March 8 Night. bxKATB Clayton moved that a Com mittee of aeven visit the Indian Terri tory r' a ring the recess to inquire into toe wants and capacities of the inhabi tants of the country. Hf'ifrtn A.llarl nn fViA ran1nr.inn seating Pinchback, and for the bene fit of the new Senators proceeded to make his usual speech," out bad not concluded when the Senate went into exsouuve session, t There were no confirmations. The Republican Senator! eanoused this afternoon over the committees without concluding them. The following nominations have been made: Ortu, Minister to Austria; Maynard, Minister to Constantinople; Sheats, Sixth Auditor; D. S. Wade, Chief Justice Supreme Court of Texas; Belvin, Pension Agnt, Raleigh ; Jao. M. Woodward, Superviug Sur gfon Geuerol Marine Hospital Service; Manning, Collector Customs, Alber ma le, N. C. ; IUnaier, Collector Re venue Second D etrict; S. C. Many of these are renominations. There are no Southern Postmasters. There are msgy routine and military promotions. The Attorney General iu an official Mn....r.wnfi.-.rt tiuc. HimI 1 li Vttkt I ITU- j tion into the conduct of Felix Bauua gon, Attorney, aud Leroy Brown, Marshal of the Southern District ef Mis sissippi, has led to the appoiutuieut of anew Marshal and that investiga tions proceeding will probably evec tnnte in a new District Attorney. The charges are malversation iu office aud increase of expeuses for their own benefit. .NEW IIA3IPS1UIIE. THE APRROACHISG ELECTION. THE RADICALS THREATEN T CALL IN U. S. TROOPS. A SURE SIGN OF A WEAK BACK BONE. Concord, Maroh 8 Night The po litical campaign in this State has been coi ducted with unexampled vigor for the past week," and on the eve of ele -t ou a careful canvass of the situation shows that both parties are confident of electing their candidates. The Re publicans claim the Governor and two out of three Congressmen. The ma jorities, however, will be small and it I freely predioted by impart al obser vers that, as in the last 'year, there will be no ohoioe for Governor by the people. A Manchester dispatch ssys that great excitement has prevailed there for a day or two on the streets in political ciroles in consequence of threats of Republicans to call in the aid of United States authorities and the aotual presence there of an U. S. Marshal. The excitement grows out of the fact that several hundred aliens from different parts of the State have been naturalized before the police court of ihe city during the past few weeks under the late law passed by the legislature. EUROPE. CLERICAL CONGRATULATORY LETTER. SETTLEMENT OF THE VIRGIN -IUS AFFAIR. London, March 8. Noon Gen. Sir George Hope Grant is dead. Aged 67 years. The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and York and all the Bishops, with the ex ception of two, have issued a charge congratulating the clergy and laity on the prosperity and progress of the Church, and atroogly admonishing tlie former against such ritualistic practi ces which tend to 'isolate the clergy fiom the people. Arthur Helps, the author, is dead. A special to the Times says that the Pope has permitted the Austrian Bish ops to comply with a law of Austria which he forbids them from notioiog in Prussia. Madrid, March 8 Night A Con vention between Spain and the United States, settling the Virginius affair, has been signed. Tno belligerents are to exchange prisoners. London, March 8 Night A dis patch says many women and children were lost by the wreck of the Gotten berg in the Indian Ocean. The total number saved, as far as known, is 22. ELECTKICISMS. Lamar, of Mississippi, opened the New Hampshire campaign on the Democratic side in a most conserva tive speech. Senator Gordon spoke at Littleton. The Detroit Standing Committee of the Diooese of Michigan, has confirm ed Jagger and refused DeKoven. The Marshiield Club of Disciples of Daniel Webster, of Boston, have ten dered a dinner to Senator Gordon, of Georgia, and Congressman Lamar, of Mississippi, on Thursday next. The heaviest snow for years fell at Cincinnati on Sunday. It wai nine inches deep and extended South to Jackson , Tennessee.- - - - A heavy snow fe in New York on Sunday and continued throughout the night and it is still snowing. A heavy body of snow has fallen, Beecher's Church was glutted on Sunday; the doors were locked at half-past ten o'clock. A clamorous crowd continued knocking. Fourteen new members were reoeived. The snow delays all trains at Fough keepsie and the fears of a flood are redoubled. Forty persons have been buried temporarily m the snow at St. John s. N. ii., whioh prevents oocoss to ceme- te les. The Scbuylkil gorges are unchanged. a proposition w aissoive ine gorges by burning coal oil is receiving atten tion. The sale of the Alabama & Chatta- noogo Railroad, pending negotia tions b( tween the State of Alabama snd the bond-holders, for a settlement of existing differences, has been post poned by tue bpeoial Master of Com missioners, -until the first Monday in April. From a balloon whioh had risen some eight hundred feet over a West ern city the aeronauts let a oat drop to the earth beneath. She struck paws dawn, and when a small boy was ask' A if she was dead the fellow answered, "No, it only shook up her flddla firings a little. DIED. In th licit j, the Jih luat, tfUr Huprtaf HU fm, In tb ittUi jfm ol hw.n, as. MA RT At'tiUoTA, wil tt U. W. M.M Hr ruueral will uk plr thi afUrnooa M lo'cluck, t Front Blr..t MfUumIw Church, mud fr.ia lh.no U OsAd.l. C'trntwrj. Th. frwutU ! tcqaaiateuoc ol lb. Umllj It. rw .ctiuily InTiioa ta attend While th. Death Au-1 Ul .rw thrnXlnf la nk iFflftoraekeM alckla, to karTaat th loTiiet ai.il beat ul raxth, a. ealdoai aether a th al en hit oolti aim w rich ta avar heautlial grace aa Mary Augu-ta Havea. Ia all th awt lnnuv.no of chiUlbuod ab. onetctatwl bar Ufa to tM la hr 1 Jth jear, ana lil4 tt eat to th. ud IUi a deep, tin for at iletxtlou, giving her wholtrx tteuoe tofal'.Ul altr aataar iburnj. af her hlak.r A a child, an r, lf, aiouier, rrirnd and t hntuaa th. Slitd .very t.Utloa up to th tiigh.At human htval. She at atver known to iak a har.li or anklbd word to anf ernlwr of her faatlly. She n..r atteicd a aiurmur dnriug her long, and af'ea vamlul, uckneea. Her .xurnal aeautlful form and tcatare wt rebut faint thtiliwt ot her nwr. beaatllal Internal, mora1 and Intelleotatl talf. fuatewtd ot an tnlllert of nor. than ordinary power and culture, and a gentle sad .mtabt. natural dlKpoaivion, aud a tool thoroaghly Im bued with tne aptrlt of Chrtrt, all who cam. In ouutaot with her lored hti.atd ker luflu'noe lor good waa felt tT every on. Hrr hinder, unwavFiIng ard Intelllgont darotloa to ail bir lured onm at liome,audbrirong and thought ful mttunal lore, azadeher life aa InetUmtble hlet Da;, and bar dih aa Irreparable etrthly lorn, buoh were her patience, resignation and faith, during her long affliction, uo on could g in her preeeno. without feelial the benlga influence of her eanctifli d .pint. With a bet e le calmnM and .jlf-iiotttion, wblihthew. d bow a CbrlMiaa cU tht, h. made .very tem poral iiciaratlon fur deal h gave her III tie cbl dren her parting blowing, and th.n gar. ttism a I up to Owl. and th.n patleally wlrd the lira' coming or her Strong Dellvrer. A Hlr labbstlief aarrnl reet began to fad oat of th)k,atd U. tun n MnEinf behind th. hill. He came ami, at th. Infant r.llt ! to umber beneatli It mother 't rmlle, eo ah. ge t y fe laaleep la th. armiof Jnn. The r moral of turn a character matt, at any time, leave t-nder tie hie. ding with pm. The cloee of turh a life mutt crate a vacany In any borne and oommuulty. Many who read thit brlel announnemtntor death, will drops tear of ilnru In memory of the departed, and .x'end to h-r d'toontoUte l.ntband, motberlrn chll "ten, and her eorely and donblv bareaied mnthcr aiateia and 'brother their hai'ftlt ympaUtb. sad aarnett prayer. Faitoa . At Ro v y Point, at th. reeldcnr. of fleo C frenrh, Eq., Monday morning, the Ith lntt, GEOKOK 0. Mt IMS, aged H year, funeral aotice In to-morrow, paper. SPECIAL. Do not pend your mon"y for bad wathing. Th. Warwick collar look, better thai linen, and doe. not need wathing. Parting away ! patting away I BiBaob Tooth Waab .f . former day. 80ZODONT givetth. ceup f g naei, Good-by. to th hambngil let them pu. Tbrre are probably a hundred or mors per ion In tbl. end neighboring town, who dally tufterfrom the dl.treting affhot. of kidney troubles, who do not know that Johnon'Ano dyn Untment It almost a certain ear, la ever cane, great roller may b. obtained, If not a perfect euro. COBeuBtpUTca, Tsvkw yisvals. Every moment of delay make your ears mora bopelem, and much dpnds on th. jo. dtolou choice of a remedy. Th. amount of testimony In favaref Dr. Bchenek1. Palmonle Svrap, at a ear. for eoneamptloa, far sxeoad. all that can be brought to support th. proton, dona of any other m.dioln. See Dr.lcheack't Almanao, containing th. eertllcateeof many peraoni ot th. hlgheet reepectabllity, who hav. been rtatored to health, ofUr being prouoaa. oed incnrabl. by phyiielan. of acknowledged ability. Boheuck'i Palmonle Syrup alone baa cured many, a tbea evidence, will eh.w; bat tb. car. la often promoted by the employment ot two other remedle which Dr. Bobenek pro ride, for th. purpoa. The, additional ram. die. ar. 8chenck'a Sea Weed Tonlo and Man drak. PUIi. By th. llm.Iy njf of the, medi cine., according to direction, Or. Sehenk certlflea that moat any caae of Oonaumptlon may be cured. Dr. Hchenck 1 proreadonklly at klf prlnel- pal office, etirner sixth and Arch ttraoti, Philadelphia, every Monday, wh.r. all li.tt.rt for advlc moat b. addreaved. The New Ice House. J WILL HEREWITH HOTIFT THE 01TI- aen ana the paon. in general wai I Bar. ear. got. of lo. on th. way, and sipsotlng th. tame to arrive ber. at any momtnt, I ah all open my Ioe Hon, about th. mlddl. of tbl. month on th. north .id. of Dook, between Water and Front creeta. Thla Hout aball b. known at th. "Mew lo. H.oae," wh.r. people can uuy tbelr Ice at low Bguree. B. H. J. AHBEM9, Froprleter. march 9 M-ltw Stir oopy. AT AUCTION ! THIS DAT, at 10 e'elook A. II., at our saiearoom, A large assortment of Crockery, 20 Bales Hay and other artioles. cbomlt Moaais, Aaotleneer maroh 9 M-U Spring Patterns. mHE JUSTLT CELEBKATED OEriO. KErt'S PATTBatNS forth Spring, 1810 ar. now ready and for .al. at th. offle. f th. Singer Manufacturing Company, en Market street, between Seceud and Third. Th. ladle. of Wilmington who may b. (nnlntentiooslly) overlooked in tb.ditlribailon of Pattern Book, sr. respectfully Invited to eall at the offloe and get on., where they will alto find for Ml. Mad So.Demor.rt' Portloltoof FarbiomaadWhat to Wear and Ho-to Mak.. 0. P. HILL, Agent, marob Ml St . John's Lodge, . 1. A. V. and A.. M-AA NO Emergent meetlngof St. John' Lodge No. J, thla (TUESDAY) evening at half-patt I o'clock for work In tb. Matter, degree. By order .(W. M. aaa,ouauAua, Secretary. St. John' Hall, March , ins. M-tt Hew Crop Molasses 240 BU6SHXAD9' 45 TIERCES. JCT SaXBivaT) m Schooner S. P. BROWN, FROM CARDENAS. For Ml by WORTH A WOBTH. maroh HEW ADVERTISZXISTS. HO Oim FAILS HOW TO BUI. CfiOSHinG WHO ARB IK WAMT. Oar.xtr.melr low P'loM warrant aaala Balance of atoai glag laat. MUNSON & CO., CITT wVOTHliaS. march T Administrator's Notice, H ATIbU gCALlFIEO AS AUMINIS- trator upoa th. Eatst. of Doetoa Htya, d- eeaaed.lau of Mew Hanover County, aotlo. It hereby given, I. .11 ptraon. indebted to eald dee.aad, lo make Immediate payment, and to all ptraon. having elalmaagalnat th. d-.aaod, to prraent thtm.t th. aaderrlgaed, at KnStld, M. 0 , or to bit Attorney, PuBrut Uutlar, at Wilmington, N. f on or before th. Sth day of Ftbruary, ir, or thle neUo. will bejt.ad4 In bar of a roecrvi ry. WRIOHT HATS, Admlniatrator. Ith February, W5. S3.1Uwfw OIIOIf3, 1 (LECTIO HAMS, Btef T.agna., Smoked Bef. Foraalaat U. H. W. RUaGI'S, N, B. Oornkr Market and Seewnd 8ua anaroht St Second Supply of New NOVELS. OLD MTDDLRTOM'SMOKBT. A K.vel. By Marr UeoiiHay. THELAWAMllTHB LADT. By Wlikle Uolllna. Jnai r.MlrM and rr mi. at HEIMS BE ROBE'S piAHOB, OB9AKS AKD0BHOM0S. Foraal.kt HEirJGDERQER'C Urs Book sim Moil. Star. maroh t IT Corn, Hay. Oats and Heal. g,M0 Bnah.l. Corn, MO Bala. Rati era Hay, 1,000 Bothela Oat., ISO Buth.la Water Oioaal M.al. For sal. by .. KBROBBEB A OALBBB BROS, starch 1 . 1 Fresh Bird Seed, QMIOH 8BTI,, - GARDEN SEED, ALOHOL, KKROHENB. For Ml. low bv GREEN FLAWNEB, march I DmgglMa. Bent of Valuable Beal Estate ON THE tOTH DAT OF MABCH NEXT, on tb. Dremlae. I will rent for th. bal- auc.of tho year, a portion of that valuable place of property on which the let. David K. Vuteh reatded. eontlrtlngjof on. hundred aorta f Laua, with a largo and well arranged Dw.i tlng Houaeof eight room, and all dralrabl. at hoDtei, located near Toptall Sound, la ten miiee or Wilmington, . u, 'arty renting will be required to give not. with approved aecur I ty.. 0. A. HAMNER, Qaardlan of Caledonia Patch, fob IS 41 itlsf.bdttMarch Aa I bar. on hand an Imm.na. stock of Reeta and Shoe, 1 will aril them ateitremely low price, la order to make room for my Spring Surcnaeee. Kiegant nana-aewea ooor rot I SO. Vrv line H. S. Boi-To. O.ltera S4 SO. Children'. sboe from IS eenU and upward., and everything generally found In a flrat claa Door ana no owr. p roForuooawiy iw prlcee. CHARLES A. PRIOR. maroh Blgm of th. Croldam BmSJ THRPENTIEAND CCOPER'S TOOLS. H taker, Pu1lrtnd Dipper, ol bad brands gn.wn in ine maraet. Hack File., Hook Weight, and Hack Wh.t. tar of all ktnda. flooper'. Toola of beat braala- Hortea, Bar. tea and Slmmona', for mi. at l.weM prlcee M in. xn.w nsrawar. ocor r ILE9 MCRUnnOM marek I M Nrtb Fiwnt Street Executor's Sale. o M THB 10TH DAT OF MAROH BEXT at tho reeid.nc.of the late Barld K. Futcb, I will txpoea to aal. all of th. pereoual proper ty f which th lata decedent died poateeMd i Oonalatlng of Hewehold and Kitchen Furni ture, Farming Ctentll., on tin. Brood Mar., Thro. Male., Thru Carta, Two Wagon., tne Buggy, Hog., Cowi, Sheep, Fodder, Corn, Pea nut., On. Pe.nut Machine complete, Btaam Engln. and Boiler, Carpenter 'a Toola, Ae. On be 13th day of March n.it, at Eichaug. Oorn.r, In the City of Wilmington, N. 0., 1 will ..11 Twenty Share, of Wilmington and W.ldon Railroad Stock. Trrma of Hale Caah for all inm.of twenty Bve dollar, and ander. Over th'. amount s ertdlt of alt month! will b. given wltb Interact from date of aala. Mote, wltb .pptoved aecu rlty required. . 0. A. HAMNER, Eieontor of Darld K. Futcb. -18febA9Vlarcb fob IS SPRING; 1875. SPRISG, 1875. Having reoeired large additions to oar Stock (or Spring .trade, we now offer the same at unusually low prices. Purchasers are respectfully requested to examine. D. A. SMITH 4 CO. mar.k kf MISCELLANEOUS The "Woman of Fire." By Adolphe Belol "MY 8T0RY." By Mrs. K. 8. Mactpjoid. "Lady 8wetapple,M or, Three to One. By 0. W. Dasent, D. 0. L. "Estelle." By Mrs. Annie Edwards. "Hearts aud Hands." By Christian Beid. "A Btraoge World." By Misa M. E. Braddon. "Hope Meredith." By Eliiia Tabor. "The Maid or Killeena." By Wni. Dlack. "Old Myddleton's Money." By Mary a nay. For sale at CONOLEY A YATES City Book Store. mar eh? ST Notice. TTATINO DISPOSED OF OPR SADKLK XX Harneenand Trunk Rnnlnwa. atork. ()mnI Will and Book Scrouata, In Wilmington, N. O., to Merer. Carpenter m Mallard, we hereby tender our thank to a generou publlo fur their liberal patronage the laat ten yraia, and aak a continuance of Ihe tame to onrSuu oeeaora, who have been acceptably In our m- filor for many year and or thoroughly pnated n th Saddle, Harntea and Trunk Butlnrt In all IU branohna. Meaara. Darpentar A Mallard will aaltle all clalmi oonlracted avalnat ni In Wilmington, N. U , and collect da lla du. n. and rroelpt for th. earn.. J. S. TOPHAM A(H. A. C'arM liter. J ll.lriallartl. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVING BOITUHT THB ABOVE MKN tinned (tuoda, w. ofl'er a full itock of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS. BRIDLES, And All Kind. of SADDLERY GOODS, very'low prices For Ceah or to prompt paying buyer. W. reapeotfuliy aollclt patrouaaa. (jABPKNTKlt fft AM. AH la. febB Bl-lnnao Havana Cigars I hav. on hand and for ai, at my room. In l.ippltt'. Building., South Front .treat, near Orange, a Sn. lot of HAVANA CIGARS " ef my own wanufaolnr.. They sr. mad. from ImporUd tobacco and can ba bought at ou. third of th eott of Imported elgare 1. RSF.FU feb M.tm Wad.bora Reraln mpt f m. 7agon Haterial Axle., riprlnga, Rnba, Spoke., Rlma, Tlr. Iron.uaat wheel. Huggv wnl, Btiaiti-, Meal., Trimming. Sulky Whit, 4o. All of th. above gouda ar. A No. I, and lor Ml. at to. lowoat oaan price. ot in. via utiauiituru Hard war. Uuaa of . JOHN DaWSON. . No. 19, W and 21 Mai ket St. fab IB M Du Font's Powder. , RIFLE AMD SPORTING, BLASTING ADD HIMIKO-Whol. Half and yuarter Kega. For aal. by march 4 0. G. PARS LET ft OU. sl-tf In Store and to Arrife ! Be Coll. Cotton Plow Line.. S Caakt Trocoa. tS Uotan Bamea, 30 Ikieta Dollar., A00 flown, Ten Tore Plow Uaatlnga, 00 Itoien Heea, ail kind, and evnythlng ndedon a I tarnation, Headquarter, lor Coopor'. I'ool.. GILES AM URCHISON, M North Front Street. febiH 01 Hobby. Goats BsTo band-eewed, liable wire, made on imnroved laat : neavy uanerai and machine ewed warranted not to rip. nboe for old man, broad mint oomfortabl. tho. tion leeoltclMd. Uallat 0. Sign march 4 tole and ueel me worn. An examine A. PRICE'S, or lb. Golden Hoot. 84 Pee Dee Courier. A1 BE THE MERCHANT! OF WILMING- too aware that th. Courier lath, only Demo- oratl. paper pnbllahed la RocklL am, and that It circulate. .xt.nalv.Iy In Rlohmond Moalgom.ry and Anton eountleaf Rat, of adv.rtl.lng liberal and no sxtia charge, mad. for .hanging adr.itl..ment4 weekly. ' DUCKITT ERTIN, maroh l-kf Bdltan- 8IIE1.BY B1NJSEB, Pnbllahed weekly, at SHELBT. Clev.'and County. N. (J., at al SO per annum, In ad ranoe; hat a large and rapidly tncreaalng clr rotation in nearly all the counilr. Wen ot Mecklenburg. Also, an attentive circulation in th. eiunttee or Spartanburg, York ard Union, S.O. Ha'Juat been enlarged from a twenty to a tblrty.two column, and la now adorned with an entire new dreaa. li pnlitici ar Demntrnlit The Carolina Central Hallway being now completed tbrongh to Wilmington, an 1 Shelby being th. Weetern trrminni, tb. Banner ia a moat excellent odv.rti.lng medi um. XatH modtratt. DURHAM tt WEBB. EJItora and Proprietora. febtfl -tf Marshal's Office, CITY OP WILMINGTON, ) January 23d, 1875. ( NOTICE, FROM THIS DATE AUCTIONEKKS AR" prohibited selling Horace or stork or any kind In front of the City Market Prlncoi atl eet Irom the eaatern line of root etreet to th weetern line of Fourth etrrct or Heoond and Third ttr.eu, between the northern line of Market and the roathern line of Cheetrut treeta, or. deelgnatl for thla purpoa. By order h. Mavor. J.H. ROBINSON, CltyMaraba' Jan tt Corn and Hay. 5rtr.il BPBHIlLS WHITE AND ,UUU M'Xt f Bale. Hay F.aatern, 100 Bain HayNorth Hirer. For Ul. br KEROMKXB CALDEB BROS aaorshl M K1W AD VERTISZ JIZi T3. 15 BEOW & We still continue to sell at our former low prioes notwithstanding; the ad vance in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the following list of prioes: Coats' 8ikk1 Cotton 6 rents a spool or 70 cents per dotea. Uubl taolied Cottou from 6 cents per yard. 5U inch Fruit of the Loom. .... 11 Cents per yard. 8ll " Loom. 12J " " " 3(1 " Wsmsutta... ,,16J New Sprinp; Calicoes, best quality, 10 oents per yard. Ladies 1 nils for ttta Neck 0 eud 10 cents, worth 23 rents, a bargain. It would be a great Hiring to those l initiny (he city for the purpose of do ing their shopping ir the Dry Ooods line to give us a eall previous to making their purchases. We take this method of advertising prices for you to com pare tlierq with not only Wiltuiugtou sud vicinity, but with those of any se tion of the oounlry. We have no time or inclination to button-hole you on the stroets, or look you up in tho Hotels, or by laying any olaims of friendship, Our object is purely business, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way, ' SEVERAL JOD LOTS. Such as 100 doien Kid Gloves for GO cents per psir, worth $1 60. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 23 cents. - i 20 pairs ltlsukots worth i GO. WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH NO SAMPIEt CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, mn'i'li t LAST ijllAM'li BEFORE REMOVAL. THE BALANCE OF OUR HTOCK, DAMAGED BY FIRE AND WATER, CONSISTING OP DRY CIOODS, aHco., Will bo Closed out This Week at Private Sale. Bargains may be had by calling at once. , 63 Market Street. Binrch t SOIME F4CIFIC CWfl CO.; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE TACIFIO GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Libersl terms will be me.de with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Gusno at our Wareho priooa. W. OommlMlou Merebanta. igonUfor PaeidoUuano Sub-igcnts for tlio Sale r. H. ain0J t). UHAlIAn janii , A Distiller Wanted. jMAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO CAN males Whit. Boain, and bring .atufactory reference!; to go to Mobil., Ala. Apply to " JAMES 0. BTKVENSON.' IStf For Sale. THE LITHIA WATEB of the Virginia Baflalo Bprlngeoi th. water ot the old Butlelo Bprinjga, pat op in DOie ooniaining one uoaen Half Gallon bottle, will be aupplleil to order delivered at the rioottibura Depot of the Hloh mond A Danville Kailroad ar. S per box. to be paid In odvanc. The LIT III A water h made oa remarkable enrea aa any npon record In affeotlonaof the Bladder and Kldneva an. la ITpepala. It hue aleo given decided relle In Gouty and Hiieumatlo afteotlone , In th ' dloeaee of Women and In Dyiepla the water of tb. old Spring ia regardMl aa well nigh ipe oifio. Addrta. THOMAS F.OOOPE, BaftaloHpringa, t : M.ekl.nburg Conntv. Va. a. t4 ll-9Uw-m E. FRANK COE'9 Amniomated Hone f ho pit ate, trr TONS OF THl? ABOVE WELL I yjyj known and valunble Fertlllier. For aain lor oaali r on crop time .atlalaotory leeurlty. Liberal dlaoount on lot. 0.0. PARSLEY & CO. r.b i ,y . . ; ' A White Cook Wanted. A ul white woman German, Irkh or American who can cook well and makeber aelf generally i.nim In, ptlrato family, can Bud miilO' merit by addrrning through tho Foet Oflii e, JONIUS, P. O. Boi 62, Wilmington, N O. " ii-tf march 4 Molasses ! Holasses ! 17) H id. New Crop Cuba Motaa-ea, 100 Bbll. " ' Cuba Moiaaaea, 301 Bbli. Rngtr Houae Molaara, - SO Hhda. Demarara Holaiwen, K Bbl. Mew Urleana Molaaxa, For aal. by KERUHNEB & CALDER BROS, march I SI Powder I Powder! tea Keg. Rifle ard Sporting Powder, ; 800 KgBlatlng and Mining Powder, 10,00) Feet Fare, ' ... For sals by KEKOHNER & OALDERBRO. marsh T . ' St 7EDDIHG CftRDSOTrS?. 45 EODDIGK 45 Market Street. oT UNDER MANNING HOUtt. II. jreHAKY & ro.. Co., end I'mlrialn Nn. 1 PrrsTl.n Ouano JtfOKTIt WATEB BTKIBT, WltniNUTON, fie of Soluble Pacllc Guano. Old Hundred, H. 0. , Marion, a. a ZI-3maw WIIvFYFE, EXCHANGE CORNER. Has just reoeived an Elegant Aaaora mentof Hamburg Edgings and Insertions AT VERY LOW PRICES. SV (tail and Eiamlna march I Corn Flour- Sugar Coffee. 8,000 Bushels Prime White Oorn, 1,000 libls. Flour, all grades ; lOOBbls. lteflned Sugar, 300 Bags rrime Bio Coffee. "" For sals low by WILLIAMS A UURCEIBOV. Hoop Iron, Clue, Nails and Shot. COO Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 200 Kegs Nails, 800 Bogs Shot. , - For aal. low by WILLIAMS a MUBCHIS0K, Hay-Bacon-Syrup-Rice. 200 Bales N. R. Ilsy, ; JtK) Boxes Smoked and D. 8. Bides, 100 Boxes D. 8.4 Smoked Shoulders, 60 Bbls. B. H. Byrup, . 60 Bbls. Kioe. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCniSON. Molasses I Molasses! 800 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCIELS03. Cuano CuanoCuano. 200 Tons Eureka Guano, , 250 Tons Guanape Guano. . For ni low by : WILLIAMS t MUECII130N. ', 1 march T ' ' WEDDI NO CAKPNand VISI KMKit

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