C7i " (iff if i i rrinrt nnn a VOL XXIV -HO. GO. WILimiGTOII, 17. C, THTJESDAY. IIARCH ll. 1875. WHOLE HO.- 0,824. Wilmington, s. o.: THURSDAY. MARCH. 11. 1B73. bV TELE C RAP H . ohtontionT"" vl c MR. MOREHEAD' INTRODUCES A BILL TO CALL A CON VEX- . - v: TION. PROVISION'S 0? THE BILL. "7X . srECllIi TO TUB JorKNTEL. Raleigh, March 10. Mr. Morehead. from the Committee on Constitutional Reform, reported a bill providing for thecal f a 0nvt. tioa to meet in IUleigh on the fl'.h oi September, 1875, for the purixme of " considering and adopting such smend- . , 4! ; ruf-uU to the Constitution m thej may derm necessary tod expedient, nb- - only to the reatriotions hereinaf ter provided. The bill provides thut the eleotion for delegates to said Con vention all all be held on the firtt Thursday in August, 1875, and that it . ' .bail oonsiat of oue hnudred and twen ty delegates. The Convention shall , havo no rower to consider, debate, adojit or propose any amendment to the existing constitution or ordinance upon the following subjeots : Ilome stead and peraooal property exemp tions, 'mechanic's and laborer's lieu If , ud rights of married wooatm a now secured by law, nor to alter or ameud section 3 or 5 of article 5 of said Con v; stitntion, nor change the ratio be . , tween poll and property tax as therein . j. , ettablished. Nor shall it have power to " propose or adopt any amendment or ordinance vacating auy office or term 0f office sow existing and filled or held , . by virtue of any eleotion or ap pointment under the existing Con stitution 'and laws until the 4 i ) iame shall be vacated or expired un der existing laws, but it may recom- i i $' mend the abolishment of any office a v .. , when the present term shall expire or vacancies occur, and may provide for the filling of such vaoanoies other than M now and limiting tba terms thereof. Nor sLall it adopt or propose any plan or amendment or soheme of compensation to owners of emanoipat i 4 slaves, nor for payment of any lia (j bility or debt incurred wholly or in part in aid of the late war between the States, nor for the restoration of the ,., , law of imprisonment for debt; nor is shall they require or propose any edu- , . , .cations! or property qualifioationa for office or voting; nor shall said Convet : . : tion paas any ordinances, legislative in their character, exoept such as are ne cessary to submit the amended Oon- atitution to the people for their ratifi c ition or rejection, or to convene the . , , General Assembly. The whole wheu amended to be submitted to the peo , pie for their ratification or rejection. Upon which bill the Committee eub- ' , mitted the following report: "la .J --The Committee on Constitutional Reform, after considering the several , bills proposing the oalling of a Con- ention heretofore introduced and rt f erred, also several bills proposing nt .merous amendments to the Con stitution by Legislative method, beg leave to introduce the enclosed bill, ji l and a majority reoommend that it do pass.'. , , i . ' On motion of Mr. Morehead the bill was presented and made the special order for Friday at 12 o'clock. 8- ; 5EW HAMPSHIRE. THE OFFICIAL RE l URNS FROM t i THE ELECTIONS. rtirj p THE RESULT TET TS DOUBT. BOTH P A RTIES CLAIM THE t:i ; . viotort. CoNOoBD, March 101:45 A. M. One hundred and eighty-four towns v " give Cheney, Republican, 29,568 ; Rob erts, Democrat, 28.388; scattering 600. Last year these towns gave McCuth fi;ings. Republic w, 26,027 1 Weston, Democrat, 25,820; scattering 1,667. .. .This shows a net gain for Cheney of ' t tin " iiAfBB. Thirtv-one towns in the second Con- w ' greesional Distriot give Pike, Repub . linan, 4,811; Belt, Democrat, 5,034; t Fletcher, 80. Forty-five towns in the Third Dis trict give , Blair, Republican, 7,452; Kent, Democrat, 7,029; scattering 59. Fifty-nine towns in the First Dis trict give Whitehouse, Republican, 1 ' 9,993; Jones, Democrat, 10,023; scat ., tering, 194. The whole number of towns in the district is eighty-seven. later. Late returns of the night seem to have changed the face of the election somewhat, making what at an earlier " hour seemed an overwhelming Re publican victory rather doubtful. The returns of the Congressional districts 3 "are meagre and insufficient to iudicate ' the result positively. The Republic r ' an claim to have elected Pike in the Seoond Distriot and Blair in the Third, and think Jones, the Demo- , , cratio candidate in the First Distriot, is defeated, On the other hand, the Democrat claim to have elected Jones iu the Kjrst District, lie 11 iu the Str oud, aLd t jiuk that later returns may show the elt otiuu of Kent in the Third. Ti e r-'ei'ond aud Third Districts seem donbttnl with the chances somewhat in favor of Jours iu the First Dutrict. The Republicans claim to Lave elec ted t ie Governor, but the latest re turns have reduced the gains so the: "no election bv the people" seem not improbable. The Legislature will be very close. CosoobA, Mroh 10 Night -Later I wo hundred and four towns give Cheney 83,584; Robert, 32,476; Whit and sofctteriuff ODO. These towns la-t jeur gave McCutchens, 2'J,84; WVbIou, 29,582 ; B'lackman andcatteriug 1,810, which ii a net gnin for Cheney of 258 Tiiere are 23 towns to bo heard from. Later returns from 2'i'2 towns and wards give Cheney 87,012; Roberta, Democrat, 3li,09tl; White and scatter ing 024. The net Republican gaiu nvr last year's vote is 2,869. The i etnaitiing' towns last year gave a Drm oor.ti) majority, over all others, tf 7'M This indicates that Cheney and Roberts will run with about an even vote, the scattering votes defeating 'he election of either by the people. Both parties claim the majority of the senatorial districts. The Democrats olaim the House by 15 to 20, while the Republi cans also claim 18 majority iu the ame body. Iu the flrtt Congressional District the election of Jone, Demo crat, is conceded by both parties. Blair is eleoted over Kent, Democrat iu the Third District, while tbo Second i stilt in duiibt confident! claimed by both p Artie. The Monitor, Repub lican newspaper, claims that Tike and Biair, both R?publioauw, ore elected to Congress ; tbat the Republicans have a good working mnjoiity in the House of Representatives, aud that the Republicans have elected 6 of 12 Senators, with several districts in d ubt. The Fatriot, Democrat, sas that there is no election of Governor by the people; th.t the Republicans have five Senators and the Democrats rive, with two districts in doubt.and that the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives. The Jra- triot also claims the eleotion of Jone aud Bell, Democrats, to Congress, w th the Third District in doubt. ThePjo- pie (Democrat) also claims a substan tial victory for its par'y, witu tne ex ception of the Tuird Distriot, whioh it considers doubtful HEADQUARTERS. SENATOR MERRIMON'S ARGU MENT AGAINST PINCHBAOK. WAfHixaTOx,olarcn 10 Neon The Cabinet decided yesterday to discon tinue the competitive feature of the civil servioe reform. In the Senate, immediately after the riding of the Journal, the considera tion of the resolution for the admis sion of Pinohbock was resumed aud Mr. Merrimon, ol North Carolina,oon tinued his argument iu opposition. Nominations J. Burnham Kinsman. District Judge of the Western District of Arkansas; Capt. John C. Beamont, to be Commodore of the Navy. Confirmations Belvin, Pension Agent at Ruleioh; Ransier, Collector of the Second District of South Caro lina; Martin, Postmaster at Montgom ery. Alabama; Webster, Postmaster at Orangeburg, South Carolina. After Merrimou, MoCreery obtained the floor but yielded to Executive ses sion. , EUROPE. ! HEAVY GALE ON THE ENGLISH COAST. CONTINUED TROUBLES IN THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT. RUMORS OF A COUP D'ETAT. Trfiwnnw Mnrch 10 -Nonn TIeavv gales, and disasters are reported along the &uglisb coast, several lives have been Tost. A motion will ? be made that the House of Commons adjourn over for the Easter holidays, from the 22d tf March to the 5th of April. A Times Paris special says the min istry has been upset by the Bonapart ists, who persnaded MftoMahon to op pose Duke D'Andif ret Pasquier. M. Wallon is also opposed by the Bishop of Orleans, on behalf of the clergy. A correspondent says MacMahon, while urging Buffet to accept, several times threatened to resign. Pabis, Maroh 10 Noon Rumors are contemplated of a coup d'etat by the Bonapartists, the circulation tf whioh causes some uneasiness. It has been deoidedin the Chandler Buel Blander case that the Poland gag law does not apply to Buel. Recourse must be had to the law of 1789. The indiotmeut is faulty and Judge Loat, in tho United States District Court, has no jurisdiction. The District At torney has given notice that be will appeal. The case comes before the March term of the Cirouit Court. The Ohio State Grange reports 1146 working granges, with a membership of 66,000. A number of fishermen from Sand wioh, at Boston, report three vessels sunk. Five men were lost, Capt. Lull's survey for s canal serosa the Isthmus continues with favor. It is reported that there Is a bread riot in Bogota. All the bake shops are gutted. The Western Union Telegraph Com pany has declared a quarterly divi dend of 2 per cent. " At Camden, N. J., the Democrats have eleoted the City Treasurer and Assessor. " Rev. Jas. Rishardson, a Methodist Episcoi al Bishop, died recently at Toronto. - Panama advises of the 2d instant, state that fears are apprehended that he troops will interfere in the ap proaching election to seat the govern ment candidates. , (JE0KUIA. RACES AT ATLANTA lEUTERDAT Atlanta, March 10 Night The rt were opened to-day atOglethorpe rttt. me i.i res-quarter race was won by Mattie O. time 1:2a The mile daKh was won by Century time M, MARRIED. On the J.1 intMt. at th rwljone r Tin. 11 A. Hm.lrrr, ir MN)io, N.O., Mr. W l. MAKtltT. of Svanthoro, K tj., w Mm Al.lt I OL VKR, of f k,UHIhla, f. Hrwhem r il p. BPSCIAL. W elim (hat th Blniwwd wliai wilt It btttar, look mor Ilk Ita., t.J kp ! t ngr tha any othr PMing wj t iiBf aaj I Erh Troth Wank of foraitr Sty SOXOI'ONr (tmth. raaiaSr Oro l-b) to th knmhagil 11 th Tbr r prohtblv bnndrdar nor. pr ran In lt md nibburm town, ho daily mffor Iron th SlrtiMtv( frct( or khlr ttoablr. hodo ant know that Johtnon'i Aoo iija 1 luintnt 1 ilniK . ecrUia enrt. In HrxiM, (Tcatrallrf Bar a bMlBS,u' ot a prfrt eon. We netio that th afrtraltoral parr all nrr tb tonntrT rtranaiead the o a hen. da' l'Tlr flondtlinn Powd. re - jraa. trmari and .th r tu tbl cllon bf lone known and appreciated th adeantaf oT ttaM powder mt all other. CoDnnapilv.,TaikoIltto. tmy moment of delay atakeo yoar ear more hncelme, ard nmrh depend to thJ diulon eholr. of a remedy. Tk aBMatiff teetlmony l far or Dr. Soherek'e PnlaoBle Strop, ae a ear for ronramptliB, far eeeeede all tl at ra be brnnht t npprt th. prttea. elnn. f.ny other merttfllno. SeeOr.Seheeek' Almana,eontalnlntk. Mrtllatf many pereon of th. hlghMt reepecUblllly, wk. ke been reetored to kealth, after btf nroneia red Ineoreble by pkrilrtana of arknowledged ability. Sohenck'i rnlmonlojrop alone hae eortd many, a Upm .eldenoM ail) ehew; bit tb. tare l often protnoi4 by th ile?Bnt o( two other nmedlei which Dr. gcheack pro Tlde for th purpoe. Tk additional ree die are Hchenck'i Sea Weed Tenia aud Man drak. Fill. By th tlra.ly nee of thee medi cine, according to direction, Dr. hIik oertlflM that not any eaM f Oeneaniptlon may b. en red. Dr. flchenck I professionally at hi prlnel pal offloe, rner Blxtk and Aroh itreeu, Philadelphia, erery Monday, where all letter for ad Tin mrwt be addreawd. IEW ADVEBTISIlCKNTt. A Card. A my aaa. bat b. placed la Domination I t Aldetoan of th. Tblrd Ward by th bei or th. Third Ward Olnb, touth of Market street, last night, deiptu th. reairne. I eoald InterpoM, 1 hereby take tbl. at.tkoa of declining tb. Domination. To ny friend I would any that bile I thank them for th. honor, I feel la doty beond to inilet on declining it, and hup that my friend will cat thai ttiffrarea accordingly, ataadtr no cliuamatauot wiU I eerr tf olsoiod. Koipootlally, , VSANK B. DARBT. arch 11 M-lt The Spirit of the Sontli le th thiol newapanar publlahad In Kork. tnghem and hae the largeat clreulatkin of any fmpw puuiwu a in lum raiuii ooaniry, ee ng road each week by at leaet I (KM rau'LB, meking It th. btil tdtirliiinf nediunt. In ol -tioe it le Free, Indcptntient enil FearUU, the or. can of no party or eliana. but u to. r hem Dion of tb. People' Blghu, belug Utocooghly de toted to the beet lateieeteof all. Buborlptlon,onlys3 a year, lie. of pottage Specimen eopie mailed free on application. MateeofadrertUIng Tory reaeonabla, . AddreM SPIRIT Of THE SOUTH, Kecklngham.N. O. march II SS-tf EXCELSIOR PLARTATIOIt, Kovar Pout, K. O., ! Maroh 10th,18TS.( EDitoaa JoriLi tmmedlatoly atoa - ng in rommuiu cation in your wu orta .is luetant. dined "Pender." 1 addressed oo a not. aaklng for th nam of th writer. I bat. your answer m which you tar yon 'nerertrii th nmie of year correepondenta anleet eom luu-Unt al reaeo. leaf tnra for the drm rd 1 think th. article tftWikowe th. nttttanMal rtaiii." 1 do not nmlei etand that oa endore. the rentlmenttof that eommanloatfon Idoabt II there I more than one man la tht notion who I contemptible anangh to writ, an artlol. o niiod wtta aaee. Mwardly and asea inetn atinn I wanted th nana in ae to eetwfy ar aeif a to whether th. per ion waa renetabla .nnngb to take aetloe of, wkloh I doubt vary UUOB. T.ry reepeotfullr, Oao. I Vaawoa march It SOdAwtt Skj. Soiiiir Goofls. TREsPKUTFDLLT AHOtKC TOUT frioBde and aaitemer th. reeelj t f a eom pleUatoek of SPBINfl) ADD UMMSKOAS 8IMERES, Duck aad Mamlllee, which I will make ap by tb. la teat atyla. Call and exam ine at . -u.,..,,,.....,,,,.,,,,, , W. f. WKZX'I, Merchant Tailor , . Mt march it MRS. SOUTHWORTH't NEW BOOK. THE BPKOTEK LOVER. ByMre. F.mmi D. K. N. SourawoBTa. and other rtiru br ber iliter, Mrs. Trancle Mrnahaw Baden, tjomple'e in on lire duodecimo vo una, In anllorm style with all the previous work by sir sontnwortn. tvnni ia moeoccoeioin.inu gi t beck, price SI to. roreeioa . - - - BIINSBBHOBa'8. Albums ! Albums ! A large atiortment Jurt recclred at HEINSBERGER'S ' t ' ' Mr Book and Mule Rtor. march II SO Turpcctine Distillery for Sale. W.baTeatwelT. Barrtl Turpentine D'etll. lery bow in ree, needing torn. repeLrt, wblob w will fell my cheap. Addrei JNO D, WKLLS4 0O., Tolmot, N . O. - march It ''-Ksiwxw.-t fS-imeode WEDDING CARDS taamou miaeeeie e7 t (JEM AL OPPIOB SEW ADVIETIIIMIIT8. St. Jolm's Lodi MO. I. A., r. and Kmerrent meetlngaf St. Joh"I 4re Mo I, thie (IHUaSI)AV) errnlng at half-paet 1 .'cluck foe wjrh In th fallow Craft'e degree. y order of W M. JAMES C.MUMDH, Sevretare. St. Jobn'e Hall. March II. 117. S-U Corn. Oats, Hay, &c 5.000 BUSHELS CORN, . 3,000 Bushels OsU, v 800 Bales Eastern and N. R. Hay, 150 Hhda. New Crop Cnba, 100 Bbla. New Crob Cuba, 300 Bbls. Sngar House Bymp, (55 Boxes a R. D. a Sides," " 60 " Brooked and D. B. Shoulders, 90 " Smoked Bides, . 35 Bb!a. Pork, 300 Bbls. Potatoes (seed) 800 Bbls. Flonr, 80 Ilbd. Demarara Molasses, , 30 Bbls. New Orleans, 30 Hhds. P. R. and Demarara Bugar, 50 Bbls. Refined Sngar, 150 Bags Rio Coffee, 35 Tubs Batter, 50 Boxes Cheese, 150 Cases Lye and Potash, Ac. 1 Parealeby iaHUBMlB At CALDEB BEOS). mareh II Corn, Hay, Oats and . Heal. ,SM Bneh.la Corn, . - M) Hale Keelero Bay, S,no Baehele OaU, lea Buehcle Water Urea ad Meal. Poraaleby KEBCHNEB CALDEB BROS mareh I ST Fresh Bird Seed, 0? NIOB BBTB, OABDRB8EBD, AL OHOI., KEROSENE. For tale low br OREEN PLAKXBR, mamh S Drnegteta. Si I hare band aa Immeaea Mock af Boat, and Bhoea, I will a-II (bam at.atramely low prior Iu order to make room tor my Spring purrhaee. Elegant band-eewed Boot, fu SI S. Very fine H B. Box-To OalUr S4 SO, Ohlktr.n'eahoMrrom amenta and upward, and .Terytblug generally loand la a Aret elaee Boot i aa4 kuoe Btor. at proportlonaMlv lew prioe. CHABLKB A. PBIOB. B'go ofth. eldM Boot marai TURPENTINE AND CCOPERU TOOLS, Haakon, Puller and Dipper ol bt brand knewn In the maiket. Hark PI ee, Hack Weight, and Haek WkeU tern of all k i tide. ten and Slmmoo', for ial at loweet prloaa at to. Km Hardware Btor. of IIiEN UDKOBIBOM marek T as Murlh Prent street SPRING; 1875. SPRING, 1875. Haring reeeived large additions to onr Stock for Spring trade, we bow offer the same at unusually low price. Porebasers are respectfully requested to examine. D. Ae SMITH CO. mareh SPEIHG CL0THDJG OPINED YfSTIRDAY. Onr First Instalment. MEN'I, YOUTH'S and 1 BOYS CLOTHING MUNSON & CO'S, CTTT CLOTHIERS, mareh 10 BHf GASH. JJOTTOTjaOBOOCBIIB FOB CASH. I kt.p no book and U for eaek only. I d. aot mak. onttom.rt wh. pay th.lr bill pay Ui loam Incurred by tho. wbo n.m pay . I eaa therefore Mil good lower than any other boo la the e'ty. A full aapplr f family Creewrlea. H. W. BHURE, No. 31 North Front St. march IS M tf The Hew Ice House. J WILL BBBEW1TH MOTIFT TBI C1TI- aea and th pnbll tn general that I hare ear- goeiof loe oath, way, and eipeotlng th. aam.toanrlT ber. at aay momtat, Iaball pea my I. Hotuw about tb. middle of tbl month on tb north (ids of Dock, between Water and Front r rests. Thle Bouee ahall b known a th. "Mew lo. Honte," wb.r. people can buy their Ice at low figure. B. H. J. AH&EHS, Froprletor, march t C-H at r copr. - Hotice. PPUCATION WILL BE MIDI TO tu General Amembly of North Carolina hart ah OtW Bank of Wtlmlngaon. Jaa fl 1-Slawm KISCKLLANZOUS Tlie MVomauof FlnV By Adolphe Btlot. "MT STORY." By Mrs. K. B. Msetjuoid. "LaJy 8weetaipl,M or, Three to Une. Uy U. W. Daaent, D. C. U "Estelle." By Mrs. Annie EdwsrdK "Hearts and Rands. M By Chriatian lieid. "A Strange World." By Miss M. E. Braddon. ' "Hope Meredith." By Elisa Tabor. "The Maid of Killeena.H By Wm. Black. "Old Myddleton's Money." By Mary tJ. uay. For sale at CONOU2Y A YATES' City Book Store. mareh t b: Notice. TTATINO DIPlhEI OP OCR RAKKI.K XX Harneeeand Trunk Bn.lnwe, lock, t)od Will and Book Accounl., In Wilmlniton, N. 0., to Meeer. l'arpnter A Mallard, w h-rlr render ear thanke to a generen pnhlle fur their liberal natronai.'e the la.t len vtere. and aek a continuance of the Mm. to onrfur oeMote, who hare been acooi tably In our era ploy ror many trari an't are t tioroiishly xiHl n the Maddle. Harne and Trunk Baelnre In all ita branch. Mere. tiarnenter A Mallard will aettle all claim i contracted aalnet at In Wllmlimloti.N V, and collect debt do. ae and receipt I'ur to aama. J. B. TOP1IAM 0O A.rrpM(er. i II. mallard. Saddles, Harness, &c. HAVINO BOUOHT THE AHOVK MFN ll"nd Ooode, w. offer a full itock of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kind of BJiJDTTJEImr GOODS, VERY LOW PRICES Fer rash or to prompt ratlin buyer. We rwpeotfnliy llclt retroaaie. fjAmra.rti i.i ex imai.i.jaiiu. fob I ai Imnan Wagon Material. Ai'e, Bprlng, Hub, Mnokr, Rime. Tire Iron, tan Wbetli, Rtifer Wneel.. Hhalte, Sea', Trimming, Sulky Wbee'f, An. All of the above goode are A No. I, and fur the loweet ab pnrea ot tb. Old Ketabllebed Harawar.mua or JOHN T)WfON. Boa. IS, 80 and HI Mai k-t t rb M Du Pont's Powder. hUUK.BIFLIAND BPORTINO, BI.ARTINflAND Bf IWIBO-Wiol., Half aaa guarter aeg. For al. by O. O. PAH8L1T AOO. Bl-tf maroh t Pee Dee Courier. jBBETHB MERCHANT OF W1LM1NO tuu .war tbat the Courier It the only Demo cratic paper publlh4 la Bocklt. am, and that It elroulatel eitenelrely In Blaliniond. Montgomery and Anion eountlei? Mat. of advtrtlelog liberal and no tia charge mad. for ehanglng adT.itlumonl weekly. DCCKETT ABBTIM, Editor' matahl-tf 8UEI BY BINJSEtt. PublLhed weekly, at. BHEI.BT Cleee'and Oount N. O., at SI B0 per annum, in ad anoe; ha a large and rapidly Inorraelng cir culation la nearly mil the eounilie Wtet of Meoaienourg. Aleo.en eiteniie ciraniaiiun In the omntle of Btiartanburf, York '1 Union, B O. Ha'Jaet ben enlarged from a twenty to a thlrty.two column, and b now adorned with an entire w dreee. In palitici are DtwuxraUt Th. Carolina Central Kallat being now or mpletMl through to Wllmlngti'ii, an 1 Bbelby being lh. Weetera trrmlnue, the Bamur w a men exceu.ni aarcrneiag nieui am. JioUf awdiraf.. DTJKHAM A WEBB. Editor and Proprietor. febtS l(V-tr Uarshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, ( January 23d, 1875. f 1VOTICIS. FBOM THIS DATE AtTOTIONEEBB ABB prohibited willing Horee or Stork of anf kind in front of the City Market Prince etieat from the eaetern line of front atreet to tk. weetern line of Fourth etreet or Second aod Third etreet, between the northern line of Market aid the roothern Una of Ubeitnat KtmU, sr. deelgaatod tor tht purpoeo. By order H. Maror. J. H. KftBINSON, City Martha' JaaM CUBBF.KCT OB BEOOTIABLB PAPER POB 600 Packages Fine Cut and Plug Tooaccos, AT A SMALL MARGIN. By D. PIQOTT. mareh S M For Sale. THE LITHIA WATER of the Virginia Buffalo Spring, or tho witter ol the old Hnf alo Bprlnge. put up In boxee containing one lit sea Half Gallon bottle, will be inp. lied too dor delivered at the deotteburg Depot of the B oh mond A Danrllla Kallrpad a' S per boi, io be paid In odeanc.. The I.ITHIA water hae made a remarkable onrea a any oton record tn airectloneof the Bladder a d Klilner an. In Dyepeprila. ft baa aim glenn decided relie in Gouty and Kheumatlo aft'cetlon In tb dleeeee of Women and In Dyepeiiela the wata of the old Spring i regan'tdae well nigh p elfln. AddrM THOMAS F.O'K)DB, Buffalo Spring. Mecklenburg Conntv. va. tt .11 tOwJirn nniUTiun mcati.t kxkoutf,i rn rltlN I Irlu tb. rhorteet notion and at lb. moot reaaonab la wi mt at tho J0y VN AL OFFIOB. HEW ADVEETISEJtEMS. BEO WN & We alill oontinue to sell at our former low priors notwithstanding the ad ranee iu the markets, and aa a iiiUtiiuU.U proof submit the following list of ' prices: ' IWa Sitotil (k)tton 0 cents a pool or 70 ocuts per dozen. I'ubl laelied CotUm from 6 cents por yard. ai iuoh Fruit of the Iwra...... ..v.: 11 Cents per rard. 8(1 " " " Wm 12, 8ll " Wamautta..... igj New Spring Caliiioea, heat quality. 10 oeuta per yard. Ijadiaa 1'ulTn for the Neck 0 ami 10 eenta, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would tin a limit mirhm to tluiNH vinitinii llm rltn tir nnM,n.. .1. iiilf their ahoppiiiR m the lry (IoihIs line to give ua a call um'totig fo makina 1 it'.. i.i.. it.:. ,.ii....r i . i . - . lurit iuruuwine, tie inn min luoiuuu Ul OVITUHIII prices IOP yOH M OO Ul- pare tliero with not only Wilmington and Tioinity, but with those of any see linn nf tlia nnniitrv n linvA nn limA nr in.iliiwktinn tn Luttr... t,lA.nN . I. . . - ......... . - - streets, or lix-k you up in the Hotels, Oil 1 nKi'nAl aa win a law ItiinjikAbaiSl airtil vua vvjA' ts I'usvaj a ti-1 uvon, mult n w SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Ruoh as 100 dogen Kid Oloves for 60 conts per pair, worth $1 CO. Ladies hemmed Pure Lhien Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 23 ocuts. 20 pairs lUanketa $1, worth $1 (10, . WE HAVE (10T EYEKYTIIINa WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH -NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, R''l'll I THE DALANCE OF OUft BTOCK, LAST IJAMI JEIW 11 UOVAL, CONSISTING OF 1IY" (JOOI)H, aVo., Will bo Closed out This Week at Private Sale. Bargains may bo had by oalling at once. Tub. FRAEWC BRO., 63 Market Street.' march 1 CJAl'X'X'AJLi mm pacific mm co PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO TnOIJHANn FTVR ITTlNTiTiTrti nnKnrimj vTAnvinnrrAv for sale, either for CAHII i,t on CliOP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchant and other reliable unrtica tom ll fln' nn at nne IVaraliA ' prices. liommletlon Merobaut. AjenUfor paeiBiiUiiano , Sub-A gents for tho Sale jau 11 QUAN0. CEriUINE PERUVIAN (JUANO. Laat year I told Genuine Peruvian Quarto a the raw. price chargr-d by Morr. HubKon lluitailo A Co., the Ueneral Aaemeol the ft ruil.n (J'jerniiif lit lo Hill comilry, aildliia a rerj email coniiulwlou aa a comiirurailoii for nireenkot; and lam haetie to j tbat all tbuee who bought, attknuwieJg. tl'at It gave entire aatliraciion 'ilinytar. owlug to th. more liberal dierount alluaed to puruliax-r of large qu.nuiie. j amenaoira to eon not only at tne eame iirlr. without oomuiiwiiun. In lute of 1 to s tun, but eren cheaper alien In l.rer quanntiee, a 1 aujr enoiinu to oui.in tue largeel dlenoont, wblob I propoee lit dlrlila witu bit cuatomer. Iu proportion to th'lr or der. where, the General Agenti areobllgrd to naiutaiB a Sxed ecale of tiilrei and tile. cuuot. I berernre, uartlee In want ot fnirttl qu.ntttiee will Snd It eivnomlcal til elub to gether aad boy la lota of ten time or dK re, on lib b tbere le a earing both In price and car t. age. I bear of xirue buyer, or flityUmeanil niardn, who etlil go to 'lieOenerailgrnUiu" trad or rat ing on me, lining money ilic.reby. To thone I eay, If yuu doubt 'be grnulBone.a of tbe (lu.no aolil by me, t wll' give lo y u, or to yoor repreeentatlTe here, my ordcra ou the OoTPrnme'it ft re, whb b will be concltnvT. erldence that tbe Ouai I the am a. that old by t lie General Agent, anil at In-eprire. Clronlare with referenoee, teetimunlalii, aid full particular, mailed free on anniuaton ' . , , R. BALCAZAR, f. O. Boa 1. march 10 od&tf r THE GREAT FERTILIZER FOR ALLCROPS! ! STANDARD GUARANTEED. iAAI KB l)AiTTEXPE'!Tltl ani IVll fnrmleon liberal toroia at riduned prboe. to both rah and time pnrnlia-era Kx tra Indurementa to tl.nee In ant nr larre lota. VICK & MEBANE. febTS lUtwIm Superior to any Fertilizer Made In the United IStntes For COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO. y For eale by J. MoT augh'lu A Son, Char. Intte, N.C. Well A Bio. Unldeboro. N.t3 1 H. M. H"ntnn St Menroe. N. O ( Mu-ray A Co. Wilmington N U : Willlaruton, Up eharch At 'I'buaaa, Kalelgh. N l) t Lio Hbee, FrankllnUm.N C; I Uaibarl.be A Eart a, Paclflo, N U 1 Branch A uo, Wlleon, N C M A Angler, Durham, MO. fab St IMAwta 45 EODDIOK ........... ..... vu.Mriruutpjuu , L uw 1 or by laying any claims of friendship. awaui a iljtinn (Mint m. I : A 1 A 'a t'nti uviug tjiUtwH Ul Bl iUlUlUslVv WIJ . 45 Market Street. bt DAMAQED BI FIRE AND WATEB, UNDER MANNINQ H0U81. '5 $1,000,000. . . Vo., ajiilUenlcr.ln N. I Prrnelan Ouaao WOI1TII WATKK HTREBT, wiLni.u-ro.'v, n. of Soluble Paclllclliluano, .01(1 Hundred, N. O. ........Marloii.S.O. 'I-amdAw Gorn-Flour-Sugar Coffee. 8,0n0 Busbela Prime White Corn. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grades ; 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 200 Burs Prime Bio Coffee. For sale low by WILUAMi A MURCniBON. Hoop Iron, Clue, Nails and Shot. 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 200 Kegs Nails, 300 Bugs Shot. For eale low by WILLIAMS A MTJRCHI80N. Hay--Bacon-8yrup Rice. 200 Bales N. R. IIay, 200 Boxes Bmoked and D. S. Sides, 100 Boxes V. H. & Smoked Shoulders, , 60 Bbls. 8. IL Syrup, ; 60 Bbls. Rice. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Molasses 1 Molasses! 300 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For sale low by WII JilAMS A MURCHISOH. Cuano-Cuano-Cuano. 200 Tons Eureka Unano, 250 Tons Ouanape Quano. i For Ml. low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISOS. mrch 7 ot A Distiller Wanted. MAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO OAK make Whit. Boetn, and bring aatislactory reftrenr.ee; to go to Mobil., Ala. Apply to " JAMBS 0. STEVENSON. 88-tf E. FRANK COES Auiniomated Boas Phoaphate. IZ-VjV TOX OFTHBABOVB WKUi XtJ known and aluble FHrtliiwr. r or aala. tor ea-b or nn orop time .tiafaetorjf ecurity Liberal dieo ant oa lot. O.Q. PARSLEY A CO. febi ' : . Potatoes! Potatoes! 101 Bbl. Farly Roe. FotBtow, MO ." Pink Eyo rotatoee. ''kieboWn;b a oaldw bos. smmbT m