AAV : n it 1 f i " I W - . ... 4 . . V -" . .V ..... t i m vol xxntr-psei; Ij af J . FBipAf. MARCH' 18.4874. f THE LOUISIANA; ARBir RATION CONTEST FOR THE MACON fGA.;) messrs! 'oiRDoN'Ai'a 1 wA'it ESLIGHTENING THE BENIGHTt ED NORTH AS TO SOUTH- . ERN AFFAIRS. CH.1N6B.PE ;r)EPAUniNT COM- ... ; ,u MANDERS. , . r: tte4t ill n 1 1 i CALL FOR BONDS JOB THE the outlaw, Uiaytou, 01 arnanms, us ed for deoiswr, n -sths-.Tpoin o o? dor i r raised atfaineUbe resolution sub mitt!) hfoiwftwday fcgoprovd- iug for tuerivtiuaiit ti a Commit tee to sfTSftaTqntoYy4 during the rwce,to inquire into the condition of affatis there Ac; and lengthy dis cission ensued a .1 3 Tho CuagrwwionaT GommitU, to ar nitrate ,100,3 5?Ajouiuy met itPw- Tort" to-day1 St tlio $ee ,of Hun. Ja, lMrM.Sfle? 26'Eicuaogo Plat. W coust queuoeof toe noi, arijivaj.ol the election retarn BBd btlier' documents relaJlM to tfce issue and also the; i b aewolMr. Fryeaod Mi. Hoar,.- the Clutmau; th' Qotamtttee adjonrtwd. Oiwst"l;SUklo!li yeWdy itofiiytid the appoiutmeut as Assistant Counsel for tnetJuited States befoue the Court of Qmmmvwmi'' oi Uj.iAlbiuaa. Claims, aad f i fhotm 4 bu8iueM iMfeW' WASHiNoioN. March II Night. ih.MUfM u m4w & going on OTar ihe-pibtfljaerabip at Maoou, Oa. it appears that some time mo trt Blor!!ir was 1 aent fjm, Au: P.bat.Mt rt .-Ws. con, Oa-. as a repeasntativ of the oolbreffttate 'In" the" opioion of the Deirtouk sad aaay -of tha patrona of tbe Macon offloe, he was not a good Post Master, and the Postmapter-Hen- Henry 8. Q.oel ni Ik appear, does not live at Maoon, but tweuty or thirty Mfi fcy. Jttti8rf oo firm UMer, BeMuse be does not live within the delivery,, and for other r fasona. One of the reasons given for IMnliar is.tht.heain the support of Mr..iowr the Presi dentf y be: mpelled o withdraw bis nanje'an sjibstittiterpfpt some of the 6tUAwdidlie, among whoni are MoBaraoy and Bond, the; latter of whom, P;itu!he4; ti ; witupu ?aue, to give Belcher on ac count l1-b.'.e)ngj a ojored man; the saow sjaeattons are likly to com up with regard to otHetiollioea iu the South, hort appeats1 to be two par lio. iH tftia flffht and the Postmaster- liii'W0Old TOke thfl' best offloc r8 i,i rtihNti it- Yiot alwivs tho best lv ' publioans.as theraliasbeen agotxlda 1 Ol OTWmy TO -WCKBW UUWI1 luwti These iMptUmi(l(epwwy irsm tbo . Postnwster-Gtneral and are appear aaUtrVinar to induce the Presideut tj lit)cw M theuf poltticul claims. ,U Senator Gordon, of Georgia, and RepreBonWtfvtfl&msn of Mississippi, hive returned from New Hampshire. The BostWf'HetftM, iuaepehdant Re-putWaaffJ'ytr- -"Tho speeohea nJMe by MeiMGodSn ahdXMrIn New HsmJMaiotf ttiPfo' do 'goed. Th6otuem question has been dis cussed too exclusively in the North by Northern Wf fswelpoma in New England slM 1 VepMseiftati v 1 HotHh er i men as Messrs. Gordon and Lamai. Theif evidetce should quiet theappre hansionif theNorthithst.ii the Sooth' em States are allowed to govern them slT0ftiiay sUiin .soaaway deprive ths oolored people of their political righto if they do not remand them to iUvsnyi'" These -gfeHtleman tell the 1 people of New Hampshire that the tur: bulenoaof the South ooroes from oor f upl-gui ei ngriaFh tha- political righw of tike negro can ueveif be takeu awayJfttfflvbiPr and bVtha talk of a new rebellion is absurd; Northern m n have bgping thj-0UKh,JSTwja,amp' shir preaoHiig' the danger of another rebelljpd,libevttfioBof the re. suits of the war in relatidn tdtthe negro,'3,ttWwho listeUfed to Messrs. Gordon and Lamar cannot fail to be satisfied tharwhat jfey 'rwapt is local nlf ffovernment. 1slMuW .not be a party question, gljow, k ,Joog t oaa -m Keep otaies wrong muo up uj Fs3era1fbayifef 1 We wish that M-wfc,,a'ldon.eBd ..Lamar pould extend their travels and speeches in New England and without ' ny party trammels whatever.! 'Jlvey could d i much to convince pur people that the time haffwrne to secure local gov ernaMikttfhibA Boutin and that we are tirenarisff a chalice that surely, sooner or Ister.will bepBtdto'aurownlip The vmwm mim m- w.e w to thyutM 4?c4Wai fiwtaiO free ttAmDlinff them down in anothr. W'a mnsinHintain Jjbeity ,fpr all pr, submitf to"a' Ae'prtisitt.VLiiU wiJl deny the riff hUAlika te allJ ' Wasjukoto!!, -IttrtS' rfH.Wlgfi-i The Sennjtietffra Joujr)disousion over Olayibr Cpwial Com mittik inquire into Indian Ternto' 7 - lies.withoul iBy wtioB wen iut Ex ecutive session and ailjoiirued. , "AMorr-WorieraJ Williams decide that duties accrue on the 8tu nf Fbruury, spaa which the tarifl bill was signed. The Senate Caucus hive resolved to uinko uo changes in the Souale em pkyee. i 'u 'a . ;..-j;.-v j , xjouurmattoni Conant, Mrshal of thi Northern i Dwtriet of ! Florida; Woodward, Superviaing Kuigeou of Miki-iu Hospiuls; , SUesta. u,Sil.tl4 Auditor;" Boag, Appraiser of Merohau-di.-, Charleston, South Carolina; Mauuirur, Culieotor ot Ousteais, Albi marlA, .ortU Uaroliua; Fuzhugh, Col lector of Customs, Natchez; Smith, C Jleotar of CuoriM, MU)phifcf Bel viu, Pension Ageut att IWeigh. No 8 mthero nominations, , Paymaster Bogg in dead ,.' ' ' Geu. Aug' r has been "ordered to New Orleans to succeed General Em ory;" Gelireral Ord, to San Autouia, Texas, . to . uoo wd General Annr; Gtfueral Cro ik to th Iepartmetit ot the Platte, t succeed General Ord; Geueral Kantz takes oomma id n Ar ii ni, as Geuetai Crocks snotbsv),' These changes indicate the retirement of General Emory, at present in" com mand in Louisiana. , t ( '. .XIie, call for bonds tor tile' sinking fund . whh made, totday by .Secre tary Tt stow. It contemplates,, coupon bouds of the 4tU series, $24, 003,750; registered bonds, $5,9:6 260. ihe followiUK is the call n UoIhiI: oonpon bonds, $50, No. 10,001 to No. 15,400; $100, No. 27.5J1 to :No. 40,- 000; $5,00, No. 18,tWl to No. 20, 000; 81.000, No. 89,001 to No. 60,000 ttegistered -tionds,- $5P, " No, 2,00 1 to .No. 3415; $100, Koi Wrto-Nj lrt, 743; $500, No. 8,651 to No. 9.154; 000. No. 35.701 to No. 8.073; 85.1HXI, No. 11,001 to i. 3'13'JO; 10,OtW, No. 15,501 to No. 19,SllrThe call ma tures in three mouths from to-dav, when the iuterest' Will cease. The bouds will be uaid on presentation a any time! previous ta th maturity vl 1H,itdjiiyM; Mill j Claytons Indian Committee bust ness was tabled by a vote of 89 to 22. " The Senate considered , the Baud wicljuflji a&eaJJIwiUi thts; smen ment that no other nation shall ac quire a naval or coaling station withiu tuese Islunds nd reoommeuded its ratification as amended. NO ELECTION OF GOVERNOR BY TWO DEMOCRAT! AND ONE RE- pySLJCAH IV C0NGREbS . THE LEGISLATURE PROBABLY ! GONE RADICAL. . . Concobd. March 11 Noon Returns from all but eight towns of the State have been received at the Associated Press :ofHoe here. The footing of these towns are as follows: ; 259 towns aud wards give Chet'I. Republican, S8,7I1 ; Roberts, Democrat, ,88,688 j Whito, temperance, and ' scattering 678, The same , towns, li MoOuuietis, uepuoiiciin, ton. ' Democrat. 85,205; Blackman, temperanee, aud soattering 2.077 a Republican net gain of a,tw7j ' Jheu eys minority is 593. The ,town yet to be heard from gave last year to AioOutobin's, :Kpabiiaan,28J; Wes ton. Democrat. 813; scattering 7. Ad ding last year' vote in these towns makes tiia Jiopubioan ni t . gain 2,788, -and tb itiges the minority to 634. The footings from, tbl UtottJOOBgrassioual Distric elect Jones, Democrat, by 472 plurality j BajJ, Democrat, in tjie .Sec ond District by 15i i plurality, and Blair, Republican, in the Third Dis trict by 73 plurality. Estimating four towns luCoes , oounty n notretumed, to give tbe same vote s last yenr, the Republicans have a majority in the House, but theexaot figures cannot be given. They claim a majority of from, six to twelve. The footing of the sev eral Senatorial Districts indicate that they stand; five , Rpubhoans, , $v Democta'tsfand tWbf ' diatricts hsvilig' no ohoioe. There no eWetaon of Governor by the people nd the duty of selection WH detolve HptiBth Leg- islature, , whjiqh .xfill 4oab)tlesslielept Chenev." the Republican candidate. Tbe Democrats claim a majority hi tbe council, though the Districts havdnot been, figured SHflluwntly to determioa finally. The vote in the State yester day is sa'd to bate been' the' largest liver polled. . A'. PROGRAMME OF, -THE, NEW ' FRENCH MINISTRY. GERMANY AND THE POPE, A HORRIBLE AFFAIR. IN .. DEN. - ' SWE- Paris. March ll.--Noon Tlia CoU' rier de Franoa reports that M. ' Du- paune he drawn up a programme of polioy for. the new ministry, Ibe leading features Of which. ar as fo' low: t, The Assembly on meeting ait the Easter holidays to vote in the Bud get tof the Senatorial elections to be held nett pptmberr,theraiS!rOlutiqn of the Assembly to follow in October; the government to demand tha-main- tenniiCo of tbe present elucioral sys tem, arid to raise the state of st ige in all the departments except t lie, buine, theltbone and the tiimotie JJurhone. Lohdo.v, Moroh 11. Noonwi. Bfu incorreHpoudent teleRrsphs that Ger many bits asked Italy whethef she" will contiuue- to exempt the Pope iromnha obligations of law, aud complains that he is abusing the liberties given'Mm for the puPpoef. fomenting rebellion in Oermanv. I Bbbmm, Marcb4r Nobh-There is 'no fpundatien for the report in the TagsuiaU natanoe mieuaeaweon centrate troops is tbe EoMtsnl depart' Lmunt experimentally, : nod that tier mftpy xnreatenea 1 ro moouize, two army corps on me ivuiue u sue. pi- sihted.i,'i'n 'i '.' : '.' ' ' ' Loimow, , March:' II Noon-TIie .,' arm.. 1 , o.a., Lliak ,M.. Mahon, by yielduig to tb interfering wnnnoTOH, of the Bonspartists and refusing to make Puke D'AudiHr Pasquier, Mipister of the Interior, bat dealt deailly blow at r srve4 , respect whtoh all parties previously entertamsd for the isd of tbs Btt; s i MoMahon, yesterday wrote a Utter iosibting thatJBuffot or Duke D'Aodif fret pasqtrier will probably be elected President ot the Assembly. ;The jury found Lady Uordannt to be guilty of adultery,'' - - i. - j Nsw York, March U Noon Tbe details of the firs at the match factory at Tedaholm, Hwwden,- shows tbit siity women and children were work ing in the faotorj VM , ths time, of whom forty-three, ssostly women, were literally fosateil to death. . . RALEIGH. THE SUPRMB CQUBT. AFFIRMS THE VALIDITY1 OF THE R. A D. R, R., LEASE " ' OF THEN. O. li. R. Ralmoh, N. G.Tklsroh'lI NigbU The Suprerds Court Of North Carolina' t'Mlay decided the ease involving the validity of the lease of tba North Car olina Railroad to ths Richmond Jt Danville Railroad. Judge Settle de livered the opinion declaring tbe lease to be valid, and affirming tbe right of the B.1D, R. R; Co., to ohange tbe Siage'of the N. C. R. K, between reensboro' and Charlotte. ELEOTKICISMS. Count Valmaods, the newly appoint ed Captaiu-Gi neral of. Cuba, arrived at ; Havana Wednesday. He lauded at noon, and was reoeived with un usual ceretnonieSv, t- c n ,. ReiDforwements of l.OOO-soldles also arrived yesterday from Spain. The liabilities nf Wheatty, Williams A Co., of New York, sngar refiners, are $0.77,000; their assets art estimated at from $250,000 to $556,000; outstand ing notes make a total of $623,000. , At Oonoord, N. H., after Ssnator Garden bad flnisbed his speech last Monday night, mahy Federal soldiers who bad , fought against him, cams upon tbe stage and greeted him Cor dially. ,.t,-v ... .... j,;..;, .,. i,' A bill lias been, introdooecl into the New York Senate allowing wives to testify against their husbands in civil ruses, HSJaSMMBsksalSaSSBSBBBBBaSBBBSSisM 5 - SPECIAX. . w. oUtm tkat tb Elmwiwd collar will tt better, look stors Uks HBB and kep elSSa J nger tha snyothsr ' " I Til ' iiS. iJ PsMlug away t iius swaj I . , , . , . ,, , Jtach Tooth Wh of i former dy. - ' HOaODOSr l's tbl t-vd.fr. I , Qood-bjs to tb fcunbng t Ut tbcat ptm. - Thfr r pj-ub.hlj bmidrodar mmn Mr him lo tbtad uglhburiu Um, wbo dllj utfer I rum tba dl.UeMUif sffitcU r sMovr tronbki.'Vho-Ue not know tbt JobMea'i Abo lye4iiMiMatliialmutt oartaln aare. Is ewrtfw, greu teller but fe skStla, If ill perfect curs,., .,: ), r, .. -"; J. - " ,,xi ...t.'H' i?. i . 1 ii Wetiettaa that tbe sfricuUnral pftprrt ell rwr the eoantry reoommend tbe um of Sberi. 4s'i UsvelrtjllBBdjios JToirjArn. ttctonfr, kuewn ih! appr!0Uid tba "adTaauM or tUose powders over ell cithern -J Cosieamituvce, Takei Notice, Krery tnom.nt of delay makes your ears vis-S hopeiese, and much depeade oa the Ju- dloiom choice of a remedy. Tb smoiuit of testltnoriy la fever of Dr. goherck'e Pulmosle 8) tup, m cur for couHDjutioa, far eiceedi all tliet eu be broubt te tuppori the pr.ten. itopf any otber medicine. SeeDr.Scheeck'e Alniio,oonUlnlni th.oertHaateief many peitoni ot the highest rpeetblHJr,f ahf been reitof tfe haatlhl aftaV blag preotran. od Incurable by phj1clni of acknowledfad ahUlty. Hobrark'l folthortie syrup alon ban pored many, u these Ti4enoss,jilLshfvi bat the core 4eoftD prdmoteit by the employ men t of two other rnjle whlpb ,,Or. Scheaok prpr Tiara tor the purpose. Taeee additional rem die. are Sobenok'e He Wee Tenia d Man drake Pill.. Hy the timely ass. of these medl' sines, aceotdlog to dlretlons, Dr. Bobeoek eertlflea-tkvavt moat say ease of Ooneuaiption may be o'ired. ( , , Dr. Hrhenck It profenlooally at his prinol. pat oftlco, exrner Sixth an Amh rtreeti, Philadelphia, every Moodfy, where sUisttere for advice aiml be addraawd. NEWADVEMIS1II55TI. BAZAAR FASHION! neit !.!' AM rfiSJASSDTO ANM4OR0JC TOST arty rrioodithst I save lake a ths Agency of tbsjuyi!T)nr. FHT'f I and bive on hand a rotfc iss Of fspring (tjlei, This Department if-la obarge of Mr Q-so. h. Jobawn.ao favorably known tt toe - VV A V." U CI SI A SI J V ' fashionable public. Ordore from the eountry i , ri - t x - 31 will meet wltb prompt aud careful attention A R. M. MCI35TIRE, " No. 41 North Front St. m irch t " et-at , Petuvian 'Giianb. ' ( CA TON NO.l 60AW4PB. )' ," ,.,. ,t 1 ' ' 1 ' - ' For sale low by, n ,"";"" V, -WILLIAMS k UUB0HI8O5. march IS II , Eureka Guano- OUO' , . VI. , ' ' ' . ' , or aaif xow f (,,-... iS r ,1 , WTLLUMS k MUBCHISON, t 1 w " , n. a, feiday. , haech 12, 1875. IEW ADVISTIIKtOTS. Cortlflcatcs of lUoctlon. ; vFiB$i'WAfirxi WK, THK CNOERtjeSED JCTflW, duly 4oallt 4 W hold au election lor Al de.mea hu tee r"U.l Ward vt tbe VUy ol WU mlngton, ea tbe aeoond Tbar.ueyof March, llli, noreeant to an act of tbe Omar el Aieem. blf of Mint oaroltoa, enilil.d -An act to Amad the I barter or tba City or Wllmteg ttm." raUfi.d the t Ird day i-t fbrtar, IS) do hereby oertliy that Uo tuliewlng I. a true aad otaneet etai.BMtai sail reiira el eaid elec tion; ... ftr W K-nbner redeid V votra. . LaWa L D.ttiMt revived n eiee A M VanHeklaaton raeaieed M veiee. ... U VeUeet reaettea U vuue. T W Piayer received I voae. - ) u uiae reeatve I tv 4 , W l Uabb lelrl V ot. ! i CTU O Worth receive 1 uU. ' A Wrei'Hl ieelv4 t vote. . , Jae. K.llly rveetewd vutea. . . i r I n oaiiiu reoeiveu roiae. And wade hereby deulare that V W Kercb ner. Wm.ii PeKMaet and A4U TanKokbele. having recelvd a aaajortty of tbe votaa catt, are fleeted ANermeo or the oity of Wllaiiug. tun rraa tbe Itrit Ward. W, P. OLDHAM, Bgltrai, . H Kaaae, i DM BoiS, ( ij. i.nr MaoWS,' ( Sl,s K 1 MaaTin, I Wilmlngioo, M. O., March llth, lelt. SECOND WARD. ...... , Wfl, tbe enrtergTiert, .tnrifPi of Elertisn In and for the Second Ward of ill fltv ol W iirolngtoD, S, 0.,e hereby eer Ify tbetat an election for Aldermen of the 'aid city, held eaTburaaay, tbauth dey of March, In Urn Neeo(l Ward Si William I Smith received JM votes. Lemuel, rl Bowden reoeived IM vote.. Samuel W Vict received IM voti. Aid the eaid WUlUm t. Smith. Lemuel N rlewden and Mamuel W Vick, bavins rrcelved the bighett number-of ote, are hereby de e4arifto be d'lly eleoted Aldermen of the ell of Wilmington, II. O., from tbe Second Ward toeid eiiy. Wa.L J.pnna, llBSBY O RbiH-K, JaN'SO LvnenaB, Oso. H ,tcaeoi, Jae. WKiao. THIRD WARD. R, tb under.lgned Jndgoi, dn'y qualified to bold an eleotioB for Alderru.n fur Uie bird Ward of the t tty of VVilminiion. en Ihr aeoond l hn i laj of Mere , 1819, tioianant to tn Sot of theO.neraiA.'rmblyof Kortb 0ar lib, entitled -m it Aj-t to A merit ike Ohartrr Ol the oity of Wllmlogten, ratlfled the Id .lv 1$ I, by ( tolloatH HIM ra 1 eeiMcl .latemeat snd relarn of raid election : l'hman W Player received 2H votes. 'iiann n irfve r.oeiveu i e votee. Wm D Mahtt recelvfd 01 vote.. .John t Perdew reoelrcd'il yotet. John T PSrdSW eiiVfl I vvlea. V '" Wm It Mayaeivd ' votes-' t A'Wml Warroek recoirrd 1 into, ,,, , Wm Warrock received I Vote. T H narby received 2 votes. W II tyriteon received; 1 vote. v Aid we" bre)v 4olSr tb0 TtoaM Player. John D Love and Wm U Mabn.having received the majoilty of the vote mm, are eleeted Aldermm of ths City ot Wllmtagten rresi the TkUd Ward. f - 1 W H TR ttTSB", R 0 ORHKLLt, I I .? M W1E, . ,, O A VffOMlN. J . ' O H "CH0LREN. 1 i A J TOP JOHN M ROBINSON C.IHI.WEIJ,, 'OWKN ttVH.lA 'fti ; sooodhil. i UHnAMeBCLL, ' ' -.f MotVEB. ! J rtODHF.t, i JOHNHHfjWK, rRANK R i'SBBT, mareb II ' - Seal Estate and Loan t . Association. - THB TS HWNl'ULY MtUNTnLT llf tallmeut of fouB doLlabs nor .bars U dusaod . Payable To-day , , . at the offlos ol Uie rteuretaxy and Treaaurer. i. b. r.i.i in. Seoretary snd fresjurrr. march lf .; r ? i ; , Bl-Jf M CRONLY. Auotlonaor. T OKONLT ea MORRIS. w Marcl ILMINQTON WKLDON RAtl.ROAT) BTO0 T ATJOTlON.-On Saiurdav, arch tsth. M. at 11 o'olook A. M.. I will aeil at Exchange Corner, IB lou to salt, f .harri tlapital Stuck of tbe Wilmington A tVeidon Hal, read Company, Terme-lmonth eredlt, ititereat added, with approved paper. . C. A. BAMNKK, Exeoutor of U. il. retch, march It li lt Virginia Bacon Ibb. Vebt superior- 3,000 ' Uetras, NltfoB ud Shoulders. ; For eals bj ' k SI "B ' f J- IJeROSSET i CO. MRS. HENRY WOOD'S IEW I00KI A Foggy N'gbt at Oxford. 25 Cts. u. riii,..j . ti un ni. Ths Runaway Match.1 Price 25 Cts. The Diamond Bracelet. Prioe 25 Cts. The Smuggler's Ghost. Price 25 Cts. Clara Lake's prsanj. i'rloe 20 Cents. The Nobleman's Wife Prioe 25 Cts. Martyn Ware's Temptation, , 25 Cts, The lost Bank Note. Prioe 50 Cents. The Mvsterv. Prioe 75 Cents. ;. ; .. Forialeat HEiriODERQCZR'G Live Book and Moale Store. mareb II j t v. i It Fresh Bird Seed, " Vi.T' '1 fmov SETS, I BAEPEWJIEEpi r' j j trirlOHESIsj' i. i j t foriale low bv aHEKN APLANNKB, .march ,. 5 . -fi Pmggints. I ' A.Ikave on band an Immenao stork of BaoI. and Hboe., 1 wills II them ef.enremely low I'thwe la order to. make room 'or mv K print pnrchaea Kir gam band-tewed Boor. M sr . Very so H . Bna-'l'ne tiaitero M so. lhlidteu' he from SI oonts and on warn.. and everything central lv oend la a B't tlaee Boot so khoo Mtors at proportionately lew ! charler a. prior.' maroh I tt'gn of the Gulden Boot TDOTBffiAHD GZOPER'S TOOLS, " Backers, Puller, aod X)rppr0l best brands nan inioemaraei. Hack Fine. Back Weights Baa Haek Whet- ten of aiikin,).. Ooon.r'eTouleof beet hr anda Borton , Bar. ebn and lmmon.', for aalo at lowest prices at tba Nsw Hardwars otoio of i i i , I in i -GILES A MUBOHISON aarakT H North Troot Street. MISCELLANEOUS The "Woman of Fires' By Adolphe Belot "MY STORY." MaoquoiJ. By Mrs. K. a IiAdy Bwtsrple,,, or, Three to One. By C W. Dasent, IX O. L. ."Estelle." By Mrs. Annie Edwards.! "Hearts and Hands." By Christian Reid. '"A Strange World." By Miss M. E. Braddon, ? s "Hope Meredith." By Eluta Talwr. "The Maid or KiUeeua." By Wm. Black. "Old My dJletonB Money." By Mary O. Hay. For sale at . CONOLEY 4 YATES' City Book Store. mar.h f IT Notice. TTATINO n XX HarneMi W III and Bool ATINO Wi POKED OP OfTR S A filtLP aad Trunk Hn'lsiwe, Mock. lo A Book Arcooul., in Wllmlmipu, N. 'I., to Merer.. Carp.nter Mallard, we ber.h. tender our tbauk. to a gonrrah. pnl.llo ftr thele liberal patronage the laat tea y. are, and oak a continuance of lb euros to onrSuc Mnra, who have been aereptabl? In our cm plo for many veareand are thoroughly peeled In the Saddle, llaraew and Trunk Hn.licM in all lie branchee. ... Mfer. Oarpentar Mailetd wlli ettle .11 claim, onntracted aaln.t u" in Wllniinton, N O, and eollact debu des US and ruoelpt rur ths eame. J. B. TOPHAM nn A.Csirpontor. 3 II. nsvllard. Saddles. Harness, &c. HAVINO BOUOH T THR ABOVE MKN tinned Good., we offer s full itock of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And All Kind. of BAXXJJiJXTr GOODS, VCRYXOW PRICES For rash or to prompt paying bsyoro. Wr re.peotliiHT miioit patiouaae. CAmPENTCU A. nAM.AHD. ... teh S ..,.,....... - si Ionian Wagon Material Alien, r-prlltgli, ITubt, Bpokci, Rlml Tire Iron. (Ja.t Wha.1., Bnggv W neel., HhalK, teal., Trimming., Snlkv wheel., dee. Allot tho above good, are A No. 1, and lor .ale a the Inwert oah prlcri ot ths Old Eltabllnlil d HBrdwars Hooae of 1 .IOHN DAWSON. v , No- IB, nd Jt llsikov fab is ' ' . . 151 Pee Dee Courier. BE THE MERCHANT! OF Wfl.MINO too aware that the Ootirle Utbeoply pepii, orathi pBper published 1 Bookli. am, knd that it circulates issbentlvolv. in Klehmosdi Hontgotiev and A neon countleif ; " Hstoiof adrertlelng liberal and axtis charges mads for changing advenlarnienht """" wwrtv Bdltore- mareb I t CASH. JJTJTTOTJK QUU0EUIE8 FOR CASH. 1 keep no books aad toll for oaahLooly. 1 da not make oostamers who pay their bill, pay Ibe louses iuonrred by those wbo never pay.. 1 can therefore sell goods lower tbaa any other bouts In tho oity. , A lull sapply of Family ftronerles. , H. W. SHURE, No. 81 North Front St. march 1 tf Turpentine Distillery for ' Sale. ; Wo have a twelve Barrel Turpentine pitttl. lery now In nee, needing sumo repair., wblob we will aell very cheap. : Andreas , i- JKO- D. WILLS &Vi., ,i ., Tolinot, N. O. march li ' " PO-tmKodO 8PBHTG CLOTHnrO , OPKNCD YS8TIRDAY. Onr' First Jnstftlmnt.' MEN'S, YOUTH'S and V ' BOYS CLOTHING MUNSON&CO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS, march 10 ' -tf Kew Crop Ilolasses 240 HO8UEiI8' 45T1B0K.' itrsr bscbivst) rsa Schooner 8. P. BROWN, FROM OABDENA8. For sate ky wort nS oRTn. i. ., . rt-st mavek t SPRING; 1875. SFRINQ, 1875. Having reoeived : large addition to our Stock for Bprmg trds, we now offer the sains at unusually low prices. Purchasers are respectfully requested to exSUUBrVt -mtfm:-tt&--mmmivi u. i. , , D. A. SMITH t CO. ' mareb . . A-tr IlDlllTltfn WF.ATLT BSr,OCTBI I B r nIN I InU ths rhortAit notlfeJBHd..st tb most roasunabls te, mt tho JOrjBNAii OFflOi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 45 BROWN & We still continue to sell at our former low piicea notwithstanding tbe ad vance iu the markets, aud as a substantial proof submit the following list of prices; , , CoaU' Siiool Cotton G oouta a spool or 70 cents per doren. Vnbl laolied Cotton from 0 oeuta per yard. 83-inch Fruit of the Loom. .... . , 11 Cent per yard. 30 4 Loom. ...... i ..l'il " 30 " Wsmsutta.,.. 1C " " " New Spring Calicoes, best quality, 10 cents per ysrd. , Ladies 1'uQ's for the Nick 0 sud 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a (jn ( acitiy to those vii(iit tlw city for the purpose of do ing their shoppiug iu the Dry Goods Hue to give us a call prviou$ to making their purohaims, We tske this method of advertising prices for you to com pare tliera with not only WiJmiugtoii and vicinity, but with, those of any seo tion of ths oountry. We have no time or inclination to button holeyou on the streets, or look yon up in the Hotels, or by laying any oluims of friendship. Ourobjecl is purely bnt-iuess, and ws propose doing that in a legitimate way. . SEVERAL JOD LOTS. . finch as KH) dossil Kid Olaves for 50 cents per pnir, worth $1 50. . Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchief 15 cents, worth 25 cents. ." 20 pair Ulauketa Worth $t 60. . WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHINO WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICETERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street waclit ST LAST (JIM BDWI REMOVAL THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK, DAMAGED BY fcTRE AND WATER, CONSISTING OP 1IILV GOODS, acc3.. Will be Closed out This Week at Private Sale. T Bargains may be had by oalliug at one. 63 Market Street. mre1iT CA1J1TA1, PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND PlVE HCKDItFD TONS SOLUBLEPACIFIC GUANO for sate, either for CASH t on. CLOP Tlf,Vu J.tfarou, Wweho " i prices, " 1 . ... ... ., V. ir. KfrRAIIY & f 0.t ComiulMioiiMorobanU, AgouUfor raulflcOuuoUo.ari(I)CMi(MiiiN" 1 Peruvian Guano Noiitit Watfb Htkkit, ' Sub-i. gents' for the Sale p. ii. nintot. v. uit4iun,. jan HI flBl : At $03.00 per Ton, Cash, or gtiO.OQ, payable 1st of November, next; N A.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, '.'Lt $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, ' WB atJAHANTEE that the prevwui BlgbGra a of our yertlllasri rtiatl be fully Maistaihso if it it HKinnRKX, Preeiseot t, MoHAR, Trewiarcr, ' U. L. UKArjTMN, Huperlnteodsnt. jaol. Corn Flour- Sugar ::ri: Coffee. : ' B.000 Bushels Prime White Corn, ' 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grade ; ' 100 Bbls. Reflnrd Sugar, 2(W Bags Prims Rio Coffee. ' ' -, For Mie Uiwby v .,(': . WIU-lAMj &MUHCHI80N. Hoop Iron, Clue; Nails and ,w shot. ' ' v i BOO Bundles noop Iron, i 100 Barrels Glue, , ' 200 Kegs Nails, ... ?r 800 Bags Shot. , ... For (inle low by , WILLIAMS A MCRCHItlON. Hay-Bacon-Syrup-Rlce. -: 200 Bales N. R, Hay, 200 Boxes Smoked and D. S. Sides, . ; 100 Ernes D. S. & Smoked Shoulders, 60 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, ., . 60 Bbls. Rioe., ;, For sals low by . - l - :.. WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. MolassesTMolasses! . t 800 Hhds. and Bbls. Now Crop Cuba. ' For sale low by 'i 1 WIIiLIAMS AlITJRCmSON. CuanoCuanoCuano. 200 Tons Eureka quano, , t. 1 260 Tons Goanape, Guano. ' '; i I For ea'e low by . ' . wiLltAMsV MURcmsbii.''1 ! mareliT " " 1 J ' -'Bt VEDDIHG CARDS SSSU., thamoat taabiouable itylo st the I ii UJaMAb OFFIO WHOLE NO. 6,825. 45 it; Jit 9 I RODDICK UNOm MANNING HOUSt. mumrn 1,000,000. ol' Soluble racillc (Juauo. i. .Old Hundred, V, O. ......... .Marion, M.O. in-amddtw WE OFFER 0UE STAHDAED FERTILIZEE8 Fur the Season of 1875, delivered on tbe Cars, at Our Factory, at the following II2DUOIi:i 1?J1LI0ES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINCTON. M. C. e-Md-ddtw4m. A Distiller Wanted; MAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO OAK ui.ks Whit Itoetn, and bring sattafaetory teftrsnce.) to go to Mobile. Ala. - - - A mly to ' ' . ; JAMKS O. STKVKN80N. -'- - tt-tr E. FRANK COE'S Aiuuioniatea Bono fboaptaAtw. , 1ff TOMB OFTH ABOVR WBLTj XV W known and valn.bls Fertlllaor. 1 or itt tor ch or on crop time eatlefsotory secmlty. Liberal dUo uut on lore. , O. G. PARSLEY ft CO, feh 1 2 ELKCTJCD HAMS, ; i.v. , Beef looKues, ' ' umoked Beef. ,'rml6't ' O.H.W.EUGK-s: N . K. 'lorner Market and (Second Streets march I ,,,,,,,; - ! i . i ! , Molasses ! Molasses! l.WH idi. New Crop Onba Mo'lases, ,n , , lnOHtilH. "i " Onba Mo-aSMs, W Hbls. Saint Hosss Molwses, !::'. ' ! ) m Hlnla. Di-mirara Molae., ' 18 iibia. Mew Orleans Motasstn -1 . L i 1 I ..For sals by . ;., '. . ; KEttOHNER CALDKR BROS. marobT v..,,,-. ...ST sDxi Pont's Powder. - U .i!.("'M",t-I t-f.J V ' JjUCKjJS.lFLBANP 6TORTIN0,.. j . :lPL:A8Tiri'AN' IIwiHO-TTbole,'air ' tBta)BAreatKsH. Wi-wi". ' .. and (taareaT ji ' For sals by maros O.O.rAKSUETav-",