riY -nl 1 erf f" ; JsSL VOL XSV.-HO. 62. v7nnmoTon, u. c. Saturday, uarch 13. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,820. WILMINGTON, N. 0.: IATUB.DAT. MAECH IS. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. frt CONVENTION. M)REEEAD8 CONVENTION , , ILL PASSED THE u . SENATE. SPSCIAL TO ioVBMAUj RiLiioH, March 12. The Convention bill passed its second reading in the Senate this norning by a Tote of 35 to 14, to wit: Affirmative NLenn. Shaw, Latham, . Jernigan, r Belby, Btickney, Boddie, Bell, Smith, Stanford, 8ugg,Cantwell, Kerr. French, PeRram, Waddell, Bus bee, Parish, Williamson, Irri , More- hsai, MoCanley, Anderson, Graham, Waring, Clement, Hargrave. Arm field, Linney, McMillan, Mills, Young, MoEkoy, Lot, Taylor and Jenkins. AVW Messrs. Peebles, Bryant, MMri, Tucker, Caehwell, Paschall, Bneed, Albright, Holton, Worthy, Le Gfand, N 8 Cooke, Marler and Walker. Mr. Cant well. Radical, rotiog aye, and Messrs. Albright, Legraod, Mar ler and Walker, Democrats, voting no. K"r. Cooke, of Franklin, was absent. The bill then passed its third read ing by a vote of thirty-seven to twelve, so-wit: Affirmative Messrs. Shaw, .'fcitaata, JeraSgan, Selby, Cantwell, SUokney, Frenoh, Pegram, Waddell, Baabee, Parrish, Williamson, - Irvin, Morehead, MoCauley, LeGrand, Wor th; Anderson, Graham, Waring, Clemeot, Eargrave, Armfleld, Linney, McMillan,, Mills, Toong, x McElroy, , Love, Taylor and Jenkins. Nega-rU-Messrs.' Peebles, Bryant, Mab on, Taoker, Cash well, Paschal!, , Based, Albright, Holton, N. 8. Cooke, Marler and Walker. On this reading Messrs. LeGrand ano! Worthy ohanged from thenega tiva to the affirmative. When Senator Williamson, of Cas WTMttiOM 'of the strongest opponents ftf the bill, gave his reason! for roting b the Affirmative in a rery feeling and eloqnent manner the ap pknse drowsed the President's gavel. General good feeling prevails. . The bill will be engrossed and sent to tb,e House op Monday next E. HEADQCAItTIlS- FBEEDMEN'8 BANE AFFAIRS IN A WORSE CONDITION THAN HERETOFORE SUPPOSED. ! THE COMMISSIONERS ASKED .i'. f TO BE RELIEVED. A VOTE ON PINCHBACK NEXT w TUESDAY. CffHI .' ' ' " - ;:'-:' Washington, March 12. Noon. In tbe Senate a consideration of the , revolution for the admission of Pinoh- ; bank was resumed, and MoCreery, of i Kentucky, apoke in opposition thereto. ; The Freedmen's Bank ia in a worse condition than heretofore supposed, anA thnrafarw Commissioners Creswell. Liepold and Purvis have asked to be I ty for or on account of said trust ; pro Tided their bond may be relieved from liability after their relief and the new Commissioners substituted in their planes. They assign as an excuse for their action, a failure to obtain from GongrMs Mob legislation as they deemed essential to the proper and peedy execution of the trust reposed in them . WAtaiaaroii, March 11 Night. Es-Oongressman White, of Alabama, r deolin4 the office of Assistant Attor- l'looriTwai tote for the seating of Pinohbaok. . , . . , ..... v confirmation Rankin as Pension .Agent at Vicksburg. Nomination Bos well as Postmaster at Camden, 8. 0. Sskats Had a two hours wrangle over business in Executive session. They will vote on Piohback on Tues day hi rejection is almost oertain. The last part of Morton's resolution, " sleclaring Kellogg legal Governor of Louisiana, will not oome up. .'h EUROPE. JXHE TIPPERARY ELECTIONS. GERMANYAND SPAIN. LokdoK. Jlareh 11 Noon Both Houses have adjourned for Easter. Ths budget will be presented April 15th.' A Berlin eorrsspondent of the daily Newt says that Germany is irritated Sthe conduct of Spain in the Gustava air and the olerioal leanings of Al fonsa The correspondent says that this feeling will find expression when ' the new Spanish Ambassador presents bis credentials to tbe Emperor. - Coax, March 12 Noon The elec tion hurt and at ( Tipperary wa quiet. A Wii nnAhint at the eonstituenov. Including th Roman Catholio clergy uul tha fradinf tradesmen, abstained from votini. It is estimated that Mitchell has on thousand majority. Tha atanilta committee df the Dio oast of Few York withholds its con sent to the confirmation of Dc&ot n and Jazjsr. NEW HAMPSHIRE. NO ELECTION OF GOVERNOR BY THE PEOPLE. THE DEMOCRATS GAIN ONE CON GRESSMAN, AND NOW HAVE TWO OUT OF THREE. , Concord, March 13 Noon The re turns are incomplete. The Republicans claim 11 majority in the House; but the Democrats have a major ity in Coun cil, which will prevent removals from Office, The Democrat carry tut tint and Second Districts, and tbe Rnpub lioaua the Third, a Democratic giu of one Congressman. Tbe exoitemeni over the complexion of the Legisla ture, which involves the Governor, has not subsided. ALABAMA. CIVIL RIGHTS IN MONTGOMERY. NEGROES REFUSED ADMIT TANCE TO A THEATRE. THE NEGROES SUE AND THE C0MM 8SI0NER QUA3HES THE COMPLAINT. Mohtgjmkrt. March 12 Noon Several negroes applied at the ticket office of the theatre last night to pur- onaae tickets of admission to tbe par- quette, to witness Cal Wagner's Mm stral performance, and were refused. Afterwards Deputy United States Mar shal Randolph arrested Cal Wagner npon complaint of fonr negroes, for a violation of tha Civil Rights bill, and bond of five hundred dollars wan goed for Mr. Wagner's appearance oeiore uommiMioner Jjimauus iui morning at 10 o'clock. The negroes who made the application are noto rious profligatee,and two of them were defeated by their own color for county office at the last election. Montgomery, March 12 Night The complaint of the four negroes against Cal Wagner, for not admit ting them to his minstrel establish ment, was beard before U. S. Commis sioner Dimmick. The defendant coun sel moved to qnash the complaint for imperfection in the complaint in various particulars, and on the ground of the unconstitutionality of the Civil liight bill. The counsel lor the de fence cited the Slaughter House case and Mrs. Myra Radwell's case, while U. S. District Attorney McAfee, for the oomplaiDt, cited theoweofLuke W Borden, and contended that una was a political question. At 4 P. M. the Commissioner quashed the complaint, but gave no opinion in the matter. It la understood mat tne negroes are trying to get up a complaint that willatiok. ELEOTBICISMS. r The races at Atlanta yesterday were: First mile dash for 8 year old oolta, 3 entries, won by Mainsail, time 1:56; Second hurdle raoo, distance one mile and a half, won by Captain Jack, time 2:34,. Two negroes were hanged in Mary land yesterday for murder. The bridge at Still Water, N. Y., was fired yesterday, and two stores, nine dwellings and Flowers Hotel were burned. Loss $50,(XX). The National Fire Insurance Com pany, of Philadelphia, has suspended. - To the Afflicted. No matter under what form of sick ness you labor, there is one great truth you should keep in mind : All disease originated an impure condition of the blood. Purify that, and the dis ease must depart ; but you cannot pu nfy the blood by tbe use of poisonous drugs, and exhaustive stimulants. The best Blood Purifier ever discovered is Dr. Walkbb's famous Vinegar Brr thus, compounded of simple. iw SPECIAL. The brt collar! erer m vl. are th Warwick and Kla weed. Try them. Anj lurotoblng rtors ciainpply tbem. Why kM 4nt Beeemsth itple Dentrlfiotof AasrlcaT Slmplr bMuw It I ImpoMlUle to on It, vn for week, without peroelTlsg Id hyglenls effiet upon tbe teeth, the gnmi sad the breath. It ie a rare thine that DhTSlclam (Its aav oeanUBano. to a medicine, the manufactnre nr which la a aacret. About tbe only excetitlou we know of ta Job aon'a Anodne Liniment. This, we bellare, all endorae, and rntnj of them uae it in ibtir jracuce nun great auo oeai. . Persona rroulrlni purcatlveaor pilli ahoold be eirefe! what they buy. Hone pilH not only mnM srlnln. mini, but leave tht bowelf In a irpia, eoaure nate raiaona- rurca run will relieve tha bowels ami eleanae the blood wlthoat Injury to the ayetem. CBeninptlvea,TakelVotlc. Every moment of delay make your ours more hopeleae, and much depends on the Ju dloloaa choice of a remedy. The amount of testimony In faver of Dr. Bchenok'a Falmonlo 8 yr a p-, as a cure for oonramption, farsxceedi all that oan bf brought to support the preten alonaif any other medicine. HeeDr.Schenck'a Almanac containing the certlfloalee of many pertona ot the hlgheet reepeetahlllty, who have been Metered to health, after being pronoun eed Incurable by phyalclana of acknowledged ability. Bohanok'a Pulmonio Syrup alone bu cured many, ta theee erldeneea will show; but the cure It often promoted by the employment of two other remedies which Ir. Schenck pro vides for the purpose. Theae additional re me dies are Doheuek's Sea Weed Tonio and Man drake Pllla. By the timely uae of theae medi einea, according to direction, Dr. floheuek eertlflea that mo.t any caae of Consumption may be cored. Dr. Hohenckli profeasionally at bis princi pal office, corner Sixth and Arnh' itreete, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all N.tters for advioe mutt be aUdnaaed. RID ND WHIT OJilOM BETS. For aale by , Seeds ! Seeds! Seeds! Kew Crop 1875, grown by Utdieth Bui ,or") QBIXN ft rLAHMH, Drugglats, - tab - - .. NEW ADY1STI8X3TKXTS. Hew Spring Styles , OF Ties, Bows and toarft, AN A LABOR LOT OF IXTS'FCRN UU1KO GOODS jurt receive!. Am dally sircUsgta largest and most e leet Meckel PUCE GOODS "r brought to lata mat kit. A. DAVID. Kwhul Tellot sad OloUler, Be. tt Market Street march II M EDITION. , Ths Young Housewife's Court olor stnel rnsno, Containing direction la every Sepertmaat or Houaekeeplng, Inelnxllng the 4aUs ef wife and matter. By Mrs Mary Maaoa, anther ef 'A Wre.th frem the Wood ef Uarollna," "Spring Tim for Sowing," Ski , Mo. Pab labd by B. J. Hale et Sea, sad Poraaleal HEirJGBERCER'G fJv Book and atwae Store, mareb IS si Auction 8ale. torses, nalee at gur. I will tall this morning, at It o'elock, la front or eid Oounty Jail, rotaer Beooad sad Prineee atreeta. B IAHBWRItBR, Aeelton.ei. march II-II 1 000BVIintLrIMIWH1Tcu'tI' SS BALES BAT, A fall line ofOreeerl at loweal price, and freeh water ground Meal eenatest y us hand i ei ier ouanai. 1 ii roraala by QBAMT HIBTDH. Ow mareb 13 BAZAAR OF FASHION ! AM PLBA8EO TO ABHOUBOB TOMT dy rriandj that I have taken the Agency or tbs Justly CELEBRATED (fTto T1aoM Tltt.- aa4 bar ob head a FPU, uos St Iprrsg ityles. ThUOerartmeatl U charge sf Mr. Geo. L. Jehaaon, o favorably kaowa te the faahionabl pnbllo. Order from the eeantry will meet with prompt and careful attention. It. M. McLNTIRE, lt. 4t Ifortst Froaii BU march it ' 61-H Administrator's Notice. H ATIkO QDAUritl) A8 ADMIBIS- trator upon the Batata of Doe tun Hays, de ceased, 1U of New Hanover County, notice I hereby given te aU perrans Indebted to aald deceaard, to make Immediate payment, and to all person having el aiaaa again t the deeeaeed, to present them.to the snderalgned.atBngeld, M. O., or to hi Attorney, DuBruta Cutler, at Wilmington, N. 0 on or before the Ith day of February, UTS, or this notice will I pleaded In bar of a recovery. WBIflHT HATS, Admlaletrator. Sth February, 18TS. IMUwIw Executor's Hotice TT AVISO QUALIFIED AB I1E0CTOB o( the last will and testament ef David X Futoh, aotloe Is hereby given to all person having olaJms against the decedent to exhibit them to me on or before the ISth day ot Feb ruary, 1871. All persona Indebted to aald de ocdeet are hereby requested to mat Immedi ate payaeat to me. O.A.HAUNEB, ' Executor of David K. Fatah. A sin Bans, Attorney, fob 11 St-ttawSw In Store' and to Arrlre ! SSOoll Cotton Plow Tinea, I Caak Trarea, K Doaen Barnes. W lloaen Collar, S00 Plow. Ten Tor Plow Caatinge, one Uoafln Beee, all kind, and everythmg needed on a I Isntatlon, Headqsarters for Cooper's Tools. GILIH ea MtTBCHISOM, -' ' : M Borth Front Street febM 81 Dissolution or Copartner ship. Tb copartnerablp heretofore exiatlng under firm nam and style of David A Well I this day dissolved by mutual eonaent, S. H. Well baring withdrawn from U firm, 8. B.WBIL, A. DAVlD. Feb.tTtb,ls7S. - SAVING pnrehaaed the Interest of Mr. i B. Well In the law firm ef David eh Weil. Ill continue the buel ea at their eld eland Bo. M Market fret, and reej sntfuHy arXlelt a continoanae of the patronage as liberally be stowed upon tbs late firm DaV!D Notice Mr. A. David will eettle all elaima agalnat the late Aim of David At Well. Pardee owing the late firm will plea call and eettls Imme diately, a the Book most el0dDAVD march I BJ-lm $50 1100 $500 $1000 Invented 1st Mik Frlvllaa; I at Wall Mtreaa, lead to mary TnoceaDS cr polias raoriT. ('omprehemlv explana. ton circular, containing Setalkd statem.it and quotation prloea of aU eteeka dealt in at the Ntw l'wk Stock Kachamf. mailed frn to toot deauirg to speculate. Addreea, ALii-rHoiHisBMiM ca, Banker and Brokers Opc. N. f. Stock Bxehange, II Wall St., bih'ltrwed VBWTOBK. NEW ADTZBTISZKZHTS. Certiilcatcs of Election FIRST WARD. TTT. THIS TJM DERM ION ED Jl'DOBS II duly quail Bed to hold an election lor Al deiaaea lor tae rtiat Ward of the Cltv ot Wll mlngton, ea the aaoood Thureoayol March, ikie, uarauant to an act el Ui. u.uMai aaaem My of orlh larullna, entilUd "An Act U) Amend tb charter of tbe Clay sf Wilming ton." ratified the tl ird dr of rrbruary. IsiS do hereby oertliy that the following le a true ih correct (taiemeut aaa retura ui eaia io- tion: ggP W Krrohner received IH vote. 4W Ww L D.KoMt received 1M vnle A 11 VanHwhkel.n reoalved M wtes. H Toller received 14 vote. T W Player reoolved t vote. J D Uwe received I vote. W l Makn tecetved 1 veto. D ( Worth received 1 vuto. A Wroeakl reeelved I vote. lae. atellly reeelved S vote. Jk ' T U Smith received I vole. ' ! And we So hereby declare that F W Kerch- nr, Wea.LDeKoaKtaud A.H VauHiUtkelee having reoei.Ml a majority vl the vote, oaat, are elected Aioermen of uie city oi w liming, ton from the Ftret tVaid. W. P. OLDHAM, Begletrar. R II KlLKAl, ) l) M Brie, I Judge KHMabtis. rilnilngton, B . O, March lllh, Ills. SECOND WARD. TTTE, the under. Ipied. Judge of Bl.ctlon In W and for the Heoond Ward of the cltv ul an election for Aldermen of the 'Bid cltv. held ouThureday. the lllh day of Ma'rh, lals, In w. B.eonti nam William L Smith received IW vote. I an net H Bowden received 1M votoa. Samuel W Vtok received lS votr. Aid the aald William I. Smith. Lemuel H Howdeu and Samuel W Vli'h. bavins received the hlgheat number of votee, are hereby de clarrdto be duly eleoted Aldermen of tbe cltv if Wilmington, . C., from th Second Ward fthald city. Wm LJacnna, llassr U BaocK, JaakSOLcMansa, Uno. H Jacasos, J a: W Kise. THIRD WARD. ,. E, tbe underalgned Judge, duly qualified ilifd ' to sold an election ror Aider men lor tne Ward of tbe Oltv of Wilmington, en the eecoad Thuredav of Maro". 117. burauant to an act of the tteneral Aoaambly of North Uaro llna. entitled -n Act te Ameud tbe Unarter of UieOltyof Wllmlngten, ratified the Id day of February, Ilia, do hereby certify that tbe lollowiug it true and oorreot atatemeut and return of aald electloo : Thoma W Player received 1(4 vote. Jnbn l Uive received t'S vote. Wm I Mahn received VOT vote.. John F Perdew received 'it vote. John T Psrdew received IS vetea Wm t. Mayo received is vote. Wm B Warreek received 1 vote. Wm O Warrock received I vote. F II larby received 38 votee. W M Pelann reeelved 1 vote. And w hereby declare that Themes W Player, John D Love and Wm D Mahn.havtng received the majority of tit vote cm, ar elected Aldermen of ihs City ot Wilmington from the l'hlid Ward. WHBTRAVBS, KUOKKKI.L, . J M WISH, O AW IOH INS, OH MCHULKEN, A J TOP", JOHN M ROBINSON . CJ El. WILL. ' OWEN DOVB. ? B U UODHH ALL, AROAMPBGLL, BMMolVEH. J HOItMSIU, JOHN H HOWE. VHANK H ItAftBf , r T IMUKSBV. march II ' I-S( M CRONLY, Auotlonssr. BT OKONLT A MOBBIB. w II.MINOTON WELDOB RAILROAD STOOK AT AUOTION.-On Saturday, March 11th. Wl. at 11 o'clock A.M., I wilt ts I at Exchange Corner, In lot to ault, I" atiarea Uapltal stock or tne wnmington ax Weldon Bel road Company and lft Sta' e Oapl t.l Stock Fl National Bank of Wilmington. Term-! months ereoit, luterow suoea, wun .pprev-uer. CAym Executor of D. K. Futch. march II H it A VICTORY! Our Children's Toes. w B HAVE AT LAST BUOCEHDED IN getting CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, trial ar fin and dreesv. with no bran or allvei tip, and are more dnrablo than lh metalle tip. They sre known to wear children four and five month without a brah In them. Parent will ds well to try them. Call and see them. BV ANbVvosQLA HN 'S Boot and Shoe Store. feb 1 40 Fresh Bird Seed. rytioK sets, OABDER SEED, AL OHOL, KEROBENS. For sals low by GREEN At PLANNER, march I Drnggiats. A I have en hand an Immense stock of Beet and Shoe, I will cell them at extremely low prior In order to make room for my Spring purchase. Elegant band-tewed Boota fci II y. Very line H. B. Box-Toe Qaltera as SO. Obl'.dren'a Shoe from 28 cent and upward, and everything generally found In s first eleee Boot and Shoe store at proportionately ww price. CHARLES A. PRIOR. Sign of the O ilden Boot mareb S TTOMEAND CCOPER'S TOOLS. Hacker. Poller and Dippers ot bast brand known in fbe market. Hack Fl ea, Hack Weights and Hack Wbet tenofall kinde, Oeoner'e Tout sf beet brand- Horton. Bar ton and Simmon', ror aale at lowest prloea at tbs New Hardware Store or 6ILBS MDBOHISON march 7 M North Front Street BE QUICK IF YOD OTBMGifflS. Hight Sow Is the Time. Having lut taken atock, w find hundred ef Arttolee that w bad rather tell at c atomrra own price than to give boo room to for another eeaaon. W had rather have the room than tbe good. Onr wboleaale and retail trade tblaoa bacae diminished atock that we are compelled to go North arly In order to have lock In store In time for our Spring trade Then you of cur cuatomer who are in want of any a 'tide naliy found in Winter (took In a Dry Good Store can aave money by taking tb advantase ef the at' nation and During It now of the Leading Dry Uood Bonis or BOSKOWITZ A LIEBER, 29 Market Street a W.bm MISCELLANEOUS Tho "Woman of Fire." Hj AdolpLe Belot. "MY STORY." By Mrs, K. a a a Aiaoqnoid. "Lady Hwotitapplo," or, Tlires to Uds. liy V. W. Duseut, 1). U. U "Eatelle." Uy Mrs. Annie Edwaras "Hearts and Hands." By Christian item. "A8trango World." By Misa M . Braddon. "Ilupe Meredith." By Elisa Tabor. "Tho Maid of Killot-na." By Wm. lilaok. "Old Mvddloton's Money." By Mar v U. uay. For sale at CONOLEY A YATES' City Book Btor. mar eh T t Wagon Material. Axlea. Serins. Huha, Biinkea, Klma Tire Iron, Cant Wberla, Huggv Vi neel, he arte, Heata, Trimming.. Sulky Wheel., Ao. All of the above gonda are A No. 1, and r aaln at the loweat eaah pricea ot the Old EaUMiilud tlanlwar ii.iuhj 01 JOHN DAWHON, No II, HOJndHI MaikelHt. SI Fee Dee Courier. -A BE THE MERCHANT OF WILMINO- tun awara that tha Oouiler la lb unly Demo cratic paper publlehed In Kockli. am, and that It elroulatet extenalvely in Richmond, Montgomery and Anton ooiintiea? Hats of advertising liberal and no eitia charges mads for changing advartlatmcnla weekly. OUCKETT A BRT1N, msreh l-tf Editor- CASH, B UT TOUB OROOEKIES FOR CASH. I keep no book and aell for eaah only. I tie not make euatomen who pay their tttllaj pay (lie loaee Incurred by those who never pay. I can therefor sell good lower than any other houae luthseity. A fall supply f Family Urecerice. H. W. S1IURE, ' No. 81 North Front St. niareh 10 s tf Turpentine Distillery for Sale. We have a twelve Barrel Turpentine Dlalll. Isry new In bob, needlug some repairs, which we will tell very cheap. Addreas JNO. D. WELLS & CO., mVchii ' 8PHn?G CLOTHING OPINIO YKSTIRDAY. Our First Instalment. MEN'S YOUTH'S and BOYS CLOTHING AT MUNSON & CO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS, march 10 00-tf SPRIHG; 1875. SPRLH&, 1875. Having received large additions to onr Stock for Spring trads, we now offer the same at unusually low prioes Purchasers are respectfully requested to examine. D. A. SMITH & CO. march ffl-tf Corn, Oats, Hay, &c 6,000 BUSHELS CORN, ' 2,000 Bushels Oats, 300 Bales Eastern and N. R. Hay, 160 Hhds. New Crop Cuba, 100 Bbls. New Crob Cuba, 200 Bbls. Sugar House Syrup, 65 Boxes C. K. D. S. Sides, 60 " Bmoked and D. 8. Shoulders, 20 " Smoked Sides, 25 Bbls. Pork, 200 Bbls. Potatoes (seed), 600 Bbls. Flour, 20 Hhds. Demarara Molascei, 20 Bbls. New Orleans, '20 Hhds. P. R. and Demaraift Sugar, ' 60 Bbls. Refined Sngar, 150 Bags Rio Coffee, . : 25 Tubs Butter, CO Boxes Cheese, 150 Cares Lye and Potash, bo. Fortaleby KEBOHNBB CALDEB BROS, march 11 60 The Spirit of the South la the Mdeit newapaper published la Hork lngham and ha tbe largest circulation of any J taper nbliah d In the Pee Dee country, be ll read each week by st leaat I OIO rao'L, making It ths bett adrariitinq wditm Jn t ol tloe It IS Frte, Mqmtilrnt and FtarUU, th' or gan of no party or ellqne, but ta t'te champion or the People' Klghle, being thoroughly de voted to Ih beet Intereettet all. - Subasilptton. only SI year, free of poatags Specimen coplea mailed free on arplloatlon. Bate of advertuUng very reasonable, Addreea , 8P1BIT OF TUB SOTJTH,' Bocklngham.N. O. arehll so-tr JfEW ADVISTISIJIIIkTS. 45 BROWN & Ws still continue to sell at our former vauoe in the markets, and as print : Clouts Hpool (Jolton 0 eents a spotil or 70 oonts per doses, ' Unbl iacWl Cotton from 0 cents ptr yard. 83 inoh Fruit of the Loom .1 1 Cents Der vard. 3 " Loom. 12, 80 Wamsutta .'. icf New Spring Calioooa, host quality, 10 oenta per yard. liitdies Pull's for the Neck G sud 10 cents, worth 25 eents, a bargain. It would be a great lavina to those i iiitinu the ritu tor the ing their shopping iu the Dry Goods line to give us a call dtcWoms to making their purchases. We take this method of advertising prioes for you to oom pare them with not only Wilniintrton and vicinity, but with those) of inv an. tion of ths country, wo have no time streets, or look vou up iu the Hotels, Our objoct is purely bustnoBS, and ws SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Such as 100 dossen Kid Gloves for 50 oents per pair, worth f 1 60. Ladi hi'mmed l'uro Liucn Handkerohiofa 15 oouts, worth 25 oouts. 20 pairs Blankets 1, worth t 60, - WE HAVE GOT EVEHYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, TT.Tll t LAST U11AME BEW REMOVAL. HE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK, DAMAGED BY FIRE AND WATER, CONSIHTINOOF DRY OOODH, Acc., ...Wlll .bo Closed out This Week at Private Sale. " Bargains may be had by calling at onoo. RU. FRAWK BR0., 63 Market Street. march 7 SOLUBLE PACIFIC G1TM0 CO.; JA.xrrA.i 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. w AuiuuMMX 11 tu txvxnJimtJ umn tiVLiUliLKl'AUlSHj UV AHO for ssle, either for CAHBf or on CHOP TIME. Lilwrsl terms will be mde with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at onr Wareho prioes. W. II. McUAllY & ( 0., Oommlalon Merobants.agentafor rsolUeQaaiio Co., andDealeraln N. I Peruvian Ouano NoBTn Watsb Htrbrt. ; WILMINCITOJt, N. Hub-Agents for tho Sale r. n. ttiRttnN. C. UHAIIAin.,., Jan 81 Gorn Flour- Coffee. ft.OOO Bushels Trims White Corn, 1,000 libls. Flour, all grades ; 100 Itbls. Itufined Sugar, 200 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, for aale low lv - WlLLIaM.l A MUKCUISON. Hoop Iron, Clue, Nails and 8hot. 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Gluo, 200 Kegs Nails, 300 Bogs Shot. tor aale low by WILLIAMS MUR0H18ON. Hay--Bacon-8yrup-nice. 200 Bales N. R. Hay, 200 Boxes Smoked and D. S. Sides, 100 Boxes D. S. & Smoked Shonlders, 60 Bbls. S. II. Syrup, 60 Bbls. Bioe. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Molasses l Molasses I 300 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For sale low by WIIJJAMS A MURCHTSON. Cuano--CuanO"Cuano. 200 Tons Eureka Onnno, 250 Tona Qnanape Ouano. Kor sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCH1SON. mareb I M Peruvian Guano TONS NO. 1 GUANA PB, ' For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHLSON. march IS SI Eureka Guano 300 T0N8 For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. ' mart-a 12 SI Du Pont's Powder., tUOK, RIFLE AND SPOBTINO, BLA8TINO AND MINI NO-. Whole. Half and Quarter Kh , : , For sals bj ' 'o , O. O. PARSUT A OO. sisrsh . Il-rf 45 RODDICK our former low prices notwithstanding thead a substantial proof submit ths following list of or inoliiiiition to button hole you on the or by laviua anv claims of irlsmlsiiin. propose doiug that iu legitimate way. 45 Market Street ST UNDER MANNING HOUtt. of Soluble Paclllc Guano ..Old Hundred, N. O. ,. Marion, B.O. IR-amdAw A Dibtiller Wanted; MAN WITH NO FAMILT, WHO OAN niaks Whits Boaln, and bring satisfactory references; 10 go to Mobil, Ala. ' Apply to JAMES 0. STEVEBBOB. ' Sa tr E. FRANK COE'S Amuioniatcd Bome fhoepbala. -llTAA TONS OFTHB ABOVB WE Lb IVV known and valuable rertlllaer. ror aale lor eaah or on crop time satisfactory lecurity. Liberal diaonunt On lot. 0. O. PARSLEY A CO. oaf fb 1 oiviorv, gELBOTEO HAMS, Ber Tongue, Smoked Beef. For tale at O. H. W. BUNOB'8, N. . Corner Market and Second Street march T Molasses ! Molasses ! 1,10 Hhda. New Crop Cuba Molaaaea, 100 Bbla. " Untie Molaaeas, 20 Hbl. Sngar Hons Molaraes, 20 Hbda Demarara Molaneea, IS Bbls New Or loan Molaaees. . . For aale by KBHOHNBB A OALDEK BBOS. march 7 BT Forty ' Cases and Baskets Flnrat and moat popnlar brand of CHAMPAGNES. CJPAEKMNG MOSELI.K AND OATAW. p ba Wine Quarts and.Pln.ts, at Importers Prioes. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.; B and 7 North Front Undoubtedly True That our Brand of . DESELECT WHISKEY I the bert, parert and most telUble Family RreWblfkev now In the m.rkct. Ita nnrlt.v la at tinted by the blghert medical and scientSe authority and Its papular prios of , . TUBER DOLLARS s r is moderate, and leave no reason for Bring th common adulterated mixture ukl as wblakty. CHAS O.MYERS A CO., Sole Agent, ' ' ' . B et 7 North Front 9U march T Star oty. Si DniHTIVr NEATLT KXKODTr.Doa r lilil I liiU the (borteet notio aad at tbe moat reeoiible W'maat the JOUBNAL OF1U&

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