?'. tir Dailn 3!oun.aI. WILMIXOTOX. N. 0 : SATURDAY. MARCH-13. 1875. TiibIUu.t Jovksal, the oldest daily aaiwr in North Carolina, it publish rx-ry morning, except Monday, at KiflHT HoLLAHS a FOC D ALLAH All HOl4.hH SkYKSTT-FIYB WUt J WOliUi of ilwtw pork!. Served by Carrlp-r in 0 -Hv SuvKKTT-riv wuU .... n- h. ,r Two PtaxAU and Tww- i -is cotiU pr quarter. - Tb Wfmi.t JorwtAX, (Friday) iWHy-oii column pap", Two DoiXAW poV T6r; Uir- for- FlYB DoU-ARS ANT. . TV ,i 1 liii A HALF t follf ptOS OB H i-. .......- Atopic, KjUTKLI.M AP A HAI F . Fiftw IHhXahi, twenty c.Piw Ti!rrT-rirr Dollar, j ii.iifRiPTio! in I1 caso payable, v ah-anc, 1 fKt pajwr .ntlnul aftr Uk- eviration of U time ld for. V I vu-ta!(1l4 should latnaatf by roai ,Vi. MN5i " Express. If tliiscan- .,,1 1 (tot, pr,4e1ktl against rims y ,.-iil tiiv cured by forwarding oVvft pavsbletotli tinlfrofiti propriftorp ,1 the Jock." I., w by sending the mooey a noist,'il l.'tUr Advertism. Hat. (per Inch ol cwelvw ii,1 I'l-os f advertising tvr.) " ,,,ch o-.,. Inwrtimi, One Pom.ar; two liner- (Wif tloil.A!! 1KD A half; tllW n 1 1 " . . -.- hiMrtUi Two Imllals; four Insertion Two Hollars AK a HAt.r; flvelnaor- , Trir p.ti.t.Aim; six Insertions, i i.i i it at a half: twelve nrr, t" .. iM-rtiili, FlVK. D.U.I. AB AND A HALF o ctiw.htU, Kn.ur Hollar ti' nmiiui, Vikteks Dollar tltiw uumtli, Twkn TV-TWO Pol.l AHH. t'mittaots for longer period ami longer apaf madt- Uxn IHmta! 'erin. hlw., s KKttKI.IIAKll SAl'NDKIW, Wilmington, N. ,; Tilt i iuutin ; 127:1) to r-(zulte pr.'.liDp lu .t'i- j ii r i .ntativea if""""- 1 i!i iM-i..r int mil i -u- Hon of herdenttive r.f..r, ... ti,.l,li. d opted a resolution on the .uj tea- ,unii,. f,,r eimiiwtion. The Yum. -rrvenh nt. Hup!j a mt n The EDITORIAL NOTES. rill " Hy (J !' tyi old Bt'ii Wwle, " i'hoy'vo got u on down gra.lu !' That's so," ttny Mp'akor ntu " And linrrj hrnke on tlielrui." Lady Burdt'tt CVuttn oortitle from YfHtHHtHaowUidga that or F rio milliner wu forty thousaud bummiug liir.la evtrv ncMon. Hid lio thitiku thatatsnch a rU Hie 1nm :jin be extiuct. Tho Loudon oorn'HH)tidcut of the AWon uVj Adrvrlim-r hj lliat the reHrt i wttU founded tlit theFrwuoh Ptiuoo Imperial ii to morry theyouog enl daughter of (Jneen Victoria, nd that in oousoiinonuo of tint arrango ratutt the Queon low indorsed tho liiMt lwa put iu ciroulatiou iii Eughiud ly the KmprenH Kngmie. , Tae Han Frnuolm-o Aotidotny of ScienoeiUafa beeu -looking at aomo curioua Cob of the trout Kpecit, nonie t't 4t.A AH.. a rt ii.iii.it nbout the umbilical region, aud wliiU lmvitig but oue mil, Lave two ditttiuct bodies and headu, and seem t6 uavi gut with optire ease. Others have two bodies and tails parallel, united "J u 1U u" w" v Siamese Twius. Civil Itighta took efTeot in dosing some of the Northern boteld, but in Eviinsvillo, Iud, the colored servnuts at one of tho hoatelries, upon hearing of the pasttagc of tho civil rights bill, ' refused to take their huts off iu the bouse, and were accordingly dis charged. They fell glorious martyrs to the dignity of tho African race, which oonnibted iu being rndo and im polite, - ' ' fSsnator McDonald, of Indiana, is aatisfied that the Democratic nominee for the Freiiidensy, to be Buoceitsfiil, ' tnnst oomo from the Went, and indi cates Governor Ilendrioks , aa hi choice. On the subject of tho Vice Presidency lie is of the opinion that i Northern man should be chosen; how ever, he thought General Gordon, of Georgia, would not be a bad selection indeed, ho expressed the belief that ' Hendricks aud Gordon would sweep the country." It was expected at one time that - women would be admitted to all the degrees of the Loudon University, but English conservation is not yet quite n- to the murk. The, resolution that had been passed in May last, admit' ting female students to all the honors and privilege!! of the institution has "bet u recently revoked, the Senate hav r ing recently reconsidered and reversed the former action, aud placed the ladies again ou the lower plaue they must yet awhile occupy. Rents in the buBiuesa portion of New York are ten per oeut lower than " last year, this spiiug. and this reduc tion, added to those of previous years, J mikes a very apprtoiable difference in the oost of doiug business. Iu dwell ings, the mid dle class are readily rent- ed, without much tod notion, but the best and the poorest have to come down. House built in flats are iu great favor, as being very compati ble with domestio ' retrenchment They require losa furniture, lets Bon ing and less spread in every way, while affording at the same time a good degree of comfort, aa the continental oitiea found out year o. The im- uaitabihtT nf tho ' J J - Temea, this winter, has checked the rain tot ' suburban quarters,., and people are more inclined to lodgo pu the island. In the auotion cale of . twfiiitv hnnapa anil tola n( tk. A A Bmith estate, Thursday, several fine brick residences on Third avenue, be low 89th street, each 20 by 100 feet, ' sold for about $27,000 each, which was thought Yery good prioe. rnary, 174, instructing iU Commiit. e j on Education and Lubor to inquire iu; to the condition and management ol the ioatitutioua that had received the laud scrip fjmid donated by Oongrees to the State for the establishment of Colleges for the advancement of Agri culture nd the Mechanic Arts. The report of this committee has been pub lished, add bears in an especial sense upon two line of information, namely, the use which the States have made of tie niouey obtained from the sales of the laud granted to them by Congress aad (be results of such use. As to the use of the money thus ob tained by the States, the committee say that the larger part baa been In- veuM satisfactorily. Some of the States have placet! the money in Uni ted States bonds, aud others in their own State bonda, This latter form of investment, however, baa proved very disadvantageous in aomo instances, specially in certain Southern States. Thus the 8UU of Alabama invested the l 8,000 received from the sale of its scrip in State bonds bought at eighty-tlva per centum of their par value, and now aelliug at fllty per ceutnm. Louisiana invented the $182,- 9J3 reocived from the sale of its scrip in State bonds of the uominal value of J27,(XW, but the largest offer recently made for any Ijouisiana bond is twen ty-nix per centum of its par value Similar losses, but less iu amount, have occurred in tho investments umde by the States fit Arkansas, Georgia, Missuwippi, Teuucswo aud lrgiuia Ithongh in a majority of the Mates nioutioued the iuterest uiouey has bt u paid, aud iu the case of Virgiuia t hi money has been paid when the pumi (inula were not aulucieut to rucei the demauds of other creditors In the Htates of North and South (Jaroliua the iniHniauagomeut the fuud has been of the groRKet- olmracter. The committee say that the im euritioit tu whieu North Carolina placed Ho inouey "are uow nuhi-tan tmlly valuuloss;". and iu the eawt of Smith Caroliua the money was inveat td by H. II. Kiuipton, who an then the nuouoial agent of the State, iu SUte bonds, bought at sixty-seven to sixty-eight per centum of their par value, which were afterward reported us haviug been hypothecated tin Slate debt iu New lork. Iho com mittee say that "no reveuue whatever has been received" from these bouds, aud tho bonds themnelves appear to have disappeared. It is a matter ol public congratulation that during the mittBovernmeut to which the ooutn em States have been subjected siuou the war, only two States have prncti onlly squandered the moneys received by them for the specific purposes of educatiou from the general govern mont. The committee lake the grouud that )rvrr tiuute mouevs 'iave oeeu mismanaged or squandered by iudi viduals the State will be held reMpom .II I. ,i'I'U ! th U- known to us iu the contract" under which these grant were made, they say, and "the State is responsible to the national government." Undoubt edly this view is accurate and ought to be maintained, says the New lork Evening I'oitt, to which we are indebt ed for the above information. And this being ao, can our Legisla ture hesitate any longer what to do about the bill uow pending before it anking that "tho Laud Scrip Fund be made good to the University? ..' 1, I.! at-. a i on Kn-wii4 r hi; would not be iu order at this it tg- of the bill. Mr. lUusom. I bnvo comu'te.I with memU-ra of the Judiciary Committee and they think the bill needs examina tion. Mr. Ikmtwell. If the lull is uere, i think wo had U tter leuve it ou the table, and the Judiciary Committee c.tn look at it Mr. lJansom-Tho Senator from Masbachusetts will pardon me for Buy ing that it is a bill iu which my State aud other States are greatly concern ed. 1 have consnltcd with the Ju diciary Committee, and on the nog gention of leadiug members of that ( ommittes I nuke the motion that the bill be now referred to the committee for examination. The bill has not yet been enrolled. The ice-l'reeident The bill is in the poNSONniou of the House of ltepre Heniatives, It is not in the poaaoBaion of the Senate. Mr. lUusom Then I move that the Senate request the rcall of tho bill from the House. The Vice -President The Senator from North Caroliua novesthat a mei ..mi .a K..nt hi the (niite of lteure ai-iiUtivesaxkins the return of the bill t he motion was agreed to. : MISCELLANEOUS. IjACOlill RAIL I OvnoB i f Uii.iil siraajst WllBlt too, ( P- i Ol. I Brut Ton pavk In StuvA aad UoiuUBlli Hecelnug Ad- Nil Vol- KK THKS A TiiKHtar i qi'AMTV. IMiSH. i:. J. IIAl.t A. HOK. The New York Evrning I'oot is pub- lishing a series of reminineences aud o itemuorsnr sketc ies of American publiithi rs. Tho twenty-first paper of the series is dsvoted to our f rieuds Mecsrs. E J. Halk A Son, and being ditnirtnm that our readers should share with us the pleaiture of rootling about tho snccesa uf geniletueu whom we aie sure they remember with the most all'ectionate regard we reproduce it iu our columns this morning. The Uai.kh are men whom wo delight to honor. ' ' v A llii.i. is before the l giMature, s:iys the llaleigli A' (, HiniUr in its prnvisions to the one inlioiluoed into the Virginia Legislature which it is ihoiixht will coiinlerurt homo til tie fleutive tippiieiitions of the Civi Hights bill. It has force more direct ly iu connection with hotels uud pla cos of auiusmiueut, giving legal miic tiou to a very couiinoiily oxoreised right ou the part of proprietors of ho tela, to exelud nil persons suspected of inability to pay for accommodation!1, or uudoirahte- from other causes, by t iH reply that tho house is full and can receive no more guests, or some other 1 igitimate answer, mid to punish as A sturbers of tho iwaee all such who rtwint such reply by noise or vio lance. Proprietors of theatros may make the same objections, aud can up ply the aaiue remedies, The New York Tribune does not seem to attach much importance to th fact that the authorities at Washing ton are opposed to the oall of a Con T -utiou iu this Stute for the purpose of ami mling the Canby Comstitution It says: The people of North Carolina are urgiug their Legislature to provide for a Constitution' fVitiwmitmn wit.linnf j,-,. DA-ajv. Vance is prominent iu favoring the step, The kitchen organ at . Washington is sum such actiou means rebellion, and attributes it all to the failure of Congress to de velop sufllcieut stilTuoosof kueetopass the Force bill. It doesn't seem to occur to the orgau that it is none of the business of Congress to tell the people of a State whut they shall do widi thier Constitution. ' Nojr Ii dlll.rt.l : Plows. I IOCS, ShoTcls, Spades, , i. : - Wheelbarrows, ritchforks, AX' Vim. BL ACK1M ITH'S HKI.1AW, Th-, Nrninni, Tri Olmtim, Collari. HaiBM, Kl.iw Kiwi, liar Irun, ItiBii, Hposm, auuau POT. riKKITKXIVIS, Alll i: I l-t.lt 1, , M UliVULVKHN, t worKU's Tooi.Nt And l Homilet BUlck or HARDWARE, NATHANIEL JACQBl'S HARDWARE DETOT, NO, f MAItliKT NT. jan 111 WILMIXQTC: -:2 ULU: RAIL ROAS CC J.".P t. OUT, J t, iini CHA-SGJC Of HCZZDVL&. Oa and aftar Jan. I1, PaaMnpr Tralaa ot th W. W. Baltroad will raa a fbUowt i MAIL TRAIN. n Vtom Depot Salir vert? SnndkTU) at I I! A. M Arrl it at Uoldf Vor at . . .11 3 A. at. hckr M van at. . ....... leir.l Weldonat 4 ' T. V Uava Waldos dstl v at........ lnnH trr t txJ "uttut uai A. k. , eokUUraa....n,.M... ut r. n. Una Depot Sua P. M. CXPBKM THAPV AK1) THIUUOH - PKEIUT TJAIN. WILMINGTON,N.C,LINES Fast SEMI - WEEKLY Freight Route to all Points South or East. At For Rent ! I'ntit ! 1'iber 1st. lhll Huuh fontslnllig 6 hi int, himhImI on the tst aide of Klfih ftriret, -jt nnria o' ins nitmoiiim onurrii. i'in". kmI w tUr and all n r vu'houwi on the tt-nilm-n ; Isrgs tut,- and a dfltgVI'ul rcl Imiic;. a iiiy tu C'K'lM.V MOIIKISi . MonUt Watur M. nun h i Sl-lw ' Corn and Hay J 5,000 Kt'tltM WHITE AM' 11 Hl H. 1 ""atrn, luo Msl. tl.y . Noith Kivcr.. Iiii I'j m trrh LMTaCnlandapot.dall. at. T.1S P.li. Arrive aOotre at. ....... tOAH. M Ruflf Monlitat.... '4 t A.M. Weldoa at -.! A M Laava Wldon. dallv. at 40 P. M. Arrltt at Kockj Mouiit at. ........ l P. Uoldiboro at 11 IS A.M. u rjnioaUapotat... 40 A.M Mall Train makaa oloaa ooanaeUon at Wl don for all prints Nortt fl Bi-y Una aad Ae tata ureas routea. Eipttai Train oonnectaoalvwttk aeail Uraek route, hllnu'i Palae Nleepa lB wn aaioM iraua. j Prelght Trains will tear Wllmlnrton trl weekl at S.4S A. M. ai 4 arlva at Mop. M. . , ... 4VH F.IMVINK, Oaaaral Sapl Jn$ -tt atar oopy. Carolina Central Railway Co. , SUf KRJNTKMPKMT'H OPVlOK, WIUnlDKton, IXc. loth, 1HT4. . V Change of Schedule On and after the lBth tnatant, tratiii will rau evat Kaiiway aa Mfew I j AtSEMOEII TRAINS t.aae Wllmlnitor. at T1SA.M Arrive in t'hnrlWtto at 1:4-1 P M leare Chrlo't at , ., ,. : Uh M Arrive to Wilmington at....,..;.;.,. eP 7- Night tralna(rat Freight and Paajen- gerla lutate noueaki FREIGHT TRAINS BALTIMORE. Baltimore anil Strata Steam Trans- pcrtatton Comjany, -8A1UKO PBUM HALT JklOKK Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -ANU FHOM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. HEW Y0BK. Clyfie'ii . 101 Liii SAILIKQ Vr''M IW TOSK-. " Tuesday et Friday, at 3 P. M riSD FROM WILMINOTOS- Wednesday & Saturday. JIVINU THROIUH BILLS (IP E.AD1IWO TO ALL POINTS II North snd South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North or East bonne1 freight to Baltimore, rbuadelphia, New York Boston, l'rovidena , Fall River and other Eastern Cities. Also, to Liverpool, GUtpgow, Bremen, Antwerp, and other European porta. i' ? The linn ronnecl at Wllminston with the Wllmlrtfcn. rptnmbla A lrvt laBiraA. Wilmington & Wrldo Rllnd, Carolina Central hallway, and (ate Peat BWrr Sitemem, wiin tnetr nmuecting Ktiaile, offer ui equal rarllitte for the frunipt 4f luerj at Oelgbt e all rilatlngton, atop at HailreiS deaM. tfce polnte. A ma Hteamerr or trn-M Llnet, on arrival In fri-Wliti Taimfrd older cowed hed to tare without rrttiht Kxtirew that I retting. (ion, atop at naureis aeaaa, tae delay aid forwardtd kj kefaal T o drayaye In Wilmington, and m tior. r from Wilmington Ronth. , Kalea arBt4l Low aa y wy Iher Kswle-Laasea ar OvV- chaiarva promptly pale. ; JTMARK ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON LINEMj v For furttaur InfofniaUtm p1y U eltbet of th ontler1p?l Agrsttof t! aLim: , EDWIN FITZGERALD, WM. P. CLYDE k CO., 1 i , Agttit esiimiote Line, f,at Uaee, a no 69 Sooth Bt, Baltimore. WM- FYFE, EXCHANCE CORNER, fluN just retteivd nil Elegant Assort- - . roeut of . . s'v . Hamburg Edgings and Insertions , AT . VERY LOW PRICES tr call and Kaaailno. UlHII-b 1 ..... 61 GUANO. KAVtu rating The followiug is a oopy of the bill t tat waa pievouted from becoming a law only by the vigilaurte of Mon itor Ransom. We publish it in full tlitt our pet pie may see from how great trouble aud vexation and outrage and oppression they wore saved: AN ACT TO JtEUCI.ATB l'nOCKKDINOS IN MANDAMI'S. lie it enacted by the, Snutte i JIotiMt of Jlt;prci ntatire of lm United Statc$ of America in cbi.(r annvm- mm, mat in all proceedings iua man ilamus, in auy of tho Courts of the United States, wherein auy officer of the United Htates is made a party de fendant, but who may die.resign.or be is noved from oflloe bef ore the final de termination of such proceedings, the same may, it necessary for the pur-1 poses of justice, be revived against hits successor iu said oflloe, and sitoh pro 03edtng8 may ba had as in otse of the death of a party defendant during the pending of a suit at lav in proptr Court; and said proceedings in manda mus shall proceed to a bearing at the same term, unloss for good cause shown the Court shall continue the case; and if a peremptory writ shall be awardod, the same shall aud may be directed to any successor in ottice to suoh person who may have so re signed, been removed, or died. Son. 2. That the Circuit Courts of the United States shall have, and are hereby give hower to is ue the w r t of maudamus in all causes at law or iu equity of which they have jurisdiction Aud in whioh suoh a writ by the com mon or the obauoery law is an appro priate remedy; or by way of original proceeding when such writ is neces sary to any jurisdiction possessed hy said Court and is a proper remedy; Seo. 2, That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. The following extract from the pro ceedings of the Senate, as published in the Congressional Record, will show what part General Ransom took iu the matter.' Had the bill passed we would have been at the , mercy of any District Judge tn the country; MASDAKTJB PBOCRlDtNUS. Mr. Ransom. A message came from the Honse a short time ago announc ing its agreemeut to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (U. R. No, GENUINE PERUVIAN liUANO. Lat year I aold Oeuulna Peruvian Guano a the kriuu price ohargi-d Iit Mouth. HoUfou Hurt ulo & Vo , Uta O. iioie) Agems of the Pe ruvian tloteriimi'iit in Uila eouutry, adding a very ainail conuulwlon as a GomiKiiiMttloii lor my erlri-ii; Hiid I am hsi'tiy to nay that all thue who buiiglit, ai-kii loJgi that It gave entire mlln'aotion 'J'hipycar, owing to the more lilmral dUu-ount allimiKl to nr-liaiiiire ot large ii intitiiu, I ant etiablrd to ell ntd only at the eaae prioa without ouBinlwiun,-ln lota of 1 to ft tuna, but even rh airr wlion in larger quantilks, a I !uy enough to obtain I lie Urgent dlsoouiit, wnloh I prOK( to dlrlds wltit mv cnitonivr in proportion to thlr or ilere; whsreas, the Oeneral Agentu are obliged to maintain a fixed scale o( price ana oi ooiiii' I ht-ret.re, paillttn Intrant ol' imsll iniit:ilr itl U.iJ It rrMuiiimloal to club to gether and buy In lot often t'Miiar' more, on which there la a saving both In prlr and cart agn I hearot'mme buyers or It ty tone and upward', who still 4" to iheUcnerai Agentsln l...d of rat ing on me, liming ninuey iherrhy. Tolho.e I say, If you doubt ihe gv'nuinrnefs of the Otiaiio nold by mo, I wit' give to j u.or lo your representative here, my ordori ou the (lovernment Htnres, whl h will be ocnclumve i vldmico that tho (iunm Is Ihe same as that Nld hy ihv tionoral Agents, and at Iwspru-e. rlrcnlara wllh rel'eronosi, toatlmoolals, aud fnll parltoiilare, mailed lYee on aoi.li.-nt on 'o R. BALCAZAR, Ne, 53 Deaier 81., Mew York, P. . Bni 139, niri-U 10 5Vd.ttt n THE GREAT FERTILIZER FOR AUCR0P8! HTANDARD GUAItANIEED. AftT Hi DAILY rXPECTVID AND tUU I'nrsaleoii liberal teru.i at reduced , i in a. to both i-s-li and limn purolianevi.. ! ira inducement to H.om In ut r f larne tots. VIUK & AIEJ3ANE, fel'VS ' M-dAwim Fietati i! Superior to any Fertlllxer Made ; ... ' t . -,- In the United MtaloH For COTTON. COItN, TOBACCO aV For ea'e bv J. Mcl sushHn A Kon. Char- i tie, N. Weil & 1!hm, (loldeboro. N. 0 I H. iW. Houston s 'iO., Monroe, n. (I I Murray Co, Wilmington, N U I Wllllameon, Up chnrrh 4 I'Uumaj, Hal.leh, NO) Vt I. Mi- Obeo, FranklUiUin.N Vi llniberlalia A Kavei faclAo.MUi Branch A uo, Wllaoa, MO; on a angier, iturnem, a u, feb W lUstla Powder! Powder! into Kege Klneaurl Sporting Fowdor, m Kegs BUtlng aud Mining Powder, 1u,M.l Feet Fum, For sale by KKKOUNER A OAI.DKKBKO" marob 7 67 Corn, Hay, Oats and g Meal. 4 000 Bushels Corn, )ui naiea artm Hay, 2,000 Bushel Onte, W0 Busheli Water Omund Meal. . For sale by REKOHRKK A CALDEB BROS, march T M Potatoes! Potatoes! 100 Bbla. Farly Rote Potatoes, ' ' ' loo " , Pink By rotatoev t . For fata by acuuhMa m uauiak duvd. marolil i Leave Wilmington At SIX) A.M. Arrive at Laurinburg at 5:40 V. at. Leave l.surmliurn at. 4 00 A. M Arrive at t lmrlotle at 4.00 P. l t.envo Cbololts at... 6 -0 A. M ArHveal Lanrlnhnrg at.. ....: V. M jave I mirtnbui g st . 6:0 A M Arrive a' Wllmlngtrn at .-..6.(4 P. M Connectlone. ; , llonnectnat W iimingtoa with Wllmlnglot & Wdidun. ni Wliuilntron, t'oluinbla An- liii.ita Ksilrnl. -.i-nd-weeklv New York aud l-rl-weekly Haltiinore and weekly Phlladel. i hla Htramerp, and the' Klver lioate to Fy- ettevllle. Connects at Charlotte with Its Western Dl vleion. Nortkiiaroliualtallroa-t, Charlotte and Itatetville Rallioal, Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, ami Charlotte, folnmbla and Ao 1 1 at a U . il , . . - . , , Thntiepplvlni tlie wind West, Karthweit and nomaweet wne a saen aa CBoap pit me Deaooaru auu r.niupe. 8. b FREMONT fMr KltiaTttiaiir svnd ButMirtntjlndrift d12 . . . 205-tf T Papers puMNhlne (k O. Railway ached ule will pletse notloe liangaa.- , , i i . ' i.T.i i i . .- .y WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA , AUGUSTA IAILROaD CO, Witamwroa, N. l).. Nov. HI, 114 j i5 Q CS3 CHANGE OFCIEDULE Ou md ailerTewi.iy, 24fhf Hie lollowlng schtdale , ilij,ii p .;,,.).. ,,'''t!,-: ;iiM0'l.T;F.XFtiM5 TRAIN, (Oallyii ! Leave Wilmington...... ...... owl Ing Oreea Vnw Vevfe A. D. CAZAUX. octis Aa j Agent Baltimore and Mew fork Usee, Wilmington, i. S).1 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. -820- WILL Silt A BUSINESS CARDS. Graham & Hash, ' ATTOMEY8 AT LAW, CHARtOTTE, N. C, " j PRACTICE IN THK BTATS ANA'FBA eral Court, aad make eoUeetlena any where la North Carolina. Also aegMlato aaiea of Real-Etet. AgrlraltoraL hliaeial aa4 1 'i.n SHELBY BANJJiElt. - . t. M. ..ears Florenee 11. MP M Arrive at Oulaubla..,.. 4.i A, M. 11 Autrueta S.4SA.M ave Auausta 4. IS P.M. Leave Oolumbla.... S.I5P. M. Leave Florence. 12 SO A. M. Arrive at Wllmtnirtoft T.10 A. M, Paiw-uger going West beyond Colu obla, will take through Train, leavlna Wllmlngion atR 2A P. M PAStiBNOBK AND MAIL TRAIN, (Dally except Monday.) f Utava Wilmington .......... 6.48 A. , Arrive it F'oreuoe.,, ...,..,..120 P, 4i arrive at (join-nhla B.lOP.M. Leave Oolumbla... 8. fin A.M. Leave Florence.. V. 1.10 P U. Arrive at Wilmington..... 7.00 V M. 7-TUouitB onnneotlona at Florence with train tor Charle-itoe. ,-, iin j ' Th Wiih Hleeulng Can on nlnht trains ; for Oharlestoa and Asguala. JAMBS ANDEK80N. i ' Oen'l Superintendent. , : . SHO-tf Publlnhed weekly, at SH Ft.HY Cleveland County. N.tl ,at SI no per nullum, In ad vance; hati a large and rapidly lucrcaslng cir culation ta nearly all the cnunUee Wtst e! Mecklenburg. Also, an extensive circulation In the c .milieu of Spartanburg, York and Union. H O. He Just been enlarged from a twenty to a nnrtvt wo column, annunow adorned with an entire new dross, lit fuhUct art vtmocram i ne Carolina twntrai nanway being now o-mpleted through to Wilmington, an 1 Shelby being the Western terminus, the aimer is a most excelleut advertising medi um, jcairt moamltf: IHIHHAM A WKBB. .; . . KAIUiri and Proprietors, feb 10 Ra-tf Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, January 23d, 1875. ROM TftlS DATliinflTrONFKRB ARB prohihited selling Horses or Stock of anv d in front of the City Market Princess Screven House, R, BRADLEY, Proprietor, SAVANNAH, OA, rjlHISLONa AND FAVORABLY KNOWN UuuM, pleasantly situated oa Johnson 8quar4, having been recently repainted and repaired, and aavUif alt of IU department fliled with competent, polite and attentive , employea, otTers to the traveling publlo cemforta antur- passed by any House In the Southern gtatee. Passengers hav Ing Throtnh Tickets and de siring to lay over at Screven Hoae, will have Free Transportation from the Honse to Deunts ot Btaamerelo Screven H onto Omnibuses. dectl . ... S08-8m Pr emi um Bond lYMislriiilEiloiCo. These boudi are Issued lor the purpose ot taislng funds lor the erection of a building la the City of ew York, 14 be uted for a , . . .' ,5... i .. ., -.(, .): ! -': j Perpetual World's Fair, a permanent Home, where every msnnfaok ture ran eahiblt and tell hi gooda, and every patcntoe osn rbow his Invention: a e utrc of industry which will prove a vast benefit to the whole country. For tl i purose the Legislature of the Bute of Niw York has grsnied a charter to a num-b-r o our mwl wealthv and respectable mer. chants, aad tkee, gcnilemen have purchased no Ies itmu eight blocks oftha most valuable land In the t'lty of New York. The buildlug tfl be erected will be soven stories blgh-( loll leet la height), esrnunnted by a raagaifluent dooM, and will covr a spaea ot gg aores. It will be construeied of Iron, brick and gllM, end med fire. proof. The bonds, whleh are all lor Sl each, are secured hy a first mort gage on the land and building; and for the purpose of making them popnlar, the Direc tors have decided tobtve quarterly drawings of eioo.ooo eatvii. tnia money oeiug me luier- est on the amount oi tne wnoie loan. , j Kvery bondholder must receive at least SB I, out as may reoeivs . . - jbhoo-ooo : or Sio.ooo, or S10,0O0, or $5,foo, or S3,000, Ao. , 6?o: i , Fourth Series Drawing, April 6th, '76. These drawings tako place every MONTHS, and eventually EVER will participate In them. . stieet from the esuern line of K rout street lo the wotern line of Fourth street or Second and Tbltd streets, between the northern line of Market and the -southern line of Chestnut streets, are designated tor this purpose.. By order . ; tie Mutor. J. H. ROBINSON, City Marsha' Jan ill )! WANTED! CTJRRF.NCY OR NF.OOTI ABLE FAPKR . . '- -r i . ' ' ' FOR ' 1 ' 600 Package 8 Fine Cut and Plug Tobaccos, AT A SMALL MARGIN. $50 : $100 $500 $1000 nvrated Itf Sloek Prlvllea;ea In Watll Street, leads to niary Tuoosanns or doll A lis raoriT. Comprehenalva eiplana tory clreolsrs, containing detail, d atatemet ti aud quotation prices of all stocks dealt In at the .vJi l or .vtoe exchange, malted jt't to tboee tiesUlrg to aieculate. Address, l" , ALEX.FKOi HINOHAM A CO., r Bankers aud Brokers Opr N. V. Stock Exohange. . It Wall St., leb-ly-ood , , , tiHW YOBK. By m irch 6 d. riaoiT. For Sale. THE LITHIA AtER of the Virginia Burlaln Spring ot the water ol the old Buffalo "prlegs, put up In boxes containing one Dosen Hall Gallon bottle wilt ba supplied teenier dftlrVttad at the Sctttsbtug Depot ot 1 he Wch moad at Danville rlsltroad at S per box, to be paid In odvanre. The LU'UIA water has made a remarkable cure as anyn record in affection, of the Bladder a d Kldneva an; In Dyspeps'. It has aim given decided relie In Uonty and rlhewmallc aftsetlons In th diseases of Women and In Dyspepsia th wate off.be old Spring is regarded as well algh ipa clflo. Address - TMOMAar.WODH, Bufiaio Springs. . MecklenbnrgOoiintv. va. e r- - , xlt-lUwai PASSENCKR DEPARTMENT,) 'Wiliktos, N.O., March 1st, 1(flg. ) The attention Of North-bound tiavelnn la Invited to ihe fact that, commencing March 2d, lsTS, entirely , - . . . ..... , NEW PARLOR AND DRAW , ' INC ROOM CARS, built expreisly for this art-vice, and fitrntihtd l'h due regard W comfort awl -elegance, will run on all DAY -TRAINS between Wilmlng ton, N.U., end Portsmouth, Vs., In direct communication with the magnlnotnt ,').. . , .... ;. , .. Steamers of the Hay Line, Beats or compartments caa be aacured hi tolegrapn to ihe urdrrlgned, by application to Donduetors utsin Mght Ualus North, upon Wilmington, (olnmMa A Augusta Railroad or Ticket Agent at Union D-pnr, , 4. Notice. i PPIIOATION WILL BR MADE TO the Oeheial Assembly of KuM h Carolina charter tho City Bauk of Wllmlngion aoST tat-ltawiA State Rooms and rit the Ht'1,fnr, Rteamers'fan be secsrrd by appiieatloo to Ctmdiotors of Day train upon the Seaboard A R isnoke Haifm d, ot by telegram to the onderslgned. , '.,', '.." ' A. POPB, ' ' ' Oensrat PuMttMr A Mnl : ' - 61 -2w ita.Mae ii?u vrsilUU ani tkemott laablonable ttile at the "e. , " ' rtUKALOFFICl I and printed THREE ' BOND . The next premium allotment will be held on 1 Monday, March 1st, 1870, on which day 1,000 premiums, amonntleg tn Sinn. 000, will be distributed among 1,000 bond holders. We have a limited number of drawn Serle Bonds en band, nbleh maybe purchased ou application. , Address, for Bonds and roll Information, MORCENTHAU, BRUNO & CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, 23 Park Row, New York. ; Posl Of (lea Drawer No. H9. Remit by Draft on New Yorlt City Banks, Registered Letter, or Post Office Money Order. Postponements Impossible Un der this Plan. J Applications for Agencies received . feb in ' 44-d4mwm Boy kin, Carraer & Co., Wholesals Druggists, Ao., BALTIMORE, MD. .( Buocessor t Wide Boyklu A Co. STILL MANUFACTURE and sell large quantities af their Standard Pioprletari Meduinee,-sucb as -'Everyboily's VegstsUle Catrbartlc Pills." Dr. "Woithlugton s Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine." Dr. "Boyktn'e Woim Killer." . ' Dr. "Itoykln'K'imnb Syrup." Dr. ''Bodkin's Mver Tool-," or "Oonii ound Extrsc of Mandrake " "Balrd's Horse and Ctttle Powdera." - "Bslrd's Worm 0 nfectlnns." 1 '-rai.geii Bitters end Schnapps" AU the above goods are last, becoming a and ard, and are kept generally by diuggists and country merchants. febls4Vim Lumber tracts, and desirable City Low ewa tanHy oa hand. ' .;.. . '41. , 1 MIVBABI. OEOLV. , wham aiaanie CRONLY & U0RRI3, STOCK AND REAL ESTATEISSKEIt CAN BR BEEN AT THEIR SALES ROOMB a plan of the city, oa an enlarged aeale, t Blank Hook with the boundaries of every La4 In the city distinctly dsfinad. . . 0 Assessed value, past and present, at every kt In the city.. . i,. ... ;..:.., j . Anv Information desied faralahoi ana as plication. Jul i.-.rtW IJ8URAICX SJ, -OF- EWi Atkinson & Ilanning:. 8?0,voo,wes Asaeta Ur rcaoaiiaaU ?iJ A it ' sAa.t, 4 FIRE. Ins. to. ot North America.,.,, Philadelphia. Phema In-urance Company. ...Mew Totk.' Ooutinental lr,uranoe vo. .,,.,Nw Toik. N. British St Meicsntlle Ins.CoJUmdon. Uartford f Ira la. Company. ..tnartterd. National Fire Ins. Company. ..Hsrtford. Springfield F. A M. Ins Oo...Maaaeaasstta. 'Mv s"-' mariubJ"4-' i Mercantile Mutual Ins, Co.., ..Mew Torh. Ins. Co. Of North America..,,. Philadelphia. LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Ufa Ins.Ca. Hartford. . reo si . 1 North Carolina Home Insurance Co; nl THIS Company continues W writ FollaMe a fair ratea, on all o!asee of bisatabl ptap. erty All losses promptly paid. , -j Enwurage Mom tnstltntlona.T?,''f!?f'B-A B. H. Battle, President; Beats SMe,lre tary. ... . ,. ATKINBOM A atAKKIKO, Agent. June ....- , -t, ' f n ?if.. la4jf 1ER( HANTS AID MICHAHipi 11a ....... . ..... 1. . IS8URAJCE COKPAIT, f r I Brunswick County Claims LL PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS against th county of Brunswick ar requested to present them on or beiot the third Men. day in May, JsTS, to either member of the Board Oi Commissioners of Brunswick county, to th Treasurer of ild county, or toM. C fluthrle, Clerk or th Board of Commissioners. MAR8DEN BELLAMY, ' Attomov for Bmnswlek ftout-tv. march Ss-dtmAwtWIMoa rnMay SWEENY'S HOTEL, . NEW YORK. On the European plan. To meet the down town requirement caused by closing the Astor Hons, this well-known and popnlar Hotel is thoroughly renovated, refurnished, and li clean aa a new pin. Ladles, accompanied by heir husbands, or properly- Introduced, will find horn comfort and unlet. Ladies' dtnlag loom oa parlor floor, CUT TH 18 OUT. b 14 M-!taw2w, OF RICHMOND. T1BWBIA. . Capital. A. T. Stokb, F reeidt. 1. B, Keen, aast ton wiun ATHinoM, 1 wl. wr.... n5?I?1iM r wm a?, wr nuniWSt 4 v. waaM mm -1 , 1. .- u i J j JOHN A. BYRNE, (FIRE, MARINE AND trJE)' 940,000,000 Aneta Hepmeatside .. . .ii- .Vis") OFFIOE-Oommeroia! BxekaagXBildlag North Water Street. oct 11 SOU ISf. !tTi! nkOAMU WHITK ONION BBTB. At - iroraiby t QRKEN A rUSllSf. Seeds IVSDetlsrSeeds! New Crop 187B, grawa by LandiethA Bui For sale by e i ORKES ft rUUUFB, feb ; ' rf J -r.r.' '""''Jg' NEW. 1 EXTRA ME8S MACKEREL," -' " Extra Large Codfish Salmon, Sagar Cared Haas and Ihwaldaai, ...... '- ' -. 1-. ' i'i-tc-j it v-tj Pin Apple ObeM, I .... itM QQaae tif...T irirtit 1 nil : ' : Saw Crwasa OIwm. ' ' ": '-Veil w'w,lsi,',a COOKED CORIIED CEEF. M-'-"iAsis rmtt iT NiAir0AT. "'"'' , r-.KV-iM.i4 sj-'U,4i s;,J iu Fresh Roasted Java andLagnaooff.'. Crashed WhaattJ., '.. ,,.,, ,T a .1. , nJ Istptr nttr. All UijAboviretu thi wk. . . At.' - .-t '-t ; . starch GEO. MIKR3V 11 Md 13 8ontk Front 8t. .i.lliM;a iua