j II I I 1 I S I I F I II i j hi i ; i 'i i i i,i i (i 1 1 i i VOL XXIV.-HO. G3. WIUUHGTOH, IT. C. SUHDAY. 1IARCH 14, 1875. 7H0LE HO. 6,827. flu jfoito journal. WHiiUNOTON. N. a: ,vTI5DAY. MAECH 14. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. ' UKAD(UAUTKUS. SCrjENCS 5 WANTS TO B E RE CALLED. - - . . GETTING READ? TO SETTLE llJfCHBACK'S HAtiU. Washington. " March 13. In the Senate. Edmunds, of Vermont, moved . ti amend the resolution for the adms eiouof Piuohbaok,ly inerliijgthtt woid " not " before the word "admitted," so ilwjuU read " Resolved, That P. B. S. itaebback be not admitted, Ao. lie said, a it was the uiulerstauilitig that ao Tote would be taken to day, he would not call for the vote now. Thurman, of Wieoousiu, Uieu took the Hour and spoke in opposition to tue aJmission ot tad applicant. " " Minister Scheuck requoHtc hta recall ' from bt. Janiea, on account of pressing private bvsiness. ' No Bomiuations were made to-day. Thebuly oonflrmatiou was lim4i, rostrnaet -at Onidon, South Caro- iiua. '. ' Id the Senate the discission of PiffBh1aot occupied the day, only en livened by 'Morton and Thurman accusing each other of lack of lgal lore. jjaSv H ; a JDELAWAKE, ' ' ' : PREPARING TO FIGHT CIVIL RIGHTS. , . i- i)ovB Maroh' 13. Noon. A State Senator gate notice that be a ou Id auk permission to bring a bill entitled "an act i iB relation to certain classes of persons exercsiog pubic employment." ine bilfprvviuea that keepers of ho tels ot taverns, eta, aliall not be o' liged by, jaw . to, InruiaU refresh ment or entertainment td "persons i whreoeptioiprfrehmeiit baol- : feiiSivtf to ' V major part of his Oligo mers or injure liit business. Similar provision Jpr plaoea of amusement and carriers. o passengers. , . i a. Asi t '' ' . ' COMMISSIONS FOR THE NEW THE NEW FRENCH MINISTRY AJil?THE ASSEMBLY. ; - HKH. - ELEcnoirf Wots ttf TiPPERARY. Rons, March 13 Noon, Count Mareioskey, of tie Noble , Guards, serving; the 'Pope, will -start from Rome immediately for New York, bearing lirvtta, or1 th official notifica tion to Aarch bishop AloOlosky of his elevatoa to the GardinaleLip, and in a taw days subsequently the Ab Legate Mgr Roncetti will , follow with the Cardinals bat '. i Pakis, March 13 Noon Buffett an nounced in the Assembly that the poli cy of the new Ministry would be dis tinctively Conservative and devoid of tho characteristics either of provoca tion or weakness. This statement was znad to reassure an industrious aud orderly population. , The address ooil cludaa by .challenging vote of want of oontlaene.) The declarati on was received wfth Icy ooldnest by the As sembly, and no demonstration of either aatisnaetfon or dissent was made. TnTKBABT, Maroh 1 Noon Mitonall 8,114; Moore. Conservative, 746. n " Tifpuabt, March 13 Night Con siderable disorder prevails on aooount o' soavB Pf the citizens refusing to illuminate in honor of Mitchell's re election. jfeYtralhouses were sacked. !1 -3a CUBA. VAtMASiDA TO OPEN A BRISK (T, CAMPAIGN. ., THE 'INSURGENTS DURNING PLANTATIONS. I km- Havana, Maroh .13 Noon Vulma seda assembled a number of the wealth iest citizens and requested an advance of one hundred thousand sterling to pay the expenses of bring. ng reinforce ments from Spain. The sura required was sabseibed.'-" ' Valmaseda has notified the officers of the volunteers that they will soon be net ded for temporpry aoti ve servioe. The battalions are deciding by lot wbioh shall go. ,.,.,... Si hundred Insnrgcts entored Sagaa Distriotand bnrned twelve plantations. NE)Yi'IIAMIlllUE. ' THE LATEST RETURNS. NO ELECTION "OF, GOVERNOR BY THE PEOPLE BUT THE DEMOCRATS HATE A . : majority.11 - .r. r ; " , Conookd. March 13. Noon Latest figures : House 191 Republicans and 179 Democrats,' with four towns not heard from.' The Senate stands five and five with to choice by the people in two district." The Council stands . three Demoorats and two Republicans. In a vote of 78,000 for Governor a plu rality is not reached by one hundred. The Democrats have a majority. , Two Democrats and one Republican are elected to Congress. ; ' T.aOTIIASI.; THE RAILROAD WAR REVIVING. Nkw Yobk, Maroh i3.-lNigh.A morning paper nays r The prospects now are that instead of an agreement between the Pennsylvania Central and Baltimore and Ohio Railroads, there w ill lie a general railroad war in the OMirce uf a few weeks, in wbieU the rates will be cut to very low, figure. The Pennsylvania eoruiuittm) reassem bled this a. in. Nothing known as to what transpired.- ELElTKIClSMS. r A general siiFpension of work in the wool hat factory at Reading, Pa., on tfoount of the large i-toek on hand and the dullness of nle issnn nnct-tl. . The National Fire Inaaranoa Oom ptny of Philadelphia propows a set tlement on u buMM tf 40 ptr et'iir. There are indications of ail eml of the strike at Fall River, Mass. iirigham Young returned home from the I enitentiary, escorted by a num ber of frieudc. i The steamer R. II. Hart, reported sunk at Island No. 102, rau sgaiust a drift. Hardy Ilondoii, Clerk, jump ed overboard and was drowned. Ten or fifteen negro deck piiKaerjgorH ura supposed to be drowned. A. 1$. Rrowu, of l'hilHddphia, for merly Potttmastor, and for many years President of the. fidelity aud Safety Triut Company, is dead. The i'liiliideiphia cotton and woolen manufiicturrs have resolved npon uo a Iv imv fu rf prewpiit rate of wages. Miller's distillery at Sterling, Ill has bo n burned.; LofS $(jl),0(M). The fishiug tchcH)iitr Saruh II Crcs y, of Gloucester, Mass. , has been ab sent eleven weeks and is given up m Q,"t. She had crew of twelve men. iThis makes the fourth vessel from that ptut Umt n the- past two montLs, und au aggregate of forty-three men. NEW JE1WEV. V QUACK DOCTOR IN T ROUBLE. Ricardo. lavina ittmlied to the 0urt for a di clarge fis an insolvent, his u plication was yfrttded to-day llir. credit rsnt onoe lilod a bill nudi'rtak ingtoshow that be had got rid of his property in order to detr ad them.' The ' principal creditor is Walter Hehnfer, tho boy to whivm a jury awarded $50,000 for alleged malprac tice Dy Kicardo. iue defendant was committed to jail. ' : ' " ALABAMA. HIE CAL WAGNER CIVIL RIQUT3 " OASE. , ;,... ., , ' MoNTdojiEitY. MaroU 13. NiaUt.-1 The nflgroes swore 6nt a new warrant for Cal Wagner and his ticket agont, the former, was discharged, and the latter was bouud over to appear at the next terra of the Court bond 55,000. This case caused several theatrical companies to cancel their engagement for this city. - . SOUTH CAROLINA. THE COTTON MARKET DIFFI CULTY ADJUSTED. Chakleston, Maroh 13 Night The Standing Committee of South Carolina have oonsented to Jagger's oonseoratiou but refused DeKoven's. The difficulty in the cotton market was adjusted to-day. , Factors are to sell at delivery weight, buyers taking cotton immediately from a sworn weigher and reweighing it with a beam scale. All differences to be referred to the third weigher whose decision is final. " ' ' " ! SPECIAL. The but collar. e?er made are the Warwick ami Klmwocd. Try them. Any furnUhiog toro can .upply thorn. -; Why ha sozodoat Become Mis tuple Dcntrltlc or Am rlc? Simply t ecauw It Id Impomlole to am It, .Tin for. week, without perceiving in byglenle ertrct upon thn teeth, the gnma and the breath. It id .rare thin a tlut ntivsitrtsm kW. an; ceuntmance lo n medicine, the manufacture of wl'lcli io a wjcet. About th. only exception wekuowofM Juh iion'. Anodins Liniment. Till., we 'beU.re, all amlorw, and mny of mrmuseii m ineir pr.euce wua great iuo- CW). t ,,,.,),-,.' Pfrson requiring pugtivm cr I'll If ahould be eirefnl what they buy. Homo pill, not only cauaa irlnlne pmnn. but leitve th. bowel. In a t ii plil, ntiv ftte fargunK' Purg. lo Pill. win reu.v. th. bowel, and cie.niw me Dioua wlihout Injury to the .yntem, Conanmptivea, Take Notice. Kvery moment, of delay make, your curs more hopeless, ard much depend, on the Ju dicious choice of a remedy . The amount uf testimony la favor of Dr. gchenck'. Pulmonic Bvrup, an a cure lor consumption, far exeeodt all that can be brought to .upport the proton um t f any other mel iclne. See Dr. Schonck'. Almanac, containing the certificate. of many perron, ot tiia highest reapectablllly, who hate been restored to heallh, after being pronoun ottt incurable liy phytlcian. of acknowledged ability. Pchenck'. Pulmonic Syrup alon ha. cured many, thoco evidences wilt .how; bat the cure I. often promoted by the employment ot two other rnmedle. which Dr. Bchenek pro vide, for the purpoxe. Theaa additional reme diea are Schenck'. Sea Weed Tonio asd Man drake Pill.. By the timely in of theae medi cine., according to directions, Dr. Bcb.ock ccrtltie. that msti any caa of Contumptlon may he wed. r- Dr. Kcheock l profesaionally at hi. prlncl pal ofllne, corner Sixth and Arch Itreeta, riillidftlphla, every Monday, whore all letter. for advice rantf be addreawd.' J t A CARD. , I take thli method of bidding my friend, and piunni farewell, u I in ubont to dnrart to the city of Philadelphia; thanking you for your Itindac nnl liberal pUi'Oiutge during my stay In your mtdfct.' . j "t ; ; ii'r. I wou'd he pleaikd to see my frlrndn at my n' v p'ace of bmlneiei. No. eiB ( bertnut St, Plillad'lpbia, where ray .tnck f.ll (COnal of Mil Inery d')Cl, ; Jfk SHk, Hiaaiingi Lacc. Velvets, Ac, AO. " All order, will recflvo proa.pt attention. . ,1 ; Lite of David & WM1, rmreb 14 -..- (4 It Notice. a PPl.ICATiON WlUi. B MAO TO the Qeneral Assembly, of North Carolina churter tbe City Bank Of Wilmington. JauSl W-ew2l A tribute to the memory ef Mra. KuiasarH Uttki K.Duurra, wil of 01. J. l. Kd. chile. l New toik. wfaa died at Salea.M.Ci.. on the 11th ( r.biuary, ira,lB IheMUiyeM "bkfc.4 are the pure in h.art fur tb.y ahall km UjU " Aki ha a k.ppy home beea aiade deeolate a.u the ier. of m rowing uvarn.ia waur IM tucl on ana Kade grave. A flower of Mil. paMiug beauty ha. been Uanaplantml fruia uuib'. blrak aid to the gadeu ot Paraliev; a gautle .pult borne abeve to deck Sod', ve. luie with auotuer Jewel, l.ika a dvllt-ate per. umeor note or aweet maaiittne lire and chaiactrr ol eur durai ttd urtr casaot be ta terpreie.1 by woida aiou; and the writer vt (ui.uiii irieaieoi luveanu euty aeeniy reel, thu laiverty wf hi. pow.ta In the .Hurt to do Ju-tlce to her aacred momory. rrogi e in luim and wiUi anervou organiem h nl a faith a. brave e anv oiirtir'. who ever paruuied at the .lake. Vuh a e.ture aliigu (any mni e aud childlike aha po-aeawd a mind of unoi'tnuv.u puwer and a Juilgm.ntof rare pnrreptieo. -'Ihetrrai yuMut more fitly tie- Mirim. rne rune ara ijnaiuT i oer temper man that of anv being tho witter ever knew Thoiuughly um)IiIl, UuUl fel beyond, and luliio..l ever ronia-qneuce, oti.c.leutlou4 aiwive all earthly (ikiulard. know ng bet sue ru eol condii ta d that one dK ..he never watered, btfi at everv roe! vu laithful H the i int. sbe we a .biwila Indetd and In tretb fi um her Infaojev. at ne Mate la her lifts did .beevcr de.i-it the Haimrrif the ('row ahicli win to her alway a pill .rot load by day and ol lire by Blunt rue waeibe pare., eeal tbe niiwt unqiiorltonlug ami oleleiit d'.ctp e . Her aei vice uo li all' heart il r grndfirg f. altv, but an alii ilutr Miriender of herenll'e nature; no n llglon ef mere tile, and eere uniuler. but ono of lite In which every trti lal ac and .! the enie nwih and lntlr-- tlunnl'aii ail-abaoibi' laith. With a heart cnpaeleof Id lairrlu II' paarloa for her loved Sikh rhs aiiliordln "tl all lo her Maater'awlll a id .'lowed norartbly arlect'on todlatrael ker 1 yalty to Heaven i a very relation of life .he we flth ul. At wile, tuoiher, d tugtitcr, lhter and friend .hr lbs Ideal tartly re allied, with few peet. ami no aupeil it. Full of lot., .ympatby, d iarlty and tendorm a. khe wa. alt ay ea.a ingoppwtuni y ti do good untoothere, Sht bore her long and palniul lllnere W'tbek a' dgauile ic.ltina Ion. wlnlilng to live fur tno e he lovjd; but inlmlttlug eheerfndy lo the father 'S etll Her paltt nre a. angelic and her death tir uiaphait She was of a truth a moat rare ami n ible nature, ouv of Me'e herolneeient loearlb 1 1 make it bitter end wlaer lu eiempl. lying li hi1, e'ernal pteeepi. Death wa. to her a privilege She met It itb smile, and gladnr..; we oannitt think of It but with aniruUh and tear. Sbe ha. galued a in t. giorv w have suitamel au Infinite low. giua' light ha. gone out of onr litre, but a new mar ha. been born In Heaven. May hei neaiitilui me ho to all her lie1 one. a rontie nt ..raioa ot great pfrma-lm. and may the rernvmbrance of her dHh lutplre them to -trite alMi for that Crown which gavetober ine vietgiy Ar.il l oi with aching heart, dear and gentlt ' .'er, we will l-av vour p mrt r xl ferm lo 'Ic p beneath the daisies and your spirit to te-t fnrevor In the arms of a lovlnii Saviour. HEW ADYEKTISSXIKTS. Of CLOTHKIG Coming by every Steamer. Mew TIBS, HOWS, COLLARS aud SHIRT! now opening. MUNSON & CO., ! CITT tltOTBIBlW. march 14 II Sheriffs Office, New Hanover County. j toiMuaeTorf , N. O., March 13th, 117s. -NAOCOBDANOK WITH A0T8 OF TBI, ueueral Assembly, notice Ii hereby given that an election will be held la the ceenty ef Pen. dor on THUBVIDAT, April 15th, 1878, at the res)ecUve voting place In each Township ef nid county. ' Tbe following offlcen to he elec ted: -,4' 4 ' ' " " "J Clerk of Superior Court, High Sheriff, V Treasurer, Register of Deeds, t Surveyor, , Fire Commissioners, Coroner, A Board of Trustee for eaoh Town ship of said County, an 1 to determine by ballot the location ef the County .eat, at tome point on the W. W; Railroad in tbe aatd county of Pender. B. H. MANNING, High Sheriff of New Hanover Conaty. march 14 , 4-t-Htbith Bacon Fork Sugar Coffee. 200 Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, 200 Boxes Smoked Sides a Shoulders, 60 Bbls. O. M. Pork, 2(X)Bbls. Refined Sugar, 200 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. For sale low by - "" WILLIAM J A MTJBCHIMON. Flour, Corn, Nails and 8 hot. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grade ; 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 800 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MDRCHISON. Hay-Hoop Iron-Clue Rice 400 Bales N. R. Hay, f 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, i 60BbU. Whole Rice. , , For sale low by i "WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Molasses I Molasses! 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba, i 1 1 50 Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For sa'e Hiw by ; , i WILLIAMS MURCHISON. march 14 04 -NOTICE. The Intefeetof Mr. B. Godwin, of Lamberv tm, in our firm ceased on tbe first Inatant by limitation , Tbe beslneta will be eenunueal under the ame style at heretfoore by there maiulng paitnere. , 1 VICK i MEBANE. Biareb It 14-lw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REMOVAL! rJ3. FRAWK BR., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CROCKEltT, flLASSWARK, tVc, Desire to inform their friends and moved to the Store formerly occupied Having disposed of the bulk of their daily receiving new and desirable goods the times. W A ball is respectfully solicited. H. .arcs 14 Oats, Corn and Hay. 1.0 Bns.l Oa e, i 4,0')n llnhla Oorn, too Balee A No. 1 Fastern Hay, IM Bele A No I N K. Nay. Far eale by KRROHNRK A OALDEK HftOI aureh 14 ' 4 Tobacco ! Tobacco ! 2jQBOXRS0REWINQ TOBACCO. rersmi. ny KRKOHNKR A OALOBR BROS, march 14 St Bacon and Fork. 75 BOXES D. . SIDKS, DO " ' B fced Sldea, BO " Snok'-d and O. 8. Dbou'dets, 25 Bbls Fork. For eale by ' KCKOHNRR A f)AMFR BR" march 14 4 Turpentine Wagons 2Q TWO-HuHnE l'uri'.ntlo. Wa.ons, ir Oae Hor.i Tnrpintine Wagons, For aal. by It tKOHaJRK UALDKb. HRU. march U BAZAAR OF FASHION! AM FLEAIEO TO AMKOCMOM 10 MT Lady Friend, that I have takes the Agenoy of the Juetly CELEBRATED and hare ou hand a rau Lias of Spring tytee. Thle Department If la charge of Mra. tieo. I.. Johnson, eo farer.bly known to the fashionable pubtia. Order, from the eoantry will meet with prompt and earefal attention. R. 31. MclMIRE, No. 41 Narth Front Rt. march M l-H Blacksmith's Tools, &c. . Bellow.. Anflls. Vic... Sorow Flatea, Sledi- ., Hand Hasaaere, Swedes Iron, American Kegnea iron, aalee, nabne, r.uers, springs and Bands of all si... and varieties. Wheel, ol all kind.. Wasps, Cart, Boggy andBolkv. an above uooos ac eouem ngores ai new Hardware Store or UII.ES s MUHCniBON, it North Front Street, march 14' ' John Dawson Has (a full stock of genuine Swede Iron (only fall stock In the etty), Plow Steel, Tin, (roe, Haiti, Orlnd Stones, Ac, at the lowest rath price. HOC IS, W BW 11 Jiarsaiouan, t march II ITorth) South, lEast and West) FROM HILTON TO KIDDER'S MILL, FROM TIIE TOLL GATE .TO EAGLE'S ISLAND, We rend them ou', our FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERT KIND. flour, ftnfar, Coffee, Te-ae, Uac.n, Butter, Levrel atiA avervtlilne in ear line. Family siiipTie uellrertd In any part of the "Ity as ordered. Cash beyere eaa get the beet good, at the loweet price irom . GEAS. D. MTERS i CO., 6 A 7 North Front St. march :4 ' : St Mules for Sale- A FAIR OF VERV FINK MULES, FOB I tie low by ., . J, A. 8FRINOKR, ' '' At Coal and Wood Tard. 4-lt march 14 'ATTENTION I WILMIHGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. Toa are hereby ordered to meet at your Arm err orer the Store of Mmr. oarpapter A Mai laid.ou Moi dT evenln., lb. Iftth Instant, at S o'cloek. The member, will meet prompU) at the honrfliwignaiea. By ord.r of tbe "' maroh 14-lt CAPTAIN WEDDIKG CARDS themoat faaliionable style at the lOU&alALUrriUal REMOVAL ! the publio Renerally that they have re by them. No. 17 Market street. old stock, they have received aud are whioh ihoy will sell at prices to suit FRANK & BR0., No. 17 Harket Street, Wanted! BOH,WEI.lt ACQ V A INTRO WITH TIIF oily, to deliver packages. Beat el' reference re-iulred. Apply at M M. KATKM, 3d Ma ret Street rearrli ll.lt Wanted! A gentleman alrea ly In bnslnes, bnl who will have wore or Ira lelaura time during Ih teat Hiur nionilis. desires lt eniultta hi. tenure tlm. In eotyln.. writing nrnther like aurk rr Rankers, Mert'h'ttt. or l awer pl.t 11 aoturv tettlraonlals of eharacler and l" allllealsniiscan hegir.n. -Address,.. . "Willi KH," F. O. liOCk HoitM. m. march 14 4-lt Rtar copy It and eend bill to thts orllce. Musical IiistruinontH. The largest, finest and cheapest atook of Musical IuHtruiuouts ever brought to this eity. GUITARS, VIOLINH, - J1ANJ08, FLUTES, ' , , klr ES ' AOCORDKONS, HARMONICAS, Ao., Ac Also, a choice coUecctiou of SHEET MUSIC - at -, CONOLETj YATES' City Book !' Store- march 14 ' 64 Hundreds of Elnihome FAMir.T FliOTTH Mid and delivered al $H per Barrel, and all are pleased who try It waaaaaTMD. GRANT HINTON, flrocer. A Uommlasion Morclianls. march 14 44 Wagon Material. Anl.s, rnrlnga. Bob., Spokes, Rims, Tire Iron, Cat Wheel., liuggy wneeis, snail., -teats, Trlmmlims, Bulky wheel., Ac, Allot he above gimi. are A no. l, ani mr sale ai he lowest cash mica ot the Hid Kst.abll.hed Hardware llauM of JOHN DAWSON, No.. 19. "ud 21 Mai k.l St. SI CASH. OUTTOUB OROORKIES FOR CASH. 1 keep no book, and sell for ca.h,ouly. I de aot mak. customers who pay their bill, pay tbe loasei Incurred by those who never pay, lean therefore sell good) lower than any other hoose 1 1 the c't. A lull eupply of Family CJrscerlee. H.W. SIIURE, No. 81 North Front Bt. m tf march 14 SPBIHG; 1875. SPRING, 1875, Having received large additions to our Stock for Spring trsdo, we now offer tha same at unnsnally low prices. Parohasers are respectfully requested to mmine. D. A. SMITH tic CO. . . 57 -tf m.rcb ISTEW EDITIOIST. The Young Houscwlfs'a Court selor and Friend, Containing direotlon In every departmmt f Housekeeping, Including the duties of wife and mother. By Mra Mary Maoon, author of A Wreath from the Woid. of Carolina," 'Spring Time for Rowing," Ac , Ac. Pub lished b C. J. Halo A Son, and For .ale at HEINSBERCER'S Uve Book and Masle Store, mareh IS 41 ' Dissolution of Copartner ship. The copartnership heretofore existing under Arm nam aud .trie ol Iiavld A Well lethi. day iliasolved by mutual consent, 8. R Well having withdrawn from the firm. A.OAVil. Feb. th, IKTft. H AVI NO purchaeeu iue Ii Wrest of Mr. 3 It Wei) in the lata firm of David A Well. 1 willtntlnui thn bu.l ess at their old stand No. YI Market rtreet, and leetectfn'ly lollclt a continuance of the patronage to liberally be Mowed apon tbe late firm. A.DAVID. Notice. Mr. A. Pavllwl'I settle all elalmsagalnst the lale fit m of David A W.il. Par i. , owing the iat. firm will pleas ca I and settle Imme diately, a. the Book, ktrj.v be closed. , i A. DAVID.- march I M-lm , nDlllTllin "RATI.T KXROUTEDnn rnln I InU the sliortoet notice and at the moot reasonable tems at tho durjNAti orriui. NEW AD 15 BROWN & Wa still eontinus to sell at our former low prices notwithstanding tha ad vance in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the following list of prices: . . Coats' SiHitil Cotton fi cents a spool or 70 cents per doBcs. I'nbl laohed Cotton from 8 cents per yard. aa-inch Fruit of the Loom Cents per yard. ac " " Loom. A'H " " 30 Wamsutta.. 1C " " New Sprinpr Calimws, best quality, 10 oonta per yard. , I, ail ins 1' nil's for tha Neck 6 and 10 eints, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a area! Mvina to those visitlna tho Htj for the purpose of do ing their shopping iii the Dry Goods line to give ns a call prrrivut to making their luirehanoi. We take this method of advertising prices - for yon to eom psre tlii'i'i with not only Wilmingtou aud vicinity, but with those of anv sen ium of the couutry. We have no time streets, or look you up in the Hotels, Uur.objvot is puruly business, aud wa J SEVERAL Such as 100 dozpu Kid Gloves for 50 cents per pair, worth $1 50. Ladies hemmed l'uro Liueu Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 oeuts. 20 pairs Rlunkets $1, worth $( CO. WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHING: WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO MMPIEt CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. matrli 1 61 CIMN0 ADVERTISEMENTS. GASH ivlu I ! j V.' 1 . f - sir 4 S - W""'". "ice $50 00 , : i per to of WUV , I , pounds. I .., VHIt HlrtH HTAHDAKll OK (Jt'AI.lTY HAH flKKN FUT.LY MAINTAINED, AUDIT IH O'l kinV.HKD BVTMOdK WHO H VK (It YEN IT A TAIB TBIAL TUB MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS FUK LA HOE WIS, til V EN ON APPLICATION. LOCAL AGIDISTTS AT AJJLi THE PRINCIPAL DEPOTS, DeRsset a e., . GENERAL ACENT8 ' For North Carolina and Virginia AT WILMINGTON, Jan IT U-DlUw(Sund's)9mW4m SOLUBLE PACIFIC KHIO CO.; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE rACIFIO GUANO for sslo, either for CA8H or on CROP TIME. Libersl terms will be nnd with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warebo prices.' V. H. MclMUY & TO., OnmmlHilon Merchants, Aguntefur Pacific Qii.iio Ou., sodUealei.lnNii. 1 Peruvian Guano , NoRm Wateb Btbebt, WILH11NUTON, N. Sub-Agents lor the Sale V. UHAHAiVl.... Ian 81 At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $G0.00, payable 1st of November, next; N A.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, " At $S3,00; per Ton, Gush, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, WE QUA BANT CK tliai th previotn BlgbOra eP et pur rertlltier. shall be fully Maiktaissd ( K. B. BK1DOKB8, Pree atent D. McHAK, Trriwurer, O. U UltAfrUM, Supsrlutendsnl, ' Jan 5'. . . i Blolasses ! Molasses! " IM II 'da. New Crop ( nba Mol.sw., ' 'KKI Bbl.. Onlia Molaeaea, 2iM Bbls. Bunr Housi MolasM, i Hbda. Dnmarara Molaaees, i- ' ' ' 96 Bbla New Orleau. Mulaatea, For aate by KERUHNKR A C ALDER BEOS, march I I VERTISEMES T3. 45 RODDICK or inclination to button hole vou on tha or by laying any claims of friendship. propose doing that ia a legitimate way. JOB LOTS. T" TIME Price 858 00 i--y - a 'I IM 11 - :. . fl V. . - i - per 2,0C01bs Payable U 23 Nov.1. of Soluble Paclllc Guano. Old Hundred, K. O. Marion, H.O. 27-SmdAw ....... WE OFFER ODE STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Oars, at Out , j . Factory, at the following i?ii:iuc!ii:i priceh j .SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMlNQiON, N. C ' f ' e--f"l-lwlm i OJNIOS. gKLKOTKO HAMS, ( Beef Tongue., . Smoked Boef. For eale at O. H. W. KCfifllC'S. N. K. Corner Market aud Seoond Slr.eia, maroh) Ms.

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