"V. : , "1- :'. II H j r ' i MM r x - j A ; i I ( ' -M t . Yi A A L I I 1 ' I Ft 1 i 1 THIOLS 110. G.G2D. VOL XXIV.-IIO. 65. j7namGion, n. 'C UED:ir3DAY, iiAncn 17, 1075. - V I I alf tlniln ii'oumnl I. .. i . : 7 "w 2 J T:wiLMDJ()TON. H. A : WEtKEJDAY. MARtlTl?. 1875.' BY TELEGRAPH; ci HEADWMKTEUS. i UJ::,.., .. ti - PINCU8ACKTO IIAVE BELN OS LAST111DN1GIIT. ;; a 1 z HI8 DEFEAT COXCEDED, .ytfijiuJwsS- Washtsqton, March lU Soon. In the St nato the consideration nf rtir resolution (or the mliuiHSJoo o? riwl baok was resumed And Alcorn, of Mis tssippi, spoke in favor ol seating him. Wbhjn6Tqk, i March 16 K tab Hope U. BlaUtir plead guilty of roan, laughter, which wu acoepted. Jndg meut will be rendered on Monday the 29th. Blatter' wife was in court. Pinchback was nnder discussion alt day and to-night A voUi will be reached bj midnight. Hia defeat ia tMuoedad." - ,"' ! ! o 1 s ' LOUISIANA, DECISION1 OF 'TnE'AWAtiDISa COMMITTEE. ' i I'd l '.' New Tom, March lS-Nooo As most of the , paper submitted to the Loaiaiaoa Committee bad been ttioroaglilv exawintd ,on Friday and Saturday ana the claims i.f . thu con testants nearly ' all decided, the busi ness of the membtura yesterday mora iug consisted, chiefly .in preparing t ieir report ' The session was strictly private. r r. At tiftAe .tesiOff Mr. Wheeler informed the representatives of tha pspssthat the Comroitt9 bad etobed their Investigation and made the awards. .In the oases of niueteeu represeutative whose claims were sub netted t their, arbitration, ' from' all videooes ' which tiad come into ' its peseBionVa4 well as during the pre vioas investigation, as from an exam ination of the election record, he . said tlie members . of the Committee had MUBtaovsly agreed in therr awards, bat fop rtiMuiw which 5 th tntblio would kppreoiate it had' been' uecidod not to make thjeresuU 9 their delibe rations khown" at present. He, said, tllp.WUdsbf lad Committee would be forwarded at , onoe to the Governor with the doplioate returns of the elec tions submitted to them for examiaa tion,oJ, that ' special sesaioB ot the House of Representatives vrortld 1M ocnvtned frjf the purpose of taking . 4otion in the - matter, He- oonld Dot My how soon this would be effected, but he hoped that the decision at wfiiolli-tney bafl wrived would be approved. It had 'been agreed upon after the most careful examination into t ie facte of aoh particular case and was based npoo the jmportaut judg ment of the members of the Arbitra ting Committee. He said that he re- ? retted very much that he oould not urniab; any particulars to the ptesflBS the oudomsMnoea of case Tendered it necessary that the award should not be made tob1io nntil the Lower House of tha Louisiana Legislature should be nrenared to take final action in the matters 'It rested entirely with that body to oouflrm the compromise which hud baen acrreed noon. It is understood that Mr.Wheeler will present a report to the House ot Rerjreaentativea when the special scs- a on ia oonvefied for thBt purpose, al tiouflh nothinir of' definite character ejuld be ascertained from the members of the Arbitration Committee. It a ma to be generally, underst )od by t ie council in the case that the Con- -r- ativef Will gain; a number of seats t'lrousrh the compromie. . It has transpired that the result of trie Arbitration will give the Con servatives the Lower House, but will rttaiQ a small Republican majority on joint ballot, which, " should Pinoli baok be rejected, will make a heavier oonteet over the Senatorship. ; , a DEATH OF A 'WATERLOO VET- . I- ! t,f .... .EBAN. , CABEJ5B A,1 ABANDONS CABLOS. "- .." j THE POPE'S ADDRESS." ' ' 1 " -. , ,i i 1 f 1 1 LoRDOw, ' March NoOn-Tield Marshal Sir Willliam Mayard Qomm, Colonel of the Colored Stream Guards i of the 'jrower, aia yes- dav: aar d 91 years. He waa Quar termaater general i : wuwrioo mtu Commander in Chief of India in 1850. fijua March,' 16V---Koou The L'ni verse reports that Gen. Cabrera has abandoned the cause of Don Carlos and haautdava convention with Al fonso, and the Carlista now denounce him aa a traitor. - , . -, . , . , .... Bomb, March lft-Noon-At theoonsle tory yesterday morrang lieaocnowsiu, HoCloekey, Desehampe, tJlannetli and BartoliDBMi were, created s Cardinal Philadelphia, Boston' autf Milwaukee vara raiaed to Metropolitan aeea and " Bishops will be appoiuted forWbeeling; Vnrt and. Jiaruora ana ru ukhiou iu an allocation bv the Pope T ! 1 1 U The Pope said: Becognizing in the past our oare in these sad times to in eraase vouT noble order of distinguiHb d men to assist in the protection of the Universal Church, and having de termined to discharge this duty v.e wished to perform' it ' according to solemn and ancient rites, as the digni ty of the Church demands, but the times are opposed to oar intentions. TIia nnnresmon which We BUIler IS annh that va have not even the free dom of bewailing the afflictiduevjl the Cbnrob. No wonder that tnose ainer ing from the Church by hereditary er rors bate the Church and strive to at tain this end. Unfortunately, ia Italy, where the Supreme Cathedral of Truth was-ciaced bv Divine dispensation, children of the faith haye beoome ene-.j mies of the Church and plot for its demotion, grieving our heart. Uvi. have oouie tlie dfplora jle inju ria to the liberties, the possessions and the mimstrs of the Qhnrch, . v&ica w wituiss,' powerl-s to resist, ll. uoe uata oorue the greaWBt evils to tUo vouls of mbn aid to human society iu the corruption of youth which will propoxate the exiBtii'g evils to. luture Keuerutiona. . The educational inBtitu- tions have been withdrawn from the watchfulness of the church, and ia youth, which bhould be the seed time of virtun. vice arw rooted in schools ubeut to the oivil powers. There ia eu'tiou without laito, without r- ligkm, acoordiog tu baleful Worldly wisdom. The education of the priest hood eveu is iampered by arbitrary ruW so 'hat it ia difficult lo regulato the course of their studies. The army cousci iption laws takeeffect in the mnkii el tbn olergy: infer fbt' elerioo are encouraged OQUtumaciouhlr to ri Mst their bishops. The publication of our discourses is punihiird by the Civil powers. Penal laws are enacted aeaitist publishing art of the Apoii- tolio Bee. The voice of the Supremo Mawter, the teacher of trntb, is bileuced. and the riarhts of the faithful peeple are ' violated. Let those who subject the Churoh to slavery bear in niiud that tbey invoke upon themselves the Divine wrath, a harder mutiter, and a heavier tyranny. Lately, in a foreign country, writings wirodivnlged distorting' the Vaticiun deerter: the' object was to effect the violation of the liberty of your Senate in the selection of our successor, by t'ireaU of civil interference. These acts point exclusively at pur ecclesias tical competence, out the merciful Qod ruing t le church providentially orduiued the firm admirable bishop of the German Empire who refuted in thiir noble iWaratiou the erroneotta doctrines. We give the fullest praise before the Catholic world to the aaid Uitdiopa ; We approve their declara tions and their protest' as being worthy of the virtue, diguity and. xe ligiou of tlw "Bishops. 'We odn firm them iu . the r apostolio, au thority, praying the Divine elemewn to J diadipate j; tbti desigas I oi i odr', euemies and to end these evil days. Remembering that no wisdom or pru deuce can prevail against the Lord, let us offer saonaoe Jn humility and fervent prayer. Our Qod is just and merciful severe against those who pemiHt iu theit evil waya and morcifnl to those who are oonvetted to him; therefore let us turn out hearts in ooutrition to him, praying for oonao lation and debrerauoe. lie is power ful to defend ua from our enemies, preparing us for a hereafter of eternal joys, c Gregory the (heat says that Sn 1 these tribulations a greater straggle, f reater co-operation, and greater valor u hittl are rtgolitd of tb ieadera.? We are reeolT .d, venerable brothera.to add to the senate of the Holy Roman Church for the glory of Qod and the vitality of the Churoh.six more distin guished men whose names are kttowa to you, who have shown themselves worthy oi high nonor rrytne aiscnarge of the Episcopal functions with zeal, fortitude, prudence and learning, or by bearing cruel persecution with courage and constancy. We intend to create five other Cardinals. If, in the dispensation of God, this Holy Sse should become vacant before their names are divulged they, will be de clared in a codicai attached to our wills, we decree by apostolio authori ty that thoy may have the right of an active or passive participation in the act of choosing our1 successor. The five Cardinals desired in petto are as follows: i Monsiguors ' Pasoa ' Viteles ohi, Randi, Ninno, , Bimione and An tici Matui. . . HEX1C0. A TOWN DESTROYED BT AN EARTHQUAKE,' New Yobk, March 16 Noon.- A Qaudalaiaaa. Mexico, letterof the 12th, ooutains an account of an earthquake of more than usual force which 00 the 11th of February shook a large por tion of northern Mexico. 1 The litttle town of Ban Cristobal was almost en tirely destroyed end seventy , dead bodies were taken from tue ruins. The centre of this disturbance appears to have been the volcano of (Jeboruco. The earthquake occurred at night and the terror of the people was increased Dyme aaraness. , , , , , i " ELECT, IC1SMS. At Havana the Insurgents horned the Sauta ltosa plantation with five hundred hogsheads of sugar ai.d the adjoining sugar fields, also the Dolores and Itefonua, plantations, xnese es tates are in the iuriudiotion of Uom edeas. ; . - : .- ' ". - ?-.-, ' Oae hundred ladies were at the sty- enth annual dinner of Sorosis in New York. Mrs. a 0. Crowley presided, Grant's little dog. Sheridan, is in Chicago. .' . . I I The Fennsvlvama senate nas paeaea a resolution lor a, locai option ou . . . "ai a' .B a . 1 A a stringent lioense law which goes to the House. . ' Marshal's Office, : CITY OF WILMINGTON, ) v t January 23d, 1875. J IOTCXCI2.:f FROM THIS DATE AUCTION KFRS ABU prohibited eeilliiE Horaea or Moi kofanv kind In front of the CWy Mik P'lucen nu vat rroia tht aiMiera Una et tant Mrxerto the weoUira line of rarnrtk . atrret' . off Beaoad and Thtid etrrote, bMwoan the DertUera line of Market avd the routharti line of Ubeetpnt atrueta, are ililgnneil for tbt purpoaa. - , , By order tkiMiiw. ' ? J.H.BOBIV.SON, ' City Martha' Molasses 1 Holassesl l.riA4f da. few Crop Ouba Mntaanea,' , lim Hula. " Onb Molaaaea, ' jili Bll. ngr Honae Mnlaitee, A) Hilda. Demarara Uolaea, . tIBO l New (hrleaot MokatM! . i Koraaltby ' k r KKIU.HNIB A OAIDSB bBOBi jaatoliT IP1CIAX. l b U M MlUn rtr bm4 tM tM Watwtefe ukI Klswoc4. Try tha. Aar ImrvMklaf Kit raa aapprv Ua traf kaw mmn laplkeaaalllilBplbl t at fbf wttlisat patMlrlaf ha ijtWoM ffi-c ijioa the tMta, U guM aa4 Ox krvkU. Ititararettiiaa tau itrMtN it mm siiImum M a riir, Ut taMiaiaetar M wilt M a aaorak AbuMtMMlrtxrcpUoa wt iHt 9f ia Jua-iM' tialiN Ltetavtrt. Tki. v txUT. til t tMay f ua m ia wu pnnto m $tm t m.K, , ,.. - Ptrtoniraq atria DuitlrNW llls heaJl kttmfdtMUtf Bopl!Kaa oaty euM irlplnf riu, imt tkt bawcit la a wpM, omUt Mat FaftuM' t iraa It Ptllt Mil Mltaa erw awl dImom (hs lu likottl lojary ttiha tvttaai. CakaaitairlTa,Taik Ifa4ta ' Km; bjob)Cb4 of 4ala taakat yaar aart aiora koalaaB, mi aiack iaaaaaa M Ui)v mdoi cholna aT a raadj. Ta kaMaataf (tatimonr la raacef Dr. Bektaakl Falaiaait S rik, at a avra tof rnatratla. JMi aaeaaaa all tkat oaa be kroigbl ta tap pari tea pratea HaBtit any waSf aaaiaj a Pt-akaak1 Alaanae, eontalalag taa eartlBoataa af raaaf vaitoai at She hlgkatt raapaattblllty, Waa kar bean raatara4 ta ktallb, altar kala praaaaa. ce4 laambta by pkatetata af Bctntvladfaa aklHty. ' Bebark Paltaoal Bjrap ilea kat eared atanp, ae bkaatfrlaaaaaa will awt bat the bus k oTUa kret'ea tj Ua ereyaetii of two other raaiadle which Pr. Bokaaek pra- Wea far the purpeee. Tfeat addlttanal reaie diet are Bobanakl Baa Wa4 Taata aad at aa irke P V'f . , pba taaatiy aaa mt thaw raadr eliMf, accordloi to dlraaUeaa, Vu tehaevok eertlflei (hat aaoel any aaa at Oaa auipt taa Mybaairad. ' - ;" Dr. kVkeaeh la prefWeaalTy at hi prtaal pal affloa, exiftwr Blxil aad Arck atrwata, rt-lladelphla, arery Hoa4y, waara alt,iaMara fur advloa ao be addrataed.' , DIED. ayajivii Iliau . iviv, aaaj HMif r m ajwaai SM wajae, aW a W. J. BLaobv WBLL. tied a vwaea aad Id TaflalV lAkki layer 1 Ital k.a.. 1 ta. g we nw aiai yea, we niee aiail Hie trataraa yet are plala, Hapa la wraattiad aroaod kin, " ' Sa ww eabralt aad aadara Ua pata. -.:.. . raiBsa. OallyaaarptwaMadpf. ' Hibernian Benevolent 'At ' -Al ' ' LL BflBiaalM ABI a- keeekw tmmmmMlA Id Lf beat at their Hall, (laa l ,r-Brary tMaauag aveeaaa,; uaj f (WtDHKiDAT) taernlBf, at n b's wek rat taa aaxpaat af watabratlaf ct PATninrn nsv waa a nimvn v aeew a e The Aaaoeiatata't AHMVAU BALL takes piaaaaatiMtttaiaAtaat. v ' JOHaT MoTewTIB, It-tt vr.t, nt ' : aaarwtarr.v. Tlionison, MaUooft. indo- ' China, and China.' - ' The Strata af Malaoea. IedaOhlna, aad Ohlaai or, TenTeart' Ira Tele, Adveataree, ad Kaatdanca Abroad. By J. Thoaaaaa, P. B 0. i.,atlierof"Maatrateaaa Ohlaaand Ha Paepla." With avar m lUataratlaaa fraai the Aotliar'eawoPhotoaTapha aad katckee. lTa.illathi.aM. At a uaTMer aaa at a aarraatr ar arawaia, ta hrewd obaarear, and a tbewaatial reaaeaer an aaat a aoaareaa, ere are awe awaay wilurewlth whoa Mr. Tkatieea may dtee-1 aampkrlaoa. . The baok eaoatd be read throughout Jlaadard, Imdon, , . , t . ., For said St, ,'. , HEirJOOERQER'O ' TJwa Book and Maataltara. marah Jt aw TVilmlngton llook anct Ladder Company No. 1. BM BKBB :-Meat at the HALL this P. at. at o'clock. By order af the PTeaWteni. r ) . tt at, a., wiiiuiun, . . loeratary. marcklT''' ' ' ';' B-lt NOTICE TO 8ltIPPEnS. The CLYDE LINE. n ? 't h New, Jork and Wilmington ' RfAJirnvhln rimnftTiv. rjtO MBBT THB WAHTa UP THE TBADB, bar added another Steamer ta tk Lis end will tail from HEW TOBC srary . , WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 Fl Proa Plar , Hertk Bitot. . ,.,t -f,; i '-i--f. .- " ' 8IMI-WIEKLY FROM I AOH PORT. , , , , ,1.1 ejr Hereafter ahipperi can rely upon the prompt and regular lailicg ef these B teamen 'from . New York adver tieed, as the Company has determined to adopt regular Bailing days, and with Uhe additional steamer, there can be no etvase for delay in shipmeota. T Other Steamers will be added aa A. D. CAXAUX, Agent, W1LM MOTOH. M. C, march 1( . Ot-of w DDI ma OAmiaMakael W SB! I ljJ ejABl mm a ajaaMHty at ta - uua aaiwa. SI3CXLLAJI20US. John Da72cn ; Hat a rail stack of fraiiaa Bvada Iraa (aaly fU Mock ta taa atty), Plew btal. Tta, Iraa, VaUa, Qrtad ttaaat, aW, l tka towaat - .Mat la. aa4 II Mark at Street at BUcismlth's Tools, ale. Mtoera. AavllB, Yleda. art Plaaaa, ladf ea, Haa4 Maiaurt, Swede Iraa, Ataerteea tpaa aaa aaaa t an aaae im eanawea. Wbaela ot ail klada, Wafaa, Uart, utt ad Bala. All abate at bouea) tfifg at Hard war Blare at ium wrraotj taoTfl. . t i ' i -as a ana praal irni CeaUaa j tmy Hew tlKl.kOWt, OOUAMaad BMIHTW aaw paalaa. V MUNSON & C0 OaTTj BAITBUBBB. arah notice. " a PPUOATIOH WILL BH MAPI TO Ua faatral AtMBiktr af Berth Okeattat aaartar taa Ctay Baok af WUailaftaa. jaa r aktBOTBDUAktl, ; i,., , KJ Beef Tenftiee, Baoked Baaf. Paraalaat 0. H. W. kCaOB'B. i M. B. naraat Market aad Boot ad Svaaej 1 warekf fiO Boxes Orangca ' JJKJBLt LOW AT, t,,t' , UAUIr-WrrtwlltV i - BIVM OAAII aaaOKat Wiiliy, at -.-(-.-.! .-. . , f atawvaaaaviaare NSWIPROCII9 EMPIRE FLOUn, Warranttd baat ha the world, fa Barrele, Half aWrela aad Ban The) i auaaa art ear att Bacteria BBS warta aartloalar ayaetalllea, aad aeltker kava rat anuaataain l Bar aalv aarfaat anlafaathaa. aar Brand U yon waat Ike "BaaV" I f ar aala aaly by r by GXa MYERS. 11 aadl3BouUiFrpattt. U rvTH ABB HOWBBOBITIxaTMriMT tbipment of .OenbT sad LadMs iprin Caskua ad ;;.. '...,MJ. . ,:. i f hoea and Boots Whlek art kaadatat and ttyllak. They tM aaat, aaty Ittlaf Bad vary MabU-a bcIbbi alt. RaaMBbt Bar vary dnrabl ChU- drtnl Ihoat at ' ,31 tTAlTB 7obOL4.Kw, ; Trine (treat. a arck IS lorn, -Hay, "OatTand Ileal . dfnoeBokt1iOora, aw Balet Baatera Bay. ... , , ... S,ns Bnabal tt, MO Baebel Wtr iad ll. P or tale by . . HBOHBeAlJHBBaL' kv : - It t carttMNiT Bet f Anna aaa Blawi ttlM TT, ,Atala,M. r ta thai P. f aa enMBt aaDBlarttv aalt el amrw aaarlW'-Caaaareial, rm- TBer IW WW m mmm itw. a aiai aoriaaiicai.' a. t " ' ' ' Wh net' iubeorlbe fop THE GALAXY FOB. 1S70. "' " -s- nnm ' ' ' BEST AMIRICAN MAOAZIHI Ma faallf aaa afltord M da) Wltneat n. IT OIVB8 tfOBI GOOD ABD ATTBAO TIVB BBADUIO BATTBB POBTHB MOItBT IU AH ANT OTHER kTBBI ODIOAti OB BOOK POBUBBBD , ' c1 t COUHTBT. v j j A Hew atrial by Mr. Ann! Bdward. LEAH, A mWM OF FAlHiaa, JUBl Btaviurt. AIM a Story by fTOf. H. H, BOTBIBR, A Noreeman'e Pllgrlmaf , To oontlnu MTtral aaaau. , t . ta the aaat Mo. will he eonaeneed JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SEIIAL Dear Lady Disdain. At tarlnof ArtloleebT praaaiaaaiBaaiia ntera. an th . ... , , CQNFFJCllATE SIBS CF THE WAR. Nat Cawtr venial, wU anaa b eea- oeaoed. ; Interwatlng tkaWhea Artd Steries In each ho branch writora aa BIUHAKD ORANT WBITR, AXBB BT alHODBS. HBNKT JAMBB, Jr.. .JUNIUB BEnnt RHllWNr KIME.TIR1T. R10HABl KIM H ALL and alltb ataff of BKIMJANT W HITEBB which iha Oif.AiT baa tiraetad to Kaerf, and who hare made a bright aaik oa ear current literature. THB BOIBNTiriO MIBUBLLAMr. aaaB ttoatb, kt worth tht prle tbaafagaa10 Who would not rive) fA.OO to our auoh a monthly visitant for thayoar I87PT t ubeorlbo at Onoo. and for aar fall Proepeetat. WK Rl.-AYtH POSTACI. It eaa be had, with althtt "Harpar't WtahlT" ar "Baaar," ar "A nplettn'e Weatly," Am ft tHELCO A CCMPANY, a 14 sitciT.T.i triors. Hctlcal InitrumcnU. The) lavfaat, finest and eheapeet took of MaaioaJ Iaatrame&te ever hroBght to tbia city. - . QUITAR3, VI0UN3, BANJOS, rurrsa, ITFE3, AOCOBDEONS, HAEM0NICA8, Ac, Ac. . .. a ehoioa couaooUoa of SHEET 1IUSI0 At CON OLE Y YATES City Book Store. 14 Oats, Corn and Hay. I.M Batkalt Oat. " dM BaaaaleOarn, aa Belee A Ma. 1 Batetrn Bay, taBBalatA BeMH.B. Bay. Pat alia ky KBXOktBBB OALOBB BBUB U at Tobacco Tobacco! Qr Aioiuoiiwme tobawo, - -! f KSBOBHaTB OALOBB BBBB. BiaroJkU a Eacon and Fork re BOXBi D. I. BIDB8, BO laakad Idea 00 " mke4 Bad O. B. koaUere, ' BB Bblt retk. , ' Pat aaw by rBBOaiKBB ALDBBB0a BUrak 14 Si north. Bonth, . ffiait and West, f I01f BILTOK TO i , i f ; ': aUDDEB'B ItXLXej rSOUTZLB WIXOATK . . ' rTOJUOIBISLASD, Wttta4tkmeat,u ftmi CR0CERIE8 ann BW,fm4HTaeaa, ' .. .., . . , M nam. aamtaanr, ad TwryOlBf la ur llae. . , Paatllr rapaiitB aallrered ta nay cart ot tk ity aa ordered, Caak barer oaa at ta aaat tooda at tht Itwtat aria frota . , , CkOAfl. Pirms a ro.. v v t 0 A 7 North Front Bt. BaarabM " S4 CASH. trt kaepi TJTTUUB a BOO BBIBB FOB CASH. a hooka aa4 U ftw oahoily. id not BkB tattawt wkepar tkalr Bills psyth kaoarrad ky Ikaa k nam pay. lean thwrwfar U (aad lewtv tfcaa aay ether haa 1 . It aatfcetity. A fwU Bttf l? Ski aTaaUf Orwawtaa. Ko.81 North Front fit. its BS-tf IrtjDDKSBB Baviaf reoaived large additions to ourttaok for Bpring trade, we now off the sarae at unusually low prioes. Ptirahaaan are reepeetfully requested to esABiinei D. A SMITH 4. CO aareh B-i Dlssolntlon of Copartner ship. TbaaaattaarahlBBrtofwre Mtetln tnder Brat naaa and atjCt af DarldBWMl If th day dleatlTed br a at eel aoaeent, I.E. Wall aarlaa withdrawn fraaa la aria, 1 ( A. DATJ1. , TTATIKQ anrebtatd'ta labtreet of Mr. I U. a. Wall In th let Ira af Dark) Well Twill eeatlaee th b eel eat at their aid ttand Bo. BT Harket ttraat, aaa reepeetntiiT aut a ratinaaao ef th patroaag ao UberaUj be Bhtwwd bbb lb lata Brat. . a. DAVIU, Hotice. lr. A. rar1d wtH eettle alt IIbm ateJaa tk lata flra af DaTld A Wall, rarile owing th lal Ira will aleaeeea l ana tattle imme diately, at la Books acer be aloaed. - atarake a-ta Turpentine Distillery for1 Sale. Wt bar a twelt Banal Torpntln IMMII. lry aw la aaa, needing to as repair, which w wni tell varjr ahaaa. Addiawl JBO. D. WBLLB A Wte, Toltnaa, Mi O, auarehlt St-tmeodB Corn and Hay 5,000 BCRHKLS WHITB AWD MuedOora. IB Bala Hay Baetwm, ' IBS Balet Hay Morth Klrer. For aU br KBROBHBR A OALOER BROS' Btarh . ' - Du Pont's Powder. DTJ0K.BIPLBAKO BPOBTIHO, BLAITIMQ AMD MIHIKwV-Wbola, Half aad Quarter ava rorsalevy tAMUTm. HXtf ADmTISZSIXTS. 15 BROWN & We still continue to sell at our former low prioea notwithstanding the ad vance in the market, aad aa a lubetaatial proof submit the following list of prices: Goats' Spool Cotton 0 cents a spool or 70 cents per dozen. Uabl taehed Cotton from fl eents per yard. 83 inoa Fruit of tha Loom..... .11 Cent per yard. M " " " Loom.., .',.,. v ..; ;.'.12 " " " 86 u "Wamiutta 6 " M " Kew Spring Calicoes, best quality, 10 oeuta per yard. . J Ladiae PaffB fot the rieok 6 and 10 emits, worth 25 oenta, a bargain. It woold be a yrtai taring to thoa vUitlng the citg for the purpose of do ing their shopping iu the Pry Oootlt line to give us a call prvt iuut ta making thair purobaaea. We take thia method of adrertUiog prioea for yon to com pare them with not only Wilmington and wioioity, but with those of any seo iioa of the eouutry. We have no time or inclination to button hole you on the treats, or look you Bp in the llotolt, : or by laying auy claims of friendship. 0or object is purely bueiaesa, and we propose doiug that in a legitimate way.' tEVCRAL JOB LOTS. Buoa aa 100 doien Kid OJove for 60 eeuta per pair, worth fl 50, Ladies hemmed Pure Liuen Ilaadkorchief 15 cents, worth 23 cents. 20 pairs Blankets $3, worth $1 50. WE HAYE OOT EVERYTHINO WE ADVERTISE ONE PB1CE TERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES JJIOWH & BODDICK, 45 Market Street; .!..-i ..t.'Jl.JlXJI re REMOVAL! ' ! FRANK' &:.BRO.f . , DEALERS IN DRY O00DS, CROCKEllY GLASSWARE, Ac, Desire to Inform their friends and tho public gprirrallv tlmt thev have re moved to the Htore formerly oocnpled by them, No. 17 Market street. Iiavinff disDoaml of the bulk of their old stock, thev have received and ara daily receiving new and desirable goods the timea. ; aT A oall la respectfully Bolloited. H. . twob tt BE! -Jl'l.l' SOLUBLE PACIFIC GBAMO CO.; ''CAPITAL. PRICEC REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLEPAOIFIO GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CHOP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchanta and other reliable parties to sell thia Guano at our Warebo prioea. , W j H. McIMItY & CO., Oomnlalon MtrohanU, A fen U for Paolflo OuauO Co., and Dealeraln Mo. 1 Peruvian Ooano 8ab-igent8 for tho Solo r. R. OIBBOIV. C. lHlHAn...i Jan II At r.i Art nu Tnn Clamh nr ftAfl yrl aiNS MllWJaaa NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At 138.00 pr Ton, Cash, or 138.0 WB GUARANTEE that theprerioua High Or B. R BBFDOEBB, Pretldent " D, MoRAK. Treaaorar, O. L. OkVAJFLlN, Bnperlntcndcnt. Jao . , . WA1TTED! OtTBBBRCT OR HKaOTIAALB PAPER 600 Packages Fine Cut and Plug Tobaccos, AT A SMALL MABOIN. By I i;D. riGOTT. ma rob t r . SS Pee Dee Courier. BITHBMERCHAHTi OF WII.MINQ tun awart that the Courier It (he only Deron eratlo paper published ta Bocklu am, and that tt clroulatet ei tent! rely In Blobmond. Montgoatrr and Aaron oountleaT Bateaof adrertlalni liberal and no cxtia 1.-. - ' charge mad for changing adrtitlatment waekly. DUCKBTT AEBV1H, anarch l-tf f Editor- R ED AKD WHITB OMOH BETS. For aale by OHKEN A FLAKNEB. JSeed8 1 Seeds ! Seeds ! KewOop idTS, grown by Laudieth a Bui For tal br t OBEEN A FLANNFR, i , , (. ,' ; " Druggbt.. rah I Potatoes! Potatoes ! 101 bla, Karly Boa Potetoci, ,. . 10OB Fink By Potato. '" , For al br i BJCUdHXEB A OALOBK BKOB. aaaraal i-nr.x i -' - - it u Si 45 RODDICK REMOVAL ! which they will sell at prioea to suit , ' FRANK & BROv Hoi 17 Market Street. i 1 1 1 . . 1 . i . . . . 'U .1 , tti.onn- 1 XOBTrt VraTBR BTRBBT, of Soluble Faclilc Cluano. ...Old Hundred, W. a , ,, Mar Ion, B. O. i SI-3mdAw . WE OFFER 0UE STAHDABD FEBTIIIZEES For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Oars, at Out . I ' Factory, at the following REDUCED PRICES : SOLUBLE NAYA88A GUANO fl. navntila lot nf Nnvembflr. riPTt- , payable 1st of November next. of our Ferttlliart ahall b fully Maiitaibbd NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WIlMlilOTOH. M. C a-eod-dAtrtm. Spring Patterns. mUK JUSTLT CEI KBKATKD DEMO. MEBT'S PATTEBIVa for th Spring, 1871 ar now ready and for tala at th office of th Singer Manufacturing Company, on Market i ttreet, between Second and Third. Th India of Wilmington wh may b (unintentionally) overlooked In the dlatrlbuilon of Pattern Book ar reaptotfully Invited to call at theofflo aad gjt on, where they wilt alao And for tala Mad am. Dtmorett'a Fortlolloof FaihhinatadWbat to Wear and How to Make. 0. P. HILL, Agent t march w-lw New Spring Styles Ties, Bows and Scarfs NBALABQELOTOF GENTS' FOBM IsHIN'O GOODS Jurt reolrt. ' Am dally expecting th largeet and nirat 0- laotttoi-kof PIECE CO OD8w brought totals market. ; . A. DAVID, , , , Merchant Tailor and Clothier, No.7 MtfketStiest. march 11 A Distiller Wanted. It MAS WITH NO F AM ILT, WHO UAH AA, maka.Walt Hostn, and briag taUifMlory reference! to go to Mobil. Ala. ' Apply to JAMBS 0. BtBTEfiON. Bt-ef - 11 tV 1 i' ;A I MrillMfl.nil Vttl ttH, ML ItlW mm mm rrvuil M.t

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