I A. At. -V JJJJJ I WO VOL XXIV.-HO. 68. WmmiGTOIT, IT. C, THUESDAY, IIARCH 18. 1075. V7E0L2 no. gx:d. Oc ilailn jfotmial. WILMTSOTON. N. a: THtrDAY. U4RCH1I. W5. BY TELECRAPHT xottTii cauolixaT" 8CIT OP THE WESTEHN N, C. . B, R, AGAINST U P. 13AYNE , , ACO. VERDICT IN FAVOR OF THE EOAD. Nsw York, March 17. Noon In the anit of tbe Western North Caroli na Railroad Company, of North Caro lina, ajraitut L. P. Bayne & Co. for $480,000 ia bonds the rt'ftTee ha de cided in fawrof the Eailroa ' Com pany. Mr. Bayne was held iu $200, 000 to give np the bonds bat on con senting to deposit the bonds in the hands of the Court he was released on the nominal bail of one thousand dol lars. HEADQUARTERS, ENFORCEMENT OF THE TARIFF BILL. NEW BOGUS BROOKS RE WARED AT LAST. Washington, March 17. Night The President lias sent a mesnage to the Senate regarding the Black Hills. A treaty will be attempted to open up the country, and in the meantime in truders will be expelled. Commissioner Donglaas decides that the tariff and tax bill signed by the President Maroh Srd commences its operations from midnight of March 2d. All tobaooo, cigars and oi Burettes tamped, told or withdrawn after that bonr must be reported for additional tax. Ex or bogus Governor Brooks, of Arkansas.hae been nominated for post m alter at Little Rook. Tha Post mas 'er-General has ordered transient newspapers to be forwarded at old rate until April first. It ia understood that the Republi cans will not press the resolution en dorsing the President's recognition of Kellogg as the Governor of Louisiana EUROPE. DEBATE ON THE ECCLESIASTI CAL BILL IN THE GERMAN PARLIAMENT. MORE TROOPS FOR CUBA. BxBiiiif, March 17 Noon The de bate on the ecclesiastical bill was opened by the Minister of Publio Worship, who insisted upon the neces sity of fresh legislation upon the rela tions of the Church and State. Bismarck spoke in sdpport of the bill, and said the "more obedienoe was due to Ood than to man, certainly did not mean that more obedienoe was due to s Pope misguided by justioe, than to the King. The Government :vas doing its duty in protecting German freedom of mind against Rome." . The House agreed to disouss the bill in full siting instead of referring it to s committee. Madrid, Maroh 17 Noon The Mendes Nunez sailed from Santander, for Cuba, with trorps, Pabis. Maroh 17 Nisht Pasouier, npon taking the Chair of the Assembly , used strong phrases against the Bona- partists, which were applauded. The Assembly will dissolve in Augutt. and ths election for the new Assembly will aoour in the Autumn. THE FLOODS. r- BttEAKlNQ UP OF THE ICE ON THE DELAWARE PORTJEBVIIS FLOODED. BRIDGES SWEPT AWAY AND TRAVEL IMPEDED. Pobt Jrrvis, March 17 Noon At 8 o'clock this morning sharp whistles fave alarm of the approach of a Hood. Ling street was looded by 7 o'clock, and the railroad bridge, three miles west of her , was swept away. J Vt 8:10 o'clock the ioe- broke below; thirty . .blocks were flooded and some houses carried off, but no lives lost. The -railroad bridge from above crushed the bridge here.andthe suspension bridge ight miles below here is doomed. WnnsBABBH, Maroh 17 Noon ThS Chief Engineer of the Erie Rail toad has gone to the Delaware bridge to arrange temporary means for cross- in the river. No travel ctn- go wes of this place by the Erie Road for probably two weeks. FrrrsTON, Maroh 17 Noon The bridge over the Snsquehannah river waa swept sway ten minutes after the passage of the passenger train. BALTIMORE. DESPERATE AFFAIR AMONG SEAMEN. REJECTION OF A PROPOSED CHANGE IN THE CONSTITU TION OF THE PRESBYTE . RUN CHURCH. Baitmork, , Maroh 17 Night Last evening three sailors of the Ital ian bark Gmseppe Emmannelle, which arrived in this port yesterday, and is lying at the lower canton, were per mitted to go ashore. Returning on ship-board about 12 o'clock, all mad from drink, thev rushed with drawn knives on B. N. Gray, the Custom House officer in charge of the vessel, who, to save bis life, took refuge on an adjoining ship. The drunken sailors thtn made an assault on the ere ca deti, durirg which Franoisoo Tombriaz. one of the drunkan men. plunged a kuife iuto the brenxt of his brother, s'ho a sailor on me tniman nelle, indicting a mortal wouud. The fracas was only euded by a rqaud of pulioe who were sent on board. At a culled meeting of the Ruling KM of the PrtwUvter'aa Church of this city, held laat evening. to consider the overture aeut down from the lnt General, Aasembly, for action of the Presbvteries. in regard ti a change in the Constitution of the Church, by authorising the election oi the Killing Eldera for a limited time, not less tbau three years, on what in known as the notmy eldership, tlw following resolution was n terestinor disonnsioD. uuaniuionslv adopted ; That we disapprove the As sembly's overture, and bo far as our voicn can be heard in ti e response i f the Presbytery to the same we return an emphatic utgative. CUBA. ATIIOCIHES BY THE COMBAT ANTS. V RAISING THE BLACK FLAO. NbwYobk. March 17 Night-A let- from Hngua says: Col. Bouilla cap tured the hospital, where he found eighty wounded Boldiers, alleged to have been in distress, wliomisonilla shot. This act explains more fully. wliv Pone, Gonzales and the other rebel chiefs in the neighborhood of Hagua and Remedios have determined upon a General massacre and bouflrr. THE FIRE FIEND. DESTRUCTIVE- FIRE AT AT- LANl'A, Atlanta, March 17 Noon A do- ftructive fire occurred this morning on Whitehall street. G. W. Jackson's confectionary store, Paul , Jones' liquor store, and other buildings were burned. Jjos 8130.0U0: about l,0vK) of which was covered by inimrauce. The origin of the fire is thought to be accidental. . ELEliTRIClSMS. The weavers and spinners at Fall River have gone to work. The New Hampshire vote for Gov ernor ib as follows: tneney otf,28o: Roberts 39,163; White 754. ' The cashier of Ansonian National Bank at New Haven, plead jd guilty of false entries in favor of Henry Clews A Co., and was sentenoed to jail for five years. Beck Brothers, stock brokers ia Boston, have failed. The senior part ner is dead, from an over dose of chloroform. The steamer W. J. Lewis, from Vicksbnrg, for St. Louis, has been burned. Five persons are missing, Hamilton McDowell, Democrat, was elected mayor of Burlington, N. J., on Tuesday; also the entire Demo cratic ticket, which is the first time in six years that the Democrats have carried the city. In the New York Assembly bill to enable wives to testify against their husbands in criminal cases was re ported adversely on yesterday, and tie report was agreed to. The Austin Powder Company's mills exploded yesterday at Cleave land, Ohio. Twelve buildings were demolished and three persons killed. . The first enforcement of the compul sory education law in that vioinity oc currt d at Fishkill Village, N. Y., yes terday, where several boys wore ar rested and forced to enter the district school house. More arrests will occur ta-day. . 1 Literary. Thb Speotbb Loveb. By Mrs. E, D. E. N. Southworth, author of "Ftar Play ""How He Won Her," "Changed Bird,," "Bride's Fate," "Miriam," "Cruel as the Grave." "The Lost Heiress" &o. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Wilmington: P. Heinsberger. This book assumes its title from the first of a number of charming little stores, all under one cover, the "Speo- trejjover, being from Mrs. Boutn worth's pen and the others from that ofhersisb r, Mrs. IFranoes Henshaw Baden, author of "The Bride's Seoret, so. They lurnisn pleasant reading matter for an idle hour and the book itself may be placed in the home libra rv along with the series of wcrks writ ten by Mrs. Southworth and publish ed by the Petersons. Isabella Vincent. A Novel. By George W. M. Reynolds, author of "The Court of London," "Rose Fos ter." "Caroline of Brunswick," "Ve netia Trelawney," eto. Philodelphia : T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Winning ton : P. Heinsbercer. Price 75 cents Vivian Bebtbam ; ob, A Wiri's Honob. A Seqceii to Isabella Vin cent. By George W. M. Reynolds, au thor of "Tne (Jourt of iioudon, "Rose Foster," "Caroline of Bruns- wiok," "Venetia Trelawney," eto. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson & Broth erg. Wilmington i P, Heinsberger. Pnoe Yd oents. . Thb - Cotjbt of London ; ob, Thh Mysteries or the Court or Georgb thb Third, with ths Life and Timrs OF THH PBINCB OP WALKS, AFTERWARDS Obobob thb Fourth. By George W. M. Iveynolds.autlior of "Rose Foster, ' "Caroline of Brunswick, "Venetia Trelawney." "MarvPrice.",Lord Sax- ondale," "The Bankers Daughter," "Count Christoval," Ac, Ac Phila delphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Wilmington : P. Heinsberger. Price 11. Corn, Hay. Oats and Meal. 4,000 Boihflu Torn, t(S0 HbIbk Kml-rn Hy, ' i,0"0 Buhlf Outs, "' COO ButhcU W.lar Oioani Mk1. For tit. by KEKCHNRH A CALDEB BROS. murrtiT w riOIUTIt!0 "aix kaBodteoos rnlN I INU th ahorfat votlo aad at th. moat ramabl e m. at tb . SFZCIAL. Tb k oollkr trtt ataS. an U Warwick aat Sloo4. try tka. ay 1araala( nor. ni ..ppry a.m. Why kit BMwa.tha Mpl. DaatrlSM Amttfm 1 Siaiply tMtM. H k IspMlW SmH, mm for.wwk, wltlMat fMMtTlag tt kyflMl. .ffMt apM U. tetk, tha m aaS tk ktvaU. ItlaararthlBf tku BhyateUaa aa MMlnuHt. a alieiM. tk Btaitiactar. 9f vblck 1. . aort. A boat tha aaly aieapttaa waiaowmw uoa-'iwa'. Aaoayaa LiUiaiant. Tbl, w baltara, all aadone, a ad aaayef Uif ia a tt la ta.tr LiacUo. IU iraataae- OCM. Praon reoutrlat aa aatiTMar all), ahoaid be eval'ul auat they bay. Hom.pUi.aotealy eaiiM frlplof pain., bat leer. th. aoweU la a rptd, euetir. etata fareuaa' Farga Ira Fill. am reti.T. the bol. aad aiaaaaa lae klaoa without Injury to the ayiiam. ea.nBMilvaa, TaAa ltle Kvery nom.at of delay aukes your ear. mure hoxlca, ard ucb depend, aa the je. tttrlou. choir of a reaMdy. Tfe aatoaattif teetlmony la fareref Dr. Sch.eck'. Falaionle Sjrup, a. a rare for oonnaiptlaa, fat .iceed. all that mi be broaiht to rapport th. pre tea. rion.t'faiiy other atedlalae. See Dr. Seheaek. Alnanae,eontalnli th. crtlSeatMor aiaay Iiod. ot th. ktfhet reepeetablllty, who bat. been rertored to health, after b.lnf proaoaa. rd loonr.bl. by phjrtldaa. of ackaowl1((4 ability. Sohegrk. f alaoal. Syrap aloa ha. eured many, a. theat .rldeneee will .how; bat th. cure I oftea proma'ad by th .atployaMat o two other rim.dlre which Or. Sohaaak ato- Ttdc. for th. parpoa. The, addltlenal rem. die. ar. f chenck't 8m Wetd Toole a4 Maa- itrak. PUU. By th. Ilm.ly in pf Uaaa ai.dl- etnt., according to direction., Dr. Beheock oerUfle. that mot any ea. f Oeataaptloa may b. o red Dr. Hohenok U profearioaally at kit prln.l- pal office, corner sixth aad Arch .tract, Ptilladulpbla, ry Monday, what, all l Mere for advlca one b. addraawd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DissoMonofCopartnersIiip. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE .iitlng between f. A. Behutt and John Meyer, nnd.r th. aaai. aad flra of W. A. Scbntl & Meyer, It thi. day dlaioWed by ma r taal eonwnt, John M.y.r withdraw, and t. A. Sohatt. will .ettU nil liebllltlet ol th Arm, u ht alone lj anthorlaad to reoeWeaad receipt for all account, da. to th Ira of F. A. Schnt te Meyer. F. A. 80H0TTE, JOHN METER. Wilmington, V. 0., March ISth. S-n rl?liey are Oominu EVERT STEAMER Will bring a portion of oar New Spring Stock 0 OLosnmo MUNSON & CO., OlTT OLOTHIRRS. march's Howard Belief Fire Engine Go- Uo. 1 ATTENTION MEMBERS I Called moat ing thl., Tbunday. .venlna at to'cloek. By oraer of too rremeat. WM.. BDRMAMH. march ll-li Roe. Secretary. Net Ciod da lis. 200 HHOS. HEW OROr CUBA, BBL8. Hew drop Cab. rralby RERUHMKR A O ALDER BRO march 18 IS Hay, Bice, lard and Soap. 300 Bale. Raatarn May, 100 U.K. Hay, SO BbU. Rlea, SOS doiee Seap, S3 Tl.rce. and Tabt Lard. For aal. by KKROHNEB UAU)KR BROS march IS 6t Potatoes! Potatoes! 150 BBLS. PliAWTIMU POTATOES. For aal. by REROHWER O ALDER BROV. mar.hlS SS Corn, Water Ground Meal and Oats- 3,S00 BUSHELS OOBM, " 100 Butheli Water Oroaad Meal, - 1,00 BtuheltOate. ... For aal by KER0HNBR A OALDER. BROw march IS ST Thomson's Malacca, Indo china, and China. The Strait, of Malacca, Iedo-Oolna, and I hlna; or, Tan Tear.' Trarelt, Advantarr., and Reddenca Abroad. By J. Thomwa, F. U O. 8.. author of "llluatratlomof ohlna and It People." With orer Si lllutratlon. from th. Authortawn Photograph aad hatch... gro.Clotn, 4. ... A. a trareier and at a narrator of travel., a. a .brewd obeerver, and a thoughtfal reaaonrr on what h. obMrve. there ar ao aany wt Ken with wbor Mr. Ihoauoa may dread sompariaon. Th book aonld be read throughout.-Aaadard, LobdOB. For Ml at HEINOBERCER'C I .It Book aad Matt Htor. marh IT SI Marshal'B Office, CITT OF WILMINGTON, ) , January 23d, 1875. : IVOTIOE2. . . ,i j ... , FROM THIS DATE ACOTIOHRERS ARK prohibited nlllti( Hon.. or Stork of any liudln front of th. Otty Market. Prlneer. ti eet Iroa th. avtera ln or Croat Kra. t tha wotarn Una of Fourth Mraati or tiaaond and Thlid .treat, between tbaor(bra Ha of Market ai a tba routnera una or UBOMiiat humU, ar. doilfnatd for thl purpoa. By ord.r h Maror. C.-J. jaaM EKTPPDI0. mm VIA WILMINGTON, N. C. Fact Freight Route to all Points North or South. 1KW YORK. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line! emi-wekkly; Ssiliog from NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY and (SATURDAY st 8 P. M., anJ from WILMINQ10N, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. BOSTON AND FALL RIVER. New York and Wilmington Steamship Company, O0KXE0TIMO WITH TH1 OLD COLONY RAILROAD and STI AMIRS Dally Between BOSTON and NIW YORK Semi-Weekly between NEW YORK and WILMINGTON. Wtdandar aad latarday lrm ch F.H. x Shlpp.r may rly upon th prompt and rt"'er Mlllng nf th. Steaaw, aad aulckdl patch glvaa to all ablaent. by thl rout. NO DKLAYS. Oonaeotiag at Wlialngton with the W ILMIMQTON, UOLVM B1A ATOUST A RAlbROAP, WI1.M1NUTUN A WIUION RAILROAD, THE CAROLINA tlKNTRAl. Ritl.WAT, AND OAf I rAR kiver BTRAMKRS Through Billa of Lading glvea to and fraoa all rolut In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Alio to NEW YORK, BOSTON. PROVIDENCE, FALL BITER sod other Kaatern Cities. B- Rate naranteed a lw at by any other roaU aad Urn. at aalek. LotMt or evoreharge. proaptly pout. Mark all Goods via Clyde's Wilmington Line. W For farther lnfbrmatloa applf to .Ith.r of th aadortlgned A genu of th Lias. D.D.O. MIRE, Uaneral Eaaiera Ag.nt, IS DTonthlr SU..I, Beaten, lite St Via WILMINGTON, IV. O. FAST FREIQHT ROUTE To all Points North or Gouth. BALTIII0RE. Baltimore aM wymMca Line, ...... MMI-WaiELV. , -SAILIKO FROM BALTIMORK Tuesday A Friday, at 3 P. M. . AMD FtfQM WIUIINOTOS- Wednesday A Saturday. BOSTONANPROVIDENCE. Baltlaor aad WUmlaiioa Uao, BaltlaM, Boatoa aad I rovldaaa Lino, Or via Caaal Dally to PhllaSalphia and ClTdV rhUadclrklaaad rrovMrao Lia. , B.mLWMkli from .aeh Port Shipaar may rly apoa tb. preapt aadrolarMlllaf of tb BtoaaMr. aad qalekdla patchslvBtollblpaatbf thltroat. NO DELAYS. Throag b Bill of Ladlof P to and froa all Flaa la NORTH nd SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA nd ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, anu other Eastern Cities. mr Rat puraatotd a low a by aay tbr Boat and Mat at gates. Lowe, or vrobanrM promptly paid. Mark all Goods ?Ia Baltimore and Wilmington Line. S7" for rartbtr larbrmatloa apply to ltbr of th. aadsnlgiiod Af.nl of th Lin. EDWIN FITZGERALD. Agent. ttaltimura Uut, M aouih Str.l7)aiUa aarch U-il Musical Instruments. The largest, finest and cheapest took of Musical Instruments ever brought to this city, GUITARS, VIOLINS, BANJOS, FLUTES, FIFES,' A0C0RDE0NS, HARMONICAS, Ao., Ac Also, a choios oolleootion of . SHEET MUSIC OONOLEt YATES City Edolx Otoro. S aarca Id H I L WM. r. CLYDE CO., General Ariatt, w lorkLla, 1 Bawling Oreea, X. T A. D. CAZAUX. Agent. Ban ft PHILADELPHIA. mil fiMintofl Line. .:. iai-waai,v avrwaas ,. BALTIMORK AHO WILatlRaTOR. Baltlaaor and FhUadalpal SUaaboatO., Dally via Oaaal botwota BALTIMOBI AHD PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIE8. BALTIMOni ARB WILMINQTOR LIRE, Nortbora Oaatral Railroad a tas Baltimor aad ObJ Railroad. A. D. CAZAUX, Acant. Baltlaar. aiui iaw Yoib bin., WiLmaoToa, V. 0. Brunswick County Claims jRLL PERSONS HOLBINO CLAIMS agaln.t tb. oantyol Br.uwlok ar raqoaiUd to prM at thcava or bror tb third Ma. day la May, IST5, to .lth.r ncmber of tb Board ot Coaalaioa.r.of Braaiwlek toaaty, to tb Tr.arr ot laid oonnty, or to M. S Ostbrl, Clark of th Board of CoBm!lonr. MAUSDEM BtLLAMT, Attorney for Braorwlrk Crafty. U-dlmAwttdMoa.iuKay aarob I Blacksmith's Tools, &c. allow, AavlU, Tie, Srw Flat, Sled , Hand Baameri, Sa.de. Iran. Aaeriean Bffloert Iron, A xlaa, Hub be, Feller, Spring and Band, of all ela.. and rarletiee. Whael.utall kinds, Wagon, Cart, Baggy andSnlky. All abora Oood. at bottom flgnra at Kw Hatdwar Sto.t f eruESAwrpnBisos, Si hu.iJ f rout bMeet. narekld u GOiW R7 ASTZSTISZ2I3TS. 45 BKOWN & We still continue to sell at onr former low prioes Botwithstaadlnf ths sd vanoe in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit ths follovnnf lift of prioes: Costs' Spool Cotton 6 cents a spool or 70 cents per doiea. Unbl wohed Cotton from 6 cents per yard. 83 inoh Fruit of th Loom..... 11 Cents par yard. 86 " Loom. ...12, " M " . Wsmsntts 16) New Bprin Caliooes, beet quality, 10 oents per yard. Ladies Fnirs for ths Neck 6 and 10 oents, worth 25 oents, a bargain. It would be a grtai laving to those vUitinff the citg for tha purpose of do. ing their shoppingin ths Dry Goods lins to give ns a all previous to making their purohaaes. We take thia method of advertising prices for you to eoa . Sara them with not only Wilmington and vioinity, but with those of any see on of ths country. We have no time or inclination to bntton-holeyoa on th streets, or look yos up in the Hotels, or by laying any claimi of friendship. Onr object is purely business, and wa propose doing that ia a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Buch as 100 dosen Kid Gloves for 60 cents per psir, worth f 1 50. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen ITandkerohiefs 15 cents, worth 25 eests. 20 pairs Blankets $3, worth ft 50. WE HAVE OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. JR0W1T & RODDICK, 45 Ilarket Street 1 REMOVAL! REMOVAL I DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Ac., Deaire to inform their friends and the publio generally that they hava r moved to the Store formerly occupied by them, No. 17 Market street. Having dinooaed of the bulk of thoir old stock, the have Motived and ar daily receiving new and desirsble goods tne limes. A call is respectfully solicited. II. march 14 SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUMIQ CG-; CAPITAL $1,000,000. waaaBawaBaaaB PRICED REDUCED THIO DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for aale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will b dm with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell thia Ooano at our Waraho prioes. W. Ooaalaloa atereaaaU. Afata ftr PaelSo Qaaae Sub-Agents for the Sale r. B. OlflSOS C. ttHAHAin t JMIl WAITTED! CUBRI5CT OH HEQOTIABtl PAPER 000 Paokaget Fine Cut and Plug Tobaccos, AT A SMALL MARGIN. By D. PIQOTT. aarab H Pee Dee Courier. E II THE MERCHARTi OF WILMIHO. toaawar thatthOoorl.r la tb only Da erattapapar pabltabad la Beeklt aa, and that tt elremlate itnwrly la Rlebmoad, afoatgeaory aad Anaon oountloaT Rattf advwrtWaf liberal aad as saw a ebargM aads for changing advartiMatnU WMkly. """"'"" DUCHETT ERV1H, - -aarebl-tf Editor- R ED ARD WRITE ORIOH SETS. Fat Ml by QEEEM FLARRER. Seeds ! Seeds I Seeds ! K.w Crop IS7S, grown by Laadi.th a Bal For aal. by OREEH m FLARNFR, - DroggleU. Ibb S EXCHANGE CORNER. Has just received an Elegant Assort ment of Hamburg Edgings ' and Insertions VtiRY LOW PRICES. ter rail aad Exasalae aiarabT ST j AU JL 144 V O AUHUVll ntrCK, RIFLE AHD SFORTIRa, 'stASTINO ARD MIHISe-Whol., Half Rail (joartor Rata. ,, Forr'ity e.e,ri"LfTrt'"v sh d J (5 RODDICK which (hey will sell at prioes to sail FRA1TK & BROs Ho. 17 Ilarket Dtreot, II. flCUAUY A tU, Co.. and Doaim la Ho. 1 Pnavlaa Oaaae nORTH WATRR DTRBJST. witiMieTHii. of Soluble Pacillc Ouano, Old Handrad, jr. a . Harlow. 8. a .am -A Aa. W-VBaWSBlW Bpring Pattens. mHB JUSTLY CELEBRATED BE. HESt'H r ATTBBHB far th IprlBf , 1STB ar bow ready aad to sale at tksSlMr tb Singer Maanfaotarlai Coataaay. eaXavial itrt, btwa lead aad Third. Tb ladles of Wllalngtoa wbaaay be (oalatMtlaaally) vrwokd la thd!MrlbaUM f rattora Beaks ar rpetraUy tavltsd I eU a ta fll s4 got on., wbr they wUI ala ladftw aU Mad am. Daort' Fort 'oil of Fa.bloaadWaS I W.ar aad Mow to Mak. 0. f. HILL, Ami. , aarob M-lw Hew Spring Gtylcj -OF- Ties. Dows and Scarfs SB A LABOR LOT OF EHTB' f VBB -UHINO 0OODI Jt roedvet. Aa dally zpeUg tb largoat and MMt laet itMk of PUCE COODStvarkroagbt tothUaarkAt. , A. DAVID. MareaaatTaUoraod Clotbtwr, . i , B.t1MrktSnmt. 1. ca A Distiller 7antcd. MAN WITH HO FAklLT, WHO UAH i aak Whit Rotra, aad bring aatitalrf r.fr.nea to go to Hobll. Ala, Apply to - - JAMES 0. ETETEHBOH SPHIKG; 1875. mttfimi Havinc reotived larco additions to onr Stock for Spring trade, we now' offer the same st nnusua'ly low prioes. Furehuers are rerpeeunily reques.Ua to rtamine. De a. c:.:ith ft c& mrh Coin and Hj.. 5,000 :srisiv" f Bala. Fsy FmIhp 100 Bale. li.J .Mth him. AI3 For '. b