lor Dailn onni;i . WTLSHKQTON. N. 0 : TUESDAY. MARCH 1C. U.i Th Daily Jockxal, tb oldest daily paper In NortbCarol.rja U published ery oionilut;, exapi Monday, at Eight Douixi i ;par; JbcB Dallas U wwif'.iiLfBSnsTT-nvs cent per inoutli "or borter pertoJa, Served by I 'irricn in th cltT at 8YK3iTT-nv nU a- , or Tto Dollars and Twnar t r-f 1TB nnti per quarter. f ', ' ' Tl)4 Weekly JocKirAL,'ffrWy) thirtv-! column PP, Two Dollar rr year; three cqpic. rjv. DuiXABi AC a HAti;'fo'tli,,'?;Tg Polla tv, ; BrfciwDwiA a alf ten copk, Fifteen Dolla; twenty copies Twenty-five Pollah. . &t,'MCRlPTi(Uii to all cam payable li tdvance, and uo paper cootiuued after th ttp!'atiou&f tlx time paid for. likMiTTASCM bould be made by Poet 0811 Money Order or Expreaa. If thta can i ol done, protoctkm against looses by tuall tnay be eeciired by forwarding i draft payable to tlie order of the proprietor ,t the Jovmai, 01 bi sanding the mosey a rtdstewd letter. dteKWnK Rate f per Inch ol twelre fOiMrHM of advertising type,) One Inch, one'liiierttn, Osi DolXAR; two Iiism- tio 0 Poi.w u abb A bai.f; three hitftli TWO Uoi.UAK; fw Insertion, Two Dollar. am a MAi.r; Ave lwr turns Thrkk Dot.LAK; st Insertion. 1 hrk Ool.l.Aha AND A HAt.r: twelve leertiona, FlYK Dtrf LAM AND A BAI.F o e month. Km ht Poll arm; two mouths ,'iftesn Dollahn? tl.-ee months, Twkn TY-TVfO PoLLAK. ; ' Contract for lotir prlods and ou( space made upon lllaval terms. -- ddres. ,Esh.i.k -AtiAl'NDicnV TV Wlmwetmi,"S. t EDrTOItiAL NOTES. The NaebTille Union and American tsvia singular JTelopm'iit of civil riRhUhis occurred1 in that retenue district. T. W. Bykes, the only Dfgro guager, has been turned out of office by orders from Washington. f .VJTbe sngcuosof 4jie'8utighrun, say Baucionul, ... ." il tbe greatest honor of my Hfo, tueopt one nd that ira. conferred upon xne once, fif ty years ago, when, npon entering the world, I found myself an Irishman." the rhsjnoA, jiw at Morwioh, Ct., is trosen tela to the bottom. ' ' A trot ting horse Ull dead on the ioe there the other day, nd the owner out . grata eight feet deep In the ioe with- out Mttfrg to water, and bnried tin ?tTA dhsttHUOOgi Time thai Oen. Wilder has suggest the oon truotion of ve arouhd thltcity to prerout all future inundations. He thinks a levee fifteen feet high, with base forty-five fi, oould -ho built for sixty theusadd) dollars. ' Either that or lli etres will have to be rasled, after th4 style of Ghioago, in order to es cape annaa or semi-annual overflows. The Republiouis b( ,Ob!a hTe de j termkud to make a desperate Attempt to redeem their State from Democrat ic rule at the next election. Speaker Blaine has promised to spend ten days in lh BUt, aud :Vio; I'reeident Wil- sou win untie BCTrrm bjitouuct 11 uw health will permit, Senators Oonk ling and Logan. Genet al Qawley aud Kepresentative Fryo, in addition to many other prominent speaker will participate in the campaign. The snow storm of last week waa something wonderful in its fleroettFS and volume along the line of the Hud soa and the Delawsr rivers. - Letters apd dispatches from that region tell of roads blocked tip, trains delayed, drift a ojt ten and twenty feet, n whole fao of the oonntry buried under from one to three feet of snow. The appre hension" b general that there will shortly happen ! the most disaatrone freshets and inundations known for y! 'Mv:(; The dearest drinks on record are those of wbioh the New Orleans lie publica peas the following) '- "The other day when the Appropriation bill was before United States Senate, two Senators who were favorable to the iUm making an appropriation of $1, 6t0,000f6r building the levees of the Mississippi river, left the chamber for the purpose of taking a driuk, or some thing of the sort, snd during their ab a?ooe the item was stricken out, and Louisiana may be considered $50,000,- 000 worse off than she would otherwise Live been. Had either one of the Senators been present, the item would have stood.". . . Ben Butler will doubtle never be heard from with referenoe to the pil laging of the wrecked Italian onrk Giovanni on the Massachusetts coast, a few days f ago, i The ' trees! was loaded with Wine sad other valuable meruLaudieft.' She' went 'to" pieoes, and a gang of banditti real banditti, mind you rushed upon the disman tled vessel and took everything they could find, while iiteen dead victims of the disaster were tossing in the surf bean's them, ; Breaking into: the wine rn .b, they inserted . their beads and draDk them--Ivos JntO a freniy. which rcHuItod jii a wild and bloody oonfliot, t: to maty of tbom. This occurred t a t1 a e l of pious ruftHsachuselts.and if, ' i ' r V " r 1 - Aisoovered ' ' - r ' ' -r t it fa bondit- EDitoRiAL loiKEnreiDrrE Yarbos .iron Hot si, TUleigh. March lAli, JST3. . - Zk . Journal ; s tie sessioa srrr'ies en' there is s great rush to hurry thr ngb bills.' Tath Douses loll two seeaioiis daily; and the work of the Committees bsving nearly eoncluded, tbe calendar claims entire attention. During Jhe past few days many bills of more or leas importance have been enacted into laws. 1 - , . - . TsWrdsy there -ws omexeite ment attending the introduction into the Senate by Hn Bell, of Carteret, of a bill prohibiting ' ; TH1 CBANOS Ot OCAdl by any railroad already incorporated. and establishing a Btat gnage.' Thte bill was intended to checkmate the r cent decision of the Supreme Court allowing the Bichmond and Danville Railroad to change the gnage of the North Carolina Railroad. The infor mation here was that on Saturday a very large foroe was employed in the word of changing the gnage between Greensboro and Charlotte, and by working eight and day it would be completed some time on Monday. Tbe hsstewith which the biU was passed seemed to indicate that there was a race between the Legislature aud the railroad, iu which, as I now learn, the former was suooeesful, as the work hsa not been finished until t i-dy, even if it is now oomple eA. - Tue act. was ratified b fo 9 o'ebk lat evening. I do not know what eUVct the legislation will hsve, but suppose it will be a matter for the n.mrU AnThow it will stop tbe ehange of gusge at Greensboro, and oouscqnentlxwill effectually cut the North Carolina Usilrosd in two at that point. This will still more exiiupnesw tbo situati tin, but I believe il fin P evou lnlter thus than to have the guage changed to Goldsboro, for t'nn the country from both ends ot tins great Stute road would be drained into Itiolimoud. The speech of fli'intor H. 11 on this subject was vt ry able. He in n ,sc otunnlislifd ieaker. sud a iiiithful aud onergutio publio servant. Mr, Oaksniith, the rnpreeuativ .from Citret was verv sctive aud ifiloient iu getting the bill through the House. It will be a matter of great inttMNwl to see what will result from the pAssnge of the bill. The question of greatest interest now is wnrtuer me House win puss TUB CONVKSTION PtMi. ludeed this eugroswes the attention of all. A very few Democrats yet bold out in oppositiou to the meuure, aud as there ar only eighty two in the House, counting one or two Imlepeud euts, who have soted eutiroly with the party, throe or lour Democrats oan defeat the bill, unless some Itepubli oans vote for it. ' s . v " An iutcreptfng question has sprung up as to the number of votes required to nsss the bill iu the IIouso. Air. Btllard, of Gate, huving disd, and Mr. Thorne, of Warren, having been expelled, there are really only one hundred and eighteen members of the House. The Constitution declares that uo Convention of the people shall be called by the General Assembly unless by the concurrence of two- thirds of all the members of each House of the General Assembly. It may be of : tooustquenoe whether it takes a' venty-mne or eighty votes to pass the bill. ''TTAV TUB CHANCES OP JPAHSINO TtlB Bltiti are very nnoettain. Hovout,y-flve or seventy-six member are kuowu to favor it. This leaves seven or eight Democrats doubtful or openly opposed. My own opinion is that unless one or two friends of the measure are absent it will pas. I do not believe that a few men, and some of them a good and faithful representative as constit uency ever had, will take upon them' selves th fearful responsibility of de testing the almost unanimous wishes of the party; nor do I believe that the Conservative ; people of any oonuty would justify their representative in suoh a course, however much they msy be opposed to the policy of hold ing a Convention. Whether it be good , or bad policy to -call a Convention, it will certainly be very bad policy for a few men to unite with Republicans to defeat their own party in a measure of such great State importance. ' to one, unless he has visited the Capital, oau form any idea of thefaitlv ful labors of the friends of Convention in both Houses. It is probably ,oo soon to speak of the representatives, for the result of their labors is yet to be seen. But in the Senate the good work has brought fourth its legitimate fruit, and so fares that body is con cerned, the Convention has been enlled Among the Senators the mot sotive and most persistent friend of Convention, has been t OOL. W. FOSTFR MtKKCH, the aooomplibbed Senator from Robe sou. From the first day of the session to the passage of the bill he has been esrneet and active, and no one has contributed more than he to secure the final result ' Our city' is greatly in debted to him for the interest he has always manifested in our Welfare and the legislation he has secured, for us" W ow him a debt of gratitndwhich I have found ot Sampson, on the Convention ' bi and question of local importance, as well as in dne application to his duties, and in enlarged and eilightei ed vi W) upon all mailer welfare cf ( r ifition f f a t" aa rdla repreoeoUtive of tbe true ii,UreM of j uifc I'ilVEitii I V mi. I . the people. A private telegram from Ralt'r h on . P-nstor St!if J of Drpliil, Gra- yesterday brought ui' tbe ;l.ALg iu-. b-.ta of Lincol..-, itX of Uurke, Mo telligeuce that the Uui verity 1)14 had I'royof Madis,., M.ffi-hcsl of Gui". ! jot paaeed its fi: nl reading in the f, rd and Bell of Cuteret. hate all , House of R. pree.-tutives. No doubt tuen acUve snd. ef.went for the Coi Venti.m bill, and to the former, ecpe: cially, are our people indebted for a bold and manly advocacy of their in- J terpgtj. I I was verv much pleased . with II I rmarkof lgratuieau who seta: to promote tne iiiyi" C-..1.M t .i. i cording his vote in its favosa H wsa t Tb necessarily absent, but responded to a I telegram' and 'arrived a totir after . - . r I the vx,t4. He had been a of pone t ; of flje taeMure, buf )oLeerfUy.i,snb- mitted to the will of his party friends, r nd in the happiest manner announced more wortoy or more avoted sob. f t Alter extended inquiry I am lorcea td bulieve that the - RLrruuMiAni vbi'di ptuu. ' 1 ill not pass the House. The friends ...;. l i.in -,1.. I , , . . ... . . 1 I ingln their opposition to the supple- mentary bin. 1 tinnx tuo ijegiaiaiure i .... m .. . . . .. . I has diouloved more feelinff noon this I ntiM.ti.rn than nnon a.tv other wh h ha been be-fore them tbJa winter. I f A A Al I upon me auiiject 01 usury uieir earn are deaf to argument, - ' ' ' ' 1 shall have something to say on u.e memners 01 u.e uouse id suy uC,, . a! TT i l preior to wan unni rne vine " takeu niwn the question, E. 1 IM HI.IC) Pi;i.l,nu BI IT II s.N, ' I Every winter develops, says the Atlauta CimMilulim some epidemic in this country. -LiNt year it was the cruxutle; thm esr it if pel!ing mett-he. jVe do not meHnto asv that the Litter wrrtf originated this year, or this century; but we uhu to t-tty timt, they have just become s tHipulnr that olmrily fiiul them a use- f..i t.. .... ,wfca,t. f t).H r-i pie, so iuti renting ttiut th theatie im U-iiipumnly eclipsed as a pisoe ol smiifi'iiieiit. 'Ihe chance may be due, J K...i. .. ...jihtunw . -. ' mi an ca.irmw wiuw., .i ..v,w of no other way to account for the! sudden appeuranoe of so many public ttoual streiigth, and H'.ate govern ,.,..... .. ., ..,,,1 ,.i i, A.mnUt. ments should be abolished exoept as ' i IllllieOUier. ' A few cases will illnstral the nature of the popular fever. At Trovideuee, l....l.. Ul,.n.t t.n Imr. rtnntna u. ... , ..w . . tauts were marshallod. under leader-1 hip, into two side. Borne of them r miniU from the eitv aohooli. bttt the schftol days of many more of them . ' ... . , , Were over loug ago. The first missed word waa "aco immodute"- it brought down three victims. The intellectual strife went on until there were only (our loft- two young ladies, a man, ud a small boy. "Ammonia" eent the littlo fellow to j grass; "tarlatan very naturally upset the mart, 'and hue of theyonoflad.es spelled "sillsbub'' with a "y, aud the other fair intestant took the prize a copy of Webster's uuabridged. " j Cincinnati early succumbed to the geutle movement, and atareoentpublio match the wisdom and beauty of the city were gathered, not only as specta tors but as participants. The two osp- tuius, gorgeously arrayed in , button -hole boqUcts, earth led nineteen cham pion spellers. The words were iugen- luunij (jruupeu lor uie purpurieiii uiin- leuding the victim by similar pronun ciations of syllables. For instauoe, I'inoaulate'l with one V would be followed by "innocuous," with two, eto. After a learned judge had fallen in trying to spell "millennial," only one was left on either side a married and a single lady. The book were ransacked for difllcnlt words, but there was no hesitation, no mistake on the part of either and the struggle ended in a draw. . The two ladies were ap pointed captain of the text match, whioh ia awaited with great interest by the people of the Queen city. As the matches spread from city to city in the west, increasing at every point iu size and interest, thy be come known as spelling tournaments, whioh is the popular term just now. They create no end of amusement and pleasant gossip. 1 A prominent editor in Indianapolis spelled tft word "osier," with a "a" and the papers are full of similar blunders by leading m n iu the matohes. St. Louis is now planning one iu which forty of her most prominent men are entered. The mayor, the British consul,- and several of her ex-governors and senators are in this spelling-book contest, , . All these matches are couduoted for charitable purpose. - While a deal of harmless and mirthful sport is evoked, the spell of words is made to bring a spell of happiness to the suffering poor. In some of them a person who misess can try agaiu by paying a fine ot twenty -five cents, which is imme diately collected by ladies. The cap tains, umpire and ennuoiators are chosen by the audience, Louisville and.Knoxville propose to utilize the new popularity; aud we suggest that our leading ladies and gentlemen seize the opportunity to give our own useful Benevolent Association a royal lift. Fnn and charity, would be blend ed in the novel entertainment. ' ' Senator Andrew Johnson is charg A with ning 1 10,000 to secure his elec- Ition by the Tennessee Legislature, and is to oe invcsugaieu. Air. uoinsun says the sccusation is false, and he Is ot afraid of par-bicg under examlua- on, ' i -nterUined of the pa8ge of the bill in the Senate, We congratulate the, frk-tids of the U niversity, the friends or liberal learning generally, upon this fortunate resuTW - but mot esiwclslly do we con- advsnoement of agriculture and the Tmenhanin arts nnon this artinn of the Legislature. , r - Hrabiicata eiaiforu for 187. The Republican party as represent eA by an enormous mnj'Wity i both It Anuua tl.o V. ,(.-H . ...1 CnirruJ "TZZ 1. TJa T-'XZ: gon, points with pride to it p4 cord, aud reioioes in the following declaration of iu present principles: jt Qoverument bv 1 the bayonet. eunpeusion ol haoecu corpus at dis cretion, and drumhead court mai tal, are the true elemt nta ol political strength. IU. Hpecie psyment in 18(9 with' OUt ClOli. W V V ASIKUiP AAA VCaUK IIU AAA W hft9 uo rf-uu wfaiola the black man la bound to respect, . ,J V. Mor taxes, more debt, and expenuuures ma true ioau w ?iL?.Sv.i tltir4iJiit . ' aiobiler. lexan-l'soino. railroad grauts. and all sottsof monopolies blaze the l?,01 wpuounan legislation. v a I'wanAu iq uvruicuuu uvti) nra, gotholt ,nd , ble8fiiug ihe reiuiug funnly. Mil ftr'gro . supremacy " m , the noatn to aavHiioe vjnrisusn oivinza tion .IX"'Oppohition legislatures ought lo be suppressed by Jr'odonl trooi as ,ut i.u l Uetiunt,, aud bhould be op pointed ly the rm-iUeijt. Xi. Ihe people 1ihv no right to "i ' ...,- 1011 1 Ir, xil. A lurgo standing srmy and hxiiverful nprupiiutiou for the navy hkIis..-)jmDIw to a republio, and to ""tt', ' magmUwut t.llio-jir eoekiiig I fvnmitikitilu XIII. ()i ponents of tho third term. crmua oi the 1'reHi.loiit, con pi.iuouH ' the Constitution, economists, and toe t iling uiiwwes who grumble be caiine they are poor, must be classed ft hltlHr,tl, Bn(1 1)omhed BCCOrdinc V .XIV. Ctutrahzod government is na I (loneotlunoies. V l'rPH..tlal0r;ua m Inanfflniant. t'o.maiQtaiu the dignity of oflioe. and ought to be doubled immediately, with iDttea .uv at iub uiBiwuro ouneomoiai. xyi Ca t.b .nd offlce- bo)derg Md patriots who have suffered for their country, and merit its gratohil reOognitiou. - . PJ1- Investigation by Congress intended to expose oorruption and jobbery, and to dam ge the Itepubli can party, cannot be too sternly con demned for trampling on private rights. XVIII. The President is the reoog nized head of the Government, to whom Congress and the courts owe obedieuoo. i. ;.:.'( X1X.! The newspaper press is anni s nice. A censor to restrain carping nttorinces aud a severer Jaw to oon demn oueudiog editors, are demanded forthwith, XX. Kings are self-eaoiifloing or- ganizRtions, iutended to promote tbe publio welfare, to shape legislation wisely, to stimulate enterprise, to aid oommeroe, to build railroads, and to place appropriations where they will do most good. XXL A constitutional amendment is recommended making Long Branoh the summer capital of the nation, with liberal allowances for- the President aud hia household. l ?. Ml) Ton ARR THF.Jf RTTRK TOTJ HAVB THKUliDT M UCAI.ITV. - Mow Ih Mtook and Conatantij becelvlng Ad- uiiiuiih ; , . . Plows. Hoes, ' : Sliovcls, . Spades, Wheel barrows, Pitchforks, ANV'T.S, BJiACKSMtTB'8 BEM.OWS, Vicea, Hmm.n, Trace Ohatn,Collara,Hamea, Plow Nieel, Har Iran, Ulnis, Spoke, Hub, M'-.noEHs,..,.t-,i;....i. ,., ... OVE, S.noOTIIIHO 1RONR, POCKETKItlVFJ, TABI.fr: CDTI.kHV, ' . ItKVftl.VtClta), , London itvisTnrivi, . tOOPKH'I TOOLS, And a Complete Ptoek or HARDWARE, At NATHANIEL JACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT, ISO. tl MARKET ST. - Janl Boy kin, Cariner & Co,, Wholesale Druggists, Ac, BALTIMORE, MD. PneceaNir t Wade Boykln A Ce, ST1I.1. MANUFACrCRK an. Mi l.r qu intltlrn of tbelr Standard Proprletari Miditlne, ncb a. 'Kvfrvbo.ly'a Vrgetable Carthartln Pllla." tr. vvottlilugton' Ubolera and Diarrhoea Medicine." Dr "BoTliln'a Worm Killer." ' Ir. HRjkin' lough Hyrnp." Ir. ''BovVIn' Mrer Tonic," or 'Oomround E.itrol.nl Mitndrake " , ' , . . 'Halrd'e lloraa and OatUe Powders." "Kaird'a Worm OonfecUona " Mrar ger Bitter and Wchr.eppe." All tbe aborf gnodsare taut brooming rtnd ard, and are kept generally by diuggtat and Mwntrv srierfhanta. " tea ln-lni Corn, Hay, Oats and 4 .000 Bnrh ! Corn, MO Bal kaetra Hay, ,( Bnnholi 0l, . itK) HuKhclt Water Uionnd Meal. , For ikle by KUKCHNPB '''! IJtRk; BROS, rr arch j ffr VVf I I'flllll (: M V INI I IJIU f i; a i-6 I i,iI!t at Oia pACOBI woij HNAL orrioa j:otic3.io sniFFim ThD CLYDE LtilE. New York and Wihnlnston Steanisliip Company, r10 MEET THS w ArlTS wihetbiui, will salt frosi HEW TOBK srery WEDNESDAY ui SATURDAY at 3 PI. Trem Pier IS, Korta Bltrar. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM C AO H fORT, 3" Ilereafter ahippars oan rely npon the prompt and regular sailing of these Bteamer from New York a adver tised, a the Company has determined 1 to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there oan be no cause for delsy in shipments. CT Other Steamer will be added as required. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, WILMIMOTON.N O. 84 tf march 1S uiih rrta.iniv me aeat of A mcrl- lie nreevui ppiiiri.y ult I pur anin,'""ir. ri.M- i burqh . "o. . ' ' ' . oer"-A. r. Ttmtt MA model periodical.''-". Prtu . Why not Subscribe for THE GALAXY TOB 1875- IT IS THS BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. No faratlv ean afford to do wi'hout It 1T01VKH MOKK OOOD AND ATTRA0- TIVB KEADINO MATTER FOK THB MOSEY CHAN AMT OTHEB PKRI OUtOAI. OR B.H1K PUBUSHltD j . IS THfi COCSTBT. (T Ks BerUl bv M.-e-'innla Fdwarrta,' LEAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST BEGUN. AlaoaStory by fror.H fl. UOYESEN, A Norseman's Pilgrimage, - To continue aetertl luoiitua. In th neirt No. will k commenced JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL : I ' Dear Lady Disdain. A serktsf Artlnlr bf Pronalncait Kwnth CONFEDERATE SIOC OF THE WAR. No Goutrvveralal, fill aoua be eom- . , . - ' ' -menced. Interesting Sketches and Stories in each Ha by ouch wnt-ra a KIilUAKU UR.Nl' WHITE, AU1KBT RHODES, UKNRT JAMK8. it., .IUNIUS HENRI HROWNR, RUHR TKRHY, Rt( HAH.' KIMBALL and all the utaff of BRK.LIAM' W RlTK.UM wbtun .h fii'.iiT ban attracted to tteelf, and whe Save mad a bright mark on ur current literature. TUG Btyinniiriu M (40BLLAN Y, eaeh month, Is wortb the price the Magailne t ,'.,,'. Who would not rive $4.00 to secure such a monthly visitant for the year 18781:; , Subscribe at Once.' Bend for onr full Proapectui. WE PRE-PAY THt POSTACE. tt can he had, with either Harper' Weekly" or "Bnar," or "Applrtonl Weekly," ror fT 8. SHELDON & COMPANY, New York f4w Dissolution of Copartner ship. The opartnemhtp heretofore eilstlng under firm name and (tyle or David ok Weil Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, 8. B Weil having withdraws ttoia th do. WEIL, A. DAVID.. Ftb.tTta, 187S. ( TTAYINO pnrohaned the iatereet of Mr. 4 XI R. Weil in the late trm or David de Well. I will oontlna th busl ess at their old stand No. tt Market ptreet, and respectfully solicit a contiiainr of the patronage so liberally be. (towed upe the lals firm. A.DAVID. Notice. - V -, Mr. A. Pavld will eettle all claims against the late Arm of David A Well. Panic owing the late 8rm will please ot 1 and settle lmme. dlatuly, as the Book Bl'aT b ebMed. , A. DAVID. mrsh t 61-la North, South, i East and West PE0M HILTON TO ' ' ' " ' KIDDER'S MILL, FROM THE TOLL GATE , TO EAGLE'S ISLAND, ' ' We tend thta eu', our FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY RIND. Flour. a;a,r, rf fee, Tenia, Bacon, Butter, Lard, and everything In our line. Family snppTie aellvrrrd In any part of the tlty as ordered. Cb buyer can get th bait good at th lowest price from GHAS, D. MYERS A CO., 6 47 North Front Si ' much 14 ' . 81 -.-.i , i. ; Molasses I Ilolasses ! ' 1 1MH da New Crop finba Moiajwes, -; in Bbl. ' Cuba Moiaesea, to1 BUI. Sugar tlonaa Molarsea, -.. . , 20 Hbd. Ut msrara Molaee, s 15 bbl New Orleans Molaete. " For Ml by " 'KERCHNRR CALDER BROS. ttarehT C " " GOTTEN . . . .. J and printed (Muiu.t tauHuble i; l to e t the lRNAL 0FFIC1 RAIL EOACb WIIH!IX3TCJI kK2 WELCCH KAIl 80AD CCV.Fi.1T. Ovrioa uw umui ecriT.T. j WllmlDflOQ, It. JB. J, IKJi I OHAN'Uil Of hC'HKDUlJl O SB AfUr Jan. Id, PuMDfrr TTtiu lbs W. W. tUilroad vlll run tm fuUowi : MAIL TBAJS. lh Dnlok Dpot aU? Haitalan) t (exwpi 7 .S3 A. U IU1 AS 1 CI P. M ..r. v lhHJ A M 1141 A . Atrlv at Uwldboro t Kocky Mount at. , Weldonat krr ntiaoctf xoaat... ,. tK:Jilo.oit , i.m p. m Cnlou Depot 6 0S P. m CXPRESS TKA If AND THROCUH r KKIUUT TKAiM iT Cnloo depot, ilatly, t t.13 P. St arrive mi uoiobooto at I. VI A.M. Koctjr Moeatkt. . C(IA.M, ' Weldon t 1 A. M imti Waldoa, dally, at . 40 P. M rriTeainorii nouuiai. ........ 1 P. M 1 Uoidaboro at 11.18 A. M ' Union Depot at s to A . M HH Train makee elw eoenectlon at Wei Jon for all point Norta via B.. Line and At- luiameek route. SOT Eipreet Train eooaeounnlv wltt. A can la Oretk route. Pnllmaat'e Pailaoc Mecpa Prelght Train will Uare WUmlnrtoa trW eekli at S 45 A. M. at d ar-lve at .D P. H. VUHM T. 1I VLMC, - Oraeral Knot Jan I s-U f.tr OBPV Carolina Central Railway Co. SUPERINTENDENT'S OmOF. ( Wilmington, Pee. 10th, 1874. Change ofSchedule On and after tbe 161 b Inatant, tralna wl ran erer thli Railway a followK PASSENGER TRAINS e Wllmlnirtiwi at T ISA. V Arrive in Charllotte at..... ..Ml P M Leare Char O't at 6: SA M Arrivrla Wllmlnitoi. at... S:4oPM Mht train (iat FreUht and Paeuen ger in luiare noue. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wllmlnatonat. Arrive at I.aiirluburg at . 6II0A.M ,..S:40P.M iieave uaiirinourg at , Aritreat 4 barlotte al. .. ..I1.M ,. S 00 P. M ,..(: '4 A. to Ue?e Charlotte at 1 wire at Ijiurlnburs at... aw... ,..:' P ' jeaTeL.aurii.Duig hi. ... e.'I'O A M ...S.MIP.M - Connections ConnecUat Wilmlng-tun wtib Wllmlngtea & weiuon, an i Wilmington, . oiumoia s An glial Railroad, cml-wetkly NewYutkand I rl-wnekly Haltimore and weekli Phllsdrl i hi tHeamer, nnd lb Hirer Boat to Fay ett'Tillo. Connect at Charlotte with it Weotern T)t- ylalon. North .'arolina Ratlroa... Chrlctt and SIteTill Kilro1, I barlolte Si Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia and An etima Railroad. Thtw r.n,tilying tbe whole Wert'. North writ aud Moothweat with a abert and cheap lit the Seaboard and Europe. 8. h FREMONT. Chief Engineer aud Boperlutendeat. deU 2fVtr r Paper publishing O. O. Railway arbed ule will plraae untie changa. JENERAI."f'PRINTBMVTl OFFICE WILMINOTON, COLUMBIA r . -AND ' AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO. ' WHinuT, N-c Not. HI, irrv CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On and a'ter Temlay, 21th, the lollowlng cn rouie si: i 11 ; MOHT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily). Lear Wilmington 8.2S P. M. (rfiarc Florence. ll.MP.W ArrlTeatCiilumMa.,,.. 4 Oil A. V, Z " " Anguata. 8.4SA.M Lsaye Augusta 4.18 P.M. Leare Columbia.. 8.15 P. M. Lear Florence 12 SO A. M. Arrlee at Wilmington ...7.10 A.M. PMrngra gn:ug Vent beyond Cola obla, will take through Train, leaving Wilmington at 6.25 P. M. PA8SENOER AND MAIL TRAIN, (Daily except Sunday.) LaT Wilmington......... (.4111.1 , Arrive al K'ofonoe.. ........12,10 P. t ArrloatOolwnbla..... M0P.M. Leave Columbia... 8.110 A.M. Leave Florence 1.10 P M. Arrivxat WIlmrnBtnn 7,00 P M. jrThnnrh connection at Florsto with train" tor Chirleton. T Th ougb Sleeping Car on night train! for Charleston and Augua'.a. JAMES ANDKR80N. Un'l 8u.rtntendcnt, novM 2Ktf Screven House, R. BRADI.ETf Proprietor, SAVANNAH, OA, i rriHHLONa and favorably known House, pleaaantly situated on Johnson Square, having been recently repainted and repaired, and having all of tt department filled with competent, polite and attentive employe, offers to the traveling publio oemfort unsur passed by any Hon in the Southern States. Pa'Mngerobavtng Through Ticket and d drlng to lay over at Screven Hone, will bare rre. Transportation trim toe House to Depot or8teamerin Screven Hon Omnibuses, decn AOg-lm BE QUICK Bight Kow Is the Time. Having tust taken stock, we find hundred of artlo e ihat we had rsther sell at ei'stnmtrs own prices than to give bouse room to for another season. We had rather have tbe room than th goods. Onr wfanlrsai and retail trade this season has so illmlnMu d stock tliatneare compelled to go North early In order to bare stock In (tore In time for our Spring trade Then yon of our customer who are In want of anv article usually found In Winter stock In a trrv Ooe.1 Store oan save money by taking the advantage of the sl'nutinn and buying It now of the Leading Dry Oood Bouse or BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER, 29 Market Street. 45 feb tl Executor's Notice. JJAVINQ QUALIFIED BEFORE THE Judge of Probate of New Hanover ronntyas Executor d Patrick Mnrphy, deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all person Indobted to said deoedent, to make Immediate pavment to me, and to all person having claim against aid decedent to exhibit the lame to me on or before the tth day of March, A. 1)., 178 P. h. MDRPHT, Executor, march t t 67-ltww The ispirit of the Souih r th eldest newspaper published In Rock ingham sml has the laigest circulation of any fmper rnbllsh' d In the Pee lne country, be n read each week by at least ( OIK) raoi-Ll, making It tbe bfll adeerfiria? sWttm In tol tlcslttsfWe, tndrjmidtHt and fearlrll.ihl or gsn of no party or clique, but i- the champion ol Hi People's Rights, being thoroughly de voted to the best Interests ol all. Subscription, only S3 a year, free of postage Sixolmen copies mailed free on arptlcatlou. Aatea of advertising very reasonable. . Addrea PHUT OF TUB SOUTH. kvokiugham, N. O. aareh U W-tt XbSIItZS CA1 Grahnin & llzzh, ATTOItXEYS AT LAW, CHAHLOTTE, N. a PBACTICK I THE STATE AUD FED rl onrti, td Bake collertMe any hrre la North Caxullua Alan irfntuu aajaa of Krai Eatat. Agncolloral, Mlaerai as onibcr treota, nod dMirenle Cltv Lataroa- atantiy en band. 'J 1 US ti 1011, caoaLT. CROKLY a tlORHIS, AUCTIONEERS, TOCK AND REAL ESTATE BSSXEIS' WfLMJhOTOK, K. OL UK BT. BEES AT TBELR SALES aVOOM J a plan r.f the city, on an enlarged Mala. Blank Bdok with In tliecity dialinctly defined. Aeeea taja,iaMeeai, evwry M la tbe city any tuiurmauon aenrM rernlake tpoa as- plkallOD. , IB8UHA5CS -or- . Atkinson & Hanning ?0,OUO,(K0 Aaarta Rertaiu4. FIRE. Ina 0. et borL,Asierlo... rhiiadt-iav Iheuu lnurancCimpaj....Kaw Yk. oiuinenul Ii aoraure Co N.w Yttk. it. nntiMi s, i.ci.tila Ira Co.. L no. a Hartford Hre in. Company.... arlterd. r National Fire In. ! ni.any...H.rtlord. Hringfle.'d T & M. In io...Ma'achaaH. (flARINE. M.irrantlle Mutual Ina. Co.. ...Maw Yert. In. Uo. of North America Philadelphia. LIFE. Connecticut Mutual l.lf Ina.Oo. Bartfmrd. . rb ? . e-tf North Carolina Home Tn an Tannin Cn mmmmi mm mm w w V THIS Comiian oontlnne to writ PotlelMa talr rate, on all clause of tamable rrtf. rty U loew'i promijtly paid. Encourage Horn institution. R. H. Battle, President; Beatoa Oa, er- U'r . ATKINSON A MANNINU. ' Agene. Jnae . im-w . jyjIlU UA.MS AKD JttECHASia IN8UBANCE C0MPAST, OF RICHMOND. TIKOlHlA. . Capital... M.Sao,4ll A. Y.8Toaa,Prldt. I. . Mooaa, Beet JOBH WILBEK ATHlaSOM, OeneralAgta s . xurui rvimsi. wiimingioB, a. u. apru i . " t w J0UNA.BYME, (FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE) 940,000.00 Aaacta Be re Mated. OFFICE Cemmerolal KxohangaJBmilding North Water Street. oct n til INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. -$20- Witt BUT A V - . .. Premium Bond ot Tia These bond ar Issued for th perpo of raising fund lor the erection of a building In the Cny of new York, to be ud for a 0 Perpetual World's Fair, a permanent home, where every manufac ture can exhibit and sell his good, and every patentee can show hi Invention: a entreor industry which will prove a vast benefit to the whole couutry. For ttfis purpose the Legislature of the Stat of New York has granted a charter to a num ber ot our most wealthy had respectable msr. chants, and these gentlemen have purchased no lees than right block of the most valuable land In tbe City of New York. Tbe building to be erected will be seven storle high (ISO leet in height), surmounted by a magnlAuent dome, and will cover a apace of tt aces. It will be constructed of iron, brick and glsas. nd made flre-proot. The bond, whlen ar all for tf) earh, are secured by a first mort gage on tbe land and building; and for tbe purpose of making them popular, tbe Direc tors have deolded to hive quarterly drawing of 180,000 each, this money being th Inter est on tbe amount of the whole loan. Every bondholder must receive at least fit, but he may receive $100,000 t or ffi,000, or 10,000, or 5.C00. or 3,000, ft., &o. Fourth Series Drawing, April Ctrl, '74. . . These drawing take plat erery THREE MONTH", and eventually EVKRT BOND will psrtiC'Pal in thim. , ,' . ., t ..... Tbe next premium allotment trill b held an Monday, March 1st, 1878, on which dav 1,010 premium, amounting to 1M 000, will b dietr lotted among ,oo eowt b(ikl r. We have a limited number of drawn Strle Deeds on band, which may be po rebated on application. . . . Address, for Bonds and full Information, MUnCfcNTHAUi BRUNO A CO., FINANCIAL AGENT, , 23 Park Row. New York. Poat Of rice) Draw If. S0. Remt by Draft on New Tork Ottjr Bank, Rgiatered Letter, or Poet Office Mosy Order. Postponements Impossible Un der this Plan. Ii - Applications for Agencies received. feb ill 44-d4mftwra " A VICT0IIY! Our Childwn's Tees. yjJK HAYS AT LAST 0CCEEDED IH - ' getting '...!.( 'i. CHILDREN'S FINE .SHOES, tht ere tin and dressy, with no bra or lit vet tips, and are more durable than the meuile tip. They ar known to weer children four and f v month with 'Ot a break in tftrnt. Parent will do well to try them. Call and eethem. AT EVAN 4 VoRt,Ar?ff , '" '. " ' Eisuta.il i .4 : ... Ion . febU i, j