X. C 77 ' x I JSV A. A. VOL XXIV. -HO. 67. UILimiGTOIT, 17. C, FMDAY. IIAECH 19. 1875. THIOLS no. G.G31. (If IfW J) 1 1 I (x I I t b f tliiiln loiiniiil. WILMINGTON. N. CX: FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH' COirVENTION. The Long Agony Over! SPECIAL TO JOl'KNAU Raleigh, March IS. The CoDTention bill passed sroond and third reediogs, ia the House if Representatives thin morning. The yote wu the same on both readings, to wit : 81 in the affirmative ami 8.1 in the negative. TboM who Tut'd for the bill are: Mr. Speaker Robinson and Messrs. Anderson, At water, Bamhardtfff Cald well, Bernhardt of Rowan, Barrett, Beuuett, Bettis, Bizzell, Bryau, Bry tou, Candler, Davis of Haywood, Da vis of Jackson, Dortch, Eatniau, Er win, Etheridge, Fields, Fingor, Free man, Foote, Gaither, Gash, Glt-un, Green, Griflfn, Gudger, Haiuicr, Hay more, Hicks, Holt, Hooker, Hurley, Isler, Jessup, Johnston, Kendall, Kiug, LatU, Martin, MuCalop, McCubbius, Melver, McRuo, Means, Mebane, Mitchell, Mock.Moriug, Most ly, Mullen. Oaksntith, Page, Parker, Parrott, Patton, Pinuix, Fressou, Proffit, Reid, Biohardson, Buack elford, Bharpe, Smith, of Anson, Bpeara, Btaplee, Staton, Stephenson, Ktowe, Strong, Tate, Thompson of Beaufort, Thompson of Lincoln, Wal ker of Richmond, Walker of Tyrrell, Wells, Whitley, ' Wiley, Woodhouse and Tonng 81. , Those who Toted against the bill are: ' : '"' Messrs. Barnett, Boyd, Brewington, Bonn, Carson, Carter, Cary, Crews, Dula, Elliett, Garrison, Godwin, Goode, Hanison, Hill, Hughes, Jones, Lloyd, Mendenhall, McNeill, Miiell, Moore, Mnnden, Newell, Nor ment, Soott, Trivett, Walde., Ward, Wheeler, ; Wbisnaut, : White and Wood 33. - r- Those who were absent or not vot ing, ar Maura. Bly the, Jettop, Mof fit and Smith, of Hyde. Mr. Mendenall, of Guilford, is the only Democrat who Toted against the bill, and Mr. Candler, bf Buncombe, the only Radical who voted for it. When Messrs. Foote and Gleuu voted aye, the exoitement was intense. The following is the text of the bill as it passed both Houses: Bill to be entitled an Act to call a Convention of the people of North Carolina. ' , Whebbas, The present Constitution of North Carolina is, in many import ant particulars, unsuited to the wants and. oondition of onr people; and whereat, in the judgment of this Geu eral Assembly, a Convention of the people is the only sure, and is besides the speediest and most economical mode of altering or ameuding it, aud believing the end in view utterly im practicable by legislative enactment on account of the great number of dia oordantand conflicting provisions of the Constitution as it now is, now therefore, Sbohon 1. The Qmeral Amembly of North Carolina do enact, (two thirds of all the members of each House oononrring), That a Convention of the people of North Carolina be, and the same is hereby called, to meet in the,. Hall of the House of Represen tatives at the city of Raleigh, on Monday, the 6th day of September, A. D., 1875, for the purpose of consider ing and adopting such amendments to the Constitution as they may deem necessary and expedient, subject only to the restrictions hereinafter pro vided. Beo. 2. The said Convention shall consist of one hundred and twenty delegates, and each county Bhall be entitled to the same number of dele gates that it has members of the House of Representatives under the present aportionment, and the said delegates shall have the qualifications required of members of the House of Representatives, of which qualifica tions the Convention shall be the judge. Bbo.: 8.' On the 1st Thursday of August, 1875. the Sheriffs of the Stale hall open polls for the election of del egates to the said Convention from their respective counties, and the elec tion aforesaid, and tbeegistration for , the same shall be held and conducted; the officers threof, including registrars and judges of election, appointed; the vote counted and compared ; the re sult proclaimed, and certificates issued in the same manner as is now provid ed by law for the eleotion of members of the Hon e of Representatives of the General Assembly. Beo. 47 The said delegates shall be called to orderat 12 o'clock on the day fixed therefor, by the Chief Justice or one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court or Secretary pf State, .who, if there be not a quorum, shall adjourn them to the sama plaoe, and from day to day, until a quorum shall appear; and' on the appearanoe of a - quorum, be shall administer' to each of th m the following oath : . - "You, A. IT., do solemnly swear (or affirm, av the delegate elect shall choose,) that you will faithfully main tain and support the Constitution of the' United States and the several errmndrrmota thereto, includiug the 13Ui, li' h and 15th amendments; and that you will neither directly or in directly evade or disregard the duties enjoined nor the restrictions imposed upon the Convention by the act of the General Assembly outhoriting your election. So help you God." And no deh-gate shall be permitted to sit or be eutitled to a seat in said Convention, or act a delegate thereto, uuul he shall have subscribed to the above oath or affirmation; and ss soon as a majority of .the delegutes elect shall have thna appeared aud been sworn in, they shall then proceed to rU-ct their presidiug officer, and such other officers and servants as they, from tune to time, shall find ueoesary ; aud if a vacancy shall occur, the snme shad be tided iu the tame niauuer as the like vacancies are tided by law iu the case of vacancies in the General Astembly, Said Coimntiou shall have no " power to consider, debate, adopt or propose auy amendment to the existing Constitution or ordinance upon the following subjects: (I.) The Jlonugtrad and Personal Vrvjte.rty Sumption, the mechanics' and laborers' lien, aud the rights of mariitd women, as now secured by law, nor to alter or amend sectiou 8 or 5. article Y. of said Constitution, nor change the ratio betwesn the poll and property tax as therein published; norstiall the said Convention have power to propoe or adopt any amend ment or ordinance vacating an; ojfline or term of office now existing and fiilh d or held by virtue uf any elect ion r appointment under the tximng Conntifutiun and lawn, nutil the same shall be vacated or expired uuder ex isting laws; bu the said Convention may recommeud the abolishment of any office when the present term therein shal expire or vacancies occur, and they ni iy provide for filling su?b va cancies, otherwise than as now, and limiting the terms thereof. Nor shall said Convention adopt or pro pose any plan or amendment or scheme of compensation, to the own ers of emancipated slaves, nor for the payment of any liability in curred wholly or in part in aid of the late war betwen the States, nor for the restoration of imprisonment for debt; nor shull they require or propose any educational or property qualification for office or voting; nor shall said Con vention pass any ordinances legislativo in their character, except suoh as are neoessury to submit the amended Con stitution to the people for their ratifi cation or rejection, or to convene tho General Assembly. Sec. 5. The Constitution, as amend ed, shall be submitted to the people for their ratification, and shall not be binding until the same shall have been ratified by the qualified voters of the State, and the Convention shall pre scribe the mode whereby the sense of the people thereon shall be taken and recorded. Sec 6. There shall be printed im mediately ti a copies of this act for each member of the General Assem bly, and one hundred copies within thirty days after ita ratification for each board of oouuty commissioners, and the use of the registrars and judges of election in their respective counties; and this aot shall be in force and take effect from and after its rati fication, THE FLOODS, FEARFUL L08SE9 AT PORT JiRVIS. ' THE K3RISI8 IN THE SUSQUE HANNA RIVER. SrjNBtiBT, Pa., March 18 Noon The railroad bridges have been saved from destruction by loading them with rilled coal cars. Port Jebvis, March 18 Noon The flood is the most disastrous ever known. The losses are: Erie bridge, 75,W; Barrett bridge, f45,00O; Bas ket bridga, $14,00?; lumber lost, $75, 000; individual loas, $60,001). PrrrsTON, March 18 Noon The loss of four bridges and the damage to property by the ice flood reaches more than a half million. The ioe is again gorged at Ransom, three miles above this plaoe, to the he'ghtof twen ty feet and extending up the river for about five miles. The Lehigh Valley Railroad track is entirely cov ered with ice six feet in heigh. In the narrows, two miles north -of here, they have a gang of workmen dig ging through and trying to clear the track. It is impossible to say how soon they can run through as no trains have been able to reach here yet either way. A great many mines in this locality have stopped work on account of having no route left by which to ship their ooal. The great est anxiety istsahere in regard to the weather; should it beoome warm enough to move the gorge it will caufe even more destruction than Tuesday's flood." Columbia, Pa., March 18 Night- The ice in the Susquahanna river at this point commeno d running at 2:30 o'clock this evening and is still run-' ning past in one continuous mass at th s hour, 8 p. m. It carried away the winding bridge of the Tidewater Canal Company at Wrightsville, and moved one of the piers of the Columbia bridge twenty-eight inches out of its plaoe, rendering the bridge impossi ble for the passage of traius over it. The ioe and water bos done considera ble damage to the Pennsylvania Rail road west of here, piling the ioe up on the track aud rendering the passage of trains impossible. It has also swept down a number of telegraph poles, thus cutting off all telegraphio com munication with points between Co lumbia and Harrisburg. - . Hakribbcrci, March 18Night The ioe is passing quietly by, and no damage is apprehended in this imme diate vioinity. - ELEtTJtKlSaiS. . The livery stables of Miles Parker, and the grooery of Mrs. Timmous, at Cairo, Illinois, have been burned. Twenty horses and ten buggies were consumed. . . - . Dr. Brien, of Brockville.Canada, has been appointed Catholic Bishop of Kingston. . EUROPE. ! ST. PATRICK'S DAT AT HOME. orrosrnoN to the German ECCLESIASTICAL BILL. SUSPENSION OF THE 80UTH AMERICAN BANKING COMPANY. Farm, March 18 Noon The As semblv has aDDointad a Jnrv of Ph ioina to examine Bonapartists enjoy ing pensions for inflrmitie alleged to have been contracted in the aervioe. With the understanding that the As sembly will dissolve 6 months after the Easter recess, the Left consents that there shall be no elections to fill va cancies. Drnuir. March 1A Nnnn Rt Pat, rick's Day was celebrated throughout jreiaim witnoul a single disturbance. Munich, March 18 Noon Don Alfonso and Princeaa Blenoa are both here. Berli5, March 18 Noon The Uarlists lost 200 in an engagement be fore Zndusarv. Berlin, March 18 Noon The limes says: Bpain demands the ex tradition of Don Alfonso, brother of Don uarlos. The Archbishop of Cologne, on be half of the whole Roman Catholic Episcopate of Prussia, has addsessed a letter to the Prussian District urging it Dot to pass the part of the ecclesi astical bill which gives the people a share in the administration of local church property. In conseqvenoe of the petition of the Archbishop of Cologne against that part of the ecclesiastical bill which gives the people participation iu the control of local church proper ty, the Government had the bill alter ed so as to deprive priests from any share in the administration of such property. London, March 18 Night The general South American Banking Company, with a limited capital of 000,000, haa suspended. Liverpool, Maroh 18 Night Path finder won the Grand National steeols chase. VIRGINIA. THE COWARD I N-FCLKERSON DIFFICULTY. A DUEL NIPPED IN THE BUD. Richmond, March 18. Night The personal rencontre between Mr. J. A. Oowardin, of the Diapatoh, and Mr. A. Fulkerson, of the House of Dele gates, resulted last evening in the ar rest of the latter and Mr. James P, Oowardin, ton ot the senior Mr. Oo wardin, on the charge of being about to engage in a duel or otherwise break the peace. They were both before the police justice thia morning when, af ter an investigation, they were placed under bond in one thousand dollars to keep the peace. Correspondence whiob passed between the parties, evidently on the part of Mr. Oowardin Jr., meant business, while Mr. Fnlkerson declined to reoogniie him in the mat ter nnless Mr. Oowardin, Sr., would confess unwillingness, by reason of in ability or incapacity, to seek redress. GOTHAM. A QUEER WILL CASE. New York, March, 18 Noon Sam Ward, ' Vestibule, Rex," wan beard yesterday in the Surrogate's Court in proceedings on Probate of the will of Sam Ward, Jr., who was about 21 years of age and bequeathed fortv thonsan dollars in these words, "I give all of my earthly estate to my mother. I don't know my father. The mother died soon after. The ounsel for the -contestants claim that tie will was executed under coercion or undue influence. HEADQUARTERS. THE SENATORS IN CAUCUS ON KELLOGG. Washington, March 17 Night The Senate, in Executive session, to-, day ratified the Sandwiob Island treaty and confirmed Wyman as Assists! t Tresaorsr. The Republicans canenssed this morning over the resolution recognis ing Kellogg, -with bo result. The can cus met again thia afternoon.and again, adjourned without definite action. Dissolutton of Copartnersliip. . rjlHE OOPABrNXKSHIP HCKSTOPOBB exlitlng bttwMii F. A. Bcbntts and John M7r, under th nam and firm of F. A. Bcbntta A Heyrr. Is Us dT dlMolved fey bu tual eonwnt. John Mejr withdraws, and W. Li. Sehntu will fettla all liabilities ol th Arm, aihsalona li authorised to rcleaiidrelpt for all accounts doe to th lira of W. A. Scbot- ts & Meyer. F. A. BCHUTTB, JOHN METER. Wilmington, N. 0 Mann Uth. Wit John Dawson . Ha a foil. Mock oT'geattln Bwrde fro (only full stock In th cltj), flow Steel, Tin, ft" ... Iron, Hall, Grind 8 tone, At., at th ktwtlt each pries. No It, M and II Market Street, maroh II - te NOTICE. The Interest of Mr. B. Godwin, of Lumber ton, In our Or m ceaeed ea th I ret laetaot hj limitation Th bn.ln.u will eortlaoeJ under tnte ?! a k.retroer by thr. malnlng iaitnr. - TICK k MEBANE. w march 14 : H-lw grill il I th thoruwt Botte and & Um nuiet raiHubl t at tho . Jvvki- Cffroa. DIED. At kit rt.td.oo In Vrsiuvtrk Oonnti, r Ui.lltK In.l.. Mr WE41.lt T MOPttK. Hon lb fth Ronnk, IS 4. aft N J Mr., I aoaiaa ina 11 uy. Raltlfh Fpit plHH oopf . SEW ADTIRTISZttllTP. Howard Belief Fire Engine Co. Ho. 1. ATTRITION HKMBEHai Cill.4 BMl lug IhW.rrM.f , iinltig at o'clock. T .riler of U rr4dtak WM J. Bt'HMARN. March 19 1 lto. Secretary. FINE AETS. Geo. XT,. Ncott, AN I IS I IRVNSIURrONIRAI III Samples can be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Ueinsber- ger. The Patronage of the Publio ia re spectfully solicited. arrbl-tr T NORTH CAROLINA OAssiivrEnEs. rHR TRUE WAT TO OBTAIN BOUTH. EBH COMMERCIAL Independence It to Patronize Southern Induatry. A Uaadeom Lot of Salem Cassimeres Juet Reoelved. Gentlemen are Invltod to call and uamlne MERITORIOUS GOODS. In Color and FabrU they ar I'mrlvalod men American ttoode. and would be credit. aMewtbe blghe.t Kuropean manaraottrttif BOSKOWITZ k LIEBER. larohlltQ. ST For Sale. STEAM SAW MILL, about thirty horee power, C;Ilnr Boiler. Can b bought on lib- tralUrai. Applj to O. TIMOTHY, Warm, Duplin 0,X. 0, arch IS-D1WI ST Wilmington Lodge No. 319. Kmertent meeting thu (FtlDAT) BTealag at I 'look, lot work. FBKITQM OUMMIwd, Seoreiatr. archie nil fiMBooUStationeir.&c.. TUB LABQEBT AUD vHBArAS vBTUUkw f BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, pvi?i.nPFa INKS, PENS, PENHOLDERS, -LEAD PENCIL9, INK STANDS, PAPER WEIGHTS, Pocket Books. Ac, Ao.,D AT TSS City Book Store. Initial Paper ASD . PAPETERLES ! W VARITIBS. Jort recelred and for sals cheap at OONOLEY k YATES', 47 Market Street. er- march It Chas. D- Hyers & Co. OFFER Choice Small N. C. Hams. Chas. D. Myers & Co. OFFER CHOICE FAMILY SUPPLIES In Krery TarUty. Chas. D. Myers & Co OFFER t Every Choice Variety of , - FINE TEAS New Crop. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., I A 1 North Front I tree, w.reh 1 ST Tliey are Cominc ' EVERT STEAMER 3 Will bring a portion of oar Hew Spring Stock OF MUNSON & CO., OITT CLOTHIER!, march II Thomson's Malacca, Indo china, and China. The Strait of Malacca, lado-Obtna, and China; or, Ten Tear' Travel, Advtntnrra. and Residence Abroad. By J. TkomNm, F. R O. I.. author of 'Illu.tratlon.ot China and li feople." With oyer lllutratlon. from t he author' ewn Photograph and B ketone. Ito, Cloth, t. A a traraler and a a narra'or of trarel, aa a.lirewd obnrear, and thoughtful naeoa'r on ht be obaerrea, th.re are not many wtl'er. with wfeon Mr. Ihomeon may diaad oomprion. Th book (boald be read throughout ttaniard, Loudon. ForeaUat IICirJODERQCR'O lift Rook amd Masts Stor aarafe a 0 MISCZltAaX0TJS: K0TICE TO SHIPPERS. The CLYDE LINE. New York and Wilmington , Steamship Company. rjlO UEBT THE WAHT8 OF THETRADB, hare addtd another ntanir to th Ut and will eatl from NEW TORE vary WEMSDAT and SATURDAY at 3 P.M, Freai Fler II, North Rlrr. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM E AO H POSY. T Hereafter shippers oan rely npon the prompt and regular sailing ( these Steamers jfrom New York as adver tised, u the Company his determined to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there oaa be do oaase for delay in shipments. IT Other Steameri will be added as reqaired. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, WlLlUNaTOM.N.O. te-tf arch II INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. -$20- . W!UBVTA FIRST MORTGAGE Premium Bond V TSS TbftM bond, ar Imued for th rurnoeeof raining fund for th erection of a building In th Ofiy of Mm Turk, to b ud for a Perpetual World's Fair, permanent horn, wher rry mannfao turer can eiulblt and nil hi good, and every patent oan .how hi Invention: a o-ntre or IndaMry which will ptov a Tat Ma.Ot to th whole country. For tble puro th LegUlatnr of th II tat of Mew York ha granted a ebaitoc to a nam bf r of oar aunt wealthy and reenactabl mr. oh.nle, and the gentlemen bar puroha.rd no leeathan eight block of th mnet valuabl land In th Olty of New fork. Th buildlnn tn be erected will b Nnn MoriM high (ISO feet In h-lgbM, inrmiunted by a magulfloent dome, and will ooeer a pao of II aora.. It will be eonatruoled of Iron, brick and glaae and mid Ire-proot. Th bond, which ar all lor g1 arh, ar cord by aflretmnrt gag on th land and building; and for t'i Durnoa of making them popuur, the Dtreo- ionhT dtcidsd toh.T quarterly drawing. ortlou.ooo eacn, ini. monev ociug in inier eat on th amount of th wool loan. Every bondholder mart rcoelv at least 111 , nut b may recoiT 01OO.OOO or SM.0O0, r aio.ooi, or 15, CM, or SJ.OW), r , Fourth Series Drawing, April Oth. '75. Tbeoe drawing take plar rery THREIt MONTHS, and T.ntually EVEHT BONO will partiolpal In them. Th neit premium allotment will b hld an Monday, Maroh let, 1875, on which day 1,000 pre ml nm, amounting ti HBO .000, will hi dietribnted among 1,000 bond holder. We b a limited number or drawn Serl Bond on band, which may b purchased on application. , AddreH, for Bond and fall information, MORCENTHAU, BRUNO A CO., FINAHCIAL AOEWtB, 23 Park Row. New York. Pwt Of f lee Drawer No. 99. K.mlt by Draft on New Tork Olty Bank, Registered Letter or Pott Offloe Money Order. Postponements Impossible Un der this Plan. Applioationa for Agencies received . tab 21 . 44-dmw6m WANTED ! CURRENCY OH KEOOT1ABLR PAPER . . roa-. ..' 000 Packages Fine Cut and Plug Tobaccos, AT A SMALL MARGIN. By D. PIOOTT. marobl M Corn, Water Ground - Ileal and Oats s.eee RUBBEU CORK, 00 Buahol Watr Orounl INa), l,wOS BnhtaOU. For 1 hy WXSUSXSR ) 0A4J5E3tE2.O' ' HEW ADVERTISIHEXTS. 45 BEOWN & We itill continue to sell at our former low prices notwithstanding tbead vanoe in the markets, and aa a substantial proof submit the following list of prices: Goats' Bnool Cotton 6 cents a spool or 70 cents per doien. Unbl wlied Cotton from 6 cents per yard." 83-inch Frail ot the Loom.... .....11 Cents per yard. 8fl " " " " Loom. 124 " " " on " wamsutta. icj " " M New BprinR Caliooes, best quality, 10 cents er yard. Ladies Tuffs for the Neck 6 sud 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a great aving to those viiting the citg for the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Goods line to give us a call previout to making their pnrohaaea. We take thia method of adverting prices for yon to com pare then with not only Wilmington and ricinity; but with those ot any aeo tion of the country. We have no time or inoliuation to button-holeyon on the streets, or look you up in the Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Oar object it purely business, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way. SEVERAL. JOB LOTS. Rnch as 100 dneen Kid OIotps for 60 cents per pair, worth $1 50. Ladies hemmed Tnre Linen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 cent. 20 pairs JJlankots 93, worth $1 CO. WE HAVE OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASHNO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street ma'chl M REMOVAL! rjJ.FRAWKa BR., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, fco., Desire to inform their friends and the publio generally that the hare re moved to the Store formerly occupied by them, No. 17 Market street. Haviuff disDosed of the bulk of their old stock, they hare received and ara daily receiving new and desirable goods the times. - " , A call is respectfully solicited. M. maroh H SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAKO CD-; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACD7I0 OUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell thia Ouono at our Wareho prices, W. OoanlMlon Merchant. AnU for raolfloQu.no 8ub-Agcnts for the' Sale r. H. oinaoif C. UKAHAITl Jan It At 153.00 per Ton, Cash, or 860.00, payable 1st of November, next; N fVVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, WE OCABANTKE that th previous High Ore of onr Partlll(r hU b fully Maixtaivid . H. It BRmOEK", Prralacbt D. MoHAK, Tr.aaurar, U. h, QHAteWH, HnirlnUndnt. Jan S'. WM.FYFE. . EXCHANCE CORNER, Has jaet received an Elegant Assort' ment of . Hamburg Edgings Y and Insertions VERY LOW PRICES. ay Cw.ll and Examine. march 7 ' ' 87 Du Pont's Powder. TtUtlK, KIFLB AND SPOBTINQ, BLASTING AND MINIHO-Whole, Half and Quarter Kax. For 1 by O. 0. PARSLEY A no. Sl-tf mar.h SOMETMQ WORTH AMTION, TWTB ABB SOW BS0EI7IN8 THKFIRST hiprntnt of 0nt' and Ladie' Spring Cmtom Had ' ' - L' Shoes and Boots. which ar aandaon and rtylUh. Thy art B9at,aa;sttlBiaud vry durabl at priori to suit. Remember or tsry dorabl Vbll. drn'8ho at K7AK9 YoaOLARN'S, PrlnrMM 8trt. rh II s 45 EODDIOK REMOVAL 1 which ihey will sell at Driooa to anil " . FRANK & BR0'. No. 17 Market Street. n. McRARY & CO., Co., and Ue.lnr.InN. t prrnTlan Quans CloRTit Water Htbjbkt, of Soluble Facillc Guano ..Old Hundrod,!. a M.rlon.S.O. 3I-Umd&w Nun WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For. the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following REDUCED PRICES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON. M. C. 4-od-dAw4m. Bacon Pork Sugar Cofiee. 200 Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, 200 Boxes Smoked Bides k Shoulders, CO Bbls. C. M. Fork, 200 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 200 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. For sal low by WILLIAMS A 14TJRCHIBON. Flour, Corn, Nails and Shot. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all jrradea ; 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, . 800 Kegs Nails, -, 200 Bags Shot. , , For le low br WILLIAMS A MTJROHliON, " HayHoop Iron-Cluo-RIc 400 Bales N. R. Hay, 600 Bandies Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 60 Bbls. Whole Rice. For sal low by WILLIAMS & MURCHIS0N. Molasses 1 Molasses! 20ft Hhds. New Crop Cuba, 150 Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For" l lowby WILLIAMS & MTJRCHISON. march U M S ELKOTED HAMS, Hat? TnnmM. r"U" O.H.W. ETTAS'. N. R. Oorn Mark! and S.ceml S - nttuchf

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