J9L ' i . i 1 i i . VOL xxnr.-iro.-68. WILimiGTOIT, U. C, SATURDAY. IIAECH 20. 1875. V7H0LE no; 0,832. U I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 T" "X t : ' i WILMINGTON, K. a: 8VIUBDAY.MA.ECH 20. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. 11EADQUAUTEKS. PARDEE'S CONFIRMATION 'PROBABLE. Washingtoh, March 19 Noon. The Senate after passing a resolution .1 - lowing tne Upeoial Uomumtee to in vestigate Civil Bervioe, tositduringre cms to administer oaths and .end for persona and papers, went into Execu live session. No resolution regarding Louisiana oeine np; Morton seemed angry. Xu emoua reached no conclusion, and they will nave anotlier oauous this alter noon. The Senate is considering Pardee. The Democrats will vote solid for Pardee and unless some postponement ' dodge springs np confirmation is . eonoeded. The debate will probably last an bour. The Senate, discussed Pardee all da bat the result was not reached and is very doubtful. Pardee's friends are not so confident. The Republi can Senators canonssed an hour and a half and agreed npon a resolution somewhat differently phrased from FreeUnghysen's but in effect endorsing what the President has done in Louis iana, knd giving Senatorial sanction to theame coarse. Three Republicans dissented. Aoancus will be held to determine whether Senators will re main till the matter is brought to au issue. Several Senators have paired and left bat the Democrats, generally, refuse to pair. THE FLOODS, PORT DEPOSIT UNDER WATER. Port Deposit, March 19 Noon-: The flood here is fearful. The water is from 5 to 15 feet deep.in the streets, and nearly the whole town is flooded. The railroad depot being fall of water, was abandoned last night Havre dh Obaob, March 19 Noon The ice is gorged five miles below here. The wharves are all flooded, GOTHAM. MORE FAILURE ANNOUNCED. A FATHER KILLS HIS SON. Nbw Yore, Maroh, 19 Nigbt-L. Deoken A Co., billiard manufactures, have failed. Gross, March A Co., tea and coffee jobbers, have failed. Vineland Corrnth, editor of paper here, was mortally shot by Chas. K. Landis, kuown as the father of Vim -land. Landis was removed to avoid lynching. : euk'ope. SPAIN'S CHARGES AGAINST DON ' ALFONSO. London, Maroh 19 Noon Spain auks the Austrian Government no to permit Don Alfonso to reside in Aus tria. Among the crimes for which Spain demanded his extradition from Bavaria are murder, arson and rape. ELECT1IIC1SM8. Yesterday at Brentville, Va., one thousand persons witnessed the execu tion of Foulks. Besides the regular police guard, fifteen colored men were on duty. The convict warned his hearers to escape the effects of bad passions. The fall broke his neck a ;d tie died instantly. - Appointment.. For the information of our readers we publish the appointments of Rev. VI. H. Black. P. E.. for his second round of Quarterly Meetings in the Wilminarton District: Magnolia, at Bryants, March 20th and 2M. V Wilmington,at5th street, March 27th and28tb. Cokesbnry, at Averasboro, April 3d and 4th. " Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, April 10th and 11th. Kenansville, at Riohlands.April 17th and 18th . Bmitrville, at Bethel, April 24th and 25th. Wilmington, at Front Street, May Island 2nd. Bladen, C F. Mission, at Deem's Chapel, May 8th and 9th. Elizabeth, May 15th and 16th. .Whitevllle, at Fair Bluff, May 29th tni 30th. Topsail, June 5th and 6th. Onslow, June 12th and 13th- Blafcop Alklnaoa' Bookfish........... Fayetteville. ....... Jackson........... Appointment. March 13, p. m.. March 14 . ...... April 1 3 Windsor Woodville, Bertie Co Morfreesboroagh. Winton... Gatesville Bt Fetera, Gates Co. ....... . Hertford.... Woodville, Perquimans Co. . . Elizabeth City Edenton.... Bi. Lukes, Washington Co . . . Bt David's Colombia Plymouth Bt James', Beaufort Co. .... . Luke Landing, Hyde Co. .... . BtatesviUe.....? Bath..... 7ion Church, Beaufort Co. . . . Washington..!...... JamesvUle. ........:.....,.. Williams ton Hamilton f;i'...:;.l Ksck ' 4 " 6 " 7 ' 8 .. 9 11 " 12 " 13 "15 " 17 "18 " 19 21 23 " 25 27 ,29 80 May 2 it it ii STATENEWS. The Washington Echo ssys: A re vival is now progressing in the M. E. Cbnrch at this plaoe, under the able and efboient ministration or tne liev. A. R. Raven. Alread. two perrons have been happily converted, and sev era! others are still at the altar, seek ing the pardon of their sins. The Rocky Mount Mail says: There were shipped from Rocky Mount during tne six nioutlis, Irom beptemoer 1st, 1874 to March 1st, 1875, six thousand one hundred and nine bales of cotton against even six thousand bales h;u ped during the twelve months ending September 1st. The Danbury Reporter says: Our jail doors are standing open, and have been for mouth, lue iteporter Baw a mau plowing on the 11th inst., for the first time in nearly three mouths, Tobaooo plants will be scarce, as i large uuiuber of pluut beds have been washed away. Fillmore Bobbitt, a gay youth of Oranville, sold his father's horse a few days 8 go and started off on a northern tour. 1 lie old man, however, was too soon for his recreant offspring. and telegraphed ahead of him to Vtj don, whore he was arrested and re turned home. lhe Tarboro Southerner says: It is estimated that 35,000 bales of cotton have been shipped from Tarboro dur ing the present season. This does not include the whole crop of the county. Quantities have been shipped from points on the river and stations on th M llmuigtou and VeIdon Railway and some is still iu the ha nds of far mers. '. The Wilson Advance says: The re vival at the Mothodist Episcopal Church ooutinues with unabated in terest. The Rev. Dr. Rosser seems t be as untiring as he is successful, and has fully sustained his high rep utation as su able preacher and suc cessful revivalist. Dr. Yeates, Pre siding Elder of this District, Rev. J C. Cunningham and the regular Pan tor, Rev. F. H. Wood, have been present to lend their assistance at the meetings. The meetings will be kept up until Sunday, and will no doubt be extended if the interest does not abate. We understand there have bean 34 con vet ts and 25 accessions to the Church. The Balsbury Examiner tells the following good one: Just abont the time of Stoneman'sRaidon Salisbury, a sqnad of blue-coated oavalrymen rode up to the stable of a good old farmer not fur from here and coolly saddled one of his two horses, and were pro ceeding on their Way with the booty when onr friend, not wishing to lose his best horse.and supposing of course that the rogues belonged to Stone man's command, accosted them thus. "Dang it all men, yous wootent take a goot anion mens horses woot yon.'. "The very kind we're looking for old. chap, and we will relieve you of the other one two," which they did. The old man had mistaken his men; they belonged to Wheeler's Confederate Cavalry, and to this day reproaches j himself -with "Dad-lame it, wbat a tarnation fool I was tat time again. " SPECIAL. Why hai sosoolent Become tho ataple Dentrillueof America? Simply because It it Impoulule to use It, eveo for i week, without perceiving lta byglenlo ell'ect upon the teeth, the gums nd the breath. It la a rare thing that phyoiclans give any countenance to a meiticine, the mauulactare of wMch la a secret. A bout tin only exception wekuowofla .loli-ion' Anodjne Liniment. Mils, we believe, all endorse, mid mny of tbemuBelt In their practloe with great ano oeaa. Persona requiring purgtlvoaor ptlli ihould be cireful what they buy. Home Wi not only cauae griping pains, but leave the bowele In a torpid, coBtlve atate. Parauns' Purga ive Pilla will relieve tha bowels and cleanae th. blood without Injury to the system. Consumptive., Take Notice. Every moment of delay mtkes yoitr care more hopeless, and much depends on theju dloloua choice of a remedy. Th. amount of testimony In favor or Dr. Schenck'i Pulmonic Syrup, as a cura for consumption, far eiceeda all that can be brought to support the preten. lions of any other medicine. See Dr Mcbenck'a Almanac, containing the certlAcatoiof many persona of the highest respectability, who have been restored to health, after being pronoun, ced Incurable by phyticlana of acknowledged ability. 8chenck'e Pulmonic Syrup, alonn has cured many, as these evidences will show, bat the car. la often promoted by the employment of two other rerofcliea which Ir. Schenck pro vides for the purpose. These additional reme dies are Hcheuck'a sea Weed Tonlo and Man drake Pills. By the timely use of these medi cines, according to directions, Dr. Schenck eertinee that moot any , caa. of Consumption may be e"red Dr. Schenck la professionally at bis princi pal office, corner Sixth and Arch ttreets, Philadelphia, every Monday, wher. all letters for advice must be addressed. Sheriffs Office New Hanover County, Wilmington, H. 0., March 18th, 187a. rN AOCORDANOK WITH AOTSOFTHK Ueneral Aawmbly, notice 1 haroby given that an election will be held in the 'county of Pen der on THURSDAY, April ISth, 187B, at the respective voting place In eaoh Townahipof said county. The following officer to be elec ted: ,. Clerk of Superior Court, High Sneriflf, Treasurer, Eegister of Deeds, Surveyor, Five Commissioners, Coroner, , ' A Board of Trustees fo each Town- ship of said County, . and to determine by ballot tb. location ef Mr. County eat, at fome point on th. W. & IV. Railroad In th. said county of Pender. . S. H. MAN NINO, High Sheriff of HW Hanover Oonnty, 11 march M-H-14tUi3UUl DIED. ftUrvhltth. at IMS P. .. SAMTjrL M BRUWMNO, at the reeldeno of hi father- la-law. coram Btihth an4 Otikh nrHU, eonauaptlon, after . palatal tUaree f three obum m (HtMHlMit aad. .i.aplry metsoer .r n lose will Loan no. i, inltfDU PyikUa. Bo will e barl by that Orf oa guilir,llSiria,ll. B lvee . wife and relative to Mi hi km, h. bolag cat off la ur BUffw oi is yearn, fae toner! aervioe. will bo hold at It Jaioee' Horn, at S .'eleek, aetal. Bee. Dr Wtoii will oaet.M. Tho fnondt omI ocqmlnUooMof Uo fojatly sr. roootfMllr Tina loiiona NEW ADVESTISI1I15T8. They Have Come. ALARQB 1HTOIOB ULoTHIMO. botuWol latoot notoltlao .at. Or RBAOT-MADK rtjloo, n all thf Also, a large lta. .f PI KOI GOODS, eom prlalng all kinds of UnglUh and frsach Wort- teda, mad to .rd.r at aalanlahtagly lew price. A. DAVID. march M ISABELLA VINCENT. bt aioa.a w. at. mavaoLM. - . ; Price 7B Cent. VIVUN BERTRAM. ITOMUIW K, atTMOLO. ' Prlo. IS CbU. ; For sale at HEINSBERGER'S Ut. Book and Mule Btor. marb M si Alcohol (by th. gallon and barrel), KCKOSKNE OIL, LISKKEDOIL, OASTOB OIL, PalnU, Bplrita TvKtia., Putty, Ola, Oongrei Water, Ac, Ac i Market (treat, . Wilmington, V. O. march W at WHAT IS VEGETIITE! It I a comroand extraettd from bark. root an herba. it I Mator.' kiBUy. It la perfectly harm lei from any bad .B'eot upon th. lyaUim. It 1 BoarMilDfl and atrengthen- ing. it aouuiraeuy apoa ui. D ooa. iiquwt the nervous iyatem it (. you good awewt aleep at night. It 1 a panacea for our aged lathera and tuothert, for it give then atrnigUi, quieta their n.rve., and giv.stliem hature'a eweet aleep aa has bean proved by many aa aud peraoa. It lath great Blood Puriner. Iiiaaaoctbtni remedy lor our ehlldren. It baa relieved and eured tbouaanda. it I very pleasant to take ; .very obltd Ilka. It It rt Ii.ve and euraw all dlaeaao. originating from lmnar. bloc. Try th VKOKTIllB, Hn a fair trial for ywux-oou.pl alnta; then yo. will ay to your friend, aelgbbot aaa asqaawlaaa, "fry Uj It ka twl aa.." Reliable Evidence The following uaaollctUd taatlaMalal front Rev. 0. X. Walker, formerly pmui erf How- doln hquare Uburob, Boatoo, and at preent ettiea in rroviaesoe, at. i., aaaa no aeemeu aa reliable evidence. Noon. bii.kt fall tob aerve that tbl teitlaontel to la. reralt of two year' experience with the uaeof VKUE1INK In the Eev. Mr. Walker', family, who now pro nouno it Invaluable: Paovmiaoa, R. I., IN Traaatt Stmt. H. R.Btbvi, Kq. t 1 feel bound to expren with wyalgnature th. high value I place upon your V'UKl'INK, My family bav. need It for th lat twe year. Inntrvoi debility It to Invaluable, and I recommend It to all who may need an 1. vigor, ating, renovating tonlo. O.T.WALEER, Formerly Paator of Bowd.a Square Charoh, Boatoa. The Best Evidence Th. following letter fro Rev. B. S. Beat, Paator of the K. Church, Natlck, Ma., will be read with Interaat by many phyiletana; alrothoaeanffeiinifrom the eame dlieaa. aa afflicted the eon ol th. Rev. B S Beat. Mo Dr eon can doubt tbl testimony, a th.r. I bo doubt about tb. euratii. power of VIOK- TlNtt. , N atick, Mat., Jan. 1st, 1171, MR.H. R. 8tivih.: Dear Sir W. have food reaaon for regard ing vonr VKUEI'INK almedlrli of the great- eat value. W. feel aeeored that it ba been the mean of aavelnc oar on' nr.. u . I now eventeen year of age; for the laat two year h huauBered from necmd of hto leg, oauaed by aorofulooa affection, and waa o tar reduoed that nearly an woo. a. mm uivugoi uiareouv in imrioMibla. A oonnxll of able Dhvalolan COn!a give aa OUl mt iwnieai, uvuv vi uavrvr rallvluu: two of th. number declartrg that b. waa beyond th. reach of ha man remedlea, that even amputation oouia no eave Dim, aa ne niu notvlior enonah to wadar. th. operation. Jnt then we commenced giving him VKOK- TXN and iron tnat time ia u. preaeni ae n. been oontlnuoualv laprovfaif. Be ba lately resumed itndle, thrown away hi crntcbe and cane, and walk, about cheerfully and atrong a inougntnere isniu mms uMcuarKo inm uib opening where hi limb wa lanced, we have the fulleat con Aden oe that In a little time b. will be oerfectlv eared. He hae taken about threw doaen bottle, of VKUET1NE, but lately ueea bnt little, aa he doolare he I too well to b taking medicine. Bpctfully your, B. S. Bbst, Mb. LCr.tin Prepared by H. R. 8TEVIN8, Boston, Mass. VEOXTINE IB BOLI BT Druggists and Dealers All EVERYWHERE. 4W iniTCHoiANCv, orsorL, cHian J; How either aei may faaulnate and gain th. lov. and .flection of any parnoa thev chooa. Inetantly. Thi lmpl. mental ac quirement all ean poeaeee, free, by mall, for He., together with a marriage guide, Kgyptlaa Oreola. uream, tiinta aa iaiew, WMiiiif Mtht Bblrt, e. A qoeer book. Addreaa I, WlLUAM e UU., Pabe, Phila. 4w DR. S.VAfl METER& CO. Procrletor of Ih. fmen Charleeton. III. InOimary ara andored In the last laan ef th. "Natlona Journal .f Health" by men of promi nence South and North. Ala. by flfty mini., ten of varlou denomination. Aa .pportanU ty 1 now offered to obtain a thorough .rami n at ion and tnettment without having t. vialt tn. mnrmary. auq" nnn DA.lt. YAM aU TCS A CO., v CaarleatoB, IU, HW AD72RTiaXX3TS. Wilmington Steam Fire Enjine Company St. 1. MIMBIRJt Tatar. b.reby meaa4 1. Btt at yor tagln. Hall at t .'.lock P, M Maoday, nd InaUnt, la full anlftuia for pa rade, with whit, glovw. , B.lt aaat b. properly lettered aceorUIng to rwaolutloa UoaMry aieaber. ar.oordlally iavltad to paitleJpaU. By w4r of U. F.rBaa. W.UJBWBTT, IUo.SMi.tary atarokM all BUY Onr Half Dime Cigar for Half Dollar por Doion, Th eh.apMt Ib thi market At No. 22 Market Street. D.PJCOTT. narrb W Baker Whiskey ! njlRI BIST AMD MObT POrUtAR Whl. X kay la th. elty. Warraated genuln and purr TRY 11'. I keep no booke and eell for CASH ONLT. Old Port, AU, Porter, Ao. , H. W.6HURE, 81 North Front Street, maroh W SB FINE ARTS. Geo. It. Hcott, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS SamplaS can be seen nd Orders left at the Book Store of F. Ileinsber- ger. The Patronage of the rublio is re spectfully solicited, march l-tf ST NORTH CAROLINA O ASSIMIERiES. rBI TRUE WAT TO OBTAIN BOUTH KHN UOMMKHOIAli InUapandanoe I to ratreniz aoutnarn inauatry. . A KacdaoiM Lot of Salem Cassimeres Juat Received. Gentlemen are Invited to Mil and .lamina the. MERITORIOUS GOODS. In Color and Fabrlo they sr. Utirlvalad among American ttooda. and wonld be credit able to the hlghe.t European manufaoterlng akUL B08K0WITZ A LTJSBEB. aiaroh lltb. T They are CJominc KVEBT tTBAUEft Will bring a portion of otr Hew Spring Stock GLOSniDB MUNSON & CO., CITT CLOTHUERS. march i Motion of CoparWip. mUl OOPABTHKKSHIP BKBITOFOBI exittlag between t. A. SohutU and John Meyer, under the nam and firm of P. A. Scbutt ft Meyer, la thi day dlaaolved by mn! taal eoneent. John Meyer withdraw, and P, A. Behutte will lettl. all llablUtle ol th Arm, a he alon. la aothorlied to receive and receipt for all account da. to th. Arm of P. A. Schnt U 4 Meyer. P. A. BCHUTTE, Wilmington, H.O., March lath. SS-lt John Dawson Hu a full took of genaln. 8 wed Iron (only fall stock in th. elty), Plow Bum), Tin, Iron, Kail, Grind Stone, A.., at th. lowet eaih price. No. 19, and II Market Street. e march It BMBogUStatioieiF.&a, THB 1ARQE8T AND OBEAPES 1' STOCtX BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, ENVELOPES, INKS, PENS. PENHOLDERS, LEAD PENCILS, . INK STANDS, PAPER WEIGHTS, Pocket Dooktt &c., lie, ? ; . AT tas Oity Book Store. . Initial Paper ABB PAPKTBEIES ! .,,w,,5fc SO. VAJUTIXS. Jaet netived and for al cheap at 00N0LEY k TATE3', 47i!arketetreei Mrak M ST HISCILLA5I0US. KOTICE TO SIUPPEIIS Tho CLYDE LINE. Now York and Wilmington Steamship Company, mO MIBT TBI WANTS OFTHKTRADK have added another Steamer to th. Lin. atid will tall from NBW TOBK every WEDAESDAT and SATURDAY at 3 P.M. Prom Pier 11, North Hirer. 8IMI.WIKKLY PROM EAOH . PORT. V Hereafter shippers ean rely npon the prompt and regular sailing of those Bteamers from J?ew York as adver tised, as the Company has determined to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there ean be no cause for delay in shipment. CT Other Steamers will be added as required, A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, W1LMINOTON, N fl, ee-tf maroh 16 Chas. D. Ilyers & Co. Of MB Choloo Small N. C. Hams. Chas. D. Hyers & Co. OFPBB ';; ( CHOIOI FAMILY SUPPLItS la Kvery Variety. Chas. D. Hyers & C6 UFPXB Every Choioe Variety of ' FINE TEAS New Crop. CHA8.D. MYERS k CO., I AT North front Street, rarch 19 1 ' Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, January 23d, 1875. ( ROM THIS DATE AUOTIONEKK8 ARK ; prohibited eelllng Horer or Stork or any ad la front of th. City Market. Prlncwa atiaet from th. eaatern line of Front (treat lo the weatern line of Fourth (treat or Second and Third (treeta, between th northern line of Market and th. eoathern line of Oheatput trta, are designated tor thi purpoa. -By order .. Major. J. H.BOBINSON, . CltyMarahaJ JaaM New Spring Styles -OF- Ties. Dows and Scarfs IKI A LABOI LOT Of GENTS' JUBN UBIMQ GOODS Jojt receive 1. Am dally aipectlrjg th. largeit and moat e leettookofPEOaTOOOOSsv.rbroagbt to tbl. market. A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor and Olothl.r, No. IT Market Street, march IS S3 A Distiller Wanted. MAH WlfB NO FAMILY, WHO CAN mau Whit. Hows, ana bring tatuiaotory rtferencea; to go to Mobile, Ala. , Apply to JAMBS 0. BTKYIHSOS. 18 tf Corn and Hay. 5nfkrk HD8HIL8 WHITE AND ,UUU Mixed Uorn. M Bala Har Eaateni, 100 Bale. Hay North Elver. Foraal.br KKKOHNER A OALOER BROS march I SB A VICTORY! Our Children's Toes. JfTE BATE AT LAST boooeedeo in geuing OHDLDBEN'S FINE SHOES, that ar. fine and drer, with no brae or allvei tip, and era more durable than the metalie tip. Tbey ar known to wear children four and Sv. month without a break In thrm. Parenta will do well totrj them. UaU and ae there. EVANS oTvoaGLAHS'S, Boot and Bho Store. fblS 40 Corn Hay. Oats and Ileal 4,anB.hleOor, ..t,v.'. am Bahta Kaetorv Hay, l.oflO Bnahel Oats, WW Baabela Water Oroand Heal. For mU.b KXBOEKXB A CALDER; BROS. marhT If SEW ADVtSTISIJIZXTS. 45 BEOWN & We still oontinne to sell at onr former low prices notwithstanding the ad vance ia the markets, and aa a substantial proof submit the following list of-. price.: Goats' Bpool Cotton 8 cents a spool or 70 cents per dotes. Unbl lactied Cotton from 6 ceuts per yard. 83 inch Fruit of the Loom ...............11 Cents per yard, 88 " " M Loom. 12 " " " 8(1 Wamsutta 16g "' " " New Spring Calicoes, best quality, 10 cents per yard. Ladies 1' nil's for the Neck 6 aud 10 oents, worth 20 cents, a bargain. It would be a great tavina to those vUitina the cittj for the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Goods line to give us a call previous to making their purchases. We take thi method of advertising; prices for vou to com pare then with not only Wilmington and vicinity, but with those of any sec tion of the ootiutry. We have no time or inclination to button-hole you on the streets, or look you up in the Hotels, Our object is purely business, and we SEVERAL JOB LOTS. 8nch as 100 dor.cn Kid Gloves for 60 cents per pair, worth $1 50. Ladies hemmed Ture Linen Handkerchiefs IS oonte, worth 25 ceuts, 20 pairs Blankets 1, worth 1 CO. WE HAVE GOT EVERYT11INO WE ADVERTISE., " ONE PRICE TERMS CASHNO SAMPIES CUT. JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street REMOVAL! REMOVAL ! DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Ac, Desire to inform their friends and the public general!? that they have re moved to the Store formerly occupied by them, No. 17 Market street. Having disposed of the bulk of their old stock, they have received and are daily receiving new and desirable goods the times. W A call is respootfully solicited. II. taron 14 SOLUBLE PACIFIC BUM CO.; jj.iLrrj.iu 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE rACIFIO GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CHOP with Merchants and other reliable parties prioes, W. OommlMlon Merchant. Agent for Pacific Oumo Sub-Agents l'or tho Sale r. n, ninsnm C. WKAIIAin Jan II WH. FYFE, EXCHANGE CORNER, Has just received an Elegant Assort ment of Hamburg Edgings and Insertions AT VERY LOW PRICES. KT Vm.ll and Cxamln.. . march 1 ol Du Pont's Powder. VUOK, RIFLE AND SPORTING, BLASTING AND MININO-Whole, Half and Quarter Ken. i For al. by O. G.PAK8LKY 4 00. M-tf h march 4 S0MMN& WORTH ATTENTION, W U ARE NOW RECEIVING THE FIRST hlpm.nt of Oents' and Ladiee' Spring Cuitom Mad. Shoes and Boots which ar. bandaom. and stylish. Tby ar. n t, aa fitting and very durable at price tomlt. Remember our vary durable Cbll. drmi' Shoe at KVAN8 Sc VoaGLAHN'S, Prlnoea Street, maroh IS Turpentine Wagons- gQ TWO-HORnErrurintln. Wagona, 1 1Q O""'0" Turpentln. Wagon, 'ksBOs'iIIB OALOER BROS. ma.h 14 " Corn, Water Ground Heal and Oats 8,eOO BUSHELS OORN, BOB Buahela Water Ground Meal, l.eoe Bnahel Oata. "'"'For sal. by " ' - REROHNER ft OALDER BROH march IS ST w FDnivOAatlNatneVlSITI!vU cjAtei.aa."."v.t.j, aj . v tv4i 45 EODDIOK or by laying any claims of friendship. propose doing that in a legitimate way. which ihey will sell at prices to suit FRANK & BRO's No. 17 Market Street, TIME. Liberal terms will be made to sell this Ouano at our Wareho II. McRARY & CO., Oo., and Dealer In No. 1 Peruvian Uuane JMOItTB WATKIt BTRKRT, WILRllNUTUIV, It. of Soluble Facitlc Guano. Oh Hundred, If. O. Marlon, B. 0. n-amdAw Bacon-Pork Sugar Coffee. 200 Boxes D. S. Bides and Shoulders, 200 Boxes Smoked Sides k Shoulders, 50 Bbls. 0. M. Pork, 200 Bbls. Retlned Sugar, 200 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, For al. low by 1 WILLIAMS A UTJBCHI80N. w Flour, Corn, Nails and Shot. 1,000 Bbls. Flonr, all grades ; 8,000 Bushels Prime White Cora, 800 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot. For ale low by J WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Hay-Hoop Iron-Cluo-Rloo 400 Bales N. B. Har, 600 Bandies Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 60 Bbls. Whole Rice. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba, 150 Bbls. New Crop Cuba. Foraal. low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. forty Cases and Baskets Finest and mot popular brand of CHAMPAGNES. CJPARKLINO MOSELLE AND OATA W. O ba Wlnea-Quart and Plnta, at Importer. Il0"" CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., S and 7 North Front Undoubtedly True That our Brand of ffnu B" SELECT WHISKEY la tb bent, parent and moat reliable Family R.e Whlakey now in tb. m.rket. Its purity I atteated by the hlgheat melloa', and Klentiflo authority and It popular prlo. ii, THREE DOLLARS ts moderate, and leave no reamn for sal ni th. oommon avuiteratea mixture eoia wnuaey. CHAS Da MYESS A CD., Sol. Agent, B Jt 7 Hortn Front bj march Star ny. nLllaTII'P M11. KXr.iUTrUen rilln I IhV th. .hortMt Dotlc and at tb. moat reaavnabl. .."'