o r VOL XXIV.-NO. 69. wiumioToir, it. g, Sunday, haech 21. 1875. 7H0LE ITO. 0,833. P iflr A- I I I J I i II Of laifg found. WILMINGTON, N. 0.: SUNDAY. MARCH 21. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH HEAlMJUAltTEKS. RESOLUTION T!T THE SENATE ENDORSING GRANT IN . LOUISIANA. A TOUGH FIGHT AND A PRO LONGED SESSION PROBABLE. , CHRISTIANCT AND ROBERTS ABANDON THE RADICAL CAUCUS. BEAST BUTLEtt ON CIVIL PJGHTS. Washington, March 20 Noon Iu tha Senate, immediately after the real iug of the joarual, the Senate, by a - Yot of 28 to 23, took np the resolution of Mr. Frelinghaysen, approving the action of President Grant taken, in Louisiana, aud offered the following lubstitute agreed npon in the caucus: Eemlved, That the action of the President, in protecting the govern ment of Louisiana, of which Wm. P. Kellogg is Executive, and the people of the State, againnt domestic violence, aud enforcing the laws of the United States is approved. A motion to go into Executive ses sion was defeated. A motion to postpone until Decem ber was defeated. A prolongation of the session is probable... , - ChriHtianoy and Roberts have abon doned the caucus. Washington, March 20. Night The Democratic Senator, in caucus this evening, resolved not to consent to having any time fixed for a vote on the resolution approving of Presid iut Grant's action in recognizing the Kel logg government, though they also agreed not to offer any factious oppo sition , but to insist upon debating it to the extent they might deem pro per. The Senate is still in session. Reman, of New York, is speaking. Mo speech was mode by any Republi can. A letter from Butler says: The Civil Bights bill give the negroes no rights in drinking saloons or barbershops. The bill only reasserts the rights con ferred by oommonlaw.and simply gives the colored man easier means of secur ing tham. ; EUROPE. DEFECTION AMONG THE CAR ' LISfS. DEATH OF JOHN MITCHELL. THE OXFORD CREW VICTO RIOUS. Berlin, March 20 Noon. The frigate Ariadus has been ordered to Sivaton to snpport the demand for an indemnity for plundering the bgjrk Funst Bismarck. Maoris, March 20 Noon Cabre ras' convention with the Alfonsists produced a deep impression on the Carlists. SeveraJ officers who were suspected with favoring Alfonso have been ar rested at Estella. Paris, Maroh 20 Noon The coali tion in the Assembly, which support constitutional lavs, Lave a majority of eleven in the permanent committee appointed to sit during receBS. Vienna, March 20 Night. Don Alfonso, brother of Don Carlos, is re aiding privately here. Vienna, Maroh 20 Noon The Lower House of Reichsrath approved the grant of $25,000 for 1875 and $50, 000 for 1876 to defray the expenses of -it he representation of Austria to the Centennial. London, March 20 Noon The Annual International University Boat Raoe took place over the usual course on toe lnames tnis afternoon, it resulted in an easy victory for tne Ux ford crew. The weather was favorable for the boat race, though rather cold. Betting during the morning was three to one on the Oxford crew. The banks of the Thames were lined with a mans of people all the morning. The dif ferent avenues leading to the river were choked with vehicles and pedes trians, and at noon London presented a deserted appearance. The Prinoe of Wales goes to Iadia the next cold season. John Mitchel died quietly at 8 o'olock this morning at Dromalone, Ireland. t : CALIFOltMA. EXECUTION OF DE VA8QUEZ. San Francisco, March 20 Noon The bandit De Vasquez was executed at Ban Jose yesterday. No attempt at rescue was made, although it was teai ed there would be. He asserted his innosenoe of the crime of murder, but acknowledged the justice of his fate, having beea leader of a murderous gang- ' - THE ORIENT. ATTACK ON THE INDIAN GOV ERNMENT EXPEDITION. Caloott4 Maroh 20 Noon. When the Indian Government expedition to survey Western India arrived at Ran goon, an attack was made upon it by the Chinese frontier officials and 20 Chinamen were killed and many wounded. Communication with China, on the frontier, is stopped by large bands of armeu men. v, .. , , ,., The King of Burmnh is sending 4.0UQ troops to the Acacaa frontior, ELECTMC18MS. At the adjourned election for Major, yesterday, at Bangor, Me., F. M. Ilonchtou. Democrat, was elected by K"J majority. The Republicans have 4 maiontv iu joint CouuciL Gen. Carbo, new Segundo Gabo, aud seven hundred soldiers arrived at llavaua vesterdav from Spam. A dispatch from Columbus, O., says it now appears that the trouble with miners was at the Troy Coal Compa ny's works, aud not at those of the Ktraitsville Mining Company. AH the colored miners have left the Straitsv ille works except two. who are too bsdiy wouuded to leave. The Straitsvilie Company have yielded to the demands of the miners, and tne meu resumed work. At the annual Convention of the General Ticket and raswnger igonts Association, held at Cincinnati, repre sentatives of all important roads ex cept the 'Baltimore and Ouio were present. The followiug omoers were elected: President. D. M. Boyd, Jr of the Pennsylvania Railroad; Vice President, C. P. Atmorfl, of the Lou isville aud Nashville Railroad; Secre tary, Samuel Powell, of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Mr. Mitchell, Capt. Bobbin's clerk on the boat Seminole, has been held to bail in New Orleans to answer for a violation of the civil rights. The Lmut ible Life Insurance Com pany of Elizabeth, N. J., has failed. ' (J0T1IA3I. BANK STATEMENT. New Vork, March 20 Night Luans decreased five millions; specie increased one-eighth million; depot-its decreased five million; reserve in creased two and a quater million DIED. In thieoltv, lotulglit, at 12:20 o'clock, HfcN- R1CI r aI'GUmTA. iulaiit UiuKhter of Samuel L. Mid Cornelia A. bruwolng, agfd U Bionlln and IHiUys I'll, funnral will take pi ire inn nucrnoon ai 3 o'clu. k, triira tlio rcmlnce ol tho parents, Borne of Klulith ami grange Htroi'tx. The Irie nil and acquaintance, ol the (nill are re- pecll ully invttM to attenu. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. StonewallLodgeHolp K. of BROTHERS: YOU ARK HEREBY 8UM- monful to miioear at vour Uutle Hall tbl. (SCNOAYle.eninjc at j: IIS o'clock, punctually, to attend tlie funeral or our deceased Brother, a,M BKOWNINU. AlTWrothei Knigtite are caTtllalljjnvltel to attend. Order of (lie V. V. W.L. JKWKTT. K.ofK. &H. march 81-lt 6 Castfe Hall, March 21st, 1875. Offiok o Kki'r or Rkoobd aud 8al, UEHM.MA LUUUC, u. , ft. oi r. ATTENTION KNIQH18 I Yoo art hereby ordered to appear In the Ixidge Room thla (SUNDAY) afternoon at 3 o'clock, sharp, for the purpose of attending tho Funeral of our deceaaed Brother Knight, SAM'L M. BROWN ING, of Stonewall Lodge ho. 1. By order of the CI. O. , H, KOKOWSKT, K.of R. ft 9 march 21-It Howard Relief Fire Engine Go- No. 1. "ATTENTION MJEMBERS I You are hero by ordered to appear at the Engine Uouae, In lull nn'.foim for Parade, on Monday after noon, the 82rd Instant at 9 o'clock, dhar p. Honorary members aro Invlttd to loin. By order of the Foreman. WM. JNO. BUUMANN. Rec. Secretary. march ti lt MM Tackle!' Fisbici Tackle The largest and bert-delected xtock of Fleh- lngiTackie ever brouicht to tbla city: conslnting in partoi roles, mien, morion, sua ana uraw Lines, Books ot all kind., Boot, on Wire, Float In ureat variety. Hoba. Fly Spoon, and Spinner in fact, everything netded by a flub. erman, either Aroatniror Professional. All aliove for wile at Honk Bottom UgnreB at the New IUrdwre ito-e of march lil OILE1 & MURCHISON. Corn, Cheese.Crackers, CANNED GOODS AND CANDY, Mullets, Meal, Meata, Melapee anil Meckerel, Soap, Sugar and Starch, Hay and Hominy, Butter Choice Family and Cooking For sale low by GRANT 4 H1STON, march S1:K Comm. Merchants and (Iroccr s. Spiced Scollops. From Morchead Olty, N. O., A Novel and Delightful Relish. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., Band 7 North Front St. Look at the Price ! $7 50, ONLY 97 50. For a Barrel or Choice Family Flour, Dcllyer.d free In my part of the City. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 57 North Front St. - Money Down Will Go a Great Ways In Buying FAMILY GROCERIES Of CHAS D. MYERS A CO., 6 & I North Front Street, varch 21 :inlrC'AKINandVI9ITINU JA M OS specialty at the NEW ALVERTISX2I5TS. DRUGS, L1EDICINE8 6C GADEN SEED-Clovsr Seed Kentucky Blue Grass Peas Beans- Quicksilver Kluti's Chill Cure 8hel lenlwrger'sr-Deahler'i-Tutt'a Pilla- - Alaskine Daisyona Hair Nail- Tooth Clothes Brushes Dressing and Pocket Combs Perfumery Soap in large variety At HARRISS' DRUO STORE, N. W. Cor. Market A Front march H it , SPITING , CLOsfnriG XPaTCTID DAILY. Another Lot of Tbote HaaJsoae WHITE SHIRTS Just Received. MUNSON & CO CITT CLOTHIERS, march It Bacon Fork Sugar- Coffee. 200 Boxes D. S. Bides and Shoulders, 200 Boxes Smoked Sides A Shoulders, 50 Bbls,0. M. Pork, 200 Bbls. Ketlned Sugar, 200 Bugs Prime Rio Coffee. , For aale low by WILUAM8 MURCHI80N. Flour, Corn, Nails and Shot. 1 ,000 Bbls. Flour, all grades ; 8,000 Bushels Prime White Cora, 800 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot. for aale low by WILLIAMS A MCROHHON. Hay-Hoop Iron-Clue-Rlce 400 Bales N. K. Hay, COO Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, , B0 Bbls. Whole Rioe. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ' Molassesl- Molasses I 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba, 150 Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For Ml low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. march It tt Choice Family Flour, In Half BurtU. TEA, Selected Brandt For .ale at O. H. W. BUBOE'S, N. E. Corner Market and Second Street ' maroh VI W John Dawson Hu lull Hook of (eautne Swede Iron (only full ttock In the city), Plow Steel, Tin, Iron, Nalln, Qrlnd BWnef, Ac, at the loweet caah prices. No. It, 2 and 11 Market Street, march SI Tobacco, 8nuff, Lye and Potash. 250 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, 20 Bbbls . nd Half-Bbls Snuff, 25 Case 1 Oz. Snuff, 100 Cises Lye, 75 Cases Potash, For aale by KRKOHNBH A OALOEB BBO" march 21 ? Potatoes, Potatoes. Pota toes. inn BBL8 EARLT BOSI POTATOES, xuu For aale by KEROH1 KB CALDKBJ BBOB. march 21 Coffee, Sugar and Cheese. 200 Bags Coffee, 50 Bbls Sugar, 50 Boxes Cheese, For aale by KERCHNBB OAI.DIE BBOS. inarch 21 9 Corn and Bacon 3,000 Bushels Corn, 1UU Boxes V. . biaes ana anouiaers, 50 Smok'd " " 35 Bbls Pork, For sale by KEROHNER CAI.DER BROS maroh 11 Du Pont's Powder. JJRIFLE, 8 PORTING AND MUSKET, BLASTING AND MININO-In'Whole.Hair and Quarter Kegs. For sale by ; O. O. PARSLEY A OO. SS-rf marob It NOTICE. rpHE Business Meeting or the St. George and St. Andrew's Society will be held at the Olty Hall at half-past T o'clock, Mondsy evening. It Is requeued that the Members end their Mends who are to participate st the Dinner an1 Sociable, will be ready to take their seats promptly el I O'clock. ' By request o( Oommtttee, H. G. SMALLBONEi, BecreUry. march Si lt ot , , Board, riAMILIES or single persons, wishing Board, a. can obtain It by Applying to Mrs. ROBIBT BUNTING, on Second, near the ooraer of Walnut Street. -mnreh II Jte S9 themoat taehionable etyle at the ioii&iiALorriGa K1W ADV2TI8XMI3rT8. filniitiHaclaiii LailerCo.Ho.1. MKMBCRV: Meetat the Track Room Hon day at I av. av, aharp, ta full aoltoraa aad vbita mni Honorary Member, are tart ted to attead. By order of the Foreman. WM. A. W1U.805, Beoretary. arch tl It J, H. FREEMAN. A. E BALDWIN. TEETH Extracted Without Pain WITH THK USB OF LIQUID NITKO0S Oilde Oaa. Prices reduced for Artificial Teeth. Teeth Filled la the most Improred manaer. Offlotaa Market Street, bttween Front and Beoonit, yiUHANSMUIWlN, UeirtUt. marehll-lw tf WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY, ATTENTI0H! f roU are hereby ordered to meet at your Armory. No. ". South Front Street, on Tuesday yentuf , I8rd In.laut, at i o'cloca. As bulnese of Importance la to oome before tho Company, a full aud punctual atleudauc i comwanatu. By older 01 the Uaptala. J. I. MauRF.1, Orderly Serg't. t msrch Jl-lt 1. 0- of Rechabites. MEW HANOVER TENT NO. ST. B BOTHERS- Ton are hereby not I Bed to meet at your Hall, on Monday, the fttud lu.Uot, at 8 o'clock P. M., sharp, for the pur. pose of ooDterrlng degrafa. oy oruer oi u. n. 7 H O. RANKIN, P. 8. maroh 11-1 1 ' - . The Discarded Wife. A New NovoL - BY MISS f LIZA A. BUPUY, AUTHOR OF "Why Did Ho Marry Hrr," "The Oipy'e Warning, "The Planter's Daughter,0 "Xlie uianaemme marriage," . "All for LDe," "Tho Caneolled Will." Uomplele In One Volume. Price It la Cloth " For sale at HEINGBERCER'O Lire Book and MasleB tore, marehsi TAX NOTICE. WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP The Board of Trustee, and Tat -Listen for the Townihlpand Oily of Wilmington will prooeed, on uie nrn nav or a.r i. leio. ana iw iweuii- of Wi'mington, between the hours of A. M, and I P. M., and every Friday erenlng during the month of April between t he hour, of 8 P M. aod r. M ,ou saia aajs, to uin mo us able L4ind. and rroperty,ana mate tne menu required by law. All person! and corporations within this Township and Olty are required by law to give in weir laxanies, ana auena ai vn. aoova urn. and nlaoe for the Durpoee speolned, within twenty days, under tlie penalty of double te, Bitraot from Act to Kaiee Bevenne: 'All Deraona who are liable far Poll Tai and .hall willfully fall to aire themselves In and all penens who own Property and fall to List within the time anewrd, snail e oeemea fullty of a Misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, .ball be fined, not mora than Fifty I toners, or imprisoned nov more man jniny "eye By order of the Board of Trustees. 8 T. POTTS, Township Olerk. arch l-lt Best in the World! NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. EVERY PACKAGE GUARANTEED. Wa are eomnllmented datlr bv old end new friend of this celebrated Brand, and we bait the consent to nee names If necessary, on. ulal Is ell we ask, end no other Brand will be sea. . . , Remember the "NEW PROCESS EMPIRE." In BArrels, Half-Barrels, Bags, and Any Quantity to Suit. Fo? sale only by '-- GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. maroh II (9 Wilmington Steam" Fire Engine Company No. 1. MEMBERS :' Tou are hereby sommowd to meet at your Engine Bell at 2 o'o'ockP. M.( Monday, 1 Instant, In mil antform for pa rade, with white gloree. Belt most be properly lettered according to resolution. Honorary members are cordially lnrlted to participate. By order of the Foreman. W.L.JIWETT, Reo. Secretary inarch X) . eg-tt Holasscs ! Ilolasses ! 15o Hide, New Crop Onbe Molaaeee, 100 Bbls. " " Onbe Molaaeee, 90) Bble. Snger House Molaeees, SO Hhda. Dcmerara Molae, K o.ls. New Orleans Molaaeee. For sale by KX3UHNEBS& CAJLDER BROS. f i, i i ""3 MISCELLA5E0US. NOTICE TO SniPPERS. The CLYDE LINE. New York and Wilmington Steamship Company, fTK) MEET THE WANTS OF THE TRADE, have added another Steamer to the Line end will sell from NEW YORK every WEDNESDAY an. SATURDAY at 3 P J. From Pl.r 13, North Rlrer. 8EMI-WCKKLY FROM K AO H PORT. (t Hereafter shippers can rely upon the prompt and regular sailing of those Steamers 'from New York as adver tised, as the Company has dctermiued to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there can bo uo cause for delay in shipments. W Other Steamers will be added as required. A.D. CAZAUX, Agent. WILMINGTON, N IL maroh If 7 64-lf A VICTORY! Our Children's Toes. TTJi, HAVE AT LAST SUCCEEDED IN gauing CHILDREN'S FINE BII0E3, that are Ana and dresev. with no bra or rtlvei tips, and are more durable than Hi. meUllo tips. They ere known to wear children four end Ive months without e break In them. Parente will do well to try them. Cell and see them. AT EVANS A VOeOLAHN'8, Boot end Shoe Store. r.bis New Spring Styles -or- Tlet, Bows and Scarfs, NP A LARGE LOT OF GENTS' FURS IsHINa OOOD8 Just reoelrel. Am dally eipeotlng the largort and most s- leet stock of PIECE GOODS ''brought to this market. A. DAVID. Merchant Tailor end Clothier, Ho. if Market Street march 18 . NORTH CAROLINA THE TRUE WAT TO OBTAIN SOUTH KRN COMMERCIAL Independence Is to Patronize) Southern Industry. Hesdseme Lot of Salem Cassimeres Just Received Gentlemen ere Inflted to eell end eiemlne these MERITORIOUS COOD8. In Color end Fabric the? are Iarltrmled among American Hoods, and would be credit, able to the falghe.t Kuropoen manufeoteriug """" BOSKOWITZ A LIEBER. march loth. T aifiooUutatloMrUc THE LARGEST AND UHKArES rSTUt)ri or i . BLANK BOOKS, 1 PAPER, ENVELOPES, INKS, PENS, PENHOLDERS, , . LEAD PENCILS, INK STANDS, TAPER WEIGHTS, Pocket Books, Ac, Ac, AT TBS Oity Book Store. Initial Paper . Aur PAPETERIBS ! MM) VARITIE9, J net reoelt ed and for sale eheap at ' OONOLEI k YATES', 47 Market Street. r mareh 1 T FINE ARTS. Geo,Il.cotti ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS Samples can be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Helnsber car. The Patronage of the Public is te- gpectfullT solicited. march lltf n NEW ADVIXTISEJIIiTS. 45 MARKET BROWN & We still continue to sell at onr former low prices notwithstanding the ad renoe in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the following list of prioes: Coatu Spool Oottou 6 cents a spool or 70 cents per doses Unbl laolied Cotton from 6 cents per yard. Cl inch Fruit of the Loom 11 Cents per yard. 81 " " Loom. , .121" 8, " Wamsutta.... 16 New Spring Calicoes, best quality, 10 ceuts per yard. Ladies Fulls for the Neck 6 sud 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a yrral tavlng to those viiig th city for the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Goods line to give us a call prrvious to making their purchases. We take this method of advertising prices for yon to com pare Uietn with not only Wilmington and vicinity, but with those of any sec tion of the oountry. We have no time or inclination to button hole von on the streets, or look you upin the Hotels, Our object is .purely business, aud we SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Buch as 100 dozen Kid Gloves for 60 cents per pair, worth f 1 60, . Ladies hemmed Fure Linen Handkerchief IS ceuts, worth 25 ceuts. 20 pairs lllaukets $3, worth SI CO. WE HAVE GOT EVEHYTIIINO WE ADVERTISE ' , ONE PRICETERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, maroh I GUANO ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH Price $50 00 per to of 2,000 pounds. if. THB HIGH STANDARD OF QUALITY It CONB1DKUED BY TUUHtt WHO CHEAPEST IVIANUFACTURED, v- LIBERAL AND ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS f OR LARGK LOTS,' OIVEN ON APPLICATION. LOCAL AGENTS AT AXiT-i THE PRINCIPAL 3DEPOTS, OeRSSET S ., GENERAL AGENTS For North Carolina and Virginia, . VAT- . . VILM11GT O IV. jan 11 At $53.00 por Ton, Cash, or $00.00, NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Oanh, or $38.0 WE GUARANTEE that the prerious High Ore K R. BRIOOKRH, Prrsldent I), McKA K, Treasurer, V. L. GRAFIfLlN, Buterlntclident, Jan 0". SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUIO CO.; CAPITAL $1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIK0 GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CKOP TIME. Liberal terms will be md ' with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho prioeV W. H. McRAItY & (U, CommiMlon Merchants. Agent for PaolfloOuano Co., and Dealers In NoJ Perntlan Ouano North Wateb Btmit, wil1t1invton, n. Hub-Agents lor tho Sale r. n. oiRMoiv O. ejKAIIAIU Jan 11 A Dibtiller Wanted. A MAN WITH NO FAMILY, WHO CAN wake White Rosin, and bring satisfactory references; to go to Mobile, Ala. AddIi to JAMES 0. BTEYEN80N. tHrit 45 RODDICK or by laying any claims of friendship. propose doing that iu a legitimate) way. 45 Market Street. TIM E Price 858 00 per 2,0C01bs. Payable "Ft ' r ;. i aJKfov.L.' HAS DKKN FDUY MAINTAINED, AND IT HAVE G1VIN IT A FAIB TRIAL THB Jl 14-Dltaw(8iinl'a)ui&W4m STREET. WE OFFER i OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Oars, at Onr Factory, at the following IfclSIJCroidlO PRICES: SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; , payable 1st of November next, e of our Fertllliert shall be fully Maiktaiid NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY W.LM.NOTON.NC. of Soluble Pacillc Ouano. OldHnndred.N. O. Marlon, 8. 0. tfi-3mdAw Alcohol gUon b4 xtml) ' KEROSENE OIL, LIKHKEI) OIL, i OASTOKOIL, , Patau, Bptrlie Turpentine, Putty, Olaee, Cong-Water, ftc..o.NArLAiiHIB( AH M rVAt RtrMt. VV'Umiiigton, K. O. (J march W '