cr- .... 1 : - i : r'f ! 1 ; V I 1 - 1 ueold i;o. g,c:i, vol mv.-no. 70. UILirniGTOH, IT. C.,;7UI3DAY. IIAIICH 23. 1G75. i i- i : i i i t i i f ( t i ! q I i j M a (if Shun DiinmL TTJ1JD1T. KAICH'31 1875. DY TELEGRAPH. KCSTIIi CAROLINA, DIA5TR0US BTORM 15 T H E RALEIGH BECTfON. Ralbok, Mtroi 22 Noon. A ter- riflo storm prevailed in this lection on oatardsy. . Mscy nouses ' were pros trated and erel persons killfld and many fauri The Sew Hope section uf ered- Biotl fParticulara received by Wail and published to-day iu tie JOCMAL. JLD.J y An angina an (he North Carolina R, B. exploded SIrw' Wombla, of Rich mond, vag allied and ,tue engineer, fireman and two other persona were scalded. Thia accident oeoarred last Weneedey, and dm already Deen pabliahad in the -Btate news of the JoLKHAL. Ed. ATOI JOHNSOiiS JHE FLOOR. HlflclTHES GRANT M08T TER- MBtBL Y. ' wfyiw-r-"J 5 V "! ' TII GALLERIES CROWDED OTERFLO W1NG.M TO THE SLACK BILLS 50 1BE IN TERVIEWED. IMPORTANT DECISION - IN THE ,f SUPREME COURT. Tlaamaioit March 21 Noon. In the aknate the consideration of un fiiiiahed business being a resolution pfOTirf the action of the president in - I te Louisiana, was resumed, ana Itx-Pretdant Jehnaoo began to peak at tu tuantea paat 1 o'clock, WraT0ir, March 2'i Nigbt Oommenoing with to-morrow the Re pualioana hare '4ateimined to ait out the Grant-Kellogg and Louisiana out rage. PostmaiUr Jewell directs that the new law, regarding transient newspa- Ers, shall go into effect immediately, itea4 en the first of April. ' - i Bmat Erery aeat was occupied in . the ienatf to-night,. aad a. tuooaand persons ie iaurgbg' through the iailaries to , hear AndreT Johnson, iter dl tfekx-f iagrtes wa$ .im youiSle. The diplomatic gallery waa well Hied and the Senate floor pwpet rowdea with pririleged oateiders. Johaaoai m-rfaeed )& fii, tifltial atyle ot-elbftAot etnee8. lle has a fall of gray hair. His toioe, at fini low, uadoally swelled until it rang throngs 4horidort, He spoke Vltioot .BOtea m fle waa .loudly .ap plauded when he said: "tf Grant is alaoWhlfolrl third term.then good-bye to the BeptrbUffi He spoke for two ota the galleries and congratulations from his friends ' on the Hoof. Johnson spoke at length of the traditirwa, of aha. republic; $ Olay .luUedooed a 1 resolution de nof aing ; Jackson fct, removing de. posila. It waa decided that Uie Senate bad no right td pass upon tne action of the President tiniest sitting an a Court of Impeachment! He alluded to the troubles in Tennessee in 'GO, when resignation defeated tho quo rum, 4 General Thomaa was instructed te striotjy abstain frem any interfer ence. Thia dispatoh was ' written by tbe PweteWOf War, fn the presence of IberresiJa it, He declared it Wm not hia totentioh to sire uttorence to a sirmle personal matter but to speak . vf .i."'tr. i . j oi ptiuno malt, us wien reierreu w the remoral of Sheridan from the oo n- mrbitRSRlfifth Military District in '67: it was in ontenuence of the wail which came' rjp from' the people of tuat.sectioiv vWby wu it that utien daa should b selected to send baok to tts:9 beopla wh-bef ore condensed hissand sraved for his removal? r He. Johnsonf knew the determination Of the people of the South; their great object waa to be restored to tne Union. Referring to the action of Grant ttfard iZiOUiaihna, he ould - aay toth Emporer what Cato said to theCabaseador of Ceesar: "Let him disband his legions and restore the commonweal h to liberty." Let him do that and ho (Johnson) as humble arhe was, would mount the rostrum and strife to have au indignant people ' foTVfVe hiK for his riolation of the law. The Departmcbt of the Interior will ' Urtia ideologist to" the Black Hills ' Country to Investigate the reports of ita alleged great mineral wealth. In the meantime the War Department f ll be asked to protect the Sioux in fell their treaty rJgbta and allow no ' white persons to nter that conn'iy, Bapid steps are in procrees towards enterintt negbtittion with the Sioux for theeitinirnhihmentof their title. jTh Sppreme Court decided thee ise orLlake va. the First -National Bank t thl City of New York by erei s r g the dension of the Circuit Comtscf New York, ,Pennfiylvania in! Massa ehusetts, and holding that tl a into tee of bankl lud railroad companies and ther oaiporatioas ' for' the '.latt five aiontha of the reat 1871, were aubjiot tp aot internal' revenue tax of 2 per anl Thia'deoision neorfres the Gov arnment abont 3,000,000. - " t-OE0iiGIA ' BEYEEESTOnM AND DESTRUd. iTTfic nwr.rim a Km a "7sr . Wi&Ztevir& y'iiilToon-. The details of the Georgia Btorm were reirtd Aojo latas for distribution lat ' night. Many lives were lost and much property destroyed. 'Only one house we le't stsndicg in Csmack. AugtiHta L " Twq, .colored men, were c .wily tie cfcsiaing of a boat in t tavwnaah river. THE FLOODS. WsxLrsoTOX, Pa., March 22 Noon There is no chsna-e in the rivc and tne nvtB-f auu the ice has tiot moved. The weather is nut moderating. WAsaiMoroM, March 22 Non The loss by the tiuvquehairoa flood is esti mated at one and a half million dol lar., ' PoBtT)EPrr, March 20 Night The water is falling but the gorge re main, and there is danger of further disaster. . ' Chattaxoooa, March 20 Nigt.t The rain on Saturday washed a por tion of the track oo theKaubvilIe rosd and a part of the bridge at Chr!eton on the Eat Tennessee road, but they transfer passengers, bsggagetud mails and will bo all nsht, soon.,' "iTie Ala bates A Chxttanonga and the Memphis A Atlanta roads were not flooded. KLIiCTHlCKS3IS. The term') of the Lnniiana rii promise wiii be withneid until tne Legmlature meets, probably, the U-tu oi April. . The . Chanoerv . Clerk's office st Ticksburg, has been robbed of i's records. One hundred aud fiftv Indi via have ba n baptized in the Mormon Charch, at Salt Lake. Tua. V. S. steamer Dispatch ar rived at Fortress Monroe on Snndsv, from Washington, cn route for N w Orleans, where she will reoeive aronj mission consisting of Senator Steveu- sou and ' others, and sail for vera Cms. Their object is to s- cure a coaling for hhvJ vessels at tbat port. At Last Jeffries. N. II . the Urau to State Hotel, stables, aud nine .bouses on the bank bloek have been burned. Loss $75,000. - s " Tbe tobacco manufacturers of Bt Louis protest against, the tax eom menoing on midnight of the 2d. The revenue oflloers sold stamps all day of the 3rd. The decision is retroactive and disturbs the trade. PJESXSIJLYAJilA. ANOTHER BIQ FIGHT BETWEEN CAPITAL AND LOAN. .PorrsviLLi. March 22 Noon Large and well attended meetiaf s of the Mechanic's and Workingmeo'a A aooiatiou have been held in thia rfg'u n to-day by the employees of the Phila delphia and Beading Raidioad Co., ! oompriaing the' engineers, firemen, conductors and roadhands. Two housand men who -have been akd to resign their membership in the As sociation, have resolved to stand to the Union to a man and relinquish the employment of tbe Company, To daj M Uia last they will remain in tntir employment. A large number of men have been Snipended 14 eotiaenoe. Advices Yoceived from' Mahonay Plane, Bt. , Clair, Schuylkill, Haver, and other point, indicate a bitter feeling against the company. Manv now members have boen installed. EUROPE., " FAILURE OF TTXE VrOPOSED TREAT! WITH TUB CARLI8T& 1 .i- -. . ., . -' : Madrid, March 22 Night The projected accommodation with the Carlists failed, only eight chiefs hiv ing followed Cabrera In giving adbe sion to Alfonso. ' " ' London, Maroh 22--Night-Tte Fiji Islanders are dying from measles TbiTinoinetrlcai. . From the Signal Office at thia place we obtain the following report of the state of tbr thermometer -yesterday afternoon, at i o'clock, at the various stations indicated below: Albany, 18, clear; Augusta, 66, fair; Boston, 27, clear; Charleston, 62, fair; Chioago, 35, clear; Galveston, 05, clear; Knoxville, 87, cloudy; Lynchburg, 41, clear; Milwsukce,8I, fflirjMiutgomery, 57, clear; Moutreal, 8, clear; New Or leans, G2, clear; Now"York, 29, clear; Oawego, 20, clear; Toronto," 21, olesr; Wilmington.ll, fair." Use pulverised starch after washing and the worst .cose of obhpped hands may be oured Jn a few days. SPECIAL. The larg of Elinwo"(1 colia- prore their pojinlarlty. If yoa bar not yet worn tbem, try them at once. A Monument A big a. thu Py.amid Blight bo knllt of fio teeth that bTd beau'ruined by iifgltnt 8fill thia thing go In fice of I he grant t net that SOZODONTIb certain preiWTatty l den. Lt.l dcy V Fevers seldom make n mttck wlthont waia. ti g, aiid miiy often b.) turewn oft liymiaving tka lot t la war oi water, wriiiltig np warm In btd. and tktug two or three of Pardon.' 1'nr gatiTe Pill. A. Mliuloniry. jnstreturnud,aaya haregatdi John-oii'D Anudyue Mniintnt ait beyiiid a l pnc -,aid effloaelo j beyond any other medl O'li' . It la adapted to a great Tarlcty o' ie'lal cues, aud I th. beat pain eure In the world. Conanmptlrea.Taka Notice. ' Erery mnm-nt of delay mdkea jour sure more boptlesa, acd much depend on iliS Ju dicious cholm of a remedy. Th amonntof testimony in favor of Dr. Bcberek'l Pnlmonle 8rup, aa a curator consumption, far exceed all that can be brought to support In. preten glons of any other medicine, .eeQr BoUenck'l Alaianao, containing the oerllBcateenf many paraona ot the highest respectability , who hat been restored to health, after being pronean ced Incurable by phjticliiin of acknowledged ability, Hohenck' Pulmonlo rup alon- has oured many, as those evidence, w.ll shew; bat the iurll(ifUn promoted by fhe employment ot twoother romedlee which Dr. Schenrk pro- Tides for th purposes These addltknal rem die ar Nctienck'a Hen Weed 1'onlo. and Man. draktPUl. By tb tlaoly, of tie. mril clues, according to directions, Dr. certifies that moot any ease of Consumption nay be cired. . a t .'-'f.V-. . - ,. j , Dr. Hcbenck I prsfeasionally at Ms princi pal office, comer Sixth and Arch (treats, PJUlladaliihla,yMoB4ay,ilier. alll tt.r. for adTlo attut k addrtsM. f -'. 1IW ADTIlTHrail. i miMKi mi mmi ! ATTEHTI01T ! TOO m- kmkj mim4 m m l t . i - Aarr. W I. Ina fml at , tht Tarlr Ormrr. fall tad m.ftl .FtaaKt . .- K XL Hi.Kll. mtfk sail TS T7ilmiDffton . Proima k eli4 Iks ml tk Wii.,1 m rrrt afki will k IN., M rfxIUT. l Ik. airk.rM ( k II w t:.'kM ' . M . k ' rar.Vfta Jti6aM w.ajsubjiwI 8.rHirj tad Trnir. mirch IS St; John's-Loflfe 1 NO. 1. A' atnA M. laiarr iiafthta iTcaanaT) ln( at fcaif-WM t '.!. rat vnk talks Ma tai'a tfaitr. . i II iiiin krrtkf araaardtatly larlM t ar4.rMkW W St. Joka't Vsin "' , 1"! tt-lt . , I, . Jor Examination. Iiwyirn thu AtTSNrwi or tb fakll k) a7 lf firit Murk, uf Vtn"t ni OLOtBlN aa4 titnti faralslitDf So ' ! .. . TkS kaaa)aiMt and twit somalal tt af n.ea avail 1 tba sity. DAYID. TS mreb tt Mjf Citj Cicii Trirtrtr,; uii rvr witaiaavu, , ) t r ! Mara SH, Ull.) NOTICE. Lilting; of Taiablw Ut i S ALtriaaoka a vaaraBAtioiia ... .... . . .. wllktt kUaaraarMBaillsef kkS Sf WU ajlkjwa, an Ul Snl . y .( Atll , 1S1) an rLakMl ty Ui tim all UmIi tal, fwtaaaal Kd Pall Tut. lat Iks yr isri. fk Tai Lite far kk Ur WUaUaka, J.t. aarlow, W. M. Maara sad W. W, aaki, will k. la atla4aaaa al Ska City Kail Cuarl tum as k tm tf af Afrtl,' aad r twealy day tb.rfaftw, (tiaSayi Ik. keaja af s'alaak A. af . aad I 'lank F. kt., ul aa Frid j alkla tnm a'.la.k H'cl..k r. kJ,er Ik avyaaa af VtlB all Ik. kf al, fmaaal snd Pall tax. Wltkla tk ocraarat I'Blti ar tkli aky. . Alt parni sad ttraaratlvas glaMat f ffa.ui ta waisir witk tk. akTt wll k. da- tiDqianI, aad .k la a d.aVU kaakaim. T. C. llRTOiS, City 01rk and Traatwrar. a'Kktt 1.w GLOtnine IXPCCTCO DAILY. " . Anetb.r L t of T jo BTataTn WHITE SHIRTS i Just RscolvotJ. i ' MUNSON & CO., eiTT wLaTaraaii. amrek 11 Choice Family Flour, In Half Barrels.- TEA, Selected Br inds; For sale at a. H W. .C1!'8. N E. Corner Market aad Seeaad wiarch 21 W John Damon Ha a full Meek of goeolae 8 weds Iran (only full (took la tbe elty), Plow Steal, Tla, Iron, Nails, Grind Stoned, 4c, at te lowest caih pi Ices, ma'oh it Hot 19, M and il MarMt Street. Tobacco. 8nuff, Uye nc , Potash. 250 Boxes Cbewtng Tobseco, 20 BbbLs nd Half-Bbls Snuff, 25 Oases 1 On. Snuff, 100 C'see Lye, 76 Cases Potash, " Far sale ky ClIltJHNFR ft OAI.DKR HH march Ji a Corn. and Bacon- 8,000 Bushels Corn, .. 100 Boxee P. I. Rifles and Shoulders, 60 " . Smok'd " " v 15 Bbls Pork, ' j f.f sal by KCftOUKam. eI.DMl . saarek tt . Potatoes ! Potatoes ! 150 Lt fhiiuf Far sal ky KVUfrarVwa aA: ja TTfTTT ."eiaaKlMhfoiiabf atVle at tne TOOUMAt, anA prln t.H orriia KSW ADTESTUrUXITI.. J. I. FREEMAN. ' A. H IlLDllH TEETE Extracted Without Pain WIT TS S rSK Wf LIQCIU KlTaVTS Ciula Oah . H-.. rrliifil dt Art rle'al Teetk. Teelk Filial ta t atari unpretad asaaaar. rtt.aMnkt t, btwn Fieat and 8eeea1. FHf M AN BALDWIN, . ., , lieatt'ia. xaariklllw The Discarded-Wife. A sw Koval ; BY MISS fLlZA A. SUfUY. . ' Ai;Taos fi? ' - "k DM Pa klarrf Bar." "Tk etaey' . airtiat.'' T. r.anui'a lmaghr," "Ike n.irdea'iiie Mania.,' ' "All rnr tfT." -k Caneild Will." rpl.'e la One Y.laai. Fiteaai JUaClo b ' For a at HEirjCCErtOLIR'O ' Mt kaok knd M aai atar. nartk tt ' Beit in the World ! NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLO U If ajsfd, af tie Ooniinny lias flrtnrminrxl ; avaar rAciAesGSAAAansD. W r eialainti daily kt all aad B.w Mndafttii :.kraid traad. aad w.ka th aaa use asMlt iitf..wary "af lal I. ad w ask. aad aa ur awaaa w u D ai.d . - lUtaetaliar Uia a.ia?vjL niarrit kTtJDaIBC s la Barrels, Half-Barrels, Bai, aad Aay Qaanlity to tail, ; , ' Ter sule ouly by ; , .'gio. MIXJIS, ..r I . i 11 aad II &aia Froat It. aak (1 . i BUY loir Half Dime Clpr i . , . . ; ' " jrou Half Dallar aar Saaen, Kk k.iMt la this aaaik.1. . At No. t2 Market Strstt. D. TICOTT. ss ajLat, SOim f GSTH ITTiSTIGI, T7 a Aa miw oai virnif airiaaT akiti at f ' aad Udma' tf rtag Oaftoai kUd Shess snd Bsots. wki.kar kandMSi. aad drll. TWf a , ta kHtag and Try dajrakla-at aria U. a.aaaia.r ear vary derail Okti. Irn l tka at ITAHdA: YawnLArTti'a, ,PrrMiltri. . at arek IS Baker Whiiker ! T Bl 1BST AUD MaT POPCI.AR Wfcla- k ialkelly Warr atad g.nalm aad i. TVIV, I a-e a tioak aad .'1 for CAS R ONLY. Bid Pctl, Ale, Porter, Ae 1. W. 8HURE, 1 - 81 Kort Iroat Ikrest. BJmareh IS gpiced Scallops, - Mwsad aity, H. 0 A Navel and Sellethtful Rallah. CHAS. D. MTIRS A CO., 8 anal 7 Nmh Prant St. Look at the Price I 97 60, ONLY 97 50. Far a Barrel of Chair Family Flonr, BelivCT'd fr.e la my p't af th City. CHAS. D. MTEBS A CO-, 6 A 7 North Trout St, - Money Down Will Go a Great Ways in Buying FAMILY CROCIRJES Of CHA3 'rrh 21 D. MYERS A . CO., A 1 Fonh Front Sfret. Du Pont's Powder. R RIFIJE, SPORTISn AND MUSKET, aiMSTINO A 1. 1) MINIKO-InWhole.Half srid tjnarrar -For sals by O t PAKS1.ET A 'in. nnrih l "Boftrd, AMTfjireri1nir,errsfSj,wi-1iiSg Board, a ehtnla It ky aaaljlrg as Mr. KOBfRT arJk'TIFfl. a Iteead, scar kj eora r or teead, scar kj eora r w!f f Slreat. . narak II nj..Bi; facte! Fisiifii Tacte! Tk l'gtaail k t-aal.ciwl iek arvifk. lag I a'kie ar.r kr.ugat tn taia.'tr. l.pait.f F. aa. Ui.a,; aad Ma... aa.k ol all kluits, o..s an Wire, Float hi - i 'y. aM, Fly ai-nae an gplaaara i fart. T.iflkla(( MwtKl by a flak- arm. .Ilfcar Amakrurai rriiraainal, All aar roraal at Soak it.ttoaa S gar ci rko Fw Buwiriiat f Bxtvk 91 , ., fllLlts A urKOBIIOK. iNQTicis to smrrtus. ThoCLYDE LINE. Nctt Yorkmul Wlliiiin?rtoii StcamMilp ronipany, moNiarTiia wakts at thetradb, kt aided tanther kteanst tA the Llard WilltallrroaiNEW TOUK titrj WEDNESDAY aCaSATOROATitJ PI rriaFlrrU, K.itlKIr. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM EACH PORT. at" Hereafter shippers cu rely upon the prompt and rrgnlar sailing of these Steaojf rs 'from New York as adver- to aIopt rgulur sailing days, and with the adilitionul stoiimpr, there can be uo cause for delay iu uliipmcnta, T Other Stetimcrs will be added as required. A. D. CAZAUX Agent, WH.MIXOT' N,N n. v tat if aaar.h IS A VICTOIiy! . Our Children's Toes. TryC BAYl AT hk C SUUGIEMED in CniLDItEN'8 FINE SHOES,- tktt ar flna aud itmai, wHU ao bra or illval Hi, aud are mr (liiiabl. than th" atetalln tl(, 1 uy ar. .unwii to wear ciiuuren uiur and ? ru.iiik willuut a br.ak Iu Uum, PttawiU ilo a .11 loliy tin U). and MU.aa, ' It V ANmT Voii OI. A 11 N ' , Iloolaml SUoaglore, r.kis e New Spring Styles of ; Ties; Bows and Scarfs NIVA LAhiJS LOT OF OfiN T FUHK- laniMi iiimids jim reeeirei, An dally irtlng th largest and moat e Let thick ol PIECE GOOD3"rbrouglit to ail aiarkH. , . A. DAVID. Mereh.nt Tailor and tilnliler. Ho. J Market Rtreel aarrhlS M NORTH CAROLINA OJBSIlVlEnES. mflt TatTF. WAT TO ORTAINf BOOTH. A, EUM VUMMKKCIAIi Inleieni1aue is to Patranlio Southern Industry. A n dsome Lot of Salem Cassimeres Just Received. Ocntifmn are Invited to call anil esamlno th MERITORIOUS GOODS. la Caler anrl Fahrlo hT are 'niitald among A merl.ian Oooita. nnd wiiold ha ereolt ahletoth h glie t Kiiropcsn munulntaering F.OSKOWITZ & LIEREIl. mareh Urh, ST Trta i.arjTest and chic a roe tstock or . CLARK BOOKS. PAPER. ENVELOPES, . INKS, PENH, FESITOLDERS, ' LEAD PENCILS. INK BTANDH, PAPER WEIGHTS, . Pocket Books, &c, &c. City 33ook Store. ; Initial Paper -ISO- -j... PAPETERIES ! ' ifO VA KIT! KM, Just received anil lor sale clu ap at CONOLEY & YATES', 47 Market Street. reaich If) ii 1 ." USE ARTS.-...; Geo. 1?. Sootf, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Samples can bo seen and Orders Isft at tbe Book Store of P. Ileinsber :erY . Tho Patronngo of tlte public is rs ipaetfaUy solieitad. , . . . , aarvk ls-af , ,, .... tl HSW ADYIHTISIHIXTS. 15 ;'IIMET BROWN & still eon tin ue to sell at ear former low prinei Dotwithstanding (he ad vanoe iu the narkcta, and aa a aubatantial proof submit the following list of prices; Coata Rtiool Cotton i cents a spool oi 70 cents pef dot en. Uohl ached Otton from 6 eenta per yard. - Stit-intth Fruit of tha Loom.. ...............11 Cehti per yard. 'M " Loom .,..121 " " 30 " Wamsutta.... ..'.". 16J " " " New SprinR Calicoes, best quality, 10 eenta per yard. Ladiea 1' nil's for the Neck 6 aud 10 cents, worth 23 eenta, a bargain. It would be a ffrtnt saving to those r tilting fAe titg (or tha purpose of do ing their shoppiug in tha Dry Quods line to Rive us a call previous to making their purchases. , We take this method of advertising prioea for yon to oom paro tlietn with not only Viltuitigton and vicinity but with those ot any aeo tion ot the country. We have no time or inclination to button-hole you on tha streets, or look yon op in the Hotels, or by laying any elaims of friendship, Qnr object is purely business, and ws propose duing that ta a legitimate way, SEVERAL JOB LOTS. .... x Rurh as 100 dozen Kid Olove for 60 cents per pair, worth 1 50. Ladiea hemmed Fura Lineu Handkerchiefs 13 cents, worth 22 cents. 20 pairs lilaukets fi, worth i 00. " WE HAVE OCT EVERYTHINO WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE TRMJ CASH NO SAMPICS CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, ts'eh T SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAHO CO.; CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUSDIU'DTOXH 80LU13LU PACIFIC OUANO fursiilo.f itliurfort'AHH or u CHOI' with Moiclmutu nid uther reliable patties W. OuumiUslou Morohants, Agent for Pao OoUutno Sub-Acents &r the Sale r. ii. mnonx.. v, Wit A II an .ta ai OUAN0. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. Last fear I audi (inniilne Ptrurtan litlann a the rnma jirloe pliaruid br Messrs. Hubann Hint..l A to, the Osiu'ral AgrtH Ol the Vt ruTlau tlnmrnmmit Iu this fuuntir, ahllng .err email puinml'alon aa a riiiieiiaatlon lor mv rr. ei ami 1 am hnrliy lo aay that all lli ..n who hmiglit, acknowle Ige that It g nmlre aatlafertioH. 'J hiayrar, owing to th miir llliornl dlarount allouil to iuriiTiaaer ol largn finiil lliw. 1 am f nalilrd 10 ai'il nut omy at too me orl" witliout eoiDOilxalou, in una ol I tn ft lon but even rhaaiwr alien In Urir (iimitlllr, aa I buy enough to obtain th iKtgMBt (I'aoiiiiiit, which 1 iniii 111. iun lib ray cnatumer In iiroportlon to lhlr or. dera; wlieraaa. the Oon'ral Agent, are obliged lom.lnuinanieil scale or prima ana uis- counis IhiTeloro, tiartlfl In want or rmail quantltl' will II ml It emnomlcal to club to gether aeo ony in 101. 01 i'n nma or ni'in, u hu b there It a sorlim both In nrloa and eatt ann. Iheirofamne buters of tt'ty ton and tiwaul, who still gii to 1 bo General Agents In hcikI of ral.11 a- mi me, loaiiia money ihernby. To tho 1 aay, If ynu doubt he genulnoneaa ui tlm (iuaiio wild brnio, I will glr to y 11. or to tour retireaeiitallva bore, my onlors 011 th (IriTfrnin. nt Hmrix. wbl. h will ba conclusive nrld'tire Hint the nnna I tbo earn a aa that aoirt hy ili(liierl AgnW,and at l price. Clri'iiliiis with ri'.rmioca. teatlraonlala, and full particulars, mailed free on atiplioat'on to R. BALCAZAR, No M Hafer Ml., Now Vork P. o.'nm 129. mnroh ift Bi dwtr WUANN'H THE GREAT FERTILIZER FOR ALLCR0P8I STANDARD GUARANTEED. yflAT N" nAlTr'EIPKOTKII AND 1UU liiranleon liberal term at rrduwd prlcf a, to bmh cah and lime piin-haaers. Ex tra Inducement In it-ose In want of lurs-a lots. VICK A ME BANE, f.-lj 2S ' bl-d&wlm Superior to any Fertlllxer Made In the - United aStiitCM For COT1QN. COBN, TOBACCO ay For sale bv .1 Vet aiigh'ln Con, Char. I. tt.i, N. tl.j WMi & Itioa, (liililshoro. N, tl 1 II. M. H 11 -mn ' ., Monroe. N. ! ; Murray Co, WnmliiKion N O i WlllUmw'n, llp iburih riuiroiia. KuWgh, NCj Ii Me (tlipc, f rsnkilnt'in, N Cj I itt.berl ike A Eaves I'acltlii, N ) ; l'r t,. h t)o, Wilson, N C i M A Angler, I)ii"ham,.N 0. IVhss Hl-dvf?m E. FRANK COE'S AiiiiiiiMimlcrf Itwne l'boplia(a t Tr TO t OF TH" ABCVR WFU X IJ knnwn and v!ii-bl' F--rrl Is r 1 r sal. ti rc hr 'ii croii tlmi s.itislnctury sccuilty. lillu ral dlso uiton hi'". O. O, PARSLE A CO. Mil 1 1 Alcohol (by,tieg,'llon n,b"ei' KKIffER ()Hi 1,IKI;IM'1U CATOK 'ill. ' ralots, Spirits Turpentine, Putty, Glasi, Congreis Water, Ac, e. QKKKN A PLANNER, 3 Ms'ket ""trsst,. . Wllailugon,N. 1. march Jft (S KDniMCA.KUiandVtairiNll UAJtAia asptMsUity at tba , mill RODDICK 45 Market Street. 1,000,000. IIJIH, Lilwral tvrms will be midi to sell this Uuimo at our W'arvlio II. i'TcHAUY & TO.. to., audlraleiln N.I reruilanfiuatio flOHTR WATPIl nTBBST, WlJilllinil IU.H. Na of Soluble Tacillc Guano. ..Old Hundred, H. O. , Marlon, O. 'Ji-aiuaJt KWCZLLA5E0TJ8. WHATISVEOETIIIE? It la a eomroand .itraoMd frem bark, root and herb. II Is Nature's Htronly. It 1 nerfantlf harmlea from any bad treol upon ii ayaum. it 1 nourisaing sua atr.ngm.n- int. It ant directly upon tb b ood. Ituulet th nerroua aystaai it (Ire you food awset alnou at night. It I a nanaaea for our aged . lathers and mother, for It give thm strength, iiiiU'I. their nerve, and iivthm Katura's sweat sleep a ba bean proved bysaanyan ncil person It la tha great Blood Purifier. 1 1 Is a sim thing rumedy lor our children. It ha. relieved and eurad thousand. It I vary pleasant to take ; every child like It. It r leves and cure all disease orlvinatlof from Impure blood. Try lb. VKOKT1NK. Otv f. a lair trial for your complaints: then yon will wy to your mend, neignnor ana acquaintance, ' I ry It; It ha oured ma." Reliable Evidence The following uaaollcltad testimonial from Kev. O. T. Walker, formerly pastor of Bow. duln Iquare Churob, Boston, and at preseent settled in Provldenoe, K. I., must be deemed . a reliable evidence. No on should fall to ob serve that tills testimonial la the result of two yeira'eiperlunce with the use of VEUKTINB In tbe Kev. Mr. Walker' family, wbo now pro uouiic It Invaluable: PaovmiNos, R. I., 164 Transit Street. H. B.Stsviss, Esq. ' I feel bound to ei press wltb my signature th high value 1 place upon your VaUBTINK, My larally have need It for tbe last two years. In nervoi a debility It I Invaluable, and I recommend It to all who may need an lovlgor atlng, renovating tonlo. 0. T. WALKER, , Formerly Pastor of Bowdsn Squr t'borcb, Boston.' The Best Evidence. The following letter tram Rev. E. . Best. Pastor ot the A. E. Church, Natlck, Mara., will he read with Interest by many physlolam; aloothoseaua'cilpsfrom the am dlseaa. aa afUioted tbe son of the Iter. S 8 Best. No per. Mm, nun iliiiiht thia taatlmonv. aa there I BO d"ubt abont tb curatii power of VKGS- TISB. Natios, Mas,, Jan. 1st, 1ST!. Mb,H. R. 8nvaas: Ursr Sir-We have good reason for regard' Ing yunr VExE I'lNK medlcln ofthegreat est v iliw. We feel assured that It ba been , the nit-am ol taveliig our son's lll'e. He Is dot eevenieeu yean ot agej lor tb. last two years hi b4 iiilloieil tronvbecrualsof blseg,aosed ly soiolulous aH'ecitou, and wsoliir nduoed that neatly all who a h m thought hlsreoov ry lmossible. A eonnc.ll of able puyMclana conld give us but tbe talntett hope of bis ever raliyitig;twool the number g that he ws bejoud the reach of humau runitdits, that even auipulatlon could not sava him, a be bad ni'tvlgir rnirtiKh to endure iho operation. Jur, then we oiimmenofd giving blm VBfiB- ' I IS f. and from ilmt time to the undent he h neen snntmnuusly Improvjng. He ba Uti-ly ' lenuined stmll.a thrown away his orutcles mkI ran, aud wa k about ohff rfully aad str ing ' ' 1 " . ' . '1 Ii. Uiih thnre U still anmdlcliarge from th. tiiemiig aht-re bis limb was lam-eil, we have the fuiie-t. coi rl.lonc.. that In a llitle time he Id bprf.:tiv enrad, , He ha.tafn ttooutibree doseii hotllrs of Vl'iK MNE, hut la elv nsr tmt ll'tle, at ba declares he is ioj well to ba taking nitdloius. Bespectiully yours, - , E.H. BiST. . tas. I.0 r.Bast Pierared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Ma a a. 13 SOLD BT All Druggists and .Dealers EVERYWHERE. "