C7 ' Oft i' Li lm wnimroTOH. 11. c. thuksday. haech 25. 1875. T7H0L2 110. 0.CC3. VOL XXIV. -110. 72. lljf tin!!? lonrnnl WILMINGTON. N. a: THURSDAY. MARCH! 25. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. 11EADQUAKTEHS. PARDEE REJECTED -AND THE BERATE ADJOURNED. Washisotoic, March 24. Noon. The Suate went into Executive -ki,,u it) mediately after tLe journal of y jstorday' proctf dings was read. WASHiNflTox, March 24. Night. The Senate was in executive sesxiou II day, moat of the time being spent it dion8 ng the nomination of D. A. Pardee to be United Stat Julge of Louisiana, vice Darrell rem'gned. Tbe liomiuation was fiually laid on the ta ble. A committee was then appointed to wait upon the President and inform him that the Senate was ready to ad j nra unless be bad some further com mnuication to make. The President replied be bad not. The usual reso lutions of thanks to the Vice President fii.l Presideut pro tern, of the Senate wa agreed to, and the Senate at 5:45 a Ijourued nine die. EUK0PE. me PEACE PRESERVATION . ACT. MITCHELL'S FUNERAL. London Marob 24 Noon. The bill for the amendmout of the Peace Pres . rvation Aot passed by a Tote of 204 to 292. The Home Rulers opposed the bill. Diaraeli appealed to the Irish uitiihbers not to agitate the country by Mil opposition that in the end must be f ttiie. Notice wat given of. a motion to give the Caili ts belligerent r guts. Teu thousand persons attended Mitchell's funeral at Newry. Paris, March 24 Noon, The con spiracy for the assassination of Qen. Catirera, who recently abandoned the CUtlist cause, baa been frustrated. TILE FLOODS, PREPARING FOR THE RUSH OF WATER. : - ' Pobt Jebvw, March 24 Noon There ia great alarm among the people i t this vicinity. Persons living on the b mks of the Delaware are .moving to higher grounds. VViasraoTON, March 24 Noon There has been a light snow here and generally North. The apprehensions from the floods and gorges are general. Tin late se vere weather haviug passed, the ice and snow in maDj localities is melting, which Indicates a general flood Twenty thousand people who subsist from the lumber trade will EiPbably lose everything. ELECTRIC1SMS. ' Wm. Pryor & Sons, of Halifax, Lave At Lowell, MasH., Mrs. Low left li'jw for a place as servant in a uoara i ijr house. Low fired two shots at her and then killed himself. She c;tuuot live. The citizens of AuKusta have con tributed 80,000 to the sufferers from t ie tornado which baa desolated sev eal counties of the State from the C la'tthoochie to the Savannah river, - Brown was hung at Pottsville, Pa., j terday. The fall was five foet, but ruled to break hiB neck, and be died Irom atrangulation. The contorfions were awful. The tops of houses, trees and the summit of the mountain were crowded. The Tennesse river has fallen sufll flientl to allow trains to pass. The fl ut train went through yesterday. Heath has resigned the Presidency ..i -k n w.T " I J1 ol toe raomo man vouipttujr. ALABAMA." k PRESS GANG ON A RAID. Montgomibt. Ala.. March 24 Niirht A Dirtv of Indiana editors, forty-odd in number, reached here this morning from New Orleans. They will leave at 4 p. m. for Eufaula,where . . they will take the boat flown tneuuat tahoochie and ko to Tallahassee, and from there to Jacksonville. Ou their return they will go through Savannah, Atlanta and Chattanooga. FLORIDA; THE MYSTIC KREW TO APPEAR NEXT MONDAY. Pbnsaoola, March 24 Night- grand oelebration of the Mystics of Tensaoola, Fla will be held on Easter Monday evening. Extensive prepara tions have been made and a large number of people ar expected to visit the undent city of tue Gulf on the oc casion. A cordial welcome is offeied fO all, . , To the Afflicted. No matter under what form of sick ness you labor, there is one great truth you should keep in mind : All disease originate in an impure condition of the blood. Purify that, and the dis ease must depart ; but you cannot pu rify the blood by the use of poisonous d ugs, and exhaustive stimulants. The b st Blood Purlflcfevet discovered is Dr. Walkeb's famous Vineoab Bit Tt us, compounded of simple. 4w Indications from all parts of the Country point to a rleoided decline in the price of ice during the ensuing season, and there will hardly be any reason whr even the poorest should deny themselves the indulgence of the SPECIAL. Th largo sale Ot fclmwond col prove their popularity. If yon have a yet wjrn them, try bjem at once. A Monument A big M tb grand Pyiamid might be built Of tie tetb that bv bet-a ruined by neglect' Shall thU thinggotu face ot thegrealtact that SOZODOS f U erUlB preservative of den t.ldcay Fevers seldom make n tto without wara. 1' K and niy olTtM b tnrown ott li? Mn th i tt In Klin trr, trapping up irm iu bed. aid tkiig iwoor three of Fawn.' fur ;ative fill M tawn v y. Just returnd, ay h regard. .IuIiu-oh'k A'lvt) Liniment at bey Hid all pnu.-, ai d efflracloie beyurd any "ilwr mmll u n . It l dU" to a gieat variety o a.wtlal ci, a.d u th. bwt piu cure in the world Convuinplivea, 'a"ka Notice. Fvt-ry ni'iruriit of d'lav inake. yuur cur. more huwlc!, ard mui h depei'd. on tb.Jn illckiui elintre .f a rni-dy. The amount tf testimony In favor uf l)r Sihurck'. P.liuonic Sirup, an a run tor iot.HjUi,.tion, far eireed all that cu be bruiilit lo .tippoit the I r. ten. lull i f any othtr nii'dlcm. 'r I'r Sehei.ck's Almanac, cumalnii g crilH 'tfof many I erfoi, oi ttm tliilmst rriK'rtbl:lljr, who hara been rcnt.ired to health, atter btlBK pronona. ml lneurabl by ii)iclw of acknowledged ability. Kcbrnck'a Pulmouie f ynip alon- ha f urtil man;:. tli'oe erldnce will how; bat the cure ut oft ;ii iiromuted by the em.iloytuenl ot two otbrr rmrdln which Or Hchimck pro tlda for the purpoee. Tkesti additional reme dlca are Si'henck'a "ea Wetd Tonic and Man Irake f ilia. Hy the timely uw of thtue nie.il clurs, acooidiul to direction, Dr. Pcheuck "pertitteithat mot any "cane of Consumption may be e red Dr. Kcbenck l pro'ewioually at hie princi pal "itiiie, oirixr Kixlb and Arch itrei-t, Philadelphia, every Moitdxy, where all l ttcr firadvlw mn' be addrMrd NEW ALVERTISEMENTS. Vo. 1 and Mess Mackerel. PICKLED, SPICED, SMOKED and FRESH SALMON. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 6 t 7 North Front Sh DAILY Fresh Roasted and Ground STBICTI T PURK 1,4 1TJAYRA COFFEE, hoicet grade. If yon want good Coffee XriYTMIS. , I CHAS. D. MTERS A CO., e Jfc T orlK wm at march 26 1 Nobby. Cents Box-Toe Nobby Caiter. baud-eewed, Uble wire, and machine cwed miulB on improved l, wrranwu nui w ni'i !horitor old mrn, bread eole and heel the mo-t comtertable ahbe worn. An examint tion l mtlicited. S Ca 1 at O. A. PRICE'S, Sign of the Golden Boot., march ?8 , 6 Hay-Hay-Hay. 250 BALES N0-1 EA E , For eale by , KEKCHNER & CAl.DER BROS, inarch ' & 1 Potatoes! Potatoes! JQQ BBL8. POTATOES. For eale by KEKCHNFR CAM)EK BROB, march K . t I Flour! Flour! 600 Bbls." B W. Flour, 300 " Boll Mills Flour, 200 Imperial Star Flour. For tl by KEKCHNER A CAl.DER BROS' march 2 ' ' ' , 18 Bacon! Bacon ! .100 Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, 75 " Smok'd " 'J " 50 Bbls Pork, For eale by KEKOHNER St CALDER BROS march 2 ' From this Date HICE OrCOAI WILL BB 0. G. PARSLEY & CO. 71 march M WiwamBlacl Hawk Trilie No. 5, I.O. B, HI. WiLBiOTON1N.O.,oth Sleep. Worm Moon, G. S. U. 834. Bbbiubkh: Yoo are hereby requested to attend a reiinlar council or the Tillie oo thl Ihr. at the lih inn. 80th breath. bnsinee of Imuortanc will be brought to the attention of the Tribe. . Hyordnr Sachem W. H. GERKEN, march 26 It O. of R. Notice. The Dawson Bank, the Bank of New Hanover, and the First National Bank will be closed on the 2Gth inBt., GOOD FRIDAY. WM. LAKKIXS, Cashier. 8. D WALLACE, Carhler. A. K. WALK If R, Caihler. T-U march 15 John Dawson Has a lull itock of genuine Swede Iron (only foil tock In the olty), Plow Bteel, Tin, Iron, Nail, Grind Stone, Ac, at tb lowert caah price. No 10, 20 and St Market Street. HEW ADVEETISIMEHTS. 1!DIE. JHBKEBTwlYE NOTICE TO MT PAT. ran that mj (lace of bnelseat will remala eloeed u GOOD PBIDAT, the Mth Inetant. G. H. W. RUNOE, North Kaet Cetuer Market and H Ktreef', march 28 II It v TIIK Carolina CentraJ Railway yiLL NOW DELIVER FKBIOUT prompt, ly in Charlotte and all point Weft, la an; qiiantitiea. 8.-L. FttlMvNT, Engineer and superintendent. Tiwtt much 'i8 Battle's Revisal rv FTHR PUBLIC STATUTES OF NORTH IJ Carolina. I or eaie at HEIVBBEHOKR'S. Busbae'8 North Carolina JUnTICK AND FORM BOOK. A Band Book tor all BiuineM Men. ror tale ai HEINSBERCER'S I.We Book and Hotle Store, mareh U 9 Mm Tackle! Mm Tactic! The largeat and beet-aeleeted etoek of Flea- lm Tackle ever broasht to thll elty: reurtrt ng la partof Pole, tinea, Vottea, Silk and Oraae unee, riooki ol all kinoe, nooka on wire, Float In neat variety., ttobe. Fly HiKtene and Hplnncre in fast, everything needed bv Flab. ermn, either Amatenr mr Profeaelwoaf, All above for wile at Bock Hetloaa tgwrat at the New Hidware tarof mareh II Wll.lt A WIWUHOI. MISCELLANEOUS. The Piedmont Pres3, HIOKORY, N. O. , Ii the only paper pnbllehed la Catawba ooanty, and haiantxtenaiv elronlatloa among Merchant, Far mm, aad alt elattetor bael aee bmb la the State. Th Fbbm If a Ut, wide-awake Demooratlo paper, and U a dotira. ble medium for ad vert 111 eg in Weitern Korth Carolina. Liberal term allowed aa yearly ad vertle.m.nU. Snbaailptloa S3 la Bdvano. - Addren M URRILL A TOMLINSOlt, Editor, and Proprietor, mareh 14 - Tobacco, Snufr, Lye and Potash. 250 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, 20 BbbU . nd Half-Bbls Banff, 26 Cases 1 Os. Bnuff, 100 Cases Lye, 75 'Cases Potash, For) by KEBOHNBB 4 0AUERkBBOB march 31 Executor's Notice "tTAVINU QUALIFIED AS E1E0TJT0R ot the lat will aed teUmnt or David K? FuUb, notice t hereby given to allpron. having claim agalntt th daoedent to eihlbit them to me on or bifor th 16th day ot f eb ruaxy,18J. All per eon Indebted to ald de- oedeat ar hereby requested to nak Immedl ate payment tome. C.A.HAMNER, Executor of David E. Futch. Abam Earn, Attorney. , ' for. 18 SMtawOw Administrator' Notice. TTAVIr-O QUALIFIED AS ADMIA1B trator upon th Eetat of Dootoa Hay, de oeaaed, late of New Hanover County, notlo I hereby given t aU peraon Indebted toaald deceased, to make Immedl ale payment, and to all peraon having claim agalnat th draed to present tbem.to th oader.lgned, t Knfleld H. O.. or to bit Attorney, DuBrut Cutlar, at Wilmington, N. C, on or befor th 6th day of February, 1T, or thl noUo will b pleaded In bar of a recovery. WRIGHT HATS, .,.,..,;,...,.,,, Administrator. 61 h February, 18TB. aa.lteww Executor's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED BEFOKK IBI dudge of Probate of Nw Hanover county a Executor of Patrick Murphy, deceaea, hereby give notlo to all person Indebted to said deoedent, to make Immediate payment to me, and to all peraon having claim against said decedent to exhibit thame torn on or befor th lib day of March, A. D., 18TS. P. L. MTJRPHf. Executor, march T 6ltaww . They Have Come. LARGE INVOICE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, beautiful ttyl, aad all th late.t noveltle out. Also, a large line of PIECB GOODS, com pri.lng all kind of English and French Wors ted, made to erder at astonishingly low price. A. DAVID. march TO A White Coolt Wanted. a ni white woman German.' Irlrh Oi American who can cook well and make her- seir gen.rauy uhiui m .iiwf "wii;i vu find emntoyment by addreln through tb p. o. box n, Wilmington, R march' HEW ADTEBTISIME5T8. . H. FREEMAN. A. JL BALDWIN. ejnn TEETH Extracted Without Pain WITH THE USE UF LIQUID NITROUS Olid a. Frtre reduced fiw ArtiBolal Teeth. Teeth Filled la the meet Improved manBer. Omn Market Street, between Front and Second. FREEMAN BAUl'Win, ixnt.i. larehll-lw Ofllce or CMr ClBrt ami Tre&sarer, i OITTOF WILMINGTON, II. 0., Mareh rl, lull NOTICE. Listing of Taxables for 1875. LL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS ithlBtheeorporatellmlUof the City of Wl. Ingtoa, en the Srat day ef April, ID'S, are Mj aired by law to Ut all their Real, Pereonal and Fell Taire for the year Mil. - h The Tat Ll.ten fw the City ef WHailagton, R. barlow, W. M. Monro and Wm. H Ranki, will be In ttndanoe at the City Hll Oonrt Room on tin tret day or April, and for twenty days thereafter, (Sunday, eicspted) between the hour of I o'elook A. M. and t lock P. M., and oa Frld f alhti from o'elook to I o'elook P. M, for the purpoee of luting all the Real, -Pereamal and PoU tajei withla tk eerpotate Halt of thl elty. Alt BenoB aad orpraUon aegleeUng or refnelng te toe ply with th above wdl beoo Unqaent, and labjeet to a double tai thereon. T. O. SERYOSS, (Jltr Clerk and Treaeirer. marektt Ta-M For Examination. T rNTITE TU ATTENTION OF TBS PabUa to my elegant itoek of M an' and Boys, CLOTHING aad O at Fnrnlblng flood. , l ' Th bandemeet and atott complU ttook of Flee flood la th olty. A. DAVID. march is RESTAUKANT. Furniture and Fixtures AT AUCTION. M.CRONLY.Auotloneflr. ' BT lBONLT et MORRIS, nw THmmniT NkXT. wth Inrtant. ccm ..ln. it n'nlnnk A. ti mm will Ball at the Saloon of Mr. H. Webb, corner of Front and Prtaoeu ttre.ti, u or the r urnuure ana tare therein contained, vir. CrocRery, OlMswar. Knlve, Fork and Spoon. Walnut Bid, board, Marble Top, Eiten.ion and other Ta- blee, Dining ruiom ioair, wniing r . and MuterUl,CounUr(, Bracket. Viwe and Mantel Ornament. Uloc, buv,bbbii.., Carpet, Liquor lari, Stuffed 0 rouse, Snipe, yuan, Deer neaua, ow. Paintings and Engravings, SCENES FROM SHAKSPEARE,' HENRY ITH, KING LEAR RIOIIARD THE SECOND Antony and Cleopatra, Midsummer Mght'i Dream, General Fox Hunting In set of three. Amerlean Game Fish, Life In the Country, Going toth Front, Going from the Irot, lb Brueh of tb Homestretch, Close Quarters. march 24 Tl-'it SPRING CLOTH I J G XPIOTID DAILY. Another L t of T ore Manlsem WHITE SHIRTS Just Received. MUNSON & CO., OITT CLOTHIERS. march II THE UVELY MONKEY. This Monkey has been abused by having a "stove-pips hat" thrust npon his head. If placed on your open hand, be will wiggle round in every conceiv able manner in an unsuccessful effort to get the bat off. He will stand up, lie down, spread round, sprawl out, and bend over, etc For sale at CONOLEY k YA'TES' Oity Book Store. No. 47 Market Street. march U Wanted. PTtHE PALMETTO UT PRESS COMPANY art pr. pared to contract for th delivery of Crprwaa Lm? . at th Palmetto Mill, Georgetown, I.O. t - mrM t DAVID RI8LET, Agent. NOTICE TO SllIPPEItS. The CLYDE LINE, New York and Wilniiugton Steamship Comimny,' mOMKKT TUB WANTS OFTHKTRADB, bavt added another Steamer lo the Lin and will sail Irom NEW YOKE (very WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 P.M. From Pl.t IS, North River. 8KMI-WIEKLY FROM IAOH PORT. ' " Hereafter shipper can rely npou the prompt and regular sailing of IheM Steamers from New York a ajflr tiaed, as th Company haa detei mined to adopt regular sailing days, and with ths additional steamer, there can be no cause for delay in shipments. T Other Steamers will bs added as reqtired. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, WILMINGTON, O. te-tf rob 10 A VICTORY! Our Children's Toes. TTR SATE AT LAST SUOCEEDED IN gvtong CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, tk.t ... i.. .nd dram, with no braes Ov .llvei tip, and ar mors durable than the metallc tip, They are known to wear children four i- .A.iht wlilimit a break In Lb .IB. Pusnts will do well to to them. Cell aad thm. . . EVANl ?oGLAHNw, Boot and Sho Store, rebie 8 New Spring Styles -OF- Tles, Bows and Scarfa, NB A LARGE LOT OF GENTS' FUBN- SHINO GOODS Just reoelv!. Am dally expeotlng th largest and most se lect Hock of P 1 1 C O O O D $ r brought tothlmarkt. ' . A. DAVID. Merchant Tailor and Clothier, No. IT Market Street march 18 M NORTH CAROLINA THE TRUE WAT TO OBTAIN SOUTH ERN COMMERCIAL Independence Is to Patrwnlz. Southern Industry. A Handsome Lot of Salem Cassimeres Just Rsoelved. OenUtmtn ar Invited to eail and txamln these MERITORIOUS COOD8. In Color and Fabric they ar irarlvled mong American Good, and would b eredlU able toth hlghot European manufaoterlng BOSKOWITZ k LIEBER. marob Itb. 61 Best in the World ! "View process EMPIRE FLOUR, EVERT PACE AOEGWARANTEED. W ar complimented dally by old and new friend of this celebrated Hrand, and webs. th consent to use nature If necessary, . me trial Is all w ask, and no other Brand wll be Bemember the "NEW PROCESS EMPIRE." In Barrels, Half -Barrels, Bags, and Any Quantity to Suit. For sale only by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. mareh II 69 BUY Our Half Dime Cigar FOB ' Half Dollar per Doien, Th oheapert In thl market At No. 82 Market Street. D. PICOTT. march to Choice Family Flour, . - , In HaU Barrel. ... , : ., i.. . TEA Selected Brands. For sal at o. H. W. RUNQE'S, N. R. born.r Market and Second Street march ai nW ADVESTISiniTS. MARKET BROWN & W still continue to sell at our former low prices notwithstanding th ad vance in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit ths following list of prioea; . Coat' Spool Cotton 6 cents s spool or 70 cents per doten. unui taoiitKi uoiton irom o cents per inch Fruit of the Loom 30 " " Loom. 3(1 " WamsutU XJ atWS BsinW fmli vAa SvAak MiagaliFW 1 H 'V SL'I'a I aJBf, VBUHAmi UOTf tJUBMIIT i V VAAtBBv BVC J SWA U, . Ladie l uffa for the Neck 6 aud 10 oents, worth 23 ocnta, a bargain. , It would be a grtat taving to those vititing (he dig for ths purpoae of do ing their shopping in the Dry Ooods line to give ns a call prtviout to making their purchases. We take this method of advertising prioea for yon to com pare then with not only Wilmington and vicinity, but with those of any sec tion of the country. We bav no time or inclination to bntton holevou on ths streets, or look you up in the Hotels, or by . laying any claims of friendship. Our object is purely business, and we propose doing that ia a legitimate way, SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Ruoh as 100 dozen Kid Gloves for 60 cents per psir, worth f 1 60. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 10 cents, worth 26 cents, 20 pairs Blankets $3, worth 1 60. WE nAVE OCT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE!. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, I t'eh I OiVirx' a.i SOLffiE PACIFIC UO CO.; PRICES REDUCED THI8 DAY. TWO THOUBAN D FIVEH UNDR ED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CABII or on CROP with Merchants and other reliable parties prices. W. Commission Merehants. Agent for f aolllcQutn Sub-Agents for the Sale r. B, r. at, OIBSOlt.... ....",." . !!. 1 -'J Spiced Scollops, From Merebead Olty, N. 0., A Novel and Delightful Rsllsh. CHAS. D. MYERS 4 CO., B nd 1 North Front at. Look at the Price ! 87 50. ONLY 97 BO. Far a Banal ef ' Chain, raraltf Flwar, Delivered free la my part of th Olty. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 6 4 7 North Front Bt. Iloney Down Will Qo s Great Ways in Buying FAMILY GROCERIES Of CHAS D. MYERS k CO., BAT North Front Street. v arch II Du Pont's Powder. R RIFLE, SPORTING AND MUSKET, BLASTING AND MINING-In Wbole.Half and guarter Keg For sal by O. t. PARS LET a OO. ao-tf march II Baker Whiskey ! mHE BEST AND MOST POPULAR Whl. X key In tb elty. Warr ntod gonuin aad par. TRY IT. I beep no book awl oil to CASH ONLT. Id Port, Ale, Porter, 4c M. W.BHURE, 81 North Front Street, mareh M Nbw.Ciod Cia Mas. 2QQHHDS. NEW CROP OTJBA, gQ BBLS. New Crop Cub. Far l by RER0HNER A O ALDER BROS, march IS THE LAHDMARE, PUBLISHED AT IS THE Leading Newspaper In Wester North Carolina. IT IS THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER published In Iredell Coonty "no or tb largeat and wralthlert counties In thi Ptate and has attained a 1 rger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published it. the oounty., - v Its circulation In Alexander, Wilkes, A.be, Alleghany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, le larger than that of any two papers In the Stat com bined ) and Is rapidly acquiring a strong foot hold In For. j the, Surry, Kowan and Western Mecklenburg. ... It Is th only paper In Western North Caro lina that employs regular canvassing agsnt, and Is thus kept constantly before tb people. Under tbla lyatem a lanldly-lnereastng circu lation I th result, making th Labdm abb The) Boat Advertising Madlumln Western North Carolina. Ad dreee, decStf LANDMARK." BtatesvlH, N.C. 45 RODDICK yaw. i Aaanrai tFtAs . .11 Cents per yard. ..12, " " ,.16 M " 45 Harket Street. 1 1,000,000. TIME. Liberal terms will be mad to sell this Ouano at our Wareho IL MCIUKY & 10... Co., and Dealers In No. t Feravlaa Guano nOBTH WATSR DTREWP, WILniNUTON, N. of Soluble Paciilc Guano. .......01d Hundred, K. a Markm.S.0. MISCELLANIOUS. April 5th. Don'dUyto buy a bond of th, I!rjr TRIAL EXHIBITION COMFAHT. Don't oompar U with a LotUryj taar la mind that th capital Invested la always se cured. . Every Bond par oh teed fora April Stk will partlolpat In th Fourth BSri Drawlas, to b hsld pabiloly, la th Olty of Nw York, a MONDAY, Aran. Jth, lira, Bonds are C20 Each- ThiiLoaa Isisrued on a nvl plan, aad to authorised by special Aol of th LfUIatar Of th ttoto of New York. CAPITAL PEEUIITn s Circular giving full xplaaatUa, will be sent free of charge on applloaUon. For Bond and fall Information, addrM '-. i. : without delay, " ; '; MORQENTHAU, BRUX9 A CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, 23 Park Row New York. mr Remit by draft oa Hew York City Bank. Registered Letter, or P. O. Money Order. raroh 34 ntf Alcohol(byth,,"0",UMlb"r,,,);l KtROSENBOIb,". , LINK EKD OIL, S UA1TOK OIL. - Paluta, Spirit TurpVatlne, Putty, OU, Congree Water, c, e. GREEN PLANNER, 49 Msrket Street, - , ... , , - . Wllaiug(oo,M. O. march M . l.tE. Lit )-d i i . I taeiuv.1 M-w.bo . . , I O t t. ' luxury. ; mareh 11

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