i I Mi VOL XXIV.-HO. 73. wmmiGTOH, n. a, Friday, harce 20. 1075. UHOL2 HO. G,C:7. (Tlif ih'Jn journal. WILMINGTON. N. G.: FRIDAY. MARCH 28. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH 11 K A1HJ U A KTE II S. EHE V A C A N T JUDOF.HIIIP IN , i LOUISIANA, ' Washington, March !ia-oon. Tklan-hal Packard. Ju.liie Pardee na Col Fh Tuated tb President to-dy regarding bin power to appoint Pardee or ant oue else is Dwtriot Juilire of The Presideut still tia hi power under advinf iwut bnt the foregone conclusion is that the beneii will be Taeant until the convention of iATt (n!7rfna It senna tj have been the determination of the Senate to send there a person who bad no loot! ttfl li itiw. At the lafct honr ex-Seu-ator Pratt, of Indiana, was Migwateil t the President by the Judioiary Com mittee. By the usual conrfenY to ex Senators hi name would huve corae up for immediate notion witlmrtt ref er noe to the Committee and the Pre idt ut was asnnred of Pratt coufirma tmu but b adhered to Pardee, whot-e Uitine went on the table. This Action involves do perwmaK 3inparHgeuieut to Pardee but carries ont the thtorj of the Republican Senators that au en. ; t'r utrauger Bhotild occupy tho bench. Washington, March 25 Sight Maj. Cox, Paymater, ban bcou as sured to San Antonia, Texas. The Senate failed to confirm Mayim- . dier, aud BneneruRU has burn nonii tutjd by the President aa Pjiymaatti'. It is quextioned whether the President om appoiiit,'' T TIIEICE. FIELDS AND MOUNTAINS OF ICE ' ENCOUNTERED AT SEA. tisw York, March 25 Noon The steamships that arrived yesterday brought reports that large quantities of ion were encountered at tnidooean Ti e Halsatia, from Hamburg, when in latitude 43 and longitude 40, panned two immense ioebergs and was three hoars forcing a passage through large fields of drift ioe. The steamer Cam bria, from Havre, met with a similar experience but found greater difficul ty ia avoiding obstructions. March l'uth when in latitude 45 and longitude 46 tli ressol passed a short distance from an immense "iceberg and nbout H'iilnight came into immenso fields of drift ioe, through which the steamer could not f otoe a passage. No open ing appeared aud it was found neces sary to go out of the course and puss around the field. The steamer L' Aw-rique, from Havre, idto euoouu tered ioe fields on March 20tu when in latitude 43 and longitude 51. THE BLACK HILLS. THE GOVERNMENT CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE GOLD , i SEEKERS. Omaha, March 25 Noon General .Old has received advices that miners re leaving several points for the Jilnck Hill county. His orders are to bring in the parties, conflue the lend ers and destroy their outfits. He will employ all his cavalry aud fifty Indian scouts to expel or capture the in truders. - ELECTISICISMS. Prettv waiter saloons, corner Broad way ancl Bleecker streets were raided, a id the inmates arrested. The Grand Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma is in sessiou at Philadelphia. Reports show an unprecedented pros perity, the membership being 2,500. They banqueted last night at the Con tinental. The destruction of the coal railroad bridges of Now Jersey threaten a ooal fumine. The supply of some import ant yards in New York is exhausted and they are closed. The steamer for Havana yesterday took out nearly $50,000. . TheTilton scandal has adjourned until Moflday from alleged respect for Good Friday. EUROPE. A GENERAL LOCK OUT THREAT ENED IN LANCASHIRE. ANOTHER TITLE MAR OK. FOR BIS- Londom, March 25 Noon The cot ton masters iu North Lancashire have ir solved on a general lock, out unless , the strikers iu Blackburn return to their work unconditionally. " . Berlin, March 25 Noon Prince Bismarck becomes Duke of Loven- bnrg. Bayonnb, March. 25 Noon The v.Oarlist General Mendire has entered France. 1 ' Dublin, Maroh 25 Noon John Manten, M. P for Meatb, is ill from the exaiteraect caused by the death of John Mitchell. - Anirrleantare a Nation of Djrupep . tics. We live fast, dissipate and fill early graves. We drink all kinds of alco holic spirits, and swallow, without mastication, pork, grease, and every kind of li'e-destroying, system-clop-ging, indigestible food. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters will remove tbd evil effects, and the recovered pa tient, with pure, vitalized electrical blood flowing through bis veins, will have a clearer head and a cooler judg .. rnent, whioh added to experience, will cause him to abstain in the future. 4w Handsome gold neck chains are al ways worn for ttrt or house. . STATENEWS. Tie Goldsboro Mewengersays: The fruit jToepects as yet are not dis e.uirngmg. In some parts peaohes have utained injury but the general outlook is good. The Magnoli Record says : A eor retpoiident iuforniB nif a revival, of re igiob iu the Be ar Marsh congrega tion, resulting iu the baptism of 27. The meetiugs were conducted by Rev. Messrs. A. O. Dixon aud J. B. Oliver at Mayoville Aculeuiy. A great many otln is" were njK'oially interested. The lUloigh Newa sy : Shaekel ford Charles, col., was on 'trial at JohnHtou Court thin week for killing a negro mau named Richxrdwn, iu tins city, last August, aud we learued last mglit h was sequitted, but di not kuoa- the truth of the rnmor. The o rcuuiftauees our readers wdl remem ber. Charles was puraued by a num bur ol necroes for voting 'he Demo ci stic ticket, aud tabled R chardson, it was claimed, iu sell-atiense. The Washington Echo says: The revival iu the M. E. Church is still proKrexsiug. we are miormea umi fifteen pernons have been couverted, ten have connected themselves j with the Church and twenty peu lteuts are still at the altar. Au exteusive revival is also progreat. ing in the Z on M. E. Church, (o ilor eJ) ntider the ministration of Uder Suiver. About 75 peming have been converted and there ar sUll niany p tiiitents at the altar. " Tho -Magnolia Record says: Satur day's ttoi ro was very destructive near Mount O'ive. . the rain over flowed the creeks aud washed the lauds iiit 'gullies, aud tue wind unroofed houses uhd blew down trees, chim- .evs, eto. In our immedi'ite seetiou, Fainou and vicinity suffered inost;est of that place, fivri largo oaks wero blown down in Mrs. h. iaisou h yard, one brurihing the corner of the houe. Ij Sampson, west from Faison's, agin house on the farm of Mrs. Hargrove was blown down. It feu on Mr. Cal vin Daniel, who had taken refuge un der it from tho storm, and broke his thiuh. It is thought be will die from his wound. The fences generally and a great deal of timber have been blown dwu. The Harrellsville .correspondent of the Norfolk Landmark says: We were visited last Saturday, about one hour after the setting of the sun, by a tre mendous tornado! The month of March poured out her fury upon us in tho way of blowiug down garden palings and fences generally aud up rooting trees. A few ailesout of our village we hear of Mr Uowniug s mm fortune in the way of all his l ouses beiug blown very neat- to scon s. with e exception of tnj outnonxe, tne toof was blown from his dwelling and all the chimneys blown off. It was a nice two-story- residence with five rooms. We hear also of Mr.. William Nowell's houses being blown down sud terribly scattered by the storm Nearly all were demolished except his iffclliDg, and one of the chimneys irom that was blown tff. His carriage house was blown down, euiaaliing up a new top buggy for luni. nis loss is quite heavy. A number of other per sons had considerable losses in the way of outhouses beiug blown to pieces, trees falling on stables killing liorsec, ar.d such like losses. To the Afflicted. No matter uudor what form of sick aens you labor, there is oue great truth you should keep in mind: All liHeaMooi-iginuteiu au impure oouditiou of tho blood. Purify that, and the dis rase niunt depart ; but you cannot pa rify the blood by the use of poisonous d ugs, and exhaustive stimulants. The bust Blood Purifier ever discovered is Dr. Walkku's famous Vineoab Bit Tuas, compounded of simple. 4w ToMcco Leaf stii Cottcii Plant. FCBMSHED AT CHAKI.OTTE, N. O., BKMI-MOM'HI.Y. LargrHt circulation of any Trade Journal In the Bouthorn Btntea, bubeoription S3 pe' annum. Totao leaf ami Cotton Plant SCrrLKMRNT WKKKLV. Orer Fire Hundred gmtultoue cirenlation Port pnid vppoiinrn l upits lo Pt Oilli e'iK adjuiiung i-oiiutlos ot tne Carolina. J. K. MUltKIS, tleoW-tf Prupriolif Notice. ypPHOATION WIIX BE MADE TO the General AsMmbly of North Carolina ehnrter the City Bunk of Wilmington jn m W-bw4m Bacon Pork Sugar--Coffee. 200 Boxes D. 8. Sides and Shoulders, 200 Boxes Smoked Hides & Shoulders, 50 Bbls. C. M. Pork, 200 Bbls. Refined Sngar, 200 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. For nale low by WILUAM3 A MURCUISON. Flour, Corn, Nails and Shot. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all srrades ; 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 800 Kegs Nails, ' 200 Bags Shot. For mile low bv Williams a mdrchison. Hay-Hoop Iron-Clue-Rlce 400 Bales N. R. Hay, fW 10 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 50 Bbls. Whole Rice. " For sale low bv WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba, 150 Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For ctle low by - WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. t maroh 31 M 6PICIA1. tbelrpapalwity. If r kr yrtvuri thrn, try item at oan. A nBaaiat At hit u th graad Fyiaaild Hlf ht ba aallt rtb tMib tbt hT b9 raln4 ky atgttet' Shall thlthlnotarorUitTkttaotthat SOZ01ONTUrtila prMwratlr tt da Ul dway T rTr Mldoa mk u ttk vltkeat nn In, tad ua;utttab Uirova off by Matin lh- IMI la ira water, rai,tni( up arn la ofu ara rim iw ar iar ar rarawa' rar IfaiiTa run A M hwlon V . taat rrtaraad. aa ha rmmmrdt .onaao' anaa l lnlaanl a iMyiad all prtot, atd Hlrartoaa bfyurd any Hlwr bhkII em . It In aUti lo a great variety or aic lal etm, aao la ui Mwt pia rar la taa world raaaaatlvo,Tak Notleo Ivery asoaeater dttlay atkea year er mora bopeleae, ard aueh dapada oa theja dirlou. cholca of a remedy. The amount uf testimony la taer of Dr. Scher ek'a Paimonle STtufb aa a ear for ronaaapUoB, far xcaedi II Uiat ran be brought to support the preten elon' fany other aedlnlne. !ta Dr.Schenek'a Almanae, eontalntng th eertllcataeof many rriooa ot the hlgheet reepectablllty, who bare ben reetored l health, after being proaeaa red Incurable by pby.lelaae of eckaowlodged ability. Sebrnck'i falaioBlc Syrup aloa rnrfl manr, an theaa arldaneas will abowj ha bat rbe rare laoftea promo'M by the empleymenl ot two other remedlee nh'ch Dr. Bekenck pro rldri for the purpose. These additional raae dtee are Peheneh'i Sea Weed Tonlo and Haa raka Pllla. By the timely ae of thaaa medi cine, according to directions, Dr. Seheuck oortlflee that ao.t any raae of OoammpAtoa may da ared Dr. Kcheack ts prorewaonally at kit priael. Pt offlne, omr R.lxth and Arch .treeU, Phlladalphla, every Moady, where all l ttan U'T ad rice ane be aJdrexwd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Just Beceived I VALKNl INK'S PBtPARATIOK OF Mwat.Tut-e. Mle Hird Sd ne.at e,oar(. Haborn Spnag Water. Congie spring WaUr. For .ale by GKBCM A FUASNKR. march M II In Store and to Arrlfe ! 8PRINC CLOTHING. Full aaiortmont of COLLARS, CUFTS, I HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, BOWS, Ac. MUNSON & O UITT OLOTHIIRS. march U II GreeosDoro -Gin Concert. TBK LAST (JHAHCI TO GETTER "EN DOW Houas or Km other targe gilt for Two Dollars anal Fifty Coats t The drawing of the Grand Gift Conoert, la Greensboro, N. O., hat been defined until April lUth, whfn It will, itheat any furlbtr dslay, be praoecdrd with. Thofe wishing to inrent tin da (O by wnJIng to the Manager, LO. P. Mendeiiball, Hoi I, Ureeaiboro, M. U., urottbe aitentf at Ulflertnt place. Ticket lot taie In this ( lace by MATTHaW P.TAYIA'R, march M tt Agent. Fine ArtSuperb Books, The largest and most valuable ool- h otion of works on the Fine Arts ertr oxposed for sale in this city, now on exhibition at HEINSBERCER'S x Uts Book and bt nale Store, marenlg TS A lie-Bill. Btcht SorsD, N. 0., March 19th, IfTS. I, Onita Darie, do deolare aud ronfem that I hTe told direre llee oa Mr. Sao B.King fully cli alated to Inlure ber cb uacter, and fortbermore I declare that ibe Is a deoent ana n rpepertfnl lady, and that I am noflt to be recognimd by ber or bur family. f3 . DAVIS, leal. ltneM) w. a. d. rorr, O. H. EDENS. . rchl march TJ-d2ttU John Dawson Use a lull stock of genuine Swede Iron (only full stock In the city), Plow Steel, Ttn, Iron, Nalla, Grind Stones, Ac, at the toweet cuh prlcei. No. IS, 20 and II Market Street. maroh 11 Alcohol (b3rth"llon nd "'"' KEROSENE OIL, L1NSEKDOIL, OASTOROIlj. Paints, Spirits Turpentine, Putty, Glass Coogren Water, Ac, Ac. . GRKKNftFLANNEB, ill Market Street, ; Wilmington, N. O. marcb 10 . 8 THE PEE DEE HERAID. Published eyery Wednesday at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, BT JOSH. T- JAM ESI A. CO. Hae a targe and rap'dlf tnereaaing elreateu tl oi in the Pee Dee country In Jorth andDouth Carolina. Adrertleere wit I flnd II the beet medium In either ol the ateter Stare lor reeoMng tbe farmer!, planter and mercbanta. The exhmive local advertising pat ronaue exhibited in lit column it the bet evidence of iU large and influen tial circulation. T Speolmen ooplee, with rates lor advor. ttalng, aunt free, poetare paid, on application to the underlined, either at Wadeaboro or Wilmington. .JOBH. T JAMFH4 0O., KlftDrand Proprte.tre fehM ar NEW ADVESTI8I2IINI3. J. H. FEEBIAN. A.' M, BALEVIN. &xmxj$ TEETH Extracted Without Pain wrra thm csb of liquid nitrous uiiui uaa. Prions redneed tvr Art'tclal Teeth. Teeth Filled la the meat improved manner. Office oa Market Street, between Fiontaad BecMd, FRtEMAN A BALDWIN., IHtoileta. march 11-1 w a JL.iVIOI3 No. land Mess Mackerel, PICKLED, BPICED, SMOKED and FRESH SALMON. CHAS O.MYERS CO., B a 7'North Front St, Fresh Roasted and Cround TBIUTI T PCKB 1,4'iDATRl COFFRR, rhulct irada. If toq want mod UoBeo HYTUM. a CUAS, D. MYERS A CO., AT North Front St march IS Nobby. Cent Box-Toe Nobby Galtara, and-eewnd, Cable wire, and machine ewed mmle oa Imprfrrd Ian; warranted not to rip. hoee lor e d mn, hri ad ,nle and heel-tl.e aio-t eomfirtablo ehoe wen. Aa aiamiaa- tloa Uaohcltod. Call at . O. A. PRICE'S, Sign of the Goldea Hoot march tl M From this Bate )HICEOrCOAL WIU Bl lO J?or Ton; O. Q. PARSLEY A CO. Tl march U NOTICE, THE Carolina CBiitral Railway wTILL NOW DEL1VEB FREIGHT prompt ly la Charlotte and all point Weat, In any qaantltieo. 8. I FKEM05T, Engineer and Superintendent. n-n march n Mln Tackle! Mini. Tackle! The largcet and bent-Mlected etnek of Fleh Ing J ackie ever brought tn thli city: con.latmg In part of Pole, Unen, Cotton, Bilk and OrtMi 1,1 nee, Hook ol all kind, Hook on Wire, Float In great variety, Hob, Fly Minion and Spinner In tact, erurythlng needed hjr a Fleb eruMn, either Amat'urnr profoMlonal. All aloe for.aleat Kotk Bottom ngure at tbe New Hardware Htore of marcb 11 GILES A MCBOHISON. sPRirva CLOTHING EXPECTED DAILY. Another L t of T ore Hanleome WHITE SHIRTS Just Received. MUNSON & CO., CITV CLOTH1EK8. march II TII13 LIVELY MONKEY. This Monkey has been abased by having a "stove-pipe hat" thrust npon his head. If placed on your open hand, he will wiggle ronnd in every conceiv able manner in an nnsnocessfal effort to get the hat oft He will stand tip, lie down, spread ronnd, sprawl out, and bend over, etc For sale at CONOLEY t YATES' City Book Store. ' No. 47 Market Street, march 24 Tl Wanted. IJIHE PALMETTO CYPBF.88 COMPANY are prepared lo contract for the delivery of Crpreaa Log;, at the Palmetto Mill, Georgetown, 8. 0. mr4-t DAVHI RI8I.EY, Agent. For Sale. THE LITHIA WATER of tbe Virginia Bnflalo Spring or the water ot the old Bullalo Spring, put up tn bote containing one Docen Hair Gallon bottle, will be eupplled to order, delivered at the dcott,burg Depot of the Rich mond A Danville Railroad ar (A per -box, to be paid In odvance. The LITiltA water ha made a remarkable cure aa any mn record In efr'eetlonaof the Bladder a d Kidney anc In lyepepia. It baa aim gtvnw decided relle In Gouty and Rheumatic nftectlon In th dieeaeeeof Women and In Dyepepela the wate of th old Spring u regarded a well nigh pe eiflo. Add rem. THOMAS P. GOODX, Bnnalo Spring, Mecklenburg Comity. Va. t .NOTICE TO siiirrus Tho CLYDE LINE. New York and Wilmington Steamship Company, mO MEKfTHS WANTS OF THKTKADE have aided aahlber Steamer to the Unevd will tail from NEW YORK every 1 WEDiHESDAY act SATURDAY at 3 PI From Pier II, North Blver. IMI-WI I KLY FROM IAOH "FORT. r Hereafter shippers can rely upon the prompt and regular sailing of the Steamers 'kfroro New York as adver tised, as. the Company has di tot mint 4 to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there ean be no cause for delay in abjpmouts. (f Other Steamers will be iddcd aa required. A. D, CAIAUX, Agent, WILMINGTON, N V march II M-lf A VICTORY I Our Children's Toes. TTB BATE AT LAST SUOOKKDEI) IN get'ing . CHILDREN'S FUSE SHOES, that ar Una and dreeav , with no brae or Ml vei tip, and are more durable thaa lh metallo tl. They are knnwn to wear children four and Ive month without a break hi Uiem. Parent wiU do well to toy Um. Call and me them, -- T - - FTANSet VoaOLAHN'B, at Boot aad Shot Btoro. frblf , 0 NORTH CAROLINA OASSIMBRES. THE TRtIK WAY TO Oil T INjmUTH EUN CO.MMl'.KCIAI IiulepDDdaiice is to Patronize) Southern Industry. A IUr ilwrne Lot of i Salem Cassimeres Juat Received. Gentlemen ar Invited to eall and eiamlnt tbeeo ' MERITORIOUS COOD8. In Color and Fabric thv are I'nrlvrvled among American Good, and would b credit, able to the blgtia t Kuropean ruauulaclering BOSKOWITZ A LIEBER. march lth. 01 Best in the World ! NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, EVERY PACK AGE GUARANTEED. We are complimented dlly by old and nw filendorthi celebrated hrand, and we bate th eoneent to na nanif If nccewary. hih rial Hall w auk, and no other Brand will be uco Remember the "NEWPROCE88 EMPIRE." In Barrels, Half-Barrels, Bags, and Any Quantity to Suit. For sale only by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. march tl -.' BUY Our Half Dime Cigar tor Half Dollar per Dozen, Tbe ohetpeet In thla market. At No. 22 Market Street. D. PICOTT. march 10 68 Choice Family Flour, In Half Baire.lt. TEA, Selected Brands. Foraaleat O. H. W. BUMGR'S, N. K. Corner Market and Second Street" march 'il M The Piedmont Press, HICKORY, N. C. I the only paper pub'4hed In Catawha county, and ha an extendi ve circulation among Merohanta, Farmer, and all claw of bul nee men In the State. The Fau la a live, wide-awake Demooratlo paper, and la a desira ble medium for ad vert bring la W etera Monti OaroHna Liberal term altowid on yearly ad vertlKroanta. BabeoMptton $2 In advance, Addrem IflTJRRILL a T0MLIN80N, ' Editor and Proprietor, march M U-f AD VI 15 ' - mm BROWN & We still eontinuo to sell at onr former low prices notwithstanding tbe aJ Tanoeiia the markets, and as a substantial proof submit th following list of prior : . , Ooata' Bnool Cotton 6 cenU a spool or 70 cent per dosen, Unbl aoled Cotton from 0 csuts per yard, W inch Fruil of the Loom. .... .....11 Cents per yard. 36 " Vamautta....... 4 '.. lfii , New Spring Cniiixnm, beet quality', Ladiea I'uffs for tho Neck 6 aud 10 It would be a arrat aatiito tn tlinao ing thnlr shopping iu the lry Oooda line to give ns a eall ret'ow to moling their pnrobaaea. We taka this method of advrrtMpg prices for you to oum pare tbert with not only Wilmington atd vicinity, but with Uioae of any so 'ion of the country. W a have no time or Inclination to button-hole ton tin tha troU, or look Ton tip in the llotula, Our object is purely bnititicas, and w SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Ruoh aa 100 doron Kid OloTea for 60 cents per pair, worth f 1 60. Ladies hemmed Pure Unen Handkerchiefs 13 cents, worth 'iS oeuta. 20 pairs Blankets S3, worth $1 60. WE HAVE OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONI PRIpE TERMS CASHNO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK. I t'eh I SOLUBLE PACIFIC GMWO CO.; OAJPITVJL. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE I1UNDBKD TONS BOLUBUirACIFrO GUANO for sale, fitber for CASH or on Cl:Oi' TIME. Liberal terms will bt) mdr witb Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Ouuuo at our Wareho prices. W. 'ommlKlon Merchant, Agent for Paoiflc Uimno Sub-Agentn for tlio Sale r. n. niRo5i. tl. .UIIA.1I. Jan II ., .!.. At $53.00 per Ton, Oush, or 8(10.00, payable 1st of November, next; N AVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Canh, or (38.0 , payable 1st of November next. WB GUARANTEE that the previnu High (Ira of our IfortUUori diall be fully MAtaTAiaaa H. B. BHIDOKK", Present 1). MoKAK, Ttxaiiurcr, 41. L. UltarPLlN, nuperlnlendent, Jan 8 . MISCELLANEOUS Du Pont's Powder. JRIFLB, BPOBTINU AMU MU8KKT, PLASTINOANll MINING-InWliole.llalf and tjuurter Keg For ante by O. O PARSLEY A CO. Mf march II Baker Whiskey ! fJIHK BUST AND MOST POPDLAlt Wht ke V In the city. Warr a ted genuine and pare. THY 1 r. 1 keep no book end ell for OA 311 0NLT. Old Port, Air, Porter, Ao. . n. W. BI1URE, 81 North Front Street, march 10 " ( HHDS. NEW CROP CUBA, j0 BBLB. New Crop CubA. , tor mle by . KKUUHNKIl A UAUlElt BROS, march 18 THE LANDMARK, riTBUSHKD AT STATESVILLE, IFEDELL COUMT U, IS THIS Leading Newspaper In Wester Nrh Carolina. IT lii THE ONLY DKMUURATIU PAPKU piiblli'hrd In Irtriell (nnntv e ot tlie iargrat and wraitulet countli' in tbi - late anil hae attained a I rg. r local clrculnt'.m tlmti any iiaper ever uemofur. iublihed It the ro'iutjr. Itaclrrutatlcn In Alexander, Wllkea, Ab, Allrghany, Ymlhln. Davie anil Iredfiil, le Inrer thau th.ti'f anv two paper tn tlie Htale com bined; and i rnplillv acntilrlng atrnng (not bold in r orey tlie, Surry, ltowan and Weatorn Mecklenburg It t the onlv paper In Wfrtern North Caro lina thaf employe a regular ciivMlng agm.t, and In thin kept constantly before tlie pciiple. fjnrter tbl evetem a rapidly increasing citcu latton la the reeult, making tb Lardxark The Best Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina. AddreM, denOtf "LAftJMARK." Htateaville, N.C. , V ri UKIMI t!AW !! It V INiriMU JAHPS) avaoi'ry t - . 4. -M.lt V " UTISSI M3. s niEtT. - EODDIGK lQ et nts prr turd. cents, worth ii5 crnta, a bargain. rUititift the titn for tha nnnou nt An. or by latins anr claims of friendsliirj. propose dojrig that in a legitimate way. 45 Market Street. at $1,000,000. , , It. flifjiAIiY & TO.. Co., and Uealenln N". I Peruvian Guano NOMTH WiTKB HTRIBT, WILIrtlNUTON, N. or Soluble Paclllc Ouano. .....OMHumlred.H. O. aUrlnu.B.O, - - - . ST-3indAw ...A. 1 I "I WE OFFER OUE STANDARD FERTILIZEHS For the Stiii of 1876, dolivoretl on tho.Cars, at Our Factory, at the following ItIJIU01JI JPlfclOJES t SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON. N. C. t-eod-dAwlm. MISCELLANEOUS. OSlco of City Clerk anil Treasurer, CITY OP W1LMIMJTON, N.6., Marcb 2ld, 1178. NOTICE. i listing of Taxablesfor 1875. I.LPERSO8 A NO CORPORATION wilbln tb oorporat llmitior tb Cltyof Wil mington, on tbe first day of April, 18TJ, are required by law to lUt alUheir Baal, Personal and Poll Txc for tbe year 1878. Tbe Tai (Jeter for th City of Wilmington, J.h. liar low, W. M. Munro and Wm. H. Bank, will be In attendance at the City Hall Court Room cnthsllret day or Aprlf, and lor twenty day thereafter, (Bnndayi excepted) between the'honr of t o'clock A. at. and I o'clock P. M., and on Frld y nlgbtt from o'clock to 9 o'clock P. M., for tha purpoae of lilting all the Beat, Personal and Poll taiM within the corporate limit of this alty. All person and corporation neglecting or refusing to comply with the above will be de linquent, and mbject to a doable tai thereon. T. C. SERVOSS, City Clerk and Treanirer. 70-tl march 23 Tobacco, Snuff, Lye and Potash. 250 Boxes Chewing Tobaoco, 20 libbla . nd Hall-Bbla SnnfT, 25 Cases 1 Oz. Snuff, 100 Ctsea Lye, 75 Cases Potash, r Kor vale by KEBiCHNEB, ' C ALDER, BROS maroh 21 U A Wlilto Cook Wanted. A nl e white woman German, lrl.h or Amnrlcan who ean nook wall and makeber eelf generally neetal In a private taoiily, eB Bud employ meat by aiUlreetiug tliroub Ui fsnOlHee, . jrjNItTB. y. o. Ben t j s- WU ii.-H march;

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