Vrv " C77" t -A I i WILimiGTOir, 11 C, SATURDAY. IIABCH 27. 1875. X7H0IE-1I0. C0C3. VOL XXIV. -NO. 74, ( I j ;KS! A I ! - V A si. S vvvv if hf thiln Journal. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: EAT US DAY. KARCH 27. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. CIVIL ItlGRTS. DECISION OF A UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER IN INFER ENCE TO BILLIARD " ROOMS. Tbknton, N. J., March 26 Noon. The proprietor of a billiard s.loou iu this city ha1 been amsUd for re f using to allow oeRrota to vlar. The . U. IS. Commissioner diseliarg- d the prisoner aud dismissed the complaint. The Commisaiom -says: "It ia true the publio msj visit a billiard saloon, also they may go to a store, but every one cannot piay there as every one Oauuot buy iu certain stores. The tore-keeper may suit Lis customers. Etery plaoe which is accessible to all is nut necessarily a plaoe of ' pubi c auimement. To say everybody cau g j to a billiard saloon does not deter in (is its character; nor does the fact tii at a hoeuse is requtr.d make it a p aoeof publio amuseiueiit. A license is t .keu out for a peddler's wagon.but it oes not thereby become a place of p ibiio amusement. There is nothiug in tie license idea only by which we can determine the true ,.at ure of the plaoe. A licensed plaoe may still bo so i eg il ls ei as practically to exclude the public It is atked, 'What is a billiard . saloon, if not a place of amusenieut?' I huh we. r, at best and only in a limited S vitrt, or in a qualified m inner, can it bj jailed a place of pulio amusement ? It u the private business of a private party, conducted as it suits the keeper. It is no more a place of publio amusement-than a drinking saloon. Evi dently into the latter no man has a right to go and take a drink . without leavo of the proprietor. The applicant tuny be refused aud driven away for rvuous btkt knowu to the owner, and which he is not bound to disclose. The civil rights bill has nothing to do, and whs intended to have nothing to do, with such places." frOUTH CAK0L13A, ADJOURNMENT OP THE LEGIS LATURE. GOV. CHAMBERLAIN VETOES THE EXPLANATORY FUNDING BULL. ' Chablistok, March 26 Night The Legislature adjourned sine die todav. Gov. Chamberlain Vetoed the bill to d !cbire the true intent and meaning of the Funding act of 1873. The msia ground of the veto is that the bill is not in harmony with the settlement of the oublio debt nuder the fuudiug act which the Governor, in accordance with his pledgee, feels bound to sustain. The vetoed bill proposed to require the interest on the old bonds and atook of the State to be paid up to the date of the funding of such bonds and stocks, while under the funding act the interest is funded only to Janu ary 1874 and is paid in money from thut date. Gov. Chamberlain de- cares that any such change would re tard the fundmcr or consolidation of thd old debt now going on with grati fying rapidity. The Governor also says tue dutv of standing firmly by the present settlement of the publio debt . l . .. ; 1 , ....i n in IS pa&suiuuuit u ovorjr wudiuciumuu. Tue veto was sustained after a t harpe debate, all the Conservatives but pue v ;ting against tue bill. MARYLAND. DEATH OF A WAR CELEBRITY, Baltimobb, March 26 Night The Port Tobacco Independent says : Col Richard Thomas, generally called Madam Zarana, died suddenly on last Wednesday, ' at the residence of his brother James Thomas, in St. Mary's county, Maryland. Colonel Thomas became very conspicuous in the early part of the late civil wur by the capture of the steamer St. Nicho las. He took passage on the steamer at Baltimore.disguised as aFrench ftd y, -aud at night, assisted by a few of his men on board, arrested the captain and officers of the steamer and ran her in'o Fredericksburg, Va. After the war he resided some years in Paris, b it returned to this country about two years ago. GOTHAM. GOOD FKIDAY IN CIRCLES. BUSINESS ' NkwYobk. March 20 Night No Eurooean markets. The Stock and Gold Exohances were closed to day, and among the brokers tbe day was as cloielv observed as if it were a legal holiday. The Bunks and private Banks were obliged to keep optin but they j : " l.-.il. 1 f 'IM. . were aoiUK uuii jmie uiisiueaa. iiiuin wers some oounter orders for Govern ment bonds and something has been done in forticu Exchange, all on the basis of vesterday's prices and rates, Borrowers of money yesterday made arrangements for loans until baturaay, Monoy and mercantile paper is as last quoted. HEADQUARTERS. HUMORED RESIGNATION OF BltlSTOW. Washinoton. March 2B Noon It was finallv decided in a Cabinet meet ins to-dsv that Louisiana can have no Federal Judge until the next session of Congress. ' Bristow's resignation as announced , is premitture, but it is knowingly as sorted thnt tue announcement is only prcmaturo, however. ELECTHIC1S31S. The Philadelphia Superintendent of Police has noti Bed the Irish ComrnitU'e tbat the strftt parade) in me mory of John Mitoholl, on next Sunday, would not b allowed a it was in violation o' the law prohibiting inch demon- r tion ou th Sabbath. Q The recent damagt a to tbe boutnern I itivwiou of the Eatt Tennessee ami I Orsireia railroad have bwu repaired. 1 10 uainp the bnuge over tue mawas it nvtr aud tue aeiavea ireiiMHS wuu through trains, are now rapidly going forward. The New York Senate yesterday aitonrea a resolution apianming a oecial commissioner to investigate the aliened canal frmiils. Two dams at Mauchanck are still covered witn nneen mcuesoi ice, me dam at Whitehaven, the largest on the Ijehigh river, is filled with thousands of logs and is covered with twenty inches of ice. ' THE HUB. KU KLUX EXCITEMENT IN EAST BOSTON. Boston, March 20 Night-George 1 t mberton, the accused murderer oi Mrs. Bingham, was arraigned in the East Boston Municipal Court to day nl fullv committed tor murder. An mmense crowd was in attendance aud tuc prisoner was escorted to aud from tho court room by a guard of sixty po- icb. There is intense exoitemeut in E. Lohtou, and a strong inclination to sppeal to lynch law seemed to pre vails lha masaei. RlluHK 1SLAMD. THE RADICAL .NOMINVTION FOR GOVERNOR Pkovidknck, March 26 Noon The Republioau Convention was tu session all niflltt. and at seven o'clock this morniuc nominated Lipuett for Gov ernor, by one vote. The cause of the struggle is the opposition of the Pro hibitionists to Lippett. The Prohibi tionists hold a convention on Monday. A Tennessee farmer who has emi grated to Texas has solved for himself the Southern labor problem by the emnlovment of Mexicans as laborers. In a letter to a Tennessee journal lie savs that the new hands, whila slower than necroes. do tneir won muou more efficiently; that they are steady aud industrious, aud trial me couoc raised and nicked bv them commands a higher price in the market than that grown by negroes. . NEW ADVBTISEMESI8. Something New. Latest Fwhlon -Gents Dr. t Coat". LiMat Faahiou Ueiila Uuo-ncM Ouata. Latent FaMon Omita Utr suite. I -i t KaaMnn weiita Paral.lilna Oooila. Latest Faabion spring Ooodi Wenerally. I bn. witliout axouiitlon, tin sneat aiwort. ment er new ininna in on " lmnaveir beeu uiv prlvllogo lo offer an appreoiatiye people. My Spring et lort tar excels that ol a''y ctbur llous lu the city, both Mer tli.nt Tailoring ana Heady Male Uepartmeiitalully " orgaiilaed and ready lor an Immenae bualneee. A. DAVID. A. DAVID. march lit A. DAVID. 74 Railroad and Bank Stock at Auction ! THIS tAY (8atuidy, March 27th, !87rt,) at Eii Uange corner, at 11 o clock A. M. UttONI.Y S MORRIS. Anrtlcniws, Stock aud Koal Katate Brokera. mii:li n ' LOST I A PACK AOS CONTAINING, AMOKG oiuer things, several Kallroad tlokets. The flutter will be rewarded by leaving them at the JulRKAL Ofllce. The Great Mexican Show. Most Thrilling Artistes in the World. 91 Mar Performers. THE OB. EBKATED Moncajo Family, Great Mexican Wlie Walkera, AcrobaU and Tropeie performer. I J HKKEUBKAT CLOWNS. Happy Jack Lawton, the People'e favorite Clown. , , Will exhibit In Wilmington on Thursday and fri.Uy, April lat and Vd, on rifth street, between cbettuut and uiuerry. ay AdmiNjlon 5U cent. Luiiuren so uia. nia-ch T-ot Spring Millinery. M hS. E. A LUMSDKN hat Juft returned lioin Net Vdtk with alt the latent styles of Millinery oods, consisting of Pattern Huts and Bonnets, Children's Hats snd French Flowers. nurcuCTlw E. A. LDMSDEN. 350 Toiis Celebrated 'S PHOSPHATE Jut arrived and for a tie by VICK & MEBANE. march IT Star ropy Powder ! Powder ! . " ' m Kfgs Hifle urd Sporting Powder, 300 Kegs Blasting and aalnli g Powder, lO.noi Pect Pate, , , Pors.tleby ' KEttOHSEB A CALDEBBBOH, march T w 8PICIAL Tl large Ml of El a word eoltere proves thrlr popularity. If yoe kere swA yetwur. them, try tkeai at oaee. A Irl.ttKaneat Ai big u the grand Pyi staid might b hellt of the teeth that have been raised by neglect' Skill thi. thlat to la faceef th. rr at tact that HonnoNTU toertaia preservatives dea. ui decay T rTr Mldom Biak aa attvek wltbeal wra- and matoltratx thn-wa aS k?Hit ih Iwt In aarai Ht, raplti aa varni la bid and ikiag twaar tkraa oi Paraoo' fur vtUra pills A M Moawy. Jt rturad, asya k mudi ton Anroina i iniBMii m wrM ail .rlw.aml eltlrarlou k jotd aa aikar airdl- eia . It Is dpli to a great variety o' itwrlal rvtt, ai.H Iba bMtaia ear la tks world rMtwoirilvra.Tak Natlee. Evary Bosiantar delay aakaa jaor ear mora kopalrw, ard Back depardt aa thJa- iiciout rbolra af a ramtdy. Tka amount otj trttlmoBf In fararofPr. Hebarek's Palmonlrfl Svrup, a a ear tor eontumiitloa, far ticaada all Hi at oao be brongbt to mppert tha pretea. lanaaTany etbar Badlotas. Raa Ihr. lohaaok't Almanac containing tka eariiaoatea of aaaj i erori ot tka klgkaat raanaeUhlllty, wka hava bf a raatored ta kaaltb, altar balag prooosa- etii InoBrabla by phjnoUn of acknowledged ability. Scbmck'i Palnunleap aloa kai cared many, aa thaaa arUeooa will abow; bat i be cure Is often prowotad by tha employment ol two other rimed! which Or. Sohenok pro- fid. for the pnrpoas. These additional rem lira are Hchenek'i Sea Weed Toole aud ktan trake Pill". By the timely aa of theea medt- olnre, according to directions, pr. Schaoek ertlSea that moat any rest of Coaramptlon may be o'ireit. Dr. Dukenck la profaaalonall at kl princi pal office, e. Trier ?llh and Arr.k itraata, Philadelphia, every klondy, where all I ttcra fnr adylce mnat be addreand. " NEW ADVEKTISIMENT8. FINE ARTS. Geo. It. iScottt ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Sample- oao be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Heinsber- The Patronage ol the Publio ia ra specttnlly solioiUd, muck lS-tf ST Hobby. uente nwive nooiij uainre. haad-eewed, Cable wore, sad machine sewed made on ImDrevea laat: warranted not ton p. i hoee tor old men, br end tote and bee I-tbe mot comfortable shoe worn. Aa examina tion leeultclted. t. , ,; Caii at -a. -a. rouoBTJ, Sign f the Qoldea Hoot. mareh tS M Fine Art-Superb Books, The largest and most valuable col lection of works on the Fine Arts ever exposed for sale in this city, now on exhibition at HEINSBERCER'O Mrs Book and at atls Store. marsh IS Tl John Dawson Has a full stock of genuine Swede Iron (only fall stock hi the eltj), flow Steel, Tin, Iron. Nails. Grind Stones, o- at the towret I cash ptloea. Noa. it. 2t and It Market Street. maroh 11 ... e Miu Taclle! Mil TacKe! The larieet and bett-eeleoted stock of Pith - in. i'..ki: ...r brau.ht to thla eltT-. eonalatnii in partof Po!ee.Llneu .Cotton .Bilk and Oraaa Lines, Hooks ol all klnde, Mooks on Wire, v oataln sreat Tarieiv. hodb. riv niiuona auu Hnlnnera in fact, everything needed by a flab. t mn. either Amati ur ar Profeaalonal. All abore roraateat noca oouoaa ngune a. the New Hardware to-e of . march SI Hli.KStt alOROHisur.. ALie-BilL Stciir Sovsd, N, 0. March Wh, T0. I, Goat a Datto, do declare and fonftae that I have told divers lies ea airs. Sue B. King rally calculated to Inlnre her eh tractor, and furthermore I declare that she la a decent and reanecttnl lad. and that I am unfit to be recognized ly her or her family. ES O. DAVIS, Ssal J iWitneaa) W. A. u. I ur i n H. ICT1K.NH. mareh 'it TJ-dJtAwlt In Store and to Arrive! SPRING CLOTHING. Fall assortment of COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, BOWS, Ac. MTTNSON & 0 CITT CLOTHIERS. march M m H E LAST OH ANCR TO GK r TH K BEN- I u ntkw laraa vlft for m now auun.vi - m m , Two nollevrsaael t'llty Cental The drawing of tha Grand Gift Concert, la fjreeneboro, N. 0., hu be n d ferr.ed ontll April KHh.when It will, without any fnrth r delay, be prooetded with. Thore wishing to invest etn do so by sending to the aianagar, 0. P. Mendonhall, Box S, Oreeneboro, It. 0., or of the sgenu st different places Tickets lot sale In this place by MATTHEW F.TATLB, march Mtl Just Received ! ttalf.ntike's PREPARATION OP V i.t Jnl'ie. -Mlwei Hlrd He. d eents a quart. Bathran Spring Water. , , " Congren spring Water, "... for tale by QKeM f LANNITti march M H MISCELLANEOUS. The Piedmont Pressi HICKORY, N. Cm Is th Ml fft fsb'lahsd to Cattwbs oaaty, sad kasaaaitfaatva elrjuUlloa sasnf Marekaata, raraian, sad all !aMtof baal aM awa la tba SUM Tha raw U a lira, vtdt-awaka IVmocratlo aapcr, and Is a dlra kla siadiaai vt adwtUtng la Wtfara Norih Oaiollaa Ukatat Uraii allowi d aa yaarl ad TatUarsieBta, Eubas'lptloa 13 la adranoa. AdJraaa MUKHILLa TOMUN80M, f tlitora and rrarltnra. arohM J. H. FREEMAN. A.M. BALDWIN. Extracted Without Pal n WITH THK USR Of LIQUID NITKUOS Ullde Una. Prices reduced for Artificial Treth Teelh rilled In the muat Improted Banner. Offlra on Market Street, between Fioutaad Beooud. " FKIKMAN BALDWIN, Uenllata. march. !-lw e No. 1 and Mess Mackerels PICKLED, v.'sSv' SPICED, V SMOKED and ' FRESH SALMON. CHAS D. MYERS A CO., 0 at 7 North Front St. daILy Fresh Roasted and Cround CJTBIOTI Y PURE IA'IU A VRA COFFKIt, O eholomt grade. If yon want (nod Coffee TttYTUIS. CHAS. D.MYERS A CO., ' Sat North Front 8 1 march t ' 1 .' H JFroni this Date pRICE Or COAL WILL BB jio ier i on. 0. PARSLEY A CO. is mareh vl NOTICE. TiriLb MOW DELIVEKFBB1UBI-prompt. Is I la Charlotts and all points West, in any quantities. S. b. VHEMOMT, Engineer and Superintendent saareh Is aT-aw THE LIVELY MONKEY. This Monkey , has been abused by having a "stove pipe hat" thrust upon his head. It placed on your open hand, be will wiggle round In every oonceiv. able manner in an unsuccessful effort 1 . .., .... tt. ;it mtrA nn KJ Rev ne nat ou. no "f . .i .nrawl ont. ilD uvnu. dwi. vm , f , and bend over, etc. For sale at CONOLEY A YATES City Book Store No. 47 Market Street. march U n Wanted. HE PALM ITTO CT PKESS OOMFAHY i prepared to contract for the dellrery of CtDreaa l.oae, at ths raimetto mini Oeorgetowa, S.O. merM-ei DAVII RI8LBT, Agent, KEBOHBNB OIL, ' L1HHEKUOIL, OABTOHOIU. Faints, Spirits Turpentine Fatty, Qlsaf Congreas Water, Ate. a. . QUEEN A FLAHNKB, 40 Market Street, Wilmington, M. f march to The Enfield Times. DANIEL BOND. Editor et Proo'r C. O. DAVENPORT AaaoolataEd. Tcaae : One Tear, ft 00; Hlxklonthr, SI 00 Una of the moat Intoreatlng exchanges that oomee to na from the Old North State. flelrt merean, Baltimore, Md. Judging from the drat number, It will Imme. dlately take rank, editorially, with the Brat pa per. In the Houth-Worol ( P..) AinaJ. Show, sn aptitude and ability In dlacoMiu important public qneetion, ana evlncee mucc enterpruw In tbe general make up and mechan ical execution. BmmrnU ( fnrn) Stai$. One ol the neiteat and heat e-lifed nai srs the State ailioti. (N. O.) PtafnaVakr. The best printed paper la North Caroline dWrWeisa ,(. O.) aeo "' The Ansonian, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUB" - LISHED ATI POLKTON, U. 0, UU POLK Editor. It will be patronised largely by ths Partner) and BualneaaMenof A neon, Union, Stanly and .h rinnnttea alone- the Carolina Central Hall mad. and the Merchant, end other Bmlne i Men of Wilmington, If they woult secure tbi tradeof that iro eroos section, wll Ifltd1' beUer medium fer 1 1 1 t atng.J. E NSWSPAPEE I DIRiCTQRY. THE PEE DEE HERAID. Pnblisheil everv Wednesday at WADESBOUO. ANSON COUNTY, BI JOSH. T JAMES! CO, Haaalartaaid rapldlv Inrreaaing elrca'a. lion m lb. Pee Dee country in r-uith aud euuih (arnlina Adrtlar. will (ml II the Seat medium In either at tbe ai.i.r Siatea lor leacblng lb. rarmra, planter, aim niervnanta. The tftftim Ux al advrrtMnj ronttye rxhihitrd in it cotuntm i the brat trutrncti vf itt larye and inturn tial cirt-Mlatitnt. S" So- I'lmea raulaa, with latea lor ad fir lleiiig, aeM fr,e, HMtair p.m, on epi'lii t'.'H lo tha undaiaUutd, tliu, r at n a-ua: uro ur WIlBlngtea. JOSH. T .1 AM V !., ' Kdltor.and Propilelota rb it as ti THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY roaiisaao it STONE A CZZELL,, DKVOTFO TO TUB PlkBT 1M FUFBT of tha Ntata of North Caiolltia. t tfcr iK'rew of Ibe Uinaerauo party tha duel opment of tbe bldd.n wealth of the stale :e, i he Invitliin enilarallon Into our niUlal. and ad anoetnem or in writar or our people is eyerythlng thataervea to make a Htata proper ma aud ludeiiendnnt Its ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be round of treat advantage, aa bulk tbe Dally and Weekly circulate larnelj In entry portion or tbe stale Kataa miideiate. BUPSOKIPTIOM KATEil Dally. One Tear , ...ft SO Weekly," I Subscribe for 1874. bTO.NE A UZZELL, iprot r or. ri.M JanM Christian Advocate ' RALEIGH, N. V. Rev, J, B. Bobbit, Editor & Tublnh'. -e ESTABLISHED IN 1855, Raitlis Laracat Circulation Im the atale. OavoUd to ttellaion. I.lteratnre, Bolenes.. ewa,naueueraiinwingnce. - an Tbe Orasun Ibe H. C. Conf erwacee tbe Ala Ea Church, Sontb. Its kf Inlatere, (all of whota Aft kgetita) toward Innreaaina Its circulation. We oltnr no premiums. The A DVOVaTS atanrta anon I fa intrliiale merits. While It la Metliodletle In doetrlns,!' will eonlaln news from sll Churches, to as to make It a welcome vlalior to tue intelligent traders or all denominations, Its wide and increasing oirsoiauon maxean a Moit Excellent Medium for Butina Terms, sa " , a advance! 1 montha. la.i lT-tt oraia t& If Wilmington aiivit TOHFR INTEbKSTS In Eaal Carolina, her bualneaa men wuiaoyeiuaein THE WASHINGTON ECHO. a large and well eatet.llnhed weekly newapa per, circulating exrenaia.ij m u .wra.. Hyde, Beautnrt, Panillon, Pitt, Edgecombe snd those adjoining. Hatea low. Walt. P. WiuuMsoa. ussass Late Of Tariairo. or neaumgioi, , Editors and rroprietors. oat SI Star copy. 2tl THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. (FOUDOSD BT HUBAOE OUEKLKi Devoted tothe UlSualonof Intelllgeiice.e iih. siatahll.hment of .eiiutilican Prlucl' (4 among tbe American rople, It la tne purpoi. of raa T IHtwa. to follow and exeropllly In w rntiira.aven mora fallhl'ully than In the) r-' ih nrili,al kleae of Ita ellence and It m 1 that end It la oonatantiT ilioreaaing t meant fur proourlng the Ik teat newa and tut beat opinion, from all part ot the worl i, aud al the aame time enlarging im laoiiiuoa i puu . !. and dlatrlhntlon. i,. nnrrajiMiiidenU are atatlcned at erery Inr lortant center of Ideas and of action, uo thla country and abra.il. They leai or seeon ... tha aeekera for that which ia new r ad renturoua among the rnoui'talneot (Jo.orano, along tbe valley of the tellowatrme, or on Its ooaata ol the Aictlo Ocean. At home, TU ft i Sam. unfolda the combinations which aaaal. t great elate' city, while It reports faithfully and promptly the latest and beat reaulta of the wot k era In Literature, Art. and Hnlenos. Tht J tutu la, In abort, notouly s great, b at a compW rtis " Et(ra Bheeu," onaquslled 'a tbelr combined and cheapneaa, wllll I continued at freiiuent Interrals during the so suing year. The Farmere' Kstia, daeorl fully the great Orange Morement ol llie - rm era all gm the country, and prepared iroro orlstna and official tnlormetlnn, will noon It ready, while No. lO.ooutalning ths tranaacttot of the American Association for the Advance, mentor Science at IU resent meeting st pot t lend. Me., I Trent) from the presa and lor sals by all newedealera. 1 Th Wttkli TWiun. haa been recognlied lul many year, aa the favorite paper ot the Agi. cultural olaaaea (ae well aa with country reaaeia Senerallyl, ana an animni uiuu.i.j -eolared that It had done mor to promote gr. farming than any otnei single mmitnw tuai .teraxked. - iv ,.. n. TW.ua. 1. DUOIianwi I" HH". ouiww.ir. t 'nil . , e if a yen,, ... j ' , and Weekly st2a year. .h..a, Hon, and tiTe beet time to et ni oluba tor l nai.iBB. its affafMi uma ui puutvi:rtisja"s vivusi w. Ingly liberal terma to uiuoti ann iuni thorn up I : ...gm, to aait siisrcBisana. One oopy. one year Si leanoa 2 rive oopiea . one yeai-OT '" . ft On. Mwi jo irima.r nwiwi All at one I' ot-0 fflce All at one PoetOflloe. 10 coplea..Sl w eacii. 20 coplea.. 1 10 each, anr.nnlp... I 00 each. 10coidra..tl SAeach so copies., t aieacb soonnie... 1 1 10 each. And an '(r to each el ub Anil on waft a fe ! cfa( sa-Por Ulubaof Pirrv, fA It i-wukly Trr Amm will be aent aa an eitra copy. THE SEMI WEEKLY 1 KIBUNE 00 Five copies, or over, for e:b copy... . r- nAnlaaAhAauaaifraemwV fOT....i too ,2fl 00 Benilt bv dran or poaUl moneJrder. If poss ble. p oot send aioney, always In a regartere letterV ' i-wtm riaatt In Ail ran c gSFrrt't NOTIOS TO OlO HtlBatiSSBf 0 Ths TsinseAny former aubacrlberrJJ Pne-na, wboa. nerne haa not on Jr twos, a-.hmarv. 1S7S. mav olitaln r Wklm TWMMufrom thla or any anbre.,ucnt dste.w j,nry .1, , MT.. J euhaonptiea ror ,,. j-.- " f.--THMt aend If ion are not a anbtcrlbrr to r vnovu aen iV anZTmeneoov. wblui will be returned ""ttfi'1 Taa Taiaoaa, Hsw fork NEW ADVEETTSE2IEUS. 15 BUOWlST & We still continue to sell at our former vance in the marktts, and aa a substantial proof submit the following list of pnoviff Coats' Spool Cotton 6 cents a spool Unbl ached Cotton from 6 cents per mcu r nut l the LsMim !l " " " Loom. Jh) ' Wamsutta New Spring Calicttea, Ivest qnalitv, 10 Intdiea I'utTs for the Netk 6 sud 10 It would be a r nf am in to those ing their shopping iu the Dry Goods line to give ns a call jtrn ivtia to making ihtir purchases. We take this met hod of advertising prices for you to com pare then with not onlv Wilmington and vicinity, but with those of any lec tion of the country. Wo have no time streets, or look vou tip iu the Hotels, Our object is purely business, and ws SEVERAL Huch as 100 dor.en Kid Gloves for CO Ladies hemmed Pnre Linen Handkerchiefs 13 cents, worth 25 eeuts. '20 pairs Blankets 3, worth $1 CO, WE ITAYE GOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO BROWN & RODDICK, na cut -r- .i.i ' UE PACIFIC HO CO.; OAaX'irrAi PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDItED for sale, either for CAS II or on CHOP with Merchants snd other reliable parties prices, n . I ComnilalouMrohauUtAgenlfftrFalflcUUKiiaCs.,SQdlJealerslnNti.tFravlaBOuaao Sub-Agents lor tho Sale I ' )HK !., MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO SHIITEUS. Tho CLYDE LINE. af aTfJ-. New York and Wilmington Steamship Company, mO MEET TUB WANTS uriasisaur, h.. added another Hteamor to tno hwobuu da i . - a wUlsall front NEW yOBK srery WEDNESDAY antt SATURDAY at3 P.M. Prom Pier 13, North Btver. SEMI. WEEKLY FROM EACH PORT. r Iloroaftor shippers can rely upou the prompt and regular sailing of these Steamers from New lorK as aaver- tiBo'd, as tha Company has determined to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there can be no cause for delay in shipments. ( f Other Steamers will be added as required, A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, WILMINGTON, N 0. 84-tf march 1 Du Pont's Powder. R KIFI K, 8POKT1SO AND MUSKET, HLA8TINHAMVM1N1NO In Whulcllall snd yiihrter Ke;9. Korasleby O. U PARSLET A CO. 6!)-tf eh V BUY Our Half Dime Cigar POR Half Dollar per Ooien, The cheapest In thll markot. At No. 22 Market Street. D. PICOTT. e maiohW W- I in. I S.J ajAKKHaauilVIM 1 1 1 N M RODDICK low prices not withstand in ff the ad or 70 cents per doaen. yard. conta per yard. .11 Cents per yard. ,T2 "lO, " cents, worth 25 ccnU, a bargain. vitilina tha citg for the purpose of do or inclination to button holevou on the or by laving any claims of friendship. propose doing that in legitimate way. JOD LOTS. cents per pair, worth tl 60. SAMPICS CUT. 45 Market Street. 61 . I -.. 1,000,000. TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO TIME. Liberal terms will be mad to sell this Gnano at oar Warebo , li. jticiiAiiY & :u.. NotiTii Watkb Htiisbt, Wll.niMUTON, Na ' ' of Soluble Paclllc Cluaiio. ..Old Hundred, N. 0. Marlon, R. 0. MISCELLANEOUS. Ofllceof City Clerk and Trcasnrer, jonx or WILMINOTON, N, 0., ) , Mareh 21, 1878. ( NOTICE. Listing of Taxablesfor 1875. LLPEBBONS AND CORPORATIONS wiuiin tut corporate nmitsoi we uitjoi iru. ulngUin, on the fir at day of April, 1ST", art required by law to Ht all tbslr Real, Personal and Poll Taxes for the year ISIS. . Th Tax Listers tot ths City of Wilmington, J.L. barlow, W. M. Hunros and Wm. H. Banks, will bs In attendance at ths City HalJ Court Room on th flrat dsy of April, and for twenty days tbsresfttr, (Suudsys eicspUd) between ths hoars of I o'clock A.M. and I o'clock P. M., and on Prld y slghu from o'clock to I o'clock P.M., for ths purpose of lilting sll ths Heal, Personal snd Poll texts within the corporate limits of this city. All peraoiia snd corporations negleoting or refuting to comply with ths above will bs ds limjuent, sod subject to a double tax thereoa. T.O.SERVOSS, City Clerk and Treasurer. march 23 10-tf NORTH CAROLINA OASSIlvIERES. THK TRTJK WAT TO OBTAIN MOUTH. KUN COMMEKOIAL Independance is to Patronize Southern Induetry. A. Handsome Lot of . Salem Cassimeres Just Received. Gentlemen are Invited to call and examine. these MERITORIOUS GOODS. fn Color and Pabrlo they are tnrlvstloel among Amor lean (Jooda. and would ba crrdlt able (o the h'ghe t Kuropeaa nianufaotering .kill, BOSKOWITZ 4 LIEBER. march loth. i . CT Tobacco, Snutr, Lye ana Potash. 250 Boxes Chewing Tobaooo, . 20 Bbbla . nd Half-Bbls Bnnff, 25 Cases 1 Oz. Snuff, 100 Cnea Lye, 75 Cases Potash, Foraalsby , KEKOHNER A 0ALOER.BR0H march 21 " A White Cook Wanted. ' A til white ; woman German, Irlrh or merlran who can oook well and maVeher eelf generally ueelul In a private lamlly, ran Uudrmploment by addn-eolng thnmhthe foetomcc,,,, jrjMU-. V P. U. I'i'X " WUniiKg'"",! march i

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