" C77 1 I i VOL XXIV.-HO. 75. uinnnQTOir, it. c. suiiday. harch 28. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6.8SD. On J) Til 1 I i tit 1- SI J h flu .tlniln loitmnl WIL3IIXaTON, N. 0.: STIIlAt. MARCH 28. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH; llALEUJII. MUTINY ANDMUHDER AT TI1E STATE FEN'llENTIAUY. THREE CONVICTS ESCAPE. SPECIAL TO TUB JOURNAL. IUlkiuh, March 27 Tbree pvuiteu tiary oonvicU attacked a member of the guard Uvday and, after kilting Lim with a hatchet, succeeded iu making their esoape. They were part of the detail at work on the quarry outside of the stockade. W. AT HOME. LWYER BRYAN RESPITED UN TIL BEPTEMBElt. RESIGNATION OP THE CARTE RET COUNTY OFFICIALS. MORE HEAD UITY, JN. U. MlirCU 21 Noon Lawyer Bryan, who was to bare been executed yesterday, for the mur der of Michael T. Laugley, has been respited until September next, which waa occasioned by the resignation of the sheriff and all of the other county officers who were responsible for the execution of the sentence. Xhe reason given is that the negro belong ed to Onflow county and not Garten t, whither the case bad been removed and tried.' The elocution has been Eoetponed untd the third of Septem er, when new officers will buve been elected. TEXAS. MEXICAN RAID ON THE FRONTIER. AMERICAN CITIZENS CARRIED OF)? PRISONERS. Cobpcb Christi, March 27 Noon A large body of Mexicans attacked several ranches, seven miles from this city, last night; and robbed the store taking several Americans prisoners. Intense exoitement prevails as an in vasion is apprehended. EUROPE. KHIVA BENDSTHE PREGNANT HINGES TO RUSSIA. PRGRESS OF PROTESTANTISM IN SPAIN. Bbbxin, March 27. Noon. The Khan of Khiva has asked Russia's as sistance against his unruly subjects, and has also offered to become a vas sal to the Czar. Pabis, March 27, Noon Louis Am eloe Eugene Aohard, the French au thor, is dead. Madrid, March 27. Noon Accord ing to statistics obtained from Protes tauts thirty thousand Spaniads have lcn converted to Protestantism since 18G8. Protestant chapels in this city, and elsewhere in the oountry.continuo open. ELECT1UCISMS. The Chicago Demogue-Far well 'con tested election case has been finally dropped; Farwell, who was declared elected, remaining the representative from the Third District At Locust Gap, Penii., the striking 1! 3 3 1 miners anmpea loaueu cars auu unm ed the depot and telegraph office, Po lice have been sent from Reading and Philadelphia to protect property. Siinnis, Bros. & C., of Boston, furnishing goods house.hasjuuspended. The Rhode Island Democrats ha'6 nominated Chas. P. Cutter for Gov ernor. The Convention was the larg est that the Democrats have held for years. . LOUISIANA. AUGUR TAKES COMMAND. WOODS CLAIMS THE-RIGHT TO SELECT A JUDGE. Nbw Orleans, March 27 Noon Gen. G, C. Augur has arrived at New Orleans, from Texas. He will take command at onoe, relieving Gen. Emory, who leaves for Washington. Jndge Woods has deoided that the S'atutes Igive him power to select a Dietriot Judge in his circuit, to fill a vacanoy. ' He relies on section 591, United States revised statutes, for this authority. THE ICE. EFFECTS OF THE WARM WEATHER IN THE GORGE. Water Gap, Pa., March 27 Night The ice gorge, rvhich is seven -miles about the gap, still remains the same. The strong resistance by the ice in the gap has been lessened by cutting channel through the middle. The rain last night has made no visible impression. The weather is warm and the snow is melting rapidly. Should the weather remain thus for two or three days, the break ia inevitable. Several visitors came hers to-day to witness the expected break of the tremendous gorge. This gorge con sists of 150 miles thrown into a space of 18 miles, which is now 83 feet thick. PHmtiipsBtina, N J., March 27 Night The Lehigh Railroad Company have offered to rebuild the old cover ed toll bridge if the stockholders will burn it Its destruction is certain, and will carry with it the iron railroad foridgo, IIEADQUAUTEKS. WHAT THEY THINK OF THE LOUISIANA JUDGESHIP. CRUISE OF THE CADETS. Washinotox, March 27 Night The lnt legal opiniou is that neither the iTresideut, nor Justice ISradley, oi the Supreme Court, nor Cheuit Judge WooUa can designate a successor to Judge Durell as District Judge for LiOuiHiaua I tie beucu must remain vacant uutil Congress meets. Grant gwu to New York Sunday, Sloop i f war Alert w ll uarrv the cmlet engineers from Auuapolis on their suiuuier ciuiHw. The steamer Dispitch, which car ries the Mexican Senatorial excursiou-i-ts, "couNpirators," has arrived at KvWet. The President and Cabinet have ac cepted an invitation lo assist rj a fiolio iu Boston over the centenuial of the battle of Lexington. (iOTUAM. THE JOHN MITCHELL PARADE. BANK STATEMENT. Nkw York. March 27. Night. The parade in honor of John Mitchell, has b en postponed. A meeting will be called shortly, at which arrange ments will be perfected to carry out the programme on a week day. Loans have decreased four and three eighth million dollars ; epeoie has in crease J one million dollars ; legal ten ders have decreased one-qu'urter mil lion dollars ; deposits have decreased three five-eighth millon dollars ; re sume has increased one tbreif-quarter million dollars. DKLAWAKE. AN OFFSET FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS VILLAINY. Dover, March 27 Noon The Leg islature .has adjourned. The bill passed several days ago to meet the Civil Rights bill is now a law. It does not mention color, but provides that hotel keepers, railroad companies, steamboat owners, and others, may provide tepaia e i exmmodatious fi I any class of people obnoxious to their customers or passengers. SPECIAL. Th large Mia of Klmwoxd collar, prove their popularity. If yon bars not yet worn them, try them at ones. A Monument As big as the (rand Pyi amid might b ballt or the teeth that hare been rained by neglect' Shall thin thing go In face or the great (act that SOZOPONT U a certain preservative of den tul decay? , Fevers seldom make an attack without war, ing, and may often b thrown off by soaking the feet In warm water, wrapping up warm In bed, and takiug two or three of Parsons' Pur gative Pills. A Missionary, Jnstreturnd, lays he regards Johnwn's Anodyne Liniment as beyond all price, ami efficacious beyond any other medi-oin-. It Is adHptml toa great rariety or special cases, and Is the best ptfn cure- In the world. Consumptive. Take Notice Every moment of delay makes jour core more hopeless, ard much depends on the Ju dicious chol re of a remedy. The amount of testimony In farerof Dr. Schenck'i Palmonlo 8yrup, as a cure for consumption, far eiceeds all that can be brought to support the preten sions cf my other medicine. See Dr. Schenck'i Almanac, containing the certificates of many persons oi the highest reepectahllity, who have been restored to health, alter being pronoun, oed incurable by phv.'lciaus of acknowledged ability. Schenck'i Pulmonic fyrnp alone baa cured many, as these f (deuces will show; bat the cure Is often promoted by the employment of two other remedies whfch Dr. Bcbenck pro tides for the purpose. Thcsn additional reme dies are Hchenck'i Se Weed Tonlo and Man drake Pills. By the timely use of these medi cines, according to directions, Pr. Hcheuck certifies that moat any case of Consumption may be cored. )r. Rchenck Is professionally at his princi pal office, ccriier sixth and Arch ttreets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all latere for advice must be addressed. . anaMMaaMM NEW ADVERTISE ENT8. TAX NOTICE. Wilmington Trwnship. The Board of Trustee and Tac Listers for the Township and Uity of Wilmington will pro ceed, on the first dv of April, IMS, aadlor twenty-davs thereafter, at the City Hall, In the city or Wilmington, bet ween the hours of 9 A U. and 3 P M., and every Friday evening during the month of April between the hour oUP.M and P.M., on said days, to Lisa the taiable lends and proity, and make tU assessments required by law. All persons and corporations within this Township and t'I'y are required by law to give in their taxable, and attiud at the above time and place fur the i urpon specified, within twenty days, under the penalty of double tax. Extract from Act to Raise Revenue : 'All per on who are liable for a Poll Tax and shall willfully tall tj give themselves In and a'l per mits who own Property an 1 fall to List within the time allowwi, shall be deemed gii'.ltj of a Misdemeanor, ard on conviction thenot, shall be fined not mtrethan FKty l)oll-r, or lmpriaoned not more than thirty dys." Byorderof the fioird of Trustees. , 8. T. PUTTS, i ' Township Clerk march 8 . - . . 76 It Tobacco, Snuff, Lye and Potash. 2r)0 Boxes Chewing Tobsooo, 20Bbbls nd Half-Bbls Snuff, 25 Cases 1 Oz. Bnuff, 100 C'Bes Lye, 75 Cases Potash, ' for sale by KKBUHNEtt A OALOKR BKOrt nmSlTlti" SKATLV EXROUTEU at it I It I I "13 the shortest notice and on the mot reasunabte te msattno onMNAi,. ns-rirn 7D0IHu CARDS aV Utmost tasUlonabl style at tfaa luuiiMALurrius HEW AUTERTHMM-1 NEW AND HOVEL LOTTERIES ! rj,000 for... tl2,(XX) for... lOO.tXK) ...for... 100,000 for... . ti 00 . MOO .fc!0 00 .120 00 ffrtlssouri SUt9 Lotteries. om th If ih (ay ef lack Btk rlsig w ill b Istaesa ik 94 ' SINGLE NUMIEI LOTTERY. CAPITAL FKI2K, $12,000! 10,290 Prizes, amounting to HOO.OOa v Tickets Only 2s Try a Ticket in this Liberal Scheme. 8 1 ,200,000 IN PRIZES. Capital Prize $100,000! 11 6P0 Prists, amounting to tl.NO.OM I trill be Drawn JinaM. t!t Will be Orawa Kept M, 1S75 Will be Urswn Dee II. 1171 ev Whole TlckeU SJ0; Halve tit) Uaar. I- r. (A Pnaea payable la fall aad B p tponemeet t drawings Ukee place). Address. lot Ticket an4 Otroular, MURRAY. MILI.SR A CO., F. O. Box UU, It Louis, Mo. marcs M - IStf Eenting; of Pews. miiriWI AT ST. JOHN'S OBTJSCU. ! oof aer Had Or an Third ttrU, will b rented Menday night, th Brth UsUnt, at o'oloek. Ther will als b a meetlag f th Parish for th lctloa of Vestrymen far tk ensuing year. A full attendance I desired. By order or the Vr;rv. MATTUIW P. TAILOR, marcJits.ll Secretary. Receiving by Steam!. Railroad and Express, Tl MUNSON & CO., OITT 9LOTH1BBS. aareh tt leniiaii Molciit AssociatiOD - TEHITn ArlMVAI. BALI. AND IBP. per of tk Htbcrntait 0envlnt Assoc la. tiun, lCasMr stouday vnlng, Marsh sth,at Opera Ueas. tupr will be alld at o'clock. mr Tloket can b had frm ComnltU. JAM. OORBBTT, T. IHiNLAN, J. H. McOABITT, ,1 McOUWAM, ti. F. LAMM, march t.t Cmrjiltte. UEMBBBH: There will be a meeting of the Aewoiatton at )A poll Hall, comer Market and Ssoond streta, at I o'olock P. M., Wed. nesday, March list. The Interest f each msnker requires hi personsPattandanee. By erdtr of OommtttM. mar W-ltSun Wed JOUH METEB. Spirit Casks. Hoop Iron. Clue, 4c. 901 STANDARD t)A8 KB, V Tons Hoop Iron, 3M Rbls. Glue, all grade ; ' Papers Btvets t0 Bbl. Bungs. II " ftpauith Brown. For sals hj RBB0UNBB A OALOXS BROS arch 21 I' Sheeting ! Sheeting! g BALR8 (' Lake Gorge") BUMtlng For sal by KEKCHN8R A OALDEA BBOK, march SI i IS Corn, Oats. Hay and Rice. 1,00 Bushels Corn, l,i " Oate, K0 Bale B astern Hay, ISO Bale If. B. Hay, ' M Bbla. Bio. For sale by KEBOHNEB A GALDBBf BBOS. march 21 'it Nails, Powder and Coffee. 800 REGS HAILS, 4o Kegs Bpertlng and Blasting Powder, 100 Bags Ooffe. For sal by KKKORNKB ft CALDBB BBOB . march 21 I The Auction Sale o F J, 8. WILLIAMS' STOCK Of DBT G.ds, Ac, will b resumed Monlay, March 18th, at 10:11)1. M. During the sale a larg and desirabl stock of Spring and Summer DRESS OOODS will, for the first time, be offered for sale to th highest bidder. BETH W. DAVIS, march TS-lt - AncMoneer. NOTICE. rpflB ANNUAL ELECTION OF VESTHY- inen for St. James' Parlrh wlll.be held In the Vestry room of the Church to moirow, Easter Monday, from 13 to 2 o'clock. JAME4 ANDKKSON, Sect'y. march IS 7Ht Turpentine Tools, (Of warranted quality), Hackers, Boun Shaves, Turpen tin Dip ners, Hack Wellit, Hack File, Bonnd 8ha wnettara, holn Stralnsrs, skimmers, Dip prs, Ae. A larg stook r th abjve good andatprloes that rock, aandorsnd bottom price, can't compel with, can b found at th Old KtUbllsbed Hardware Hoose of JOHN DAWSON, Ko. II, M and 11 Market Street, march 28 10 5IW ABYTISXMOTS. In Store ant! to Arrivo ! 14 Kf 5 alls, Parker Mill, H Dose eadlrg Hoe. . 0 t oll Uottoa iUp, ' So Plow all kind. Including th Dm, OaMiat.ef all kinds. 4 Ton. Pulwar J M Da Backhands, and vrything fOaad la a larg Maiwar Uoya. All lur sale at etiog pr lo. soy archil MII.ISA MWRCU180M L' Arioso. Mimb.r ar rated to sut at rmmer- Wal Kirkang oa Monday King, IBrU tusl at I 'lock. A fall atieadanc lsdwlrl, hastiimaf iDportanr will b kroaght bsfof a Limn. By aider of th President W. J. GORDON, ' cratary and Treasurer, arck M Ts-lt CflcKiii Butter 25 Cents per Ponnl, N. O. HA US. A frn lot ot Canned Ooods just rceetved. Fall Mock of Qrocorlss, Hay and Grain, Tot sal low by l GRANT HINTON, Grocers & Uommtssioa MevchanU. nucha IBdAwlt Auction Sale. Bales Boom No. 0 Market Street. I will ll a Tutsday morning, March 11th, at I0e'lck, Household Furnrtor, Btovssnd Pipe, lo Boi, LetUr Pr, lufaat Drib and Oairlag, and a larg stock Carpenter Tool, entirely new; Rady Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Boot and Khoe. B.KABSWB1LRB, arch H it Actloueer. Family Groceries. 8 TKULY LOYAL SUBJECTS WE BUY all of our supplies In 'TkM linlted StaUa," and oan only offer our good as Ike "Beit" within our limited reach. As aooa uweoao establish branch lo all the leading ooBmer elal eitlMof th Old World we will safely and traly clhr the BIST of EVIBYTBIHO I TUB WOBLDi I a the meantime we eter th baetgrad f all good In our lln sold la thU city end at the Lewst Ceah Frio. Family Groeerle of vr J variety. CHAS D. MYER8 ft CO., T North rrwa Ml. arch It Memoirs or Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BET WEEN THE STATES. - BY ADMTBAL BAPHAEIi BlktMBS. "The Antoorat of The Breakfast Tabla (erery man his own coswell). "The Law and the Ladj." Bj Wil kie Collins. "A Fast Lifa" on the Modern High way. By Taylor. "Hulda" after the German, by Wis tor. The Frozen Deep." By Wilkie Collins. For Ml by CONOLEY & IATES, 47 Market Street, marsh M TS Hobby. Cents Box-Toe Nobby Caltere, hand-sewed, Cable wire, and machine sewed made on improved last; warranted not to rip. Khoe for old men, br oad role and heel the moet comfortable (bo worn. An examina tion I solicited. . Cail at 0. A. PRICE'S, Sign of I he Golden Boot, march?!! s Eicon, Sugar. Coffee, Flour, Etc. 200 Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, 200 Boxes Smoked Sides A Shoulder, 300 Bbls. Refined Sugar. 200 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. 1,000 Bbla. Flour, all grades ; 10,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 400 Bales N. R. Hay, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, ' 100 Barrels Glue, 400 Kegs Nails, 800 Bags Shot. , 60 Bbls. Whole Rioe. 60 Bbla. S. H. Syrup, 100 Boxes Soap, 60 Cases Soda, 160 Boxes and Half Boxes Oandlss, 60 Boxes Candy, 10 Cases Matches, 60 Cases Oysters, 60 Cases B. Peaches. , Forallowby V . WILLIAMS A MUB0HI8ON. Guano ! Guano ! 860 Tons Goanape Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For sale low by WILLIAMS A MUBCHIBON. Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by . WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. msrehlS 75 In Store and to Arrive ! 8PR1NC CLOTHING. Full assortment of COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, . TIES, BOWS, 4o. CITY OLOTHIEBS. arch M It MISCELLANEOUS. Fine ArtSupcrb Uooks, The largest and most valuable col lection of works on the Fine Arts ever xposed for tale in this city, now on exhibition at HEINSBERCER'S Uv Book and Mosi Store, narsh N T3 The Piedmont Press, HICKORY, N. C. I th only psper publish! la Catawba eounty, a tut hasanitenslvolrcultlon aasoi'g Merchants, rarmers, and all c!aMeof bul aer men In th Stat. Th rami a lire, i wlde-awak Imorratlc pixT, and la a desire bl medium for advertblug In W e'er a Norih Carolina Liberal term allowid en yearly ad- vertisf ment. Subsoilptlou ti In advance. Addree MCBKILL T0MUN8ON, Fdltors and froprlrtnrs maroh N Tl-tl J. fl. FREEMAN. A, M, BALDWIN. TEETH lExtracted Without Pain PITH TllK USB or LIUUil) MTltt US Oitd tie. Frlre reduced for Artirlclal Teeth. Teeth Filled Iu tb most Improved maimer. Offlo on Mark.t Street, between Front and Ssooud. FKEKMAM BALDWIN, , Ueiitl.t. march 9I-lw t Something New. latest FaNhlon Oeiits Dn ea Ooatm Ltt Fashion Oaiiis DusinrNi Uuat. LaUt FmIiIoo Uents Drrse Mult. Latest Kanlilon OeuU Fiirnlshlng loods, Latest Fashion a) iring UooUs Uonora'ly. I kave. without ticeptlon, th flnest assort. ut r new things la ueuts attire mai u bavr been my privilege tooll'evan appreciative people. My Nprlug ef fort far einela that ol ay other rlouwln the rlly Both Mer. clunt Tsllorlnj anl Keady Msde Itvpartmeiitaluliy orgauised and ready for an tmmsns business A. DAVID. A. DAVID. A. DAVID. march II 11 LOST I A FAOKAOi CONTAINING, AMOSO etitr things, Mveral Kail road tlokot. Tb finder will be rewarded by leaving them at th Joobwal offlo maroh IT . ' TMia The Croat Mexican Show, Most Thrilling Artistes in the World. 94 Star Performers. 81 IHECKXKHKATKD Iloncajo Family, Or eat Meilosn Wlie Walker., .Acrobats and Trapes performers I THHEEdKKAT CLOWNS. Happy Jack Lawton, the People' Favorite Clown. Will ethlblt in Wilmington on Thursday n4 Friday, April 1st and 2d, on Fifth street, between Chestnut and Mulberry. ItT Admission B0 Cent. Children SB uonu ma'ch n 7t-At Spring Millinery. WTRS. K.A.LCM8DEN ha Jurt returned uom new lora witn an tne latosc iiyic oi Millinery floods, consisting of Pattern Bats and Bonaote, Children' llaU and Freocb Flower. mirchftlw E. A. LUMSDEN. i, mHK LAST CHANCE TO GET TH E BKN- a dow noDS or some oiner targe gut lor Two Dollar and rifly Cental The drawing of the Grand Gift Concert, In Greensboro, N, O., ba been deferred until April 19th, when It will, without any further delay, be prooeedol with. Those wishing to Invest can do so by sending to the Manager, O. P. Mendenball, Box I, Greensboro, N. )., oroftUtT agents at different place.. Tloket lot sale In this plaoe by MATTHEW P, TAYLOR, march Kit , Ageut. HUE ARTS. ' Geo. It. cott,, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Samples can be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P, Heinsber- ger. The Patronage of the Public is re spectfully solicited. . inarm iwir i No. 1 and Mess Mackerel, PICKLED, SPICED, 1 SMOKED and FRESH SALMON. CHAS D. MYERS k CO., 87 North Front St. Fresh Roasted and Ground STBIOTI.Y PTJBELA'IUATRA COFFEE, eholoeat iraU. If you want K'tud Coffee TlY THIS. CHAS. D. MTERS A CO., 8 AT North Front St march! Til SEW ADVERTISE2IEM3. 45 BKOWN & We still coutinno to sfll a our former low prices notwithstanding the ad vance in the markets, and as a subRtautitd proof submit the following list of prices: y (Vats' Spool Cotton 6 cents a spool or 70 oeuts per doscn. " Uuttl 'aolieil fjutton from 0 cents per yard. 33 inch Fruit of the Iiooru Cents per yard. 8(1 ' " IxHim I2j " " " 8(1 Wamsutta 16 " New SpriiiR Calicoes, host quality, 10 cents per yard. Ladies Full's for the Neck tl ami 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a yrt at mvinp to those rixitint th city for the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Ooods line to give lis a call ;rru'ou to making their purchase. We take this method of advertising prices for yon to com pare them with not onlv Wilmington and vicinity, but with those of any leo tion of the conutry. We have no time or inoliustion to button hole Ton on the streets, or look you up in the Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Our object is purely bun incus, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOQ LOTS.1 Such as 100 dozen Kid fllovfs for CO ceuts per pair, worths?! 60. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 13 cents, worth 25 ceuts. 20 pairs Uioukets , worth 8t 50. , , WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPtES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. march! 1 M GUANO ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH r - T I II E Price Price 850 00 y ' 858 00 per to 1 I y W v , . pounds. THE HIGH BTAKDAHU OF QUALITY .. IS CONBIUKltEU BY THUSE WHO 1 r MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS FOB LAKOB LOTS, GIVEN ON APPLICATION. LOCAL AG-ENTS -A.T ALL THE PRINCIPAL DEPOTS, DeROSSET ;S .j GENERAL AGENTS For North Carolina and Virginia, -AT- '.' . WILMIIVGTON. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUM CO.; OVlJXrXI 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLEPACIFTCiinANO tot sale, either for CASH or on ClvOP TIME. Liberal terms will be nrodr with Merehauta and other reliable putties to sell this Oaano at our Wareho pnoes. W. Com mission Merobsnts, Agent for Pacific Guano Sub-A gents i'or the Sale r. n. ino! , V. U HA II Ait Jan 81 i At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $G0.00, iiii NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 WE GUARANTEE that th previous High Ora K. R. BRIOflERS, President D. MoRAK, Treasurer, l. L. OKAFFLIX, tluperlntendent. Jan 5 . , . Potatoes, Potatoes Pota- . toes. 10.0 BBLS EARLY ROSB POTATOFS, For sale by narobsi - t 15 EODDIOK per . 2,0f01bs'. - Payable Nov.l. .FT " . . i t)rt" ,-(( HAS DKES FULLY MAINTAINED, AMI) IT HAVE OIYEM IT A FAIla TB1AL THE l4-DlUw(Sunl'l)ru4W4ni I JL McKAHY & CO.. Oo., tud Dealers In No, 1 Peruvian Ousna Worth Water Street, WIXJtllNUTOflf, N. ol' Soluble Pacilic Uuano. ..Old Hundred, N. O. Marlon, B.O. 27-8rad&w WE OFFEE OUn STAIIDAED FERTILIZERS For the S( ason of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable l.jf of November, next; , payable 1st of November next. of our Fertiliser shall ba fully Haivtaihib NAVASSA GUANO COt.lPA'iY WILMINGTON. N. C. -nx!-UAw4ni. From this Date pH ICE OF COAL. WILL BB pOPor Ton. O. O. PARSLEY & CO. ' miroh 2S M

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